network , 1KI , 7:18 , 1KI , 7:20 , 1KI , 7:42 network , EX , 27:4 , EX , 38:4 network , JER , 52:22 , JER , 52:23 networks , 1KI , 7:41 , 1KI , 7:42 networks , ISA , 19:9 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ network Interlinear Index Study network EXO 027 004 And thou shalt make <06213 + for it a grate <04345 +makber > of {network} [ of ] brass <05178 +n@chosheth > ; and upon the net <07568 +resheth > shalt thou make <06213 + four <00702 +>arba< > brasen <05178 +n@chosheth > rings <02885 +tabba in the four <00702 +>arba< > corners <07098 +qatsah > thereof . network EXO 038 004 And he made <06213 + for the altar <04196 +mizbeach > a brasen <05178 +n@chosheth > grate <04345 +makber > of {network} under <08478 +tachath > the compass <03749 +karkob > thereof beneath <04295 +mattah > unto the midst <02677 +chetsiy > of it . network 1KI 007 018 And he made <06213 + the pillars <05982 + , and two <08147 +sh@nayim > rows <02905 +tuwr > round <05439 +cabiyb > about upon the one <00259 +>echad > {network} <07639 +s@bakah > , to cover <03680 +kacah > the chapiters <03805 +kothereth > that [ were ] upon the top <07218 +ro>sh > , with pomegranates <07416 +rimmown > : and so <03651 +ken > did <06213 + he for the other <08145 +sheniy > chapiter <03805 +kothereth > . network 1KI 007 020 And the chapiters <03805 +kothereth > upon the two <08147 +sh@nayim > pillars <05982 + [ had pomegranates ] also <01571 +gam > above <04605 +ma , over <05980 + against <05980 + the belly <00990 +beten > which <00834 +>aher > [ was ] by the {network} <07639 +s@bakah > : and the pomegranates <07416 +rimmown > [ were ] two hundred <03967 +me>ah > in rows <02905 +tuwr > round <05439 +cabiyb > about upon the other <08145 +sheniy > chapiter <03805 +kothereth > . network 1KI 007 042 And four <00702 +>arba< > hundred <03967 +me>ah > pomegranates <07416 +rimmown > for the two <08147 +sh@nayim > networks <07639 +s@bakah > , [ even ] two <08147 +sh@nayim > rows <02905 +tuwr > of pomegranates <07416 +rimmown > for one <00259 +>echad > {network} <07639 +s@bakah > , to cover <03680 +kacah > the two <08147 +sh@nayim > bowls <01543 +gullah > of the chapiters <03805 +kothereth > that [ were ] upon the pillars <05982 + ; network JER 052 022 And a chapiter <03805 +kothereth > of brass <05178 +n@chosheth > [ was ] upon it ; and the height <06967 +qowmah > of one <00259 +>echad > chapiter <03805 +kothereth > [ was ] five <02568 +chamesh > cubits <00520 +>ammah > , with {network} <07639 +s@bakah > and pomegranates <07416 +rimmown > upon the chapiters <03805 +kothereth > round <05439 +cabiyb > about , all <03605 +kol > [ of ] brass <05178 +n@chosheth > . The second <08145 +sheniy > pillar <05982 + also and the pomegranates <07416 +rimmown > [ were ] like unto these <00428 +>el - leh > . network JER 052 023 And there were ninety <08673 +tish and six <08337 +shesh > pomegranates <07416 +rimmown > on a side <07307 +ruwach > ; [ and ] all <03605 +kol > the pomegranates <07416 +rimmown > upon the {network} <07639 +s@bakah > [ were ] an hundred <03967 +me>ah > round <05439 +cabiyb > about . ~~~~~~ network under with network - network , 7639 , network EXO 027 004 And thou shalt make <06213 + for it a grate <04345 +makber > of {network} [ of ] brass <05178 +n@chosheth > ; and upon the net <07568 +resheth > shalt thou make <06213 + four <00702 +>arba< > brasen <05178 +n@chosheth > rings <02885 +tabba in the four <00702 +>arba< > corners <07098 +qatsah > thereof . network EXO 038 004 And he made <06213 + for the altar <04196 +mizbeach > a brasen <05178 +n@chosheth > grate <04345 +makber > of {network} under <08478 +tachath > the compass <03749 +karkob > thereof beneath <04295 +mattah > unto the midst <02677 +chetsiy > of it . ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ network -7639 checker , lattice , {network} , networks , snare , work , wreath , wreathen , wreaths , networks -2355 {networks} , networks -7639 checker , lattice , network , {networks} , snare , work , wreath , wreathen , wreaths , ~~~~~~ network 4639 -- ma\aseh -- act, art, + bakemeat, business, deed, do(-ing), labor,thing made, ware of making, occupation, thing offered, operation,possession, X well, ([handy-, needle-, {net- ])work}(ing, -manship),wrought. network 2355 -- chowr -- {network}. network 7639 s@bakah -- -- checker, lattice, {network}, snare, wreath(-enwork). ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ network 2355 ## chowr {khore}; the same as 2353; white linen: -- {network}. Compare 2715. [ql network 7639 ## s@bakah {seb-aw-kaw'}; feminine of 7638; a net- work, i.e (in hunting) a snare, (in architecture) a ballustrade; also a reticulated ornament to a pillar: -- checker, lattice, {network}, snare, wreath(-enwork).[ql ~~~~~~ network 052 022 Jer /^{network /and pomegranates upon the chapiters round about , all of brass . The second pillar also and the pomegranates were like unto these. network 007 020 IKi /^{network /and the pomegranates were two hundred in rows round about upon the other chapiter . network 027 004 Exo /^{network /of brass ; and upon the net shalt thou make four brasen rings in the four corners thereof. network 007 018 IKi /^{network /to cover the chapiters that were upon the top , with pomegranates : and so did he for the other chapiter . network 007 042 IKi /^{network /to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that were upon the pillars ; network 038 004 Exo /^{network /under the compass thereof beneath unto the midst of it. network 052 023 Jer /^{network /were an hundred round about . networks 007 042 IKi /^{networks /even two rows of pomegranates for one network , to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that were upon the pillars ; networks 019 009 Isa /^{networks /shall be confounded . networks 007 041 IKi /^{networks /to cover the two bowls of the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars ; ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ network And thou shalt make for it a grate of {network} [of] brass; and upon the net shalt thou make four brazen rings in the four corners thereof. network And he made for the altar a brazen grate of {network} under the compass thereof beneath unto the midst of it. network <1KI7 -18> And he made the pillars, and two rows round about upon the one {network}, to cover the chapiters that [were] upon the top, with pomegranates: and so did he for the other chapiter. network <1KI7 -20> And the chapiters upon the two pillars [had pomegranates] also above, over against the belly which [was] by the {network}: and the pomegranates [were] two hundred in rows round about upon the other chapiter. network <1KI7 -42> And four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, [even] two rows of pomegranates for one {network}, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that [were] upon the pillars; network And a chapiter of brass [was] upon it; and the height of one chapiter [was] five cubits, with {network} and pomegranates upon the chapiters round about, all [of] brass. The second pillar also and the pomegranates [were] like unto these . network And there were ninety and six pomegranates on a side; [and] all the pomegranates upon the {network} [were] an hundred round about. ~~~~~~