artillery -3627 armour , armourbearer , {artillery} , bag , carriage , carriages , furniture , instrument , instruments , jewel , jewels , made , one , pertaineth , pot , psalteries , psaltery , stuff , thing , tool , vessel , vessels , wares , weapon , weapons , barzillai -1271 {barzillai} , bill -5612 {bill} , book , books , evidence , evidences , learning , letter , letters , register , scroll , billows -1530 {billows} , heap , heaps , spring , waves , billows -4867 {billows} , waves , caterpiller -2625 {caterpiller} , caterpillers , caterpillers -2625 caterpiller , {caterpillers} , caterpillers -3218 brought , cankerworm , {caterpillers} , dunghill -0830 dung , {dunghill} , dunghills , dunghill -4087 {dunghill} , dunghill -5122 {dunghill} , dunghills -0830 dung , dunghill , {dunghills} , fill -4390 accomplish , accomplished , become , confirm , end , expired , fenced , {fill} , filled , filledst , fillest , filleth , fulfil , fulfilled , full , fully , fulness , furnish , gather , gathered , overfloweth , overflown , presume , replenish , replenished , satisfied , satisfy , set , space , wholly , fill -4393 all , {fill} , full , fulness , multitude , therein , fill -5433 {fill} , sabeans , fill -7301 abundantly , bathed , drunk , drunken , {fill} , filled , satiate , satiated , satisfied , satisfy , soaked , water , waterest , watereth , fill -7646 {fill} , filled , filledst , filleth , full , plenty , satiate , satisfied , satisfiest , satisfieth , satisfy , sufficed , weary , fill -7648 {fill} , full , fulness , satisfying , sufficed , filled -4390 accomplish , accomplished , become , confirm , end , expired , fenced , fill , {filled} , filledst , fillest , filleth , fulfil , fulfilled , full , fully , fulness , furnish , gather , gathered , overfloweth , overflown , presume , replenish , replenished , satisfied , satisfy , set , space , wholly , filled -4391 {filled} , full , filled -7059 cut , {filled} , wrinkles , filled -7301 abundantly , bathed , drunk , drunken , fill , {filled} , satiate , satiated , satisfied , satisfy , soaked , water , waterest , watereth , filled -7646 fill , {filled} , filledst , filleth , full , plenty , satiate , satisfied , satisfiest , satisfieth , satisfy , sufficed , weary , filledst -4390 accomplish , accomplished , become , confirm , end , expired , fenced , fill , filled , {filledst} , fillest , filleth , fulfil , fulfilled , full , fully , fulness , furnish , gather , gathered , overfloweth , overflown , presume , replenish , replenished , satisfied , satisfy , set , space , wholly , filledst -7646 fill , filled , {filledst} , filleth , full , plenty , satiate , satisfied , satisfiest , satisfieth , satisfy , sufficed , weary , fillest -4390 accomplish , accomplished , become , confirm , end , expired , fenced , fill , filled , filledst , {fillest} , filleth , fulfil , fulfilled , full , fully , fulness , furnish , gather , gathered , overfloweth , overflown , presume , replenish , replenished , satisfied , satisfy , set , space , wholly , fillet -2339 cord , {fillet} , line , thread , filleted -2836 delight , desire , desired , {filleted} , longeth , love , filleth -4390 accomplish , accomplished , become , confirm , end , expired , fenced , fill , filled , filledst , fillest , {filleth} , fulfil , fulfilled , full , fully , fulness , furnish , gather , gathered , overfloweth , overflown , presume , replenish , replenished , satisfied , satisfy , set , space , wholly , filleth -5844 array , aside , clad , cover , covered , coverest , covereth , covering , {filleth} , putteth , turneth , filleth -7646 fill , filled , filledst , {filleth} , full , plenty , satiate , satisfied , satisfiest , satisfieth , satisfy , sufficed , weary , fillets -2838 {fillets} , freewill -5069 {freewill} , offered , freewill -5071 drave , free , freely , {freewill} , plentiful , voluntarily , voluntary , willing , willingly , fulfilled -6213 about , accomplish , advanced , appointed , apt , bear , become , bestow , bring , bringeth , brought , bruised , bruising , busy , cast , charge , come , commit , committed , committeth , committing , deal , dealest , dealeth , dealt , deckedst , did , didst , do , doers , doest , doeth , doing , done , dress , dressed , effect , execute , executed , executedst , executest , executeth , executing , execution , exercise , fashioned , fitteth , flew , followed , forth , fulfil , {fulfilled} , fulfilling , gat , gathered , get , getteth , give , given , go , god , gotten , govern , granted , held , holden , keep , kept , labour , laboured , made , madest , maintain , maintained , make , maker , makest , maketh , making , meet , observe , observed , occupied , offer , offered , offering , officers , ordained , fulfilled -1214 coveteth , covetous , cut , finish , {fulfilled} , gain , gained , get , greedy , performed , wounded , fulfilled -3615 accomplish , accomplished , bringeth , cease , ceaseth , consume , consumed , destroy , destroyed , destroyeth , determined , done , end , ended , expired , fail , failed , faileth , fainteth , finish , finished , fulfil , {fulfilled} , fully , left , longed , pass , pluck , quite , riddance , spend , spent , take , utterly , waste , wasted , wholly , fulfilled -4390 accomplish , accomplished , become , confirm , end , expired , fenced , fill , filled , filledst , fillest , filleth , fulfil , {fulfilled} , full , fully , fulness , furnish , gather , gathered , overfloweth , overflown , presume , replenish , replenished , satisfied , satisfy , set , space , wholly , fulfilled -5487 consume , {fulfilled} , fulfilling -6213 about , accomplish , advanced , appointed , apt , bear , become , bestow , bring , bringeth , brought , bruised , bruising , busy , cast , charge , come , commit , committed , committeth , committing , deal , dealest , dealeth , dealt , deckedst , did , didst , do , doers , doest , doeth , doing , done , dress , dressed , effect , execute , executed , executedst , executest , executeth , executing , execution , exercise , fashioned , fitteth , flew , followed , forth , fulfil , fulfilled , {fulfilling} , gat , gathered , get , getteth , give , given , go , god , gotten , govern , granted , held , holden , keep , kept , labour , laboured , made , madest , maintain , maintained , make , maker , makest , maketh , making , meet , observe , observed , occupied , offer , offered , offering , officers , ordained , hill -1389 {hill} , hills , hill -2022 {hill} , hills , mount , mountain , mountains , hill -4608 ascent , before , bring , chiefest , cliff , going , high , {hill} , mounting , stairs , hill -7161 {hill} , horn , horns , hillel -1985 {hillel} , hills -1389 hill , {hills} , hills -2022 hill , {hills} , mount , mountain , mountains , hills -2042 {hills} , mount , mountain , mountains , ill -3415 grievous , harm , {ill} , ill -6709 {ill} , savour , ill -7451 adversities , adversity , affliction , afflictions , and , bad , calamities , cities , displeasure , distress , evil , evils , friend , great , grief , grievous , harm , heavy , hurt , hurtful , {ill} , mischief , mischiefs , mischievous , misery , naught , naughty , noisome , out , sad , sadly , sore , sorrow , temples , them , trouble , troubles , wicked , wickedly , wickedness , worse , worst , wretchedness , wrong , ill -7489 afflict , afflicted , associate , behaved , break , broken , evil , evildoer , evildoers , friendly , grieved , grievous , harm , hurt , hurting , {ill} , mischief , punish , sad , vexed , waste , wicked , wickedly , worse , kill -2026 destroyed , hand , {kill} , killed , killedst , killeth , killing , murder , murderer , murderers , put , slain , slay , slayer , slayeth , slaying , slew , kill -2076 about , {kill} , killed , offer , offered , offereth , offering , old , sacrifice , sacrificed , sacrificedst , sacrificeth , sacrificing , slain , slew , that , kill -2491 {kill} , profane , slain , slew , wounded , kill -2873 {kill} , killed , slain , slaughter , slay , kill -4191 crying , dead , death , destroy , destroyers , die , died , diest , dieth , {kill} , killed , killeth , put , reign , slain , slay , slayeth , slaying , slew , kill -5221 beat , beaten , beatest , cast , clapped , forth , given , hard , {kill} , killed , killeth , made , murderers , punish , slain , slaughter , slay , slayer , slaying , slew , slewest , smite , smiters , smitest , smiteth , smiting , smitten , smote , smotest , stricken , strike , stripes , struck , the , went , wounded , kill -5362 about , compass , compassed , compassing , cut , destroy , go , going , gone , inclosed , {kill} , round , kill -7523 death , {kill} , killed , killing , manslayer , murder , murderer , murderers , slain , slayer , kill -7819 {kill} , killed , killeth , killing , offer , shot , slain , slaughter , slay , slaying , slew , killed -2026 destroyed , hand , kill , {killed} , killedst , killeth , killing , murder , murderer , murderers , put , slain , slay , slayer , slayeth , slaying , slew , killed -2076 about , kill , {killed} , offer , offered , offereth , offering , old , sacrifice , sacrificed , sacrificedst , sacrificeth , sacrificing , slain , slew , that , killed -2873 kill , {killed} , slain , slaughter , slay , killed -3076 jehohanan , johanan , {killed} , killed -4191 crying , dead , death , destroy , destroyers , die , died , diest , dieth , kill , {killed} , killeth , put , reign , slain , slay , slayeth , slaying , slew , killed -5221 beat , beaten , beatest , cast , clapped , forth , given , hard , kill , {killed} , killeth , made , murderers , punish , slain , slaughter , slay , slayer , slaying , slew , slewest , smite , smiters , smitest , smiteth , smiting , smitten , smote , smotest , stricken , strike , stripes , struck , the , went , wounded , killed -7523 death , kill , {killed} , killing , manslayer , murder , murderer , murderers , slain , slayer , killed -7819 kill , {killed} , killeth , killing , offer , shot , slain , slaughter , slay , slaying , slew , killedst -2026 destroyed , hand , kill , killed , {killedst} , killeth , killing , murder , murderer , murderers , put , slain , slay , slayer , slayeth , slaying , slew , killeth -2026 destroyed , hand , kill , killed , killedst , {killeth} , killing , murder , murderer , murderers , put , slain , slay , slayer , slayeth , slaying , slew , killeth -4191 crying , dead , death , destroy , destroyers , die , died , diest , dieth , kill , killed , {killeth} , put , reign , slain , slay , slayeth , slaying , slew , killeth -5221 beat , beaten , beatest , cast , clapped , forth , given , hard , kill , killed , {killeth} , made , murderers , punish , slain , slaughter , slay , slayer , slaying , slew , slewest , smite , smiters , smitest , smiteth , smiting , smitten , smote , smotest , stricken , strike , stripes , struck , the , went , wounded , killeth -6991 {killeth} , slay , killeth -7819 kill , killed , {killeth} , killing , offer , shot , slain , slaughter , slay , slaying , slew , killing -2026 destroyed , hand , kill , killed , killedst , killeth , {killing} , murder , murderer , murderers , put , slain , slay , slayer , slayeth , slaying , slew , killing -7523 death , kill , killed , {killing} , manslayer , murder , murderer , murderers , slain , slayer , killing -7819 kill , killed , killeth , {killing} , offer , shot , slain , slaughter , slay , slaying , slew , killing -7821 down , {killing} , meshillemith -4921 {meshillemith} , meshillemoth -4919 {meshillemoth} , mill -7347 {mill} , mills , millstone , millstones , nether , millet -1764 {millet} , millions -7233 many , {millions} , multiply , ten , thousand , thousands , millo -4407 {millo} , mills -7347 mill , {mills} , millstone , millstones , nether , millstone -7347 mill , mills , {millstone} , millstones , nether , millstone -7393 chariot , chariots , {millstone} , multitude , upper , wagons , millstones -7347 mill , mills , millstone , {millstones} , nether , pillar -4676 garrisons , image , images , {pillar} , pillars , standing , pillar -4678 {pillar} , substance , pillar -5324 appointed , best , deputy , erected , establish , huzzab , laid , officer , officers , {pillar} , present , reared , set , settest , settled , sharpen , stablish , stand , standeth , standing , state , stood , stoodest , pillar -5333 garrison , garrisons , officer , {pillar} , pillar -5982 {pillar} , pillars , pillars -0547 {pillars} , pillars -4552 {pillars} , pillars -4676 garrisons , image , images , pillar , {pillars} , standing , pillars -4690 {pillars} , situate , pillars -5982 pillar , {pillars} , pillars -8490 {pillars} , pilled -6478 {pilled} , pillow -3523 {pillow} , pillows -3704 {pillows} , pillows -4763 bolster , head , {pillows} , selfwill -7522 acceptable , acceptance , accepted , delight , desire , favour , good , own , pleasure , {selfwill} , voluntary , will , shillem -8006 {shillem} , shillemites -8016 {shillemites} , silla -5538 {silla} , silly -6601 allure , deceive , deceived , enlarge , entice , enticed , enticeth , flatter , flattereth , persuade , persuaded , {silly} , skill -3045 acknowledge , acknowledged , acquaintance , acquainted , advise , answer , appointed , assuredly , aware , can , certain , come , comprehend , consider , considereth , could , cunning , declare , declared , discern , discerneth , discovered , endued , familiar , famous , feel , felt , have , images , instructed , kinsfolks , kinsman , knew , knewest , know , knowest , knoweth , knowing , knowledge , known , madest , mark , perceive , perceived , perceivest , privy , prognosticators , regardeth , respect , shew , shewed , skilful , {skill} , sure , surety , taught , teach , tell , unawares , understand , understood , will , wist , wit , wot , wotteth , skill -6456 began , graven , images , quarries , scribes , {skill} , skill -7919 behave , behaved , consider , considereth , expert , instruct , instructed , prosper , prospered , prospereth , prudent , prudently , skilful , {skill} , success , taught , teacheth , understand , understandeth , understanding , understood , wisdom , wise , wisely , wittingly , spilled -7843 battered , cast , corrupt , corrupted , corrupters , corrupting , corruptly , destroy , destroyed , destroyer , destroyers , destroyest , destroyeth , destroying , destruction , lose , mar , marred , perish , {spilled} , spoilers , wasted , waster , still -1826 cease , ceased , cut , forbear , held , peace , quieted , rest , rested , silence , silent , stand , {still} , stood , tarry , wait , still -1827 calm , silence , {still} , still -2790 cease , conceal , deaf , devise , deviseth , ear , graven , held , hold , holdest , holdeth , imagine , kept , left , peace , plow , plowed , plowers , plowing , plowman , practised , quiet , rest , secretly , silence , silent , speak , speaking , {still} , tongue , worker , wrought , still -2814 held , hold , holden , peace , silence , {still} , stilled , still -4496 comfortable , ease , quiet , rest , resting , {still} , still -5265 aside , away , blow , brought , departed , forth , forward , get , go , journey , journeyed , journeying , marched , remove , removed , removeth , set , setteth , {still} , took , way , went , still -5493 aside , away , back , brought , call , conspired , decline , depart , departed , departeth , departing , down , eschewed , escheweth , go , goeth , gone , grievous , laid , lay , left , moved , past , pluck , put , rebel , remove , removed , removeth , removing , sour , {still} , take , taken , taketh , the , took , turn , turned , turneth , undone , went , withdraw , without , still -5750 again , any , being , besides , else , ever , further , furthermore , good , henceforth , long , longer , more , moreover , once , ready , since , space , {still} , them , when , whether , while , whiles , within , yet , still -5975 abide , abideth , able , abode , appoint , appointed , arise , arose , behind , ceased , confirmed , continue , continued , continueth , dwell , employed , endure , endureth , enduring , establish , established , establisheth , forth , left , made , ordained , over , placed , present , presented , raised , raiseth , remain , remained , remaineth , repair , serve , served , set , setteth , settle , settled , stablished , stand , standest , standeth , standing , stay , stayed , {still} , stood , stoodest , tarried , tarry , the , waited , withstand , withstood , still -7503 abated , alone , cease , consumeth , down , draweth , fail , faint , feeble , forsake , go , leave , let , respite , slack , slothful , stay , {still} , weak , weakened , weakeneth , still -7673 away , cease , ceased , ceaseth , celebrate , down , fail , kept , lacking , left , put , puttest , rest , rested , rid , sabbath , {still} , took , still -8252 appeaseth , idleness , quiet , quieteth , quietness , rest , rested , settled , {still} , stilled -2013 hold , peace , silence , silent , {stilled} , tongue , stilled -2814 held , hold , holden , peace , silence , still , {stilled} , stillest -7623 commended , glory , keepeth , praise , praised , {stillest} , stilleth , triumph , stilleth -7623 commended , glory , keepeth , praise , praised , stillest , {stilleth} , triumph , subtilly -5230 beguiled , deceiver , {subtilly} , subtilly -6191 beware , crafty , prudent , {subtilly} , till -5647 became , bondage , bondmen , bondservice , bring , compel , do , done , dress , ear , eared , execute , husbandman , keep , labour , labouring , land , servant , servants , serve , served , servedst , serveth , service , serving , {till} , tilled , tiller , tillest , tilleth , transgress , work , worshippers , wrought , till -5704 against , also , at , before , even , forasmuch , how , into , long , much , on , or , so , thither , {till} , toward , until , very , when , whether , while , whilst , within , yet , till -5705 even , on , {till} , within , till -6440 afore , aforetime , against , anger , appease , at , attend , because , before , beforetime , broken , countenance , edge , endure , face , faces , favour , fear , first , forefront , forepart , form , former , forth , forward , front , heaviness , him , himself , long , look , looked , looketh , meet , more , nay , old , open , over , overseers , person , persons , presence , prospect , purge , purposed , reason , right , seemeth , shewbread , sight , state , than , themselves , through , {till} , time , toward , with , within , tillage -5215 fallow , plowing , {tillage} , tillage -5656 bondage , effect , labour , ministering , ministry , office , serve , serveth , service , servile , servitude , {tillage} , use , work , wrought , tilled -5647 became , bondage , bondmen , bondservice , bring , compel , do , done , dress , ear , eared , execute , husbandman , keep , labour , labouring , land , servant , servants , serve , served , servedst , serveth , service , serving , till , {tilled} , tiller , tillest , tilleth , transgress , work , worshippers , wrought , tiller -5647 became , bondage , bondmen , bondservice , bring , compel , do , done , dress , ear , eared , execute , husbandman , keep , labour , labouring , land , servant , servants , serve , served , servedst , serveth , service , serving , till , tilled , {tiller} , tillest , tilleth , transgress , work , worshippers , wrought , tillest -5647 became , bondage , bondmen , bondservice , bring , compel , do , done , dress , ear , eared , execute , husbandman , keep , labour , labouring , land , servant , servants , serve , served , servedst , serveth , service , serving , till , tilled , tiller , {tillest} , tilleth , transgress , work , worshippers , wrought , tilleth -5647 became , bondage , bondmen , bondservice , bring , compel , do , done , dress , ear , eared , execute , husbandman , keep , labour , labouring , land , servant , servants , serve , served , servedst , serveth , service , serving , till , tilled , tiller , tillest , {tilleth} , transgress , work , worshippers , wrought , tranquillity -7963 {tranquillity} , villages -1323 apple , company , daughter , first , old , towns , {villages} , villages -2691 court , courts , the , towns , {villages} , villages -3715 lion , lions , {villages} , young , villages -3723 {villages} , villages -3724 bribe , camphire , pitch , ransom , satisfaction , sum , {villages} , villages -6518 {villages} , villages -6519 towns , unwalled , {villages} , villages -6520 {villages} , villages -6521 country , unwalled , {villages} , villany -5039 folly , foolish , vile , {villany} , will -0014 consent , content , {will} , willing , would , will -0165 {will} , will -2654 delight , delighted , delighteth , desire , desired , desirest , favourest , favoureth , like , moveth , please , pleased , pleaseth , pleasure , well , {will} , would , will -3045 acknowledge , acknowledged , acquaintance , acquainted , advise , answer , appointed , assuredly , aware , can , certain , come , comprehend , consider , considereth , could , cunning , declare , declared , discern , discerneth , discovered , endued , familiar , famous , feel , felt , have , images , instructed , kinsfolks , kinsman , knew , knewest , know , knowest , knoweth , knowing , knowledge , known , madest , mark , perceive , perceived , perceivest , privy , prognosticators , regardeth , respect , shew , shewed , skilful , skill , sure , surety , taught , teach , tell , unawares , understand , understood , {will} , wist , wit , wot , wotteth , will -5314 preserver , refreshed , {will} , will -5315 angry , any , appetite , beast , body , breath , creature , dead , deadly , desire , fish , ghost , heart , hearts , hearty , herself , himself , life , lives , lust , man , mind , minds , mortally , myself , one , own , person , persons , pleasure , soul , souls , themselves , thing , thyself , {will} , would , your , yourselves , will -6634 {will} , would , will -7470 pleasure , {will} , will -7522 acceptable , acceptance , accepted , delight , desire , favour , good , own , pleasure , selfwill , voluntary , {will} , willing -0014 consent , content , will , {willing} , would , willing -2655 delight , desire , desireth , favour , please , pleasure , {willing} , wish , would , willing -5068 offered , {willing} , willingly , willing -5071 drave , free , freely , freewill , plentiful , voluntarily , voluntary , {willing} , willingly , willing -5081 free , liberal , nobles , prince , princes , {willing} , willingly -5414 shewedst , shoot , sit , strike , suffer , suffered , suffereth , take , taken , thrust , tied , took , traded , turn , turned , utter , uttered , utterth , {willingly} , yeild , yeildeth willingly -2656 acceptable , delight , delightsome , desire , desired , desireth , pleasant , pleasure , purpose , {willingly} , willingly -2974 assayed , began , content , pleased , taken , {willingly} , would , willingly -3820 consent , friendly , heart , hearted , hearts , heed , midst , mind , regard , regarded , understanding , {willingly} , wisdom , willingly -5068 offered , willing , {willingly} , willingly -5071 drave , free , freely , freewill , plentiful , voluntarily , voluntary , willing , {willingly} , willow -6851 {willow} , willows -6155 {willows} , zillah -6741 {zillah} , ~~~~~~