pursued GEN 014 014 And when <03588 +kiy > Abram <87> heard <08085 +shama< > that his brother <00251 +>ach > was taken captive <07617 +shabah > , he armed <07324 +ruwq > his trained <02593 +chaniyk > [ servants ] , born <03211 +yaliyd > in his own <00249 +>ezrach > house <01004 +bayith > , three <07969 +shalowsh > hundred <03967 +me>ah > and eighteen , and {pursued} <07291 +radaph > [ them ] unto Dan <01835 +Dan > .
pursued GEN 014 015 And he divided <02505 +chalaq > himself against <05921 +<al > them , he and his servants <05650 +<ebed > , by night <03915 +layil > , and smote <05221 +nakah > them , and {pursued} <07291 +radaph > them unto Hobah <02327 +chowbah > , which <00834 +>aher > [ is ] on the left <08040 +s@mo>wl > hand <08040 +s@mo>wl > of Damascus <01834 +Dammeseq > .
pursued GEN 031 023 And he took <03947 +laqach > his brethren <00251 +>ach > with him , and {pursued} <07291 +radaph > after <00310 +>achar > him seven <07651 +sheba< > days <03117 +yowm > journey <01870 +derek > ; and they overtook <01692 +dabaq > him in the mount <02022 +har > Gilead <01568 +Gil<ad > .
pursued GEN 031 036 . And Jacob <03290 +Ya<aqob > was wroth <02734 +charah > , and chode <07378 +riyb > with Laban <03837 +Laban > : and Jacob <03290 +Ya<aqob > answered <06030 +<anah > and said <00559 +>amar > to Laban <03837 +Laban > , What <04100 +mah > [ is ] my trespass <06588 +pesha< > ? what <04100 +mah > [ is ] my sin <02403 +chatta>ah > , that thou hast so hotly <01814 +dalaq > {pursued} <01814 +dalaq > after <00310 +>achar > me ?
pursued EXO 014 008 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hardened <02388 +chazaq > the heart <03820 +leb > of Pharaoh <06547 +Par<oh > king <04428 +melek > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > , and he {pursued} <07291 +radaph > after <00310 +>achar > the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : and the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > went <03318 +yatsa> > out with an high <07311 +ruwm > hand <03027 +yad > .
pursued EXO 014 009 But the Egyptians <04714 +Mitsrayim > {pursued} <07291 +radaph > after <00310 +>achar > them , all <03605 +kol > the horses <05483 +cuwc > [ and ] chariots <07393 +rekeb > of Pharaoh <06547 +Par<oh > , and his horsemen <06571 +parash > , and his army <02428 +chayil > , and overtook <05381 +nasag > them encamping <02583 +chanah > by the sea <03220 +yam > , beside <05921 +<al > Pihahiroth <06367 +Pi ha - Chiyroth > , before <06440 +paniym > Baalzephon <01189 +Ba<al Ts@phown > .
pursued EXO 014 023 And the Egyptians <04714 +Mitsrayim > {pursued} <07291 +radaph > , and went <00935 +bow> > in after <00310 +>achar > them to the midst <08432 +tavek > of the sea <03220 +yam > , [ even ] all <03605 +kol > Pharaoh s <06547 +Par<oh > horses <05483 +cuwc > , his chariots <07393 +rekeb > , and his horsemen <06571 +parash > .
pursued DEU 011 004 And what <00834 +>aher > he did <06213 +<asah > unto the army <02428 +chayil > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > , unto their horses <05483 +cuwc > , and to their chariots <07393 +rekeb > ; how <00834 +>aher > he made the water <04325 +mayim > of the Red <05488 +cuwph > sea <03220 +yam > to overflow <06687 +tsuwph > them as they {pursued} <07291 +radaph > after <00310 +>achar > you , and [ how ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath destroyed <6> them unto this <02088 +zeh > day <03117 +yowm > ;