Adullamite 5726 -- \Adullamiy -- {Adullamite}. Ahiramites 0298 -- /Achiyramiy -- {Ahiramites}. Amramite 6020 -- \Amramiy -- {Amramite}. Aramitess 0761 -- /Arammiy -- Syrian, {Aramitess}. Baharumite 0978 -- Bacharuwmiy -- {Baharumite}. Barhumite 1273 -- Barchumiy -- {Barhumite}. Benjamite 1145 -- Ben-y@miyniy -- {Benjamite}, of Benjamin. Bethlehemite 1022 -- Beyth hal-Lachmiy -- {Bethlehemite}. Bethshemite 1030 -- Beyth hash-Shimshiy -- {Bethshemite}. Carmites 3757 -- Karmiy -- {Carmites}. Edomite 0130 -- /Edomiy -- {Edomite}. Edomites 0123 -- /Edom -- Edom, {Edomites}, Idumea. Elamite 5962 -- \Almiy -- {Elamite}. Elamite 1639 ** Elamites ** {Elamite}. Ephraimite 0673 -- /Ephrathiy -- {Ephraimite}, Ephrathite. Ephraimites 0669 -- /Ephrayim -- Ephraim, {Ephraimites}. Garmite 1636 -- Garmiy -- {Garmite}. Huphamites 2350 -- Chuwphamiy -- {Huphamites}. mite 3016 ** lepton ** {mite}. Naamites 5280 -- Na\amiy -- {Naamites}. Nehelamite 5161 -- Nechelamiy -- {Nehelamite}. Shichemites 7930 Shikmiy -- -- {Shichemites}. Shillemites 8016 -- Shillemiy -- {Shillemites}. Shimites 8097 -- Shim\iy -- of Shimi, {Shimites}. Shiphmite 8225 -- Shiphmiy -- {Shiphmite}. Shuhamites 7749 Shuwchamiy -- -- {Shuhamites}. Shulamite 7759 Shuwlammiyth -- -- {Shulamite}. Shunamite 7767 Shuwnammiyth -- -- {Shunamite}. Shuphamite 7781 Shuwphamiy -- -- {Shuphamite}. smite 1792 -- daka/ -- beat to pieces, break (in pieces), bruise, contrite, crush,destroy, humble, oppress, {smite}. smite 1986 -- halam -- beat (down), break (down), overcome, {smite} (with thehammer). smite 2179 -- zanab -- {smite} the hindmost. smite 3766 -- kara\ -- bow (down, self), bring down (low), cast down, couch, fall,feeble, kneeling, sink, {smite} (stoop) down, subdue, X very. smite 3807 -- kathath -- beat (down, to pieces), break in pieces, crushed, destroy,discomfit, {smite}, stamp. smite 4223 -- m@cha/ -- hang, {smite}, stay. smite 4272 -- machats -- dip, pierce (through), {smite} (through), strike through,wound. smite 4277 -- machaq -- {smite} off. smite 5060 -- naga\ -- beat, (X be able to) bring (down), cast, come (nigh), drawnear (nigh), get up, happen, join, near, plague, reach (up), {smite},strike, touch. smite 5062 -- nagaph -- beat, dash, hurt, plague, slay, {smite} (down), strike,stumble, X surely, put to the worse. smite 5221 -- nakah -- beat, cast forth, clap, give [wounds], X go forward, Xindeed, kill, make [slaughter], murderer, punish, slaughter, slay(-er,-ing), {smite}(-r, -ing), strike, be stricken, (give) stripes, X surely,wound. smite 5307 -- naphal -- be accepted, cast (down, self, [lots], out), cease, die,divide (by lot), (let) fail, (cause to, let, make, ready to) fall (away,down, -en, -ing), fell(-ing), fugitive, have [inheritance], inferior, bejudged, lay (along), (cause to) lie down, light (down), be (X hast) lost,lying, overthrow, overwhelm, perish, present(-ed, -ing), (make to) rot, slay, {smite} out, X surely, throw down. smite 5596 -- caphach -- abiding, gather together, cleave, {smite} with the scab. smite 5606 -- caphaq -- clap, {smite}, strike, suffice, wallow. smite 6375 -- piyq -- {smite} together. smite 8628 -- taqa\ -- blow ([a trumpet]), cast, clap, fasten, pitch [tent],{smite}, sound, strike, X suretiship, thrust. smite 0851 ** aphaireo ** cut ({smite}) off, take away. smite 1194 ** dero ** beat, {smite}. smite 1325 ** didomi ** adventure, bestow, bring forth, commit, deliver (up), give,grant, hinder, make, minister, number, offer, have power, put, receive,set, shew, {smite} (+ with the hand), strike (+ with the palm of the hand),suffer, take, utter, yield. smite 3817 ** paio ** {smite}, strike. smite 3960 ** patasso ** {smite}, strike. smite 4141 ** plesso ** {smite}. smite 4474 ** rhapizo ** {smite} (with the palm of the hand). smite 4475 ** rhapisma ** (+ strike with the) palm of the hand, {smite} with the hand. smite 5180 ** tupto ** beat, {smite}, strike, wound. sodomite 6945 -- qadesh -- {sodomite}, unclean. ~~~~~~