family Num_27_11 /^{family /and he shall possess it: and it shall be unto the children of Israel a statute of judgment , as the LORD commanded Moses . family Jer_03_14 /^{family /and I will bring you to Zion : family Jud_21_24 /^{family /and they went out from thence every man to his inheritance . family Lev_25_41 /^{family /and unto the possession of his fathers shall he return . family Lev_20_05 /^{family /and will cut him off , and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech , from among their people . family Zec_12_12 /^{family /apart ; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart; family Zec_12_14 /^{family /apart, and their wives apart. family Num_27_04 /^{family /because he hath no son ? Give unto us therefore a possession among the brethren of our father . family Mic_02_03 /^{family /do I devise an evil , from which ye shall not remove your necks ; neither shall ye go haughtily : for this time is evil . family Est_09_28 /^{family /every province , and every city ; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews , nor the memorial of them perish from their seed . family Jud_18_02 /^{family /five men from their coasts , men of valour , from Zorah , and from Eshtaol , to spy out the land , and to search it; and they said unto them, Go , search the land : who when they came to mount Ephraim , to the house of Micah , they lodged there. family 1Sa_20_29 /^{family /hath a sacrifice in the city ; and my brother , he hath commanded me to be there: and now, if I have found favour in thine eyes , let me get away , I pray thee, and see my brethren . Therefore he cometh not unto the king's table . family Eph_03_15 /${family /in heaven and earth is named , family 1Sa_18_18 /^{family /in Israel , that I should be son in law to the king ? family Jud_18_19 /^{family /in Israel ? family Jud_06_15 /^{family /is poor in Manasseh , and I am the least in my father's house . family 2Sa_14_07 /^{family /is risen against thine handmaid , and they said , Deliver him that smote his brother , that we may kill him, for the life of his brother whom he slew ; and we will destroy the heir also: and so they shall quench my coal which is left , and shall not leave to my husband neither name nor remainder upon the earth . family Lev_25_49 /^{family /may redeem him; or if he be able , he may redeem himself . family 1Ch_04_27 /^{family /multiply , like to the children of Judah . family Zec_14_18 /^{family /of Egypt go not up , and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague , wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles . family Rut_02_01 /^{family /of Elimelech ; and his name was Boaz . family Jud_17_07 /^{family /of Judah , who was a Levite , and he sojourned there. family Jos_07_17 /^{family /of Judah ; and he took the family of the Zarhites : and he brought the family of the Zarhites man by man ; and Zabdi was taken : family 1Sa_10_21 /^{family /of Matri was taken , and Saul the son of Kish was taken : and when they sought him, he could not be found . family 1Ch_13_14 /^{family /of Obededom in his house three months . And the LORD blessed the house of Obededom , and all that he had. family Zec_12_13 /^{family /of Shimei apart, and their wives apart; family 1Ch_06_61 /^{family /of that tribe , were cities given out of the half tribe , namely, out of the half tribe of Manasseh , by lot , ten cities . family Num_26_38 /^{family /of the Ahiramites : family Num_03_27 /^{family /of the Amramites , and the family of the Izeharites , and the family of the Hebronites , and the family of the Uzzielites : these are the families of the Kohathites . family Num_26_40 /^{family /of the Ardites : and of Naaman , the family of the Naamites . family Num_26_17 /^{family /of the Arelites . family Num_26_17 /^{family /of the Arodites : of Areli , the family of the Arelites . family Num_26_38 /^{family /of the Ashbelites : of Ahiram , the family of the Ahiramites : family Num_26_31 /^{family /of the Asrielites : and of Shechem , the family of the Shechemites : family Num_26_35 /^{family /of the Bachrites : of Tahan , the family of the Tahanites . family Num_26_38 /^{family /of the Belaites : of Ashbel , the family of the Ashbelites : of Ahiram , the family of the Ahiramites : family Num_26_44 /^{family /of the Beriites . family Num_26_06 /^{family /of the Carmites . family Jud_18_11 /^{family /of the Danites , out of Zorah and out of Eshtaol , six hundred men appointed with weapons of war . family Jud_13_02 /^{family /of the Danites , whose name was Manoah ; and his wife was barren , and bare not. family Num_26_26 /^{family /of the Elonites : of Jahleel , the family of the Jahleelites . family Num_26_36 /^{family /of the Eranites . family Num_26_16 /^{family /of the Erites : family Num_26_57 /^{family /of the Gershonites : of Kohath , the family of the Kohathites : of Merari , the family of the Merarites . family Num_26_29 /^{family /of the Gileadites . family Num_26_48 /^{family /of the Gunites : family Num_26_15 /^{family /of the Haggites : of Shuni , the family of the Shunites : family 1Ch_06_71 /^{family /of the half tribe of Manasseh , Golan in Bashan with her suburbs , and Ashtaroth with her suburbs : family Num_26_21 /^{family /of the Hamulites . family Num_26_05 /^{family /of the Hanochites : of Pallu , the family of the Palluites : family Num_26_45 /^{family /of the Heberites : of Malchiel , the family of the Malchielites . family Num_03_27 /^{family /of the Hebronites , and the family of the Uzzielites : these are the families of the Kohathites . family Num_26_58 /^{family /of the Hebronites , the family of the Mahlites , the family of the Mushites , the family of the Korathites . And Kohath begat Amram . family Num_26_30 /^{family /of the Helekites : family Num_26_32 /^{family /of the Hepherites . family Num_26_06 /^{family /of the Hezronites : of Carmi , the family of the Carmites . family Num_26_21 /^{family /of the Hezronites : of Hamul , the family of the Hamulites . family Zec_12_12 /^{family /of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart; family Jud_09_01 /^{family /of the house of his mother's father , saying , family Zec_12_13 /^{family /of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of Shimei apart, and their wives apart; family Zec_12_12 /^{family /of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart; family 2Sa_16_05 /^{family /of the house of Saul , whose name was Shimei , the son of Gera : he came forth , and cursed still as he came . family Num_26_39 /^{family /of the Huphamites . family Num_03_27 /^{family /of the Izeharites , and the family of the Hebronites , and the family of the Uzzielites : these are the families of the Kohathites . family Num_26_12 /^{family /of the Jachinites : family Num_26_26 /^{family /of the Jahleelites . family Num_26_48 /^{family /of the Jahzeelites : of Guni , the family of the Gunites : family Num_26_12 /^{family /of the Jaminites : of Jachin , the family of the Jachinites : family Num_26_24 /^{family /of the Jashubites : of Shimron , the family of the Shimronites . family Num_26_30 /^{family /of the Jeezerites : of Helek , the family of the Helekites : family Num_26_44 /^{family /of the Jesuites : of Beriah , the family of the Beriites . family Num_26_49 /^{family /of the Jezerites : of Shillem , the family of the Shillemites . family Num_26_44 /^{family /of the Jimnites : of Jesui , the family of the Jesuites : of Beriah , the family of the Beriites . family Num_26_57 /^{family /of the Kohathites : of Merari , the family of the Merarites . family Num_26_58 /^{family /of the Korathites . And Kohath begat Amram . family Num_03_21 /^{family /of the Libnites , and the family of the Shimites : these are the families of the Gershonites . family Num_26_58 /^{family /of the Libnites , the family of the Hebronites , the family of the Mahlites , the family of the Mushites , the family of the Korathites . And Kohath begat Amram . family Num_26_29 /^{family /of the Machirites : and Machir begat Gilead : of Gilead come the family of the Gileadites . family Num_03_33 /^{family /of the Mahlites , and the family of the Mushites : these are the families of Merari . family Num_26_58 /^{family /of the Mahlites , the family of the Mushites , the family of the Korathites . And Kohath begat Amram . family Num_26_45 /^{family /of the Malchielites . family Num_26_57 /^{family /of the Merarites . family Num_26_58 /^{family /of the Mushites , the family of the Korathites . And Kohath begat Amram . family Num_03_33 /^{family /of the Mushites : these are the families of Merari . family Num_26_40 /^{family /of the Naamites . family Num_26_12 /^{family /of the Nemuelites : of Jamin , the family of the Jaminites : of Jachin , the family of the Jachinites : family Num_26_16 /^{family /of the Oznites : of Eri , the family of the Erites : family Num_26_05 /^{family /of the Palluites : family Num_26_20 /^{family /of the Pharzites : of Zerah , the family of the Zarhites . family Num_26_23 /^{family /of the Punites : family 1Ch_06_70 /^{family /of the remnant of the sons of Kohath . family Num_26_26 /^{family /of the Sardites : of Elon , the family of the Elonites : of Jahleel , the family of the Jahleelites . family Num_26_13 /^{family /of the Shaulites . family Num_26_31 /^{family /of the Shechemites : family Num_26_20 /^{family /of the Shelanites : of Pharez , the family of the Pharzites : of Zerah , the family of the Zarhites . family Num_26_32 /^{family /of the Shemidaites : and of Hepher , the family of the Hepherites . family Num_26_49 /^{family /of the Shillemites . family Num_03_21 /^{family /of the Shimites : these are the families of the Gershonites . family Num_26_24 /^{family /of the Shimronites . family Num_26_42 /^{family /of the Shuhamites . These are the families of Dan after their families . family Num_26_15 /^{family /of the Shunites : family Num_26_39 /^{family /of the Shuphamites : of Hupham , the family of the Huphamites . family Num_26_35 /^{family /of the Shuthalhites : of Becher , the family of the Bachrites : of Tahan , the family of the Tahanites . family Num_26_35 /^{family /of the Tahanites . family Num_26_23 /^{family /of the Tolaites : of Pua , the family of the Punites : family Num_36_08 /^{family /of the tribe of her father , that the children of Israel may enjoy every man the inheritance of his fathers . family Num_36_06 /^{family /of the tribe of their father shall they marry . family Num_03_27 /^{family /of the Uzzielites : these are the families of the Kohathites . family Num_26_20 /^{family /of the Zarhites . family Jos_07_17 /^{family /of the Zarhites : and he brought the family of the Zarhites man by man ; and Zabdi was taken : family Num_26_13 /^{family /of the Zarhites : of Shaul , the family of the Shaulites . family Jos_07_17 /^{family /of the Zarhites man by man ; and Zabdi was taken : family Num_26_15 /^{family /of the Zephonites : of Haggi , the family of the Haggites : of Shuni , the family of the Shunites : family Num_36_12 /^{family /of their father . family Deu_29_18 /^{family /or tribe , whose heart turneth away this day from the LORD our God , to go and serve the gods of these nations ; lest there should be among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood ; family 1Sa_09_21 /^{family /the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin ? wherefore then speakest thou so to me? family Amo_03_01 /^{family /which I brought up from the land of Egypt , saying , family Jer_08_03 /^{family /which remain in all the places whither I have driven them, saith the LORD of hosts . family Jos_07_14 /^{family /which the LORD shall take shall come by households ; and the household which the LORD shall take shall come man by man . ~~~~~~