-anastatoo- ......... an uproar 0387 -anastatoo- > -anastatoo- ......... down 0387 -anastatoo- > -anastatoo- ......... madest 0387 -anastatoo- > -anastatoo- ......... that have turned 0387 -anastatoo- > -anastatoo- ......... which trouble 0387 -anastatoo- > -apodekatoo- ......... for ye pay 0586 -apodekatoo- > -apodekatoo- ......... for ye tithe 0586 -apodekatoo- > -apodekatoo- ......... I give tithes 0586 -apodekatoo- > -apodekatoo- ......... tithe 0586 -apodekatoo- > -apodekatoo- ......... to take tithes 0586 -apodekatoo- > -charitoo- ......... he hath made 5487 -charitoo- > -charitoo- ......... thou that art highly favoured 5487 - charitoo- > -charitoo- ......... us accepted 5487 -charitoo- > -dekatoo- ......... from them received 1183 -dekatoo- > -dekatoo- ......... payed 1183 -dekatoo- > -dekatoo- ......... tithes 1183 -dekatoo- > -elattoo- ......... but I must decrease 1642 -elattoo- > -elattoo- ......... lower 1642 -elattoo- > -elattoo- ......... Thou madest 1642 -elattoo- > -elattoo- ......... was made 1642 -elattoo- > -mestoo- ......... These men are full 3325 -mestoo- > -pistoo- ......... and hast been assured 4104 -pistoo- > -skotoo- ......... was full of darkness 4656 -skotoo- > -thanatoo- ......... and cause 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... and not killed 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... and shall cause 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... and some of you shall they cause 2289 - thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... are become 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... being put 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... dead 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... do mortify 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... him to death 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... them to be put 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... to be put 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... to death 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... to put 2289 -thanatoo- > -thanatoo- ......... we are killed 2289 -thanatoo- > footstool ......... for it is his footstool 5286 -hupopodion-> footstool ......... his footstool 5286 -hupopodion-> footstool ......... is my footstool 5286 -hupopodion-> footstool ......... my footstool 5286 -hupopodion-> footstool ......... thy footstool 5286 -hupopodion-> stood ......... And he stood 2186 -ephistemi-> stood ......... And I stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... and stood 0450 -anistemi-> stood ......... and stood 2186 -ephistemi-> stood ......... And stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... and stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... And there stood 0450 -anistemi-> stood ......... And they that stood 3936 -paristemi-> stood ......... as they stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... For there stood 3936 -paristemi-> stood ......... he stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... him , stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... him stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... in me , while I stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... of them that stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... of them that stood 3936 -paristemi-> stood ......... stood 0450 -anistemi-> stood ......... stood 2186 -ephistemi-> stood ......... stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... stood 2936 -ktizo-> stood ......... stood 2944 -kukloo-> stood ......... stood 3936 -paristemi-> stood ......... stood 4026 -periistemi-> stood ......... stood 4836 -sumparaginomai-> stood ......... that stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... that stood 4921 -sunistao-> stood ......... them , and they stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... them that stood 3936 -paristemi-> stood ......... there stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... There stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... they that stood 3936 -paristemi-> stood ......... to them that stood 3936 -paristemi-> stood ......... unto him they that stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... unto me , and stood 2186 -ephistemi-> stood ......... unto them that stood 3936 -paristemi-> stood ......... up stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... which stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... which stood 3936 -paristemi-> stood ......... Which stood only 3440 -monon-> stood ......... with him stood 2476 -histemi-> stood ......... with them , and stood 2476 -histemi-> stoop ......... to stoop 2955 -kupto-> stooped ......... he stooped 2955 -kupto-> stooped ......... she stooped 3879 -parakupto-> stooped ......... stooped 2955 -kupto-> stooping ......... And he stooping 3879 -parakupto-> stooping ......... and stooping 3879 -parakupto-> too ......... things ye are too 1174 -deisidaimonesteros-> took ......... And he took 0618 -apolambano-> took ......... And he took 1209 -dechomai-> took ......... And he took 1723 -enagkalizomai-> took ......... And he took 1949 -epilambanomai-> took ......... And he took 2507 -kathaireo-> took ......... And he took 2902 -krateo-> took ......... and he took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... And he took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... And he took 3880 -paralambano-> took ......... And he took 4084 -piazo-> took ......... And I took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... and then took 0657 -apotassomai-> took ......... And they took 0142 -airo-> took ......... and they took 0142 -airo-> took ......... and they took 1921 -epiginosko-> took ......... And they took 1949 -epilambanomai-> took ......... and they took 1949 -epilambanomai-> took ......... And they took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... And they took 3880 -paralambano-> took ......... and took 0142 -airo-> took ......... and took 0589 -apodemeo-> took ......... and took 1519 -eis-> took ......... and took 1949 -epilambanomai-> took ......... and took 1959 -epimeleomai-> took ......... and took 2507 -kathaireo-> took ......... and took 2902 -krateo-> took ......... and took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... and took 3880 -paralambano-> took ......... and took 4327 -prosdechomai-> took ......... and took 4838 -sumparalambano-> took ......... and took 4863 -sunago-> took ......... and ye took 2902 -krateo-> took ......... and ye took 4863 -sunago-> took ......... but he took 1949 -epilambanomai-> took ......... forth they took 4823 -sumbouleuo-> took ......... he took 1544 -ekballo-> took ......... he took 1949 -epilambanomai-> took ......... he took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... he took 3830 -pandocheus-> took ......... he took 3880 -paralambano-> took ......... he took the cup 4221 -poterion-> took ......... him , and took 2902 -krateo-> took ......... him , and took 3880 -paralambano-> took ......... him , they took 1562 -ekduo-> took ......... in , and took 2902 -krateo-> took ......... meat with them , he took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... of him , they took 2507 -kathaireo-> took ......... on him , and took 2902 -krateo-> took ......... out , and took 2902 -krateo-> took ......... them , and took 0142 -airo-> took ......... them , took 0353 -analambano-> took ......... they took 0142 -airo-> took ......... they took 2192 -echo-> took ......... they took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... they took 3880 -paralambano-> took ......... they took 4355 -proslambano-> took ......... to the heart , and took 1011 -bouleuo-> took ......... to them that took 4815 -sullambano-> took ......... to us , and took 0142 -airo-> took ......... took 0142 -airo-> took ......... took 0337 -anaireo-> took ......... took 0520 -apago-> took ......... took 0589 -apodemeo-> took ......... took 0941 -bastazo-> took ......... took 1209 -dechomai-> took ......... took 1453 -egeiro-> took ......... took 1519 -eis-> took ......... took 1949 -epilambanomai-> took ......... took 2021 -epicheireo-> took ......... took 2902 -krateo-> Took ......... Took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... took 3348 -metecho-> took ......... took 3880 -paralambano-> took ......... took 4160 -poieo-> took ......... took 4355 -proslambano-> took ......... took 4815 -sullambano-> took ......... took 4823 -sumbouleuo-> took ......... unto us , he took 0142 -airo-> took ......... upon him , and took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... we took 0353 -analambano-> took ......... we took 0643 -aposkeuazo-> took ......... we took 1519 -eis-> took ......... we took 2902 -krateo-> took ......... when I took 1949 -epilambanomai-> took ......... with him ; and took 2983 -lambano-> took ......... ye took 0353 -analambano-> took ......... ye took 2983 -lambano-> tooth ......... and a tooth 3599 -odous-> tooth ......... for a tooth 3599 -odous-> understood ......... And they understood 4920 -suniemi-> understood ......... being understood 3539 -noieo-> understood ......... But they understood 0050 -agnoeo-> understood ......... he was . And when he understood 4441 - punthanomai-> understood ......... him , having understood 3129 -manthano-> understood ......... I understood 5426 -phroneo-> understood ......... them : but they understood 4920 -suniemi-> understood ......... They understood 1097 -ginosko-> understood ......... things understood 1097 -ginosko-> understood ......... to be understood 1425 -dusnoetos-> understood ......... to be understood 2154 -eusemos-> understood ......... understood 1097 -ginosko-> understood ......... understood 4920 -suniemi-> understood ......... unto them , Have ye understood 4920 - suniemi-> understood ......... unto them : but they understood 1097 - ginosko-> understood ......... would have understood 4920 -suniemi-> withstood ......... I withstood 0436 -anthistemi-> withstood ......... withstood 0436 -anthistemi-> ~~~~~~