image ......... an image 1504 -eikon->
image ......... and his image 1504 -eikon->
image ......... and of the image which fell 1356 -diopetes->
image ......... forasmuch as he is the image 1504 -eikon->
image ......... his image 1504 -eikon->
image ......... image 1504 -eikon->
image ......... image 5481 -charakter->
image ......... is the image 1504 -eikon->
image ......... that the image 1504 -eikon->
image ......... the image 1504 -eikon->
image ......... the image of the heavenly 2032 -epouranios->
image ......... to the image 1504 -eikon->
image ......... to the image of Baal 0896 -Baal->
image ......... unto the image 1504 -eikon->