spider Interlinear Index Study
spider JOB 008 014 Whose <00834 +>aher > hope <03689 +kecel >
shall be cut <06990 +qatat > off , and whose trust <04009
+mibtach > [ shall be ] a {spider} s <05908 +<akkabiysh > web
<01004 +bayith > .
spider PRO 030 028 The {spider} <08079 +s@mamiyth > taketh
<08610 +taphas > hold <08610 +taphas > with her hands <03027
+yad > , and is in kings <04428 +melek > palaces <01964 +heykal
> .
spider ISA 059 005 They hatch <01234 +baqa< > cockatrice <06848
+tsepha< > eggs <01000 +beytsah > , and weave <00707 +>arag >
the {spider} s <05908 +<akkabiysh > web <06980 +quwr > : he that
eateth <00398 +>akal > of their eggs <01000 +beytsah > dieth
<04191 +muwth > , and that which is crushed <02116 +zuwreh >
breaketh <01234 +baqa< > out into a viper <00660 +>eph<eh > .