a <GEN1 -6> And God said, Let there be {a} firmament in the midst of
the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
a <GEN1 -29> And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb
bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every
tree, in the which [is] the fruit of {a} tree yielding seed; to you
it shall be for meat.
a <GEN2 -5> And every plant of the field before it was in the earth,
and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not
caused it to rain upon the earth, and [there was] not {a} man to
till the ground.
a <GEN2 -6> But there went up {a} mist from the earth, and watered
the whole face of the ground.
a <GEN2 -7> And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became
{a} living soul.
a <GEN2 -8> And the LORD God planted {a} garden eastward in Eden;
and there he put the man whom he had formed.
a <GEN2 -10> And {a} river went out of Eden to water the garden; and
from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
a <GEN2 -21> And the LORD God caused {a} deep sleep to fall upon
Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the
flesh instead thereof;
a <GEN2 -22> And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man,
made he {a} woman, and brought her unto the man.
a <GEN2 -24> Therefore shall {a} man leave his father and his
mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
a <GEN3 -6> And when the woman saw that the tree [was] good for
food, and that it [was] pleasant to the eyes, and {a} tree to be
desired to make [one] wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did
eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
a <GEN3 -24> So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of
the garden of Eden Cherubims, and {a} flaming sword which turned
every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
a <GEN4 -1> And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare
Cain, and said, I have gotten {a} man from the LORD.
a <GEN4 -2> And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was {a}
keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
a <GEN4 -2> And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a
keeper of sheep, but Cain was {a} tiller of the ground.
a <GEN4 -12> When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth
yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and {a} vagabond shalt thou
be in the earth.
a <GEN4 -12> When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth
yield unto thee her strength; {a} fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou
be in the earth.
a <GEN4 -14> Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face
of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a
fugitive and {a} vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass,
[that] every one that findeth me shall slay me.
a <GEN4 -14> Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face
of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be {a}
fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass,
[that] every one that findeth me shall slay me.
a <GEN4 -15> And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth
Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set
{a} mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
a <GEN4 -17> And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare
Enoch: and he builded {a} city, and called the name of the city,
after the name of his son, Enoch.
a <GEN4 -23> And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear
my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have
slain {a} man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.
a <GEN4 -23> And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear
my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have
slain a man to my wounding, and {a} young man to my hurt.
a <GEN4 -25> And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare {a} son, and
called his name Seth: For God, [said she], hath appointed me another
seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
a <GEN4 -26> And to Seth, to him also there was born {a} son; and he
called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the
a <GEN5 -3> And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat
[{a} son] in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name
a <GEN5 -28> And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and
begat {a} son:
a <GEN6 -9> These [are] the generations of Noah: Noah was {a} just
man [and] perfect in his generations, [and] Noah walked with God.
a <GEN6 -16> A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in {a} cubit
shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set
in the side thereof; [with] lower, second, and third [stories] shalt
thou make it.
A <GEN6 -16> {A} window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit
shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set
in the side thereof; [with] lower, second, and third [stories] shalt
thou make it.
a <GEN6 -17> And, behold, I, even I, do bring {a} flood of waters
upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein [is] the breath of
life, from under heaven; [and] every thing that [is] in the earth
shall die.
a <GEN8 -1> And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all
the cattle that [was] with him in the ark: and God made {a} wind to
pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged;
a <GEN8 -7> And he sent forth {a} raven, which went forth to and
fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.
a <GEN8 -8> Also he sent forth {a} dove from him, to see if the
waters were abated from off the face of the ground;
a <GEN8 -21> And the LORD smelled {a} sweet savour; and the LORD
said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for
man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart [is] evil from his
youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I
have done.
a <GEN9 -11> And I will establish my covenant with you; neither
shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of {a} flood;
neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
a <GEN9 -11> And I will establish my covenant with you; neither
shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood;
neither shall there any more be {a} flood to destroy the earth.
a <GEN9 -13> I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a
token of {a} covenant between me and the earth.
a <GEN9 -13> I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for {a}
token of a covenant between me and the earth.
a <GEN9 -14> And it shall come to pass, when I bring {a} cloud over
the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:
a <GEN9 -15> And I will remember my covenant, which [is] between me
and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall
no more become {a} flood to destroy all flesh.
a <GEN9 -20> And Noah began [to be] an husbandman, and he planted
{a} vineyard:
a <GEN9 -23> And Shem and Japheth took {a} garment, and laid [it]
upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the
nakedness of their father; and their faces [were] backward, and they
saw not their father's nakedness.
a <GEN9 -25> And he said, Cursed [be] Canaan; {a} servant of
servants shall he be unto his brethren.
a <GEN10 -8> And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be {a} mighty one in
the earth.
a <GEN10 -9> He was {a} mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it
is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.
a <GEN10 -12> And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same [is] {a}
great city.
a <GEN10 -30> And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto
Sephar {a} mount of the east.
a <GEN11 -2> And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east,
that they found {a} plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt
a <GEN11 -4> And they said, Go to, let us build us {a} city and a
tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven; and let us make us a name,
lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
a <GEN11 -4> And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a
tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven; and let us make us {a}
name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
a <GEN11 -4> And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and {a}
tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven; and let us make us a name,
lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
a <GEN12 -1> Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy
country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto {a}
land that I will show thee:
a <GEN12 -2> And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will
bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be {a} blessing:
a <GEN12 -2> And I will make of thee {a} great nation, and I will
bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
a <GEN12 -8> And he removed from thence unto {a} mountain on the
east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, [having] Bethel on the west,
and Hai on the east: and there he builded an altar unto the LORD,
and called upon the name of the LORD.
a <GEN12 -10> And there was {a} famine in the land: and Abram went
down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine [was] grievous in
the land.
a <GEN12 -11> And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter
into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife, Behold now, I know
that thou [art] {a} fair woman to look upon:
a <GEN13 -7> And there was {a} strife between the herdmen of Abram's
cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and the
Perizzite dwelled then in the land.
a <GEN13 -16> And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so
that if {a} man can number the dust of the earth, [then] shall thy
seed also be numbered.
a <GEN14 -23> That I will not [take] from a thread even to {a}
shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that [is] thine,
lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:
a <GEN14 -23> That I will not [take] from {a} thread even to a
shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that [is] thine,
lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:
a <GEN15 -1> After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram
in {a} vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I [am] thy shield, [and] thy
exceeding great reward.
a <GEN15 -9> And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years
old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years
old, and a turtledove, and {a} young pigeon.
a <GEN15 -9> And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years
old, and a she goat of three years old, and {a} ram of three years
old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
a <GEN15 -9> And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years
old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years
old, and {a} turtledove, and a young pigeon.
a <GEN15 -9> And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years
old, and {a} she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years
old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
a <GEN15 -12> And when the sun was going down, {a} deep sleep fell
upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.
a <GEN15 -13> And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed
shall be {a} stranger in a land [that is] not theirs, and shall
serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
a <GEN15 -13> And he said unto Abram, Know of {a} surety that thy
seed shall be a stranger in a land [that is] not theirs, and shall
serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
a <GEN15 -13> And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed
shall be a stranger in {a} land [that is] not theirs, and shall
serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
a <GEN15 -15> And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt
be buried in {a} good old age.
a <GEN15 -17> And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and
it was dark, behold {a} smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that
passed between those pieces.
a <GEN15 -17> And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and
it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and {a} burning lamp that
passed between those pieces.
a <GEN15 -18> In the same day the LORD made {a} covenant with Abram,
saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of
Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:
a <GEN16 -7> And the angel of the LORD found her by {a} fountain of
water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur.
a <GEN16 -11> And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou
[art] with child, and shalt bear {a} son, and shalt call his name
Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.
a <GEN16 -12> And he will be {a} wild man; his hand [will be]
against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall
dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
a <GEN16 -15> And Hagar bare Abram {a} son: and Abram called his
son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.
a <GEN17 -4> As for me, behold, my covenant [is] with thee, and thou
shalt be {a} father of many nations.
a <GEN17 -5> Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but
thy name shall be Abraham; for {a} father of many nations have I
made thee.
a <GEN17 -7> And I will establish my covenant between me and thee
and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting
covenant, to be {a} God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
a <GEN17 -8> And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee,
the land wherein thou art {a} stranger, all the land of Canaan, for
an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.
a <GEN17 -11> And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin;
and it shall be {a} token of the covenant betwixt me and you.
a <GEN17 -16> And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her:
yea, I will bless her, and she shall be [{a} mother] of nations;
kings of people shall be of her.
a <GEN17 -16> And I will bless her, and give thee {a} son also of
her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be [a mother] of nations;
kings of people shall be of her.
a <GEN17 -17> Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said
in his heart, Shall [{a} child] be born unto him that is an hundred
years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?
a <GEN17 -19> And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee {a} son
indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my
covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, [and] with his seed
after him.
a <GEN17 -20> And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have
blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him
exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him {a}
great nation.
a <GEN18 -4> Let {a} little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash
your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree:
a <GEN18 -5> And I will fetch {a} morsel of bread, and comfort ye
your hearts; after that ye shall pass on: for therefore are ye come
to your servant. And they said, So do, as thou hast said.
a <GEN18 -7> And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched a calf
tender and good, and gave [it] unto {a} young man; and he hasted to
dress it.
a <GEN18 -7> And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched {a} calf
tender and good, and gave [it] unto a young man; and he hasted to
dress it.
a <GEN18 -10> And he said, I will certainly return unto thee
according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have
{a} son. And Sarah heard [it] in the tent door, which [was] behind
a <GEN18 -13> And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah
laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear {a} child, which am old?
a <GEN18 -13> And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah
laugh, saying, Shall I of {a} surety bear a child, which am old?
a <GEN18 -14> Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time
appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life,
and Sarah shall have {a} son.
a <GEN18 -18> Seeing that Abraham shall surely become {a} great and
mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in
a <GEN19 -3> And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in
unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them {a} feast,
and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.
a <GEN19 -9> And they said, Stand back. And they said [again], This
one [fellow] came in to sojourn, and he will needs be {a} judge: now
will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore
upon the man, [even] Lot, and came near to break the door.
a <GEN19 -20> Behold now, this city [is] near to flee unto, and it
[is] a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, ([is] it not {a}
little one?) and my soul shall live.
a <GEN19 -20> Behold now, this city [is] near to flee unto, and it
[is] {a} little one: Oh, let me escape thither, ([is] it not a
little one?) and my soul shall live.
a <GEN19 -26> But his wife looked back from behind him, and she
became {a} pillar of salt.
a <GEN19 -28> And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward
all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the
country went up as the smoke of {a} furnace.
a <GEN19 -30> And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the
mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in
Zoar: and he dwelt in {a} cave, he and his two daughters.
a <GEN19 -31> And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father
[is] old, and [there is] not {a} man in the earth to come in unto us
after the manner of all the earth:
a <GEN19 -37> And the firstborn bare {a} son, and called his name
Moab: the same [is] the father of the Moabites unto this day.
a <GEN19 -38> And the younger, she also bare {a} son, and called his
name Benammi: the same [is] the father of the children of Ammon unto
this day.
a <GEN20 -3> But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said
to him, Behold, thou [art but] a dead man, for the woman which thou
hast taken; for she [is] {a} man's wife.
a <GEN20 -3> But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said
to him, Behold, thou [art but] {a} dead man, for the woman which
thou hast taken; for she [is] a man's wife.
a <GEN20 -3> But God came to Abimelech in {a} dream by night, and
said to him, Behold, thou [art but] a dead man, for the woman which
thou hast taken; for she [is] a man's wife.
a <GEN20 -4> But Abimelech had not come near her: and he said, Lord,
wilt thou slay also {a} righteous nation?
a <GEN20 -6> And God said unto him in {a} dream, Yea, I know that
thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld
thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch
a <GEN20 -7> Now therefore restore the man [his] wife; for he [is]
{a} prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live: and if
thou restore [her] not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou,
and all that [are] thine.
a <GEN20 -9> Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said unto him, What
hast thou done unto us? and what have I offended thee, that thou
hast brought on me and on my kingdom {a} great sin? thou hast done
deeds unto me that ought not to be done.
a <GEN20 -16> And unto Sarah he said, Behold, I have given thy
brother {a} thousand [pieces] of silver: behold, he [is] to thee a
covering of the eyes, unto all that [are] with thee, and with all
[other]: thus she was reproved.
a <GEN20 -16> And unto Sarah he said, Behold, I have given thy
brother a thousand [pieces] of silver: behold, he [is] to thee {a}
covering of the eyes, unto all that [are] with thee, and with all
[other]: thus she was reproved.
a <GEN21 -2> For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham {a} son in his
old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.
a <GEN21 -7> And she said, Who would have said unto Abraham, that
Sarah should have given children suck? for I have born [him] {a} son
in his old age.
a <GEN21 -8> And the child grew, and was weaned: and Abraham made
{a} great feast the [same] day that Isaac was weaned.
a <GEN21 -13> And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make {a}
nation, because he [is] thy seed.
a <GEN21 -14> And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took
bread, and {a} bottle of water, and gave [it] unto Hagar, putting
[it] on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she
departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba.
a <GEN21 -16> And she went, and sat her down over against [him] a
good way off, as it were {a} bowshot: for she said, Let me not see
the death of the child. And she sat over against [him], and lift up
her voice, and wept.
a <GEN21 -16> And she went, and sat her down over against [him] {a}
good way off, as it were a bowshot: for she said, Let me not see the
death of the child. And she sat over against [him], and lift up her
voice, and wept.
a <GEN21 -18> Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand;
for I will make him {a} great nation.
a <GEN21 -19> And God opened her eyes, and she saw {a} well of
water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the
lad drink.
a <GEN21 -21> And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran: and his
mother took him {a} wife out of the land of Egypt.
a <GEN21 -25> And Abraham reproved Abimelech because of {a} well of
water, which Abimelech's servants had violently taken away.
a <GEN21 -27> And Abraham took sheep and oxen, and gave them unto
Abimelech; and both of them made {a} covenant.
a <GEN21 -30> And he said, For [these] seven ewe lambs shalt thou
take of my hand, that they may be {a} witness unto me, that I have
digged this well.
a <GEN21 -32> Thus they made {a} covenant at Beersheba: then
Abimelech rose up, and Phichol the chief captain of his host, and
they returned into the land of the Philistines.
a <GEN21 -33> And [Abraham] planted {a} grove in Beersheba, and
called there on the name of the LORD, the everlasting God.
a <GEN22 -2> And he said, Take now thy son, thine only [son] Isaac,
whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer
him there for {a} burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I
will tell thee of.
a <GEN22 -6> And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and
laid [it] upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and
{a} knife; and they went both of them together.
a <GEN22 -7> And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My
father: and he said, Here [am] I, my son. And he said, Behold the
fire and the wood: but where [is] the lamb for {a} burnt offering?
a <GEN22 -8> And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a
lamb for {a} burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
a <GEN22 -8> And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself {a}
lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
a <GEN22 -13> And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold
behind [him] {a} ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham
went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in
the stead of his son.
a <GEN22 -13> And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold
behind [him] a ram caught in {a} thicket by his horns: and Abraham
went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in
the stead of his son.
a <GEN22 -13> And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold
behind [him] a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham
went and took the ram, and offered him up for {a} burnt offering in
the stead of his son.
a <GEN23 -4> I [am] a stranger and {a} sojourner with you: give me a
possession of a buryingplace with you, that I may bury my dead out
of my sight.
a <GEN23 -4> I [am] a stranger and a sojourner with you: give me {a}
possession of a buryingplace with you, that I may bury my dead out
of my sight.
a <GEN23 -4> I [am] a stranger and a sojourner with you: give me a
possession of {a} buryingplace with you, that I may bury my dead out
of my sight.
a <GEN23 -4> I [am] {a} stranger and a sojourner with you: give me a
possession of a buryingplace with you, that I may bury my dead out
of my sight.
a <GEN23 -6> Hear us, my lord: thou [art] {a} mighty prince among
us: in the choice of our sepulchres bury thy dead; none of us shall
withhold from thee his sepulchre, but that thou mayest bury thy
a <GEN23 -9> That he may give me the cave of Machpelah, which he
hath, which [is] in the end of his field; for as much money as it is
worth he shall give it me for {a} possession of a buryingplace
amongst you.
a <GEN23 -9> That he may give me the cave of Machpelah, which he
hath, which [is] in the end of his field; for as much money as it is
worth he shall give it me for a possession of {a} buryingplace
amongst you.
a <GEN23 -18> Unto Abraham for {a} possession in the presence of the
children of Heth, before all that went in at the gate of his city.
a <GEN23 -20> And the field, and the cave that [is] therein, were
made sure unto Abraham for a possession of {a} buryingplace by the
sons of Heth.
a <GEN23 -20> And the field, and the cave that [is] therein, were
made sure unto Abraham for {a} possession of a buryingplace by the
sons of Heth.
a <GEN24 -3> And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of
heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take {a} wife
unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell:
a <GEN24 -4> But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred,
and take {a} wife unto my son Isaac.
a <GEN24 -7> The LORD God of heaven, which took me from my father's
house, and from the land of my kindred, and which spake unto me, and
that sware unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land; he
shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take {a} wife unto
my son from thence.
a <GEN24 -11> And he made his camels to kneel down without the city
by {a} well of water at the time of the evening, [even] the time
that women go out to draw [water].
a <GEN24 -16> And the damsel [was] very fair to look upon, {a}
virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the
well, and filled her pitcher, and came up.
a <GEN24 -17> And the servant ran to meet her, and said, Let me, I
pray thee, drink {a} little water of thy pitcher.
a <GEN24 -22> And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking,
that the man took {a} golden earring of half a shekel weight, and
two bracelets for her hands of ten [shekels] weight of gold;
a <GEN24 -22> And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking,
that the man took a golden earring of half {a} shekel weight, and
two bracelets for her hands of ten [shekels] weight of gold;
a <GEN24 -29> And Rebekah had {a} brother, and his name [was] Laban:
and Laban ran out unto the man, unto the well.
a <GEN24 -36> And Sarah my master's wife bare {a} son to my master
when she was old: and unto him hath he given all that he hath.
a <GEN24 -37> And my master made me swear, saying, Thou shalt not
take {a} wife to my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose
land I dwell:
a <GEN24 -38> But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to my
kindred, and take {a} wife unto my son.
a <GEN24 -40> And he said unto me, The LORD, before whom I walk,
will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way; and thou shalt
take {a} wife for my son of my kindred, and of my father's house:
a <GEN24 -43> Behold, I stand by the well of water; and it shall
come to pass, that when the virgin cometh forth to draw [water], and
I say to her, Give me, I pray thee, {a} little water of thy pitcher
to drink;
a <GEN24 -55> And her brother and her mother said, Let the damsel
abide with us [{a} few] days, at the least ten; after that she shall
a <GEN24 -65> For she [had] said unto the servant, What man [is]
this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant [had]
said, It [is] my master: therefore she took {a} veil, and covered
a <GEN25 -1> Then again Abraham took {a} wife, and her name [was]
a <GEN25 -8> Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in {a} good
old age, an old man, and full [of years]; and was gathered to his
a <GEN25 -27> And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, {a}
man of the field; and Jacob [was] a plain man, dwelling in tents.
a <GEN25 -27> And the boys grew: and Esau was {a} cunning hunter, a
man of the field; and Jacob [was] a plain man, dwelling in tents.
a <GEN25 -27> And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a
man of the field; and Jacob [was] {a} plain man, dwelling in tents.
a <GEN26 -1> And there was {a} famine in the land, beside the first
famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto
Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar.
a <GEN26 -8> And it came to pass, when he had been there a long
time, that Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out at {a}
window, and saw, and, behold, Isaac [was] sporting with Rebekah his
a <GEN26 -8> And it came to pass, when he had been there {a} long
time, that Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out at a window,
and saw, and, behold, Isaac [was] sporting with Rebekah his wife.
a <GEN26 -9> And Abimelech called Isaac, and said, Behold, of {a}
surety she [is] thy wife: and how saidst thou, She [is] my sister?
And Isaac said unto him, Because I said, Lest I die for her.
a <GEN26 -19> And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found
there {a} well of springing water.
a <GEN26 -25> And he builded an altar there, and called upon the
name of the LORD, and pitched his tent there: and there Isaac's
servants digged {a} well.
a <GEN26 -28> And they said, We saw certainly that the LORD was with
thee: and we said, Let there be now an oath betwixt us, [even]
betwixt us and thee, and let us make {a} covenant with thee;
a <GEN26 -30> And he made them {a} feast, and they did eat and
a <GEN26 -35> Which were {a} grief of mind unto Isaac and to
a <GEN27 -11> And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Esau my
brother [is] {a} hairy man, and I [am] a smooth man:
a <GEN27 -11> And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Esau my
brother [is] a hairy man, and I [am] {a} smooth man:
a <GEN27 -12> My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem
to him as a deceiver; and I shall bring {a} curse upon me, and not a
a <GEN27 -12> My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem
to him as a deceiver; and I shall bring a curse upon me, and not {a}
a <GEN27 -12> My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem
to him as {a} deceiver; and I shall bring a curse upon me, and not a
a <GEN27 -27> And he came near, and kissed him: and he smelled the
smell of his raiment, and blessed him, and said, See, the smell of
my son [is] as the smell of {a} field which the LORD hath blessed:
a <GEN27 -34> And when Esau heard the words of his father, he cried
with {a} great and exceeding bitter cry, and said unto his father,
Bless me, [even] me also, O my father.
a <GEN27 -36> And he said, Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he
hath supplanted me these two times: he took away my birthright; and,
behold, now he hath taken away my blessing. And he said, Hast thou
not reserved {a} blessing for me?
a <GEN27 -44> And tarry with him {a} few days, until thy brother's
fury turn away;
a <GEN27 -46> And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life
because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob take {a} wife of the
daughters of Heth, such as these [which are] of the daughters of the
land, what good shall my life do me?
a <GEN28 -1> And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and charged
him, and said unto him, Thou shalt not take {a} wife of the
daughters of Canaan.
a <GEN28 -2> Arise, go to Padanaram, to the house of Bethuel thy
mother's father; and take thee {a} wife from thence of the daughters
of Laban thy mother's brother.
a <GEN28 -3> And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful,
and multiply thee, that thou mayest be {a} multitude of people;
a <GEN28 -4> And give thee the blessing of Abraham, to thee, and to
thy seed with thee; that thou mayest inherit the land wherein thou
art {a} stranger, which God gave unto Abraham.
a <GEN28 -6> When Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob, and sent
him away to Padanaram, to take him a wife from thence; and that as
he blessed him he gave him a charge, saying, Thou shalt not take {a}
wife of the daughters of Canaan;
a <GEN28 -6> When Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob, and sent
him away to Padanaram, to take him {a} wife from thence; and that as
he blessed him he gave him a charge, saying, Thou shalt not take a
wife of the daughters of Canaan;
a <GEN28 -6> When Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob, and sent
him away to Padanaram, to take him a wife from thence; and that as
he blessed him he gave him {a} charge, saying, Thou shalt not take a
wife of the daughters of Canaan;
a <GEN28 -11> And he lighted upon {a} certain place, and tarried
there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones
of that place, and put [them for] his pillows, and lay down in that
place to sleep.
a <GEN28 -12> And he dreamed, and behold {a} ladder set up on the
earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of
God ascending and descending on it.
a <GEN28 -18> And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the
stone that he had put [for] his pillows, and set it up [for] {a}
pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it.
a <GEN28 -20> And Jacob vowed {a} vow, saying, If God will be with
me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread
to eat, and raiment to put on,
a <GEN28 -22> And this stone, which I have set [for] {a} pillar,
shall be God's house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will
surely give the tenth unto thee.
a <GEN29 -2> And he looked, and behold {a} well in the field, and,
lo, there [were] three flocks of sheep lying by it; for out of that
well they watered the flocks: and a great stone [was] upon the
well's mouth.
a <GEN29 -2> And he looked, and behold a well in the field, and, lo,
there [were] three flocks of sheep lying by it; for out of that well
they watered the flocks: and {a} great stone [was] upon the well's
a <GEN29 -14> And Laban said to him, Surely thou [art] my bone and
my flesh. And he abode with him the space of {a} month.
a <GEN29 -20> And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they
seemed unto him [but] {a} few days, for the love he had to her.
a <GEN29 -22> And Laban gathered together all the men of the place,
and made {a} feast.
a <GEN29 -32> And Leah conceived, and bare {a} son, and she called
his name Reuben: for she said, Surely the LORD hath looked upon my
affliction; now therefore my husband will love me.
a <GEN29 -33> And she conceived again, and bare {a} son; and said,
Because the LORD hath heard that I [was] hated, he hath therefore
given me this [son] also: and she called his name Simeon.
a <GEN29 -34> And she conceived again, and bare {a} son; and said,
Now this time will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born
him three sons: therefore was his name called Levi.
a <GEN29 -35> And she conceived again, and bare {a} son: and she
said, Now will I praise the LORD: therefore she called his name
Judah; and left bearing.
a <GEN30 -5> And Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob {a} son.
a <GEN30 -6> And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also
heard my voice, and hath given me {a} son: therefore called she his
name Dan.
a <GEN30 -7> And Bilhah Rachel's maid conceived again, and bare
Jacob {a} second son.
a <GEN30 -10> And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob {a} son.
A <GEN30 -11> And Leah said, {A} troop cometh: and she called his
name Gad.
a <GEN30 -12> And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob {a} second son.
a <GEN30 -15> And she said unto her, [Is it] {a} small matter that
thou hast taken my husband? and wouldest thou take away my son's
mandrakes also? And Rachel said, Therefore he shall lie with thee to
night for thy son's mandrakes.
a <GEN30 -20> And Leah said, God hath endued me [with] {a} good
dowry; now will my husband dwell with me, because I have born him
six sons: and she called his name Zebulun.
a <GEN30 -21> And afterwards she bare {a} daughter, and called her
name Dinah.
a <GEN30 -23> And she conceived, and bare {a} son; and said, God
hath taken away my reproach:
a <GEN30 -30> For [it was] little which thou hadst before I [came],
and it is [now] increased unto {a} multitude; and the LORD hath
blessed thee since my coming: and now when shall I provide for mine
own house also?
a <GEN31 -10> And it came to pass at the time that the cattle
conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in {a} dream, and,
behold, the rams which leaped upon the cattle [were] ringstreaked,
speckled, and grisled.
a <GEN31 -11> And the angel of God spake unto me in {a} dream,
[saying], Jacob: And I said, Here [am] I.
a <GEN31 -13> I [am] the God of Bethel, where thou anointedst the
pillar, [and] where thou vowedst {a} vow unto me: now arise, get
thee out from this land, and return unto the land of thy kindred.
a <GEN31 -24> And God came to Laban the Syrian in {a} dream by
night, and said unto him, Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob
either good or bad.
a <GEN31 -44> Now therefore come thou, let us make {a} covenant, I
and thou; and let it be for a witness between me and thee.
a <GEN31 -44> Now therefore come thou, let us make a covenant, I and
thou; and let it be for {a} witness between me and thee.
a <GEN31 -45> And Jacob took a stone, and set it up [for] {a}
a <GEN31 -45> And Jacob took {a} stone, and set it up [for] a
a <GEN31 -48> And Laban said, This heap [is] {a} witness between me
and thee this day. Therefore was the name of it called Galeed;
a <GEN32 -13> And he lodged there that same night; and took of that
which came to his hand {a} present for Esau his brother;
a <GEN32 -16> And he delivered [them] into the hand of his servants,
every drove by themselves; and said unto his servants, Pass over
before me, and put {a} space betwixt drove and drove.
a <GEN32 -18> Then thou shalt say, [They be] thy servant Jacob's; it
[is] {a} present sent unto my lord Esau: and, behold, also he [is]
behind us.
a <GEN32 -24> And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled {a} man
with him until the breaking of the day.
a <GEN32 -28> And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob,
but Israel: for as {a} prince hast thou power with God and with men,
and hast prevailed.
a <GEN33 -18> And Jacob came to Shalem, {a} city of Shechem, which
[is] in the land of Canaan, when he came from Padanaram; and pitched
his tent before the city.
a <GEN33 -19> And he bought a parcel of {a} field, where he had
spread his tent, at the hand of the children of Hamor, Shechem's
father, for an hundred pieces of money.
a <GEN33 -19> And he bought {a} parcel of a field, where he had
spread his tent, at the hand of the children of Hamor, Shechem's
father, for an hundred pieces of money.
a <GEN34 -14> And they said unto them, We cannot do this thing, to
give our sister to one that is uncircumcised; for that [were] {a}
reproach unto us:
a <GEN35 -11> And God said unto him, I [am] God Almighty: be
fruitful and multiply; {a} nation and a company of nations shall be
of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;
a <GEN35 -11> And God said unto him, I [am] God Almighty: be
fruitful and multiply; a nation and {a} company of nations shall be
of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;
a <GEN35 -14> And Jacob set up {a} pillar in the place where he
talked with him, [even] a pillar of stone: and he poured a drink
offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon.
a <GEN35 -14> And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he talked
with him, [even] a pillar of stone: and he poured {a} drink offering
thereon, and he poured oil thereon.
a <GEN35 -14> And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he talked
with him, [even] {a} pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering
thereon, and he poured oil thereon.
a <GEN35 -16> And they journeyed from Bethel; and there was but {a}
little way to come to Ephrath: and Rachel travailed, and she had
hard labour.
a <GEN35 -20> And Jacob set {a} pillar upon her grave: that [is] the
pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day.
a <GEN37 -1> And Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was {a}
stranger, in the land of Canaan.
a <GEN37 -3> Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children,
because he [was] the son of his old age: and he made him {a} coat of
[many] colours.
a <GEN37 -5> And Joseph dreamed {a} dream, and he told [it] his
brethren: and they hated him yet the more.
a <GEN37 -9> And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his
brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed {a} dream more; and,
behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to
a <GEN37 -15> And {a} certain man found him, and, behold, [he was]
wandering in the field: and the man asked him, saying, What seekest
a <GEN37 -24> And they took him, and cast him into {a} pit: and the
pit [was] empty, [there was] no water in it.
a <GEN37 -25> And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up
their eyes and looked, and, behold, {a} company of Ishmeelites came
from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh,
going to carry [it] down to Egypt.
a <GEN37 -31> And they took Joseph's coat, and killed {a} kid of the
goats, and dipped the coat in the blood;
a <GEN38 -1> And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down
from his brethren, and turned in to {a} certain Adullamite, whose
name [was] Hirah.
a <GEN38 -2> And Judah saw there {a} daughter of a certain
Canaanite, whose name [was] Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto
a <GEN38 -2> And Judah saw there a daughter of {a} certain
Canaanite, whose name [was] Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto
a <GEN38 -3> And she conceived, and bare {a} son; and he called his
name Er.
a <GEN38 -4> And she conceived again, and bare {a} son; and she
called his name Onan.
a <GEN38 -5> And she yet again conceived, and bare {a} son; and
called his name Shelah: and he was at Chezib, when she bare him.
a <GEN38 -6> And Judah took {a} wife for Er his firstborn, whose
name [was] Tamar.
a <GEN38 -11> Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter in law, Remain
{a} widow at thy father's house, till Shelah my son be grown: for he
said, Lest peradventure he die also, as his brethren [did]. And
Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house.
a <GEN38 -14> And she put her widow's garments off from her, and
covered her with {a} veil, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open
place, which [is] by the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was
grown, and she was not given unto him to wife.
a <GEN38 -17> And he said, I will send [thee] a kid from the flock.
And she said, Wilt thou give [me] {a} pledge, till thou send [it]?
a <GEN38 -17> And he said, I will send [thee] {a} kid from the
flock. And she said, Wilt thou give [me] a pledge, till thou send
a <GEN38 -28> And it came to pass, when she travailed, that [the
one] put out [his] hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his
hand {a} scarlet thread, saying, This came out first.
a <GEN39 -2> And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was {a} prosperous
man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.
a <GEN39 -6> And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand; and he
knew not ought he had, save the bread which he did eat. And Joseph
was [{a}] goodly [person], and well favoured.
a <GEN39 -14> That she called unto the men of her house, and spake
unto them, saying, See, he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock
us; he came in unto me to lie with me, and I cried with {a} loud
a <GEN39 -20> And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the
prison, {a} place where the king's prisoners [were] bound: and he
was there in the prison.
a <GEN40 -4> And the captain of the guard charged Joseph with them,
and he served them: and they continued {a} season in ward.
a <GEN40 -5> And they dreamed {a} dream both of them, each man his
dream in one night, each man according to the interpretation of his
dream, the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, which [were]
bound in the prison.
a <GEN40 -8> And they said unto him, We have dreamed {a} dream, and
[there is] no interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, [Do] not
interpretations [belong] to God? tell me [them], I pray you.
a <GEN40 -9> And the chief butler told his dream to Joseph, and said
to him, In my dream, behold, {a} vine [was] before me;
a <GEN40 -19> Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy head
from off thee, and shall hang thee on {a} tree; and the birds shall
eat thy flesh from off thee.
a <GEN40 -20> And it came to pass the third day, [which was]
Pharaoh's birthday, that he made {a} feast unto all his servants:
and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker
among his servants.
a <GEN41 -2> And, behold, there came up out of the river seven well
favoured kine and fatfleshed; and they fed in {a} meadow.
a <GEN41 -7> And the seven thin ears devoured the seven rank and
full ears. And Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, [it was] {a} dream.
a <GEN41 -11> And we dreamed {a} dream in one night, I and he; we
dreamed each man according to the interpretation of his dream.
a <GEN41 -12> And [there was] there with us {a} young man, an
Hebrew, servant to the captain of the guard; and we told him, and he
interpreted to us our dreams; to each man according to his dream he
did interpret.
a <GEN41 -15> And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dreamed {a}
dream, and [there is] none that can interpret it: and I have heard
say of thee, [that] thou canst understand a dream to interpret it.
a <GEN41 -15> And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dreamed a dream,
and [there is] none that can interpret it: and I have heard say of
thee, [that] thou canst understand {a} dream to interpret it.
a <GEN41 -18> And, behold, there came up out of the river seven
kine, fatfleshed and well favoured; and they fed in {a} meadow:
a <GEN41 -33> Now therefore let Pharaoh look out {a} man discreet
and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt.
a <GEN41 -38> And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find [such
{a} one] as this [is], a man in whom the Spirit of God [is]?
a <GEN41 -38> And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find [such
a one] as this [is], {a} man in whom the Spirit of God [is]?
a <GEN41 -42> And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and put
it upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen,
and put {a} gold chain about his neck;
a <GEN43 -2> And it came to pass, when they had eaten up the corn
which they had brought out of Egypt, their father said unto them, Go
again, buy us {a} little food.
a <GEN43 -6> And Israel said, Wherefore dealt ye [so] ill with me,
[as] to tell the man whether ye had yet {a} brother?
a <GEN43 -11> And their father Israel said unto them, If [it must
be] so now, do this; take of the best fruits in the land in your
vessels, and carry down the man a present, {a} little balm, and a
little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts, and almonds:
a <GEN43 -11> And their father Israel said unto them, If [it must
be] so now, do this; take of the best fruits in the land in your
vessels, and carry down the man {a} present, a little balm, and a
little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts, and almonds:
a <GEN43 -11> And their father Israel said unto them, If [it must
be] so now, do this; take of the best fruits in the land in your
vessels, and carry down the man a present, a little balm, and {a}
little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts, and almonds:
a <GEN44 -15> And Joseph said unto them, What deed [is] this that ye
have done? wot ye not that such {a} man as I can certainly divine?
a <GEN44 -18> Then Judah came near unto him, and said, Oh my lord,
let thy servant, I pray thee, speak {a} word in my lord's ears, and
let not thine anger burn against thy servant: for thou [art] even as
a <GEN44 -19> My lord asked his servants, saying, Have ye {a}
father, or a brother?
a <GEN44 -19> My lord asked his servants, saying, Have ye a father,
or {a} brother?
a <GEN44 -20> And we said unto my lord, We have a father, an old
man, and {a} child of his old age, a little one; and his brother is
dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loveth him.
a <GEN44 -20> And we said unto my lord, We have a father, an old
man, and a child of his old age, {a} little one; and his brother is
dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loveth him.
a <GEN44 -20> And we said unto my lord, We have {a} father, an old
man, and a child of his old age, a little one; and his brother is
dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loveth him.
a <GEN44 -25> And our father said, Go again, [and] buy us {a} little
a <GEN44 -33> Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant abide
instead of the lad {a} bondman to my lord; and let the lad go up
with his brethren.
a <GEN45 -7> And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity
in the earth, and to save your lives by {a} great deliverance.
a <GEN45 -7> And God sent me before you to preserve you {a}
posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great
a <GEN45 -8> So now [it was] not you [that] sent me hither, but God:
and he hath made me {a} father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his
house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.
a <GEN45 -8> So now [it was] not you [that] sent me hither, but God:
and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house,
and {a} ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.
a <GEN46 -3> And he said, I [am] God, the God of thy father: fear
not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee {a} great
a <GEN46 -10> And the sons of Simeon; Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad,
and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul the son of {a} Canaanitish woman.
a <GEN46 -29> And Joseph made ready his chariot, and went up to meet
Israel his father, to Goshen, and presented himself unto him; and he
fell on his neck, and wept on his neck {a} good while.
a <GEN47 -11> And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and
gave them {a} possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the
land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded.
a <GEN47 -22> Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the
priests had {a} portion [assigned them] of Pharaoh, and did eat
their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their
a <GEN47 -26> And Joseph made it {a} law over the land of Egypt unto
this day, [that] Pharaoh should have the fifth [part]; except the
land of the priests only, [which] became not Pharaoh's.
a <GEN48 -4> And said unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitful,
and multiply thee, and I will make of thee {a} multitude of people;
and will give this land to thy seed after thee [for] an everlasting
a <GEN48 -7> And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died by
me in the land of Canaan in the way, when yet [there was] but {a}
little way to come unto Ephrath: and I buried her there in the way
of Ephrath; the same [is] Bethlehem.
a <GEN48 -16> The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the
lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers
Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into {a} multitude in the midst
of the earth.
a <GEN48 -19> And his father refused, and said, I know [it], my son,
I know [it]: he also shall become a people, and he also shall be
great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and
his seed shall become {a} multitude of nations.
a <GEN48 -19> And his father refused, and said, I know [it], my son,
I know [it]: he also shall become {a} people, and he also shall be
great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and
his seed shall become a multitude of nations.
a <GEN49 -6> O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their
assembly, mine honour, be not thou united: for in their anger they
slew {a} man, and in their selfwill they digged down a wall.
a <GEN49 -6> O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their
assembly, mine honour, be not thou united: for in their anger they
slew a man, and in their selfwill they digged down {a} wall.
a <GEN49 -9> Judah [is] {a} lion's whelp: from the prey, my son,
thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an
old lion; who shall rouse him up?
a <GEN49 -9> Judah [is] a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou
art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as {a} lion, and as an old
lion; who shall rouse him up?
a <GEN49 -10> The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor {a}
lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him
[shall] the gathering of the people [be].
a <GEN49 -14> Issachar [is] {a} strong ass couching down between two
a <GEN49 -15> And he saw that rest [was] good, and the land that [it
was] pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became {a}
servant unto tribute.
a <GEN49 -17> Dan shall be {a} serpent by the way, an adder in the
path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall
a <GEN49 -19> Gad, {a} troop shall overcome him: but he shall
overcome at the last.
a <GEN49 -21> Naphtali [is] {a} hind let loose: he giveth goodly
a <GEN49 -22> Joseph [is] {a} fruitful bough, [even] a fruitful
bough by a well; [whose] branches run over the wall:
a <GEN49 -22> Joseph [is] a fruitful bough, [even] a fruitful bough
by {a} well; [whose] branches run over the wall:
a <GEN49 -22> Joseph [is] a fruitful bough, [even] {a} fruitful
bough by a well; [whose] branches run over the wall:
a <GEN49 -27> Benjamin shall ravin [as] {a} wolf: in the morning he
shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.
a <GEN49 -30> In the cave that [is] in the field of Machpelah, which
[is] before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with
the field of Ephron the Hittite for {a} possession of a
a <GEN49 -30> In the cave that [is] in the field of Machpelah, which
[is] before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with
the field of Ephron the Hittite for a possession of {a}
a <GEN50 -9> And there went up with him both chariots and horsemen:
and it was {a} very great company.
a <GEN50 -10> And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which
[is] beyond Jordan, and there they mourned with {a} great and very
sore lamentation: and he made a mourning for his father seven days.
a <GEN50 -10> And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which
[is] beyond Jordan, and there they mourned with a great and very
sore lamentation: and he made {a} mourning for his father seven
a <GEN50 -11> And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites,
saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, they said, This [is] {a}
grievous mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore the name of it was
called Abelmizraim, which [is] beyond Jordan.
a <GEN50 -13> For his sons carried him into the land of Canaan, and
buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham
bought with the field for a possession of {a} buryingplace of Ephron
the Hittite, before Mamre.
a <GEN50 -13> For his sons carried him into the land of Canaan, and
buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham
bought with the field for {a} possession of a buryingplace of Ephron
the Hittite, before Mamre.
a <GEN50 -16> And they sent {a} messenger unto Joseph, saying, Thy
father did command before he died, saying,
a <GEN50 -26> So Joseph died, [being] an hundred and ten years old:
and they embalmed him, and he was put in {a} coffin in Egypt.
a <EXO1 -8> Now there arose up {a} new king over Egypt, which knew
not Joseph.
a <EXO1 -16> And he said, When ye do the office of {a} midwife to
the Hebrew women, and see [them] upon the stools; if it [be] a son,
then ye shall kill him: but if it [be] a daughter, then she shall
a <EXO1 -16> And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the
Hebrew women, and see [them] upon the stools; if it [be] {a} son,
then ye shall kill him: but if it [be] a daughter, then she shall
a <EXO1 -16> And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the
Hebrew women, and see [them] upon the stools; if it [be] a son, then
ye shall kill him: but if it [be] {a} daughter, then she shall live.
a <EXO2 -1> And there went a man of the house of Levi, and took [to
wife] {a} daughter of Levi.
a <EXO2 -1> And there went {a} man of the house of Levi, and took
[to wife] a daughter of Levi.
a <EXO2 -2> And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she
saw him that he [was {a}] goodly [child], she hid him three months.
a <EXO2 -2> And the woman conceived, and bare {a} son: and when she
saw him that he [was a] goodly [child], she hid him three months.
a <EXO2 -7> Then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I go
and call to thee {a} nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse
the child for thee?
a <EXO2 -14> And he said, Who made thee a prince and {a} judge over
us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And
Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known.
a <EXO2 -14> And he said, Who made thee {a} prince and a judge over
us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And
Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known.
a <EXO2 -15> Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay
Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the
land of Midian: and he sat down by {a} well.
a <EXO2 -22> And she bare [him] {a} son, and he called his name
Gershom: for he said, I have been a stranger in a strange land.
a <EXO2 -22> And she bare [him] a son, and he called his name
Gershom: for he said, I have been {a} stranger in a strange land.
a <EXO2 -22> And she bare [him] a son, and he called his name
Gershom: for he said, I have been a stranger in {a} strange land.
a <EXO3 -2> And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in {a} flame
of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the
bush burned with fire, and the bush [was] not consumed.
a <EXO3 -2> And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame
of fire out of the midst of {a} bush: and he looked, and, behold,
the bush burned with fire, and the bush [was] not consumed.
a <EXO3 -8> And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of
the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto {a} good
land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the
place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the
Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
a <EXO3 -8> And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of
the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good
land and a large, unto {a} land flowing with milk and honey; unto
the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and
the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
a <EXO3 -8> And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of
the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good
land and {a} large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto
the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and
the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
a <EXO3 -12> And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this
[shall be] {a} token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou
hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon
this mountain.
a <EXO3 -17> And I have said, I will bring you up out of the
affliction of Egypt unto the land of the Canaanites, and the
Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and
the Jebusites, unto {a} land flowing with milk and honey.
a <EXO3 -19> And I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you
go, no, not by {a} mighty hand.
A <EXO4 -2> And the LORD said unto him, What [is] that in thine
hand? And he said, {A} rod.
a <EXO4 -3> And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on
the ground, and it became {a} serpent; and Moses fled from before
a <EXO4 -4> And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and
take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and
it became {a} rod in his hand:
a <EXO4 -10> And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I [am] not
eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy
servant: but I [am] slow of speech, and of {a} slow tongue.
a <EXO4 -16> And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he
shall be, [even] he shall be to thee instead of {a} mouth, and thou
shalt be to him instead of God.
a <EXO4 -25> Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the
foreskin of her son, and cast [it] at his feet, and said, Surely {a}
bloody husband [art] thou to me.
a <EXO4 -25> Then Zipporah took {a} sharp stone, and cut off the
foreskin of her son, and cast [it] at his feet, and said, Surely a
bloody husband [art] thou to me.
A <EXO4 -26> So he let him go: then she said, {A} bloody husband
[thou art], because of the circumcision.
a <EXO5 -1> And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh,
Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may
hold {a} feast unto me in the wilderness.
a <EXO5 -21> And they said unto them, The LORD look upon you, and
judge; because ye have made our savour to be abhorred in the eyes of
Pharaoh, and in the eyes of his servants, to put {a} sword in their
hand to slay us.
a <EXO6 -1> Then the LORD said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I
will do to Pharaoh: for with {a} strong hand shall he let them go,
and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land.
a <EXO6 -1> Then the LORD said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I
will do to Pharaoh: for with a strong hand shall he let them go, and
with {a} strong hand shall he drive them out of his land.
a <EXO6 -6> Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I [am] the
LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the
Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will
redeem you with {a} stretched out arm, and with great judgments:
a <EXO6 -7> And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to
you {a} God: and ye shall know that I [am] the LORD your God, which
bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.
a <EXO6 -7> And I will take you to me for {a} people, and I will be
to you a God: and ye shall know that I [am] the LORD your God, which
bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.
a <EXO6 -13> And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, and gave
them {a} charge unto the children of Israel, and unto Pharaoh king
of Egypt, to bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.
a <EXO6 -15> And the sons of Simeon; Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad,
and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul the son of {a} Canaanitish woman:
these [are] the families of Simeon.
a <EXO7 -1> And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee {a}
god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.
a <EXO7 -9> When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Show a
miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and
cast [it] before Pharaoh, [and] it shall become {a} serpent.
a <EXO7 -9> When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Show {a}
miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and
cast [it] before Pharaoh, [and] it shall become a serpent.
a <EXO7 -10> And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did
so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before
Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became {a} serpent.
a <EXO7 -15> Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out
unto the water; and thou shalt stand by the river's brink against he
come; and the rod which was turned to {a} serpent shalt thou take in
thine hand.
a <EXO8 -23> And I will put {a} division between my people and thy
people: to morrow shall this sign be.
a <EXO8 -24> And the LORD did so; and there came {a} grievous swarm
[of flies] into the house of Pharaoh, and [into] his servants'
houses, and into all the land of Egypt: the land was corrupted by
reason of the swarm [of flies].
a <EXO9 -3> Behold, the hand of the LORD is upon thy cattle which
[is] in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels,
upon the oxen, and upon the sheep: [there shall be] {a} very
grievous murrain.
a <EXO9 -5> And the LORD appointed {a} set time, saying, To morrow
the LORD shall do this thing in the land.
a <EXO9 -9> And it shall become small dust in all the land of Egypt,
and shall be {a} boil breaking forth [with] blains upon man, and
upon beast, throughout all the land of Egypt.
a <EXO9 -10> And they took ashes of the furnace, and stood before
Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven; and it became {a}
boil breaking forth [with] blains upon man, and upon beast.
a <EXO9 -18> Behold, to morrow about this time I will cause it to
rain {a} very grievous hail, such as hath not been in Egypt since
the foundation thereof even until now.
a <EXO9 -24> So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very
grievous, such as there was none like it in all the land of Egypt
since it became {a} nation.
a <EXO10 -7> And Pharaoh's servants said unto him, How long shall
this man be {a} snare unto us? let the men go, that they may serve
the LORD their God: knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed?
a <EXO10 -9> And Moses said, We will go with our young and with our
old, with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with
our herds will we go; for we [must hold] {a} feast unto the LORD.
a <EXO10 -19> And the LORD turned {a} mighty strong west wind, which
took away the locusts, and cast them into the Red sea; there
remained not one locust in all the coasts of Egypt.
a <EXO10 -22> And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and
there was {a} thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days:
a <EXO11 -6> And there shall be {a} great cry throughout all the
land of Egypt, such as there was none like it, nor shall be like it
any more.
a <EXO11 -7> But against any of the children of Israel shall not {a}
dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that
the LORD doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.
a <EXO11 -7> But against any of the children of Israel shall not a
dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that
the LORD doth put {a} difference between the Egyptians and Israel.
a <EXO11 -8> And all these thy servants shall come down unto me, and
bow down themselves unto me, saying, Get thee out, and all the
people that follow thee: and after that I will go out. And he went
out from Pharaoh in {a} great anger.
a <EXO12 -3> Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying,
In the tenth [day] of this month they shall take to them every man
{a} lamb, according to the house of [their] fathers, a lamb for an
a <EXO12 -3> Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying,
In the tenth [day] of this month they shall take to them every man a
lamb, according to the house of [their] fathers, {a} lamb for an
a <EXO12 -5> Your lamb shall be without blemish, {a} male of the
first year: ye shall take [it] out from the sheep, or from the
a <EXO12 -13> And the blood shall be to you for {a} token upon the
houses where ye [are]: and when I see the blood, I will pass over
you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy [you], when I
smite the land of Egypt.
a <EXO12 -14> And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye
shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye
shall keep it {a} feast by an ordinance for ever.
a <EXO12 -14> And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye
shall keep it {a} feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye
shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.
a <EXO12 -14> And this day shall be unto you for {a} memorial; and
ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye
shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.
a <EXO12 -19> Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your
houses: for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul
shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be {a}
stranger, or born in the land.
a <EXO12 -21> Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and
said unto them, Draw out and take you {a} lamb according to your
families, and kill the passover.
a <EXO12 -22> And ye shall take {a} bunch of hyssop, and dip [it] in
the blood that [is] in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two
side posts with the blood that [is] in the basin; and none of you
shall go out at the door of his house until the morning.
a <EXO12 -30> And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his
servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was {a} great cry in
Egypt; for [there was] not a house where [there was] not one dead.
a <EXO12 -30> And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his
servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt;
for [there was] not {a} house where [there was] not one dead.
a <EXO12 -38> And {a} mixed multitude went up also with them; and
flocks, and herds, [even] very much cattle.
a <EXO12 -42> It [is] {a} night to be much observed unto the LORD
for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this [is] that night
of the LORD to be observed of all the children of Israel in their
A <EXO12 -45> {A} foreigner and an hired servant shall not eat
a <EXO12 -46> In one house shall it be eaten; thou shalt not carry
forth ought of the flesh abroad out of the house; neither shall ye
break {a} bone thereof.
a <EXO12 -48> And when {a} stranger shall sojourn with thee, and
will keep the passover to the LORD, let all his males be
circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be
as one that is born in the land: for no uncircumcised person shall
eat thereof.
a <EXO13 -5> And it shall be when the LORD shall bring thee into the
land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the
Hivites, and the Jebusites, which he sware unto thy fathers to give
thee, {a} land flowing with milk and honey, that thou shalt keep
this service in this month.
a <EXO13 -6> Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, and in the
seventh day [shall be] {a} feast to the LORD.
a <EXO13 -9> And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand,
and for {a} memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD's law may be
in thy mouth: for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out
of Egypt.
a <EXO13 -9> And it shall be for {a} sign unto thee upon thine hand,
and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD's law may be in
thy mouth: for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of
a <EXO13 -9> And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand,
and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD's law may be in
thy mouth: for with {a} strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out
of Egypt.
a <EXO13 -12> That thou shalt set apart unto the LORD all that
openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of {a} beast
which thou hast; the males [shall be] the LORD'S.
a <EXO13 -13> And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with
{a} lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his
neck: and all the firstborn of man among thy children shalt thou
a <EXO13 -16> And it shall be for {a} token upon thine hand, and for
frontlets between thine eyes: for by strength of hand the LORD
brought us forth out of Egypt.
a <EXO13 -21> And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a
cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in {a} pillar of fire, to
give them light; to go by day and night:
a <EXO13 -21> And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of
{a} cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire,
to give them light; to go by day and night:
a <EXO13 -21> And the LORD went before them by day in {a} pillar of
a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to
give them light; to go by day and night:
a <EXO14 -20> And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the
camp of Israel; and it was {a} cloud and darkness [to them], but it
gave light by night [to these]: so that the one came not near the
other all the night.
a <EXO14 -21> And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the
LORD caused the sea to go [back] by {a} strong east wind all that
night, and made the sea dry [land], and the waters were divided.
a <EXO14 -22> And the children of Israel went into the midst of the
sea upon the dry [ground]: and the waters [were] {a} wall unto them
on their right hand, and on their left.
a <EXO14 -29> But the children of Israel walked upon dry [land] in
the midst of the sea; and the waters [were] {a} wall unto them on
their right hand, and on their left.
a <EXO15 -3> The LORD [is] {a} man of war: the LORD [is] his name.
a <EXO15 -5> The depths have covered them: they sank into the bottom
as {a} stone.
a <EXO15 -16> Fear and dread shall fall upon them; by the greatness
of thine arm they shall be [as] still as {a} stone; till thy people
pass over, O LORD, till the people pass over, [which] thou hast
a <EXO15 -20> And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took
{a} timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with
timbrels and with dances.
a <EXO15 -25> And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD showed him a
tree, [which] when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made
sweet: there he made for them {a} statute and an ordinance, and
there he proved them,
a <EXO15 -25> And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD showed him
{a} tree, [which] when he had cast into the waters, the waters were
made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and
there he proved them,
a <EXO16 -4> Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain
bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather
{a} certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will
walk in my law, or no.
a <EXO16 -14> And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon
the face of the wilderness [there lay] {a} small round thing, [as]
small as the hoar frost on the ground.
a <EXO16 -25> And Moses said, Eat that to day; for to day [is] {a}
sabbath unto the LORD: to day ye shall not find it in the field.
a <EXO16 -33> And Moses said unto Aaron, Take {a} pot, and put an
omer full of manna therein, and lay it up before the LORD, to be
kept for your generations.
a <EXO16 -35> And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years,
until they came to {a} land inhabited; they did eat manna, until
they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.
a <EXO17 -12> But Moses' hands [were] heavy; and they took {a}
stone, and put [it] under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur
stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the
other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the
a <EXO17 -14> And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this [for] a
memorial in {a} book, and rehearse [it] in the ears of Joshua: for I
will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.
a <EXO17 -14> And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this [for] {a}
memorial in a book, and rehearse [it] in the ears of Joshua: for I
will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.
a <EXO18 -3> And her two sons; of which the name of the one [was]
Gershom; for he said, I have been an alien in {a} strange land:
a <EXO18 -12> And Jethro, Moses' father in law, took {a} burnt
offering and sacrifices for God: and Aaron came, and all the elders
of Israel, to eat bread with Moses' father in law before God.
a <EXO18 -16> When they have {a} matter, they come unto me; and I
judge between one and another, and I do make [them] know the
statutes of God, and his laws.
a <EXO19 -5> Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and
keep my covenant, then ye shall be {a} peculiar treasure unto me
above all people: for all the earth [is] mine:
a <EXO19 -6> And ye shall be unto me {a} kingdom of priests, and an
holy nation. These [are] the words which thou shalt speak unto the
children of Israel.
a <EXO19 -9> And the LORD said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in
{a} thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee,
and believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people
unto the LORD.
a <EXO19 -16> And it came to pass on the third day in the morning,
that there were thunders and lightnings, and {a} thick cloud upon
the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all
the people that [was] in the camp trembled.
a <EXO19 -18> And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the
LORD descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as
the smoke of {a} furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.
a <EXO19 -18> And mount Sinai was altogether on {a} smoke, because
the LORD descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended
as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.
a <EXO19 -19> And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and
waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by {a}
a <EXO20 -5> Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve
them: for I the LORD thy God [am] {a} jealous God, visiting the
iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth
[generation] of them that hate me;
a <EXO21 -4> If his master have given him {a} wife, and she have
born him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her
master's, and he shall go out by himself.
a <EXO21 -7> And if a man sell his daughter to be {a} maidservant,
she shall not go out as the menservants do.
a <EXO21 -7> And if {a} man sell his daughter to be a maidservant,
she shall not go out as the menservants do.
a <EXO21 -8> If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to
himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto {a}
strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt
deceitfully with her.
a <EXO21 -12> He that smiteth {a} man, so that he die, shall be
surely put to death.
a <EXO21 -13> And if a man lie not in wait, but God deliver [him]
into his hand; then I will appoint thee {a} place whither he shall
a <EXO21 -13> And if {a} man lie not in wait, but God deliver [him]
into his hand; then I will appoint thee a place whither he shall
a <EXO21 -14> But if {a} man come presumptuously upon his neighbour,
to slay him with guile; thou shalt take him from mine altar, that he
may die.
a <EXO21 -16> And he that stealeth {a} man, and selleth him, or if
he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.
a <EXO21 -18> And if men strive together, and one smite another with
{a} stone, or with [his] fist, and he die not, but keepeth [his]
a <EXO21 -20> And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with {a}
rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.
a <EXO21 -20> And if {a} man smite his servant, or his maid, with a
rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.
a <EXO21 -21> Notwithstanding, if he continue {a} day or two, he
shall not be punished: for he [is] his money.
a <EXO21 -22> If men strive, and hurt {a} woman with child, so that
her fruit depart [from her], and yet no mischief follow: he shall be
surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him;
and he shall pay as the judges [determine].
a <EXO21 -26> And if {a} man smite the eye of his servant, or the
eye of his maid, that it perish; he shall let him go free for his
eye's sake.
a <EXO21 -28> If an ox gore {a} man or a woman, that they die: then
the ox shall be surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten; but
the owner of the ox [shall be] quit.
a <EXO21 -28> If an ox gore a man or {a} woman, that they die: then
the ox shall be surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten; but
the owner of the ox [shall be] quit.
a <EXO21 -29> But if the ox were wont to push with his horn in time
past, and it hath been testified to his owner, and he hath not kept
him in, but that he hath killed a man or {a} woman; the ox shall be
stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death.
a <EXO21 -29> But if the ox were wont to push with his horn in time
past, and it hath been testified to his owner, and he hath not kept
him in, but that he hath killed {a} man or a woman; the ox shall be
stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death.
a <EXO21 -30> If there be laid on him {a} sum of money, then he
shall give for the ransom of his life whatsoever is laid upon him.
a <EXO21 -31> Whether he have gored a son, or have gored {a}
daughter, according to this judgment shall it be done unto him.
a <EXO21 -31> Whether he have gored {a} son, or have gored a
daughter, according to this judgment shall it be done unto him.
a <EXO21 -32> If the ox shall push a manservant or {a} maidservant;
he shall give unto their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox
shall be stoned.
a <EXO21 -32> If the ox shall push {a} manservant or a maidservant;
he shall give unto their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox
shall be stoned.
a <EXO21 -33> And if a man shall open {a} pit, or if a man shall dig
a pit, and not cover it, and an ox or an ass fall therein;
a <EXO21 -33> And if a man shall open a pit, or if {a} man shall dig
a pit, and not cover it, and an ox or an ass fall therein;
a <EXO21 -33> And if a man shall open a pit, or if a man shall dig
{a} pit, and not cover it, and an ox or an ass fall therein;
a <EXO21 -33> And if {a} man shall open a pit, or if a man shall dig
a pit, and not cover it, and an ox or an ass fall therein;
a <EXO22 -1> If a man shall steal an ox, or {a} sheep, and kill it,
or sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for
a sheep.
a <EXO22 -1> If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or
sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for
{a} sheep.
a <EXO22 -1> If {a} man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it,
or sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for
a sheep.
a <EXO22 -2> If {a} thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that
he die, [there shall] no blood [be shed] for him.
a <EXO22 -5> If a man shall cause {a} field or vineyard to be eaten,
and shall put in his beast, and shall feed in another man's field;
of the best of his own field, and of the best of his own vineyard,
shall he make restitution.
a <EXO22 -5> If {a} man shall cause a field or vineyard to be eaten,
and shall put in his beast, and shall feed in another man's field;
of the best of his own field, and of the best of his own vineyard,
shall he make restitution.
a <EXO22 -7> If {a} man shall deliver unto his neighbour money or
stuff to keep, and it be stolen out of the man's house; if the thief
be found, let him pay double.
a <EXO22 -10> If a man deliver unto his neighbour an ass, or an ox,
or {a} sheep, or any beast, to keep; and it die, or be hurt, or
driven away, no man seeing [it]:
a <EXO22 -10> If {a} man deliver unto his neighbour an ass, or an
ox, or a sheep, or any beast, to keep; and it die, or be hurt, or
driven away, no man seeing [it]:
a <EXO22 -14> And if {a} man borrow [ought] of his neighbour, and it
be hurt, or die, the owner thereof [being] not with it, he shall
surely make [it] good.
a <EXO22 -16> And if a man entice {a} maid that is not betrothed,
and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife.
a <EXO22 -16> And if {a} man entice a maid that is not betrothed,
and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife.
a <EXO22 -18> Thou shalt not suffer {a} witch to live.
a <EXO22 -19> Whosoever lieth with {a} beast shall surely be put to
a <EXO22 -21> Thou shalt neither vex {a} stranger, nor oppress him:
for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
a <EXO23 -1> Thou shalt not raise {a} false report: put not thine
hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.
a <EXO23 -2> Thou shalt not follow {a} multitude to [do] evil;
neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest
a <EXO23 -2> Thou shalt not follow a multitude to [do] evil; neither
shalt thou speak in {a} cause to decline after many to wrest
a <EXO23 -3> Neither shalt thou countenance {a} poor man in his
a <EXO23 -7> Keep thee far from {a} false matter; and the innocent
and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.
a <EXO23 -9> Also thou shalt not oppress {a} stranger: for ye know
the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of
a <EXO23 -9> Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the
heart of {a} stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of
a <EXO23 -14> Three times thou shalt keep {a} feast unto me in the
a <EXO23 -19> The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt
bring into the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe {a}
kid in his mother's milk.
a <EXO23 -33> They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee
sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be {a}
snare unto thee.
a <EXO24 -10> And they saw the God of Israel: and [there was] under
his feet as it were a paved work of {a} sapphire stone, and as it
were the body of heaven in [his] clearness.
a <EXO24 -10> And they saw the God of Israel: and [there was] under
his feet as it were {a} paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it
were the body of heaven in [his] clearness.
a <EXO24 -12> And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the
mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and {a}
law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach
a <EXO24 -15> And Moses went up into the mount, and {a} cloud
covered the mount.
a <EXO25 -8> And let them make me {a} sanctuary; that I may dwell
among them.
a <EXO25 -10> And they shall make an ark [of] shittim wood: two
cubits and a half [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit and a
half the breadth thereof, and {a} cubit and a half the height
a <EXO25 -10> And they shall make an ark [of] shittim wood: two
cubits and a half [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit and {a}
half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
a <EXO25 -10> And they shall make an ark [of] shittim wood: two
cubits and {a} half [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit and a
half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
a <EXO25 -10> And they shall make an ark [of] shittim wood: two
cubits and a half [shall be] the length thereof, and {a} cubit and a
half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
a <EXO25 -10> And they shall make an ark [of] shittim wood: two
cubits and a half [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit and a
half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and {a} half the height
a <EXO25 -11> And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and
without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it {a} crown of
gold round about.
a <EXO25 -17> And thou shalt make a mercy seat [of] pure gold: two
cubits and {a} half [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit and a
half the breadth thereof.
a <EXO25 -17> And thou shalt make {a} mercy seat [of] pure gold: two
cubits and a half [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit and a
half the breadth thereof.
a <EXO25 -17> And thou shalt make a mercy seat [of] pure gold: two
cubits and a half [shall be] the length thereof, and {a} cubit and a
half the breadth thereof.
a <EXO25 -17> And thou shalt make a mercy seat [of] pure gold: two
cubits and a half [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit and {a}
half the breadth thereof.
a <EXO25 -23> Thou shalt also make a table [of] shittim wood: two
cubits [shall be] the length thereof, and {a} cubit the breadth
thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
a <EXO25 -23> Thou shalt also make {a} table [of] shittim wood: two
cubits [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth
thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
a <EXO25 -23> Thou shalt also make a table [of] shittim wood: two
cubits [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth
thereof, and {a} cubit and a half the height thereof.
a <EXO25 -23> Thou shalt also make a table [of] shittim wood: two
cubits [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth
thereof, and a cubit and {a} half the height thereof.
a <EXO25 -24> And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, and make
thereto {a} crown of gold round about.
a <EXO25 -25> And thou shalt make unto it a border of an hand
breadth round about, and thou shalt make {a} golden crown to the
border thereof round about.
a <EXO25 -25> And thou shalt make unto it {a} border of an hand
breadth round about, and thou shalt make a golden crown to the
border thereof round about.
a <EXO25 -31> And thou shalt make {a} candlestick [of] pure gold:
[of] beaten work shall the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his
branches, his bowls, his knops, and his flowers, shall be of the
a <EXO25 -33> Three bowls made like unto almonds, [with] a knop and
{a} flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the
other branch, [with] a knop and a flower: so in the six branches
that come out of the candlestick.
a <EXO25 -33> Three bowls made like unto almonds, [with] {a} knop
and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the
other branch, [with] a knop and a flower: so in the six branches
that come out of the candlestick.
a <EXO25 -33> Three bowls made like unto almonds, [with] a knop and
a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the
other branch, [with] {a} knop and a flower: so in the six branches
that come out of the candlestick.
a <EXO25 -33> Three bowls made like unto almonds, [with] a knop and
a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the
other branch, [with] a knop and {a} flower: so in the six branches
that come out of the candlestick.
a <EXO25 -35> And [there shall be] {a} knop under two branches of
the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop
under two branches of the same, according to the six branches that
proceed out of the candlestick.
a <EXO25 -35> And [there shall be] a knop under two branches of the
same, and a knop under two branches of the same, and {a} knop under
two branches of the same, according to the six branches that proceed
out of the candlestick.
a <EXO25 -35> And [there shall be] a knop under two branches of the
same, and {a} knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under
two branches of the same, according to the six branches that proceed
out of the candlestick.
a <EXO25 -39> Of] {a} talent of pure gold shall he make it, with all
these vessels.
a <EXO26 -7> And thou shalt make curtains [of] goats' [hair] to be
{a} covering upon the tabernacle: eleven curtains shalt thou make.
a <EXO26 -13> And a cubit on the one side, and {a} cubit on the
other side of that which remaineth in the length of the curtains of
the tent, it shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this
side and on that side, to cover it.
a <EXO26 -13> And {a} cubit on the one side, and a cubit on the
other side of that which remaineth in the length of the curtains of
the tent, it shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this
side and on that side, to cover it.
a <EXO26 -14> And thou shalt make a covering for the tent [of] rams'
skins dyed red, and {a} covering above [of] badgers' skins.
a <EXO26 -14> And thou shalt make {a} covering for the tent [of]
rams' skins dyed red, and a covering above [of] badgers' skins.
a <EXO26 -16> Ten cubits [shall be] the length of {a} board, and a
cubit and a half [shall be] the breadth of one board.
a <EXO26 -16> Ten cubits [shall be] the length of a board, and {a}
cubit and a half [shall be] the breadth of one board.
a <EXO26 -16> Ten cubits [shall be] the length of a board, and a
cubit and {a} half [shall be] the breadth of one board.
a <EXO26 -31> And thou shalt make {a} veil [of] blue, and purple,
and scarlet, and fine twined linen of cunning work: with cherubims
shall it be made:
a <EXO27 -4> And thou shalt make for it {a} grate of network [of]
brass; and upon the net shalt thou make four brazen rings in the
four corners thereof.
a <EXO27 -21> In the tabernacle of the congregation without the
veil, which [is] before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall
order it from evening to morning before the LORD: [it shall be] {a}
statute for ever unto their generations on the behalf of the
children of Israel.
a <EXO28 -4> And these [are] the garments which they shall make; a
breastplate, and an ephod, and {a} robe, and a broidered coat, a
mitre, and a girdle: and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy
brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the priest's
a <EXO28 -4> And these [are] the garments which they shall make; a
breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, a
mitre, and {a} girdle: and they shall make holy garments for Aaron
thy brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the
priest's office.
a <EXO28 -4> And these [are] the garments which they shall make; a
breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and {a} broidered coat, a
mitre, and a girdle: and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy
brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the priest's
a <EXO28 -4> And these [are] the garments which they shall make; a
breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, {a}
mitre, and a girdle: and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy
brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the priest's
a <EXO28 -4> And these [are] the garments which they shall make; {a}
breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, a
mitre, and a girdle: and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy
brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the priest's
a <EXO28 -11> With the work of an engraver in stone, [like] the
engravings of {a} signet, shalt thou engrave the two stones with the
names of the children of Israel: thou shalt make them to be set in
ouches of gold.
a <EXO28 -12> And thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulders
of the ephod [for] stones of memorial unto the children of Israel:
and Aaron shall bear their names before the LORD upon his two
shoulders for {a} memorial.
a <EXO28 -16> Foursquare it shall be [being] doubled; {a} span
[shall be] the length thereof, and a span [shall be] the breadth
a <EXO28 -16> Foursquare it shall be [being] doubled; a span [shall
be] the length thereof, and {a} span [shall be] the breadth thereof.
a <EXO28 -17> And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, [even]
four rows of stones: [the first] row [shall be] a sardius, {a}
topaz, and a carbuncle: [this shall be] the first row.
a <EXO28 -17> And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, [even]
four rows of stones: [the first] row [shall be] {a} sardius, a
topaz, and a carbuncle: [this shall be] the first row.
a <EXO28 -17> And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, [even]
four rows of stones: [the first] row [shall be] a sardius, a topaz,
and {a} carbuncle: [this shall be] the first row.
a <EXO28 -18> And the second row [shall be] an emerald, a sapphire,
and {a} diamond.
a <EXO28 -18> And the second row [shall be] an emerald, {a}
sapphire, and a diamond.
a <EXO28 -19> And the third row {a} ligure, an agate, and an
a <EXO28 -20> And the fourth row {a} beryl, and an onyx, and a
jasper: they shall be set in gold in their enclosings.
a <EXO28 -20> And the fourth row a beryl, and an onyx, and {a}
jasper: they shall be set in gold in their enclosings.
a <EXO28 -21> And the stones shall be with the names of the children
of Israel, twelve, according to their names, [like] the engravings
of {a} signet; every one with his name shall they be according to
the twelve tribes.
a <EXO28 -28> And they shall bind the breastplate by the rings
thereof unto the rings of the ephod with {a} lace of blue, that [it]
may be above the curious girdle of the ephod, and that the
breastplate be not loosed from the ephod.
a <EXO28 -29> And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of
Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth
in unto the holy [place], for {a} memorial before the LORD
a <EXO28 -32> And there shall be an hole in the top of it, in the
midst thereof: it shall have {a} binding of woven work round about
the hole of it, as it were the hole of an habergeon, that it be not
a <EXO28 -34> A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and {a}
pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about.
a <EXO28 -34> A golden bell and {a} pomegranate, a golden bell and a
pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about.
a <EXO28 -34> A golden bell and a pomegranate, {a} golden bell and a
pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about.
A <EXO28 -34> {A} golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a
pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about.
a <EXO28 -36> And thou shalt make {a} plate [of] pure gold, and
grave upon it, [like] the engravings of a signet, HOLINESS TO THE
a <EXO28 -36> And thou shalt make a plate [of] pure gold, and grave
upon it, [like] the engravings of {a} signet, HOLINESS TO THE LORD.
a <EXO28 -37> And thou shalt put it on {a} blue lace, that it may be
upon the mitre; upon the forefront of the mitre it shall be.
a <EXO28 -43> And they shall be upon Aaron, and upon his sons, when
they come in unto the tabernacle of the congregation, or when they
come near unto the altar to minister in the holy [place]; that they
bear not iniquity, and die: [it shall be] {a} statute for ever unto
him and his seed after him.
a <EXO29 -9> And thou shalt gird them with girdles, Aaron and his
sons, and put the bonnets on them: and the priest's office shall be
theirs for {a} perpetual statute: and thou shalt consecrate Aaron
and his sons.
a <EXO29 -10> And thou shalt cause {a} bullock to be brought before
the tabernacle of the congregation: and Aaron and his sons shall put
their hands upon the head of the bullock.
a <EXO29 -14> But the flesh of the bullock, and his skin, and his
dung, shalt thou burn with fire without the camp: it [is] {a} sin
a <EXO29 -18> And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the altar: it
[is] a burnt offering unto the LORD: it [is] {a} sweet savour, an
offering made by fire unto the LORD.
a <EXO29 -18> And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the altar: it
[is] {a} burnt offering unto the LORD: it [is] a sweet savour, an
offering made by fire unto the LORD.
a <EXO29 -22> Also thou shalt take of the ram the fat and the rump,
and the fat that covereth the inwards, and the caul [above] the
liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that [is] upon them, and the
right shoulder; for it [is] {a} ram of consecration:
a <EXO29 -24> And thou shalt put all in the hands of Aaron, and in
the hands of his sons; and shalt wave them [for] {a} wave offering
before the LORD.
a <EXO29 -25> And thou shalt receive them of their hands, and burn
[them] upon the altar for a burnt offering, for {a} sweet savour
before the LORD: it [is] an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
a <EXO29 -25> And thou shalt receive them of their hands, and burn
[them] upon the altar for {a} burnt offering, for a sweet savour
before the LORD: it [is] an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
a <EXO29 -26> And thou shalt take the breast of the ram of Aaron's
consecration, and wave it [for] {a} wave offering before the LORD:
and it shall be thy part.
a <EXO29 -28> And it shall be Aaron's and his sons' by {a} statute
for ever from the children of Israel: for it [is] an heave offering:
and it shall be an heave offering from the children of Israel of the
sacrifice of their peace offerings, [even] their heave offering unto
the LORD.
a <EXO29 -33> And they shall eat those things wherewith the
atonement was made, to consecrate [and] to sanctify them: but {a}
stranger shall not eat [thereof], because they [are] holy.
a <EXO29 -36> And thou shalt offer every day {a} bullock [for] a sin
offering for atonement: and thou shalt cleanse the altar, when thou
hast made an atonement for it, and thou shalt anoint it, to sanctify
a <EXO29 -36> And thou shalt offer every day a bullock [for] {a} sin
offering for atonement: and thou shalt cleanse the altar, when thou
hast made an atonement for it, and thou shalt anoint it, to sanctify
a <EXO29 -40> And with the one lamb {a} tenth deal of flour mingled
with the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil; and the fourth part of
an hin of wine [for] a drink offering.
a <EXO29 -40> And with the one lamb a tenth deal of flour mingled
with the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil; and the fourth part of
an hin of wine [for] {a} drink offering.
a <EXO29 -41> And the other lamb thou shalt offer at even, and shalt
do thereto according to the meat offering of the morning, and
according to the drink offering thereof, for {a} sweet savour, an
offering made by fire unto the LORD.
a <EXO29 -42> This shall be] {a} continual burnt offering throughout
your generations [at] the door of the tabernacle of the congregation
before the LORD: where I will meet you, to speak there unto thee.
a <EXO30 -2> A cubit [shall be] the length thereof, and {a} cubit
the breadth thereof; foursquare shall it be: and two cubits [shall
be] the height thereof: the horns thereof [shall be] of the same.
A <EXO30 -2> {A} cubit [shall be] the length thereof, and a cubit
the breadth thereof; foursquare shall it be: and two cubits [shall
be] the height thereof: the horns thereof [shall be] of the same.
a <EXO30 -3> And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, the top
thereof, and the sides thereof round about, and the horns thereof;
and thou shalt make unto it {a} crown of gold round about.
a <EXO30 -8> And when Aaron lighteth the lamps at even, he shall
burn incense upon it, {a} perpetual incense before the LORD
throughout your generations.
a <EXO30 -10> And Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of it
once in {a} year with the blood of the sin offering of atonements:
once in the year shall he make atonement upon it throughout your
generations: it [is] most holy unto the LORD.
a <EXO30 -12> When thou takest the sum of the children of Israel
after their number, then shall they give every man {a} ransom for
his soul unto the LORD, when thou numberest them; that there be no
plague among them, when [thou] numberest them.
a <EXO30 -13> This they shall give, every one that passeth among
them that are numbered, half {a} shekel after the shekel of the
sanctuary: (a shekel [is] twenty gerahs:) an half shekel [shall be]
the offering of the LORD.
a <EXO30 -13> This they shall give, every one that passeth among
them that are numbered, half a shekel after the shekel of the
sanctuary: ({a} shekel [is] twenty gerahs:) an half shekel [shall
be] the offering of the LORD.
a <EXO30 -15> The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not
give less than half {a} shekel, when [they] give an offering unto
the LORD, to make an atonement for your souls.
a <EXO30 -16> And thou shalt take the atonement money of the
children of Israel, and shalt appoint it for the service of the
tabernacle of the congregation; that it may be {a} memorial unto the
children of Israel before the LORD, to make an atonement for your
a <EXO30 -18> Thou shalt also make {a} laver [of] brass, and his
foot [also of] brass, to wash [withal]: and thou shalt put it
between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar, and thou
shalt put water therein.
a <EXO30 -21> So they shall wash their hands and their feet, that
they die not: and it shall be {a} statute for ever to them, [even]
to him and to his seed throughout their generations.
a <EXO30 -33> Whosoever compoundeth [any] like it, or whosoever
putteth [any] of it upon {a} stranger, shall even be cut off from
his people.
a <EXO30 -34> And the LORD said unto Moses, Take unto thee sweet
spices, stacte, and onycha, and galbanum; [these] sweet spices with
pure frankincense: of each shall there be {a} like [weight]:
a <EXO30 -35> And thou shalt make it {a} perfume, a confection after
the art of the apothecary, tempered together, pure [and] holy:
a <EXO30 -35> And thou shalt make it a perfume, {a} confection after
the art of the apothecary, tempered together, pure [and] holy:
a <EXO31 -13> Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying,
Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it [is] {a} sign between me
and you throughout your generations; that [ye] may know that I [am]
the LORD that doth sanctify you.
a <EXO31 -16> Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the
sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, [for]
{a} perpetual covenant.
a <EXO31 -17> It [is] {a} sign between me and the children of Israel
for ever: for [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on
the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.
a <EXO32 -4> And he received [them] at their hand, and fashioned it
with {a} graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they
said, These [be] thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of
the land of Egypt.
a <EXO32 -4> And he received [them] at their hand, and fashioned it
with a graving tool, after he had made it {a} molten calf: and they
said, These [be] thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of
the land of Egypt.
a <EXO32 -5> And when Aaron saw [it], he built an altar before it;
and Aaron made proclamation, and said, To morrow [is] {a} feast to
the LORD.
a <EXO32 -8> They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I
commanded them: they have made them {a} molten calf, and have
worshipped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These [be]
thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of
a <EXO32 -9> And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people,
and, behold, it [is] {a} stiffnecked people:
a <EXO32 -10> Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot
against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee
{a} great nation.
a <EXO32 -11> And Moses besought the LORD his God, and said, LORD,
why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people, which thou hast
brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power, and with
{a} mighty hand?
a <EXO32 -17> And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they
shouted, he said unto Moses, [There is] {a} noise of war in the
a <EXO32 -21> And Moses said unto Aaron, What did this people unto
thee, that thou hast brought so great {a} sin upon them?
a <EXO32 -29> For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves to day to
the LORD, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother; that he
may bestow upon you {a} blessing this day.
a <EXO32 -30> And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said
unto the people, Ye have sinned {a} great sin: and now I will go up
unto the LORD; peradventure I shall make an atonement for your sin.
a <EXO32 -31> And Moses returned unto the LORD, and said, Oh, this
people have sinned {a} great sin, and have made them gods of gold.
a <EXO33 -3> Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not
go up in the midst of thee; for thou [art] {a} stiffnecked people:
lest I consume thee in the way.
a <EXO33 -3> Unto {a} land flowing with milk and honey: for I will
not go up in the midst of thee; for thou [art] a stiffnecked people:
lest I consume thee in the way.
a <EXO33 -5> For the LORD had said unto Moses, Say unto the children
of Israel, Ye [are] {a} stiffnecked people: I will come up into the
midst of thee in a moment, and consume thee: therefore now put off
thy ornaments from thee, that I may know what to do unto thee.
a <EXO33 -5> For the LORD had said unto Moses, Say unto the children
of Israel, Ye [are] a stiffnecked people: I will come up into the
midst of thee in {a} moment, and consume thee: therefore now put off
thy ornaments from thee, that I may know what to do unto thee.
a <EXO33 -11> And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as {a} man
speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his
servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the
a <EXO33 -11> And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man
speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his
servant Joshua, the son of Nun, {a} young man, departed not out of
the tabernacle.
a <EXO33 -21> And the LORD said, Behold, [there is] {a} place by me,
and thou shalt stand upon a rock:
a <EXO33 -21> And the LORD said, Behold, [there is] a place by me,
and thou shalt stand upon {a} rock:
a <EXO33 -22> And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by,
that I will put thee in {a} clift of the rock, and will cover thee
with my hand while I pass by:
a <EXO34 -9> And he said, If now I have found grace in thy sight, O
Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us; for it [is] {a}
stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us
for thine inheritance.
a <EXO34 -10> And he said, Behold, I make a covenant: before all thy
people I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the
earth, nor in any nation: and all the people among which thou [art]
shall see the work of the LORD: for it [is] {a} terrible thing that
I will do with thee.
a <EXO34 -10> And he said, Behold, I make {a} covenant: before all
thy people I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the
earth, nor in any nation: and all the people among which thou [art]
shall see the work of the LORD: for it [is] a terrible thing that I
will do with thee.
a <EXO34 -12> Take heed to thyself, lest thou make {a} covenant with
the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a
snare in the midst of thee:
a <EXO34 -12> Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with
the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for {a}
snare in the midst of thee:
a <EXO34 -14> For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD,
whose name [is] Jealous, [is] {a} jealous God:
a <EXO34 -15> Lest thou make {a} covenant with the inhabitants of
the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice
unto their gods, and [one] call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice;
a <EXO34 -15> Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the
land, and they go {a} whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice
unto their gods, and [one] call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice;
a <EXO34 -16> And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and
their daughters go {a} whoring after their gods, and make thy sons
go a whoring after their gods.
a <EXO34 -16> And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and
their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go
{a} whoring after their gods.
a <EXO34 -20> But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with {a}
lamb: and if thou redeem [him] not, then shalt thou break his neck.
All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem. And none shall
appear before me empty.
a <EXO34 -26> The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt
bring unto the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe {a}
kid in his mother's milk.
a <EXO34 -27> And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words:
for after the tenor of these words I have made {a} covenant with
thee and with Israel.
a <EXO34 -33> And [till] Moses had done speaking with them, he put
{a} veil on his face.
a <EXO35 -2> Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day
there shall be to you an holy day, {a} sabbath of rest to the LORD:
whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.
a <EXO35 -5> Take ye from among you an offering unto the LORD:
whosoever [is] of {a} willing heart, let him bring it, an offering
of the LORD; gold, and silver, and brass,
a <EXO35 -29> The children of Israel brought {a} willing offering
unto the LORD, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to
bring for all manner of work, which the LORD had commanded to be
made by the hand of Moses.
a <EXO36 -19> And he made a covering for the tent [of] rams' skins
dyed red, and {a} covering [of] badgers' skins above [that].
a <EXO36 -19> And he made {a} covering for the tent [of] rams' skins
dyed red, and a covering [of] badgers' skins above [that].
a <EXO36 -21> The length of a board [was] ten cubits, and the
breadth of a board one cubit and {a} half.
a <EXO36 -21> The length of a board [was] ten cubits, and the
breadth of {a} board one cubit and a half.
a <EXO36 -21> The length of {a} board [was] ten cubits, and the
breadth of a board one cubit and a half.
a <EXO36 -35> And he made {a} veil [of] blue, and purple, and
scarlet, and fine twined linen: [with] cherubims made he it of
cunning work.
a <EXO37 -1> And Bezaleel made the ark [of] shittim wood: two cubits
and a half [was] the length of it, and a cubit and a half the
breadth of it, and {a} cubit and a half the height of it:
a <EXO37 -1> And Bezaleel made the ark [of] shittim wood: two cubits
and a half [was] the length of it, and a cubit and a half the
breadth of it, and a cubit and {a} half the height of it:
a <EXO37 -1> And Bezaleel made the ark [of] shittim wood: two cubits
and a half [was] the length of it, and {a} cubit and a half the
breadth of it, and a cubit and a half the height of it:
a <EXO37 -1> And Bezaleel made the ark [of] shittim wood: two cubits
and {a} half [was] the length of it, and a cubit and a half the
breadth of it, and a cubit and a half the height of it:
a <EXO37 -1> And Bezaleel made the ark [of] shittim wood: two cubits
and a half [was] the length of it, and a cubit and {a} half the
breadth of it, and a cubit and a half the height of it:
a <EXO37 -2> And he overlaid it with pure gold within and without,
and made {a} crown of gold to it round about.
a <EXO37 -6> And he made the mercy seat [of] pure gold: two cubits
and a half [was] the length thereof, and one cubit and {a} half the
breadth thereof.
a <EXO37 -6> And he made the mercy seat [of] pure gold: two cubits
and {a} half [was] the length thereof, and one cubit and a half the
breadth thereof.
a <EXO37 -10> And he made the table [of] shittim wood: two cubits
[was] the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and {a}
cubit and a half the height thereof:
a <EXO37 -10> And he made the table [of] shittim wood: two cubits
[was] the length thereof, and {a} cubit the breadth thereof, and a
cubit and a half the height thereof:
a <EXO37 -10> And he made the table [of] shittim wood: two cubits
[was] the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a
cubit and {a} half the height thereof:
a <EXO37 -11> And he overlaid it with pure gold, and made thereunto
{a} crown of gold round about.
a <EXO37 -12> Also he made thereunto {a} border of an handbreadth
round about; and made a crown of gold for the border thereof round
a <EXO37 -12> Also he made thereunto a border of an handbreadth
round about; and made {a} crown of gold for the border thereof round
a <EXO37 -19> Three bowls made after the fashion of almonds in one
branch, a knop and a flower; and three bowls made like almonds in
another branch, a knop and {a} flower: so throughout the six
branches going out of the candlestick.
a <EXO37 -19> Three bowls made after the fashion of almonds in one
branch, a knop and a flower; and three bowls made like almonds in
another branch, {a} knop and a flower: so throughout the six
branches going out of the candlestick.
a <EXO37 -19> Three bowls made after the fashion of almonds in one
branch, a knop and {a} flower; and three bowls made like almonds in
another branch, a knop and a flower: so throughout the six branches
going out of the candlestick.
a <EXO37 -19> Three bowls made after the fashion of almonds in one
branch, {a} knop and a flower; and three bowls made like almonds in
another branch, a knop and a flower: so throughout the six branches
going out of the candlestick.
a <EXO37 -21> And a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop
under two branches of the same, and {a} knop under two branches of
the same, according to the six branches going out of it.
a <EXO37 -21> And a knop under two branches of the same, and {a}
knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches
of the same, according to the six branches going out of it.
a <EXO37 -21> And {a} knop under two branches of the same, and a
knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches
of the same, according to the six branches going out of it.
a <EXO37 -24> Of] {a} talent of pure gold made he it, and all the
vessels thereof.
a <EXO37 -25> And he made the incense altar [of] shittim wood: the
length of it [was] {a} cubit, and the breadth of it a cubit; [it
was] foursquare; and two cubits [was] the height of it; the horns
thereof were of the same.
a <EXO37 -25> And he made the incense altar [of] shittim wood: the
length of it [was] a cubit, and the breadth of it {a} cubit; [it
was] foursquare; and two cubits [was] the height of it; the horns
thereof were of the same.
a <EXO37 -26> And he overlaid it with pure gold, [both] the top of
it, and the sides thereof round about, and the horns of it: also he
made unto it {a} crown of gold round about.
a <EXO38 -4> And he made for the altar {a} brazen grate of network
under the compass thereof beneath unto the midst of it.
a <EXO38 -23> And with him [was] Aholiab, son of Ahisamach, of the
tribe of Dan, an engraver, and {a} cunning workman, and an
embroiderer in blue, and in purple, and in scarlet, and fine linen.
a <EXO38 -25> And the silver of them that were numbered of the
congregation [was] an hundred talents, and {a} thousand seven
hundred and threescore and fifteen shekels, after the shekel of the
a <EXO38 -26> A bekah for every man, [that is], half {a} shekel,
after the shekel of the sanctuary, for every one that went to be
numbered, from twenty years old and upward, for six hundred thousand
and three thousand and five hundred and fifty [men].
A <EXO38 -26> {A} bekah for every man, [that is], half a shekel,
after the shekel of the sanctuary, for every one that went to be
numbered, from twenty years old and upward, for six hundred thousand
and three thousand and five hundred and fifty [men].
a <EXO38 -27> And of the hundred talents of silver were cast the
sockets of the sanctuary, and the sockets of the veil; an hundred
sockets of the hundred talents, {a} talent for a socket.
a <EXO38 -27> And of the hundred talents of silver were cast the
sockets of the sanctuary, and the sockets of the veil; an hundred
sockets of the hundred talents, a talent for {a} socket.
a <EXO39 -7> And he put them on the shoulders of the ephod, [that
they should be] stones for {a} memorial to the children of Israel;
as the LORD commanded Moses.
a <EXO39 -9> It was foursquare; they made the breastplate double:
{a} span [was] the length thereof, and a span the breadth thereof,
[being] doubled.
a <EXO39 -9> It was foursquare; they made the breastplate double: a
span [was] the length thereof, and {a} span the breadth thereof,
[being] doubled.
a <EXO39 -10> And they set in it four rows of stones: [the first]
row [was] a sardius, {a} topaz, and a carbuncle: this [was] the
first row.
a <EXO39 -10> And they set in it four rows of stones: [the first]
row [was] {a} sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this [was] the
first row.
a <EXO39 -10> And they set in it four rows of stones: [the first]
row [was] a sardius, a topaz, and {a} carbuncle: this [was] the
first row.
a <EXO39 -11> And the second row, an emerald, a sapphire, and {a}
a <EXO39 -11> And the second row, an emerald, {a} sapphire, and a
a <EXO39 -12> And the third row, {a} ligure, an agate, and an
a <EXO39 -13> And the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and {a} jasper:
[they were] enclosed in ouches of gold in their enclosings.
a <EXO39 -13> And the fourth row, {a} beryl, an onyx, and a jasper:
[they were] enclosed in ouches of gold in their enclosings.
a <EXO39 -14> And the stones [were] according to the names of the
children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, [like] the
engravings of {a} signet, every one with his name, according to the
twelve tribes.
a <EXO39 -21> And they did bind the breastplate by his rings unto
the rings of the ephod with {a} lace of blue, that it might be above
the curious girdle of the ephod, and that the breastplate might not
be loosed from the ephod; as the LORD commanded Moses.
a <EXO39 -23> And [there was] an hole in the midst of the robe, as
the hole of an habergeon, [with] {a} band round about the hole, that
it should not rend.
a <EXO39 -26> A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and {a} pomegranate,
round about the hem of the robe to minister [in]; as the LORD
commanded Moses.
a <EXO39 -26> A bell and a pomegranate, {a} bell and a pomegranate,
round about the hem of the robe to minister [in]; as the LORD
commanded Moses.
a <EXO39 -26> A bell and {a} pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate,
round about the hem of the robe to minister [in]; as the LORD
commanded Moses.
A <EXO39 -26> {A} bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate,
round about the hem of the robe to minister [in]; as the LORD
commanded Moses.
a <EXO39 -28> And {a} mitre [of] fine linen, and goodly bonnets [of]
fine linen, and linen breeches [of] fine twined linen,
a <EXO39 -29> And {a} girdle [of] fine twined linen, and blue, and
purple, and scarlet, [of] needlework; as the LORD commanded Moses.
a <EXO39 -30> And they made the plate of the holy crown [of] pure
gold, and wrote upon it a writing, [like to] the engravings of {a}
a <EXO39 -30> And they made the plate of the holy crown [of] pure
gold, and wrote upon it {a} writing, [like to] the engravings of a
a <EXO39 -31> And they tied unto it {a} lace of blue, to fasten [it]
on high upon the mitre; as the LORD commanded Moses.
a <EXO40 -34> Then {a} cloud covered the tent of the congregation,
and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
a <LEV1 -3> If his offering [be] {a} burnt sacrifice of the herd,
let him offer a male without blemish: he shall offer it of his own
voluntary will at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation
before the LORD.
a <LEV1 -3> If his offering [be] a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let
him offer {a} male without blemish: he shall offer it of his own
voluntary will at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation
before the LORD.
a <LEV1 -9> But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and
the priest shall burn all on the altar, [to be] a burnt sacrifice,
an offering made by fire, of {a} sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV1 -9> But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and
the priest shall burn all on the altar, [to be] {a} burnt sacrifice,
an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV1 -10> And if his offering [be] of the flocks, [namely], of
the sheep, or of the goats, for a burnt sacrifice; he shall bring it
{a} male without blemish.
a <LEV1 -10> And if his offering [be] of the flocks, [namely], of
the sheep, or of the goats, for {a} burnt sacrifice; he shall bring
it a male without blemish.
a <LEV1 -13> But he shall wash the inwards and the legs with water:
and the priest shall bring [it] all, and burn [it] upon the altar:
it [is] {a} burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet
savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV1 -13> But he shall wash the inwards and the legs with water:
and the priest shall bring [it] all, and burn [it] upon the altar:
it [is] a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of {a} sweet
savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV1 -17> And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, [but]
shall not divide [it] asunder: and the priest shall burn it upon the
altar, upon the wood that [is] upon the fire: it [is] {a} burnt
sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the
a <LEV1 -17> And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, [but]
shall not divide [it] asunder: and the priest shall burn it upon the
altar, upon the wood that [is] upon the fire: it [is] a burnt
sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of {a} sweet savour unto the
a <LEV2 -1> And when any will offer {a} meat offering unto the LORD,
his offering shall be [of] fine flour; and he shall pour oil upon
it, and put frankincense thereon:
a <LEV2 -2> And he shall bring it to Aaron's sons the priests: and
he shall take thereout his handful of the flour thereof, and of the
oil thereof, with all the frankincense thereof; and the priest shall
burn the memorial of it upon the altar, [to be] an offering made by
fire, of {a} sweet savour unto the LORD:
a <LEV2 -3> And the remnant of the meat offering [shall be] Aaron's
and his sons': [it is] {a} thing most holy of the offerings of the
LORD made by fire.
a <LEV2 -4> And if thou bring an oblation of {a} meat offering baken
in the oven, [it shall be] unleavened cakes of fine flour mingled
with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.
a <LEV2 -5> And if thy oblation [be] a meat offering [baken] in {a}
pan, it shall be [of] fine flour unleavened, mingled with oil.
a <LEV2 -5> And if thy oblation [be] {a} meat offering [baken] in a
pan, it shall be [of] fine flour unleavened, mingled with oil.
a <LEV2 -6> Thou shalt part it in pieces, and pour oil thereon: it
[is] {a} meat offering.
a <LEV2 -7> And if thy oblation [be] {a} meat offering [baken] in
the fryingpan, it shall be made [of] fine flour with oil.
a <LEV2 -9> And the priest shall take from the meat offering a
memorial thereof, and shall burn [it] upon the altar: [it is] an
offering made by fire, of {a} sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV2 -9> And the priest shall take from the meat offering {a}
memorial thereof, and shall burn [it] upon the altar: [it is] an
offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV2 -10> And that which is left of the meat offering [shall be]
Aaron's and his sons': [it is] {a} thing most holy of the offerings
of the LORD made by fire.
a <LEV2 -12> As for the oblation of the firstfruits, ye shall offer
them unto the LORD: but they shall not be burnt on the altar for {a}
sweet savour.
a <LEV2 -14> And if thou offer {a} meat offering of thy firstfruits
unto the LORD, thou shalt offer for the meat offering of thy
firstfruits green ears of corn dried by the fire, [even] corn beaten
out of full ears.
a <LEV2 -15> And thou shalt put oil upon it, and lay frankincense
thereon: it [is] {a} meat offering.
a <LEV3 -1> And if his oblation [be] a sacrifice of peace offering,
if he offer [it] of the herd; whether [it be] {a} male or female, he
shall offer it without blemish before the LORD.
a <LEV3 -1> And if his oblation [be] {a} sacrifice of peace
offering, if he offer [it] of the herd; whether [it be] a male or
female, he shall offer it without blemish before the LORD.
a <LEV3 -5> And Aaron's sons shall burn it on the altar upon the
burnt sacrifice, which [is] upon the wood that [is] on the fire: [it
is] an offering made by fire, of {a} sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV3 -6> And if his offering for {a} sacrifice of peace offering
unto the LORD [be] of the flock; male or female, he shall offer it
without blemish.
a <LEV3 -7> If he offer {a} lamb for his offering, then shall he
offer it before the LORD.
a <LEV3 -12> And if his offering [be] {a} goat, then he shall offer
it before the LORD.
a <LEV3 -16> And the priest shall burn them upon the altar: [it is]
the food of the offering made by fire for {a} sweet savour: all the
fat [is] the LORD'S.
a <LEV3 -17> It shall be] {a} perpetual statute for your generations
throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.
a <LEV4 -2> Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If {a} soul
shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the
LORD [concerning things] which ought not to be done, and shall do
against any of them:
a <LEV4 -3> If the priest that is anointed do sin according to the
sin of the people; then let him bring for his sin, which he hath
sinned, {a} young bullock without blemish unto the LORD for a sin
a <LEV4 -3> If the priest that is anointed do sin according to the
sin of the people; then let him bring for his sin, which he hath
sinned, a young bullock without blemish unto the LORD for {a} sin
a <LEV4 -12> Even the whole bullock shall he carry forth without the
camp unto {a} clean place, where the ashes are poured out, and burn
him on the wood with fire: where the ashes are poured out shall he
be burnt.
a <LEV4 -14> When the sin, which they have sinned against it, is
known, then the congregation shall offer {a} young bullock for the
sin, and bring him before the tabernacle of the congregation.
a <LEV4 -20> And he shall do with the bullock as he did with the
bullock for {a} sin offering, so shall he do with this: and the
priest shall make an atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven
a <LEV4 -21> And he shall carry forth the bullock without the camp,
and burn him as he burned the first bullock: it [is] {a} sin
offering for the congregation.
a <LEV4 -22> When {a} ruler hath sinned, and done [somewhat] through
ignorance [against] any of the commandments of the LORD his God
[concerning things] which should not be done, and is guilty;
a <LEV4 -23> Or if his sin, wherein he hath sinned, come to his
knowledge; he shall bring his offering, {a} kid of the goats, a male
without blemish:
a <LEV4 -23> Or if his sin, wherein he hath sinned, come to his
knowledge; he shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, {a} male
without blemish:
a <LEV4 -24> And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the goat,
and kill it in the place where they kill the burnt offering before
the LORD: it [is] {a} sin offering.
a <LEV4 -28> Or if his sin, which he hath sinned, come to his
knowledge: then he shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, {a}
female without blemish, for his sin which he hath sinned.
a <LEV4 -28> Or if his sin, which he hath sinned, come to his
knowledge: then he shall bring his offering, {a} kid of the goats, a
female without blemish, for his sin which he hath sinned.
a <LEV4 -31> And he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat
is taken away from off the sacrifice of peace offerings; and the
priest shall burn [it] upon the altar for {a} sweet savour unto the
LORD; and the priest shall make an atonement for him, and it shall
be forgiven him.
a <LEV4 -32> And if he bring a lamb for a sin offering, he shall
bring it {a} female without blemish.
a <LEV4 -32> And if he bring {a} lamb for a sin offering, he shall
bring it a female without blemish.
a <LEV4 -32> And if he bring a lamb for {a} sin offering, he shall
bring it a female without blemish.
a <LEV4 -33> And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin
offering, and slay it for {a} sin offering in the place where they
kill the burnt offering.
a <LEV5 -1> And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and
[is] {a} witness, whether he hath seen or known [of it]; if he do
not utter [it], then he shall bear his iniquity.
a <LEV5 -1> And if {a} soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and
[is] a witness, whether he hath seen or known [of it]; if he do not
utter [it], then he shall bear his iniquity.
a <LEV5 -2> Or if {a} soul touch any unclean thing, whether [it be]
a carcase of an unclean beast, or a carcase of unclean cattle, or
the carcase of unclean creeping things, and [if] it be hidden from
him; he also shall be unclean, and guilty.
a <LEV5 -2> Or if a soul touch any unclean thing, whether [it be] a
carcase of an unclean beast, or {a} carcase of unclean cattle, or
the carcase of unclean creeping things, and [if] it be hidden from
him; he also shall be unclean, and guilty.
a <LEV5 -2> Or if a soul touch any unclean thing, whether [it be]
{a} carcase of an unclean beast, or a carcase of unclean cattle, or
the carcase of unclean creeping things, and [if] it be hidden from
him; he also shall be unclean, and guilty.
a <LEV5 -3> Or if he touch the uncleanness of man, whatsoever
uncleanness [it be] that {a} man shall be defiled withal, and it be
hid from him; when he knoweth [of it], then he shall be guilty.
a <LEV5 -4> Or if a soul swear, pronouncing with [his] lips to do
evil, or to do good, whatsoever [it be] that {a} man shall pronounce
with an oath, and it be hid from him; when he knoweth [of it], then
he shall be guilty in one of these.
a <LEV5 -4> Or if {a} soul swear, pronouncing with [his] lips to do
evil, or to do good, whatsoever [it be] that a man shall pronounce
with an oath, and it be hid from him; when he knoweth [of it], then
he shall be guilty in one of these.
a <LEV5 -6> And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD
for his sin which he hath sinned, {a} female from the flock, a lamb
or a kid of the goats, for a sin offering; and the priest shall make
an atonement for him concerning his sin.
a <LEV5 -6> And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD
for his sin which he hath sinned, a female from the flock, a lamb or
a kid of the goats, for {a} sin offering; and the priest shall make
an atonement for him concerning his sin.
a <LEV5 -6> And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD
for his sin which he hath sinned, a female from the flock, {a} lamb
or a kid of the goats, for a sin offering; and the priest shall make
an atonement for him concerning his sin.
a <LEV5 -6> And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD
for his sin which he hath sinned, a female from the flock, a lamb or
{a} kid of the goats, for a sin offering; and the priest shall make
an atonement for him concerning his sin.
a <LEV5 -7> And if he be not able to bring a lamb, then he shall
bring for his trespass, which he hath committed, two turtledoves, or
two young pigeons, unto the LORD; one for a sin offering, and the
other for {a} burnt offering.
a <LEV5 -7> And if he be not able to bring a lamb, then he shall
bring for his trespass, which he hath committed, two turtledoves, or
two young pigeons, unto the LORD; one for {a} sin offering, and the
other for a burnt offering.
a <LEV5 -7> And if he be not able to bring {a} lamb, then he shall
bring for his trespass, which he hath committed, two turtledoves, or
two young pigeons, unto the LORD; one for a sin offering, and the
other for a burnt offering.
a <LEV5 -9> And he shall sprinkle of the blood of the sin offering
upon the side of the altar; and the rest of the blood shall be wrung
out at the bottom of the altar: it [is] {a} sin offering.
a <LEV5 -10> And he shall offer the second [for] {a} burnt offering,
according to the manner: and the priest shall make an atonement for
him for his sin which he hath sinned, and it shall be forgiven him.
a <LEV5 -11> But if he be not able to bring two turtledoves, or two
young pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the
tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for {a} sin offering; he shall
put no oil upon it, neither shall he put [any] frankincense thereon:
for it [is] a sin offering.
a <LEV5 -11> But if he be not able to bring two turtledoves, or two
young pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the
tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering; he shall
put no oil upon it, neither shall he put [any] frankincense thereon:
for it [is] {a} sin offering.
a <LEV5 -12> Then shall he bring it to the priest, and the priest
shall take his handful of it, [even] a memorial thereof, and burn
[it] on the altar, according to the offerings made by fire unto the
LORD: it [is] {a} sin offering.
a <LEV5 -12> Then shall he bring it to the priest, and the priest
shall take his handful of it, [even] {a} memorial thereof, and burn
[it] on the altar, according to the offerings made by fire unto the
LORD: it [is] a sin offering.
a <LEV5 -13> And the priest shall make an atonement for him as
touching his sin that he hath sinned in one of these, and it shall
be forgiven him: and [the remnant] shall be the priest's, as {a}
meat offering.
a <LEV5 -15> If a soul commit a trespass, and sin through ignorance,
in the holy things of the LORD; then he shall bring for his trespass
unto the LORD a ram without blemish out of the flocks, with thy
estimation by shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary,
for {a} trespass offering:
a <LEV5 -15> If a soul commit a trespass, and sin through ignorance,
in the holy things of the LORD; then he shall bring for his trespass
unto the LORD {a} ram without blemish out of the flocks, with thy
estimation by shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary,
for a trespass offering:
a <LEV5 -15> If {a} soul commit a trespass, and sin through
ignorance, in the holy things of the LORD; then he shall bring for
his trespass unto the LORD a ram without blemish out of the flocks,
with thy estimation by shekels of silver, after the shekel of the
sanctuary, for a trespass offering:
a <LEV5 -15> If a soul commit {a} trespass, and sin through
ignorance, in the holy things of the LORD; then he shall bring for
his trespass unto the LORD a ram without blemish out of the flocks,
with thy estimation by shekels of silver, after the shekel of the
sanctuary, for a trespass offering:
a <LEV5 -17> And if {a} soul sin, and commit any of these things
which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD;
though he wist [it] not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his
a <LEV5 -18> And he shall bring a ram without blemish out of the
flock, with thy estimation, for {a} trespass offering, unto the
priest: and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning
his ignorance wherein he erred and wist [it] not, and it shall be
forgiven him.
a <LEV5 -18> And he shall bring {a} ram without blemish out of the
flock, with thy estimation, for a trespass offering, unto the
priest: and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning
his ignorance wherein he erred and wist [it] not, and it shall be
forgiven him.
a <LEV5 -19> It [is] {a} trespass offering: he hath certainly
trespassed against the LORD.
a <LEV6 -2> If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD,
and lie unto his neighbour in that which was delivered him to keep,
or in fellowship, or in {a} thing taken away by violence, or hath
deceived his neighbour;
a <LEV6 -2> If a soul sin, and commit {a} trespass against the LORD,
and lie unto his neighbour in that which was delivered him to keep,
or in fellowship, or in a thing taken away by violence, or hath
deceived his neighbour;
a <LEV6 -2> If {a} soul sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD,
and lie unto his neighbour in that which was delivered him to keep,
or in fellowship, or in a thing taken away by violence, or hath
deceived his neighbour;
a <LEV6 -3> Or have found that which was lost, and lieth concerning
it, and sweareth falsely; in any of all these that {a} man doeth,
sinning therein:
a <LEV6 -6> And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD,
a ram without blemish out of the flock, with thy estimation, for {a}
trespass offering, unto the priest:
a <LEV6 -6> And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD,
{a} ram without blemish out of the flock, with thy estimation, for a
trespass offering, unto the priest:
a <LEV6 -11> And he shall put off his garments, and put on other
garments, and carry forth the ashes without the camp unto {a} clean
a <LEV6 -15> And he shall take of it his handful, of the flour of
the meat offering, and of the oil thereof, and all the frankincense
which [is] upon the meat offering, and shall burn [it] upon the
altar [for] {a} sweet savour, [even] the memorial of it, unto the
a <LEV6 -18> All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of
it. [It shall be] {a} statute for ever in your generations
concerning the offerings of the LORD made by fire: every one that
toucheth them shall be holy.
a <LEV6 -20> This [is] the offering of Aaron and of his sons, which
they shall offer unto the LORD in the day when he is anointed; the
tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for {a} meat offering
perpetual, half of it in the morning, and half thereof at night.
a <LEV6 -21> In a pan it shall be made with oil; [and when it is]
baken, thou shalt bring it in: [and] the baken pieces of the meat
offering shalt thou offer [for] {a} sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV6 -21> In {a} pan it shall be made with oil; [and when it is]
baken, thou shalt bring it in: [and] the baken pieces of the meat
offering shalt thou offer [for] a sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV6 -22> And the priest of his sons that is anointed in his
stead shall offer it: [it is] {a} statute for ever unto the LORD; it
shall be wholly burnt.
a <LEV6 -28> But the earthen vessel wherein it is sodden shall be
broken: and if it be sodden in {a} brazen pot, it shall be both
scoured, and rinsed in water.
a <LEV7 -5> And the priest shall burn them upon the altar [for] an
offering made by fire unto the LORD: it [is] {a} trespass offering.
a <LEV7 -12> If he offer it for {a} thanksgiving, then he shall
offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled
with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled
with oil, of fine flour, fried.
a <LEV7 -16> But if the sacrifice of his offering [be] a vow, or {a}
voluntary offering, it shall be eaten the same day that he offereth
his sacrifice: and on the morrow also the remainder of it shall be
a <LEV7 -16> But if the sacrifice of his offering [be] {a} vow, or a
voluntary offering, it shall be eaten the same day that he offereth
his sacrifice: and on the morrow also the remainder of it shall be
a <LEV7 -30> His own hands shall bring the offerings of the LORD
made by fire, the fat with the breast, it shall he bring, that the
breast may be waved [for] {a} wave offering before the LORD.
a <LEV7 -34> For the wave breast and the heave shoulder have I taken
of the children of Israel from off the sacrifices of their peace
offerings, and have given them unto Aaron the priest and unto his
sons by {a} statute for ever from among the children of Israel.
a <LEV7 -36> Which the LORD commanded to be given them of the
children of Israel, in the day that he anointed them, [by] {a}
statute for ever throughout their generations.
a <LEV8 -2> Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and
the anointing oil, and {a} bullock for the sin offering, and two
rams, and a basket of unleavened bread;
a <LEV8 -2> Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and
the anointing oil, and a bullock for the sin offering, and two rams,
and {a} basket of unleavened bread;
a <LEV8 -21> And he washed the inwards and the legs in water; and
Moses burnt the whole ram upon the altar: it [was] a burnt sacrifice
for {a} sweet savour, [and] an offering made by fire unto the LORD;
as the LORD commanded Moses.
a <LEV8 -21> And he washed the inwards and the legs in water; and
Moses burnt the whole ram upon the altar: it [was] {a} burnt
sacrifice for a sweet savour, [and] an offering made by fire unto
the LORD; as the LORD commanded Moses.
a <LEV8 -26> And out of the basket of unleavened bread, that [was]
before the LORD, he took one unleavened cake, and {a} cake of oiled
bread, and one wafer, and put [them] on the fat, and upon the right
a <LEV8 -27> And he put all upon Aaron's hands, and upon his sons'
hands, and waved them [for] {a} wave offering before the LORD.
a <LEV8 -28> And Moses took them from off their hands, and burnt
[them] on the altar upon the burnt offering: they [were]
consecrations for {a} sweet savour: it [is] an offering made by fire
unto the LORD.
a <LEV8 -29> And Moses took the breast, and waved it [for] {a} wave
offering before the LORD: [for] of the ram of consecration it was
Moses' part; as the LORD commanded Moses.
a <LEV9 -2> And he said unto Aaron, Take thee {a} young calf for a
sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, without blemish, and
offer [them] before the LORD.
a <LEV9 -2> And he said unto Aaron, Take thee a young calf for {a}
sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, without blemish, and
offer [them] before the LORD.
a <LEV9 -2> And he said unto Aaron, Take thee a young calf for a sin
offering, and a ram for {a} burnt offering, without blemish, and
offer [them] before the LORD.
a <LEV9 -2> And he said unto Aaron, Take thee a young calf for a sin
offering, and {a} ram for a burnt offering, without blemish, and
offer [them] before the LORD.
a <LEV9 -3> And unto the children of Israel thou shalt speak,
saying, Take ye {a} kid of the goats for a sin offering; and a calf
and a lamb, [both] of the first year, without blemish, for a burnt
a <LEV9 -3> And unto the children of Israel thou shalt speak,
saying, Take ye a kid of the goats for {a} sin offering; and a calf
and a lamb, [both] of the first year, without blemish, for a burnt
a <LEV9 -3> And unto the children of Israel thou shalt speak,
saying, Take ye a kid of the goats for a sin offering; and a calf
and {a} lamb, [both] of the first year, without blemish, for a burnt
a <LEV9 -3> And unto the children of Israel thou shalt speak,
saying, Take ye a kid of the goats for a sin offering; and {a} calf
and a lamb, [both] of the first year, without blemish, for a burnt
a <LEV9 -3> And unto the children of Israel thou shalt speak,
saying, Take ye a kid of the goats for a sin offering; and a calf
and a lamb, [both] of the first year, without blemish, for {a} burnt
a <LEV9 -4> Also {a} bullock and a ram for peace offerings, to
sacrifice before the LORD; and a meat offering mingled with oil: for
to day the LORD will appear unto you.
a <LEV9 -4> Also a bullock and {a} ram for peace offerings, to
sacrifice before the LORD; and a meat offering mingled with oil: for
to day the LORD will appear unto you.
a <LEV9 -4> Also a bullock and a ram for peace offerings, to
sacrifice before the LORD; and {a} meat offering mingled with oil:
for to day the LORD will appear unto you.
a <LEV9 -18> He slew also the bullock and the ram [for] {a}
sacrifice of peace offerings, which [was] for the people: and
Aaron's sons presented unto him the blood, which he sprinkled upon
the altar round about,
a <LEV9 -21> And the breasts and the right shoulder Aaron waved
[for] {a} wave offering before the LORD; as Moses commanded.
a <LEV9 -24> And there came {a} fire out from before the LORD, and
consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat: [which] when
all the people saw, they shouted, and fell on their faces.
a <LEV10 -9> Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons
with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest
ye die: [it shall be] {a} statute for ever throughout your
a <LEV10 -14> And the wave breast and heave shoulder shall ye eat in
{a} clean place; thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee:
for [they be] thy due, and thy sons' due, [which] are given out of
the sacrifices of peace offerings of the children of Israel.
a <LEV10 -15> The heave shoulder and the wave breast shall they
bring with the offerings made by fire of the fat, to wave [it for]
{a} wave offering before the LORD; and it shall be thine, and thy
sons' with thee, by a statute for ever; as the LORD hath commanded.
a <LEV10 -15> The heave shoulder and the wave breast shall they
bring with the offerings made by fire of the fat, to wave [it for] a
wave offering before the LORD; and it shall be thine, and thy sons'
with thee, by {a} statute for ever; as the LORD hath commanded.
a <LEV11 -36> Nevertheless {a} fountain or pit, [wherein there is]
plenty of water, shall be clean: but that which toucheth their
carcase shall be unclean.
a <LEV11 -47> To make {a} difference between the unclean and the
clean, and between the beast that may be eaten and the beast that
may not be eaten.
a <LEV12 -2> Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If {a} woman
have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean
seven days; according to the days of the separation for her
infirmity shall she be unclean.
a <LEV12 -2> Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman
have conceived seed, and born {a} man child: then she shall be
unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her
infirmity shall she be unclean.
a <LEV12 -5> But if she bear {a} maid child, then she shall be
unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in
the blood of her purifying threescore and six days.
a <LEV12 -6> And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a
son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for
a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or {a} turtledove, for a sin
offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto
the priest:
a <LEV12 -6> And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a
son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for
a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for {a} sin
offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto
the priest:
a <LEV12 -6> And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a
son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for
{a} burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin
offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto
the priest:
a <LEV12 -6> And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a
son, or for a daughter, she shall bring {a} lamb of the first year
for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin
offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto
the priest:
a <LEV12 -6> And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a
son, or for {a} daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year
for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin
offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto
the priest:
a <LEV12 -6> And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for
{a} son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year
for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin
offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto
the priest:
a <LEV12 -6> And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a
son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for
a burnt offering, and {a} young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin
offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto
the priest:
a <LEV12 -7> Who shall offer it before the LORD, and make an
atonement for her; and she shall be cleansed from the issue of her
blood. This [is] the law for her that hath born {a} male or a
a <LEV12 -7> Who shall offer it before the LORD, and make an
atonement for her; and she shall be cleansed from the issue of her
blood. This [is] the law for her that hath born a male or {a}
a <LEV12 -8> And if she be not able to bring {a} lamb, then she
shall bring two turtles, or two young pigeons; the one for the burnt
offering, and the other for a sin offering: and the priest shall
make an atonement for her, and she shall be clean.
a <LEV12 -8> And if she be not able to bring a lamb, then she shall
bring two turtles, or two young pigeons; the one for the burnt
offering, and the other for {a} sin offering: and the priest shall
make an atonement for her, and she shall be clean.
a <LEV13 -2> When {a} man shall have in the skin of his flesh a
rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh
[like] the plague of leprosy; then he shall be brought unto Aaron
the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests:
a <LEV13 -2> When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a
rising, {a} scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh
[like] the plague of leprosy; then he shall be brought unto Aaron
the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests:
a <LEV13 -2> When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh {a}
rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh
[like] the plague of leprosy; then he shall be brought unto Aaron
the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests:
a <LEV13 -3> And the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of
the flesh: and [when] the hair in the plague is turned white, and
the plague in sight [be] deeper than the skin of his flesh, it [is]
{a} plague of leprosy: and the priest shall look on him, and
pronounce him unclean.
a <LEV13 -5> And the priest shall look on him the seventh day: and,
behold, [if] the plague in his sight be at {a} stay, [and] the
plague spread not in the skin; then the priest shall shut him up
seven days more:
a <LEV13 -6> And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day:
and, behold, [if] the plague [be] somewhat dark, [and] the plague
spread not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean: it [is
but] {a} scab: and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.
a <LEV13 -8> And [if] the priest see that, behold, the scab
spreadeth in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean:
it [is] {a} leprosy.
a <LEV13 -9> When the plague of leprosy is in {a} man, then he shall
be brought unto the priest;
a <LEV13 -12> And if {a} leprosy break out abroad in the skin, and
the leprosy cover all the skin of [him that hath] the plague from
his head even to his foot, wheresoever the priest looketh;
a <LEV13 -15> And the priest shall see the raw flesh, and pronounce
him to be unclean: [for] the raw flesh [is] unclean: it [is] {a}
a <LEV13 -18> The flesh also, in which, [even] in the skin thereof,
was {a} boil, and is healed,
a <LEV13 -19> And in the place of the boil there be a white rising,
or {a} bright spot, white, and somewhat reddish, and it be showed to
the priest;
a <LEV13 -19> And in the place of the boil there be {a} white
rising, or a bright spot, white, and somewhat reddish, and it be
showed to the priest;
a <LEV13 -20> And if, when the priest seeth it, behold, it [be] in
sight lower than the skin, and the hair thereof be turned white; the
priest shall pronounce him unclean: it [is] {a} plague of leprosy
broken out of the boil.
a <LEV13 -22> And if it spread much abroad in the skin, then the
priest shall pronounce him unclean: it [is] {a} plague.
a <LEV13 -23> But if the bright spot stay in his place, [and] spread
not, it [is] {a} burning boil; and the priest shall pronounce him
a <LEV13 -24> Or if there be [any] flesh, in the skin whereof [there
is] a hot burning, and the quick [flesh] that burneth have {a} white
bright spot, somewhat reddish, or white;
a <LEV13 -24> Or if there be [any] flesh, in the skin whereof [there
is] {a} hot burning, and the quick [flesh] that burneth have a white
bright spot, somewhat reddish, or white;
a <LEV13 -25> Then the priest shall look upon it: and, behold, [if]
the hair in the bright spot be turned white, and it [be in] sight
deeper than the skin; it [is] {a} leprosy broken out of the burning:
wherefore the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it [is] the plague
of leprosy.
a <LEV13 -28> And if the bright spot stay in his place, [and] spread
not in the skin, but it [be] somewhat dark; it [is] {a} rising of
the burning, and the priest shall pronounce him clean: for it [is]
an inflammation of the burning.
a <LEV13 -29> If a man or woman have {a} plague upon the head or the
a <LEV13 -29> If {a} man or woman have a plague upon the head or the
a <LEV13 -30> Then the priest shall see the plague: and, behold, if
it [be] in sight deeper than the skin; [and there be] in it a yellow
thin hair; then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it [is] a
dry scall, [even] {a} leprosy upon the head or beard.
a <LEV13 -30> Then the priest shall see the plague: and, behold, if
it [be] in sight deeper than the skin; [and there be] in it a yellow
thin hair; then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it [is] {a}
dry scall, [even] a leprosy upon the head or beard.
a <LEV13 -30> Then the priest shall see the plague: and, behold, if
it [be] in sight deeper than the skin; [and there be] in it {a}
yellow thin hair; then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it
[is] a dry scall, [even] a leprosy upon the head or beard.
a <LEV13 -37> But if the scall be in his sight at {a} stay, and
[that] there is black hair grown up therein; the scall is healed, he
[is] clean: and the priest shall pronounce him clean.
a <LEV13 -38> If a man also or {a} woman have in the skin of their
flesh bright spots, [even] white bright spots;
a <LEV13 -38> If {a} man also or a woman have in the skin of their
flesh bright spots, [even] white bright spots;
a <LEV13 -39> Then the priest shall look: and, behold, [if] the
bright spots in the skin of their flesh [be] darkish white; it [is]
{a} freckled spot [that] groweth in the skin; he [is] clean.
a <LEV13 -42> And if there be in the bald head, or bald forehead,
{a} white reddish sore; it [is] a leprosy sprung up in his bald
head, or his bald forehead.
a <LEV13 -42> And if there be in the bald head, or bald forehead, a
white reddish sore; it [is] {a} leprosy sprung up in his bald head,
or his bald forehead.
a <LEV13 -44> He is {a} leprous man, he [is] unclean: the priest
shall pronounce him utterly unclean; his plague [is] in his head.
a <LEV13 -45> And the leper in whom the plague [is], his clothes
shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put {a} covering upon
his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean.
a <LEV13 -47> The garment also that the plague of leprosy is in,
[whether it be] {a} woollen garment, or a linen garment;
a <LEV13 -47> The garment also that the plague of leprosy is in,
[whether it be] a woollen garment, or {a} linen garment;
a <LEV13 -48> Whether [it be] in the warp, or woof; of linen, or of
woollen; whether in {a} skin, or in any thing made of skin;
a <LEV13 -49> And if the plague be greenish or reddish in the
garment, or in the skin, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in
any thing of skin; it [is] {a} plague of leprosy, and shall be
showed unto the priest:
a <LEV13 -51> And he shall look on the plague on the seventh day: if
the plague be spread in the garment, either in the warp, or in the
woof, or in a skin, [or] in any work that is made of skin; the
plague [is] {a} fretting leprosy; it [is] unclean.
a <LEV13 -51> And he shall look on the plague on the seventh day: if
the plague be spread in the garment, either in the warp, or in the
woof, or in {a} skin, [or] in any work that is made of skin; the
plague [is] a fretting leprosy; it [is] unclean.
a <LEV13 -52> He shall therefore burn that garment, whether warp or
woof, in woollen or in linen, or any thing of skin, wherein the
plague is: for it [is] {a} fretting leprosy; it shall be burnt in
the fire.
a <LEV13 -57> And if it appear still in the garment, either in the
warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of skin; it [is] {a} spreading
[plague]: thou shalt burn that wherein the plague [is] with fire.
a <LEV13 -59> This [is] the law of the plague of leprosy in {a}
garment of woollen or linen, either in the warp, or woof, or any
thing of skins, to pronounce it clean, or to pronounce it unclean.
a <LEV14 -10> And on the eighth day he shall take two he lambs
without blemish, and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish,
and three tenth deals of fine flour [for] {a} meat offering, mingled
with oil, and one log of oil.
a <LEV14 -12> And the priest shall take one he lamb, and offer him
for a trespass offering, and the log of oil, and wave them [for] {a}
wave offering before the LORD:
a <LEV14 -12> And the priest shall take one he lamb, and offer him
for {a} trespass offering, and the log of oil, and wave them [for] a
wave offering before the LORD:
a <LEV14 -21> And if he [be] poor, and cannot get so much; then he
shall take one lamb [for] a trespass offering to be waved, to make
an atonement for him, and one tenth deal of fine flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering, and {a} log of oil;
a <LEV14 -21> And if he [be] poor, and cannot get so much; then he
shall take one lamb [for] {a} trespass offering to be waved, to make
an atonement for him, and one tenth deal of fine flour mingled with
oil for a meat offering, and a log of oil;
a <LEV14 -21> And if he [be] poor, and cannot get so much; then he
shall take one lamb [for] a trespass offering to be waved, to make
an atonement for him, and one tenth deal of fine flour mingled with
oil for {a} meat offering, and a log of oil;
a <LEV14 -22> And two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, such as he
is able to get; and the one shall be {a} sin offering, and the other
a burnt offering.
a <LEV14 -22> And two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, such as he
is able to get; and the one shall be a sin offering, and the other
{a} burnt offering.
a <LEV14 -24> And the priest shall take the lamb of the trespass
offering, and the log of oil, and the priest shall wave them [for]
{a} wave offering before the LORD:
a <LEV14 -31> Even] such as he is able to get, the one [for] a sin
offering, and the other [for] {a} burnt offering, with the meat
offering: and the priest shall make an atonement for him that is to
be cleansed before the LORD.
a <LEV14 -31> Even] such as he is able to get, the one [for] {a} sin
offering, and the other [for] a burnt offering, with the meat
offering: and the priest shall make an atonement for him that is to
be cleansed before the LORD.
a <LEV14 -34> When ye be come into the land of Canaan, which I give
to you for {a} possession, and I put the plague of leprosy in a
house of the land of your possession;
a <LEV14 -34> When ye be come into the land of Canaan, which I give
to you for a possession, and I put the plague of leprosy in {a}
house of the land of your possession;
a <LEV14 -35> And he that owneth the house shall come and tell the
priest, saying, It seemeth to me [there is] as it were {a} plague in
the house:
a <LEV14 -44> Then the priest shall come and look, and, behold, [if]
the plague be spread in the house, it [is] {a} fretting leprosy in
the house: it [is] unclean.
a <LEV14 -55> And for the leprosy of {a} garment, and of a house,
a <LEV14 -55> And for the leprosy of a garment, and of {a} house,
a <LEV14 -56> And for a rising, and for a scab, and for {a} bright
a <LEV14 -56> And for a rising, and for {a} scab, and for a bright
a <LEV14 -56> And for {a} rising, and for a scab, and for a bright
a <LEV15 -2> Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,
When any man hath {a} running issue out of his flesh, [because of]
his issue he [is] unclean.
a <LEV15 -15> And the priest shall offer them, the one [for] {a} sin
offering, and the other [for] a burnt offering; and the priest shall
make an atonement for him before the LORD for his issue.
a <LEV15 -15> And the priest shall offer them, the one [for] a sin
offering, and the other [for] {a} burnt offering; and the priest
shall make an atonement for him before the LORD for his issue.
a <LEV15 -19> And if {a} woman have an issue, [and] her issue in her
flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever
toucheth her shall be unclean until the even.
a <LEV15 -25> And if {a} woman have an issue of her blood many days
out of the time of her separation, or if it run beyond the time of
her separation; all the days of the issue of her uncleanness shall
be as the days of her separation: she [shall be] unclean.
a <LEV15 -30> And the priest shall offer the one [for] a sin
offering, and the other [for] {a} burnt offering; and the priest
shall make an atonement for her before the LORD for the issue of her
a <LEV15 -30> And the priest shall offer the one [for] {a} sin
offering, and the other [for] a burnt offering; and the priest shall
make an atonement for her before the LORD for the issue of her
a <LEV16 -3> Thus shall Aaron come into the holy [place]: with a
young bullock for {a} sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering.
a <LEV16 -3> Thus shall Aaron come into the holy [place]: with a
young bullock for a sin offering, and {a} ram for a burnt offering.
a <LEV16 -3> Thus shall Aaron come into the holy [place]: with a
young bullock for a sin offering, and a ram for {a} burnt offering.
a <LEV16 -3> Thus shall Aaron come into the holy [place]: with {a}
young bullock for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering.
a <LEV16 -4> He shall put on the holy linen coat, and he shall have
the linen breeches upon his flesh, and shall be girded with {a}
linen girdle, and with the linen mitre shall he be attired: these
[are] holy garments; therefore shall he wash his flesh in water, and
[so] put them on.
a <LEV16 -5> And he shall take of the congregation of the children
of Israel two kids of the goats for {a} sin offering, and one ram
for a burnt offering.
a <LEV16 -5> And he shall take of the congregation of the children
of Israel two kids of the goats for a sin offering, and one ram for
{a} burnt offering.
a <LEV16 -9> And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the LORD'S
lot fell, and offer him [for] {a} sin offering.
a <LEV16 -10> But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the
scapegoat, shall be presented alive before the LORD, to make an
atonement with him, [and] to let him go for {a} scapegoat into the
a <LEV16 -12> And he shall take {a} censer full of burning coals of
fire from off the altar before the LORD, and his hands full of sweet
incense beaten small, and bring [it] within the veil:
a <LEV16 -21> And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of
the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the
children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins,
putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send [him] away by
the hand of {a} fit man into the wilderness:
a <LEV16 -22> And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities
unto {a} land not inhabited: and he shall let go the goat in the
a <LEV16 -29> And [this] shall be a statute for ever unto you:
[that] in the seventh month, on the tenth [day] of the month, ye
shall afflict your souls, and do no work at all, [whether it be] one
of your own country, or {a} stranger that sojourneth among you:
a <LEV16 -29> And [this] shall be {a} statute for ever unto you:
[that] in the seventh month, on the tenth [day] of the month, ye
shall afflict your souls, and do no work at all, [whether it be] one
of your own country, or a stranger that sojourneth among you:
a <LEV16 -31> It [shall be] a sabbath of rest unto you, and ye shall
afflict your souls, by {a} statute for ever.
a <LEV16 -31> It [shall be] {a} sabbath of rest unto you, and ye
shall afflict your souls, by a statute for ever.
a <LEV16 -34> And this shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to
make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once
{a} year. And he did as the LORD commanded Moses.
a <LEV17 -6> And the priest shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar
of the LORD [at] the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and
burn the fat for {a} sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV17 -7> And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto
devils, after whom they have gone a whoring. This shall be {a}
statute for ever unto them throughout their generations.
a <LEV17 -7> And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto
devils, after whom they have gone {a} whoring. This shall be a
statute for ever unto them throughout their generations.
a <LEV17 -8> And thou shalt say unto them, Whatsoever man [there be]
of the house of Israel, or of the strangers which sojourn among you,
that offereth {a} burnt offering or sacrifice,
a <LEV17 -15> And every soul that eateth that which died [of
itself], or that which was torn [with beasts, whether it be] one of
your own country, or {a} stranger, he shall both wash his clothes,
and bathe [himself] in water, and be unclean until the even: then
shall he be clean.
a <LEV18 -5> Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments:
which if {a} man do, he shall live in them: I [am] the LORD.
a <LEV18 -17> Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of {a} woman and
her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's daughter, or her
daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; [for] they [are] her
near kinswomen: it [is] wickedness.
a <LEV18 -18> Neither shalt thou take {a} wife to her sister, to vex
[her], to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life
a <LEV18 -19> Also thou shalt not approach unto {a} woman to uncover
her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness.
a <LEV18 -23> Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile
thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before {a} beast to
lie down thereto: it [is] confusion.
a <LEV19 -5> And if ye offer {a} sacrifice of peace offerings unto
the LORD, ye shall offer it at your own will.
a <LEV19 -14> Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put {a}
stumblingblock before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I [am] the
a <LEV19 -16> Thou shalt not go up and down [as] {a} talebearer
among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy
neighbour: I [am] the LORD.
a <LEV19 -19> Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy
cattle gender with {a} diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field
with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and
woollen come upon thee.
a <LEV19 -19> Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy
cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with
mingled seed: neither shall {a} garment mingled of linen and woollen
come upon thee.
a <LEV19 -20> And whosoever lieth carnally with {a} woman, that [is]
a bondmaid, betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor
freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to
death, because she was not free.
a <LEV19 -20> And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that [is]
{a} bondmaid, betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor
freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to
death, because she was not free.
a <LEV19 -21> And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the
LORD, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, [even] a
ram for {a} trespass offering.
a <LEV19 -21> And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the
LORD, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, [even]
{a} ram for a trespass offering.
a <LEV19 -29> Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be {a}
whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of
a <LEV19 -33> And if {a} stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye
shall not vex him.
a <LEV19 -36> Just balances, just weights, {a} just ephah, and a
just hin, shall ye have: I [am] the LORD your God, which brought you
out of the land of Egypt.
a <LEV19 -36> Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and {a}
just hin, shall ye have: I [am] the LORD your God, which brought you
out of the land of Egypt.
a <LEV20 -5> Then I will set my face against that man, and against
his family, and will cut him off, and all that go {a} whoring after
him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.
a <LEV20 -6> And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar
spirits, and after wizards, to go {a} whoring after them, I will
even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among
his people.
a <LEV20 -12> And if {a} man lie with his daughter in law, both of
them shall surely be put to death: they have wrought confusion;
their blood [shall be] upon them.
a <LEV20 -13> If {a} man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a
woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely
be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
a <LEV20 -13> If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with {a}
woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely
be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
a <LEV20 -14> And if a man take {a} wife and her mother, it [is]
wickedness: they shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; that
there be no wickedness among you.
a <LEV20 -14> And if {a} man take a wife and her mother, it [is]
wickedness: they shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; that
there be no wickedness among you.
a <LEV20 -15> And if {a} man lie with a beast, he shall surely be
put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.
a <LEV20 -15> And if a man lie with {a} beast, he shall surely be
put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.
a <LEV20 -16> And if {a} woman approach unto any beast, and lie down
thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely
be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
a <LEV20 -17> And if a man shall take his sister, his father's
daughter, or his mother's daughter, and see her nakedness, and she
see his nakedness; it [is] {a} wicked thing; and they shall be cut
off in the sight of their people: he hath uncovered his sister's
nakedness; he shall bear his iniquity.
a <LEV20 -17> And if {a} man shall take his sister, his father's
daughter, or his mother's daughter, and see her nakedness, and she
see his nakedness; it [is] a wicked thing; and they shall be cut off
in the sight of their people: he hath uncovered his sister's
nakedness; he shall bear his iniquity.
a <LEV20 -18> And if a man shall lie with {a} woman having her
sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her
fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both
of them shall be cut off from among their people.
a <LEV20 -18> And if {a} man shall lie with a woman having her
sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her
fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both
of them shall be cut off from among their people.
a <LEV20 -20> And if {a} man shall lie with his uncle's wife, he
hath uncovered his uncle's nakedness: they shall bear their sin;
they shall die childless.
a <LEV20 -21> And if {a} man shall take his brother's wife, it [is]
an unclean thing: he hath uncovered his brother's nakedness; they
shall be childless.
a <LEV20 -24> But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land,
and I will give it unto you to possess it, {a} land that floweth
with milk and honey: I [am] the LORD your God, which have separated
you from [other] people.
a <LEV20 -27> A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or
that is {a} wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone
them with stones: their blood [shall be] upon them.
A <LEV20 -27> {A} man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or
that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone
them with stones: their blood [shall be] upon them.
a <LEV20 -27> A man also or woman that hath {a} familiar spirit, or
that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone
them with stones: their blood [shall be] upon them.
a <LEV21 -3> And for his sister {a} virgin, that is nigh unto him,
which hath had no husband; for her may he be defiled.
a <LEV21 -4> But] he shall not defile himself, [being] {a} chief man
among his people, to profane himself.
a <LEV21 -7> They shall not take a wife [that is] {a} whore, or
profane; neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband:
for he [is] holy unto his God.
a <LEV21 -7> They shall not take a wife [that is] a whore, or
profane; neither shall they take {a} woman put away from her
husband: for he [is] holy unto his God.
a <LEV21 -7> They shall not take {a} wife [that is] a whore, or
profane; neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband:
for he [is] holy unto his God.
a <LEV21 -13> And he shall take {a} wife in her virginity.
a <LEV21 -14> A widow, or {a} divorced woman, or profane, [or] an
harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his
own people to wife.
a <LEV21 -14> A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, [or] an
harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take {a} virgin of his
own people to wife.
A <LEV21 -14> {A} widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, [or] an
harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his
own people to wife.
a <LEV21 -18> For whatsoever man [he be] that hath a blemish, he
shall not approach: a blind man, or {a} lame, or he that hath a flat
nose, or any thing superfluous,
a <LEV21 -18> For whatsoever man [he be] that hath a blemish, he
shall not approach: {a} blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat
nose, or any thing superfluous,
a <LEV21 -18> For whatsoever man [he be] that hath {a} blemish, he
shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat
nose, or any thing superfluous,
a <LEV21 -18> For whatsoever man [he be] that hath a blemish, he
shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath {a} flat
nose, or any thing superfluous,
a <LEV21 -19> Or {a} man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,
a <LEV21 -20> Or crookbacked, or a dwarf, or that hath {a} blemish
in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;
a <LEV21 -20> Or crookbacked, or {a} dwarf, or that hath a blemish
in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;
a <LEV21 -21> No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the
priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by
fire: he hath {a} blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread
of his God.
a <LEV21 -21> No man that hath {a} blemish of the seed of Aaron the
priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by
fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread
of his God.
a <LEV21 -23> Only he shall not go in unto the veil, nor come nigh
unto the altar, because he hath {a} blemish; that he profane not my
sanctuaries: for I the LORD do sanctify them.
a <LEV22 -4> What man soever of the seed of Aaron [is] {a} leper, or
hath a running issue; he shall not eat of the holy things, until he
be clean. And whoso toucheth any thing [that is] unclean [by] the
dead, or a man whose seed goeth from him;
a <LEV22 -4> What man soever of the seed of Aaron [is] a leper, or
hath a running issue; he shall not eat of the holy things, until he
be clean. And whoso toucheth any thing [that is] unclean [by] the
dead, or {a} man whose seed goeth from him;
a <LEV22 -4> What man soever of the seed of Aaron [is] a leper, or
hath {a} running issue; he shall not eat of the holy things, until
he be clean. And whoso toucheth any thing [that is] unclean [by] the
dead, or a man whose seed goeth from him;
a <LEV22 -5> Or whosoever toucheth any creeping thing, whereby he
may be made unclean, or {a} man of whom he may take uncleanness,
whatsoever uncleanness he hath;
a <LEV22 -10> There shall no stranger eat [of] the holy thing: {a}
sojourner of the priest, or an hired servant, shall not eat [of] the
holy thing.
a <LEV22 -12> If the priest's daughter also be [married] unto {a}
stranger, she may not eat of an offering of the holy things.
a <LEV22 -13> But if the priest's daughter be {a} widow, or
divorced, and have no child, and is returned unto her father's
house, as in her youth, she shall eat of her father's meat: but
there shall no stranger eat thereof.
a <LEV22 -14> And if {a} man eat [of] the holy thing unwittingly,
then he shall put the fifth [part] thereof unto it, and shall give
[it] unto the priest with the holy thing.
a <LEV22 -18> Speak unto Aaron, and to his sons, and unto all the
children of Israel, and say unto them, Whatsoever [he be] of the
house of Israel, or of the strangers in Israel, that will offer his
oblation for all his vows, and for all his freewill offerings, which
they will offer unto the LORD for {a} burnt offering;
a <LEV22 -19> Ye shall offer] at your own will {a} male without
blemish, of the beeves, of the sheep, or of the goats.
a <LEV22 -20> But] whatsoever hath {a} blemish, [that] shall ye not
offer: for it shall not be acceptable for you.
a <LEV22 -21> And whosoever offereth a sacrifice of peace offerings
unto the LORD to accomplish [his] vow, or {a} freewill offering in
beeves or sheep, it shall be perfect to be accepted; there shall be
no blemish therein.
a <LEV22 -21> And whosoever offereth {a} sacrifice of peace
offerings unto the LORD to accomplish [his] vow, or a freewill
offering in beeves or sheep, it shall be perfect to be accepted;
there shall be no blemish therein.
a <LEV22 -22> Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having {a} wen, or
scurvy, or scabbed, ye shall not offer these unto the LORD, nor make
an offering by fire of them upon the altar unto the LORD.
a <LEV22 -23> Either {a} bullock or a lamb that hath any thing
superfluous or lacking in his parts, that mayest thou offer [for] a
freewill offering; but for a vow it shall not be accepted.
a <LEV22 -23> Either a bullock or a lamb that hath any thing
superfluous or lacking in his parts, that mayest thou offer [for] a
freewill offering; but for {a} vow it shall not be accepted.
a <LEV22 -23> Either a bullock or {a} lamb that hath any thing
superfluous or lacking in his parts, that mayest thou offer [for] a
freewill offering; but for a vow it shall not be accepted.
a <LEV22 -23> Either a bullock or a lamb that hath any thing
superfluous or lacking in his parts, that mayest thou offer [for]
{a} freewill offering; but for a vow it shall not be accepted.
a <LEV22 -25> Neither from {a} stranger's hand shall ye offer the
bread of your God of any of these; because their corruption [is] in
them, [and] blemishes [be] in them: they shall not be accepted for
a <LEV22 -27> When a bullock, or {a} sheep, or a goat, is brought
forth, then it shall be seven days under the dam; and from the
eighth day and thenceforth it shall be accepted for an offering made
by fire unto the LORD.
a <LEV22 -27> When a bullock, or a sheep, or {a} goat, is brought
forth, then it shall be seven days under the dam; and from the
eighth day and thenceforth it shall be accepted for an offering made
by fire unto the LORD.
a <LEV22 -27> When {a} bullock, or a sheep, or a goat, is brought
forth, then it shall be seven days under the dam; and from the
eighth day and thenceforth it shall be accepted for an offering made
by fire unto the LORD.
a <LEV22 -29> And when ye will offer {a} sacrifice of thanksgiving
unto the LORD, offer [it] at your own will.
a <LEV23 -10> Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,
When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap
the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring {a} sheaf of the
firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest:
a <LEV23 -12> And ye shall offer that day when ye wave the sheaf an
he lamb without blemish of the first year for {a} burnt offering
unto the LORD.
a <LEV23 -13> And the meat offering thereof [shall be] two tenth
deals of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering made by fire unto
the LORD [for] {a} sweet savour: and the drink offering thereof
[shall be] of wine, the fourth [part] of an hin.
a <LEV23 -14> And ye shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor
green ears, until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering
unto your God: [it shall be] {a} statute for ever throughout your
generations in all your dwellings.
a <LEV23 -16> Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall
ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer {a} new meat offering unto
the LORD.
a <LEV23 -18> And ye shall offer with the bread seven lambs without
blemish of the first year, and one young bullock, and two rams: they
shall be [for] {a} burnt offering unto the LORD, with their meat
offering, and their drink offerings, [even] an offering made by
fire, of sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <LEV23 -19> Then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for {a}
sin offering, and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of
peace offerings.
a <LEV23 -19> Then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a sin
offering, and two lambs of the first year for {a} sacrifice of peace
a <LEV23 -20> And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the
firstfruits [for] {a} wave offering before the LORD with the two
lambs: they shall be holy to the LORD for the priest.
a <LEV23 -21> And ye shall proclaim on the selfsame day, [that] it
may be an holy convocation unto you: ye shall do no servile work
[therein: it shall be] {a} statute for ever in all your dwellings
throughout your generations.
a <LEV23 -24> Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the
seventh month, in the first [day] of the month, shall ye have {a}
sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation.
a <LEV23 -24> Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the
seventh month, in the first [day] of the month, shall ye have a
sabbath, {a} memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation.
a <LEV23 -27> Also on the tenth [day] of this seventh month [there
shall be] {a} day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto
you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by
fire unto the LORD.
a <LEV23 -28> And ye shall do no work in that same day: for it [is]
{a} day of atonement, to make an atonement for you before the LORD
your God.
a <LEV23 -31> Ye shall do no manner of work: [it shall be] {a}
statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
a <LEV23 -32> It [shall be] unto you {a} sabbath of rest, and ye
shall afflict your souls: in the ninth [day] of the month at even,
from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your sabbath.
a <LEV23 -36> Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire
unto the LORD: on the eighth day shall be an holy convocation unto
you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it
[is] {a} solemn assembly; [and] ye shall do no servile work
a <LEV23 -37> These [are] the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall
proclaim [to be] holy convocations, to offer an offering made by
fire unto the LORD, a burnt offering, and {a} meat offering, a
sacrifice, and drink offerings, every thing upon his day:
a <LEV23 -37> These [are] the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall
proclaim [to be] holy convocations, to offer an offering made by
fire unto the LORD, {a} burnt offering, and a meat offering, a
sacrifice, and drink offerings, every thing upon his day:
a <LEV23 -37> These [are] the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall
proclaim [to be] holy convocations, to offer an offering made by
fire unto the LORD, a burnt offering, and a meat offering, {a}
sacrifice, and drink offerings, every thing upon his day:
a <LEV23 -39> Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when
ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast
unto the LORD seven days: on the first day [shall be] a sabbath, and
on the eighth day [shall be] {a} sabbath.
a <LEV23 -39> Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when
ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep {a} feast
unto the LORD seven days: on the first day [shall be] a sabbath, and
on the eighth day [shall be] a sabbath.
a <LEV23 -39> Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when
ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast
unto the LORD seven days: on the first day [shall be] {a} sabbath,
and on the eighth day [shall be] a sabbath.
a <LEV23 -41> And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days
in the year. [It shall be] {a} statute for ever in your generations:
ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month.
a <LEV23 -41> And ye shall keep it {a} feast unto the LORD seven
days in the year. [It shall be] a statute for ever in your
generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month.
a <LEV24 -3> Without the veil of the testimony, in the tabernacle of
the congregation, shall Aaron order it from the evening unto the
morning before the LORD continually: [it shall be] {a} statute for
ever in your generations.
a <LEV24 -6> And thou shalt set them in two rows, six on {a} row,
upon the pure table before the LORD.
a <LEV24 -7> And thou shalt put pure frankincense upon [each] row,
that it may be on the bread for {a} memorial, [even] an offering
made by fire unto the LORD.
a <LEV24 -9> And it shall be Aaron's and his sons'; and they shall
eat it in the holy place: for it [is] most holy unto him of the
offerings of the LORD made by fire by {a} perpetual statute.
a <LEV24 -10> And the son of an Israelitish woman, whose father
[was] an Egyptian, went out among the children of Israel: and this
son of the Israelitish [woman] and {a} man of Israel strove together
in the camp;
a <LEV24 -18> And he that killeth {a} beast shall make it good;
beast for beast.
a <LEV24 -19> And if {a} man cause a blemish in his neighbour; as he
hath done, so shall it be done to him;
a <LEV24 -19> And if a man cause {a} blemish in his neighbour; as he
hath done, so shall it be done to him;
a <LEV24 -20> Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he
hath caused a blemish in {a} man, so shall it be done to him
a <LEV24 -20> Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he
hath caused {a} blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him
a <LEV24 -21> And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it: and
he that killeth {a} man, he shall be put to death.
a <LEV24 -21> And he that killeth {a} beast, he shall restore it:
and he that killeth a man, he shall be put to death.
a <LEV25 -2> Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,
When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land
keep {a} sabbath unto the LORD.
a <LEV25 -4> But in the seventh year shall be {a} sabbath of rest
unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy
field, nor prune thy vineyard.
a <LEV25 -4> But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto
the land, {a} sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy
field, nor prune thy vineyard.
a <LEV25 -5> That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest
thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine
undressed: [for] it is {a} year of rest unto the land.
a <LEV25 -10> And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim
liberty throughout [all] the land unto all the inhabitants thereof:
it shall be {a} jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto
his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.
A <LEV25 -11> {A} jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye
shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor
gather [the grapes] in it of thy vine undressed.
a <LEV25 -24> And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant
{a} redemption for the land.
a <LEV25 -29> And if {a} man sell a dwelling house in a walled city,
then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; [within]
a full year may he redeem it.
a <LEV25 -29> And if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city,
then he may redeem it within {a} whole year after it is sold;
[within] a full year may he redeem it.
a <LEV25 -29> And if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city,
then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; [within]
{a} full year may he redeem it.
a <LEV25 -29> And if a man sell a dwelling house in {a} walled city,
then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; [within]
a full year may he redeem it.
a <LEV25 -29> And if a man sell {a} dwelling house in a walled city,
then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; [within]
a full year may he redeem it.
a <LEV25 -30> And if it be not redeemed within the space of {a} full
year, then the house that [is] in the walled city shall be
established for ever to him that bought it throughout his
generations: it shall not go out in the jubilee.
a <LEV25 -33> And if {a} man purchase of the Levites, then the house
that was sold, and the city of his possession, shall go out in [the
year of] jubilee: for the houses of the cities of the Levites [are]
their possession among the children of Israel.
a <LEV25 -35> And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay
with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: [yea, though he be] {a}
stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee.
a <LEV25 -35> And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay
with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: [yea, though he be] a
stranger, or {a} sojourner; that he may live with thee.
a <LEV25 -39> And if thy brother [that dwelleth] by thee be waxen
poor, and be sold unto thee; thou shalt not compel him to serve as
{a} bondservant:
a <LEV25 -40> But] as an hired servant, [and] as {a} sojourner, he
shall be with thee, [and] shall serve thee unto the year of jubilee:
a <LEV25 -46> And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your
children after you, to inherit [them for] {a} possession; they shall
be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of
Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
a <LEV25 -47> And if {a} sojourner or stranger wax rich by thee, and
thy brother [that dwelleth] by him wax poor, and sell himself unto
the stranger [or] sojourner by thee, or to the stock of the
stranger's family:
a <LEV25 -53> And] as {a} yearly hired servant shall he be with him:
[and the other] shall not rule with rigour over him in thy sight.
a <LEV26 -1> Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither
rear you up {a} standing image, neither shall ye set up [any] image
of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I [am] the LORD your
a <LEV26 -25> And I will bring {a} sword upon you, that shall avenge
the quarrel of [my] covenant: and when ye are gathered together
within your cities, I will send the pestilence among you; and ye
shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy.
a <LEV26 -33> And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will
draw out {a} sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and
your cities waste.
a <LEV26 -36> And upon them that are left [alive] of you I will send
a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the
sound of {a} shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as
fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth.
a <LEV26 -36> And upon them that are left [alive] of you I will send
a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the
sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as
fleeing from {a} sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth.
a <LEV26 -36> And upon them that are left [alive] of you I will send
{a} faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and
the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as
fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth.
a <LEV26 -37> And they shall fall one upon another, as it were
before {a} sword, when none pursueth: and ye shall have no power to
stand before your enemies.
a <LEV27 -2> Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,
When a man shall make {a} singular vow, the persons [shall be] for
the LORD by thy estimation.
a <LEV27 -2> Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,
When {a} man shall make a singular vow, the persons [shall be] for
the LORD by thy estimation.
a <LEV27 -4> And if it [be] {a} female, then thy estimation shall be
thirty shekels.
a <LEV27 -6> And if [it be] from {a} month old even unto five years
old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of
silver, and for the female thy estimation [shall be] three shekels
of silver.
a <LEV27 -7> And if [it be] from sixty years old and above; if [it
be] {a} male, then thy estimation shall be fifteen shekels, and for
the female ten shekels.
a <LEV27 -9> And if [it be] {a} beast, whereof men bring an offering
unto the LORD, all that [any man] giveth of such unto the LORD shall
be holy.
a <LEV27 -10> He shall not alter it, nor change it, a good for a
bad, or {a} bad for a good: and if he shall at all change beast for
beast, then it and the exchange thereof shall be holy.
a <LEV27 -10> He shall not alter it, nor change it, {a} good for a
bad, or a bad for a good: and if he shall at all change beast for
beast, then it and the exchange thereof shall be holy.
a <LEV27 -10> He shall not alter it, nor change it, a good for a
bad, or a bad for {a} good: and if he shall at all change beast for
beast, then it and the exchange thereof shall be holy.
a <LEV27 -10> He shall not alter it, nor change it, a good for {a}
bad, or a bad for a good: and if he shall at all change beast for
beast, then it and the exchange thereof shall be holy.
a <LEV27 -11> And if [it be] any unclean beast, of which they do not
offer {a} sacrifice unto the LORD, then he shall present the beast
before the priest:
a <LEV27 -13> But if he will at all redeem it, then he shall add {a}
fifth [part] thereof unto thy estimation.
a <LEV27 -14> And when {a} man shall sanctify his house [to be] holy
unto the LORD, then the priest shall estimate it, whether it be good
or bad: as the priest shall estimate it, so shall it stand.
a <LEV27 -16> And if {a} man shall sanctify unto the LORD [some
part] of a field of his possession, then thy estimation shall be
according to the seed thereof: an homer of barley seed [shall be
valued] at fifty shekels of silver.
a <LEV27 -16> And if a man shall sanctify unto the LORD [some part]
of {a} field of his possession, then thy estimation shall be
according to the seed thereof: an homer of barley seed [shall be
valued] at fifty shekels of silver.
a <LEV27 -21> But the field, when it goeth out in the jubilee, shall
be holy unto the LORD, as {a} field devoted; the possession thereof
shall be the priest's.
a <LEV27 -22> And if [a man] sanctify unto the LORD {a} field which
he hath bought, which [is] not of the fields of his possession;
a <LEV27 -22> And if [{a} man] sanctify unto the LORD a field which
he hath bought, which [is] not of the fields of his possession;
a <LEV27 -23> Then the priest shall reckon unto him the worth of thy
estimation, [even] unto the year of the jubilee: and he shall give
thine estimation in that day, [as] {a} holy thing unto the LORD.
a <LEV27 -27> And if [it be] of an unclean beast, then he shall
redeem [it] according to thine estimation, and shall add {a} fifth
[part] of it thereto: or if it be not redeemed, then it shall be
sold according to thy estimation.
a <LEV27 -28> Notwithstanding no devoted thing, that {a} man shall
devote unto the LORD of all that he hath, [both] of man and beast,
and of the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed: every
devoted thing [is] most holy unto the LORD.
a <LEV27 -31> And if {a} man will at all redeem [ought] of his
tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth [part] thereof.
a <NUM1 -4> And with you there shall be {a} man of every tribe;
every one head of the house of his fathers.
a <NUM3 -15> Number the children of Levi after the house of their
fathers, by their families: every male from {a} month old and upward
shalt thou number them.
a <NUM3 -22> Those that were numbered of them, according to the
number of all the males, from {a} month old and upward, [even] those
that were numbered of them [were] seven thousand and five hundred.
a <NUM3 -28> In the number of all the males, from {a} month old and
upward, [were] eight thousand and six hundred, keeping the charge of
the sanctuary.
a <NUM3 -34> And those that were numbered of them, according to the
number of all the males, from {a} month old and upward, [were] six
thousand and two hundred.
a <NUM3 -39> All that were numbered of the Levites, which Moses and
Aaron numbered at the commandment of the LORD, throughout their
families, all the males from {a} month old and upward, [were] twenty
and two thousand.
a <NUM3 -40> And the LORD said unto Moses, Number all the firstborn
of the males of the children of Israel from {a} month old and
upward, and take the number of their names.
a <NUM3 -43> And all the firstborn males by the number of names,
from {a} month old and upward, of those that were numbered of them,
were twenty and two thousand two hundred and threescore and
a <NUM3 -50> Of the firstborn of the children of Israel took he the
money; {a} thousand three hundred and threescore and five [shekels],
after the shekel of the sanctuary:
a <NUM4 -6> And shall put thereon the covering of badgers' skins,
and shall spread over [it] {a} cloth wholly of blue, and shall put
in the staves thereof.
a <NUM4 -7> And upon the table of showbread they shall spread {a}
cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the
bowls, and covers to cover withal: and the continual bread shall be
a <NUM4 -8> And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and
cover the same with {a} covering of badgers' skins, and shall put in
the staves thereof.
a <NUM4 -8> And they shall spread upon them {a} cloth of scarlet,
and cover the same with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put
in the staves thereof.
a <NUM4 -9> And they shall take {a} cloth of blue, and cover the
candlestick of the light, and his lamps, and his tongs, and his
snuffdishes, and all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they
minister unto it:
a <NUM4 -10> And they shall put it and all the vessels thereof
within a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put [it] upon {a}
a <NUM4 -10> And they shall put it and all the vessels thereof
within {a} covering of badgers' skins, and shall put [it] upon a
a <NUM4 -11> And upon the golden altar they shall spread {a} cloth
of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall
put to the staves thereof:
a <NUM4 -11> And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of
blue, and cover it with {a} covering of badgers' skins, and shall
put to the staves thereof:
a <NUM4 -12> And they shall take all the instruments of ministry,
wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put [them] in {a}
cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and
shall put [them] on a bar:
a <NUM4 -12> And they shall take all the instruments of ministry,
wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put [them] in a cloth
of blue, and cover them with {a} covering of badgers' skins, and
shall put [them] on a bar:
a <NUM4 -12> And they shall take all the instruments of ministry,
wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put [them] in a cloth
of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall
put [them] on {a} bar:
a <NUM4 -13> And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and
spread {a} purple cloth thereon:
a <NUM4 -14> And they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof,
wherewith they minister about it, [even] the censers, the
fleshhooks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the
altar; and they shall spread upon it {a} covering of badgers' skins,
and put to the staves of it.
a <NUM5 -6> Speak unto the children of Israel, When a man or woman
shall commit any sin that men commit, to do {a} trespass against the
LORD, and that person be guilty;
a <NUM5 -6> Speak unto the children of Israel, When {a} man or woman
shall commit any sin that men commit, to do a trespass against the
LORD, and that person be guilty;
a <NUM5 -12> Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,
If any man's wife go aside, and commit {a} trespass against him,
a <NUM5 -13> And {a} man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from
the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and
[there be] no witness against her, neither she be taken [with the
a <NUM5 -21> Then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of
cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, The LORD make thee
{a} curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy
thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell;
a <NUM5 -23> And the priest shall write these curses in {a} book,
and he shall blot [them] out with the bitter water:
a <NUM5 -27> And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it
shall come to pass, [that], if she be defiled, and have done
trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse
shall enter into her, [and become] bitter, and her belly shall
swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be {a} curse
among her people.
a <NUM5 -29> This [is] the law of jealousies, when {a} wife goeth
aside [to another] instead of her husband, and is defiled;
a <NUM6 -2> Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,
When either man or woman shall separate [themselves] to vow {a} vow
of a Nazarite, to separate [themselves] unto the LORD:
a <NUM6 -2> Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,
When either man or woman shall separate [themselves] to vow a vow of
{a} Nazarite, to separate [themselves] unto the LORD:
a <NUM6 -11> And the priest shall offer the one for {a} sin
offering, and the other for a burnt offering, and make an atonement
for him, for that he sinned by the dead, and shall hallow his head
that same day.
a <NUM6 -11> And the priest shall offer the one for a sin offering,
and the other for {a} burnt offering, and make an atonement for him,
for that he sinned by the dead, and shall hallow his head that same
a <NUM6 -12> And he shall consecrate unto the LORD the days of his
separation, and shall bring a lamb of the first year for {a}
trespass offering: but the days that were before shall be lost,
because his separation was defiled.
a <NUM6 -12> And he shall consecrate unto the LORD the days of his
separation, and shall bring {a} lamb of the first year for a
trespass offering: but the days that were before shall be lost,
because his separation was defiled.
a <NUM6 -14> And he shall offer his offering unto the LORD, one he
lamb of the first year without blemish for {a} burnt offering, and
one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish for a sin offering,
and one ram without blemish for peace offerings,
a <NUM6 -14> And he shall offer his offering unto the LORD, one he
lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt offering, and one
ewe lamb of the first year without blemish for {a} sin offering, and
one ram without blemish for peace offerings,
a <NUM6 -15> And {a} basket of unleavened bread, cakes of fine flour
mingled with oil, and wafers of unleavened bread anointed with oil,
and their meat offering, and their drink offerings.
a <NUM6 -17> And he shall offer the ram [for] {a} sacrifice of peace
offerings unto the LORD, with the basket of unleavened bread: the
priest shall offer also his meat offering, and his drink offering.
a <NUM6 -20> And the priest shall wave them [for] {a} wave offering
before the LORD: this [is] holy for the priest, with the wave breast
and heave shoulder: and after that the Nazarite may drink wine.
a <NUM7 -3> And they brought their offering before the LORD, six
covered wagons, and twelve oxen; {a} wagon for two of the princes,
and for each one an ox: and they brought them before the tabernacle.
a <NUM7 -13> And his offering [was] one silver charger, the weight
thereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of
seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them
[were] full of fine flour mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -15> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -16> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -17> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
a <NUM7 -19> He offered [for] his offering one silver charger, the
weight whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver
bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of
them full of fine flour mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -21> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -22> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -23> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Nethaneel the son of Zuar.
a <NUM7 -25> His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight
whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of
seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them
full of fine flour mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -27> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -28> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -29> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Eliab the son of Helon.
a <NUM7 -31> His offering [was] one silver charger of the weight of
an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels,
after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -33> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -34> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -35> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Elizur the son of Shedeur.
a <NUM7 -37> His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight
whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of
seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them
full of fine flour mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -39> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -40> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -41> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
a <NUM7 -43> His offering [was] one silver charger of the weight of
an hundred and thirty [shekels], a silver bowl of seventy shekels,
after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -43> His offering [was] one silver charger of the weight of
an hundred and thirty [shekels], {a} silver bowl of seventy shekels,
after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering:
a <NUM7 -45> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -46> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -47> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Eliasaph the son of Deuel.
a <NUM7 -49> His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight
whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of
seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them
full of fine flour mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -51> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -52> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -53> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Elishama the son of Ammihud.
a <NUM7 -55> His offering [was] one silver charger of the weight of
an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels,
after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -57> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -58> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -59> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
a <NUM7 -61> His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight
whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of
seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them
full of fine flour mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -63> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -64> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -65> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Abidan the son of Gideoni.
a <NUM7 -67> His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight
whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of
seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them
full of fine flour mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -69> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -70> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -71> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
a <NUM7 -73> His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight
whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of
seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them
full of fine flour mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -75> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -76> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -77> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Pagiel the son of Ocran.
a <NUM7 -79> His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight
whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of
seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them
full of fine flour mingled with oil for {a} meat offering:
a <NUM7 -81> One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year,
for {a} burnt offering:
a <NUM7 -82> One kid of the goats for {a} sin offering:
a <NUM7 -83> And for {a} sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was]
the offering of Ahira the son of Enan.
a <NUM8 -8> Then let them take {a} young bullock with his meat
offering, [even] fine flour mingled with oil, and another young
bullock shalt thou take for a sin offering.
a <NUM8 -8> Then let them take a young bullock with his meat
offering, [even] fine flour mingled with oil, and another young
bullock shalt thou take for {a} sin offering.
a <NUM8 -12> And the Levites shall lay their hands upon the heads of
the bullocks: and thou shalt offer the one [for] {a} sin offering,
and the other [for] a burnt offering, unto the LORD, to make an
atonement for the Levites.
a <NUM8 -12> And the Levites shall lay their hands upon the heads of
the bullocks: and thou shalt offer the one [for] a sin offering, and
the other [for] {a} burnt offering, unto the LORD, to make an
atonement for the Levites.
a <NUM8 -19> And I have given the Levites [as] {a} gift to Aaron and
to his sons from among the children of Israel, to do the service of
the children of Israel in the tabernacle of the congregation, and to
make an atonement for the children of Israel: that there be no
plague among the children of Israel, when the children of Israel
come nigh unto the sanctuary.
a <NUM9 -6> And there were certain men, who were defiled by the dead
body of {a} man, that they could not keep the passover on that day:
and they came before Moses and before Aaron on that day:
a <NUM9 -7> And those men said unto him, We [are] defiled by the
dead body of {a} man: wherefore are we kept back, that we may not
offer an offering of the LORD in his appointed season among the
children of Israel?
a <NUM9 -10> Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man
of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead
body, or [be] in {a} journey afar off, yet he shall keep the
passover unto the LORD.
a <NUM9 -10> Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man
of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of {a} dead
body, or [be] in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover
unto the LORD.
a <NUM9 -13> But the man that [is] clean, and is not in {a} journey,
and forbeareth to keep the passover, even the same soul shall be cut
off from among his people: because he brought not the offering of
the LORD in his appointed season, that man shall bear his sin.
a <NUM9 -14> And if {a} stranger shall sojourn among you, and will
keep the passover unto the LORD; according to the ordinance of the
passover, and according to the manner thereof, so shall he do: ye
shall have one ordinance, both for the stranger, and for him that
was born in the land.
a <NUM9 -20> And [so] it was, when the cloud was {a} few days upon
the tabernacle; according to the commandment of the LORD they abode
in their tents, and according to the commandment of the LORD they
a <NUM9 -22> Or [whether it were] two days, or a month, or {a} year,
that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the
children of Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not: but when
it was taken up, they journeyed.
a <NUM9 -22> Or [whether it were] two days, or {a} month, or a year,
that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the
children of Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not: but when
it was taken up, they journeyed.
a <NUM10 -2> Make thee two trumpets of silver; of {a} whole piece
shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of
the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps.
a <NUM10 -10> Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn
days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the
trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your
peace offerings; that they may be to you for {a} memorial before
your God: I [am] the LORD your God.
a <NUM10 -33> And they departed from the mount of the LORD three
days' journey: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before
them in the three days' journey, to search out {a} resting place for
a <NUM11 -4> And the mixed multitude that [was] among them fell {a}
lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who
shall give us flesh to eat?
a <NUM11 -8> And] the people went about, and gathered [it], and
ground [it] in mills, or beat [it] in {a} mortar, and baked [it] in
pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of
fresh oil.
a <NUM11 -12> Have I conceived all this people? have I begotten
them, that thou shouldest say unto me, Carry them in thy bosom, as
{a} nursing father beareth the sucking child, unto the land which
thou swarest unto their fathers?
a <NUM11 -20> But] even {a} whole month, until it come out at your
nostrils, and it be loathsome unto you: because that ye have
despised the LORD which [is] among you, and have wept before him,
saying, Why came we forth out of Egypt?
a <NUM11 -21> And Moses said, The people, among whom I [am], [are]
six hundred thousand footmen; and thou hast said, I will give them
flesh, that they may eat {a} whole month.
a <NUM11 -25> And the LORD came down in {a} cloud, and spake unto
him, and took of the spirit that [was] upon him, and gave [it] unto
the seventy elders: and it came to pass, [that], when the spirit
rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease.
a <NUM11 -27> And there ran {a} young man, and told Moses, and said,
Eldad and Medad do prophesy in the camp.
a <NUM11 -31> And there went forth {a} wind from the LORD, and
brought quails from the sea, and let [them] fall by the camp, as it
were a day's journey on this side, and as it were a day's journey on
the other side, round about the camp, and as it were two cubits
[high] upon the face of the earth.
a <NUM11 -31> And there went forth a wind from the LORD, and brought
quails from the sea, and let [them] fall by the camp, as it were {a}
day's journey on this side, and as it were a day's journey on the
other side, round about the camp, and as it were two cubits [high]
upon the face of the earth.
a <NUM11 -31> And there went forth a wind from the LORD, and brought
quails from the sea, and let [them] fall by the camp, as it were a
day's journey on this side, and as it were {a} day's journey on the
other side, round about the camp, and as it were two cubits [high]
upon the face of the earth.
a <NUM11 -33> And while the flesh [was] yet between their teeth, ere
it was chewed, the wrath of the LORD was kindled against the people,
and the LORD smote the people with {a} very great plague.
a <NUM12 -6> And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet
among you, [I] the LORD will make myself known unto him in {a}
vision, [and] will speak unto him in a dream.
a <NUM12 -6> And he said, Hear now my words: If there be {a} prophet
among you, [I] the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision,
[and] will speak unto him in a dream.
a <NUM12 -6> And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet
among you, [I] the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision,
[and] will speak unto him in {a} dream.
a <NUM13 -2> Send thou men, that they may search the land of Canaan,
which I give unto the children of Israel: of every tribe of their
fathers shall ye send a man, every one {a} ruler among them.
a <NUM13 -2> Send thou men, that they may search the land of Canaan,
which I give unto the children of Israel: of every tribe of their
fathers shall ye send {a} man, every one a ruler among them.
a <NUM13 -23> And they came unto the brook of Eshcol, and cut down
from thence {a} branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bare it
between two upon a staff; and [they brought] of the pomegranates,
and of the figs.
a <NUM13 -23> And they came unto the brook of Eshcol, and cut down
from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bare it
between two upon {a} staff; and [they brought] of the pomegranates,
and of the figs.
a <NUM13 -32> And they brought up an evil report of the land which
they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land,
through which we have gone to search it, [is] {a} land that eateth
up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it
[are] men of a great stature.
a <NUM13 -32> And they brought up an evil report of the land which
they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land,
through which we have gone to search it, [is] a land that eateth up
the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it [are]
men of {a} great stature.
a <NUM14 -3> And wherefore hath the LORD brought us unto this land,
to fall by the sword, that our wives and our children should be {a}
prey? were it not better for us to return into Egypt?
a <NUM14 -4> And they said one to another, Let us make {a} captain,
and let us return into Egypt.
a <NUM14 -8> If the LORD delight in us, then he will bring us into
this land, and give it us; {a} land which floweth with milk and
a <NUM14 -12> I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit
them, and will make of thee {a} greater nation and mightier than
a <NUM14 -14> And they will tell [it] to the inhabitants of this
land: [for] they have heard that thou LORD [art] among this people,
that thou LORD art seen face to face, and [that] thy cloud standeth
over them, and [that] thou goest before them, by day time in a
pillar of {a} cloud, and in a pillar of fire by night.
a <NUM14 -14> And they will tell [it] to the inhabitants of this
land: [for] they have heard that thou LORD [art] among this people,
that thou LORD art seen face to face, and [that] thy cloud standeth
over them, and [that] thou goest before them, by day time in {a}
pillar of a cloud, and in a pillar of fire by night.
a <NUM14 -14> And they will tell [it] to the inhabitants of this
land: [for] they have heard that thou LORD [art] among this people,
that thou LORD art seen face to face, and [that] thy cloud standeth
over them, and [that] thou goest before them, by day time in a
pillar of a cloud, and in {a} pillar of fire by night.
a <NUM14 -31> But your little ones, which ye said should be {a}
prey, them will I bring in, and they shall know the land which ye
have despised.
a <NUM14 -34> After the number of the days in which ye searched the
land, [even] forty days, each day for {a} year, shall ye bear your
iniquities, [even] forty years, and ye shall know my breach of
a <NUM14 -36> And the men, which Moses sent to search the land, who
returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by
bringing up {a} slander upon the land,
a <NUM15 -3> And will make an offering by fire unto the LORD, a
burnt offering, or {a} sacrifice in performing a vow, or in a
freewill offering, or in your solemn feasts, to make a sweet savour
unto the LORD, of the herd, or of the flock:
a <NUM15 -3> And will make an offering by fire unto the LORD, a
burnt offering, or a sacrifice in performing {a} vow, or in a
freewill offering, or in your solemn feasts, to make a sweet savour
unto the LORD, of the herd, or of the flock:
a <NUM15 -3> And will make an offering by fire unto the LORD, a
burnt offering, or a sacrifice in performing a vow, or in a freewill
offering, or in your solemn feasts, to make {a} sweet savour unto
the LORD, of the herd, or of the flock:
a <NUM15 -3> And will make an offering by fire unto the LORD, a
burnt offering, or a sacrifice in performing a vow, or in {a}
freewill offering, or in your solemn feasts, to make a sweet savour
unto the LORD, of the herd, or of the flock:
a <NUM15 -3> And will make an offering by fire unto the LORD, {a}
burnt offering, or a sacrifice in performing a vow, or in a freewill
offering, or in your solemn feasts, to make a sweet savour unto the
LORD, of the herd, or of the flock:
a <NUM15 -4> Then shall he that offereth his offering unto the LORD
bring {a} meat offering of a tenth deal of flour mingled with the
fourth [part] of an hin of oil.
a <NUM15 -4> Then shall he that offereth his offering unto the LORD
bring a meat offering of {a} tenth deal of flour mingled with the
fourth [part] of an hin of oil.
a <NUM15 -5> And the fourth [part] of an hin of wine for {a} drink
offering shalt thou prepare with the burnt offering or sacrifice,
for one lamb.
a <NUM15 -6> Or for a ram, thou shalt prepare [for] {a} meat
offering two tenth deals of flour mingled with the third [part] of
an hin of oil.
a <NUM15 -6> Or for {a} ram, thou shalt prepare [for] a meat
offering two tenth deals of flour mingled with the third [part] of
an hin of oil.
a <NUM15 -7> And for a drink offering thou shalt offer the third
[part] of an hin of wine, [for] {a} sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <NUM15 -7> And for {a} drink offering thou shalt offer the third
[part] of an hin of wine, [for] a sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <NUM15 -8> And when thou preparest a bullock [for] a burnt
offering, or [for] a sacrifice in performing {a} vow, or peace
offerings unto the LORD:
a <NUM15 -8> And when thou preparest a bullock [for] {a} burnt
offering, or [for] a sacrifice in performing a vow, or peace
offerings unto the LORD:
a <NUM15 -8> And when thou preparest {a} bullock [for] a burnt
offering, or [for] a sacrifice in performing a vow, or peace
offerings unto the LORD:
a <NUM15 -8> And when thou preparest a bullock [for] a burnt
offering, or [for] {a} sacrifice in performing a vow, or peace
offerings unto the LORD:
a <NUM15 -9> Then shall he bring with a bullock {a} meat offering of
three tenth deals of flour mingled with half an hin of oil.
a <NUM15 -9> Then shall he bring with {a} bullock a meat offering of
three tenth deals of flour mingled with half an hin of oil.
a <NUM15 -10> And thou shalt bring for {a} drink offering half an
hin of wine, [for] an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto
the LORD.
a <NUM15 -10> And thou shalt bring for a drink offering half an hin
of wine, [for] an offering made by fire, of {a} sweet savour unto
the LORD.
a <NUM15 -11> Thus shall it be done for one bullock, or for one ram,
or for a lamb, or {a} kid.
a <NUM15 -11> Thus shall it be done for one bullock, or for one ram,
or for {a} lamb, or a kid.
a <NUM15 -13> All that are born of the country shall do these things
after this manner, in offering an offering made by fire, of {a}
sweet savour unto the LORD.
a <NUM15 -14> And if a stranger sojourn with you, or whosoever [be]
among you in your generations, and will offer an offering made by
fire, of {a} sweet savour unto the LORD; as ye do, so he shall do.
a <NUM15 -14> And if {a} stranger sojourn with you, or whosoever
[be] among you in your generations, and will offer an offering made
by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD; as ye do, so he shall do.
a <NUM15 -20> Ye shall offer up {a} cake of the first of your dough
[for] an heave offering: as [ye do] the heave offering of the
threshingfloor, so shall ye heave it.
a <NUM15 -24> Then it shall be, if [ought] be committed by ignorance
without the knowledge of the congregation, that all the congregation
shall offer one young bullock for a burnt offering, for a sweet
savour unto the LORD, with his meat offering, and his drink
offering, according to the manner, and one kid of the goats for {a}
sin offering.
a <NUM15 -24> Then it shall be, if [ought] be committed by ignorance
without the knowledge of the congregation, that all the congregation
shall offer one young bullock for a burnt offering, for {a} sweet
savour unto the LORD, with his meat offering, and his drink
offering, according to the manner, and one kid of the goats for a
sin offering.
a <NUM15 -24> Then it shall be, if [ought] be committed by ignorance
without the knowledge of the congregation, that all the congregation
shall offer one young bullock for {a} burnt offering, for a sweet
savour unto the LORD, with his meat offering, and his drink
offering, according to the manner, and one kid of the goats for a
sin offering.
a <NUM15 -25> And the priest shall make an atonement for all the
congregation of the children of Israel, and it shall be forgiven
them; for it [is] ignorance: and they shall bring their offering,
{a} sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD, and their sin offering
before the LORD, for their ignorance:
a <NUM15 -27> And if any soul sin through ignorance, then he shall
bring a she goat of the first year for {a} sin offering.
a <NUM15 -27> And if any soul sin through ignorance, then he shall
bring {a} she goat of the first year for a sin offering.
a <NUM15 -30> But the soul that doeth [ought] presumptuously,
[whether he be] born in the land, or {a} stranger, the same
reproacheth the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from among his
a <NUM15 -32> And while the children of Israel were in the
wilderness, they found {a} man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath
a <NUM15 -38> Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that
they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout
their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders
{a} ribband of blue:
a <NUM15 -39> And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may
look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do
them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes,
after which ye use to go {a} whoring:
a <NUM15 -39> And it shall be unto you for {a} fringe, that ye may
look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do
them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes,
after which ye use to go a whoring:
a <NUM16 -9> Seemeth it but] {a} small thing unto you, that the God
of Israel hath separated you from the congregation of Israel, to
bring you near to himself to do the service of the tabernacle of the
LORD, and to stand before the congregation to minister unto them?
a <NUM16 -13> Is it] a small thing that thou hast brought us up out
of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the
wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether {a} prince over us?
a <NUM16 -13> Is it] a small thing that thou hast brought us up out
of {a} land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the
wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a prince over us?
a <NUM16 -13> Is it] {a} small thing that thou hast brought us up
out of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the
wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a prince over us?
a <NUM16 -14> Moreover thou hast not brought us into {a} land that
floweth with milk and honey, or given us inheritance of fields and
vineyards: wilt thou put out the eyes of these men? we will not come
a <NUM16 -21> Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that
I may consume them in {a} moment.
a <NUM16 -30> But if the LORD make {a} new thing, and the earth open
her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that [appertain] unto them,
and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that
these men have provoked the LORD.
a <NUM16 -35> And there came out {a} fire from the LORD, and
consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.
a <NUM16 -38> The censers of these sinners against their own souls,
let them make them broad plates [for] a covering of the altar: for
they offered them before the LORD, therefore they are hallowed: and
they shall be {a} sign unto the children of Israel.
a <NUM16 -38> The censers of these sinners against their own souls,
let them make them broad plates [for] {a} covering of the altar: for
they offered them before the LORD, therefore they are hallowed: and
they shall be a sign unto the children of Israel.
a <NUM16 -39> And Eleazar the priest took the brazen censers,
wherewith they that were burnt had offered; and they were made broad
[plates for] {a} covering of the altar:
a <NUM16 -40> To be] {a} memorial unto the children of Israel, that
no stranger, which [is] not of the seed of Aaron, come near to offer
incense before the LORD; that he be not as Korah, and as his
company: as the LORD said to him by the hand of Moses.
a <NUM16 -45> Get you up from among this congregation, that I may
consume them as in {a} moment. And they fell upon their faces.
a <NUM16 -46> And Moses said unto Aaron, Take {a} censer, and put
fire therein from off the altar, and put on incense, and go quickly
unto the congregation, and make an atonement for them: for there is
wrath gone out from the LORD; the plague is begun.
a <NUM17 -2> Speak unto the children of Israel, and take of every
one of them {a} rod according to the house of [their] fathers, of
all their princes according to the house of their fathers twelve
rods: write thou every man's name upon his rod.
a <NUM17 -6> And Moses spake unto the children of Israel, and every
one of their princes gave him {a} rod apiece, for each prince one,
according to their fathers' houses, [even] twelve rods: and the rod
of Aaron [was] among their rods.
a <NUM17 -10> And the LORD said unto Moses, Bring Aaron's rod again
before the testimony, to be kept for {a} token against the rebels;
and thou shalt quite take away their murmurings from me, that they
die not.
a <NUM18 -4> And they shall be joined unto thee, and keep the charge
of the tabernacle of the congregation, for all the service of the
tabernacle: and {a} stranger shall not come nigh unto you.
a <NUM18 -6> And I, behold, I have taken your brethren the Levites
from among the children of Israel: to you [they are] given [as] {a}
gift for the LORD, to do the service of the tabernacle of the
a <NUM18 -7> Therefore thou and thy sons with thee shall keep your
priest's office for every thing of the altar, and within the veil;
and ye shall serve: I have given your priest's office [unto you as]
{a} service of gift: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put
to death.
a <NUM18 -11> And this [is] thine; the heave offering of their gift,
with all the wave offerings of the children of Israel: I have given
them unto thee, and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee, by
{a} statute for ever: every one that is clean in thy house shall eat
of it.
a <NUM18 -16> And those that are to be redeemed from {a} month old
shalt thou redeem, according to thine estimation, for the money of
five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, which [is] twenty
a <NUM18 -17> But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a
sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt not redeem; they [are]
holy: thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar, and shalt burn
their fat [for] an offering made by fire, for {a} sweet savour unto
the LORD.
a <NUM18 -17> But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a
sheep, or the firstling of {a} goat, thou shalt not redeem; they
[are] holy: thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar, and
shalt burn their fat [for] an offering made by fire, for a sweet
savour unto the LORD.
a <NUM18 -17> But the firstling of {a} cow, or the firstling of a
sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt not redeem; they [are]
holy: thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar, and shalt burn
their fat [for] an offering made by fire, for a sweet savour unto
the LORD.
a <NUM18 -17> But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of {a}
sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt not redeem; they [are]
holy: thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar, and shalt burn
their fat [for] an offering made by fire, for a sweet savour unto
the LORD.
a <NUM18 -19> All the heave offerings of the holy things, which the
children of Israel offer unto the LORD, have I given thee, and thy
sons and thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever: it [is] {a}
covenant of salt for ever before the LORD unto thee and to thy seed
with thee.
a <NUM18 -19> All the heave offerings of the holy things, which the
children of Israel offer unto the LORD, have I given thee, and thy
sons and thy daughters with thee, by {a} statute for ever: it [is] a
covenant of salt for ever before the LORD unto thee and to thy seed
with thee.
a <NUM18 -23> But the Levites shall do the service of the tabernacle
of the congregation, and they shall bear their iniquity: [it shall
be] {a} statute for ever throughout your generations, that among the
children of Israel they have no inheritance.
a <NUM18 -26> Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them, When
ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you
from them for your inheritance, then ye shall offer up an heave
offering of it for the LORD, [even] {a} tenth [part] of the tithe.
a <NUM19 -2> This [is] the ordinance of the law which the LORD hath
commanded, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they
bring thee {a} red heifer without spot, wherein [is] no blemish,
[and] upon which never came yoke:
a <NUM19 -9> And a man [that is] clean shall gather up the ashes of
the heifer, and lay [them] up without the camp in a clean place, and
it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for
{a} water of separation: it [is] a purification for sin.
a <NUM19 -9> And a man [that is] clean shall gather up the ashes of
the heifer, and lay [them] up without the camp in {a} clean place,
and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel
for a water of separation: it [is] a purification for sin.
a <NUM19 -9> And a man [that is] clean shall gather up the ashes of
the heifer, and lay [them] up without the camp in a clean place, and
it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for
a water of separation: it [is] {a} purification for sin.
a <NUM19 -9> And {a} man [that is] clean shall gather up the ashes
of the heifer, and lay [them] up without the camp in a clean place,
and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel
for a water of separation: it [is] a purification for sin.
a <NUM19 -10> And he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer shall
wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: and it shall be
unto the children of Israel, and unto the stranger that sojourneth
among them, for {a} statute for ever.
a <NUM19 -14> This [is] the law, when a man dieth in {a} tent: all
that come into the tent, and all that [is] in the tent, shall be
unclean seven days.
a <NUM19 -14> This [is] the law, when {a} man dieth in a tent: all
that come into the tent, and all that [is] in the tent, shall be
unclean seven days.
a <NUM19 -16> And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with a sword
in the open fields, or {a} dead body, or a bone of a man, or a
grave, shall be unclean seven days.
a <NUM19 -16> And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with {a}
sword in the open fields, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a
grave, shall be unclean seven days.
a <NUM19 -16> And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with a sword
in the open fields, or a dead body, or a bone of {a} man, or a
grave, shall be unclean seven days.
a <NUM19 -16> And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with a sword
in the open fields, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or {a}
grave, shall be unclean seven days.
a <NUM19 -16> And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with a sword
in the open fields, or a dead body, or {a} bone of a man, or a
grave, shall be unclean seven days.
a <NUM19 -17> And for an unclean [person] they shall take of the
ashes of the burnt heifer of purification for sin, and running water
shall be put thereto in {a} vessel:
a <NUM19 -18> And a clean person shall take hyssop, and dip [it] in
the water, and sprinkle [it] upon the tent, and upon all the
vessels, and upon the persons that were there, and upon him that
touched {a} bone, or one slain, or one dead, or a grave:
a <NUM19 -18> And a clean person shall take hyssop, and dip [it] in
the water, and sprinkle [it] upon the tent, and upon all the
vessels, and upon the persons that were there, and upon him that
touched a bone, or one slain, or one dead, or {a} grave:
a <NUM19 -18> And {a} clean person shall take hyssop, and dip [it]
in the water, and sprinkle [it] upon the tent, and upon all the
vessels, and upon the persons that were there, and upon him that
touched a bone, or one slain, or one dead, or a grave:
a <NUM19 -21> And it shall be {a} perpetual statute unto them, that
he that sprinkleth the water of separation shall wash his clothes;
and he that toucheth the water of separation shall be unclean until
a <NUM20 -15> How our fathers went down into Egypt, and we have
dwelt in Egypt {a} long time; and the Egyptians vexed us, and our
a <NUM20 -16> And when we cried unto the LORD, he heard our voice,
and sent an angel, and hath brought us forth out of Egypt: and,
behold, we [are] in Kadesh, {a} city in the uttermost of thy border:
a <NUM20 -20> And he said, Thou shalt not go through. And Edom came
out against him with much people, and with {a} strong hand.
a <NUM21 -2> And Israel vowed {a} vow unto the LORD, and said, If
thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I will
utterly destroy their cities.
a <NUM21 -8> And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee {a} fiery
serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that
every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
a <NUM21 -8> And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery
serpent, and set it upon {a} pole: and it shall come to pass, that
every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
a <NUM21 -9> And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a
pole, and it came to pass, that if {a} serpent had bitten any man,
when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
a <NUM21 -9> And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon {a}
pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man,
when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
a <NUM21 -9> And Moses made {a} serpent of brass, and put it upon a
pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man,
when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
a <NUM21 -28> For there is a fire gone out of Heshbon, {a} flame
from the city of Sihon: it hath consumed Ar of Moab, [and] the lords
of the high places of Arnon.
a <NUM21 -28> For there is {a} fire gone out of Heshbon, a flame
from the city of Sihon: it hath consumed Ar of Moab, [and] the lords
of the high places of Arnon.
a <NUM22 -5> He sent messengers therefore unto Balaam the son of
Beor to Pethor, which [is] by the river of the land of the children
of his people, to call him, saying, Behold, there is {a} people come
out from Egypt: behold, they cover the face of the earth, and they
abide over against me:
a <NUM22 -11> Behold, [there is] {a} people come out of Egypt, which
covereth the face of the earth: come now, curse me them;
peradventure I shall be able to overcome them, and drive them out.
a <NUM22 -24> But the angel of the LORD stood in a path of the
vineyards, a wall [being] on this side, and {a} wall on that side.
a <NUM22 -24> But the angel of the LORD stood in {a} path of the
vineyards, a wall [being] on this side, and a wall on that side.
a <NUM22 -24> But the angel of the LORD stood in a path of the
vineyards, {a} wall [being] on this side, and a wall on that side.
a <NUM22 -26> And the angel of the LORD went further, and stood in
{a} narrow place, where [was] no way to turn either to the right
hand or to the left.
a <NUM22 -27> And when the ass saw the angel of the LORD, she fell
down under Balaam: and Balaam's anger was kindled, and he smote the
ass with {a} staff.
a <NUM22 -29> And Balaam said unto the ass, Because thou hast mocked
me: I would there were {a} sword in mine hand, for now would I kill
a <NUM22 -36> And when Balak heard that Balaam was come, he went out
to meet him unto {a} city of Moab, which [is] in the border of
Arnon, which [is] in the utmost coast.
a <NUM23 -2> And Balak did as Balaam had spoken; and Balak and
Balaam offered on [every] altar {a} bullock and a ram.
a <NUM23 -2> And Balak did as Balaam had spoken; and Balak and
Balaam offered on [every] altar a bullock and {a} ram.
a <NUM23 -4> And God met Balaam: and he said unto him, I have
prepared seven altars, and I have offered upon [every] altar {a}
bullock and a ram.
a <NUM23 -4> And God met Balaam: and he said unto him, I have
prepared seven altars, and I have offered upon [every] altar a
bullock and {a} ram.
a <NUM23 -5> And the LORD put {a} word in Balaam's mouth, and said,
Return unto Balak, and thus thou shalt speak.
a <NUM23 -14> And he brought him into the field of Zophim, to the
top of Pisgah, and built seven altars, and offered a bullock and {a}
ram on [every] altar.
a <NUM23 -14> And he brought him into the field of Zophim, to the
top of Pisgah, and built seven altars, and offered {a} bullock and a
ram on [every] altar.
a <NUM23 -16> And the LORD met Balaam, and put {a} word in his
mouth, and said, Go again unto Balak, and say thus.
a <NUM23 -19> God [is] not {a} man, that he should lie; neither the
son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do
[it]? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
a <NUM23 -21> He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he
seen perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God [is] with him, and the
shout of {a} king [is] among them.
a <NUM23 -24> Behold, the people shall rise up as {a} great lion,
and lift up himself as a young lion: he shall not lie down until he
eat [of] the prey, and drink the blood of the slain.
a <NUM23 -24> Behold, the people shall rise up as a great lion, and
lift up himself as {a} young lion: he shall not lie down until he
eat [of] the prey, and drink the blood of the slain.
a <NUM23 -30> And Balak did as Balaam had said, and offered {a}
bullock and a ram on [every] altar.
a <NUM23 -30> And Balak did as Balaam had said, and offered a
bullock and {a} ram on [every] altar.
a <NUM24 -4> He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw
the vision of the Almighty, falling [into {a} trance], but having
his eyes open:
a <NUM24 -9> He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as {a} great
lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed [is] he that blesseth thee, and
cursed [is] he that curseth thee.
a <NUM24 -9> He couched, he lay down as {a} lion, and as a great
lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed [is] he that blesseth thee, and
cursed [is] he that curseth thee.
a <NUM24 -16> He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew
the knowledge of the most High, [which] saw the vision of the
Almighty, falling [into {a} trance], but having his eyes open:
a <NUM24 -17> I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but
not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and {a} Sceptre
shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and
destroy all the children of Sheth.
a <NUM24 -17> I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but
not nigh: there shall come {a} Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre
shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and
destroy all the children of Sheth.
a <NUM24 -18> And Edom shall be {a} possession, Seir also shall be a
possession for his enemies; and Israel shall do valiantly.
a <NUM24 -18> And Edom shall be a possession, Seir also shall be {a}
possession for his enemies; and Israel shall do valiantly.
a <NUM24 -21> And he looked on the Kenites, and took up his parable,
and said, Strong is thy dwellingplace, and thou puttest thy nest in
{a} rock.
a <NUM25 -6> And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and
brought unto his brethren {a} Midianitish woman in the sight of
Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of
Israel, who [were] weeping [before] the door of the tabernacle of
the congregation.
a <NUM25 -7> And when Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron
the priest, saw [it], he rose up from among the congregation, and
took {a} javelin in his hand;
a <NUM25 -14> Now the name of the Israelite that was slain, [even]
that was slain with the Midianitish woman, [was] Zimri, the son of
Salu, a prince of {a} chief house among the Simeonites.
a <NUM25 -14> Now the name of the Israelite that was slain, [even]
that was slain with the Midianitish woman, [was] Zimri, the son of
Salu, {a} prince of a chief house among the Simeonites.
a <NUM25 -15> And the name of the Midianitish woman that was slain
[was] Cozbi, the daughter of Zur; he [was] head over a people, [and]
of {a} chief house in Midian.
a <NUM25 -15> And the name of the Midianitish woman that was slain
[was] Cozbi, the daughter of Zur; he [was] head over {a} people,
[and] of a chief house in Midian.
a <NUM25 -18> For they vex you with their wiles, wherewith they have
beguiled you in the matter of Peor, and in the matter of Cozbi, the
daughter of {a} prince of Midian, their sister, which was slain in
the day of the plague for Peor's sake.
a <NUM26 -10> And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up
together with Korah, when that company died, what time the fire
devoured two hundred and fifty men: and they became {a} sign.
a <NUM26 -51> These [were] the numbered of the children of Israel,
six hundred thousand and {a} thousand seven hundred and thirty.
a <NUM26 -62> And those that were numbered of them were twenty and
three thousand, all males from {a} month old and upward: for they
were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no
inheritance given them among the children of Israel.
a <NUM26 -64> But among these there was not {a} man of them whom
Moses and Aaron the priest numbered, when they numbered the children
of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai.
a <NUM26 -65> For the LORD had said of them, They shall surely die
in the wilderness. And there was not left {a} man of them, save
Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun.
a <NUM27 -4> Why should the name of our father be done away from
among his family, because he hath no son? Give unto us [therefore]
{a} possession among the brethren of our father.
a <NUM27 -7> The daughters of Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt
surely give them {a} possession of an inheritance among their
father's brethren; and thou shalt cause the inheritance of their
father to pass unto them.
a <NUM27 -8> And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel,
saying, If {a} man die, and have no son, then ye shall cause his
inheritance to pass unto his daughter.
a <NUM27 -11> And if his father have no brethren, then ye shall give
his inheritance unto his kinsman that is next to him of his family,
and he shall possess it: and it shall be unto the children of Israel
{a} statute of judgment, as the LORD commanded Moses.
a <NUM27 -16> Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set
{a} man over the congregation,
a <NUM27 -18> And the LORD said unto Moses, Take thee Joshua the son
of Nun, {a} man in whom [is] the spirit, and lay thine hand upon
a <NUM27 -19> And set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all
the congregation; and give him {a} charge in their sight.
a <NUM27 -23> And he laid his hands upon him, and gave him {a}
charge, as the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses.
a <NUM28 -2> Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, My
offering, [and] my bread for my sacrifices made by fire, [for] {a}
sweet savour unto me, shall ye observe to offer unto me in their due
a <NUM28 -3> And thou shalt say unto them, This [is] the offering
made by fire which ye shall offer unto the LORD; two lambs of the
first year without spot day by day, [for] {a} continual burnt
a <NUM28 -5> And a tenth [part] of an ephah of flour for {a} meat
offering, mingled with the fourth [part] of an hin of beaten oil.
a <NUM28 -5> And {a} tenth [part] of an ephah of flour for a meat
offering, mingled with the fourth [part] of an hin of beaten oil.
a <NUM28 -6> It is] a continual burnt offering, which was ordained
in mount Sinai for {a} sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto
the LORD.
a <NUM28 -6> It is] a continual burnt offering, which was ordained
in mount Sinai for a sweet savour, {a} sacrifice made by fire unto
the LORD.
a <NUM28 -6> It is] {a} continual burnt offering, which was ordained
in mount Sinai for a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the
a <NUM28 -7> And the drink offering thereof [shall be] the fourth
[part] of an hin for the one lamb: in the holy [place] shalt thou
cause the strong wine to be poured unto the LORD [for] {a} drink
a <NUM28 -8> And the other lamb shalt thou offer at even: as the
meat offering of the morning, and as the drink offering thereof,
thou shalt offer [it], {a} sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet savour
unto the LORD.
a <NUM28 -8> And the other lamb shalt thou offer at even: as the
meat offering of the morning, and as the drink offering thereof,
thou shalt offer [it], a sacrifice made by fire, of {a} sweet savour
unto the LORD.
a <NUM28 -9> And on the sabbath day two lambs of the first year
without spot, and two tenth deals of flour [for] {a} meat offering,
mingled with oil, and the drink offering thereof:
a <NUM28 -11> And in the beginnings of your months ye shall offer
{a} burnt offering unto the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram,
seven lambs of the first year without spot;
a <NUM28 -12> And three tenth deals of flour [for] a meat offering,
mingled with oil, for one bullock; and two tenth deals of flour
[for] {a} meat offering, mingled with oil, for one ram;
a <NUM28 -12> And three tenth deals of flour [for] {a} meat
offering, mingled with oil, for one bullock; and two tenth deals of
flour [for] a meat offering, mingled with oil, for one ram;
a <NUM28 -13> And a several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil
[for] {a} meat offering unto one lamb; [for] a burnt offering of a
sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.
a <NUM28 -13> And a several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil
[for] a meat offering unto one lamb; [for] a burnt offering of {a}
sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.
a <NUM28 -13> And a several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil
[for] a meat offering unto one lamb; [for] a burnt offering of a
sweet savour, {a} sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.
a <NUM28 -13> And a several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil
[for] a meat offering unto one lamb; [for] {a} burnt offering of a
sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.
a <NUM28 -13> And {a} several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil
[for] a meat offering unto one lamb; [for] a burnt offering of a
sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.
a <NUM28 -14> And their drink offerings shall be half an hin of wine
unto a bullock, and the third [part] of an hin unto {a} ram, and a
fourth [part] of an hin unto a lamb: this [is] the burnt offering of
every month throughout the months of the year.
a <NUM28 -14> And their drink offerings shall be half an hin of wine
unto a bullock, and the third [part] of an hin unto a ram, and a
fourth [part] of an hin unto {a} lamb: this [is] the burnt offering
of every month throughout the months of the year.
a <NUM28 -14> And their drink offerings shall be half an hin of wine
unto a bullock, and the third [part] of an hin unto a ram, and {a}
fourth [part] of an hin unto a lamb: this [is] the burnt offering of
every month throughout the months of the year.
a <NUM28 -14> And their drink offerings shall be half an hin of wine
unto {a} bullock, and the third [part] of an hin unto a ram, and a
fourth [part] of an hin unto a lamb: this [is] the burnt offering of
every month throughout the months of the year.
a <NUM28 -15> And one kid of the goats for {a} sin offering unto the
LORD shall be offered, beside the continual burnt offering, and his
drink offering.
a <NUM28 -19> But ye shall offer {a} sacrifice made by fire [for] a
burnt offering unto the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram, and
seven lambs of the first year: they shall be unto you without
a <NUM28 -19> But ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire [for] {a}
burnt offering unto the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram, and
seven lambs of the first year: they shall be unto you without
a <NUM28 -20> And their meat offering [shall be of] flour mingled
with oil: three tenth deals shall ye offer for a bullock, and two
tenth deals for {a} ram;
a <NUM28 -20> And their meat offering [shall be of] flour mingled
with oil: three tenth deals shall ye offer for {a} bullock, and two
tenth deals for a ram;
A <NUM28 -21> {A} several tenth deal shalt thou offer for every
lamb, throughout the seven lambs:
a <NUM28 -22> And one goat [for] {a} sin offering, to make an
atonement for you.
a <NUM28 -23> Ye shall offer these beside the burnt offering in the
morning, which [is] for {a} continual burnt offering.
a <NUM28 -24> After this manner ye shall offer daily, throughout the
seven days, the meat of the sacrifice made by fire, of {a} sweet
savour unto the LORD: it shall be offered beside the continual burnt
offering, and his drink offering.
a <NUM28 -26> Also in the day of the firstfruits, when ye bring {a}
new meat offering unto the LORD, after your weeks [be out], ye shall
have an holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work:
a <NUM28 -27> But ye shall offer the burnt offering for {a} sweet
savour unto the LORD; two young bullocks, one ram, seven lambs of
the first year;
A <NUM28 -29> {A} several tenth deal unto one lamb, throughout the
seven lambs;
a <NUM29 -1> And in the seventh month, on the first [day] of the
month, ye shall have an holy convocation; ye shall do no servile
work: it is {a} day of blowing the trumpets unto you.
a <NUM29 -2> And ye shall offer a burnt offering for {a} sweet
savour unto the LORD; one young bullock, one ram, [and] seven lambs
of the first year without blemish:
a <NUM29 -2> And ye shall offer {a} burnt offering for a sweet
savour unto the LORD; one young bullock, one ram, [and] seven lambs
of the first year without blemish:
a <NUM29 -3> And their meat offering [shall be of] flour mingled
with oil, three tenth deals for a bullock, [and] two tenth deals for
{a} ram,
a <NUM29 -3> And their meat offering [shall be of] flour mingled
with oil, three tenth deals for {a} bullock, [and] two tenth deals
for a ram,
a <NUM29 -5> And one kid of the goats [for] {a} sin offering, to
make an atonement for you:
a <NUM29 -6> Beside the burnt offering of the month, and his meat
offering, and the daily burnt offering, and his meat offering, and
their drink offerings, according unto their manner, for {a} sweet
savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.
a <NUM29 -6> Beside the burnt offering of the month, and his meat
offering, and the daily burnt offering, and his meat offering, and
their drink offerings, according unto their manner, for a sweet
savour, {a} sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.
a <NUM29 -8> But ye shall offer {a} burnt offering unto the LORD
[for] a sweet savour; one young bullock, one ram, [and] seven lambs
of the first year; they shall be unto you without blemish:
a <NUM29 -8> But ye shall offer a burnt offering unto the LORD [for]
{a} sweet savour; one young bullock, one ram, [and] seven lambs of
the first year; they shall be unto you without blemish:
a <NUM29 -9> And their meat offering [shall be of] flour mingled
with oil, three tenth deals to {a} bullock, [and] two tenth deals to
one ram,
A <NUM29 -10> {A} several tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the
seven lambs:
a <NUM29 -11> One kid of the goats [for] {a} sin offering; beside
the sin offering of atonement, and the continual burnt offering, and
the meat offering of it, and their drink offerings.
a <NUM29 -12> And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month ye shall
have an holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work, and ye shall
keep {a} feast unto the LORD seven days:
a <NUM29 -13> And ye shall offer a burnt offering, a sacrifice made
by fire, of {a} sweet savour unto the LORD; thirteen young bullocks,
two rams, [and] fourteen lambs of the first year; they shall be
without blemish:
a <NUM29 -13> And ye shall offer {a} burnt offering, a sacrifice
made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD; thirteen young
bullocks, two rams, [and] fourteen lambs of the first year; they
shall be without blemish:
a <NUM29 -13> And ye shall offer a burnt offering, {a} sacrifice
made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD; thirteen young
bullocks, two rams, [and] fourteen lambs of the first year; they
shall be without blemish:
a <NUM29 -15> And {a} several tenth deal to each lamb of the
fourteen lambs:
a <NUM29 -16> And one kid of the goats [for] {a} sin offering;
beside the continual burnt offering, his meat offering, and his
drink offering.
a <NUM29 -19> And one kid of the goats [for] {a} sin offering;
beside the continual burnt offering, and the meat offering thereof,
and their drink offerings.
a <NUM29 -22> And one goat [for] {a} sin offering; beside the
continual burnt offering, and his meat offering, and his drink
a <NUM29 -25> And one kid of the goats [for] {a} sin offering;
beside the continual burnt offering, his meat offering, and his
drink offering.
a <NUM29 -28> And one goat [for] {a} sin offering; beside the
continual burnt offering, and his meat offering, and his drink
a <NUM29 -31> And one goat [for] {a} sin offering; beside the
continual burnt offering, his meat offering, and his drink offering.
a <NUM29 -34> And one goat [for] {a} sin offering; beside the
continual burnt offering, his meat offering, and his drink offering.
a <NUM29 -35> On the eighth day ye shall have {a} solemn assembly:
ye shall do no servile work [therein]:
a <NUM29 -36> But ye shall offer {a} burnt offering, a sacrifice
made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD: one bullock, one ram,
seven lambs of the first year without blemish:
a <NUM29 -36> But ye shall offer a burnt offering, {a} sacrifice
made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD: one bullock, one ram,
seven lambs of the first year without blemish:
a <NUM29 -36> But ye shall offer a burnt offering, a sacrifice made
by fire, of {a} sweet savour unto the LORD: one bullock, one ram,
seven lambs of the first year without blemish:
a <NUM29 -38> And one goat [for] {a} sin offering; beside the
continual burnt offering, and his meat offering, and his drink
a <NUM30 -2> If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to
bind his soul with {a} bond; he shall not break his word, he shall
do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth.
a <NUM30 -2> If a man vow {a} vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to
bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do
according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth.
a <NUM30 -2> If {a} man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to
bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do
according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth.
a <NUM30 -3> If a woman also vow {a} vow unto the LORD, and bind
[herself] by a bond, [being] in her father's house in her youth;
a <NUM30 -3> If a woman also vow a vow unto the LORD, and bind
[herself] by {a} bond, [being] in her father's house in her youth;
a <NUM30 -3> If {a} woman also vow a vow unto the LORD, and bind
[herself] by a bond, [being] in her father's house in her youth;
a <NUM30 -9> But every vow of {a} widow, and of her that is
divorced, wherewith they have bound their souls, shall stand against
a <NUM30 -10> And if she vowed in her husband's house, or bound her
soul by {a} bond with an oath;
a <NUM30 -16> These [are] the statutes, which the LORD commanded
Moses, between {a} man and his wife, between the father and his
daughter, [being yet] in her youth in her father's house.
a <NUM31 -4> Of every tribe {a} thousand, throughout all the tribes
of Israel, shall ye send to the war.
a <NUM31 -5> So there were delivered out of the thousands of Israel,
{a} thousand of [every] tribe, twelve thousand armed for war.
a <NUM31 -6> And Moses sent them to the war, {a} thousand of [every]
tribe, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war,
with the holy instruments, and the trumpets to blow in his hand.
a <NUM31 -16> Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through
the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the
matter of Peor, and there was {a} plague among the congregation of
the LORD.
a <NUM31 -18> But all the women children, that have not known {a}
man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
a <NUM31 -28> And levy {a} tribute unto the LORD of the men of war
which went out to battle: one soul of five hundred, [both] of the
persons, and of the beeves, and of the asses, and of the sheep:
a <NUM31 -54> And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the
captains of thousands and of hundreds, and brought it into the
tabernacle of the congregation, [for] {a} memorial for the children
of Israel before the LORD.
a <NUM32 -1> Now the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had
{a} very great multitude of cattle: and when they saw the land of
Jazer, and the land of Gilead, that, behold, the place [was] a place
for cattle;
a <NUM32 -1> Now the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had
a very great multitude of cattle: and when they saw the land of
Jazer, and the land of Gilead, that, behold, the place [was] {a}
place for cattle;
a <NUM32 -4> Even] the country which the LORD smote before the
congregation of Israel, [is] {a} land for cattle, and thy servants
have cattle:
a <NUM32 -5> Wherefore, said they, if we have found grace in thy
sight, let this land be given unto thy servants for {a} possession,
[and] bring us not over Jordan.
a <NUM32 -29> And Moses said unto them, If the children of Gad and
the children of Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man
armed to battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued
before you; then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for {a}
a <NUM34 -5> And the border shall fetch {a} compass from Azmon unto
the river of Egypt, and the goings out of it shall be at the sea.
a <NUM34 -6> And [as for] the western border, ye shall even have the
great sea for {a} border: this shall be your west border.
a <NUM35 -4> And the suburbs of the cities, which ye shall give unto
the Levites, [shall reach] from the wall of the city and outward {a}
thousand cubits round about.
a <NUM35 -15> These six cities shall be {a} refuge, [both] for the
children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the sojourner
among them: that every one that killeth any person unawares may flee
a <NUM35 -16> And if he smite him with an instrument of iron, so
that he die, he [is] {a} murderer: the murderer shall surely be put
to death.
a <NUM35 -17> And if he smite him with throwing a stone, wherewith
he may die, and he die, he [is] {a} murderer: the murderer shall
surely be put to death.
a <NUM35 -17> And if he smite him with throwing {a} stone, wherewith
he may die, and he die, he [is] a murderer: the murderer shall
surely be put to death.
a <NUM35 -18> Or [if] he smite him with an hand weapon of wood,
wherewith he may die, and he die, he [is] {a} murderer: the murderer
shall surely be put to death.
a <NUM35 -21> Or in enmity smite him with his hand, that he die: he
that smote [him] shall surely be put to death; [for] he [is] {a}
murderer: the revenger of blood shall slay the murderer, when he
meeteth him.
a <NUM35 -23> Or with any stone, wherewith {a} man may die, seeing
[him] not, and cast [it] upon him, that he die, and [was] not his
enemy, neither sought his harm:
a <NUM35 -29> So these [things] shall be for {a} statute of judgment
unto you throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
a <NUM35 -31> Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of
{a} murderer, which [is] guilty of death: but he shall be surely put
to death.
a <DEU1 -11> The LORD God of your fathers make you {a} thousand
times so many more as ye [are], and bless you, as he hath promised
a <DEU1 -23> And the saying pleased me well: and I took twelve men
of you, one of {a} tribe:
a <DEU1 -25> And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands,
and brought [it] down unto us, and brought us word again, and said,
[It is] {a} good land which the LORD our God doth give us.
a <DEU1 -31> And in the wilderness, where thou hast seen how that
the LORD thy God bare thee, as {a} man doth bear his son, in all the
way that ye went, until ye came into this place.
a <DEU1 -33> Who went in the way before you, to search you out a
place to pitch your tents [in], in fire by night, to show you by
what way ye should go, and in {a} cloud by day.
a <DEU1 -33> Who went in the way before you, to search you out {a}
place to pitch your tents [in], in fire by night, to show you by
what way ye should go, and in a cloud by day.
a <DEU1 -39> Moreover your little ones, which ye said should be {a}
prey, and your children, which in that day had no knowledge between
good and evil, they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give
it, and they shall possess it.
a <DEU2 -5> Meddle not with them; for I will not give you of their
land, no, not so much as {a} foot breadth; because I have given
mount Seir unto Esau [for] a possession.
a <DEU2 -5> Meddle not with them; for I will not give you of their
land, no, not so much as a foot breadth; because I have given mount
Seir unto Esau [for] {a} possession.
a <DEU2 -9> And the LORD said unto me, Distress not the Moabites,
neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give thee of
their land [for] {a} possession; because I have given Ar unto the
children of Lot [for] a possession.
a <DEU2 -9> And the LORD said unto me, Distress not the Moabites,
neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give thee of
their land [for] a possession; because I have given Ar unto the
children of Lot [for] {a} possession.
a <DEU2 -10> The Emims dwelt therein in times past, {a} people
great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims;
a <DEU2 -19> And [when] thou comest nigh over against the children
of Ammon, distress them not, nor meddle with them: for I will not
give thee of the land of the children of Ammon [any] possession;
because I have given it unto the children of Lot [for] {a}
a <DEU2 -20> That also was accounted {a} land of giants: giants
dwelt therein in old time; and the Ammonites call them Zamzummims;
A <DEU2 -21> {A} people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims;
but the LORD destroyed them before them; and they succeeded them,
and dwelt in their stead:
a <DEU2 -35> Only the cattle we took for {a} prey unto ourselves,
and the spoil of the cities which we took.
a <DEU3 -4> And we took all his cities at that time, there was not
{a} city which we took not from them, threescore cities, all the
region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.
a <DEU3 -5> All these cities [were] fenced with high walls, gates,
and bars; beside unwalled towns {a} great many.
a <DEU3 -7> But all the cattle, and the spoil of the cities, we took
for {a} prey to ourselves.
a <DEU3 -11> For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of
giants; behold, his bedstead [was] a bedstead of iron; [is] it not
in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits [was] the length
thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of {a}
a <DEU3 -11> For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of
giants; behold, his bedstead [was] {a} bedstead of iron; [is] it not
in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits [was] the length
thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a
a <DEU4 -6> Keep therefore and do [them]; for this [is] your wisdom
and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear
all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation [is] {a} wise
and understanding people.
a <DEU4 -12> And the LORD spake unto you out of the midst of the
fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude; only
[ye heard] {a} voice.
a <DEU4 -16> Lest ye corrupt [yourselves], and make you {a} graven
image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female,
a <DEU4 -20> But the LORD hath taken you, and brought you forth out
of the iron furnace, [even] out of Egypt, to be unto him {a} people
of inheritance, as [ye are] this day.
a <DEU4 -23> Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye forget the covenant
of the LORD your God, which he made with you, and make you {a}
graven image, [or] the likeness of any [thing], which the LORD thy
God hath forbidden thee.
a <DEU4 -24> For the LORD thy God [is] a consuming fire, [even] {a}
jealous God.
a <DEU4 -24> For the LORD thy God [is] {a} consuming fire, [even] a
jealous God.
a <DEU4 -25> When thou shalt beget children, and children's
children, and ye shall have remained long in the land, and shall
corrupt [yourselves], and make {a} graven image, [or] the likeness
of any [thing], and shall do evil in the sight of the LORD thy God,
to provoke him to anger:
a <DEU4 -31> For the LORD thy God [is] {a} merciful God;) he will
not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of
thy fathers which he sware unto them.
a <DEU4 -34> Or hath God assayed to go [and] take him a nation from
the midst of [another] nation, by temptations, by signs, and by
wonders, and by war, and by {a} mighty hand, and by a stretched out
arm, and by great terrors, according to all that the LORD your God
did for you in Egypt before your eyes?
a <DEU4 -34> Or hath God assayed to go [and] take him {a} nation
from the midst of [another] nation, by temptations, by signs, and by
wonders, and by war, and by a mighty hand, and by a stretched out
arm, and by great terrors, according to all that the LORD your God
did for you in Egypt before your eyes?
a <DEU4 -34> Or hath God assayed to go [and] take him a nation from
the midst of [another] nation, by temptations, by signs, and by
wonders, and by war, and by a mighty hand, and by {a} stretched out
arm, and by great terrors, according to all that the LORD your God
did for you in Egypt before your eyes?
a <DEU5 -2> The LORD our God made {a} covenant with us in Horeb.
a <DEU5 -9> Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve
them: for I the LORD thy God [am] {a} jealous God, visiting the
iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth
[generation] of them that hate me,
a <DEU5 -15> And remember that thou wast {a} servant in the land of
Egypt, and [that] the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a
mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God
commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
a <DEU5 -15> And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of
Egypt, and [that] the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a
mighty hand and by {a} stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God
commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
a <DEU5 -15> And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of
Egypt, and [that] the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through
{a} mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy
God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
a <DEU5 -22> These words the LORD spake unto all your assembly in
the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the
thick darkness, with {a} great voice: and he added no more. And he
wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me.
a <DEU6 -8> And thou shalt bind them for {a} sign upon thine hand,
and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
a <DEU6 -15> For the LORD thy God [is] {a} jealous God among you)
lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and
destroy thee from off the face of the earth.
a <DEU6 -21> Then thou shalt say unto thy son, We were Pharaoh's
bondmen in Egypt; and the LORD brought us out of Egypt with {a}
mighty hand:
a <DEU7 -6> For thou [art] an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the
LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be {a} special people unto himself,
above all people that [are] upon the face of the earth.
a <DEU7 -8> But because the LORD loved you, and because he would
keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD
brought you out with {a} mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the
house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
a <DEU7 -9> Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he [is] God, the
faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love
him and keep his commandments to {a} thousand generations;
a <DEU7 -16> And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD
thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them:
neither shalt thou serve their gods; for that [will be] {a} snare
unto thee.
a <DEU7 -21> Thou shalt not be affrighted at them: for the LORD thy
God [is] among you, {a} mighty God and terrible.
a <DEU7 -23> But the LORD thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and
shall destroy them with {a} mighty destruction, until they be
a <DEU7 -26> Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine
house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: [but] thou shalt utterly
detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it [is] {a} cursed
a <DEU7 -26> Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine
house, lest thou be {a} cursed thing like it: [but] thou shalt
utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it [is] a
cursed thing.
a <DEU8 -5> Thou shalt also consider in thine heart, that, as {a}
man chasteneth his son, [so] the LORD thy God chasteneth thee.
a <DEU8 -7> For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, {a}
land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of
valleys and hills;
a <DEU8 -7> For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into {a} good land, a
land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of
valleys and hills;
A <DEU8 -8> {A} land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees,
and pomegranates; a land of oil olive, and honey;
a <DEU8 -8> A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees,
and pomegranates; {a} land of oil olive, and honey;
a <DEU8 -9> A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness,
thou shalt not lack any [thing] in it; {a} land whose stones [are]
iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass.
A <DEU8 -9> {A} land wherein thou shalt eat bread without
scarceness, thou shalt not lack any [thing] in it; a land whose
stones [are] iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass.
A <DEU9 -2> {A} people great and tall, the children of the Anakims,
whom thou knowest, and [of whom] thou hast heard [say], Who can
stand before the children of Anak!
a <DEU9 -3> Understand therefore this day, that the LORD thy God
[is] he which goeth over before thee; [as] {a} consuming fire he
shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so
shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the LORD
hath said unto thee.
a <DEU9 -6> Understand therefore, that the LORD thy God giveth thee
not this good land to possess it for thy righteousness; for thou
[art] {a} stiffnecked people.
a <DEU9 -12> And the LORD said unto me, Arise, get thee down quickly
from hence; for thy people which thou hast brought forth out of
Egypt have corrupted [themselves]; they are quickly turned aside out
of the way which I commanded them; they have made them {a} molten
a <DEU9 -13> Furthermore the LORD spake unto me, saying, I have seen
this people, and, behold, it [is] {a} stiffnecked people:
a <DEU9 -14> Let me alone, that I may destroy them, and blot out
their name from under heaven: and I will make of thee {a} nation
mightier and greater than they.
a <DEU9 -16> And I looked, and, behold, ye had sinned against the
LORD your God, [and] had made you {a} molten calf: ye had turned
aside quickly out of the way which the LORD had commanded you.
a <DEU9 -26> I prayed therefore unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD,
destroy not thy people and thine inheritance, which thou hast
redeemed through thy greatness, which thou hast brought forth out of
Egypt with {a} mighty hand.
a <DEU10 -7> From thence they journeyed unto Gudgodah; and from
Gudgodah to Jotbath, {a} land of rivers of waters.
a <DEU10 -15> Only the LORD had {a} delight in thy fathers to love
them, and he chose their seed after them, [even] you above all
people, as [it is] this day.
a <DEU10 -17> For the LORD your God [is] God of gods, and Lord of
lords, a great God, {a} mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not
persons, nor taketh reward:
a <DEU10 -17> For the LORD your God [is] God of gods, and Lord of
lords, a great God, a mighty, and {a} terrible, which regardeth not
persons, nor taketh reward:
a <DEU10 -17> For the LORD your God [is] God of gods, and Lord of
lords, {a} great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not
persons, nor taketh reward:
a <DEU11 -9> And that ye may prolong [your] days in the land, which
the LORD sware unto your fathers to give unto them and to their
seed, {a} land that floweth with milk and honey.
a <DEU11 -10> For the land, whither thou goest in to possess it,
[is] not as the land of Egypt, from whence ye came out, where thou
sowedst thy seed, and wateredst [it] with thy foot, as {a} garden of
a <DEU11 -11> But the land, whither ye go to possess it, [is] {a}
land of hills and valleys, [and] drinketh water of the rain of
A <DEU11 -12> {A} land which the LORD thy God careth for: the eyes
of the LORD thy God [are] always upon it, from the beginning of the
year even unto the end of the year.
a <DEU11 -18> Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart
and in your soul, and bind them for {a} sign upon your hand, that
they may be as frontlets between your eyes.
a <DEU11 -26> Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and {a}
a <DEU11 -26> Behold, I set before you this day {a} blessing and a
A <DEU11 -27> {A} blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD
your God, which I command you this day:
a <DEU11 -28> And {a} curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of
the LORD your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you
this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known.
a <DEU12 -11> Then there shall be {a} place which the LORD your God
shall choose to cause his name to dwell there; thither shall ye
bring all that I command you; your burnt offerings, and your
sacrifices, your tithes, and the heave offering of your hand, and
all your choice vows which ye vow unto the LORD:
a <DEU13 -1> If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of
dreams, and giveth thee {a} sign or a wonder,
a <DEU13 -1> If there arise among you a prophet, or {a} dreamer of
dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
a <DEU13 -1> If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of
dreams, and giveth thee a sign or {a} wonder,
a <DEU13 -1> If there arise among you {a} prophet, or a dreamer of
dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
a <DEU14 -2> For thou [art] an holy people unto the LORD thy God,
and the LORD hath chosen thee to be {a} peculiar people unto
himself, above all the nations that [are] upon the earth.
a <DEU14 -21> Ye shall not eat [of] any thing that dieth of itself:
thou shalt give it unto the stranger that [is] in thy gates, that he
may eat it; or thou mayest sell it unto an alien: for thou [art] an
holy people unto the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe {a} kid in
his mother's milk.
a <DEU15 -1> At the end of [every] seven years thou shalt make {a}
a <DEU15 -3> Of {a} foreigner thou mayest exact [it again]: but
[that] which is thine with thy brother thine hand shall release;
a <DEU15 -7> If there be among you {a} poor man of one of thy
brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God
giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand
from thy poor brother:
a <DEU15 -9> Beware that there be not {a} thought in thy wicked
heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand;
and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him
nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto
a <DEU15 -15> And thou shalt remember that thou wast {a} bondman in
the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee: therefore I
command thee this thing to day.
a <DEU15 -18> It shall not seem hard unto thee, when thou sendest
him away free from thee; for he hath been worth {a} double hired
servant [to thee], in serving thee six years: and the LORD thy God
shall bless thee in all that thou doest.
a <DEU16 -8> Six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread: and on the
seventh day [shall be] {a} solemn assembly to the LORD thy God: thou
shalt do no work [therein].
a <DEU16 -10> And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks unto the LORD
thy God with {a} tribute of a freewill offering of thine hand, which
thou shalt give [unto the LORD thy God], according as the LORD thy
God hath blessed thee:
a <DEU16 -10> And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks unto the LORD
thy God with a tribute of {a} freewill offering of thine hand, which
thou shalt give [unto the LORD thy God], according as the LORD thy
God hath blessed thee:
a <DEU16 -12> And thou shalt remember that thou wast {a} bondman in
Egypt: and thou shalt observe and do these statutes.
a <DEU16 -15> Seven days shalt thou keep {a} solemn feast unto the
LORD thy God in the place which the LORD shall choose: because the
LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thine increase, and in all the
works of thine hands, therefore thou shalt surely rejoice.
a <DEU16 -16> Three times in {a} year shall all thy males appear
before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose; in the
feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the
feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the LORD
a <DEU16 -19> Thou shalt not wrest judgment; thou shalt not respect
persons, neither take {a} gift: for a gift doth blind the eyes of
the wise, and pervert the words of the righteous.
a <DEU16 -19> Thou shalt not wrest judgment; thou shalt not respect
persons, neither take a gift: for {a} gift doth blind the eyes of
the wise, and pervert the words of the righteous.
a <DEU16 -21> Thou shalt not plant thee {a} grove of any trees near
unto the altar of the LORD thy God, which thou shalt make thee.
a <DEU17 -8> If there arise {a} matter too hard for thee in
judgment, between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and
between stroke and stroke, [being] matters of controversy within thy
gates: then shalt thou arise, and get thee up into the place which
the LORD thy God shall choose;
a <DEU17 -14> When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy
God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and
shalt say, I will set {a} king over me, like as all the nations that
[are] about me;
a <DEU17 -15> Thou shalt in any wise set [him] king over thee, whom
the LORD thy God shall choose: [one] from among thy brethren shalt
thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set {a} stranger over thee,
which [is] not thy brother.
a <DEU17 -18> And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of
his kingdom, that he shall write him {a} copy of this law in a book
out of [that which is] before the priests the Levites:
a <DEU17 -18> And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of
his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this law in {a} book
out of [that which is] before the priests the Levites:
a <DEU18 -3> And this shall be the priest's due from the people,
from them that offer {a} sacrifice, whether [it be] ox or sheep; and
they shall give unto the priest the shoulder, and the two cheeks,
and the maw.
a <DEU18 -6> And if {a} Levite come from any of thy gates out of all
Israel, where he sojourned, and come with all the desire of his mind
unto the place which the LORD shall choose;
a <DEU18 -10> There shall not be found among you [any one] that
maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, [or] that
useth divination, [or] an observer of times, or an enchanter, or {a}
a <DEU18 -11> Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or
a wizard, or {a} necromancer.
a <DEU18 -11> Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or
{a} wizard, or a necromancer.
a <DEU18 -11> Or a charmer, or {a} consulter with familiar spirits,
or a wizard, or a necromancer.
a <DEU18 -11> Or {a} charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits,
or a wizard, or a necromancer.
a <DEU18 -15> The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee {a} Prophet
from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye
shall hearken;
a <DEU18 -18> I will raise them up {a} Prophet from among their
brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he
shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
a <DEU18 -20> But the prophet, which shall presume to speak {a} word
in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall
speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
a <DEU18 -22> When {a} prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if
the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that [is] the thing which
the LORD hath not spoken, [but] the prophet hath spoken it
presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
a <DEU19 -3> Thou shalt prepare thee {a} way, and divide the coasts
of thy land, which the LORD thy God giveth thee to inherit, into
three parts, that every slayer may flee thither.
a <DEU19 -5> As when {a} man goeth into the wood with his neighbour
to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the ax to cut down
the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon
his neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of those cities,
and live:
a <DEU19 -5> As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour to
hew wood, and his hand fetcheth {a} stroke with the ax to cut down
the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon
his neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of those cities,
and live:
a <DEU19 -15> One witness shall not rise up against {a} man for any
iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth
of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the
matter be established.
a <DEU19 -16> If {a} false witness rise up against any man to
testify against him [that which is] wrong;
a <DEU19 -18> And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and,
behold, [if] the witness [be] {a} false witness, [and] hath
testified falsely against his brother;
a <DEU20 -1> When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies,
and seest horses, and chariots, [and] {a} people more than thou, be
not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God [is] with thee, which
brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
a <DEU20 -5> And the officers shall speak unto the people, saying,
What man [is there] that hath built {a} new house, and hath not
dedicated it? let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the
battle, and another man dedicate it.
a <DEU20 -6> And what man [is he] that hath planted {a} vineyard,
and hath not [yet] eaten of it? let him [also] go and return unto
his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man eat of it.
a <DEU20 -7> And what man [is there] that hath betrothed {a} wife,
and hath not taken her? let him go and return unto his house, lest
he die in the battle, and another man take her.
a <DEU20 -10> When thou comest nigh unto {a} city to fight against
it, then proclaim peace unto it.
a <DEU20 -19> When thou shalt besiege {a} city a long time, in
making war against it to take it, thou shalt not destroy the trees
thereof by forcing an ax against them: for thou mayest eat of them,
and thou shalt not cut them down (for the tree of the field [is]
man's [life]) to employ [them] in the siege:
a <DEU20 -19> When thou shalt besiege a city {a} long time, in
making war against it to take it, thou shalt not destroy the trees
thereof by forcing an ax against them: for thou mayest eat of them,
and thou shalt not cut them down (for the tree of the field [is]
man's [life]) to employ [them] in the siege:
a <DEU21 -4> And the elders of that city shall bring down the heifer
unto {a} rough valley, which is neither eared nor sown, and shall
strike off the heifer's neck there in the valley:
a <DEU21 -11> And seest among the captives {a} beautiful woman, and
hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
a <DEU21 -11> And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and
hast {a} desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
a <DEU21 -13> And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from
off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and
her mother {a} full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her,
and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
a <DEU21 -15> If {a} man have two wives, one beloved, and another
hated, and they have born him children, [both] the beloved and the
hated; and [if] the firstborn son be hers that was hated:
a <DEU21 -17> But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated [for]
the firstborn, by giving him {a} double portion of all that he hath:
for he [is] the beginning of his strength; the right of the
firstborn [is] his.
a <DEU21 -18> If {a} man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which
will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother,
and [that], when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto
a <DEU21 -18> If a man have {a} stubborn and rebellious son, which
will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother,
and [that], when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto
a <DEU21 -20> And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This
our son [is] stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice;
[he is] a glutton, and {a} drunkard.
a <DEU21 -20> And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This
our son [is] stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice;
[he is] {a} glutton, and a drunkard.
a <DEU21 -22> And if {a} man have committed a sin worthy of death,
and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree:
a <DEU21 -22> And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and
he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on {a} tree:
a <DEU21 -22> And if a man have committed {a} sin worthy of death,
and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree:
a <DEU22 -5> The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a
man, neither shall a man put on {a} woman's garment: for all that do
so [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God.
a <DEU22 -5> The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto {a}
man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do
so [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God.
a <DEU22 -5> The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a
man, neither shall {a} man put on a woman's garment: for all that do
so [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God.
a <DEU22 -6> If {a} bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way
in any tree, or on the ground, [whether they be] young ones, or
eggs, and the dam sitting upon the young, or upon the eggs, thou
shalt not take the dam with the young:
a <DEU22 -8> When thou buildest a new house, then thou shalt make
{a} battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thine
house, if any man fall from thence.
a <DEU22 -8> When thou buildest {a} new house, then thou shalt make
a battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thine
house, if any man fall from thence.
a <DEU22 -11> Thou shalt not wear {a} garment of divers sorts, [as]
of woollen and linen together.
a <DEU22 -13> If any man take {a} wife, and go in unto her, and hate
a <DEU22 -14> And give occasions of speech against her, and bring up
an evil name upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came
to her, I found her not {a} maid:
a <DEU22 -17> And, lo, he hath given occasions of speech [against
her], saying, I found not thy daughter {a} maid; and yet these [are
the tokens of] my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the
cloth before the elders of the city.
a <DEU22 -19> And they shall amerce him in an hundred [shekels] of
silver, and give [them] unto the father of the damsel, because he
hath brought up an evil name upon {a} virgin of Israel: and she
shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days.
a <DEU22 -22> If a man be found lying with {a} woman married to an
husband, then they shall both of them die, [both] the man that lay
with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from
a <DEU22 -22> If {a} man be found lying with a woman married to an
husband, then they shall both of them die, [both] the man that lay
with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from
a <DEU22 -23> If a damsel [that is] a virgin be betrothed unto an
husband, and {a} man find her in the city, and lie with her;
a <DEU22 -23> If a damsel [that is] {a} virgin be betrothed unto an
husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her;
a <DEU22 -23> If {a} damsel [that is] a virgin be betrothed unto an
husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her;
a <DEU22 -25> But if {a} man find a betrothed damsel in the field,
and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay
with her shall die:
a <DEU22 -25> But if a man find {a} betrothed damsel in the field,
and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay
with her shall die:
a <DEU22 -26> But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing; [there is]
in the damsel no sin [worthy] of death: for as when {a} man riseth
against his neighbour, and slayeth him, even so [is] this matter:
a <DEU22 -28> If a man find a damsel [that is] {a} virgin, which is
not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be
a <DEU22 -28> If a man find {a} damsel [that is] a virgin, which is
not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be
a <DEU22 -28> If {a} man find a damsel [that is] a virgin, which is
not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be
A <DEU22 -30> {A} man shall not take his father's wife, nor discover
his father's skirt.
A <DEU23 -2> {A} bastard shall not enter into the congregation of
the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the
congregation of the LORD.
a <DEU23 -5> Nevertheless the LORD thy God would not hearken unto
Balaam; but the LORD thy God turned the curse into {a} blessing unto
thee, because the LORD thy God loved thee.
a <DEU23 -7> Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite; for he [is] thy
brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast {a}
stranger in his land.
a <DEU23 -12> Thou shalt have {a} place also without the camp,
whither thou shalt go forth abroad:
a <DEU23 -13> And thou shalt have {a} paddle upon thy weapon; and it
shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig
therewith, and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from
a <DEU23 -17> There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel,
nor {a} sodomite of the sons of Israel.
a <DEU23 -18> Thou shalt not bring the hire of {a} whore, or the
price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for
even both these [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God.
a <DEU23 -18> Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price
of {a} dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even
both these [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God.
a <DEU23 -20> Unto {a} stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but
unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy
God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the
land whither thou goest to possess it.
a <DEU23 -21> When thou shalt vow {a} vow unto the LORD thy God,
thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the LORD thy God will surely
require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee.
a <DEU23 -23> That which is gone out of thy lips thou shalt keep and
perform; [even] {a} freewill offering, according as thou hast vowed
unto the LORD thy God, which thou hast promised with thy mouth.
a <DEU23 -25> When thou comest into the standing corn of thy
neighbour, then thou mayest pluck the ears with thine hand; but thou
shalt not move {a} sickle unto thy neighbour's standing corn.
a <DEU24 -1> When a man hath taken {a} wife, and married her, and it
come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath
found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of
divorcement, and give [it] in her hand, and send her out of his
a <DEU24 -1> When {a} man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it
come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath
found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of
divorcement, and give [it] in her hand, and send her out of his
a <DEU24 -1> When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it
come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath
found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her {a} bill of
divorcement, and give [it] in her hand, and send her out of his
a <DEU24 -3> And [if] the latter husband hate her, and write her {a}
bill of divorcement, and giveth [it] in her hand, and sendeth her
out of his house; or if the latter husband die, which took her [to
be] his wife;
a <DEU24 -5> When {a} man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out
to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: [but] he
shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he
hath taken.
a <DEU24 -5> When a man hath taken {a} new wife, he shall not go out
to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: [but] he
shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he
hath taken.
a <DEU24 -6> No man shall take the nether or the upper millstone to
pledge: for he taketh [{a} man's] life to pledge.
a <DEU24 -7> If {a} man be found stealing any of his brethren of the
children of Israel, and maketh merchandise of him, or selleth him;
then that thief shall die; and thou shalt put evil away from among
a <DEU24 -17> Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the stranger,
[nor] of the fatherless; nor take {a} widow's raiment to pledge:
a <DEU24 -18> But thou shalt remember that thou wast {a} bondman in
Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee thence: therefore I
command thee to do this thing.
a <DEU24 -19> When thou cuttest down thine harvest in thy field, and
hast forgot {a} sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to fetch
it: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the
widow: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine
a <DEU24 -22> And thou shalt remember that thou wast {a} bondman in
the land of Egypt: therefore I command thee to do this thing.
a <DEU25 -1> If there be {a} controversy between men, and they come
unto judgment, that [the judges] may judge them; then they shall
justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked.
a <DEU25 -2> And it shall be, if the wicked man [be] worthy to be
beaten, that the judge shall cause him to lie down, and to be beaten
before his face, according to his fault, by {a} certain number.
a <DEU25 -5> If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and
have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto {a}
stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her
to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto
a <DEU25 -7> And if the man like not to take his brother's wife,
then let his brother's wife go up to the gate unto the elders, and
say, My husband's brother refuseth to raise up unto his brother {a}
name in Israel, he will not perform the duty of my husband's
a <DEU25 -13> Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, {a}
great and a small.
a <DEU25 -13> Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great
and {a} small.
a <DEU25 -14> Thou shalt not have in thine house divers measures, a
great and {a} small.
a <DEU25 -14> Thou shalt not have in thine house divers measures,
{a} great and a small.
a <DEU25 -15> But] thou shalt have {a} perfect and just weight, a
perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be
lengthened in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
a <DEU25 -15> But] thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, {a}
perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be
lengthened in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
a <DEU26 -2> That thou shalt take of the first of all the fruit of
the earth, which thou shalt bring of thy land that the LORD thy God
giveth thee, and shalt put [it] in {a} basket, and shalt go unto the
place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name there.
a <DEU26 -5> And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God, A
Syrian ready to perish [was] my father, and he went down into Egypt,
and sojourned there with a few, and became there {a} nation, great,
mighty, and populous:
A <DEU26 -5> And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God,
{A} Syrian ready to perish [was] my father, and he went down into
Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation,
great, mighty, and populous:
a <DEU26 -5> And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God, A
Syrian ready to perish [was] my father, and he went down into Egypt,
and sojourned there with {a} few, and became there a nation, great,
mighty, and populous:
a <DEU26 -8> And the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with {a}
mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great
terribleness, and with signs, and with wonders:
a <DEU26 -9> And he hath brought us into this place, and hath given
us this land, [even] {a} land that floweth with milk and honey.
a <DEU26 -15> Look down from thy holy habitation, from heaven, and
bless thy people Israel, and the land which thou hast given us, as
thou swarest unto our fathers, {a} land that floweth with milk and
a <DEU27 -3> And thou shalt write upon them all the words of this
law, when thou art passed over, that thou mayest go in unto the land
which the LORD thy God giveth thee, {a} land that floweth with milk
and honey; as the LORD God of thy fathers hath promised thee.
a <DEU27 -14> And the Levites shall speak, and say unto all the men
of Israel with {a} loud voice,
a <DEU27 -15> Cursed [be] the man that maketh [any] graven or molten
image, an abomination unto the LORD, the work of the hands of the
craftsman, and putteth [it] in [{a}] secret [place]. And all the
people shall answer and say, Amen.
a <DEU28 -22> The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with
{a} fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning,
and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they
shall pursue thee until thou perish.
a <DEU28 -22> The LORD shall smite thee with {a} consumption, and
with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning,
and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they
shall pursue thee until thou perish.
a <DEU28 -30> Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie
with her: thou shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell
therein: thou shalt plant {a} vineyard, and shalt not gather the
grapes thereof.
a <DEU28 -30> Thou shalt betroth {a} wife, and another man shall lie
with her: thou shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell
therein: thou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not gather the
grapes thereof.
a <DEU28 -33> The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall {a}
nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only
oppressed and crushed alway:
a <DEU28 -35> The LORD shall smite thee in the knees, and in the
legs, with {a} sore botch that cannot be healed, from the sole of
thy foot unto the top of thy head.
a <DEU28 -36> The LORD shall bring thee, and thy king which thou
shalt set over thee, unto {a} nation which neither thou nor thy
fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and
a <DEU28 -37> And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and
{a} byword, among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee.
a <DEU28 -37> And thou shalt become an astonishment, {a} proverb,
and a byword, among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee.
a <DEU28 -46> And they shall be upon thee for {a} sign and for a
wonder, and upon thy seed for ever.
a <DEU28 -46> And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for {a}
wonder, and upon thy seed for ever.
a <DEU28 -48> Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the
LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in
nakedness, and in want of all [things]: and he shall put {a} yoke of
iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.
a <DEU28 -49> The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far,
from the end of the earth, [as swift] as the eagle flieth; {a}
nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;
a <DEU28 -49> The LORD shall bring {a} nation against thee from far,
from the end of the earth, [as swift] as the eagle flieth; a nation
whose tongue thou shalt not understand;
A <DEU28 -50> {A} nation of fierce countenance, which shall not
regard the person of the old, nor show favour to the young:
a <DEU28 -65> And among these nations shalt thou find no ease,
neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: but the LORD shall
give thee there {a} trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow
of mind:
a <DEU29 -13> That he may establish thee to day for {a} people unto
himself, and [that] he may be unto thee a God, as he hath said unto
thee, and as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac,
and to Jacob.
a <DEU29 -13> That he may establish thee to day for a people unto
himself, and [that] he may be unto thee {a} God, as he hath said
unto thee, and as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to
Isaac, and to Jacob.
a <DEU29 -18> Lest there should be among you man, or woman, or
family, or tribe, whose heart turneth away this day from the LORD
our God, to go [and] serve the gods of these nations; lest there
should be among you {a} root that beareth gall and wormwood;
a <DEU29 -22> So that the generation to come of your children that
shall rise up after you, and the stranger that shall come from {a}
far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, and the
sicknesses which the LORD hath laid upon it;
a <DEU31 -6> Be strong and of {a} good courage, fear not, nor be
afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he [it is] that doth go with
thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
a <DEU31 -7> And Moses called unto Joshua, and said unto him in the
sight of all Israel, Be strong and of {a} good courage: for thou
must go with this people unto the land which the LORD hath sworn
unto their fathers to give them; and thou shalt cause them to
inherit it.
a <DEU31 -14> And the LORD said unto Moses, Behold, thy days
approach that thou must die: call Joshua, and present yourselves in
the tabernacle of the congregation, that I may give him {a} charge.
And Moses and Joshua went, and presented themselves in the
tabernacle of the congregation.
a <DEU31 -15> And the LORD appeared in the tabernacle in a pillar of
{a} cloud: and the pillar of the cloud stood over the door of the
a <DEU31 -15> And the LORD appeared in the tabernacle in {a} pillar
of a cloud: and the pillar of the cloud stood over the door of the
a <DEU31 -16> And the LORD said unto Moses, Behold, thou shalt sleep
with thy fathers; and this people will rise up, and go {a} whoring
after the gods of the strangers of the land, whither they go [to be]
among them, and will forsake me, and break my covenant which I have
made with them.
a <DEU31 -19> Now therefore write ye this song for you, and teach it
the children of Israel: put it in their mouths, that this song may
be {a} witness for me against the children of Israel.
a <DEU31 -21> And it shall come to pass, when many evils and
troubles are befallen them, that this song shall testify against
them as {a} witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths
of their seed: for I know their imagination which they go about,
even now, before I have brought them into the land which I sware.
a <DEU31 -23> And he gave Joshua the son of Nun {a} charge, and
said, Be strong and of a good courage: for thou shalt bring the
children of Israel into the land which I sware unto them: and I will
be with thee.
a <DEU31 -23> And he gave Joshua the son of Nun a charge, and said,
Be strong and of {a} good courage: for thou shalt bring the children
of Israel into the land which I sware unto them: and I will be with
a <DEU31 -24> And it came to pass, when Moses had made an end of
writing the words of this law in {a} book, until they were finished,
a <DEU31 -26> Take this book of the law, and put it in the side of
the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, that it may be there
for {a} witness against thee.
a <DEU32 -4> He is] the Rock, his work [is] perfect: for all his
ways [are] judgment: {a} God of truth and without iniquity, just and
right [is] he.
a <DEU32 -5> They have corrupted themselves, their spot [is] not
[the spot] of his children: [they are] {a} perverse and crooked
a <DEU32 -10> He found him in {a} desert land, and in the waste
howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him
as the apple of his eye.
a <DEU32 -20> And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see
what their end [shall be]: for they [are] {a} very froward
generation, children in whom [is] no faith.
a <DEU32 -21> They have moved me to jealousy with [that which is]
not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I
will move them to jealousy with [those which are] not a people; I
will provoke them to anger with {a} foolish nation.
a <DEU32 -21> They have moved me to jealousy with [that which is]
not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I
will move them to jealousy with [those which are] not {a} people; I
will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.
a <DEU32 -22> For {a} fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn
unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase,
and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.
a <DEU32 -28> For they [are] {a} nation void of counsel, neither [is
there any] understanding in them.
a <DEU32 -30> How should one chase {a} thousand, and two put ten
thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD
had shut them up?
a <DEU32 -47> For it [is] not {a} vain thing for you; because it
[is] your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong [your] days
in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.
a <DEU32 -49> Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, [unto] mount
Nebo, which [is] in the land of Moab, that [is] over against
Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the
children of Israel for {a} possession:
a <DEU33 -2> And he said, The LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from
Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with
ten thousands of saints: from his right hand [went] {a} fiery law
for them.
a <DEU33 -4> Moses commanded us {a} law, [even] the inheritance of
the congregation of Jacob.
a <DEU33 -20> And of Gad he said, Blessed [be] he that enlargeth
Gad; he dwelleth as {a} lion, and teareth the arm with the crown of
the head.
a <DEU33 -21> And he provided the first part for himself, because
there, [in] {a} portion of the lawgiver, [was he] seated; and he
came with the heads of the people, he executed the justice of the
LORD, and his judgments with Israel.
a <DEU33 -22> And of Dan he said, Dan [is] {a} lion's whelp: he
shall leap from Bashan.
a <DEU33 -28> Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain
of Jacob [shall be] upon {a} land of corn and wine; also his heavens
shall drop down dew.
a <DEU34 -6> And he buried him in {a} valley in the land of Moab,
over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this
a <DEU34 -10> And there arose not {a} prophet since in Israel like
unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face,
a <JOS1 -6> Be strong and of {a} good courage: for unto this people
shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto
their fathers to give them.
a <JOS1 -9> Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of {a} good
courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy
God [is] with thee whithersoever thou goest.
a <JOS1 -18> Whosoever [he be] that doth rebel against thy
commandment, and will not hearken unto thy words in all that thou
commandest him, he shall be put to death: only be strong and of {a}
good courage.
a <JOS2 -12> Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD,
since I have showed you kindness, that ye will also show kindness
unto my father's house, and give me {a} true token:
a <JOS2 -15> Then she let them down by {a} cord through the window:
for her house [was] upon the town wall, and she dwelt upon the wall.
a <JOS3 -4> Yet there shall be {a} space between you and it, about
two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may
know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed [this] way
a <JOS3 -12> Now therefore take you twelve men out of the tribes of
Israel, out of every tribe {a} man.
a <JOS4 -2> Take you twelve men out of the people, out of every
tribe {a} man,
a <JOS4 -4> Then Joshua called the twelve men, whom he had prepared
of the children of Israel, out of every tribe {a} man:
a <JOS4 -5> And Joshua said unto them, Pass over before the ark of
the LORD your God into the midst of Jordan, and take you up every
man of you {a} stone upon his shoulder, according unto the number of
the tribes of the children of Israel:
a <JOS4 -6> That this may be {a} sign among you, [that] when your
children ask [their fathers] in time to come, saying, What [mean] ye
by these stones?
a <JOS4 -7> Then ye shall answer them, That the waters of Jordan
were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it
passed over Jordan, the waters of Jordan were cut off: and these
stones shall be for {a} memorial unto the children of Israel for
a <JOS5 -6> For the children of Israel walked forty years in the
wilderness, till all the people [that were] men of war, which came
out of Egypt, were consumed, because they obeyed not the voice of
the LORD: unto whom the LORD sware that he would not show them the
land, which the LORD sware unto their fathers that he would give us,
{a} land that floweth with milk and honey.
a <JOS5 -13> And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that
he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood {a} man
over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went
unto him, and said unto him, [Art] thou for us, or for our
a <JOS6 -5> And it shall come to pass, that when they make {a} long
[blast] with the ram's horn, [and] when ye hear the sound of the
trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall
of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up
every man straight before him.
a <JOS6 -5> And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long
[blast] with the ram's horn, [and] when ye hear the sound of the
trumpet, all the people shall shout with {a} great shout; and the
wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend
up every man straight before him.
a <JOS6 -18> And ye, in any wise keep [yourselves] from the accursed
thing, lest ye make [yourselves] accursed, when ye take of the
accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel {a} curse, and trouble
a <JOS6 -20> So the people shouted when [the priests] blew with the
trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of
the trumpet, and the people shouted with {a} great shout, that the
wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every
man straight before him, and they took the city.
a <JOS7 -1> But the children of Israel committed {a} trespass in the
accursed thing: for Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the
son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed thing: and
the anger of the LORD was kindled against the children of Israel.
a <JOS7 -21> When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish
garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and {a} wedge of gold of
fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and,
behold, they [are] hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the
silver under it.
a <JOS7 -21> When I saw among the spoils {a} goodly Babylonish
garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of
fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and,
behold, they [are] hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the
silver under it.
a <JOS7 -26> And they raised over him {a} great heap of stones unto
this day. So the LORD turned from the fierceness of his anger.
Wherefore the name of that place was called, The valley of Achor,
unto this day.
a <JOS8 -2> And thou shalt do to Ai and her king as thou didst unto
Jericho and her king: only the spoil thereof, and the cattle
thereof, shall ye take for {a} prey unto yourselves: lay thee an
ambush for the city behind it.
a <JOS8 -11> And all the people, [even the people] of war that
[were] with him, went up, and drew nigh, and came before the city,
and pitched on the north side of Ai: now [there was] {a} valley
between them and Ai.
a <JOS8 -14> And it came to pass, when the king of Ai saw [it], that
they hasted and rose up early, and the men of the city went out
against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at {a} time
appointed, before the plain; but he wist not that [there were] liers
in ambush against him behind the city.
a <JOS8 -17> And there was not {a} man left in Ai or Bethel, that
went not out after Israel: and they left the city open, and pursued
after Israel.
a <JOS8 -27> Only the cattle and the spoil of that city Israel took
for {a} prey unto themselves, according unto the word of the LORD
which he commanded Joshua.
a <JOS8 -28> And Joshua burnt Ai, and made it an heap for ever,
[even] {a} desolation unto this day.
a <JOS8 -29> And the king of Ai he hanged on {a} tree until
eventide: and as soon as the sun was down, Joshua commanded that
they should take his carcase down from the tree, and cast it at the
entering of the gate of the city, and raise thereon a great heap of
stones, [that remaineth] unto this day.
a <JOS8 -29> And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until eventide:
and as soon as the sun was down, Joshua commanded that they should
take his carcase down from the tree, and cast it at the entering of
the gate of the city, and raise thereon {a} great heap of stones,
[that remaineth] unto this day.
a <JOS8 -32> And he wrote there upon the stones {a} copy of the law
of Moses, which he wrote in the presence of the children of Israel.
a <JOS8 -35> There was not {a} word of all that Moses commanded,
which Joshua read not before all the congregation of Israel, with
the women, and the little ones, and the strangers that were
conversant among them.
a <JOS9 -6> And they went to Joshua unto the camp at Gilgal, and
said unto him, and to the men of Israel, We be come from {a} far
country: now therefore make ye a league with us.
a <JOS9 -6> And they went to Joshua unto the camp at Gilgal, and
said unto him, and to the men of Israel, We be come from a far
country: now therefore make ye {a} league with us.
a <JOS9 -7> And the men of Israel said unto the Hivites,
Peradventure ye dwell among us; and how shall we make {a} league
with you?
a <JOS9 -9> And they said unto him, From {a} very far country thy
servants are come because of the name of the LORD thy God: for we
have heard the fame of him, and all that he did in Egypt,
a <JOS9 -11> Wherefore our elders and all the inhabitants of our
country spake to us, saying, Take victuals with you for the journey,
and go to meet them, and say unto them, We [are] your servants:
therefore now make ye {a} league with us.
a <JOS9 -15> And Joshua made peace with them, and made {a} league
with them, to let them live: and the princes of the congregation
sware unto them.
a <JOS9 -16> And it came to pass at the end of three days after they
had made {a} league with them, that they heard that they [were]
their neighbours, and [that] they dwelt among them.
a <JOS10 -2> That they feared greatly, because Gibeon [was] {a}
great city, as one of the royal cities, and because it [was] greater
than Ai, and all the men thereof [were] mighty.
a <JOS10 -8> And the LORD said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for I
have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not {a} man of them
stand before thee.
a <JOS10 -10> And the LORD discomfited them before Israel, and slew
them with {a} great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the
way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah, and unto
a <JOS10 -13> And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until
the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. [Is] not this
written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst
of heaven, and hasted not to go down about {a} whole day.
a <JOS10 -14> And there was no day like that before it or after it,
that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of {a} man: for the LORD
fought for Israel.
a <JOS10 -16> But these five kings fled, and hid themselves in {a}
cave at Makkedah.
a <JOS10 -17> And it was told Joshua, saying, The five kings are
found hid in {a} cave at Makkedah.
a <JOS10 -20> And it came to pass, when Joshua and the children of
Israel had made an end of slaying them with {a} very great
slaughter, till they were consumed, that the rest [which] remained
of them entered into fenced cities.
a <JOS11 -14> And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the
children of Israel took for {a} prey unto themselves; but every man
they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed
them, neither left they any to breathe.
a <JOS11 -18> Joshua made war {a} long time with all those kings.
a <JOS11 -19> There was not {a} city that made peace with the
children of Israel, save the Hivites the inhabitants of Gibeon: all
[other] they took in battle.
a <JOS12 -6> Them did Moses the servant of the LORD and the children
of Israel smite: and Moses the servant of the LORD gave it [for] {a}
possession unto the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe
of Manasseh.
a <JOS12 -7> And these [are] the kings of the country which Joshua
and the children of Israel smote on this side Jordan on the west,
from Baalgad in the valley of Lebanon even unto the mount Halak,
that goeth up to Seir; which Joshua gave unto the tribes of Israel
[for] {a} possession according to their divisions;
a <JOS14 -15> And the name of Hebron before [was] Kirjatharba;
[which Arba was] {a} great man among the Anakims. And the land had
rest from war.
a <JOS15 -3> And it went out to the south side to Maalehacrabbim,
and passed along to Zin, and ascended up on the south side unto
Kadeshbarnea, and passed along to Hezron, and went up to Adar, and
fetched {a} compass to Karkaa:
a <JOS15 -13> And unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh he gave {a} part
among the children of Judah, according to the commandment of the
LORD to Joshua, [even] the city of Arba the father of Anak, which
[city is] Hebron.
a <JOS15 -18> And it came to pass, as she came [unto him], that she
moved him to ask of her father {a} field: and she lighted off [her]
ass; and Caleb said unto her, What wouldest thou?
a <JOS15 -19> Who answered, Give me a blessing; for thou hast given
me {a} south land; give me also springs of water. And he gave her
the upper springs, and the nether springs.
a <JOS15 -19> Who answered, Give me {a} blessing; for thou hast
given me a south land; give me also springs of water. And he gave
her the upper springs, and the nether springs.
a <JOS17 -1> There was also a lot for the tribe of Manasseh; for he
[was] the firstborn of Joseph; [to wit], for Machir the firstborn of
Manasseh, the father of Gilead: because he was {a} man of war,
therefore he had Gilead and Bashan.
a <JOS17 -1> There was also {a} lot for the tribe of Manasseh; for
he [was] the firstborn of Joseph; [to wit], for Machir the firstborn
of Manasseh, the father of Gilead: because he was a man of war,
therefore he had Gilead and Bashan.
a <JOS17 -2> There was also [{a} lot] for the rest of the children
of Manasseh by their families; for the children of Abiezer, and for
the children of Helek, and for the children of Asriel, and for the
children of Shechem, and for the children of Hepher, and for the
children of Shemida: these [were] the male children of Manasseh the
son of Joseph by their families.
a <JOS17 -14> And the children of Joseph spake unto Joshua, saying,
Why hast thou given me [but] one lot and one portion to inherit,
seeing I [am] {a} great people, forasmuch as the LORD hath blessed
me hitherto?
a <JOS17 -15> And Joshua answered them, If thou [be] {a} great
people, [then] get thee up to the wood [country], and cut down for
thyself there in the land of the Perizzites and of the giants, if
mount Ephraim be too narrow for thee.
a <JOS17 -17> And Joshua spake unto the house of Joseph, [even] to
Ephraim and to Manasseh, saying, Thou [art] {a} great people, and
hast great power: thou shalt not have one lot [only]:
a <JOS17 -18> But the mountain shall be thine; for it [is] {a} wood,
and thou shalt cut it down: and the outgoings of it shall be thine:
for thou shalt drive out the Canaanites, though they have iron
chariots, [and] though they [be] strong.
a <JOS18 -9> And the men went and passed through the land, and
described it by cities into seven parts in {a} book, and came
[again] to Joshua to the host at Shiloh.
a <JOS18 -14> And the border was drawn [thence], and compassed the
corner of the sea southward, from the hill that [lieth] before
Bethhoron southward; and the goings out thereof were at Kirjathbaal,
which [is] Kirjathjearim, {a} city of the children of Judah: this
[was] the west quarter.
a <JOS20 -4> And when he that doth flee unto one of those cities
shall stand at the entering of the gate of the city, and shall
declare his cause in the ears of the elders of that city, they shall
take him into the city unto them, and give him {a} place, that he
may dwell among them.
a <JOS21 -13> Thus they gave to the children of Aaron the priest
Hebron with her suburbs, [to be] {a} city of refuge for the slayer;
and Libnah with her suburbs,
a <JOS21 -21> For they gave them Shechem with her suburbs in mount
Ephraim, [to be] {a} city of refuge for the slayer; and Gezer with
her suburbs,
a <JOS21 -27> And unto the children of Gershon, of the families of
the Levites, out of the [other] half tribe of Manasseh [they gave]
Golan in Bashan with her suburbs, [to be] {a} city of refuge for the
slayer; and Beeshterah with her suburbs; two cities.
a <JOS21 -32> And out of the tribe of Naphtali, Kedesh in Galilee
with her suburbs, [to be] {a} city of refuge for the slayer; and
Hammothdor with her suburbs, and Kartan with her suburbs; three
a <JOS21 -38> And out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead with her
suburbs, [to be] {a} city of refuge for the slayer; and Mahanaim
with her suburbs,
a <JOS21 -44> And the LORD gave them rest round about, according to
all that he sware unto their fathers: and there stood not {a} man of
all their enemies before them; the LORD delivered all their enemies
into their hand.
a <JOS22 -10> And when they came unto the borders of Jordan, that
[are] in the land of Canaan, the children of Reuben and the children
of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh built there an altar by
Jordan, {a} great altar to see to.
a <JOS22 -14> And with him ten princes, of each chief house {a}
prince throughout all the tribes of Israel; and each one [was] an
head of the house of their fathers among the thousands of Israel.
a <JOS22 -17> Is] the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which
we are not cleansed until this day, although there was {a} plague in
the congregation of the LORD,
a <JOS22 -20> Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit {a} trespass in
the accursed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of
Israel? and that man perished not alone in his iniquity.
a <JOS22 -25> For the LORD hath made Jordan {a} border between us
and you, ye children of Reuben and children of Gad; ye have no part
in the LORD: so shall your children make our children cease from
fearing the LORD.
a <JOS22 -27> But [that] it [may be] {a} witness between us, and
you, and our generations after us, that we might do the service of
the LORD before him with our burnt offerings, and with our
sacrifices, and with our peace offerings; that your children may not
say to our children in time to come, Ye have no part in the LORD.
a <JOS22 -28> Therefore said we, that it shall be, when they should
[so] say to us or to our generations in time to come, that we may
say [again], Behold the pattern of the altar of the LORD, which our
fathers made, not for burnt offerings, nor for sacrifices; but it
[is] {a} witness between us and you.
a <JOS22 -34> And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad
called the altar [Ed]: for it [shall be] {a} witness between us that
the LORD [is] God.
a <JOS23 -1> And it came to pass {a} long time after that the LORD
had given rest unto Israel from all their enemies round about, that
Joshua waxed old [and] stricken in age.
a <JOS23 -10> One man of you shall chase {a} thousand: for the LORD
your God, he [it is] that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.
a <JOS23 -13> Know for {a} certainty that the LORD your God will no
more drive out [any of] these nations from before you; but they
shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and
thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which
the LORD your God hath given you.
a <JOS24 -7> And when they cried unto the LORD, he put darkness
between you and the Egyptians, and brought the sea upon them, and
covered them; and your eyes have seen what I have done in Egypt: and
ye dwelt in the wilderness {a} long season.
a <JOS24 -13> And I have given you {a} land for which ye did not
labour, and cities which ye built not, and ye dwell in them; of the
vineyards and oliveyards which ye planted not do ye eat.
a <JOS24 -19> And Joshua said unto the people, Ye cannot serve the
LORD: for he [is] an holy God; he [is] {a} jealous God; he will not
forgive your transgressions nor your sins.
a <JOS24 -25> So Joshua made {a} covenant with the people that day,
and set them a statute and an ordinance in Shechem.
a <JOS24 -25> So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day,
and set them {a} statute and an ordinance in Shechem.
a <JOS24 -26> And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of
God, and took {a} great stone, and set it up there under an oak,
that [was] by the sanctuary of the LORD.
a <JOS24 -27> And Joshua said unto all the people, Behold, this
stone shall be a witness unto us; for it hath heard all the words of
the LORD which he spake unto us: it shall be therefore {a} witness
unto you, lest ye deny your God.
a <JOS24 -27> And Joshua said unto all the people, Behold, this
stone shall be {a} witness unto us; for it hath heard all the words
of the LORD which he spake unto us: it shall be therefore a witness
unto you, lest ye deny your God.
a <JOS24 -32> And the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel
brought up out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem, in {a} parcel of
ground which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem
for an hundred pieces of silver: and it became the inheritance of
the children of Joseph.
a <JOS24 -33> And Eleazar the son of Aaron died; and they buried him
in {a} hill [that pertained to] Phinehas his son, which was given
him in mount Ephraim.
a <JUG1 -14> And it came to pass, when she came [to him], that she
moved him to ask of her father {a} field: and she lighted from off
[her] ass; and Caleb said unto her, What wilt thou?
a <JUG1 -15> And she said unto him, Give me a blessing: for thou
hast given me {a} south land; give me also springs of water. And
Caleb gave her the upper springs and the nether springs.
a <JUG1 -15> And she said unto him, Give me {a} blessing: for thou
hast given me a south land; give me also springs of water. And Caleb
gave her the upper springs and the nether springs.
a <JUG1 -24> And the spies saw {a} man come forth out of the city,
and they said unto him, Show us, we pray thee, the entrance into the
city, and we will show thee mercy.
a <JUG1 -26> And the man went into the land of the Hittites, and
built {a} city, and called the name thereof Luz: which [is] the name
thereof unto this day.
a <JUG2 -3> Wherefore I also said, I will not drive them out from
before you; but they shall be [as thorns] in your sides, and their
gods shall be {a} snare unto you.
a <JUG2 -17> And yet they would not hearken unto their judges, but
they went {a} whoring after other gods, and bowed themselves unto
them: they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked
in, obeying the commandments of the LORD; [but] they did not so.
a <JUG3 -9> And when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the
LORD raised up {a} deliverer to the children of Israel, who
delivered them, [even] Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger
a <JUG3 -15> But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD,
the LORD raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a
Benjamite, {a} man lefthanded: and by him the children of Israel
sent a present unto Eglon the king of Moab.
a <JUG3 -15> But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD,
the LORD raised them up {a} deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a
Benjamite, a man lefthanded: and by him the children of Israel sent
a present unto Eglon the king of Moab.
a <JUG3 -15> But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD,
the LORD raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, {a}
Benjamite, a man lefthanded: and by him the children of Israel sent
a present unto Eglon the king of Moab.
a <JUG3 -15> But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD,
the LORD raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a
Benjamite, a man lefthanded: and by him the children of Israel sent
{a} present unto Eglon the king of Moab.
a <JUG3 -16> But Ehud made him a dagger which had two edges, of {a}
cubit length; and he did gird it under his raiment upon his right
a <JUG3 -16> But Ehud made him {a} dagger which had two edges, of a
cubit length; and he did gird it under his raiment upon his right
a <JUG3 -17> And he brought the present unto Eglon king of Moab: and
Eglon [was] {a} very fat man.
a <JUG3 -19> But he himself turned again from the quarries that
[were] by Gilgal, and said, I have {a} secret errand unto thee, O
king: who said, Keep silence. And all that stood by him went out
from him.
a <JUG3 -20> And Ehud came unto him; and he was sitting in {a}
summer parlour, which he had for himself alone. And Ehud said, I
have a message from God unto thee. And he arose out of [his] seat.
a <JUG3 -20> And Ehud came unto him; and he was sitting in a summer
parlour, which he had for himself alone. And Ehud said, I have {a}
message from God unto thee. And he arose out of [his] seat.
a <JUG3 -25> And they tarried till they were ashamed: and, behold,
he opened not the doors of the parlour; therefore they took {a} key,
and opened [them]: and, behold, their lord [was] fallen down dead on
the earth.
a <JUG3 -27> And it came to pass, when he was come, that he blew {a}
trumpet in the mountain of Ephraim, and the children of Israel went
down with him from the mount, and he before them.
a <JUG3 -28> And he said unto them, Follow after me: for the LORD
hath delivered your enemies the Moabites into your hand. And they
went down after him, and took the fords of Jordan toward Moab, and
suffered not {a} man to pass over.
a <JUG3 -29> And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand
men, all lusty, and all men of valour; and there escaped not {a}
a <JUG4 -4> And Deborah, {a} prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she
judged Israel at that time.
a <JUG4 -9> And she said, I will surely go with thee:
notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine
honour; for the LORD shall sell Sisera into the hand of {a} woman.
And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.