determined -0559 and , answer , answered , appoint , appointed , as , avouched , bade , bid , bidden , boast , call , called , certified , challengeth , charged , command , commanded , commandeth , commandment , commune , consider , declared , demanded , desired , desireth , {determined} , expressly , intend , intendest , name , named , people , plainly , promised , promisedst , published , purpose , reported , requirest , said , saidst , saith , say , sayest , saying , spake , spakest , speak , speaketh , spoken , strong , suppose , talked , tell , termed , the , think , thinking , thought , told , use , uttereth , verily , yet , determined -2782 bestir , decided , decreed , {determined} , maimed , move , moved , determined -2852 {determined} , determined -3289 advertise , advice , advise , advised , consult , consulted , counsel , counselled , counsellor , counsellors , {determined} , deviseth , gave , given , guide , purposed , taken , determined -3615 accomplish , accomplished , bringeth , cease , ceaseth , consume , consumed , destroy , destroyed , destroyeth , {determined} , done , end , ended , expired , fail , failed , faileth , fainteth , finish , finished , fulfil , fulfilled , fully , left , longed , pass , pluck , quite , riddance , spend , spent , take , utterly , waste , wasted , wholly , determined -7760 appoint , appointed , bring , brought , called , cast , change , charged , commit , consider , convey , {determined} , disposed , doeth , done , gave , gavest , give , given , had , heap , holdeth , impute , laid , laidst , lay , layest , layeth , look , made , make , makest , maketh , mark , ordain , ordained , ordereth , place , placed , preserve , purposed , put , puttest , putteth , putting , regarding , rehearse , repaired , rewarded , set , settest , setteth , shed , shew , shewed , stedfastly , take , took , turn , turned , turneth , wholly , wrought , eminent -1354 back , backs , bodies , bosses , {eminent} , higher , naves , rings , eminent -8524 {eminent} , examine -0974 {examine} , prove , proved , tempt , trial , tried , triest , trieth , try , examine -1875 ask , cared , careth , enquire , enquired , {examine} , inquisition , questioned , regard , require , required , search , searchest , searcheth , seek , seeketh , seeking , sought , the , famine -3720 {famine} , famine -7458 dearth , {famine} , famished , famine -7459 {famine} , gloominess -0653 dark , darkness , {gloominess} , thick , mine -0589 {mine} , myself , which , who , mine -3027 at , axletrees , because , beside , better , border , borders , charge , coast , coasts , custody , debt , dominion , enough , force , hand , handed , hands , himself , labour , ledges , means , {mine} , ministry , near , order , ordinance , parts , paw , place , places , power , presumptuously , service , side , sore , state , stays , strength , stroke , tenons , themselves , through , throwing , times , wait , where , work , years , yourselves , mine -5978 against , {mine} , take , within , preeminence -4195 plenteousness , {preeminence} , profit , ~~~~~~