psalms <1CH16 -9> Sing unto him, sing {psalms} unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works.
psalms <PSA95 -2> Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with {psalms}.
psalms <PSA105 -2> Sing unto him, sing {psalms} unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works.
psalms <LUK20 -42> And David himself saith in the book of {Psalms}, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,
psalms <LUK24 -44> And he said unto them, These are] the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in] the prophets, and in] the {psalms}, concerning me.
psalms <ACT1 -20> For it is written in the book of {Psalms}, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishopric let another take.
psalms <EPH5 -19> Speaking to yourselves in {psalms} and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
psalms <COL3 -16> Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in {psalms} and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
psalms <JAM5 -13> Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing {psalms}.