tempestuous 05511 ## Ciychown {see-khone'} ; or Ciychon {see-khone'} ; from the same as 05477 ; {tempestuous} ; Sichon , an Amoritish king : -- Sihon .
tempestuous 08164 ## sa` iyr {saw-eer'} ; formed the same as 08163 ; a shower (as {tempestuous}) : -- small rain .
tempestuous 08175 ## sa` ar {saw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to storm ; by implication , to shiver , i . e . fear : -- be (horribly) afraid , fear , hurl as a storm , be {tempestuous} , come like (take away as with) a whirlwind .
tempestuous 5189 - tuphonikos {too-fo-nee-kos'}; from a derivative of 5188; stormy (as if smoky): -- {tempestuous}.