occasions  DEU 022 014 And give <07760  +suwm > {occasions}

<05949  +<aliylah > of speech <01697  +dabar > against her ,  

and bring <03318  +yatsa> > up an evil <07451  +ra< > name

<08034  +shem > upon her ,  and say <00559  +>amar > ,  I took

<03947  +laqach > this <02063  +zo>th > woman <00802  +>ishshah

> ,  and when I came <07126  +qarab > to her ,  I found <04672  

+matsa> > her not a maid <01331  +b@thuwliym > :

occasions  DEU 022 017 And ,  lo <02009  +hinneh > ,  he hath

given <07760  +suwm > {occasions} <05949  +<aliylah > of speech

<01697  +dabar >  [ against her ]  ,  saying <00559  +>amar > ,  

I found <04672  +matsa> > not thy daughter <01323  +bath > a

maid <01331  +b@thuwliym > ;  and yet these <00428  +>el - leh >

 [ are the tokens of ]  my daughter s <01323  +bath > virginity

<01331  +b@thuwliym > .  And they shall spread <06566  +paras >

the cloth <08071  +simlah > before <06440  +paniym > the elders

<02205  +zaqen > of the city <05892  +<iyr > .
