60_1PE_02_01 Wherefore laying aside all malice , And all guile , And hypocrisies , And envies , And all evil speakings ,
60_1PE_02_02 as newborn babes , desire the sincere milk of the word , that ye may grow thereby :
60_1PE_02_03 if So be ye have tasted that the LORD [ Is ] gracious .
60_1PE_02_04 to whom coming , [ as unto ] A living stone , disallowed indeed of men , but chosen of God , [ And ] precious ,
60_1PE_02_05 ye also , as lively stones , are built up A spiritual house , an holy priesthood , to offer up spiritual sacrifices , acceptable to God by Jesus Christ .
60_1PE_02_06 Wherefore also it Is contained in the scripture , behold , I lay in Sion A chief corner stone , Elect , precious : And he that believeth on him shall not be confounded .
60_1PE_02_07 unto you therefore which believe [ he Is ] precious : but unto them which be disobedient , the stone which the builders disallowed , the same Is made the head of the corner ,
60_1PE_02_08 And A stone of stumbling , And A rock of offence , [ even to them ] which stumble at the word , being disobedient : whereunto also they were appointed .
60_1PE_02_09 but ye [ are ] A chosen generation , A royal priesthood , an holy nation , A peculiar people ; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light :
60_1PE_02_10 which in time past [ were ] not A people , but [ are ] now the people of God : which had not obtained mercy , but now have obtained mercy .
60_1PE_02_11 Dearly beloved , I beseech [ you ] as strangers And pilgrims , abstain from fleshly lusts , which war against the soul ;
60_1PE_02_12 having your conversation honest among the Gentiles : that , whereas they speak against you as evildoers , they may by [ your ] good works , which they shall behold , glorify God in the day of visitation .
60_1PE_02_13 submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the LORD's sake : whether it be to the king , as supreme ;
60_1PE_02_14 or unto governors , as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers , And for the praise of them that do Well .
60_1PE_02_15 for So Is the will of God , that with Well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men :
60_1PE_02_16 as free , And not using [ your ] liberty for A cloak of maliciousness , but as the servants of God .
60_1PE_02_17 honour all [ men ] . love the brotherhood . Fear God . honour the king .
60_1PE_02_18 servants , [ be ] subject to [ your ] masters with all Fear ; not only to the good And gentle , but also to the froward .
60_1PE_02_19 for this [ Is ] thankworthy , if A man for conscience toward God endure grief , suffering wrongfully .
60_1PE_02_20 for what glory [ Is it ] , if , when ye be buffeted for your faults , ye shall take it patiently ? but if , when ye do Well , And suffer [ for it ] , ye take it patiently , this [ Is ] acceptable with God .
60_1PE_02_21 for even hereunto were ye called : because Christ also suffered for us , leaving us an example , that ye should follow his steps :
60_1PE_02_22 who did no sin , neither was guile found in his mouth :
60_1PE_02_23 who , when he was reviled , reviled not again ; when he suffered , he threatened not ; but committed [ himself ] to him that judgeth righteously :
60_1PE_02_24 who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree , that we , being dead to sins , should live unto righteousness : by whose stripes ye were healed .
60_1PE_02_25 for ye were as sheep going astray ; but are now returned unto the Shepherd And bishop of your souls .