affirm 5346 # phemi {fay-mee'}; properly, the same as the base of 5457 and 5316; to show or make known one's thoughts, i.e. speak or say: -- {affirm}, say. Compare 3004.[ql base 0036 # agenes {ag-en-ace'}; from 1 (as negative particle) and 1085; properly, without kin, i.e. (of unknown descent, and by implication) ignoble: -- {base} things.[ql known 1232 # diagnorizo {dee-ag-no-rid'-zo}; from 1123 and 1107; to tell abroad: -- make {known}.[ql known 1110 # gnostos {gnoce-tos'}; from 1097; well-known: -- acquaintance, (which may be) {known}, notable.[ql known 0319 # anagnorizomai {an-ag-no-rid'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 303 and 1107; to make (oneself) known: -- be made {known}.[ql known 1107 # gnorizo {gno-rid'-zo}; from a derivative of 1097; to make known; subjectively, to know: -- certify, declare, make {known}, give to understand, do to wit, wot.[ql known 5318 # phaneros {fan-er-os'}; from 5316; shining, i.e. apparent (literally or figuratively); neuter (as adverb) publicly, externally: -- abroad, + appear, {known}, manifest, open [+ -ly], outward ([+ -ly]).[ql mother 0282 # ametor {am-ay'-tore}; from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3384; motherless, i.e. of unknown maternity: -- without {mother}.[ql say 5346 # phemi {fay-mee'}; properly, the same as the base of 5457 and 5316; to show or make known one's thoughts, i.e. speak or say: -- affirm, {say}. Compare 3004.[ql things 0036 # agenes {ag-en-ace'}; from 1 (as negative particle) and 1085; properly, without kin, i.e. (of unknown descent, and by implication) ignoble: -- base {things}.[ql unknown 0057 # agnostos {ag'-noce-tos'}; from 1 (as negative particle) and 1110; unknown: -- {unknown}.[ql unknown 0050 # agnoeo {ag-no-eh'-o}; from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3539; not to know (through lack of information or intelligence); by implication, to ignore (through disinclination): -- (be) ignorant(-ly), not know, not understand, {unknown}.[ql virgin 3933 # parthenos {par-then'-os}; of unknown origin; a maiden; by implication, an unmarried daughter: -- {virgin}.[ql without 0282 # ametor {am-ay'-tore}; from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3384; motherless, i.e. of unknown maternity: -- {without} mother.[ql ~~~~~~