tebeth , ES , 2:16
Tebeth Interlinear Index Study
Tebeth EST 002 016 So Esther <00635 +>Ecter > was taken <03947
+laqach > unto king <04428 +melek > Ahasuerus <00325
+>Achashverowsh > into <00413 +>el > his house <01004 +bayith >
royal <04438 +malkuwth > in the tenth <06224 +<asiyriy > month
<02320 +chodesh > , which [ is ] the month <02320 +chodesh >
{Tebeth} <02887 +Tebeth > , in the seventh <07651 +sheba< > year
<08141 +shaneh > of his reign <04438 +malkuwth > .
- tebeth , 2887 ,
tebeth -2887 {tebeth} ,
Tebeth 2887 -- Tebeth -- {Tebeth}.
Tebeth 2887 ## Tebeth {tay'-beth}; probably of foreign
derivation; Tebeth, the tenth Heb. month: -- {Tebeth}. [ql
Tebeth 002 016 Est /^{Tebeth /in the seventh
year of his reign .
tebeth <EST2 -16> So Esther was taken unto king Ahasuerus into
house royal in the tenth month, which [is] the month {Tebeth}, in
the seventh year of his reign.