Root words that start with g!
30 * gain <rootg.wrd -gain>
1 * gainsay <rootg.wrd -gainsay>
3 * galilaean <rootg.wrd -galilaean>
52 * garden <rootg.wrd -garden>
165 * gather <rootg.wrd -gather>
5 * gentle <rootg.wrd -gentle>
27 * gird <rootg.wrd -gird>
880 * give <rootg.wrd -give>
89 * glad <rootg.wrd -glad>
10 * glean <rootg.wrd -glean>
400 * glory <rootg.wrd -glory>
50 * glorified <rootg.wrd -glorified>
2 * gnash <rootg.wrd -gnash>
35 * goat <rootg.wrd -goat>
4446 * god <rootg.wrd -god>
416 * gold <rootg.wrd -gold>
720 * good <rootg.wrd -good>
3 * govern <rootg.wrd -govern>
170 * grace <rootg.wrd -grace>
8 * grape <rootg.wrd -grape>
62 * grass <rootg.wrd -grass>
67 * grave <rootg.wrd -grave>
962 * great <rootg.wrd -great>
3 * greedily <rootg.wrd -greedily>
41 * green <rootg.wrd -green>
16 * greet <rootg.wrd -greet>
1 * grey <rootg.wrd -grey>
26 * grief <rootg.wrd -grief>
7 * grind <rootg.wrd -grind>
7 * groan <rootg.wrd -groan>
38 * grow <rootg.wrd -grow>
3 * grudge <rootg.wrd -grudge>
1 * guest <rootg.wrd -guest>
23 * guide <rootg.wrd -guide>
2 * guilt <rootg.wrd -guilt>