40_MAT_20_01 for the kingdom of heaven Is like unto A man [ that Is ] an householder , which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard .
40_MAT_20_02 And when he had agreed with the labourers for A penny A day , he sent them into his vineyard .
40_MAT_20_03 And he went out about the third hour , And saw others standing idle in the marketplace ,
40_MAT_20_04 And said unto them ; go ye also into the vineyard , And whatsoever Is right I will give you . And they went their way .
40_MAT_20_05 again he went out about the sixth And ninth hour , And did Likewise .
40_MAT_20_06 And about the eleventh hour he went out , And found others standing idle , And saith unto them , why stand ye here all the day idle ?
40_MAT_20_07 they say unto him , because no man hath hired us . he saith unto them , go ye also into the vineyard ; And whatsoever Is right , [ that ] shall ye receive .
40_MAT_20_08 So when even was come , the LORD of the vineyard saith unto his steward , call the labourers , And give them [ their ] hire , beginning from the last unto the first .
40_MAT_20_09 And when they came that [ were hired ] about the eleventh hour , they received every man A penny .
40_MAT_20_10 but when the first came , they supposed that they should have received more ; And they Likewise received every man A penny .
40_MAT_20_11 And when they had received [ it ] , they murmured against the goodman of the house ,
40_MAT_20_12 saying , These last have wrought [ but ] one hour , And thou hast made them equal unto us , which have borne the burden And heat of the day .
40_MAT_20_13 but he answered one of them , And said , friend , I do thee no wrong : didst not thou agree with me for A penny ?
40_MAT_20_14 take [ that ] thine [ Is ] , And go thy way : I will give unto this last , even as unto thee .
40_MAT_20_15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own ? Is thine eye evil , because I am good ?
40_MAT_20_16 So the last shall be first , And the first last : for Many be called , but few chosen .
40_MAT_20_17 And Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the twelve disciples apart in the way , And said unto them ,
40_MAT_20_18 behold , we go up to Jerusalem ; And the son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests And unto the scribes , And they shall condemn him to death ,
40_MAT_20_19 And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock , And to scourge , And to Crucify [ him ] : And the third day he shall rise again .
40_MAT_20_20 Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons , worshipping [ him ] , And Desiring A certain thing of him .
40_MAT_20_21 And he said unto her , what Wilt thou ? she saith unto him , grant that These my two sons may sit , the one on thy right hand , And the other on the left , in thy kingdom .
40_MAT_20_22 but Jesus answered And said , ye know not what ye ask . are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of , And to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with ? they say unto him , we are able .
40_MAT_20_23 And he saith unto them , ye shall drink indeed of my cup , And be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with : but to sit on my right hand , And on my left , Is not mine to give , but [ it shall be given to them ] for whom it Is prepared of my Father .
40_MAT_20_24 And when the ten heard [ it ] , they were moved with indignation against the two brethren .
40_MAT_20_25 but Jesus called them [ unto him ] , And said , ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them , And they that are great exercise authority upon them .
40_MAT_20_26 but it shall not be So among you : but whosoever will be great among you , let him be your minister ;
40_MAT_20_27 And whosoever will be chief among you , let him be your servant :
40_MAT_20_28 even as the son of man came not to be ministered unto , but to minister , And to give his life A ransom for Many .
40_MAT_20_29 And as they departed from Jericho , A great multitude followed him .
40_MAT_20_30 And , behold , two blind men sitting by the way side , when they heard that Jesus passed by , cried out , saying , have mercy on us , O LORD , [ thou ] son of David .
40_MAT_20_31 And the multitude rebuked them , because they should hold their peace : but they cried the more , saying , have mercy on us , O LORD , [ thou ] son of David .
40_MAT_20_32 And Jesus stood still , And called them , And said , what will ye that I shall do unto you ?
40_MAT_20_33 they say unto him , LORD , that our eyes may be opened .
40_MAT_20_34 So Jesus had compassion [ on them ] , And touched their eyes : And immediately their eyes received sight , And they followed him .