appertain NUM 016 030 But if <00518 +>im > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > make <01254 +bara> > a new <01278 +b@riy>ah > thing , and the earth <00127 +>adamah > open <06475 +patsah > her mouth <06310 +peh > , and swallow <01104 +bala< > them up , with all <03605 +kol > that [ {appertain} ] unto them , and they go <03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad > quick <02416 +chay > into the pit <07585 +sh@>owl > ; then ye shall understand <03045 +yada< > that these men <00582 +>enowsh > have provoked <05006 +na>ats > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .
appertained NUM 016 032 And the earth <00776 +>erets > opened <06605 +pathach > her mouth <06310 +peh > , and swallowed <01104 +bala< > them up , and their houses <01004 +bayith > , and all <03605 +kol > the men <00120 +>adam > that [ {appertained} ] unto Korah <07141 +Qorach > , and all <03605 +kol > [ their ] goods <07399 +r@kuwsh > .
appertained NUM 016 033 They , and all <03605 +kol > that [ {appertained} ] to them , went <03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad > alive <02416 +chay > into the pit <07585 +sh@>owl > , and the earth <00776 +>erets > closed <03680 +kacah > upon them : and they perished <6> from among <08432 +tavek > the congregation <06951 +qahal > .
appertaineth LEV 006 005 Or <00176 +>ow > all <03605 +kol > that about <05921 +<al > which <00834 +>aher > he hath sworn <07650 +shaba< > falsely <08267 +sheqer > ; he shall even restore <07999 +shalam > it in the principal <07218 +ro>sh > , and shall add <03254 +yacaph > the fifth <02549 +chamiyshiy > part more <03254 +yacaph > thereto <05921 +<al > , [ and ] give <05414 +nathan > it unto him to whom <00834 +>aher > it {appertaineth} , in the day <03119 +yowmam > of his trespass <00819 +>ashmah > offering .
pertain LEV 007 020 But the soul <05315 +nephesh > that eateth <00398 +>akal > [ of ] the flesh <01320 +basar > of the sacrifice <02077 +zebach > of peace <08002 +shelem > offerings , that [ {pertain} ] unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , having his uncleanness <02932 +tum>ah > upon him , even that soul <05315 +nephesh > shall be cut <03772 +karath > off from his people <05971 +<am > .
pertain LEV 007 021 Moreover the soul <05315 +nephesh > that shall touch <05060 +naga< > any <03605 +kol > unclean <02932 +tum>ah > [ thing , as ] the uncleanness <02932 +tum>ah > of man <00120 +>adam > , or <00176 +>ow > [ any ] unclean <02931 +tame> > beast <00929 +b@hemah > , or <00176 +>ow > any <03605 +kol > abominable <08263 +sheqets > unclean <02931 +tame> > [ thing ] , and eat <00398 +>akal > of the flesh <01320 +basar > of the sacrifice <02077 +zebach > of peace <08002 +shelem > offerings , which <00834 +>aher > [ {pertain} ] unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , even that soul <05315 +nephesh > shall be cut <03772 +karath > off from his people <05971 +<am > .
pertained NUM 031 043 ( Now the half <04275 +mechetsah > [ that {pertained} unto ] the congregation <05712 +<edah > was three <07969 +shalowsh > hundred <03967 +me>ah > thousand <00505 +>eleph > and thirty <07970 +sh@lowshiym > thousand <00505 +>eleph > [ and ] seven <07651 +sheba< > thousand <00505 +>eleph > and five <02568 +chamesh > hundred <03967 +me>ah > sheep <06629 +tso>n > ,
pertaineth LEV 014 032 This <02063 +zo>th > [ is ] the law <08451 +towrah > [ of him ] in whom <00834 +>aher > [ is ] the plague <05061 +nega< > of leprosy <06883 +tsara<ath > , whose <00834 +>aher > hand <03027 +yad > is not able <05381 +nasag > to get <05381 +nasag > [ that which {pertaineth} ] to his cleansing <02893 +tohorah > .
pertaineth NUM 004 016 And to the office <06486 +p@quddah > of Eleazar <00499 +>El<azar > the son <01121 +ben > of Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > the priest <03548 +kohen > [ {pertaineth} ] the oil <08081 +shemen > for the light <03974 +ma>owr > , and the sweet <05561 +cam > incense <07004 +q@toreth > , and the daily <08548 +tamiyd > meat offering <04503 +minchah > , and the anointing <04888 +mishchah > oil <08081 +shemen > , [ and ] the oversight <06486 +p@quddah > of all <03605 +kol > the tabernacle <04908 +mishkan > , and of all <03605 +kol > that therein [ is ] , in the sanctuary <06944 +qodesh > , and in the vessels <03627 +k@liy > thereof .
pertaineth DEU 022 005 . The woman <00802 +>ishshah > shall not wear <01961 +hayah > that which {pertaineth} <03627 +k@liy > unto a man <01397 +geber > , neither <03808 +lo> > shall a man <01397 +geber > put <03847 +labash > on a woman s <00802 +>ishshah > garment <08071 +simlah > : for all <03605 +kol > that do <06213 +<asah > so <00428 +>el - leh > [ are ] abomination <08441 +tow<ebah > unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > .