62_1JO_01_01 that which was from the beginning , which we have heard , which we have seen with our eyes , which we have looked upon , And our hands have handled , of the word of life ;
62_1JO_01_02 [ for the life was manifested , And we have seen [ it ] , And bear witness , And show unto you that eternal life , which was with the Father , And was manifested unto us ; ]
62_1JO_01_03 that which we have seen And heard declare we unto you , that ye also may have fellowship with us : And truly our fellowship [ Is ] with the Father , And with his son Jesus Christ .
62_1JO_01_04 And These things write we unto you , that your joy may be full .
62_1JO_01_05 this Then Is the message which we have heard of him , And declare unto you , that God Is light , And in him Is no darkness at all .
62_1JO_01_06 if we say that we have fellowship with him , And walk in darkness , we Lie , And do not the truth :
62_1JO_01_07 but if we walk in the light , as he Is in the light , we have fellowship one with another , And the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin .
62_1JO_01_08 if we say that we have no sin , we deceive ourselves , And the truth Is not in us .
62_1JO_01_09 if we confess our sins , he Is faithful And just to forgive us [ our ] sins , And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness .
62_1JO_01_10 if we say that we have not sinned , we make him A liar , And his word Is not in us .