be refered to his Hebrew and Greek dictionary to other works keyed to Strongs numbers. This system of bringing together word. This gives you the English reader the ability to look Total words in this Thesaurus is as follow total richly bless your studies of his Holy Word. - his , 0430 , 1129 , 1168 , 3068 , 5892 , - memphis , 4644 , - this , 0428 , 1129 , 1668 , 1791 , 1797 , 1836 , 1931 , 1975 , 1976 , 1977 , 1992 , 2007 , 2008 , 2063 , 2088 , 2090 , 2097 , 2098 , 3541 , 3602 , 3651 , 3660 , 6311 , 6471 , * this , 0737 , 0846 , 1565 , 2235 , 2778 , 3127 , 3568 , 3588 , 3592 , 3739 , 3778 , 3779 , 4594 , 5023 , 5026 , 5124 , 5126 , 5127 , 5128 , 5129 , 5130 , 5602 ,  ~~~~~~