formed GEN 002 007 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > {formed} <03335 +yatsar > man <00120 +>adam > [ of ] the dust <06083 +<aphar > of the ground <00127 +>adamah > , and breathed <05301 +naphach > into his nostrils <00639 +>aph > the breath <05397 +n@shamah > of life <02416 +chay > ; and man <00120 +>adam > became <01961 +hayah > a living <02416 +chay > soul <05315 +nephesh > .
formed GEN 002 008 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > planted <05193 +nata< > a garden <01588 +gan > eastward <06924 +qedem > in Eden <05731 +<Eden > ; and there <08033 +sham > he put <07760 +suwm > the man <00120 +>adam > whom <00834 +>aher > he had {formed} <03335 +yatsar > .
formed GEN 002 019 And out of the ground <00127 +>adamah > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > {formed} <03335 +yatsar > every <03605 +kol > beast <02416 +chay > of the field <07704 +sadeh > , and every <03605 +kol > fowl <05775 +<owph > of the air <08064 +shamayim > ; and brought <00935 +bow> > [ them ] unto Adam <00120 +>adam > to see <07200 +ra>ah > what <04100 +mah > he would call <07121 +qara> > them : and whatsoever Adam <00120 +>adam > called <07121 +qara> > every living <02416 +chay > creature <05315 +nephesh > , that [ was ] the name <08034 +shem > thereof .
formed DEU 032 018 Of the Rock <06697 +tsuwr > [ that ] begat <03205 +yalad > thee thou art unmindful <07876 +shayah > , and hast forgotten <07911 +shakach > God <00410 +>el > that {formed} <02342 +chuwl > thee .
reformed LEV 026 023 And if <00518 +>im > ye will not be {reformed} <03256 +yacar > by me by these<00428 +>el - leh > things , but will walk <01980 +halak > contrary <07147 +q@riy > unto me ;