01_GEN_06_01 And it came to pass , when men began to multiply on the face of the earth , And daughters were born unto them ,
01_GEN_06_02 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [ were ] fair ; And they took them wives of all which they chose .
01_GEN_06_03 And the LORD said , my spirit shall not always strive with man , for that he also [ Is ] flesh : yet his days shall be an hundred And twenty years .
01_GEN_06_04 there were giants in the earth in those days ; And also after that , when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men , And they bare [ children ] to them , the same [ became ] mighty men which [ were ] of old , men of renown .
01_GEN_06_05 And God saw that the wickedness of man [ was ] great in the earth , And [ that ] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [ was ] only evil continually .
01_GEN_06_06 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth , And it grieved him at his heart .
01_GEN_06_07 And the LORD said , I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth ; Both man , And beast , And the creeping thing , And the fowls of the air ; for it repenteth me that I have made them .
01_GEN_06_08 but Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD .
01_GEN_06_09 These [ are ] the generations of Noah : Noah was A just man [ And ] perfect in his generations , [ And ] Noah walked with God .
01_GEN_06_10 And Noah begat three sons , Shem , Ham , And Japheth .
01_GEN_06_11 the earth also was corrupt before God , And the earth was filled with violence .
01_GEN_06_12 And God looked upon the earth , And , behold , it was corrupt ; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth .
01_GEN_06_13 And God said unto Noah , the end of all flesh Is come before me ; for the earth Is filled with violence through them ; And , behold , I will destroy them with the earth .
01_GEN_06_14 make thee an ark of gopher wood ; rooms shalt thou make in the ark , And shalt pitch it within And without with pitch .
01_GEN_06_15 And this [ Is the fashion ] which thou shalt make it [ of ] : the length of the ark [ shall be ] three hundred cubits , the breadth of it fifty cubits , And the height of it thirty cubits .
01_GEN_06_16 A window shalt thou make to the ark , And in A cubit shalt thou finish it above ; And the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof ; [ with ] lower , second , And third [ stories ] shalt thou make it .
01_GEN_06_17 And , behold , I , even I , do bring A flood of waters upon the earth , to destroy all flesh , wherein [ Is ] the breath of life , from under heaven ; [ And ] every thing that [ Is ] in the earth shall die .
01_GEN_06_18 but with thee will I establish my covenant ; And thou shalt come into the ark , thou , And thy sons , And thy wife , And thy sons' wives with thee .
01_GEN_06_19 And of every living thing of all flesh , two of every [ sort ] shalt thou bring into the ark , to keep [ them ] alive with thee ; they shall be male And female .
01_GEN_06_20 of fowls after their kind , And of cattle after their kind , of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind , two of every [ sort ] shall come unto thee , to keep [ them ] alive .
01_GEN_06_21 And take thou unto thee of all food that Is eaten , And thou shalt gather [ it ] to thee ; And it shall be for food for thee , And for them .
01_GEN_06_22 thus did Noah ; according to all that God commanded him , So did he .