straiten 019 009 Jer                /^{straiten /them.

straitened 018 007 Job              /^{straitened /and his own

counsel shall cast him down .

straitened 004 012 Pro              /^{straitened /and when thou

runnest , thou shalt not stumble .

straitened 002 007 Mic              /^{straitened /are these his

doings ? do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly ?

straitened 006 012 IICo             /${straitened /in us , but

ye are straitened in your own bowels .

straitened 006 012 IICo             /${straitened /in your own

bowels .

straitened 042 006 Eze              /^{straitened /more than the

lowest and the middlemost from the ground .

straitened 012 050 Luk              /${straitened /till it be

accomplished !

straiteneth 012 023 Job             /^{straiteneth /them again.

