smitten <EXO7 -25> And seven days were fulfilled, after that the LORD had {smitten} the river.

smitten <EXO9 -31> And the flax and the barley was {smitten}: for the barley [was] in the ear, and the flax [was] bolled.

smitten <EXO9 -32> But the wheat and the rie were not {smitten}: for they [were] not grown up.

smitten <EXO22 -2> If a thief be found breaking up, and be {smitten} that he die, [there shall] no blood [be shed] for him.

smitten <NUM14 -42> Go not up, for the LORD [is] not among you; that ye be not {smitten} before your enemies.

smitten <NUM22 -28> And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast {smitten} me these three times?

smitten <NUM22 -32> And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Wherefore hast thou {smitten} thine ass these three times? behold, I went out to withstand thee, because [thy] way is perverse before me:

smitten <NUM33 -4> For the Egyptians buried all [their] firstborn, which the LORD had {smitten} among them: upon their gods also the LORD executed judgments.

smitten <DEU1 -42> And the LORD said unto me, Say unto them, Go not up, neither fight; for I [am] not among you; lest ye be {smitten} before your enemies.

smitten <DEU28 -7> The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be {smitten} before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.

smitten <DEU28 -25> The LORD shall cause thee to be {smitten} before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth.

smitten <JUG1 -8> Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and {smitten} it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire.

smitten <JUG20 -32> And the children of Benjamin said, They [are] {smitten} down before us, as at the first. But the children of Israel said, Let us flee, and draw them from the city unto the highways.

smitten <JUG20 -36> So the children of Benjamin saw that they were {smitten}: for the men of Israel gave place to the Benjamites, because they trusted unto the liers in wait which they had set beside Gibeah.

smitten <JUG20 -39> And when the men of Israel retired in the battle, Benjamin began to smite [and] kill of the men of Israel about thirty persons: for they said, Surely they are {smitten} down before us, as [in] the first battle.

smitten <1SA4 -2> And the Philistines put themselves in array against Israel: and when they joined battle, Israel was {smitten} before the Philistines: and they slew of the army in the field about four thousand men.

smitten <1SA4 -3> And when the people were come into the camp, the elders of Israel said, Wherefore hath the LORD {smitten} us to day before the Philistines? Let us fetch the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of Shiloh unto us, that, when it cometh amon

g us, it may save us out of the hand of our enemies.

smitten <1SA4 -10> And the Philistines fought, and Israel was {smitten}, and they fled every man into his tent: and there was a very great slaughter; for there fell of Israel thirty thousand footmen.

smitten <1SA5 -12> And the men that died not were {smitten} with the emerods: and the cry of the city went up to heaven.

smitten <1SA6 -19> And he smote the men of Bethshemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the LORD, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten men: and the people lamented, because the LORD had {smitten} [many] of the people w

ith a great slaughter.

smitten <1SA7 -10> And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel: but the LORD thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and discomfited them; and they were {smitten} before Isr


smitten <1SA13 -4> And all Israel heard say [that] Saul had {smitten} a garrison of the Philistines, and [that] Israel also was had in abomination with the Philistines. And the people were called together after Saul to Gilgal.

smitten <1SA30 -1> And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and {smitten} Ziklag, and burned it with fire;

smitten <2SA2 -31> But the servants of David had {smitten} of Benjamin, and of Abner's men, [so that] three hundred and threescore men died.

smitten <2SA8 -9> When Toi king of Hamath heard that David had {smitten} all the host of Hadadezer,

smitten <2SA8 -10> Then Toi sent Joram his son unto king David, to salute him, and to bless him, because he had fought against Hadadezer, and {smitten} him: for Hadadezer had wars with Toi. And [Joram] brought with him vessels of silver, and vessels of go

ld, and vessels of brass:

smitten <2SA10 -15> And when the Syrians saw that they were {smitten} before Israel, they gathered themselves together.

smitten <2SA10 -19> And when all the kings [that were] servants to Hadarezer saw that they were {smitten} before Israel, they made peace with Israel, and served them. So the Syrians feared to help the children of Ammon any more.

smitten <2SA11 -15> And he wrote in the letter, saying, Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be {smitten}, and die.

smitten <1KI8 -33> When thy people Israel be {smitten} down before the enemy, because they have sinned against thee, and shall turn again to thee, and confess thy name, and pray, and make supplication unto thee in this house:

smitten <1KI11 -15> For it came to pass, when David was in Edom, and Joab the captain of the host was gone up to bury the slain, after he had {smitten} every male in Edom;

smitten <2KI2 -14> And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where [is] the LORD God of Elijah? and when he also had {smitten} the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over.

smitten <2KI3 -23> And they said, This [is] blood: the kings are surely slain, and they have {smitten} one another: now therefore, Moab, to the spoil.

smitten <2KI13 -19> And the man of God was wroth with him, and said, Thou shouldest have smitten five or six times; then hadst thou {smitten} Syria till thou hadst consumed [it]: whereas now thou shalt smite Syria [but] thrice.

smitten <2KI13 -19> And the man of God was wroth with him, and said, Thou shouldest have {smitten} five or six times; then hadst thou smitten Syria till thou hadst consumed [it]: whereas now thou shalt smite Syria [but] thrice.

smitten <2KI14 -10> Thou hast indeed {smitten} Edom, and thine heart hath lifted thee up: glory [of this], and tarry at home: for why shouldest thou meddle to [thy] hurt, that thou shouldest fall, [even] thou, and Judah with thee?

smitten <1CH18 -9> Now when Tou king of Hamath heard how David had {smitten} all the host of Hadarezer king of Zobah;

smitten <1CH18 -10> He sent Hadoram his son to king David, to inquire of his welfare, and to congratulate him, because he had fought against Hadarezer, and {smitten} him; (for Hadarezer had war with Tou;) and [with him] all manner of vessels of gold and s

ilver and brass.

smitten <2CH20 -22> And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were {smitten}.

smitten <2CH25 -16> And it came to pass, as he talked with him, that [the king] said unto him, Art thou made of the king's counsel? forbear; why shouldest thou be {smitten}? Then the prophet forbare, and said, I know that God hath determined to destroy th

ee, because thou hast done this, and hast not hearkened unto my counsel.

smitten <2CH25 -19> Thou sayest, Lo, thou hast {smitten} the Edomites; and thine heart lifteth thee up to boast: abide now at home; why shouldest thou meddle to [thine] hurt, that thou shouldest fall, [even] thou, and Judah with thee?

smitten <2CH26 -20> And Azariah the chief priest, and all the priests, looked upon him, and, behold, he [was] leprous in his forehead, and they thrust him out from thence; yea, himself hasted also to go out, because the LORD had {smitten} him.

smitten <2CH28 -17> For again the Edomites had come and {smitten} Judah, and carried away captives.

smitten <JOB16 -10> They have gaped upon me with their mouth; they have {smitten} me upon the cheek reproachfully; they have gathered themselves together against me.

smitten <PSA3 -7> Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast {smitten} all mine enemies [upon] the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.

smitten <PSA69 -26> For they persecute [him] whom thou hast {smitten}; and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded.

smitten <PSA102 -4> My heart is {smitten}, and withered like grass; so that I forget to eat my bread.

smitten <PSA143 -3> For the enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath {smitten} my life down to the ground; he hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those that have been long dead.

smitten <ISA5 -25> Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath {smitten} them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases [were] torn in the midst of the streets. For all th

is his anger is not turned away, but his hand [is] stretched out still.

smitten <ISA24 -12> In the city is left desolation, and the gate is {smitten} with destruction.

smitten <ISA27 -7> Hath he {smitten} him, as he smote those that smote him? [or] is he slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?

smitten <ISA53 -4> Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, {smitten} of God, and afflicted.

smitten <JER2 -30> In vain have I {smitten} your children; they received no correction: your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.

smitten <JER14 -19> Hast thou utterly rejected Judah? hath thy soul loathed Zion? why hast thou {smitten} us, and [there is] no healing for us? we looked for peace, and [there is] no good; and for the time of healing, and behold trouble!

smitten <JER37 -10> For though ye had {smitten} the whole army of the Chaldeans that fight against you, and there remained [but] wounded men among them, [yet] should they rise up every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire.

smitten <EZE22 -13> Behold, therefore I have {smitten} mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thou hast made, and at thy blood which hath been in the midst of thee.

smitten <EZE33 -21> And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, [that] one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is {smitten}.

smitten <EZE40 -1> In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth [day] of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was {smitten}, in the selfsame day the hand of the LORD was upon me, and brought

me thither.

smitten <HOS6 -1> Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath {smitten}, and he will bind us up.

smitten <HOS9 -16> Ephraim is {smitten}, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay [even] the beloved [fruit] of their womb.

smitten <AMO4 -9> I have {smitten} you with blasting and mildew: when your gardens and your vineyards and your fig trees and your olive trees increased, the palmerworm devoured [them]: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD.

smitten <ACT23 -3> Then said Paul unto him, God shall smite thee, thou] whited wall: for sittest thou to judge me after the law, and commandest me to be {smitten} contrary to the law?

smitten <REV8 -12> And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was {smitten}, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the

 night likewise.

