what shall we say Then that Abraham our Father , as pertaining to the flesh , hath found ?
for if Abraham were justified by works , he hath [ whereof ] to glory ; but not before God .
for what saith the scripture ? Abraham believed God , And it was counted unto him for righteousness .
now to him that worketh Is the reward not reckoned of grace , but of debt .
but to him that worketh not , but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly , his faith Is counted for righteousness .
even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man , unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works ,
saying ] , blessed [ are ] they whose iniquities are forgiven , And whose sins are covered .
blessed [ Is ] the man to whom the LORD will not impute sin .
cometh ] this blessedness Then upon the circumcision [ only ] , or upon the uncircumcision also ? for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness .
how was it Then reckoned ? when he was in circumcision , or in uncircumcision ? not in circumcision , but in uncircumcision .
And he received the sign of circumcision , A seal of the righteousness of the faith which [ he had yet ] being uncircumcised : that he might be the Father of all them that believe , though they be not circumcised ; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also :
And the Father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only , but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our Father Abraham , which [ he had ] being [ yet ] uncircumcised .
for the promise , that he should be the heir of the world , [ was ] not to Abraham , or to his seed , through the law , but through the righteousness of faith .
for if they which are of the law [ be ] heirs , faith Is made void , And the promise made of none effect :
because the law worketh wrath : for where no law Is , [ there Is ] no transgression .
therefore [ it Is ] of faith , that [ it might be ] by grace ; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed ; not to that only which Is of the law , but to that also which Is of the faith of Abraham ; who Is the Father of us all ,
as it Is written , I have made thee A Father of Many nations , ] before him whom he believed , [ even ] God , who quickeneth the dead , And calleth those things which be not as though they were .
who against hope believed in hope , that he might become the Father of Many nations , according to that which was spoken , So shall thy seed be .
And being not weak in faith , he considered not his own body now dead , when he was about an hundred years old , neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb :
he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief ; but was strong in faith , giving glory to God ;
And being fully persuaded that , what he had promised , he was able also to perform .
And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness .
now it was not written for his sake alone , that it was imputed to him ;
but for us also , to whom it shall be imputed , if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our LORD from the dead ;
who was delivered for our offences , And was raised again for our justification .