hypocrisy <ISA32 -6> For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice {hypocrisy}, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

hypocrisy <MAT23 -28> Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of {hypocrisy} and iniquity.

hypocrisy <MAR12 -15> Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their {hypocrisy}, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it].

hypocrisy <LUK12 -1> In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is {hy


hypocrisy <1TI4 -2> Speaking lies in {hypocrisy}; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

hypocrisy <JAM3 -17> But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and] easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without {hypocrisy}.

