wages # ac 1:18
wailing # mat 13:50 8:12 22:13 lu 13:28
wailing # mat 24:50,51 lu 13:27,28 re 14:10,11 16:10,11
wait # ge 49:18 ps 25:3,5,62:5,130:5 la 3:25,26 ho 12:6 ro 8:24,
25 # 1th 1:10
2th 3:5
wait # 4:16,17 ge 49:18 job 19:25-27 is 25:8,9 lu 2:25 ac 1:11,3:
21 # ro
2:7,8:23-25 1co 1:7 phi 3:20 1th 1:7,2:7 2ti 4:1 tit 2:13 # he 9:
28 2pe
3:12,14 re 1:7
waited # luke 23:42 2:25,38 ge 49:18 mar 15:43
waiting #8:19,25 lu 20:36 phi 3:20,21 2ti 4:8 tit 2:13 he 9:28
1jno 3:2
waiting # lu 1:38 is 25:9 40:1 mar 15:43
waiting # pr 8:34 ac 10:33
waiting # pr 8:34 la 3:26 ro 8:25 ja 5:7
waiting # 1co 4:5 ge 49:18 mat 25:1 lu 12:36 ro 8:19 phi 3:20 #
1th 1:10 2ti
4:8 tit 2:13 he 9:28 10:36,37 ja 5:7,8 # 2pe 3:12 jude 1:21
walk # jno 12:36,46 1:5-9 8:12 9:5 is 2:5 42:6,7 ro 13:12-14 #
ep 5:8,14,15
1th 5:5-8 1jno 1:6,7
walk # ga 2:20 1pe 4:1,2
walk # 5:25,6:8 ro 8:1,4,5,12-14 1pe 1:22,4:6 jude 1:19-21
walk # ga 5:16,25 ps 125:4,5 phi 3:16
walk # ep 2:2 4:1 de 5:33 ps 81:13 119:3 is 2:3-5 ac 9:31 ro 8:1
1jno 1:7 #
walk # ep 4:17 5:2 ge 5:24 17:1 ac 9:31 phi 1:27 3:17,18 col 1:
10 4:12 # 1th
2:12 4:1,2 tit 2:10 he 13:21
walk # ep 3:17 4:2,15 jno 13:34 ro 14:16 1co 16:14 col 3:14 1th
4:9 # 1ti
4:12 1pe 4:8 1jno 3:11,12,23 4:20,21
walk # ep 5:2 is 2:5 lu 16:8 jno 12:36 ga 5:25 1pe 2:9-11 1jno 1:
walk # ex 23:13 mat 10:16 1co 14:20 phi 1:27 col 1:9 4:5
walk # col 3:17 1s 2:5 mi 4:2 jno 14:6 2co 5:7 ga 2:20 ep 4:1 #
ep 5:1,2 phi
1:27 1th 4:1 1jno 2:6
walk # col 3:16 ps 90:12 mat 10:16 ro 16:19 1co 14:19-25 ep 5:15-
17 # ja 1:5
walk # 4:1,12 ga 5:16 ep 4:1,5:2,8 phi 1:27 col 1:10,2:6 # 1pe 1:
15,16 1jno
walk # 6
walk # 1jno 2:9-11 ps 82:5 pr 2:13 4:18,19 jno 3:19,20 11:10 12:
walk # 1ki 2:4 3:6 2ki 20:3 ps 26:1-3 is 38:3 jno 12:35,36 ga 2:
walk # re 3:5,18 4:4 6:11 7:9,13 19:14 es 8:15 ps 68:14 ec 9:8
zec 3:4 # mar
walk # is 2:5
walked # jno 4:3,54 10:39,40 11:54 lu 13:31-33 ac 10:38
walked # jno 4:1-3 7:1 10:40 18:20
walked we not in the same spirit # 2co 8:6,16-23 phi 2:19-22
walked # ps 15:2,58:1,84:11 pr 2:7,10:9
walked according # ps 17:14 je 23:10 lu 16:8 jno 7:7 8:23 15:19
ro 12:2 1co
5:10 # ga 1:4 2ti 4:10 ja 1:7 4:4 1jno 2:15-17 5:4
walketh # pr 4:19 jno 12:35
walketh # 7,11 1th 4:11;5:14
walketh # job 1:7;2:2
walketh # re 1:12,13 ez 28:13,14 mat 18:20 28:20
walking # ne 5:9,15 job 28:28 ps 86:11 111:10 pr 1:7 8:13 14:26,
27 16:6 # pr
23:17 is 11:2,3 33:6 2co 7:1 ep 5:21 col 1:10
walking # mar 1:16-18 lu 5:2
walking # 1ki 9:4 2ki 20:3 ps 119:6 ac 23:1 24:16 1co 11:2 2co 1:
12 phi 3:6 #
tit 2:11-14 1jno 2:3,29 3:7
walking # jno 14:18 job 9:8 ps 29:10 93:4 mat 14:25,26 mar 6:49
# lu 24:36-39
walking # 2:10 2co 4:2 jude 16,18
walking # ho 14:9 mal 2:6 ga 2:14 ep 5:2,8 1jno 1:6,7 2:6
walking # jude 1:18 ga 5:16,24 1th 4:5 2ti 4:3 ja 1:14,15 1pe 1:
14 # 1pe 2:11
4:2 2pe 2:10 3:3
walking. This suspension of the laws of gravitation was a proper
manifestation of omnipotence. # job 9:8 ps 93:3,4 104:3 mar 6:48
jno 6:19 re
wandered # 1sa 22:1 23:15,19,23 24:1-3 26:1 1ki 17:3 18:4,13 19:
9 ps 142:1
wandering # le 19:16 pr 20:19 lu 10:7 ac 20:20
wandering # re 8:10,11
wanted # 2co 6:4 9:12 phi 2:25 4:11-14 he 11:37
wanting # ja 1:5 mat 19:20 mar 10:21 lu 18:22 2pe 1:9
wanting, or, left undone. and # ac 14:23 2ti 2:2
war # ro 7:23;8:13 ga 5:17,24 1ti 6:9,10 ja 4:1
war # re 13:7 19:11-20 is 34:5 ep 6:12
ware # 1sa 19:24
warmed # lu 22:44
warn # eze 3:17-20 mat 3:7 1co 4:14 col 1:28 1th 5:14
warn # je 6:12 eze 3:17-21,33:3-9 ac 20:27,31 1co 4:14 col 1:28
warned # mat 2:22 1:20 27:19 ge 20:6,7 31:24 job 33:15-17 da 2:19
warned # ge 6:13 19:14 ex 9:18-21 pr 22:3 27:12 eze 3:17-19 mat
3:7 #
24:15,25 2pe 3:6
warning # je 6:10 eze 3:17-21 33:4-9 mat 3:7 ac 20:27,28,31 1co
4:14 # 1th
4:6 5:12-14
was # mat 9:36 15:32 mar 6:34 8:1,2 9:22 lu 7:13 19:41 jno 11:33-
35 # he 2:17
4:15 5:2
was # mat 3:1 11:7 mar 1:3,4
was # mat 3:15 mar 6:3 ep 5:21 6:1,2 1pe 2:21
was # lu 2:27 1ki 18:12 eze 3:14 mar 1:12 ac 8:39
was buried # 2ki 9:34,35 ec 8:10 is 14:18 22:16
was # 1sa 16:12 he 11:23
was # lu 24:19
was # ac 2:38,41 13:12,13,37,38 22:16
was # mar 2:3-11
was # ac 2:29 1ch 17:11 2ch 9:31 12:16 21:1
was # ac 16:15 lu 19:9 1co 1:16
was # ac 14:19 mar 9:26
was # 2ti 1:8
was # mar 16:15-19 lu 1:2 24:47,48 jno 15:27 ac 1:22 10:40-42
was # 2ki 2:16,17 je 36:26 re 11:9-12
was raised #8:33,34 1co 15:17 he 4:14-16; 10:12-14 1pe 1:21
was # ge 24:1-4 mat 10:4
was exceeding # pr 27:3,4 da 3:13,19,20
was # mar 1:12,13 lu 4:1 ro 8:14
was # mat 9:32 mar 3:11 lu 11:14
was sick # mat 25:43 eze 34:4 ac 20:35 28:8,9 ja 1:27 5:14,15
was # mar 11:15-18,27 12:35 mat 21:23 lu 19:47,48 20:1,2 21:37,
38 # jno
7:28-30,37 8:2,12 10:23 18:20
was # lu 1:67 4:1 ac 2:4 4:8 6:3 7:55 ep 5:18 re 1:10
was the son of Jesse # ru 4:18-22 1sa 17:58 20:31 1ki 12:16 1ch
2:10-15 ps
72:20 # is 11:1,2 mat 1:3-6 ac 13:22,23
was sick # lu 8:42 jno 4:46,47 11:2,3
was # lu 10:29
was meet # lu 7:34 ps 51:8 is 35:10 ho 14:9 jon 4:10,11 ro 3:4,
19 15:9-13
was laid # ac 3:2
was carried # ps 91:11,12 mat 13:38-43 24:31 he 2:14
was in # jno 1:18 5:17 ge 11:6-9 16:13 17:1 18:33 ex 3:4-6 ac 14:
17 # ac
17:24-27 he 1:3
was made # 2ki 5:10-14 eze 47:8 zec 13:1 14:8 1co 6:11 1jno 1:7
was # jno 1:7,8 mat 11:11 lu 1:15-17,76,77 # lu 7:28 2pe 1:19
was sick # jno 11:3,6 ge 48:1 2ki 20:1-12 ac 9:37
was troubled. he troubled himself # ge 43:30,31 45:1-5
was # ex 5:8,17 am 8:5 mal 1:10-13 mat 26:8 mar 14:4 lu 6:41
was set # mat 27:34,48 mar 15:36 lu 23:36
was # jno 6:66,67 mat 18:20 he 10:25
was # de 2:7 ps 34:9,10 lu 22:35 1th 4:12
was it not thine # ex 35:21,22,29 1ch 29:3,5,9,17 1co 8:8 9:5-17
phile 14
was learned # 1ki 4:29 2ch 9:22 is 19:11 da 1:4,17-20
was # ac 10:9-18
was come. He was in an ecstacy; and it was only when the angel
left him, that
he was fully convinced that all was real. # lu 15:17
was # ac 6:7 9:42 12:24 19:10,26 ph 1:13-14
was # ac 6:3 1ti 3:7 5:10,25 2ti 3:15 he 11:2
was # ac 4:20 17:16 job 32:18-20 je 6:11 20:9 eze 3:14 mi 3:8 lu
12:50 # 2co
5:14 phi 1:23
was Christ, or is the Christ # Da 9:25,26 jno 1:41 3:28 10:24
was Christ, or is the Christ # ac 18:5
was # ac 21:20 2sa 21:2 ro 10:2,3 ga 4:17,18 phi 3:6
was taken # ac 23:10 21:31-33 24:7
was # ac 21:33 23:33
was # mar 16:20 ac 11:17,21 ro 15:19 2co 12:12 ga 3:5 he 2:3,4
was # de 4:8 ne 9:13 ps 19:7,8 119:97,127,128,174 ro 7:12-14,22
ge 3:21
was # ac 8:3 9:1,5,13 22:4 26:9-11 1co 15:9 ga 1:13 phi 3:6
was it # nu 26:64,65 1co 10:1-13
was # ex 16:33,34
was # he 9:25 ro 6:10 1pe 3:18 1jno 3:5
was # jos 2:1 mat 1:5
was manifested # 1jno 3:5,8 ro 16:25,26 1ti 3:16 2ti 1:10 tit 1:2
was # 1jno 3:16 jno 3:16 ro 5:8-10 8:32
was # Ro 14:8,9 2co 5:14,15 he 1:3 12:2
was # ac 22:20
was # re 19:6 de 33:2 ps 68:17 da 7:10 he 12:22
was death # re 20:13,14 is 25:8 ho 13:14 hab 2:5 1co 15:55
was there # re 11:19 6:12 8:5 16:18
was like # Je 5:6 13:23 da 7:6,7 ho 13:7 hab 1:8
was # ex 40:34 1ki 8:10 2ch 5:14 ps 18:8-14 is 6:4
was cast # re 19:20 mat 25:41 mar 9:43-48
was of # re 21:11,19
wash # lu 7:44 ge 18:4 jno 13:4,5
washed # de 21:6,7 job 9:30,31 ps 26:6 je 2:27,35
washed # ac 16:23 pr 16:7 is 11:6-9 mat 25:35-40 lu 10:33,34 ga
washed # ge 18:4 19:2 24:32 lu 7:38,44 jno 13:5-15
washed # RE 7:14 ZEC 13:1 JNO 13:8-10 AC 20:28 1CO 6:11 HE 9:14
1PE 1:19 #
1JNO 1:7
washing # mat 4:21 mar 1:19
washing # jno 3:3-5 1co 6:11 ep 5:26 1pe 3:21
wast # jno 9:2 8:41 job 14:4 15:14-16 25:4 ps 51:5 ga 2:15 ep 2:3
wasted # lu 15:30 16:1,19 pr 5:8-14 6:26 18:9 21:17,20 23:19-22
28:7 29:3 #
ec 11:9,10 is 22:13 56:12 am 6:3-7 ro 13:13:13,14 1pe 4:3,4 #
2pe 2:13
wasted # lu 16:19 15:13,30 19:20 pr 18:9 ho 2:8 ja 4:3
watch # mar 14:37,38 13:35-37 ep 6:18,19 1pe 4:7 5:8
Watch # mat 25:13 26:38-41 mar 13:33-37 lu 12:35-40 21:36 ro 13:
11 1co 16:13
# 1th 5:6 1pe 4:7 5:8 re 3:2,3 16:15
Watch # mat 24:42 25:13 mar 13:33-37 14:38 lu 21:36 22:40,46 1co
16:13 # ep
6:18 1pe 4:7 5:8 re 16:15
watch # mar 14:34 mat 24:42 25:13 26:41 lu 21:36 22:40,46 1co 16:
13 # 1pe 5:8
re 3:2,3,10
watch # lu 12:37-40 mat 24:42 25:13 26:41 mar 13:33,37 1co 16:13
# 2ti 4:5
1pe 4:7 5:8
watch # mat 24:42-44 25:13 26:41 mar 13:33-37 14:37,38 lu 12:35-
40 # 21:36 ep
6:18 col 4:2 1th 5:6 2ti 4:5 1pe 4:7 5:8 re 3:2,3 # 16:15
watch # mat 26:41 mar 13:33 lu 21:36 1pe 4:7
watch # mat 24:42,25:13,26:38,40,41 mar 13:34,35,37,14:38 # lu
12:37,39,21:36,22:46 ac 20:31 1co 16:13 ep 6:18 col 4:2 # 2ti 4:
5 1pe 4:7 re
watch # is 56:9,10 62:6 je 6:17 eze 3:17 33:2,7 mar 13:34,37 lu
12:37 # ac
20:30,31 1th 5:6 he 13:17 re 3:2
watch # eze 3:17-21 33:2,7-9 ac 20:24-26,28 1co 4:1,2 1pe 5:2,3
watched # lu 13:14 14:1-6 ps 37:32,33 38:12 is 29:21 je 20:10
mar 3:2 # jno
5:10-16 9:16,26-29
watchful # re 16:15 is 56:10 62:6,7 eze 34:8-10 zec 11:16 mat 24:
42-51 25:13
# mar 13:33-37 ac 20:28-31 2ti 4:1-4 1pe 4:7 5:8
watchings # 2co 11:27 eze 3:17 mar 13:34-37 ac 20:31 2ti 4:5 he
water that # jno 4:46
water # ac 2:2-4 2co 1:22
water # re 7:17 21:6 ps 36:9 je 2:13 17:13 jno 4:10,11,14
wavering # ja 1:6
waxed # ac 4:13,29-31 pr 28:1 ro 10:20 ep 6:19,20 ph 1:14 he 11:
waxing # ac 4:23-31 2co 1:3-7 ep 3:13 6:19,20 col 4:4 1th 2:2
way # mat 13:18,19
way # ac 16:30,31 18:26 mat 7:13,14 22:16 mar 12:14 lu 1:77,79
20:21 # jno
14:6 he 10:19-22
way # he 9:3 4:15,16 10:19-22 jno 10:7,9 14:6 ep 2:18
way # pr 12:28;16:31 mat 21:32
way # 2:15,21 ps 18:21 is 35:8 je 6:16 mat 7:14;22:16 mar 12:14
# jno 14:6 ac
way # 1:12
we # ac 6:10 lu 6:10,11 21:15
we # ac 16:6 21:5 mat 5:1,2 13:2 lu 4:20,21 jno 8:2
we # jno 14:20 17:21-23
we by # jno 1:3 col 1:6 he 1:2,3
we # 1jno 2:6 4:11 jno 13:34 15:12,13 ro 16:4 phi 2:17,30
we # 1jno 2:6,24 4:16 jno 10:30 14:20,23 15:4 17:20-23 2co 5:17
phi 3:9
we # jno 19:35 21:24
we #ro 12:1
we #1:3 ro 1:8;6:17
we are # 6:3 2:12,13; 3:1-3 1pe 3:21
we are #6:12-15 ps 116:16 1co 6:19,20 1pe 4:2,3
we be #mat 5:11 1pe 3:16,17
we believe #jno 14:19 2co 4:10-14; 13:4 col 3:3,4 1th 4:14-17
we had been #ge 19:24,25; is 13:19; je 49:18; 50:40; la 4:6; am
4:11; #zep
we have #12:3;15:15,16 jno 1:16 1co 15:10 2co 3:5,6 ga 1:15,16
ep 3:2-9 #1ti
we have #5:10 1:7; 10:15; 14:17; 15:13,33 job 21:21 ps 85:8-10;
122:6 #is
27:5; 32:17; 54:13; 55:12; 57:19-21 zec 6:13 lu 2:14; 10:5,6; #
lu 19:38,42
jno 14:27; 16:33 ac 10:36 2co 5:18-20 ep 2:14-17 #col 1:20; 3:15
1th 5:23 2th
3:16 he 13:20 ja 2:23
we know #8:35-39; 5:3,4 ge 50:20; de 8:2,3,16; ps 46:1,2; je 24:
5-7; # zec
13:9; 2co 4:15-17; 5:1; phi 1:19-23; 2th 1:5-7; he 12:6-12; # ja
1:3,4; 1pe
1:7,8; re 3:19;
we pray #ro 1:9 ep 1:16;3:14-21 phi 1:9-11 col 1:9-13 1th 3:9-13
we shall #5:10; 1:18;8:1,30 jno 5:24 1th 1:10
we shall #jno 5:26; 6:40,57; 10:28,29; 11:25,26; 14:19 2co 4:10,
11 #col 3:3,4
he 7:25 re 1:18
we # eze 33:24 lu 16:24 jno 8:33,39,40,53 ac 13:26 ro 4:1,11-16
# 9:7,8 ga
we # is 28:9-13 1co 9:19-23
we have forsaken # mat 4:20-22 9:9 de 33:9 mar 1:17-20 2:14 10:
28 lu
5:11,27,28 # 14:33 18:28 phi 3:8
we # mat 26:35,56 pr 16:18
we fear # mat 21:46 14:5 is 57:11 mar 11:32 12:12 lu 20:6,19 22:
2 # jno 9:22
ac 5:26
we cannot tell # mat 15:14 16:3 23:16 is 6:10 28:9 29:10-12 42:
19,20 56:10,11
# je 8:7-9 mal 2:6-9 lu 20:7,8 jno 9:30,40,41 ro 1:18-22,28 #
2co 4:3 1th
we know # ps 5:9 12:2 55:21 pr 29:5 is 59:13-15 je 9:3-5 eze 33:
we # ac 12:19
we never # mat 9:33 jno 7:31 9:32
we go # ac 20:22
we would # 2sa 14:4-11 1ki 2:16,20
we # mar 14:31 jno 13:37
we # is 11:3 6:9,10 29:9-14 42:19,20 56:10 je 8:7-9 ho 4:6 # mal
2:7,8 mat
15:14 23:16-26 jno 3:10 ro 1:18-22,28 2co 3:15 # 4:3,4 2th 2:10-
we know # jno 7:18 2co 2:2,17 4:1 5:11 1th 2:4
we # lu 1:74 de 33:29 ps 106:10,47 is 14:1-3 44:24-26 54:7-17 #
je 23:6
30:9-11 32:37 eze 28:26 34:25,28 38:8 zep 3:15-20 # zec 9:9,10
1jno 3:8
We # lu 13:28,29 16:23-31 is 48:1,2 je 7:4-10 jno 8:33 ro 4:16 9:
we # ps 127:1,2 eze 37:11,12 jno 21:3
we saw # nu 11:27-29 mar 9:33-40 10:13,14 ac 4:18,19 5:23 1th 2:
16 # 3jno
We # is 58:2 2ti 3:5 tit 1:16
we indeed # luke 15:18,19 le 26:40,41 jos 7:19,20 2ch 33:12 ezr
9:13 # ne 9:3
da 9:4 ja 4:7 1jno 1:8,9
We learn that the apostles did not believe the testimony even of
the two
disciples from Emmaus, while it is here asserted they were
saying, when they
entered the room, `The Lord is risen'.This difficulty is removed
by rendering
interrogatively, `Has the Lord risen,'? hath. # lu 22:54-62 mar
16:7 1co 15:5
we # jno 2:11 11:40 12:40,41 14:9 is 40:5 53:2 60:1,2 mat 17:1-5
# 2co 4:4-6
he 1:3 1pe 2:4-7 2pe 1:17 1jno 1:1,2
we know # mat 22:16 mar 22,14
We speak # jno 3:13,33-34 1:18 7:16 8:14,28,29,38 12:49 14:24 is
55:4 # mat
11:27 lu 10:22 1jno 1:1-3 5:6-12 re 1:5 3:14
we worship # 2ch 13:10-12 ps 147:19 ro 3:2 9:5
we believe # jno 1:29,41,45-49 11:27 20:28,31 mat 16:16 mar 1:1
8:29 lu 9:20
# ac 8:37 ro 1:3 1jno 5:1,20
we know # jno 7:15 6:42 mat 13:54-57 mar 6:3 lu 4:22
We be # jno 8:39 le 25:42 mat 3:9 lu 16:24-26
We be # is 57:3-7 # eze 23:45-47 ho 1:2 2:2-5 mal 2:11
we have # ex 4:22 de 14:1 is 63:16 64:8 je 3:19 31:20 eze 16:20,
21 mal 1:6
we know # jno 9:16 8:46 14:30 18:30 19:6 mar 15:28 ro 8:3 2co 5:
we know not # jno 7:27,41,42 8:14 ps 22:6 is 53:2,3
we know # job 27:8,9 35:12 42:8 ps 18:41 34:15 66:18-20 pr 1:28,
29 15:29 # pr
21:13 28:9 is 1:15 58:9 je 11:11 14:12 eze 8:18 mi 3:4 # zec 7:13
we let # ac 5:28,38-40
we would # jno 1:36-39 6:40 mat 2:2 8:9-12 12:19-21 15:22-28 lu
19:2-4 # ro
we know not # jno 15:12 mar 8:17,18 9:19 lu 24:25 he 5:11,12
we # mat 16:9-11 lu 24:25 he 5:12
we have # le 24:16 de 18:20
we have # jno 18:31 ge 49:10 eze 21:26,27
we # jno 20:14-20 1:41 21:7 mar 16:11 lu 24:34-40 ac 5:30-32 #
10:40,41 1co
we know # jno 19:35 1jno 1:1,2 5:6 3jno 1:12
we cannot # ac 2:4,32 17:16,17 18:5 nu 22:38 23:20 2sa 23:2 job
32:18-20 # je
1:7,17-19 4:19 6:11 20:9 eze 3:11,14-21 mi 3:8 1co 9:16,17
We # ac 4:19 ge 3:17 1sa 15:24 mar 7:7-9 re 14:8-12
we should # ex 18:17-26 nu 11:11-13 de 1:9-14 ne 6:3 2ti 2:4
we have # ac 25:8
we are # ac 10:41 1:8,22 2:32 3:15 5:30-32 13:31 lu 1:2 24:48
jno 15:27
we # ac 13:38 is 40:9 41:27 52:7 61:1 lu 1:19 2:10 ro 10:15
We also # ac 3:12,13 12:22,23 ge 41:16 da 2:28-30 jno 7:18
we # mat 10:21,22,38 16:24 lu 22:28,29 24:26 jno 12:25,26 # jno
16:1,2,33 ro
8:17 1th 3:4 2ti 1:8 2:11,12 3:12 1pe 4:12-16 # re 2:10 7:14
we are # lu 3:38 he 12:9
we ought # ps 94:7-9 106:20 115:4-8 is 40:12-18 44:9-20 hab 2:19,
20 # ro
We will # ac 24:25 lu 14:18 2co 6:2 he 3:7,8
We have # 1sa 3:7 jno 7:39 1co 6:19 12:1 ga 3:5
we are # ac 17:5-8
we were # ac 20:37,38 1sa 20:41,42 1th 2:17
we # ac 20:6,7 28:14 re 1:10
we kneeled # ac 9:40 20:36 1ki 8:54 ps 95:6 mar 1:40
we that # ac 16:10,13,16 20:6,13 27:1 28:11,16
we have # ac 18:18 nu 6:2-7
we have # ac 15:20,29
we # ac 25:25 26:31 1sa 24:17 pr 16:7 lu 23:4,14,15,22
we have # ac 6:13 16:20,21 17:6,7 21:28 22:22 28:22 1ki 18:17,18
je 38:4 # am
7:10 mat 5:11,12 10:25 1co 4:13
we # ac 21:2 lu 8:22
we sailed # ac 27:12,13,21 2:11 tit 1:5,12
we # ac 27:27 ja 3:4
we # job 2:4 jon 1:5 mar 8:35-37 lu 9:24,25
we found # ac 9:42,43 19:1 21:4,7,8 ps 119:63 mat 10:11
we # ex 11:7 is 41:11 50:8 54:17
we die unto # jno 21:19 ac 13:36; 20:24;21:13 phi 2:17,30 1th 5:
we live therefore # 1co 3:22,23;15:23 1th 4:14-18 re 14:13
we # 1co 1:18 2:2 lu 24:46,47 ac 7:32-35 10:39-43 2co 4:5 ga 3:1
# 6:14 ep
we # 1co 3:6 mat 9:37 mar 16:20 2co 6:1 3jno 1:8
we are # he 10:33 11:36
we are weak # 1co 2:3 2co 10:10 11:29 12:9,10 13:3,9
we are # 1co 8:2,4,7,11 1:5 4:10 13:2 14:20 15:34 ro 14:14,22
col 2:18
we know # 1co 10:19,20 ps 115:4-8 is 41:24 44:8,9 je 10:14 51:17,
18 # hab
2:19,20 ac 19:26
we # 1co 9:7-14 mat 10:10 lu 10:7 ga 6:6 1th 2:6 2th 3:8,9 # 1ti
we being # 1co 12:12,27 ro 12:5 ga 3:26-28 ep 1:22,23 2:15,16 3:
6 4:12,13 #
ep 4:25 col 2:19 3:11,15
we provoke # ex 20:5 34:14 de 4:24 6:15 32:16,21 jos 24:19 ps 78:
58 # zep
we are # 1co 11:30 de 8:5 job 5:17,18 33:18-30 34:31,32 ps 94:12,
13 # 118:18
pr 3:11,12 is 1:5 je 7:28 zep 3:2 he 12:5-11
we see # 1co 3:18 5:7 phi 3:12 ja 1:23
we have # ac 2:24,32 4:10,33 10:39-42 13:30-33 20:21
we shall # mat 13:45 ro 8:29 2co 3:18 4:10,11 1jno 3:2
we shall not # 1co 15:6,18,20 1th 4:14-17
we use # 2co 4:2,3,13 jno 10:24 16:25,29 1co 14:19 col 4:4
we faint not # 2co 4:16 is 40:30 ga 6:9 ep 3:13 phi 4:13 2th 3:
13 he 12:3 re
we # mat 3:11 jno 1:21-26 3:27-31 7:18 ac 3:12,13 8:9,10 10:25,
26 # 14:11-15
ro 15:17,18 1co 1:13-15,23 3:5,6 10:33 phi 1:15 1th 2:5,6 # tit
1:11 1pe
5:2-5 2pe 2:3
we also # 2co 3:12 pr 21:28
we # 2co 4:1 ps 27:13 119:81 is 40:29 1co 15:58
we # 2co 5:7 ro 8:24,25 he 11:1,25-27 12:2,3
we know # job 19:25,26 ps 56:9 2ti 1:12 1jno 3:2,14,19 5:19,20
we # 2co 5:4 ro 7:24 8:23 1pe 1:6,7
we that # 2pe 1:13
we are always # 2co 5:8 ps 27:3,4 pr 14:26 is 30:15 36:4 he 10:
35 1pe 5:1 re
we labor (or we endeavour) # jno 6:27 ro 15:20 1co 9:26,27 15:58
col 1:29 1th
4:11 1ti 4:10 # he 4:11 2pe 1:10,11 3:14
we # ge 18:25 1sa 2:3,10 ps 7:6-8 9:7,8 50:3-6 96:10-13 98:9 ec
11:9 # ec
12:14 eze 18:30 mat 25:31-46 ac 10:42 17:31 ro 14:10-12 1pe 4:5
# jude 14,15
re 20:11-15
we persuade # 2co 5:20 6:1 lu 16:31 ac 13:43 18:4,13 19:26 20:18-
27 26:26
28:23 # ga 1:10 col 1:28,29 2ti 2:24-26
we # 2co 3:1 6:4 10:8,12,18 12:11 pr 27:2
we be beside # 2co 11:1,16,17 12:6,11 ac 26:24,25 1co 4:10-13
1th 2:3-11
we # 2co 5:17 is 45:24,25 53:11 je 23:26 33:16 da 9:24 ro 1:17 3:
21-16 # ro
5:19 8:1-4 10:3,4 1co 1:30 phi 3:9
we have wronged # 2co 1:12 4:2 6:3-7 11:9 12:14-18 nu 16:15 1sa
12:3,4 ac
20:33 # ro 16:18 1th 2:3-6,10 2th 3:7-9
we were # 2co 2:3 ro 12:15 1co 12:26 13:5-7 phi 2:28 1pe 3:8
we # 2co 1:18-20
we # 2co 8:19
we # 2co 8:16,17 12:18
we walked # 2co 11:9-13 12:13-19 ro 8:1,5 ga 5:16-25 ep 2:2,3
we do # 2co 10:4 ro 8:13:1 1ti 1:18 2ti 2:3,4 4:7 he 12:1
we dare not # 2co 3:1 5:12 job 12:2 pr 25:27 27:2 lu 18:11 ro 15:
we will not # 2co 10:15 pr 25:14
we stretch not # 2co 3:1-3 ro 15:18,19 1co 2:10 3:5,10 4:15 9:1,2
we speak # 2co 11:10,31 ro 9:1
we also # 2co 4:7-12 10:3,4,10 1co 2:3
we # 3:1,2 ac 15:2 col 2:4-8 jude 1:3
we should # ac 15:23-30
we have # 2:20 jno 6:68,69,20:31 ac 4:12 1pe 1:2,8,9,18-21,2:24,
3:18 # 2pe
1:1 1jno 1:7,2:1,2 re 7:9,14
we # 4:1-6 ro 6:14,7:4 he 7:11-19,8:3-13,10:15-18
we # 5:1,13 jno 1:12,13,8:36 he 2:14,15 1jno 3:1,2
we # jno 6:63 ro 8:2,10 1co 15:45 2co 3:6 1pe 4:6 re 11:11
we # ep 1:14 ps 37:18 ac 20:32 26:18 ro 8:17 ga 3:18 col 1:12 3:
24 # tit 3:7
ja 2:5 1pe 1:4 3:9
we were # ep 4:30 jno 6:27 ro 4:11 2co 1:22 2ti 2:19 re 7:2
we # is 53:6 64:6,7 da 9:5-9 ro 3:9-19 1co 6:9-11 ga 2:15,16 3:
22 # tit 3:3
1pe 4:3 1jno 1:8-10
we are # de 32:6 ps 100:3 138:8 is 19:25 29:23 43:21 44:21 60:21
61:3 # je
31:33 32:39,40 jno 3:3-6,21 1co 3:9 2co 5:5,17 phi 1:6 2:13 # he
we all # ep 4:3,5 je 32:38,39 eze 37:21,22 zep 3:9 zec 14:9 jno
17:21 # ac
4:32 1co 1:10 phi 2:1-3
we # ge 17:5-11 de 10:16 30:6 je 4:4 9:26 ro 2:25-29 4:11,12 col
we look # matt 1:10 1co 1:7 1th 1:10 2ti 4:8 tit 2:13 he 9:28
2pe 3:12-14
we # col 1:9 2co 7:7 ep 1:15 1th 3:6 3jno 3:4
we may # col 1:22 2co 11:2 ep 5:27
we # ge 33:13,14 is 40:11 eze 34:14-16 mat 11:29,30 jno 21:15-17
# 1co
2:3,9:22 2co 10:1,13:4 ga 5:22,23 2ti 2:24,25 ja 3:17
we thought # ac 17:15
we are # 5:9 mat 10:16-18,24:9,10 lu 21:12 jno 15:19-21,16:2,33
# ac
9:16,14:22,20:23,21:11,13 ro 8:35-37 1co 4:9 2ti 3:11,12 # 1pe 2:
we told # jno 16:1-3 ac 20:24
we were # 8,9 2co 1:4,7:6,7,13 2jno 4
we live # 1sa 25:6 ps 30:5 phi 1:21
we # 2:11 ro 12:1 2co 6:1,10:1 ep 4:1 phile 9,10 he 13:22
we which # 15 1co 15:52
we have # ro 15:14 2co 2:3;7:16;8:22 ga 5:10 php 1:6 phm 21
we # 6
we brought # job 1:21 pr 27:24 ec 5:15,16
we shall # jno 14:19 2co 13:4 1th 4:17 5:10
we suffer # mat 19:28,29 ac 14:22 ro 8:17 phi 1:28 2th 1:4-8 1pe
4:13-16 # re
1:6,9 5:10 20:4,6
we # ro 3:9-20 1co 6:9-11 ep 2:1-3 col 1:21,3:7 1pe 4:1-3
we should # he 12:5 mat 16:9 mar 8:18 2pe 1:12,13,15 3:1
we are # he 3:1 6:4 12:10 ro 11:17 1co 1:30 9:23 10:17 ep 3:6
1ti 6:2 # 1pe
4:13 5:1 1jno 1:3
we # he 3:14 is 28:12 je 6:16 mat 11:28,29 ro 5:1,2
we have # he 5:2 ex 23:9 is 53:4,5 ho 11:8 mat 8:16,17 12:20 phi
we # 1ki 10:1 jno 6:6 16:12 2pe 3:16
we desire # ro 12:8,11 1co 15:58 ga 6:9 phi 1:9-11 3:15 1th 4:10
2th 3:13 #
2pe 1:5-8 3:14
we might # is 51:12 66:10-13 lu 2:25 ro 15:5 2co 1:5-7 phi 2:1
2th 2:16,17
we # he 4:16 10:19-22 ps 73:28 jno 14:6 ro 5:2 ep 2:13-18 3:12
We have (See on ch. 7:26-28) # he 7:26-28 10:12 12:2 ep 6:20 col
3:1 re 3:21
we # he 2:11 13:12 zec 13:1 jno 17:19 19:34 1co 1:30 6:11 1jno 5:
we are # he 6:6-9 1sa 15:11 ps 44:18 pr 1:32 14:14 lu 11:26 1jno
5:16 # jude
we gave # ex 20:12 le 19:3 de 21:18-21 27:16 ps 80:17 eze 22:7
ep 6:1-4
we may # ps 19:14 is 56:7 ro 12:1,2 ep 1:6 5:10 phi 4:18 1pe 2:5,
we have # ac 23:1 24:16 2co 1:12 1ti 1:5 1pe 3:16,21
we count # 1:12 ps 94:12 mat 5:10,11,10:22 he 3:6,14,10:39
we have # 3:3,4 1co 1:17,23 2:1,4 2co 2:17;4:2;12:16,17 ep 4:14
2th 2:9 # 1ti
1:4;4:7 tit 1:14
we lie # 1jno 1:10 4:20 jno 8:44,45 1ti 4:2
we have (See on ver 3) # Am 3:3
we deceive # 1co 3:18 ga 6:3 2ti 3:13 ja 1:22,26 2pe 2:13
we confess # Le 26:40-42 1ki 8:47 2ch 6:37,38 ne 1:6 9:2 job 33:
27,28 ps 32:5
# 51:2-5 pr 28:13 da 9:4-20 mat 3:6 mar 1:5 ac 19:18
we say # 1jno 1:8 ps 130:3
we make # 1jno 5:10 job 24:25
we have # Ro 8:34 1ti 2:5 he 7:24,25 9:24
we know # is 53:11 jno 17:3 2co 4:6
We know # 1jno 2:3 5:2,13,19,20 2co 5:1
we have # lu 15:24,32 jno 5:24 ep 2:1,5
we # 1jno 4:13 ro 8:9-17 ga 4:5,6
We are (See on verse 4) # 1jno 4:4 mi 3:8 ro 1:1 1co 2:12-14 2pe
3:2 jude 17
we # 1jno 5:11 jno 6:51,57 10:10,28-30 11:25,26 14:6 col 3:3,4
we have # 1jno 1-3 5:9 jno 1:14 3:11,32 5:39 15:26,27 ac 18:5
1pe 5:12
we may # 1jno 2:28 3:19-21 ja 2:12
we # 1jno 5:10 jno 3:32,33 5:31-36,39 8:17-19 10:38 ac 5:32 17:
31 # he 2:4
we know # mar 11:24 lu 11:9,10
we know # 1jno 5:10,13,20 3:14,24 4:4-6 ro 8:16 2co 1:12 5:1 2ti
we know # 1jno 5:1 4:2,14
we # re 20:6 da 7:18,27
We give # re 4:9 da 2:23 6:10 mat 11:25 lu 10:21 jno 11:41 2co 2:
14 9:15 #
1ti 1:12
weak # 21; 4:19;15:1,7 job 4:3 is 35:3,4;40:11;42:3 eze 34:4,16
# zec 11:16
mat 12:20;14:31;18:6,10 lu 17:2 1co 3:1,2;8:7-13;9:22
weak # 1co 8:12 9:22 is 35:3 ro 14:1,2 15:1 2co 11:21
weakness # he 7:19 8:7,8 9:9,10 10:1-4 13:9 ac 13:39 ro 8:3 ga 4:
9,21 1ti 4:8
weakness # job 14:10 ps 102:23 2co 13:4
weapons # 2co 6:7 ro 6:13 13:12 ep 6:13-18 1th 5:8
weariness # 2co 11:23 6:5 ac 20:5-11,34,35 1th 2:9 2th 3:8
weary # lu 18:39 mat 15:23 mar 10:47,48
wedding # mat 22:4
weep not # lu 8:52 je 31:15,16 jno 20:13,15 1co 7:30 1th 4:13
weep # ne 1:4 job 2:11 ps 35:13,14 je 9:1 jno 11:19,33-36 # 2co
11:29 phi
2:26 he 13:3
weep # 4:9 is 13:6,22:12,13 je 4:8 eze 19:2 joel 1:5,11,13 # am
6:6,7 zec
11:2,3 lu 6:25,23:28,29
weep # je 31:16 lu 7:13 8:52 23:28 jno 20:13
weeping # lu 6:21 22:62 ju 2:4,5 ezr 10:1 ps 6:6-8 38:18 51:17
126:5,6 # is
61:3 je 31:9,18-20 joel 2:12 zec 12:10 mat 5:4 2co 7:10,11 # ja
weeping # ps 112:10 mat 8:12 13:42,50 22:13 24:51 25:30
weeping # re 18:10,15,16
weightier # mat 9:13 12:7 22:37-40 1sa 15:22 pr 21:3 je 22:15,16
ho 6:6 # mi
6:8 ga 5:22,23
well #jno 4:17,18; ja 2:19;
well # mar 7:6 ac 28:25-27
Well # 2ch 31:20,21 lu 16:10 ro 2:29 1co 4:5 2co 5:9 10:18 1pe 1:
Well # mat 25:21 mar 12:41-44 14:8,9
well # is 29:13 mat 15:7-9 ac 28:25
well # ge 17:17 18:11 1ki 1:1 2ki 4:14 ro 4:19 he 11:11
Well # ge 39:4 1sa 2:30 mat 25:21 ro 2:29 1co 4:5 2ti 2:10 1pe 1:
7 5:4
well # mat 15:7 mar 7:6 2pe 1:21
well # 2co 4:2 5:11 11:6 ac 19:26 ro 15:19 ga 1:22-24
well # ro 2:7 1pe 2:15 3:17 4:19
well pleasing # col 1:10 phi 4:18 he 13:21
well pleasing # he 13:16 ro 12:1 14:17,18 phi 4:18 col 3:20 1jno
well-beloved # ac 19:29 20:4 ro 16:23 1co 1:14
went # mat 13:1 9:28 mar 4:34
went # jno 18:15,16,25
went # mar 13:34 mat 25:14 lu 15:13 19:12
went # mar 14:54,66 mat 19:30 20:16 ac 4:8-13 phi 1:14
went # jno 6:24,25 2:12 4:46 mar 6:45
went # ac 18:22 25:1,6,9
went # mar 2:23-28 lu 6:1-5
went # mat 27:1 mar 3:6 lu 6:11 jno 5:18 10:39 11:53,57
went # mar 10:28-31 lu 18:28-30 ac 20:24 ga 6:14
went # mat 5:1 13:2
went # mal 3:1,2 mar 11:1
went # mat 25:14,15 mar 13:34 lu 19:12
went # ps 2:2 mar 12:13-17 lu 20:20-26
went # 2ti 4:8 tit 2:13 2pe 1:13-15 3:12,13
went # 2sa 7:1-3 1ch 13:1-3 22:1-26:32 28:2 29:1-17 2ch 1:9,10
15:8-15 #
17:3-9 19:4-10 31:20,21 33:15,16 34:1-35:27 ne 5:14-19 is 23:18
# 49:23
60:5-16 ac 13:36 ro 15:18,19 1co 9:16-23 15:10 1ti 6:17,18 # 2ti
2:6 4:5,8
phile 6,7 3jno 5-8
went # mat 28:7,10 26:32
went # lu 7:6 ac 10:38
went # ex 23:14-17 34:23 de 12:5-7,11,18 16:1-8,16 1sa 1:3,21
went # mat 4:23-25 9:26 mar 1:28,45
went # lu 10:34 ex 23:4,5 pr 24:17,18 25:21:22 mat 5:43-45 ro 10:
20 # 1th
went # lu 5:24,25 7:47-50 1sa 1:18 ec 9:7
went # mat 21:12,13 mar 11:15-17 jno 2:13-17
went # lu 19:12
went # mat 26:14 mar 14:10,11
went # luke 24:12 jno 20:1-10
went out # job 5:12,13 20:5,27 ps 9:15,16 40:14 71:13 lu 13:17
went # jno 7:4,10,13
went # pr 4:16 is 59:7 ro 3:15
went # le 16:21,22 24:14 nu 15:35,36 1ki 21:13 lu 23:33 ac 7:58
# he 13:11-13
went # jno 7:53 16:32
went # nu 27:17 de 31:2 2sa 5:2 1ki 3:7 jno 10:1-9
went # ac 2:46 5:25 lu 24:53
went # ac 13:5 16:13 17:2 18:4 19:8
went # ac 9:20 13:46 17:1,2,17 18:4 19:8
went # ac 17:10,17 9:20 13:5 14:1 18:4 19:8
went # ac 17:2 14:6,7 1th 2:2
went # ac 13:14,46 14:1 26:22,23
went # 18 ac 9:20-25
went out # de 13:13 ps 41:9 mat 13:20,21 mar 4:5,6,16,17 lu 8:13
jno 15:2 #
ac 15:24 20:30 2pe 2:20,21 jude 19
went # is 8:7,8 eze 38:9,16 hab 1:6
wept # ps 119:53,136,158 je 9:1 13:17 17:16 ho 11:8 jno 11:35 ro
wept # ps 38:18 126:5,6 130:1-4 143:1-4 je 31:18 eze 7:16 zec 12:
10 # mat 5:4
26:75 mar 14:72 1co 10:12 2co 7:9-11
wept # 1sa 20:41 2sa 15:30 2ki 20:3 ezr 10:1 job 2:12 ps 126:5 #
2ti 1:4 re
7:17 21:4
were # lu 5:8 8:37 je 33:9 ho 3:5 mat 28:8 ac 5:11-13
were # jno 19:25 ge 15:13 ex 1:13,14 ju 2:18 3:8 4:3 ezr 9:9 ne
5:4-8 # ne
were # ac 20:6 ge 7:4 8:10-12
were # nu 21:6
were # ro 4:21 8:24 1jno 3:19
were # 6:4,5,8 1co 15:29 ga 2:20,21
were # de 21:23; jos 6:17,18; 1sa 14:24,44; ga 1:8; 3:10,13
were # mat 11:13-16 eze 36:25 mar 1:8,9 lu 3:16 jno 1:25-28,31-
33 # 3:23-25
ac 1:5 2:38-41 10:36-38 11:16 19:4,5,18 1co 10:2 # col 2:12 tit
3:5,6 he 6:2
9:10 1pe 3:21
were # mat 5:6 15:33 ex 16:8,12 le 26:26 1ki 17:12-16 2ki 4:43,
44 # pr 13:25
eze 4:14-16 hag 1:6 lu 1:53 9:17 jno 6:7,11
were # mar 1:27 2:12 4:41 5:42 6:51 ps 139:14 ac 2:7-12 3:10-13
were # mar 9:2,3 ex 34:30
were # mar 7:18 8:17,18,33 16:14 jno 4:27 16:19
were # lu 6:11 11:53,54 2ch 16:10 24:20,21 je 37:15,16 38:6 ac 5:
33 # ac 7:54
22:21-23 1th 2:15,16
were # ps 107:9
were heavy # lu 22:45,46 da 8:18 10:9 mat 26:40-43
were very attentive to hear him. or, hanged on him. [],
literally `they hung
upon him hearing;' which is beautifully expressive of their
attention, and high gratification. # ne 8:3 jno 7:46-49 ac 16:14
were # jno 3:3,5 ja 1:18 1pe 1:3,23 2:2 1jno 3:9 4:7 5:1,4,18
were of # jno 3:1,2 7:47-49 mat 23:13-15,26 lu 7:30 11:39-44,53
16:14 # ac
23:8 26:5 phi 3:5,6
were # jno 9:13 3:2 ac 5:38,39
were of the world # lu 6:32 1jno 4:4,5
were # ac 2:1 8:27 ex 23:16 is 66:18 zec 8:18 lu 24:18 jno 12:20
were baptized # ac 2:38
were # ac 2:7-12 mat 4:18-22 11:25 jno 7:15,49 1co 1:27
were # mat 3:16 mar 1:10
were edified # ro 14:19 1co 3:9-15 14:4,5,12,26 2co 10:8 12:19
13:10 ep
4:12,16 # ep 4:29 1th 5:11 1ti 1:4 jude 20
were multiplied # ac 6:7 12:24 es 8:16,17 zec 8:20-23
were # ac 26:28 is 65:15 1co 12:12 ep 3:15 1pe 4:14 1jo 2:27 re
were # ac 2:46 5:41 mat 5:12 lu 6:22,23 jno 16:22,23 # ro 5:3 14:
17 15:13 2co
8:2 1th 1:6 ja 1:2 1pe 1:6-8 4:13
were # ac 9:24 17:13,14 23:12 2ki 6:8-12
were # is 40:1 2co 1:4 ep 6:22 1th 3:2 4:18 5:11,14 2th 2:16
were # 8:1 is 45:17,25 jo 6:56;14:20;15:2 1co 1:30 2co 5:17,21 #
1:22;5:6;6:15 ep 2:10 1jo 4:13;5:20
were # ex 13:21,22 14:19,20 40:34 nu 9:15-22 14:14 de 1:33 ne 9:
12,19 # ps
78:14 105:39
were # nu 14:37 16:46-49
were # ep 2:12,17,19-22 3:5-8 ps 22:7 73:27 is 11:10 24:15,16 43:
6 49:12 #
57:19 60:4,9 66:19 je 16:19 ac 2:39 15:14 22:21 26:18 ro 15:8-12
were once # he 10:32 nu 24:3,15,16
were # he 7:8 1ch 6:3-14 ne 12:10,11
were slain # 1sa 22:17-19 1ki 18:4,13 19:1,10,14 je 2:30 26:23
la 4:13,14 #
mat 23:35-37 lu 11:51-54 ac 7:52 12:2,3
were # ho 1:9,10 ro 9:25,26
were four # re 11:16 20:4 mat 19:28 lu 22:30
were # re 4:5 8:5 11:19
were # je 51:49
were. This was another incontestable miracle--four thousand men,
women and children. fed with seven loaves or rather cakes and a
few small
fishes! Here there must have been a manifest creation of
substance--for, they
all ate, and were filled. # mat 15:28 mar 8:19,20 ps 107:8,9 145:
16 mat 16:10
lu 1:53 # jno 6:11-13,27,32-35,47-58 re 7:16,17
what # pr 8:18,19 ro 13:12-14 ep 4:17-20 5:8-14 phi 2:15 1th 5:4-
8 # 1pe
2:9,10 4:2-4 1jno 1:5-7
what #6:1; 7:7; 8:31
what #9:17; 10:11; 11:2 is 8:20 mar 12:10 ja 4:5 2pe 1:20,21
What #3:5
what #3:9
what # 7:5 pr 1:31; 5:10-13; 9:17,18 is 3:10 je 17:10; 44:20-24
# ga 6:7,8
what #3:5; 4:1; 6:15
what #7:16,19,20 1ki 8:46 ps 19:12; 65:3; 119:1-6,32,40 ec 7:20
#ga 5:17 phi
3:12-14 ja 3:2 1jno 1:7,8
what #4:1;
what I hate # 12:9 ps 36:4; 97:10; 101:3; 119:104,113,128,163 pr
8:13; 13:5
#am 5:15 he 1:9 jude 23
what shall #4:1; 6:1; 7:7; 9:13,14
what then #3:5 6:15; 11:7 1co 10:19; 14:15 phi 1:18
what then? #3:9; 6:15; 1co 10:19; phi 1:18;
what things #3:2 2:12-18 jno 10:34,35; 15:25 1co 9:20,21 ga 3:23;
what # mat 5:20 1pe 2:20
what shall we eat # mat 4:4 15:33 le 25:20-22 2ch 25:9 ps 37:3
55:22 78:18-31
# lu 12:29 1pe 5:7
what # 2sa 16:10 19:22 joel 3:4 mar 1:24 5:7 lu 4:34 8:28 jno 2:4
what # mat 3:1-3,5 21:25 mar 1:3-5 lu 3:3-7 8:18 jno 1:38 5:35
what # 1sa 21:3-6 mar 2:25,26
what is # mat 5:29 job 2:4 mar 8:36 lu 9:25
what # lu 10:25 jno 6:27-29 ac 16:30
what # mar 10:21 lu 18:22
what # mat 20:10-12 lu 15:29 1co 1:29 4:7
what # mat 20:32 1ki 3:5 es 5:3 mar 6:22 10:36,51 lu 18:41 jno
what # mat 20:21 eze 36:37 ac 10:29 phi 4:6
what # mat 17:25 22:17 lu 13:4 1co 10:15
what # mar 12:9 lu 20:15,16 he 10:29
what # je 42:2,3,20 ac 28:22
What # mat 2:4-6 14:33 16:13-17 jno 1:49 6:68,69 20:28 phi 2:9-
11 # 3:7-10
col 3:11 1pe 2:4-7 re 5:12-14
What # ge 38:16 ju 16:5 17:10 18:19,20 is 56:11 1ti 3:3 6:9,10
2pe 2:3,14 #
What # mat 26:35 ju 9:33 1sa 26:15,16 1ki 20:11
What # mat 27:25 ac 18:15-17 1ti 4:2 tit 1:16 1jno 3:12 re 11:10
What # mat 27:17 job 31:31 ps 22:8,9 is 49:7 53:2,3 zec 11:8 mar
14:55 #
15:12-14 lu 23:20-24 jno 19:14,15 ac 13:38
what # 1sa 21:3-6
what # mar 7:37 job 38:11 mat 8:27 14:32 lu 4:36 8:25
what # mar 1:24 ho 14:8 mat 8:29 lu 4:34
what # lu 8:30 11:21-26
what # job 2:4 ps 49:17 73:18-20 mat 4:8-10 16:26 lu 9:25 12:19,
20 # 16:19-23
phi 3:7-9 re 18:7,8
what # mar 9:32 mat 16:22 lu 18:33,34 24:25-27 jno 2:19-22 # 12:
16:29,30 ac 17:18
what # mar 8:11 lu 5:30-32
what # mar 2:8 ps 139:1-4 jno 2:25 21:17 he 4:13 re 2:23
what # is 8:20 lu 10:25 jno 5:39 ga 4:21
what # jno 6:28 ac 2:37 9:6 16:30 ro 10:2-4
what # mar 10:51 1ki 3:5 jno 15:7
what # mar 10:36 2ch 1:7 mat 6:8 7:7 lu 18:41-43 phi 4:6
what # mat 7:7-11 18:19 21:22 lu 11:9-13 18:1-8 jno 14:13 15:7 #
16:23-27 ja
1:5,6 5:15-18 1jno 3:22 5:14,15
what # mat 27:22,23 lu 23:20-24 jno 19:14-16
what # ju 6:13-15 1sa 9:20,21 ac 10:4,17
What # lu 3:8 ac 2:37 9:6 16:30
what # lu 4:41 8:28 mat 8:29 mar 1:24,34 5:7 ja 2:19
What # lu 4:32 10:17-20 mar 16:17-20 ac 19:12-16
What # lu 24:38 mar 8:17 ac 5:3
what # 1sa 21:3-6 mat 12:3,4 mar 2:25,26
what # 1pe 2:19,20
What # mat 11:7,8
What # ho 6:3 mat 13:10,18,36 15:15 mar 4:10,34 7:17,18 jno 15:15
What # lu 8:37,38
what # lu 4:5-7 12:19-21 16:24,25 ps 49:6-8 mat 16:26 mar 8:36 9:
43-48 # ac
1:18,25 2pe 2:15-17 re 18:7,8
What # lu 12:22,29 10:25 16:3 ac 2:37 16:30
what # lu 12:17 is 10:3 je 5:31 ho 9:5 ac 9:6
what # lu 10:25 ac 2:37 16:30
What # 1ki 3:5 mat 20:21,22 ro 8:25 phi 4:6
What # is 5:4 ho 6:4 11:8
what # mat 21:37-40 mar 12:6-9
what # lu 22:37 24:44 jno 15:25
what # luke 21:20,21,27,28 mat 24:15,16 mar 13:14
What # jno 18:4,7 20:15,16 lu 7:24-27 18:40,41 ac 10:21,29
What # jno 6:30 mat 12:38 16:1-4 mar 8:11 lu 11:29
what # jno 3:11 5:20 8:26 15:15
What # ju 6:29 1sa 14:38 mat 21:23 ro 10:2
What # de 5:27 je 42:3-6,20 mi 6:7,8 mat 19:16 lu 10:25 ac 2:37
9:6 16:30
What # jno 2:13 4:8 ex 4:8 1ki 13:3,5 is 7:11-14 mat 12:38,39 16:
1-4 # mar
8:11 lu 11:29,30 ac 4:30 1co 1:22 he 2:4
what # jno 12:19 ac 4:16,17 5:24
what # is 38:15 lu 12:49,50
what # jno 13:10-12 12:16 14:26 je 32:24,25,43 da 12:8,12 hab 2:
1-3 # ja
what # mat 27:23 ac 23:28-30 25:16
what # de 21:23 ps 22:16 ga 3:13
what # jno 19:6 ac 21:38 22:22-24
what # ac 17:19,20,32 24:25,26
what # jno 19:12 ps 65:7 76:10 pr 8:29
what # de 29:29 job 28:28 33:13 da 4:35
What # ac 10:17 17:20 lu 15:26 18:36
what # ac 9:5,6 16:29-31 22:10 24:25,26
what # jno 11:47,48 12:18
what house # je 7:4-11 mal 1:11 mat 24:2 jno 4:21
What # ac 9:5,6 22:10 1sa 3:10
What # ac 10:28 11:9 15:9,20,29 mat 15:11 re 14:14-17,20 1co 10:
25 # ga
2:12,13 1ti 4:3-5 tit 1:15 he 9:9,10
what # ac 10:29 mar 10:51
What # ac 10:28,34,35 15:9 1ti 4:5 he 9:13,14
what # ac 10:47 job 9:12-14 33:13 40:2,8,9 da 4:35 ro 9:20-26
what # ac 16:17 2:37 9:6 22:10 job 25:4 # lu 3:10 jno 6:27-29
what # ac 2:12 10:17 mar 9:10
what # 1sa 15:14 is 3:15 eze 18:2 jon 1:6
what # ac 2:37 9:6 10:33 16:30 ps 25:8,9 143:8-10
what # ne 2:4 es 5:3 7:2 9:12 mar 10:51
what # pr 14:10 20:27 je 17:9
what # lu 12:14 jno 18:36
what # 1co 6:15,16
what shall I # 1co 10:33 12:7 13:3 1sa 12:21 je 11:19 23:32 mat
16:26 # 2ti
2:14 tit 3:8 he 13:9
what # 1co 10:19 ro 3:5 8:31 phi 1:18
what I preached, by what speech I preached, unless # 1co 15:14
ps 106:12,13
lu 8:13 jno 8:31,32 ac 8:13 2co 6:1 # ga 3:4 ja 2:14,17,26
what # 1co 15:16,32 ro 6:3,4 mat 20:22
what # job 35:3 ps 73:13 mal 3:14,15 lu 9:25
what concord # 1sa 5:2-4 1ki 18:21 1co 10:20,21
what # Ex 20:3 23:13 34:14 de 4:23,24 5:7 6:14,15 jos 24:14-24
1sa 7:3,4 #
1ki 18:21 2ki 17:33,34 21:4,5 23:5-7 2ch 33:4,5 eze 36:25 ho 14:
8 # zep 1:5
mat 6:24 1jno 5:20,21
what # 2co 11:9 1:17 job 23:13
what # 3:8,22 ro 4:3,11:2 ja 4:5
what # ro 10:3,11,12
What # ro 3:9 6:15 1co 10:19 14:15
what # col 1:24,29 4:12 ge 30:8 32:24-30 ho 12:3,4 lu 22:44 # ga
4:19 phi
1:30 1th 2:2 he 5:7
what # 2:1-11 ac 20:18,19,33-35 1co 2:2-5,4:9-13,10:33 2co 4:1,2
# 2co 6:3-10
phi 4:9 2th 3:7-9 1ti 4:12-16 1pe 5:3
what # 5,6,2:1,13
what # 1:2,3 2sa 7:18-20 ne 9:5 ps 71:14,15 2co 2:14,9:15
What # job 7:17,18 15:14
what # he 7:26-28
what shall # ro 3:5 4:1 6:1 7:7
what # ju 8:18 mat 8:27 lu 1:66 7:39 1th 1:5 2pe 3:11
what # 16 jer 7:8 ro 2:25 1co 13:3 1ti 4:8 he 13:9
what # 14
what # mat 11:20-24 lu 10:12-14 he 2:2,4;12:24,25
what # mat 8:27 1th 1:5 ja 1:24
what # 1jno 4:9,10 2sa 7:19 ps 31:19 36:7-9 89:1,2 jno 3:16 ro 5:
8 # 8:32 ep
2:4,5 3:18,19
what # ps 17:15 ro 8:29 1co 15:49 phi 3:21 2pe 1:4
What # re 1:19 2:1 10:4 14:13 19:9 21:3 de 31:19 is 30:8 je 30:2
hab 2:2
What # Re 18:10 re 13:4 is 23:8,9 je 51:37 eze 27:30-32
what. This was an argumentum ad hominem. The Jews held that such
things were
lawful on the sabbath day, and our Saviour very properly
appealed to their
canons in vindication of his intention to heal the distressed
man. # lu
13:15-17 14:5
whatsoever # mat 18:18 jno 20:23 1co 5:4,5 2co 2:10 1th 4:8 re
whatsoever # col 4:1
whatsoever # mat 15:29-9 ex 18:19,20,23 de 4:5 5:27 17:9-12 2ch
30:12 ac 5:29
# ro 13:1
whatsoever # ps 37:4 jno 14:13 15:7
whatsoever # mat 4:13,23 11:23 jno 4:8
whatsoever # lu 14:13 pr 19:17
whatsoever # job 24:14,15 ec 10:12,13,20 mat 12:36 Jude 14:15
Whatsoever # jno 15:14 ge 6:22 ju 13:14 lu 5:5,6 6:46-49 ac 9:6
he 5:9 11:8
whatsoever # jno 15:7,16 16:23,26 mat 7:7 21:22 mar 11:24 lu 11:
9 ep 3:20 #
ja 1:5 5:16 1jno 3:22 5:14
whatsoever # jno 14:13,14 15:7,16 is 65:24 mat 7:7 21:22 ep 2:18
3:14-20 #
1ti 2:5,6 he 4:14-16 7:25,26 10:19-23 1jno 2:1 5:14-16
whatsoever # tit 1:15 he 11:6
whatsoever # 4:23,24 1co 9:9,10;10:11 2ti 3:16,17 2pe 1:20,21
whatsoever # lu 10:7
whatsoever # pr 11:18 23:18 is 3:11 mat 5:12 6:1,4 10:41,42 16:
27 lu 6:35 #
14:14 ro 2:6-10 2co 5:10 col 3:24 he 10:35 11:26
whatsoever # ro 12:9-21 1co 13:4-7 ga 5:22 ja 3:17 2pe 1:5-7
whatsoever # col 3:23 2ch 31:20,21 pr 3:6 ro 14:6-8 1co 10:31
whatsoever # col 3:17 2ch 31:21 ps 47:6,7 103:1 119:10,34,145 ec
9:10 # je
3:10 1pe 1:22
whatsoever # 1jno 5:14 ps 10:17 34:4,15-17 50:15 66:18,19 145:18,
19 pr 15:29
# 28:9 is 1:15 55:6,7 je 29:12,13 33:3 mat 7:7,8 21:22 mar 11:24
# lu 11:9-13
jno 9:31 14:13 15:7 16:23,24 ja 1:5 5:16
when # luke 22:61,62 mat 18:3 26:75 mar 14:72 16:7 ac 3:19
when # ge 43:34 ca 5:1
when # jno 5:14 ps 27:10 ro 10:20
when #1:19,28 jno 3:19
when #8:7 2co 5:18,19,21 col 1:20,21
when #is 27:9; 43:25; je 50:20; eze 36:25-29; ho 14:2; jno 1:29;
when #mat 13:39-43;16:27;25:31;26:64 mar 8:38;14:62 jno 1:51 ac
1:11 #1th
4:16,17 tit 2:13 he 9:28 jude 14,15 re 1:7;20:11
when #3:10 jno 16:4 ga 5:21 1th 2:11 2pe 1:15
when # ge 39:14,17 nu 22:29 24:10 ju 16:10 job 12:4
when # mar 1:14 6:17 lu 3:20 4:14,31 jno 4:43,54
when # mat 10:25 27:39 ps 35:11 is 66:5 lu 7:33,34 jno 9:28 1pe
when # job 31:16-20 ps 37:21 112:9 pr 19:17 ec 11:2 is 58:7,10-
12 # lu 11:41
12:33 jno 13:29 ac 9:36 10:2,4,31 11:29 24:17 ro 12:8 # 2co 9:6-
15 ga 2:10 ep
4:28 1ti 6:18 phile 7:1 he 13:16 # ja 2:15,16 1pe 4:11 1jno 3:17-
when # mat 7:7,8 9:38 21:22 ps 5:2 55:17 pr 15:8 is 55:6,7 je 29:
12 # da 6:10
9:4 lu 18:1 jno 16:24 ep 6:18 col 4,2,3 1th 5:17 # ja 5:15,16
when # mat 9:14,15 2sa 12:16,21 ne 1:4 es 4:16 ps 35:13 69:10
109:24 # da 9:3
lu 2:37 ac 10:30 13:2,3 14:23 1co 7:5 2co 6:5 11:27
when # mat 12:23 15:31 mar 2:12 7:37 lu 5:26 7:16
when # lu 24:13-21 jno 16:6,20-22 ac 1:9,10
when # mat 14:14 15:32 mar 6:34 he 4:15 5:2
when # mar 13:11-13 lu 12:11 21:14,15
when # mat 2:13 4:12 12:14,15 lu 4:29-31 jno 7:1 10:39-42 11:53,
54 # ac 8:1
9:24,25 13:50,51 14:6,7,19,20 17:10,14 20:1
when # mat 9:34 mar 3:22 lu 11:15
when # mat 13:21 is 49:10 ja 1:11,12 re 7:16
when # mat 2:23 mar 6:1,2 lu 4:16-30 jno 1:11
when # mar 6:19,20 14:1,2 ac 4:21 5:26
when # mat 26:69-75 2ki 6:15 mar 14:38,66-72 lu 22:54-61 jno 18:
25-27 # 2ti
when # mar 6:53-56
when # lu 12:54-56
when # jno 2:24,25 16:30 he 4:13 re 2:23
when # mar 9:14 lu 9:37
when # mar 9:33
when # mat 16:27 25:31 2th 1:7-10 re 20:11-15
when # mat 13:39,40 25:19,31 ro 2:6-10 2co 5:10 he 9:28 re 20:11,
when # mar 11:1 lu 19:28
when # mat 21:23 26:3,69 27:1,20 is 26:11 mar 11:18 lu 19:39,40
20:1 #
22:2,66 jno 11:47,49,57 12:19
when # mar 11:27,28 lu 19:47,48 20:1,2
when # mat 3:12 13:30 25:31,32 zep 1:12 1co 4:5 he 4:12,13 re 2:
when # mar 12:28
when # mat 24:3
when # mat 6:3 1ch 29:14 pr 15:33 is 64:6 1co 15:10 1pe 5:5,6
when # mat 25:24-27 7:22 1sa 15:13-15,20,21 je 2:23,35 mal 1:6 2:
17 3:13 # lu
when # mat 19:1
when # mar 14:17-21 lu 22:14-16 jno 13:21
when # ps 81:1-4 mar 14:26 ep 5:19,20 col 3:16,17
when # mar 14:68,69 lu 22:58 jno 18:25-27
when # mar 15:37 lu 23:46 jno 19:30
when # mat 16:28
when # 1ch 29:17 mat 9:4 lu 5:22 6:8 7:39,40 jno 2:24,25 6:64 21:
17 # he 4:13
ro 2:23
when # mat 11:6 13:21 24:9,10 1co 10:12,13 ga 6:12 1th 3:3-5 #
2ti 4:16 he
10:29 re 2:10,13
when # mar 4:10 7:17-23 mat 13:36 15:15 lu 8:9 24:27,44-46
when # 2ki 4:33 mat 7:6 9:24,25 lu 8:53,54
when # ge 27:41 2sa 13:23-39 es 3:7 ps 37:12,13 ac 12:2-4
when # 1ki 18:21 22:28 ps 49:1,2 94:8 mat 15:10 lu 12:1,54-57 #
when # de 33:2 da 7:10 zec 14:5 mat 13:41 jno 1:51 1th 1:7,8 #
jude 1:14,15
when # mat 17:14 lu 9:37
when # mat 19:16 lu 18:18
when # mat 21:1 lu 19:29 jno 12:14
when # eze 8:9 zep 1:12
when # ps 27:3 46:1-3 112:7 pr 3:25 is 8:12 je 4:19-21 51:46 #
mat 24:6,7 lu
21:9-11 jno 14:1,27
when # mar 14:22 lu 22:17 ro 14:6 1co 10:16
when he thought thereon, he wept. or, he wept abundantly, or he
began to weep
# eze 7:16 mat 26:75 lu 22:62 2co 7:10
when # mar 10:34 ps 129:3 is 50:6 mat 20:19 27:26 lu 18:33 jno
19:1 # 1pe
when # mar 15:25 mat 27:45 lu 23:44,45
when # mar 15:42 Mat 28:1 lu 23:54,56 24:1 jno 19:31 20:1
when the # 1ki 17:1 18:1,2
when # mat 8:16:17 mar 1:32-34
when # lu 6:12 mar 1:35 jno 4:34
when # lu 24:17-21 da 9:26 zec 13:7 jno 12:8 13:33 14:3,4 16:4-7,
16-22,28 #
jno 17:11-13 ac 1:9 3:21
when # lu 9:1,2 mat 9:36-38 10:1-4 mar 3:13-19 6:7
when men # mat 5:10-12 10:22 mar 13:9-13 jno 7:7 15:18-20 17:14
2co 11:23-26
# phi 1:28-30 1th 2:14,15 2ti 3:11,12 1pe 2:19,20 3:14 4:12-16
when # mi 2:11 jno 7:7 15:19 ro 16:18 2th 2:8-12 ja 4:4 2pe 2:18,
19 # 1jno
4:5,6 re 13:3,4
when # mat 7:28,29
when # ps 49:7,8 mat 18:25,26,34 ro 5:6 ga 3:10
when # lu 11:33 mat 5:15,16 mar 4:21,22 ac 26:18 phi 2:15,16 re
1:20 # re 2:1
when # ps 38:9 ho 5:3
when # mat 14:14 mar 6:33,34 ro 10:14,17
when # mat 14:15 mar 6:35,36 jno 6:1,5
when # da 7:10 mat 16:27 24:30,31 26:64 2th 1:8-10 jude 14 re 1:
7 20:11
When # ex 5:2 ho 14:2 mat 6:6-8
when # lu 12:1 14:25,26
when # lu 8:16,17 mat 5:15 mar 4:21,22
when # ca 5:5,6 re 3:20
When # 1ki 18:44,45 mat 16:2
when # lu 16:23 mat 8:11
When That there were among the Jews of these times many disputes
about seats
at banquets, we learn both from Josephus and the Rabbins; now
were these
matters unattended to by the Greeks and Romans. Similar
admonitions to this
of our Lord, also occur in the Rabbinical writers. Rabbi Akiba
said, Go tow
or three seats lower than the place that belongs to thee, and
sit there till
they say to thee, Go up higher; but do not take the uppermost
seat, lest they
say unto thee, Come down: for it is better they should say unto
thee, Go up,
Go up than they should say, Go down, Go down. # Pr 25:6,7
when # lu 1:53 pr 14:20 22:16 ja 2:1-6
when # lu 19:9 23:43 is 62:12 jno 4:34,35 ac 9:1-16 ro 10:20,21
# ep 2:3-6
tit 3:3-7
when # lu 8:35 16:23 ps 73:20 ec 9:3 je 31:19 eze 18:28 ac 2:37
16:29,30 #
26:11-19 ep 2:4,5 5:14 tit 3:4-6 ja 1:16-18
when # ps 73:26 ec 12:3-7 is 57:16
when the # lu 10:11 16:16 19:11 ac 1:6,7
when # lu 5:35 13:35 mat 9:15 jno 7:33-36 8:21-24 12:35 13:33 16:
5-7,16-22 #
when # mat 24:9-13,24 1th 5:1-3 he 10:23-26 ja 5:1-8
when # mat 21:1 mar 11:1 jno 12:12-16
when # luke 21:32 da 12:6,8 mat 24:3 mar 13:3,4 jno 21:21,22 ac
when # luke 21:18,19 ps 27:1-3 46:1,2 112:7 pr 3:25,26 is 8:12 #
51:12,13 je
4:19,20 mat 24:6-8 mar 13:7,8
when # lu 12:51-57 mat 16:1-4
when # luke 9:3 10:4 mat 10:9,10 mar 6:8,9
when # mat 27:33,34 mar 15:22,23 jno 19:17,18 he 13:12,13
when # luke 12:8 jno 1:49 ro 10:9,10
when # jno 5:33-36 de 17:9-11 24:8 mat 21:23-32 lu 3:15
when # jno 2:25 ge 32:24-30 ps 139:1,2 is 65:24 mat 6:6 1co 4:5
14:25 # re
when # mal 1:11 mat 18:20 lu 21:5,6,24 ac 6:14 1ti 2:8
when # jno 4:29,39 de 18:15-18
when # jno 5:21,28 lu 9:60 15:24,32 ep 2:1,5 5:14 col 2:13 re 3:1
when # jno 6:23 1sa 9:13 lu 24:30 ac 27:35 ro 14:6 1co 10:31 1th
5:18 # 1ti
When # jno 3:2 6:2 9:16 10:41,42 mat 11:3-6
When # jno 3:14 12:32-34 19:18
when # ge 3:4,5 2ch 18:20-22 job 1:11 2:4-6 ac 5:3 13:10 # 2co
11:3,13-15 2th
2:9-11 re 12:9 13:14 20:2,3,10 21:8 22:15
when # jno 12:23 7:39 13:31,32 17:5 mar 16:19 ac 2:33,36 3:13 #
he 8:1 12:2
when # is 6:1-5,9,10
when # jno 14:16,17,26 16:7,13,14 lu 24:49 ac 2:33
when # jno 20:26 ne 6:10,11
when # ca 8:7 mat 14:28,29 lu 7:47 2co 5:14
when # ac 1:2 ps 68:18 mar 16:19 lu 24:50,51 jno 6:62 ep 4:8-12
when # ac 3:21 1:6 17:26 ps 72:6-19 98:1-9 is 2:1-3 49:10-22 51:
11 # is
52:1-10 54:1-14 60:1-22 61:3,9-11 62:1-5 65:17-25 # is 66:10-14,
18-22 je
31:22-26 32:37-41 33:15-26 eze 34:23-31 # eze 37:21-28 39:25-29
ho 2:19-23
joel 3:16-21 am 9:13-15 # mi 7:14,15 zep 3:14-20 zec 8:20-23 ro
11:25 2th
1:7,10 2pe 3:8
when # ac 5:27 1ki 21:12-14 jno 8:3,9
when # ac 4:17 5:40
when # ac 4:18
when # ac 6:7 2:41,47 4:4 5:14,28 ps 72:16 110:3 is 27:6 je 30:19
when # ac 1:24 8:17 9:17 13:3 1ti 4:14 5:22 2ti 1:6
when # jos 24:2
when # ge 15:2-5 16:2 17:16-19
when # ac 7:6 ge 15:13-16 2pe 3:8,9
when # ex 2:2-10 de 32:26
when # ex 2:11,12 he 11:24-26
when # ac 7:17 ex 7:7
when # ac 8:1 11:1,19-22 15:4 1th 3:2
when they had # ac 1:8 18:5 20:21 26:22,23 28:23,28,31 jno 15:27
1pe 5:12
when # ac 27:33-36 1sa 30:12 ec 9:7
when # ac 22:17 26:20 ga 1:17-19
when # ac 9:24,25 17:10,15 mat 10:23
when # ac 19:7 mat 27:54 lu 7:16
when # ac 7:45 de 7:1 jos 24:11 ne 9:24 ps 78:55
when # 1sa 12:25 13:13 15:11,23,26,28 16:1 28:16 31:6 2sa 7:15
1ch 10:13 # ho
when # ac 13:27 2:23 4:28 lu 18:31-33 24:44 jno 19:28,30,36,37
when # ac 4:25-29 17:5 ps 2:1-3 83:5 2ti 3:11
when # ac 15:33 8:12,38 11:14 18:8 1co 1:13-16
when # lu 5:29 19:6 phi 4:17 1th 4:9,10 phile 7 ja 2:14-17 1jno
when # ac 21:39,40 22:1,2 26:1,2 lu 21:12-15 1pe 3:14,15
when # ac 20:1-6
when # pr 15:1,2 ec 9:17
when # ac 9:8,9
when # ac 9:26-28 ga 1:18
when # job 5:13 pr 21:30 la 3:37 1co 3:19
when # ac 23:30 24:1,10,22,24-27 25:16
when # ac 24:7 18:20 25:26 de 19:18
when # ac 17:32 pr 6:4,5 is 55:6 hag 1:2 lu 13:24,25 17:26-29 #
2co 6:2 he
3:7,8,13 4:11 ja 4:13,14
when # ac 25:1-3 es 3:9 lu 18:3-5 23:23
when # ac 19:21 23:11 25:12,25 ge 50:20 ps 33:11 76:10 pr 19:21
# la 3:27 da
4:25 ro 15:22-29
when # ac 10:25 21:5 ex 4:14 jno 12:13 ro 15:24 ga 4:14 he 13:3
# 3jno 6-8
when # ac 18:1-4
when # mat 16:19 18:16-18,20 28:18,20 jno 20:23 2co 2:9,10 13:3,
when # ge 20:9 42:22 ex 32:21 1sa 2:25 19:4,5 24:11 mat 18:21
when # 1co 9:6,7 10:33 2co 4:5 11:7-9 12:13-18 1th 2:6 2th 3:8,9
when # 1co 4:19 16:2,5
when # 1co 4:19-21 11:34
when # ac 19:21 20:1-3 2co 1:15-17
when # ec 3:1 mar 6:21 ac 24:25
when # ac 16:8 20:1-6,8
when # Ex 34:34 de 4:30 30:10 la 3:40 ho 3:4,5 ro 11:25-27
when # 2co 1:16,17 2:13 ac 20:1 1co 16:5
when # 2co 7:11 2:9 ps 141:5 pr 9:8,9
when # 2co 2:9 7:15
when # 2co 13:8 11:30 12:5-10 1co 4:10
when # 2:9 ac 15:12,25,26 2pe 3:15
when # 3:19,24,25
when # ex 5:2 je 10:25 jno 1:10 ac 17:23,30 ro 1:28 1co 1:21 # ep
2:11,12,4:18 1th 4:5 2th 1:8 1jno 3:1
when # 1co 13:2 2co 3:5,12:11
when # ps 16:9-11 jno 10:18,30 ac 2:24-33 4:10 10:40 26:8 ro 1:4
he 13:20
When # ps 68:18
when # 9 1co 9:4,6,12-18 2co 1:01,2,10,11,13:10 phile 8:9
when # 5,2:17 je 20:9,44:22 2co 2:13,11:29,30
when # 1
when # ac 18:1,5
when # lu 24:44 jno 16:4 ac 20:18
when # ac 20:1-3 phi 2:24
when # ps 22:1-21 69:1 88:1 mat 26:28-44 mar 14:32-39 le 22:1-33
# jno 17:1
when # he 10:7 1:6 mat 11:3 lu 7:19
when # de 8:2 2ch 32:31 job 1:11,12 2:3-6 pr 17:3 da 11:35 zec
13:9 # mal
3:2,3 ja 1:2-4 5:11 1pe 1:6,7 4:12 re 3:10
When # ex 2:10 ac 7:21-24
when he # ge 27:31-41
when # de 8:2 13:3 pr 17:3 zec 13:9 mal 3:2,3 he 11:17 1pe 1:6,7
when # ja 4:1,2 ge 6:5 8:21 jos 7:21-24 2sa 11:2,3 1ki 21:2-4
job 31:9,27 #
pr 4:23 is 44:20 ho 13:9 mat 5:28 15:18,20 mar 7:21,22 ro 7:11,
13 # ep 4:22
he 3:13
when # Ge 3:6 4:5-8 job 15:35 # ps 7:14 is 59:4 mi 2:1-3 mat 26:
14,48-59 ac
when # ge 22:9-12,16-18
when # jos 2:19-21,6:17,22-25 he 11:31
when # 19
when he was # ps 38:12-14 is 53:7 mat 27:39-44 mar 14:60,61;15:
29-32 # lu
22:64,65;23:9,34-39 jo 8:48,49;19:9-11 ac 8:32-35 he 12:3
when # 1:5,6,13 mat 16:27;25:31 mar 8:38 lu 17:30 2th 1:7-10 re
when # 1jno 3:2 mar 8:38 col 3:4 1ti 6:14 2ti 4:8 tit 2:13 he 9:
28 # 1pe 1:7
5:4 re 1:7
when # mal 3:2 col 3:4 he 9:28
when # ro 1:8,9 2co 7:6,7 ep 1:15,16 col 1:7,8 1th 3:6-9
when # Ro 15:15,16 Ga 6:11 He 13:22 1Pe 5:12 2Pe 1:12-15 # 3:1
when # re 5:13,14 7:11,12
when # re 5:5-7
when # re 11:3 lu 13:32 jno 17:4 19:30 ac 20:24 2ti 4:7
when # re 18:9
when. # mar 5:1 lu 8:26 ac 10:38
when. Some render, `and they who were with him (in the house ) #
mar 3:19
when. There is a remarkable passage in Josephus, which proves
that the best
informed among the Jews believed in the immateriality and
immortality of the
soul, and that the soul of righteous men were in the presence of
God in a
state of happiness. They who lose their lives for the sake of
God, live unto
God, as do Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the rest of the
patriarchs. Not
less remarkable is a passage in Shemoth Rabba, Why doth Moses
say, Remember
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? R. Abin saith, The Lord said unto
Moses, I look
for ten men from thee, as I looked for that number in Sodom.
Find me out ten
righteous persons among the people, and I will not destroy thy
people. Then
saith Moses, Behold, here am I, and Aaron, Eleazer, and Ithamar,
and Caleb, and Joshua; but, saith God, there are but seven:
where are the
other three? When Moses knew not what to do, he saith, O Eternal
God, do thos
whence # mat 1:23 ro 1:3,4 9:5 1ti 3:16 re 22:16
whence # ro 16:17 1co 1:11-13 15:12 ga 3:1-3 ja 3:15,16 4:4
whence # nu 11:21,22 2ki 4:42-44 mar 6:37 8:4,5 jno 6:5-7
whence # lu 7:7 ru 2:10 1sa 25:41 mat 3:14 jno 13:5-8 phi 2:3
Whence # Mat 15:33 mar 8:2-4 lu 9:13
whence # jno 8:14 9:29,30 ju 13:6
whence # 3:14-18
whence # ge 16:8 ju 13:6 jno 7:28
where #3:19; 2:17,23;4:2 eze 16:62,63; 36:31,32 zep 3:11 lu 18:9-
14 #1co
1:29-31; 4:7 ep 2:8-10
where #2:12,13; 5:13
where # is 33:6 lu 12:34 2co 4:18
Where # mat 3:15 17:24,25 lu 22:8,9
where # la 1:10 eze 44:9
where # mat 3:15 lu 22:8,9 ga 4:4
where I # re 3:20
Where # lu 12:28 mat 6:30 8:26 14:31 17:20 mar 4:40,41 jno 11:40
where # mat 6:21 phi 3:20 col 3:1-3
where is # luke 19:5 re 3:20
where # jno 3:23
where # jno 12:21 ru 1:16 1ki 10:8 ps 27:4 pr 3:18 8:34 13:20 ca
1:7,8 # lu
8:38 10:39
where # jno 6:11,12
where # 1sa 16:1,4,11-13,18 17:58
where # is 41:11,12
Where # jno 5:11-13 7:11 ex 2:18-20
where # jno 14:3 17:24 ps 17:15 mat 25:21 2co 5:8 phi 1:23 1th 4:
where # ac 12:5 is 65:24 mat 18:19,20 1jno 5:14,15
where # lu 13:10
where # ac 14:1 15:21 16:13
where # ps 51:12 is 61:1 ro 8:2,15,16 ga 4:6 2ti 1:7
where in so ever # 2co 11:22-27 phi 3:3-6
where # ps 110:1 mat 22:44 26:64 mar 12:36 14:62 16:19 lu 20:42
# lu 22:69 ac
2:34 7:55 ro 8:34 ep 1:20 4:10 he 1:3,13 # he 8:1 10:12 12:2 1pe
where # 14 1co 3:3 ga 5:20
where # ps 1:4,5 ro 1:18;5:6 2pe 2:5,6;3:7 jude 15
where # ge 19:14 ec 1:9;8:11 is 5:18,19 je 5:12,13;17:15 eze 12:
22-27 # mal
2:17 mat 24:28 lu 12:45
whereas # 2:12 tit 2:8
Whereby # lu 1:34 ge 15:8 17:17 18:12 ju 6:36-40 is 38:22
whereby # 13 mal 2:8 mat 16:23;18:7-10 lu 17:1,2 phi 1:10 he 12:
13 re 2:14
whereby # ep 1:13
whereby # 1ti 4:1 2ti 3:1
wherefore # eze 38:10 ac 5:3,4,9 8:20-22
Wherefore # ro 2:4,5
wherefore # ac 24:24
Wherefore # 5:11,14 is 40:1,2 lu 21:28 he 12:12
wherefore # 4:18
Wherefore # 1:18-25
wherein # col 3:1,2 ro 6:8-11 7:4 1co 15:20 ep 1:20 2:4-6 5:14
1pe 4:1-3
wherein # ge 7:1-7,13,23;8:1,18 mat 7:14 lu 12:32;13:24,25 2pe 2:
wherein # ro 5:2 2co 1:24 2pe 1:12
whereof #ezr 9:6 job 40:4; 42:6 je 3:3; 8:12; 31:19 eze 16:61-63;
# eze
36:31,32 43:11 da 9:7,8; 12:2 lu 15:17-21 2co 7:11 #1jno 2:28
whereof # ac 2:24 1:8,22 3:15 4:33 5:31,32 10:39-41 lu 24:46-48
jno 15:27 #
jno 20:26-31
whereof # ac 1:22 2:32 10:40,41 13:30-32
whereof # 4:2 2co 2:14-16;3:4-6;7:4;11:16-30;12:1,11-13
whereof # col 1:25 ac 1:17,25 26:16 ro 15:16 1co 4:1-3 2co 3:6 4:
1 # 2co
5:18-20 6:1 11:23 ep 3:7,8 1ti 1:12 2:7 2ti 1:11,12 # 2ti 4:5,6
Wheresoever # mat 24:14 28:19 ps 98:2,3 is 52:9 mar 13:10 16:15
lu 24:47 # ro
10:18 15:19 col 1:6,23 1ti 2:6 re 14:6
wheresoever # mar 16:15 mat 26:12,13
wheresoever # job 39:29,30 da 9:26,27 am 9:1-4 zec 13:8,9 14:2
mat 24:28 #
1th 2:16 re 19:17,18
whereto # ga 5:7 he 10:38,39 2pe 2:10-20 re 2:4,5 3:3
whereunto # la 2:13 mar 4:30 lu 13:18
Whereunto # La 2:13 mat 11:16 mar 4:30
whereunto # ro 8:28-30 9:23,24 col 3:15 1th 2:12 2th 2:14 2ti 1:
9 1pe 3:9
whereunto # ex 9:16 ro 9:22 1th 5:9 2pe 2:3 jude 4
wherewith # he 2:11 9:13 je 1:5 jno 10:36 17:19 1co 11:27,29
whether #2:2; 3:14
whether of sin # 6:12,17,19-23
whether # mar 2:9-12 lu 5:23-25
Whether # 2co 4:2 ep 6:1 1ti 2:3
whether # mat 23:34 lu 11:49 ac 2:17;11:27,28;15:32;21:9 # 1co
12:10,28;13:2;14:1,3-5,29,31,32 ep 3:5;4:11
whether we be Jews # ro 3:29 4:11 ga 3:23,28 ep 2:11-16,19,22 3:
6 col 1:27
whether # 2co 1:4 4:15-18 1co 3:21-23 2ti 2:10
whether # 2co 7:15 10:6 phi 2:12 2th 3:14 phile 21
whether # 2co 5:6,8 ro 14:8
whether # ga 3:28 col 3:11
whether # phi 1:14-17 mat 23:14 mar 12:40
whether # phi 1:23,24 jno 12:27,28 21:19 ac 20:24 21:13 ro 14:7-
9 1co 15:31 #
2co 4:10 col 1:24 2ti 4:6,7 2pe 1:12-15
whether # phi 2:12,24
whether # 4:13,17
Whether. The apostle concludes the subject by giving them a
general rule,
sufficient to regulate every man's conscience and practice,-
that whether
they eat, or drink, or whatsoever they do, to do it all with an
habitual aim
to the glory of God; by considering his precepts, and the
expediency, appearance, and tendency of their actions. ye eat. #
1co 7:34 de
12:7,12,18 ne 8:16-18 zec 7:5,6 lu 11:41 # col 3:17,23 1pe 4:11
whey sleep ye # luke 22:40 21:34-36 pr 6:4-11 jon 1:6
which some think refers to his lowness of stature # 2co 10:10,
11:30 12:5,7-9
13:4 1co 2:3 4:10 ga 4:13
which #lu 24:26,27 ac 10:43; 26:6 tit 1:2
which # re 13:12-17 14:11 15:2 17:8
which # 2ti 1:8 2:9 3:10-12 4:16,17 ac 9:16 13:46,50 14:5,6 21:
27-31 #
21:27-31 22:21-24 ep 3:1-8 1th 2:16
which #2sa 7:12-16 ps 89:36,37 is 9:6,7 je 23:5,6; 33:15-17,26
am 9:11 #mat
1:1,6,16,20-23; 9:27;12:23;15:22;22:42-45 lu 1:31-33,69; #2:4-6
jno 7:42 ac
2:30; 13:22,23 2ti 2:8
which #2:12 3:1,2 de 4:7 ps 147:19,20 ac 14:16; 17:30 ep 2:12
which #1sa 16:7 1ch 29:17 ps 45:13 je 4:14 mat 23:25-28 lu 11:39;
17:21 #jno
4:23 1pe 3:4
which #4:3-13,20-22; 5:1; 8:1 phi 3:9
which # 3:20; 4:15; 5:20 1co 15:56 2co 3:6-9 ga 3:10 ja 2:9,10
#1jno 3:4
which #2:13 jno 3:16;13:1;15:9,13 ro 5:8 ep 2:4,5;5:2,25 tit 3:4-
7 #1jno
3:16;4:9,10 re 1:5;3:9
which have #8:15,16; 5:5 2co 5:5 ga 5:22,23 ep 1:14; 5:9
which he foreknew #8:29,30; 9:6,23; ac 13:48; 15:18; 1pe 1:2
which sat in darkness # ps 107:10-14 is 42:6,7 60:1-3 mi 7:8 lu
1:78,79 2:32
which # mat 23:9 2ch 20:6 ps 115:3 is 57:15 66:1
which # zec 13:4 mar 12:38-40 ro 16:17,18 2co 11:13-15 ga 2:4 ep
4:14 # 5:6
col 2:8 1ti 4:1-3 2ti 3:5-9,13 4:3 2pe 2:1-3,18,19 # jude 1:4 re
which # 1co 3:10,11
which art # is 14:13-15 la 2:1 eze 28:12-19 31:16,17 ob 4:1 lu
14:11 # 2pe
which # 1ki 13:4-6 zec 11:17 jno 5:3
which # mat 12:35 pr 10:20,21 11:30 15:7 16:20-24 18:4 22:17,18
# ec 12:9-11
2co 4:5-7 6:10 ep 3:4,8 col 3:16
which # lu 5:17,21
which # 1co 3:16,17 6:9-11,18-20 ep 5:3-6 re 21:8,27
which # mat 25:19-30 lu 16:1,2 19:12-27 ro 14:12 1co 4:5 2co 5:
which were made # is 39:7 56:3,4
which have # 1co 7:32-38 9:5,15
which # ga 3:10 ja 2:10,11
which # mat 25:1-13 ps 45:10-16 jno 3:29 2co 11:2 ep 5:24-32 #
re 19:7-9
which # 2ki 10:22 ps 45:13,14 is 52:1 61:3-10 64:6 zec 3:3,4 ro
3:22 # 13:14
ga 3:27 2co 5:3 ep 4:24 col 3:10,11 re 3:4,5,18 # 16:15 19:8
which # 1co 15:12-14 2ti 2:18
which # mat 6:25 job 2:4 pr 6:4,5 mar 13:15,16 lu 17:31-33
which # mat 5:16 lu 12:35,36 phi 2:15,16
which is not lawful # ex 29:32,33 le 24:5-9
which # mar 7:1 mat 15:1 lu 5:17
which # mar 6:20 10:17-22 eze 33:31,32 mat 8:19,20 13:20,21 # lu
8:13 jno
5:35 ac 8:13,18-21 24:25,26 26:28
which # mar 4:8 mat 13:23 lu 8:15 jno 15:4,5 ro 7:4 ga 5:22,23 #
phi 1:11 col
1:10 1th 4:1 2pe 1:8
which # mat 5:19 19:18 23:23 lu 11:42
which # mat 6:5 lu 11:43 14:7-11 3jno 1:9
which # mar 10:45 re 5:8-10 7:9-17
which # lu 2:25,38 23:51
which # lu 24:43 mar 1:1 jno 15:27 ac 1:3,8,21,22 4:20 10:39-41
he 2:3 # 1pe
5:1 1jno 1:1-3
which # ro 3:3 2ti 2:13 tit 1:2 he 6:18
which # lu 24:26,27,44 ge 3:15 12:3 49:10 da 9:24-27 ac 3:21-24
1pe 1:12
which # lu 2:26 1:43 20:41,42 ge 3:15 49:10 ps 2:2 da 9:24-26
mat 1:16 # mat
16:16 jno 1:41,45 6:69 7:25-27,41 20:31 ac 2:36 17:3 1jno 5:1
which # ex 38:8 1sa 2:9 ps 23:6 27:4 84:4,10 92:13 135:1,2 re 3:
which was the son of Obed # nu 1:7 2:3 7:12 1ch 2:11,12
which was the son of Isaac # ge 21:3 25:26 1ch 1:34 mat 1:2 ac 7:
which was the son of Adam # ge 4:25,26 5:3
which # mat 4:18 jno 1:41,42
which # le 24:5-9
which # lu 5:15 mat 14:14
which # lu 7:34,39 5:30,32 18:13 19:7 mat 21:31 jno 9:24,31 ro 5:
8 # 1ti
1:9,15 1pe 4:18
which # is 1:18 55:7 eze 16:63 36:29-32 mi 7:19 ac 5:31 ro 5:20
# 1co 6:9-11
1ti 1:14 1jno 1:7
which # lu 22:31,32 ho 6:4 jno 2:23-25 8:30-32 12:42,43 15:2,6
ac 8:13-23 #
1co 13:2 15:2 col 1:23 1th 3:5 1ti 1:19 2ti 2:18,19 he 10:39 #
ja 2:26 2pe
2:20,22 1jno 2:19
which # lu 8:15 mat 7:21-26 17:5 jno 6:28,29 13:17 ja 1:22 1jno
2:29 3:22 #
1jno 3:23 3jno 11
which # lu 24:27,44 mat 17:3,4 mar 9:4-6 jno 1:17 ro 3:21-23 2co
3:7-11 # he
which # lu 9:10-17 mar 8:22-26
which # ge 11:4 de 1:28 is 14:13-15 je 51:53 eze 28:12-14 am 9:2,
3 ob 4 # mat
which # lu 2:46 8:35 de 33:3 pr 8:34 ac 22:3 1co 7:32
which # lu 8:18 12:20,33 16:2,25 jno 4:14 5:24 10:27,28 ro 8:35-
39 # col
3:3,4 1pe 1:4,5
which # 2ch 20:6 ps 11:4 ec 5:2 da 2:28 mat 5:16 10:32
which # lu 12:56 11:44 job 20:5 27:8 36:13 is 33:14 ja 3:17 1pe
which # is 40:6 1pe 1:24
Which (Note: A reference is made to da 22:4, a non-existent vs.)
# lu 13:15
ex 23:4,5 mat 12:11,12
which # lu 15:29 16:15 18:9-11 pr 30:12 ro 7:9 phi 3:6,7
which # lu 5:12 18:13 le 13:45,46 nu 5:2,3 12:14 2ki 5:27 7:3
2ch 26:20,21
which # lu 18:4 ex 18:21,22 2ch 19:3-9 job 29:7-17 ps 8:1-4 je
22:16,17 # eze
22:6-8 mi 3:1-3 ro 3:14-18
which # lu 2:37 ps 88:1 1th 3:10 1ti 5:5 2ti 1:3 re 7:15
which # lu 10:29 15:29 16:15 pr 30:12 is 65:5 66:5 jno 9:28,34
ro 7:9 #
9:31,32 10:3 phi 3:4-6
which # luke 11:43 14:7 pr 29:2 mat 23:5-7 mar 12:38,39 ro 12:10
# phi 2:3-5
3jno 1:9
which # ac 6:10 24:25 26:28 2ti 4:16,17
which # is 53:11 ho 14:2 mat 20:28 ac 13:39 1co 15:3 2co 5:21 ga
1:4 3:13 #
1ti 2:6 tit 2:14 he 1:3 2:17 9:28 1pe 2:24 3:18 1jno 2:2 3:5 4:
10 # re 1:5
which # jno 5:12 9:15,25,30,34
which # mat 23:5 ga 5:19-21 phi 2:3
which # jno 6:23 21:1
which # mat 14:17 16:9 mar 6:38 8:19 lu 9:13
which endureth # jno 6:40,41,54,58,68 4:14 je 15:16
which the # jno 10:28 11:25,26 14:6 17:2 pr 2:2-6 ro 6:23
which # jno 6:37 17:2,6,9,11
which # jno 6:14 mal 3:1 mat 11:3 lu 7:19,20 1ti 1:15,16 1jno 5:
which was situated eight miles north of Jerusalem, near Bethel,
apparently between that city and Jericho. Accordingly we find
that a desert,
or wilderness, extended from Jericho to Bethel called the
wilderness of
Bethaven in which Josuha and the Israelites slew the inhabitants
of Ai. # jos
16:1 jos 8:24 jos 18:12 2sa 13:23 2ch 13:19
which # jno 8:42 re 22:1
which # jno 13:23-26 20:2
which # mat 20:23 mar 10:40
which the # ac 2:30,31 4:25-28 28:25 2sa 23:2 mar 12:36 he 3:7,8
1pe 1:11 #
2pe 2:21
which # ac 14:27 mat 9:8 12:28 lu 11:20 jno 5:17-20 9:33 11:40-
42 14:10,11
which # ac 3:10
Which # jos 3:11-14 18:1 ju 18:31 1sa 4:4 1ki 8:4 1ch 16:39 21:29
which of # 1sa 8:7,8 1ki 19:10,14 2ch 24:19-22 36:16 ne 9:26 je
2:30 20:2 #
je 26:15,23 mat 5:12 21:35-41 23:31-37 lu 11:47-51 13:33,34 #
1th 2:15
which shewed # ac 3:18,24 1pe 1:11 re 19:10
which # ac 3:2 4:22 14:8 mar 5:25 9:21 lu 13:16 jno 5:5 9:1,21
which # ac 10:4,22,31 9:36 ps 41:1 is 58:7,8 lu 7:4,5 ro 15:26,
27 # 2co
which # lu 4:14 23:5
which # ac 5:19 16:26 is 45:1,2 jno 20:19,26 re 3:7
which # ac 13:14,15 15:21
which # is 29:14 hab 1:5
which # ac 2:22 5:32 mar 16:20 he 2:4
which # ac 4:24 17:24-28 ge 1:1 ps 33:6 124:8 146:5,6 pr 8:23-31
# is 45:18
je 10:11 32:17 zec 12:1 ro 1:20 re 14:7
which # ac 1:24 1sa 16:7 1ki 8:30 1ch 28:9 29:17 ps 44:21 139:1,
2 # je 11:20
17:10 20:12 jno 2:24,25 21:17 he 4:13 re 2:23
which # ga 4:1-5,9 he 9:9
which # 2ti 1:5 3:15,16
which # ac 19:24 1ti 6:10 2pe 2:3 re 18:11-13
which # ac 25:8 1co 10:32 2co 6:3
which he # ps 74:2 is 53:10-12 ep 1:7,14 col 1:14 he 9:12-14 1pe
1:18,19 #
2:9 re 5:9
which are # 1co 1:2 6:11 he 2:11 10:14 jude 1
which # ac 2:17 ex 15:20 ju 4:4 2ki 22:14 ne 6:14 joel 2:28 #
1co 11:4,5 re
which # 2sa 15:12,31 jno 16:2
which # ac 1:22 2:32 17:31 26:22,23 1co 15:3,4,14-20 re 1:18
which # ac 22:3
which # mar 16:20 ac 14:27;15:4,12;21:19 ga 2:8 1co 3:6-9 2co 3:
which # ps 78:2 da 2:22 am 3:7 mat 13:17,35 lu 10:23,24 # ep 3:3-
5,9,11 1pe
which hast # 1co 8:1,2
which # de 13:3 lu 2:35 2co 13:5-7 1jno 2:19
which also # 1co 1:4-8 mar 4:16-20 jno 12:48 ac 2:41 11:1 1th 1:
6 2:13 4:1 #
2th 3:6
which # 2co 13:10 1co 5:4,5 1ti 5:20
which # ps 106:47 148:14 ro 8:37 1co 15:37
which # 2co 4:2 11:13-15 je 5:31 23:27-32 mat 24:24 1ti 1:19,20
4:1-3 # 2ti
2:6-18 4:3,4 tit 1:11 2pe 2:1-3 1jno 4:1 2jno 7-11 jude 4 # re 2:
12:9 19:20
which # 2co 3:10,11,14 ro 10:4 1co 13:10
which # ex 34:33-35
which vail # 2co 4:6 is 25:7 mat 16:17 lu 18:31-34 24:25-27,44-
46 jno 8:12 #
jno 12:46 ac 16:14 26:18 ep 1:17-20
which # 2co 9:12 1:11 4:15 8:16,19
which # ne 9:5 ps 41:13 ro 1:25 9:5 1ti 1:11,17 6:16
which # 2co 2:6 3:1-3 12:12 1co 9:1-3
which # 2:6,9 ec 10:1 ac 5:34 phi 2:29
which # 3:27-29 ro 12:5 1co 12:12,27 ep 4:15,16,5:29,30,32 col 2:
which # ge 15:13 ex 12:40,41 ac 7:6
which # 5:1 ro 8:15
which # ep 6:21 nu 12:7 lu 16:10 ac 16:15 1co 4:12,17 ga 3:9 col
1:2 # re
2:10,13 17:14
which # ep 1:4 ro 8:29
which # ep 1:22 5:23 col 1:18,19
which # mat 4:4,7,10,11 he 12:5,6 13:5,6 re 12:11
which is of the # de 27:26 lu 10:25-29 ro 3:19,20 4:13-15 7:5-13
8:3 10:4,5 #
ga 3:10-13,21,22 ja 2:9-11 1jno 3:4
which # phi 3:17 1co 10:31-33 11:1 1th 1:6 2:2-12,14 4:1-8 2th 3:
which # ro 1:18 ep 5:6 re 22:15
which are # 15,5:10 1ki 1:21,2:10 da 12:2 mat 27:52 lu 8:52,53 #
jno 11:11-13
ac 7:60,13:36 1co 15:6,18 2pe 3:4
which have # ep 2:12 job 19:25-27 pr 14:32 eze 37:11 1co 15:19
which are # 1co 15:51-53 2co 4:14
which # 1ti 2:7 6:20 1co 4:1,2 9:17 2co 5:18-20 ga 2:7 col 1:25
1th 2:4 # 2ti
1:11,14 2:2 tit 1:3
which # phi 3:18,19 2ti 3:1-6 2pe 2:1-3,12-22 jude 10-13
which # ge 1:29,30 9:3 ec 5:18 ac 10:13-15 1co 6:13
which # 1ti 1:18
which # 1ti 1:9 nu 31:8 mat 27:3-5 ac 5:4,5 8:20 2pe 2:3
which # jno 6:37 10:28,29 17:9 1co 3:21,22 ep 1:3
which I # ps 31:5 lu 23:46 ac 7:59 1pe 4:19
which # 2ti 2:2 phi 4:9
which dwelleth # jno 14:17 ro 8:11 1co 3:16 6:19 2co 5:16 ep 2:22
which # ps 19:7 jno 5:39,40 ac 10:43 13:29,38,39 1pe 1:10-12
1jno 5:11,12 #
re 19:10
which # 1co 9:17 1th 2:4 1ti 1:11,2:7 2ti 1:11
which # ps 78:22 jno 5:24,12:44 ro 4:5 1pe 1:21 1jno 5:10-13
which # ge 33:5 48:9 ps 127:3 jno 10:29 17:6-12 1co 4:15
which # he 13:16 pr 14:31 mat 10:42 25:35-40 mar 9:41 ac 2:44-45
4:34,35 #
9:36-39 11:29 ro 12:13 15:25-27 1co 16:1-3 2co 8:1-9 9:1,11-15 #
ga 6:10 phi
4:16-18 col 3:17 1ti 6:18 2ti 1:17,18 phile 5-7 # ja 2:15-17
1jno 3:14-17
which # he 11:10 2co 5:1 col 2:11
which # he 10:4 ps 50:8-13 is 1:11
which # de 32:43 ps 68:1,2 na 1:2,8-10 lu 19:27 1th 2:15,16
which # ge 12:7 13:15-17 15:7,8 17:8 de 9:5 ps 105:9-11 eze 3:24
which # ex 32:32 ps 69:28 lu 10:20 phi 4:3 re 13:8 20:15
which suffer # ne 1:3,4 ro 12:15 1co 12:26 ga 6:1,2 1pe 3:8
which # he 13:17,24 mat 24:45 lu 12:42 ac 14:23 1th 5:12,13 1ti
which # ja 2:5 is 64:4 mat 10:22 19:28,29
which # ac 13:26 ro 1:16 1co 15:2 ep 1:13 2ti 3:15-17 tit 2:11
he 2:3 # 1pe
which # ex 34:6 ps 86:5,15 jon 4:2 ro 5:15-21 # ep 1:7;2:4,7-10
1ti 1:14 tit
which # ge 49:10 dan 2:44 hag 2:7 zec 6:12 mat 13:17 lu 10:24;24:
25-27,44 #
ac 3:22-24;7:52;10:43;13:27-29;28:23 2pe 1:19-21
which things # ex 25:20 da 8:13;12:5,6 lu 15:10 ep 3:10 re 5:11
which be # 8 ac 26:19 ro 10:21;15:31 tit 3:3 he 4:11;11:31
which is not # 1:23
which is in # 1sa 16:7 ps 147:10,11;149:4 lu 16:15
which is among you or, as much as in you is # ps 78:71,72 ac 20:
which we have heard # 1jno 4:14 lu 1:2 jno 1:14 ac 1:3 4:20 2pe
which was # Pr 8:22-30 jno 1:1,2,18 3:13 7:29 8:38 16:28 17:5 ro
8:3 ga 4:4
which (See on ver 1) # Ac 4:20
which # 1jno 2:14-16 4:11 jno 15:12-15 2co 8:9 ep 5:1,2 1pe 1:21
which # 1jno 2:7 lu 1:2 jno 8:25 phi 4:15 2jno 5:6
which # jno 15:7 col 3:16 2ti 1:5 1pe 1:23-25 1jno 2:14,17
which # De 9:10 21:9 Ac 20:27 1Co 15:3 Ga 2:5 2Pe 3:2
which God # JNO 3:32, 8:26, 12:49
Which must # RE 1:3,19, 4:1, 22:10, 2PE 3:8
which God # JNO 3:32, 8:26, 12:49
Which must # RE 1:3,19, 4:1, 22:10, 2PE 3:8
which # Ro 2:17,28,29 9:6
which hath # re 2:16 1:16 19:15,21 is 11:4 he 4:12
which # re 7:14 19:8 is 52:1 59:6 61:3,10 64:6 zec 3:3-6 jude 23
which # rev 4:4 he 13:8
which # re 7:3,4 14:1 ex 12:23 job 2:6 eze 9:4,6 ep 4:30
which # re 1:4,8 16:5
which # re 14:12 22:14 mat 28:20 1jno 5:2
which follow # re 3:4 7:15-17 17:14 mat 8:19 lu 9:57-62 jno 8:12
10:27 12:26
# jno 13:37
which # re 16:8
which art # re 1:4,8 4:8 11:17
which # 1ki 22:6,10,11,19-22 ac 13:8-10
which reigneth The city which, at the time of the vision,
'reigned over the
kings of the earth,' was undoubtedly Rome; and from its
foundation, it has,
in different ways, accomplished this object to the present time.
# Re 12:4
which # re 18:3,11 ho 12:7,8 zec 11:5 mar 11:17 ac 16:19 19:24-27
which is # re 20:14
which # re 15:1-7 16:1-17
which # re 22:7 ge 41:32 1co 7:29 2pe 3:8,9
which # re 22:18
while # ps 25:8,9 94:19 119:125 143:8 pr 3:5,6 12:5 is 26:3 30:21
while # mat 13:36 15:39
while # mat 26:39,42 ps 22:1,2 69:1-3,13-15 he 5:7
while # mar 11:27 lu 19:47 20:1 21:37 jno 18:20
while # mar 14:36,39 ps 18:5,6 22:1,2 88:1-3 109:4
while # mat 26:47 lu 22:47,48 jno 18:3-9 ac 1:16
while # mat 26:45-47 mar 14:41-43 jno 18:2-9
while # jno 16:4,5,16,17 17:11-13
while # jno 11:9,10 12:35 ec 9:10 is 38:18,19 ep 5:16 col 4:5
while # 2ki 2:11,12
while # ec 9:10 mat 17:17 lu 24:44 jno 17:12
while # ac 10:19 2:12 5:24 25:20 jno 13:12 1pe 1:11
while # ac 10:9,10 2co 12:1-4 re 1:10
while # ac 27:29
while # ro 9:30-33,11:7
while # ge 6:14-22 he 11:7
whiles # job 22:21 ps 32:6 is 55:6,7 lu 13:24,26 2co 6:2 he 3:7,
13 # 12:17
whilst # 2co 5:1 1ch 29:15 ps 39:12 119:19 phi 3:20,21 he 11:13
whilst # phi 1:7 4:14 1th 2:14 2ti 1:8,16-18
whisperers #ps 41:7 pr 16:28; 26:20 2co 12:20
whisperings # ps 41:7 pr 16:28 ro 1:29
white # 1co 20-22
white # re 3:4,5 7:13 16:15 is 47:3 je 13:26 da 12:2 mi 1:11 na
white # re 3:4,5 7:9,14
white or bright # mat 17:2 mar 9:3 lu 24:4 ac 1:10
white horse # re 19:11
whither # lu 1:17,76 3:4-6 9:52
whither # jno 7:34 13:33 mat 25:41,46
whither # jno 13:33 14:4,5 16:17 21:21
whither # jno 14:2,28 13:3 16:28 lu 24:26
whither # jno 13:36 14:4-6
who # jno 4:25,26 9:35-38 16:3 17:3 1jno 5:20
who # ps 22:30 is 53:8,12
who de 22:26,27 ps 71:11; 72:12; 91:14,15; 102:20 mi 7:19 # zec
9:11,12 lu
4:18 2co 1:8-10 2ti 4:18 tit 2:14 heb 2:15
who #4:14 ga 5:16,25 tit 2:11-14 04974-891110-0800-2
who #8:1
who #8:1; job 1:9-11; 2:4-6; 22:6; 34:8,9; 42:7-9; ps 35:11 # is
54:17; zec
3:1-4; re 12:10,11;
who #8:1; 14:13; job 34:29; ps 37:33; 109:31; je 50:20;
who #is 57:2 mat 5:10-12 lu 16:25 ro 8:17 2co 4:17 2ti 2:12 #he
4:1,9,11 1pe
4:1 re 7:14-17;14:13;21:4
who also # 8:27; is 53:12; jno 16:23, 26,27; 17:20-24; he 4:14,
15; 7:25; #
9:24; 1jno 2:1,2;
who art #job 33:13; 36:23; 38:2,3; 40:2,5,8; 42:2-6; mat 20:15;
who hold #19,28,32; 2:3,15-23 lu 12:46,47 jno 3:19-21 ac 24:24,
25 #2th 2:10
1ti 4:1,2
who is even #mar 16:19; ac 7:56-60; col 3:1; he 8:1,2; 12:1; 1pe
who is #10:12; ps 45:6; 103:19 is 9:6,7; je 23:5,6; mi 5:2; jno
1:1-3; # jno
10:30; ac 20:28; phi 2:6-11; col 1:16; 1ti 3:16; # he 1:8-13;
1jno 5:20
who quickeneth #4:2; 8:11 mat 3:9 jno 5:21,25; 6:63 1co 15:45 ep
2:1-5 1ti
who was #3:25; 5:6-8; 8:3,32 is 53:5,6,10-12 da 9:24,26 zec 13:7
#mat 20:28
1co 15:3,4 2co 5:21 ga 1:4; 3:13 ep 5:2 tit 2:14 #he 9:28 1pe 1:
18,19; 2:24;
3:18 1jno 2:2; 4:9,10 re 1:5; 5:9; 7:14
who # mat 27:17,22 jno 4:25
who # je 6:10 51:6 eze 3:18-21 33:3-7 ac 20:31 ro 1:18 he 11:7
who is # mat 10:37 de 33:9 mar 3:32,33 lu 2:49,52 jno 2:3,4 2co
who # mat 13:9
who # mat 20:20-28 23:11 mar 9:34 10:35-45 lu 9:46-48 22:24-27 #
ro 12:10 phi
who # mat 24:22 mar 13:20 lu 13:23,24 ro 10:13 11:5-7
who # ca 3:6 is 63:1 lu 5:21 7:49 9:9 20:2 jno 2:18 ac 9:5
who # job 14:4 ps 130:4 is 43:25 da 9:9 mi 7:18 lu 5:21 7:49 #
jno 20:20-23
who # de 33:9 lu 2:49 jno 2:4 2co 5:16
who # lu 13:23 18:26 ac 16:31 ro 10:9-13
who # mar 15:46,47 mat 27:60-66
Who can # ex 34:6,7 ps 32:5 35:5 103:3 130:4 is 1:18 43:25 44:22
da 9:9,19 #
mi 7:19 ro 8:33
who # ge 24:2-14,27,35-49 35:8 39:4-6 2ki 5:2,3 job 31:5 pr 29:
21 # ac 10:7
col 3:22-25 4:1
Who # lu 5:20,21 mat 9:3 mar 2:7
who # ex 2:14 jno 6:15 8:11 18:35,36
Who # lu 19:15-19 mat 24:45,46 25:20-23 1co 4:1,2 tit 1:7
who # lu 12:15 20:47 is 56:11 je 6:13 8:10 eze 22:25-29 33:31
mat 23:14
Who # lu 13:23
who # ex 2:14 jno 2:18 5:22-27 ac 4:7-10 7:27,35-39,51
Who # jno 10:24 ac 13:25 19:4
who # jno 1:15,20 ac 19:4
Who # jno 1:19,22 10:24 19:9 lu 22:67
who # jno 9:34 mat 16:14
Who # jno 1:38 pr 30:3,4 ca 5:9 mat 11:3
who # jno 3:14-16 5:25-27 8:53-58 mat 16:13 21:10 22:42-45
who # is 53:1 ro 10:16
who # ge 44:4-12 es 7:5
who # jno 18:25 mar 14:54 lu 22:55,56
Who # ac 7:35,39 3:13-15 4:7,11,12 mat 21:23 lu 12:14 jno 18:36,
37 # jno
who # ex 21:1 de 5:27-31 6:1-3 33:4 ne 9:13,14 jno 1:17
Who # 1sa 3:4-10 1ti 1:13
who # 2ch 17:9 mat 4:23-25 9:35 12:15 15:21-31 mar 1:38,39 3:7-
11 # mar
6:6,54-56 lu 7:10-17,21-23 9:56 1pe 5:8
who # ac 13:7
who # ac 1:8,22 2:32 3:15 5:32 10:39 lu 24:48 jno 15:27 he 2:3,4
who # ac 3:1-4:37
who # nu 24:23 is 45:7,8 da 4:35
who # 2jno 12 3jno 13
who # ac 13:13 ps 78:9 pr 25:19 lu 9:61 14:27-34 ja 1:8
who # ac 28:2 mat 10:40,41 lu 19:6-9
Who # 9:20 ac 11:17 1co 4:4,5 ja 4:11,12
who # 11:16 1co 16:15 ja 1:18 re 14:4
who # 12, mat 27:55 1ti 5:10
who # ga 2:2,6
who # ga 6:11
who # job 15:8 22:2 40:2 is 40:13,14 je 23:18 ro 11:34
who # 1co 3:13 ec 11:9 12:14 mal 3:18 lu 12:1-3 ro 2:16 2co 4:2
# he 4:13 re
who # 1co 12:4-11 15:10 ro 9:16-18 ep 3:3-5 2th 2:12-14 # 1ti 1:
12-15 tit
who is # 1co 15:1 ti 1:2 2ti 1:2
who # ac 6:2-4
who # ex 3:17 ps 125:3 da 3:17 lu 22:32 jno 10:28-30 ro 8:28-39
# 2co 1:10
12:8-10 2ti 4:18 1pe 1:5 2pe 2:9
who # 2co 3:5,6 12:11 1co 15:10
who # ge 1:3,14,15 ps 74:16 136:7-9 is 45:7
who # le 6:30 eze 45:15 da 9:24 ro 5:1,10,11 ep 2:16 col 1:20,21
# he 2:17
1jno 2:2 4:10
who # is 53:9 lu 1:35 he 7:26 1pe 2:22-24 1jno 3:5
who # is 49:1,5 je 1:5 lu 1:15,16 ac 9:15,13:2,22:14,15 ro 1:1
who # 1:4 mat 20:28 jno 10:11,15:13 ro 8:37 ep 5:2,25 tit 2:14
re 1:5
who # 1:6,4:9,5:7,8 mat 24:24 ac 8:9-11 2co 11:3,13-15 ep 4:14 #
2th 2:9-12
2pe 2:18 re 2:20,13:13,14,18:3
who # ge 12:2,3 22:18 1ch 4:10 ps 72:17 134:3 is 61:9 ga 3:9
who # ep 1:13 ps 2:12 146:3-5 is 11:10 12:2 32:1,2 42:1-4 45:23,
25 # je
17:5-7 23:6 mat 12:18-21 jno 14:1 ro 15:12,13 2ti 1:12 # ja 1:18
1pe 1:21
who # ep 2:7 1:7 3:8 ex 33:19 34:6,7 ne 9:17 ps 51:1 86:5,15 103:
8-11 # 145:8
is 55:6-8 da 9:9 jon 4:2 mi 7:18-20 lu 1:78 ro 2:4 5:20,21 # 9:
23 10:12 1ti
1:14 1pe 1:3
who am # pr 30:2,3 ro 12:10 1co 15:9 phi 2:3 1ti 1:13,15 1pe 5:5,
6 1ch 17:16
# 29:14,15 ac 5:41 ro 15:15-17
who # ep 1:21 ge 14:19 1ch 29:11,12 ps 95:3 is 40:11-17,21-23 je
10:10-13 #
da 4:34,35 5:18-23 mat 6:13 ro 11:36 re 4:8-11
who is # ga 5:21 col 3:5 1ti 6:10,17 re 21:8 22:15
who # ps 4:6,7 17:14 mat 16:23 ro 8:5-7 1co 3:3 2pe 2:3
who # ac 2:24 ro 4:24 he 13:20,21
who # ac 10:45 11:2 ro 4:12 ga 2:7,8 ep 2:11 tit 1:10
who # 5:24 ro 8:30,9:23,24 1co 1:9 2th 1:11,12,2:13,14 # 2ti 1:9
who # ne 9:30 ac 5:3,4 1co 2:10,7:40 1pe 1:12 2pe 1:21 1jno 3:24
who # 5 ro 13:13 ep 5:8,9 1pe 2:9 1jno 1:7
who # nu 23:19 2ki 19:31 is 9:7,14:24-26,37:32 mat 24:35
who # 1co 15:10 2co 3:5,6 4:1 12:9,10 phi 4:13 2ti 4:17
who quickeneth # de 32:39 1sa 2:6 jno 5:21,26 14:25,26 14:6 ac
17:25 re 21:6
who before # mat 27:11 jno 18:36,37 19:11 re 1:5 3:14
who # 1ti 1:11,17 ps 47:2 83:18 je 10:10 46:18 da 2:44-47 4:34
mat 6:13
who # ps 104:28 mat 6:32 ac 14:27 17:25
who # is 25:8 ho 13:14 jno 11:25,26 1co 15:54,55 he 2:14,15 re
who # 2ti 2:24,25 ezr 7:10,25 mal 2:7 mat 13:52 1ti 3:2-9 4:6
tit 1:5-9
who are # is 42:6,7 49:25,26 53:12 mat 12:28,29 lu 11:21 2pe 2:
who # ps 50:6 96:13 98:9 mat 16:27 25:31 jno 5:22-27 ac 10:42 17:
31 # ro 2:16
14:9-11 1co 4:4,5 2co 5:9,10 2th 1:7-10 1pe 4:5 # re 20:11-15
Who # heb 1:14 2ki 2:11 6:17 ps 104:4 is 6:2 eze 1:13,14 da 7:10
zec 6:5
who # zec 4:9 6:12,13 mat 16:18 1co 3:9 1pe 2:5-7
Who # he 2:18 4:15
who # he 11:7 ge 19:22 nu 35:11-15 jos 20:3 ps 46:1 62:8 is 32:1,
2 # zec 9:12
mat 3:7 2co 5:18-21 1th 1:10
who # he 5:4 ex 28:1 nu 16:10,11 17:3-10 18:7,21-26
who # he 7:21,24
who # is 42:1 61:1 mat 12:28 lu 4:18 jno 3:34 ac 1:2 10:38 ro 1:
4 # 1pe 3:18
who # 1sa 25:10 job 38:2 ro 2:1,9:20,14:4,13
who # is 39:8 je 23:22,26:16 ac 3:21 he 13:7
who # de 10:17 2ch 19:7 job 34:19 mat 22:16 ac 10:34,35 ro 2:10,
11 # ga 2:6
ep 6:9 col 3:25
who # is 9:2;60:1,2 mat 4:16 lu 1:79 ac 26:28 ro 9:24 ep 5:8-11
# phi 3:14
col 1:13 1th 5:4-8
who # 1sa 2:1 je 49:11 lu 2:37 1ti 2:15;5:5 he 11:11
who # pr 16:7 ro 8:28;13:3
who # phm 9 2jo 1:1 3jo 1:1
who # 1:15 ro 8:28-30;9:11,24 1co 1:9 1th 2:12 # 2th 2:14 1ti 6:
12 2ti 1:9
2pe 1:3
who # nu 22:18-21,23,28;31:16 de 23:4,5 mi 6:5 jude 1:11 re 2:14
Who # 1jno 2:4 1:6 4:20 jno 8:44 re 3:9
who # jno 1:14 1ti 3:16 1jno 4:2 re 12:9 13:14
who # Ro 9:21,22 1Pe 2:8 2Pe 2:3
who # jude 1:16 ps 14:1-2
who # pr 18:1 is 65:5 eze 14:7 ho 4:14 9:10 he 10:25
who is # RE 3:14 PS 89:36,37 IS 55:4 JNO 3:11,32 8:14-16 18:37
1TI 6:18 #
1JNO 5:7-10
who # re 1:14,15
who # re 1:18 5:14 10:6 15:7 ex 15:18 ps 48:14 he 7:8,25
Who # re 5:5 is 29:11,12 41:22,23
who # ps 76:7 130:3,4 joel 2:11 mal 3:2
who # re 4:11 14:7 ge 1:1-31 2:1-25 ex 20:11 ne 9:6 ps 95:3-6
146:5 # je
10:11-13 ac 14:15 17:23 ro 1:20
Who is like # re 18:18
who is able # re 17:14 de 9:2 1sa 17:24
Who # ex 15:14-16 ps 89:7 is 60:5 je 5:22 10:7 ho 3:5 lu 12:4,5
who # re 4:9 10:6 1th 1:9
whole # job 1:13-19 2:7,8 mar 5:13 lu 8:33
whole # ps 119:97-105 pr 1:5 2:1-11 4:18,19 6:23 20:27 is 8:20
42:16 # ho 6:3
mat 13:11,12,52 mar 4:24,25 2co 4:6 ep 4:14 col 3:16 # 2ti 3:15-
17 he 5:14 ja
1:25 2pe 3:18
whole # lu 7:16 ex 15:1 ju 5:1 2sa 6:2-6 1ki 8:55,56 1ch 15:28
16:4 # 2ch
29:28-30,36 ezr 3:10-13 ps 106:12,13 jno 12:12,13
whole # ac 19:32 17:8 21:30,38
whole # 1co 11:18
whole # ep 1:10,21 phi 2:9-11 col 1:20 re 5:8-14 7:4-12
whole # ep 6:13 ro 13:12 2co 6:7 10:4 1th 5:8
whole # re 3:10 12:9 13:3 lu 2:1 ro 1:8 1jno 5:19
whole #mat 24:14 lu 2:1 ac 11:28
wholly given to idolatry, or full of idols # ac 17:23
whom #ac 27:23 phi 2:22 col 1:28,29 2ti 1:3
whom #11:2; ex 33:12,17; ps 1:6; je 1:5; mat 7:23; 2ti 2:19; 1pe
1:2; #re
whom #8:28-30; 1co 1:9; he 3:1; 1pe 5:10; re 19:9;
whom #da 7:10,11,26 re 18:8-10;19:20;20:10
whom I # ps 89:19 is 49:1-3 lu 23:35 1pe 2:4
whom # lu 9:18
Whom # mat 27:21 jos 24:15 1ki 18:21
whom # mar 15:1,2 11:9-11 pr 2:6,7 is 9:6,7 je 23:5,6 zec 9:9 #
mat 2:2-4
21:5 lu 23:2 ac 5:31
Whom # mat 16:13,14 mar 8:27-30
whom # mat 5:47 16:15 22:42
whom # lu 12:37
whom # lu 13:11 jno 8:44 2ti 2:26
whom # 1sa 12:13 mar 15:6 ac 3:14
whom # jno 1:10,11 8:19 16:3 17:3,25 mal 3:1,2 1jno 3:1
whom # jno 8:19,54,55 16:3 17:3,25 1sa 2:12 ps 9:10 pr 2:3-5 je
9:6 31:34 #
ho 4:1 5:4 6:3-6 mat 11:27 lu 10:22 ac 17:23 ro 1:28 2co 4:6 #
1jno 2:3,4
whom # jno 5:18 10:33 19:7
whom # jno 3:34 6:27 ps 2:2,6-12 is 11:2-5 42:1,3 49:1-3,6-8 55:
4 # is 61:1-3
je 1:5
whom # jno 11:3,5,36 19:26 20:2 21:7,24 re 1:16-18
whom # pr 14:10 1co 2:14 re 2:17
whom # jno 14:16 15:26 16:7 lu 24:49 ac 1:4
whom # 1ki 18:10,14-18 ne 6:11 ps 3:6 27:3 pr 28:1 1pe 4:1
whom # jno 13:23 20:2 21:7,20,24
whom # jno 1:38 18:4,7 ca 3:2 6:1 mat 28:5 mar 16:6 lu 24:5
whom # lu 16:20
whom # ac 2:23,24 5:30 13:27,28 mat 27:2,17-25 mar 15:11 lu 23:
16-23 # jno
18:40 19:15
whom # ac 2:24,32 mat 28:2-5 ep 1:20
whom God # ac 2:24 10:40-42 13:29-41 mat 27:63-66 28:11-15 ro 1:4
whom # ac 10:38 ps 2:2,6 45:7 is 61:1 lu 4:18 jno 10:36
whom # ac 2:4,38,39 10:44 jno 7:39
whom # ac 6:6 13:2,3 1ti 3:8-15
whom # ac 7:51,52 ne 9:16 ps 106:16,32,33 eze 20:6-14
whom # ac 13:19 ne 9:24 ps 44:2 78:55
whom # ac 2:23,24 3:14,15 4:10 5:30 7:52 13:27-29 ga 3:13 1pe 2:
whom # ac 19:4 mat 3:11 mar 1:7 lu 3:15,16 jno 1:20-23,26,27,29,
34,36 # jno
3:27-29 7:18 2co 4:5
whom I preach (or, whom, said he, I preach) # ac 1:4
whom # 1jno 5:19 re 13:3,8
whom # ac 26:14,15 ex 16:7,8 1sa 8:7 zec 2:8 mat 10:40-42 25:40,
45 # 1co
whom # ac 21:30-32 22:23 23:10-15
whom # 1co 15:13,20
whom ye # 2co 5:20 mat 18:18 jno 20:23 1co 5:4
whom # phi 2:20-22
whom # 1ch 29:13 ps 41:13,72:19 is 24:15,42:12 mat 6:13 lu 2:14
# ro
11:36,16:27 ep 1:12 phi 4:20 1ti 1:17 2ti 4:18 he 13:21 # 1pe 5:
11 2pe 3:18
jude 25 re 4:9-11,5:12,7:12,14:7
whom # job 33:24 ps 130:7 da 9:24-26 zec 9:11 13:1,7 mat 20:28
26:28 # mar
14:24 ac 20:28 ro 3:24 1co 1:30 col 1:14 1ti 2:6 tit 2:14 # he 9:
10:4-12 1pe 1:18,19 2:24 3:18 1jno 2:2 4:10 re 5:9 # re 14:4
whom # ep 4:12 jno 15:5
whom # mat 20:28 ac 20:28 ro 3:24,25 ga 3:13 ep 1:7 5:2 # 1ti 2:
6 tit 2:14 he
9:12,22 10:12-14 1pe 1:19,20 3:18 # 1jno 2:2 re 1:5 5:9 14:4
whom # 1co 2:12-14 2co 2:14 4:6 ga 1:15,16
whom # ac 3:20 5:42 8:5,35 9:20 10:36 11:20 13:38 17:3,18 # ro
16:25 1co 1:23
15:12 2co 4:5 10:14 ep 3:8 phi 1:15-18 # 1ti 3:16
whom # de 10:16 30:6 je 4:4 ro 2:29 phi 3:3
whom # ac 2:24,3:15,4:10,5:30,31,10:40,41,17:31 ro 1:4,4:25,8:34
# 1co
15:4-21 col 1:18 1pe 1:3,21,3:18 re 1:18
whom # ex 33:20 jno 1:18 6:46 14:9 col 1:15
whom # 2ti 1:5 3:15 ac 22:3 24:14 26:4 27:23 ga 1:14
whom # 1co 4:15 ga 4:19
whom # 1ki 14:12,13 2ki 23:25-29 is 57:1
whom # de 8:5 ps 32:1-5 73:14,15 89:30-34 119:71,75 pr 3:12 13:
24 is 27:9 #
je 10:24 ja 1:12 5:11 re 3:19
whom # 2jno 2,3 1pe 1:22,23 1jno 3:18 3jno 1
whom # 1jno 3:18
whom # Ac 15:3 21:5 ro 15:24 2co 1:16 tit 3:13
Whomsoever # 2sa 3:27 20:9,10 ps 28:3 55:20,21
whomsoever # 2sa 20:9,10 ps 55:20,21 pr 27:6 mat 26:48-50
whomsoever # ac 6:1-6 2co 8:19-24
whoremongers # mar 7:21,22 1co 6:9,10 ga 5:19-21 ep 5:3-6 he 13:4
whoremongers # re 17:1-6
whose #jno 5:44; 12:43 1co 4:5 2co 10:18 1th 2:4 1pe 3:4
whose # mar 1:7 lu 7:6,7 ac 13:25 ep 3:8 1pe 5:5
whose # mar 9:17-23
whose # mat 3:11 mar 1:7 lu 3:16
whose # ps 50:15 78:34 ho 5:15 mat 9:18 15:22 17:14,15 lu 7:2 8:
whose # mar 3:16 jno 1:42
whose # mat 16:17 mar 10:46 jno 21:15-17
whose # ac 11:21 ps 110:3 ca 5:4 is 50:5 lu 24:25 jno 6:44,45 ro
9:16 # 1co
3:6,7 2co 3:14-16 4:4-6 ep 1:17,18 phi 2:13 ja 1:16,17 # re 3:7,
whose # ex 19:5 de 32:9 ps 135:4 ca 2:16 6:3 is 44:5 je 31:33 32:
38 # eze
36:38 zec 13:9 mal 3:17 jno 17:9,10 1co 6:20 tit 2:14 # 1pe 2:9,
whose # is 45:20 jon 1:5,16 1co 8:4
whose # is 9:14,15 je 5:31 23:14,15 28:15-17 29:32 eze 13:10-15,
22 # mat
7:15,16 ga 1:8,9 phi 3:19 2th 2:8-12 2pe 2:3,13-22 # jude 4,10-13
whose God # phi 2:21 1sa 2:11-16,29 is 56:10-12 eze 13:19 34:3
mi 3:5,11 #
mal 1:12 lu 12:19 16:19 ro 16:18 1ti 6:5 2ti 3:4 tit 1:11,12 #
2pe 2:13 jude
whose glory # ps 52:1 ho 4:7 hab 2:15,16 lu 18:4 1co 5:2,6 2co
11:12 ga 6:13
# ja 4:16 2pe 2:18,19 jude 13,16 re 18:7
whose # ex 32:32 ps 69:28 is 4:3 eze 13:9 da 12:1 lu 10:20 re 3:
5 13:8 17:8 #
20:12,15 21:27
whose # he 3:2,3 mat 16:18 1co 3:16 6:19 2co 6:16 ep 2:21,22 1ti
3:15 # 1pe
whose # nu 14:22,29,32,33 de 2:15,16 je 9:22 jude 5
whose # he 10:27 is 27:10,11 eze 15:2-7 20:47 mal 4:1 mat 3:10 7:
19 25:41 #
jno 15:6 re 20:15
whose # he 3:4 is 14:32 2co 5:1
whose # he 6:12 ca 1:8 1co 4:16 11:1 phi 3:17 1th 1:6 2th 3:7,9
whose # 2:1,9 de 32:35 is 5:19; 30:13,14;60:22 hab 3:3 lu 18:8
1th 5:3 # 1pe
2:8 jude 4:7-15
whose # re 3:5,20 12:15 21:27 ex 32:32 is 4:3 da 12:1 lu 10:20
phi 4:3
whose # re 13:8 20:12,15
whoso # eze 40:4 da 9:23,25 10:12-14 he 2:1 re 1:3 3:22
whoso # ex 21:17 le 20:9 de 27:16 pr 20:20 30:17 mat 15:4
whoso # 1jno 2:3,4 ps 105:45 106:3 119:2,4,146 pr 8:32 28:7 ec 8:
5 # eze
36:27 lu 11:28 jno 14:21,23 re 12:17 14:12
whoso # de 15:7-11 pr 19:17 is 58:7-10 lu 3:11 2co 8:9,14,15 9:5-
9 # 1ti
6:17,18 he 13:16
whosoever # ac 13:16,43 ac 10:35
whosoever # 5:5; 10:11; ps 25:2,3,20; is 45:17; 54:4; joel 2:26,
27; #phi 1:20
2ti 1:12; 2ti 1:12; 1jno 2:28
whosoever #1:26,27 2sa 12:5-7 ps 50:16-20 mat 7:1-5; 23:29-31 lu
6:37; #lu
19:22 jno 8:7-9 ja 4:11
whosoever #9:33; is 28:16; 49:23; je 17:7; 1pe 2:6;
whosoever #joel 2:32; ac 2:21;
Whosoever # mat 11:18,19 12:24 1sa 20:30 2sa 16:7 jno 7:20 8:48
ac 17:18 #
1co 6:10 ep 4:31,32 tit 3:2 1pe 2:23 3:9 jude 1:9
whosoever # mat 19:3,7 de 24:1-4 je 3:1 mar 10:2-9
whosoever # mat 19:8,9 mal 2:14-16 mar 10:5-12 lu 16:18 ro 7:3 #
whosoever # 1ki 22:24 job 16:10 is 50:6 la 3:30 mi 5:1 lu 6:29
22:64 # 1pe
whosoever # mat 7:7,8,13,14 5:3,28-32 6:14,15,19 12:50 lu 6:47-
49 11:28 # jno
13:17 14:15,22-24 15:10,14 ro 2:6-9 ga 5:6,7 6:7,8 # ja 1:21-27
2:17-26 1jno
2:3 3:22-24 5:3-5 re 22:14,15
whosoever # mat 10:40,41 18:5 mar 6:11 9:37 lu 9:5,48 10:10,11
jno 13:20 #
1th 4:8
whosoever # mat 13:55-57 15:12-14 18:7 24:10 26:31 is 8:14,15 lu
2:34 #
4:23-29 jno 6:60,61,66 7:41,42 ro 9:32,33 1co 1:22,23 2:14 # ga
5:11 1pe 2:8
whosoever # mat 11:19 13:55 lu 7:34 23:34 jno 7:12,52 ac 3:14,15,
19 # 26:9-11
1ti 1:13,15
whosoever # mat 5:32 mar 10:11,12 lu 16:18 1co 7:10-13,39
whosoever # mat 18:4 mar 9:33-35 lu 22:26 ac 20:34,35 ro 1:14
1co 9:19-23 #
2co 4:5 11:5,23-27 12:15
whosoever # ps 2:12 is 8:14,15 60:12 zec 12:3 lu 20:18 ro 9:33
2co 4:3,4 #
1pe 2:8
Whosoever shall swear by the temple # mat 5:33,34 ja 5:12
whosoever # ne 5:13 mat 10:14 lu 9:5 10:10,11 ac 13:50,51 18:6
whosoever # es 5:3,6 7:2 pr 6:2 mat 4:9
whosoever # mar 9:43-48 mat 5:29,30 7:13,14 16:24 lu 13:24 14:27,
33 # ro
15:1-3 1co 8:13 9:19 phi 3:7 tit 2:12
whosoever # mat 10:42 25:40
whosoever # mat 5:31,32 19:9 lu 16:18 ro 7:3 1co 7:4,10,11 he 13:
whosoever # mar 9:35 mat 20:26,27 23:8-12 lu 9:48 14:11 18:14
jno 13:13-18 #
1co 9:19-23 ga 5:13 1pe 5:5,6
whosoever # mat 17:20 21:21 lu 17:6 1co 13:2
whosoever # lu 9:48 10:10-12,16 mat 10:14,15 mar 6:11 9:37 ac 13:
51 18:6
whosoever # lu 12:8,9 ps 22:6-8 is 53:3 mat 10:32,33 mar 8:38 #
jno 5:44
12:43 ro 1:16 2co 12:10 ga 6:14 2ti 1:12 2:12 # he 11:26 13:13
1pe 4:14-16 re
Whosoever shall receive this # lu 10:16 mat 10:40-42 18:5,6,10,
14 25:40,45
mar 9:37 jno 12:44,45 # jno 13:20 14:21 1th 4:8
Whosoever # 1sa 2:30 ps 119:46 mat 10:32,33 ro 10:9,10 2ti 2:12
1jno 2:23 #
re 2:10,13 3:4,5
whosoever # lu 1:51 18:14 1sa 15:17 job 22:29 40:10-12 ps 18:27
138:6 pr
15:33 # 18:12 29:23 is 2:11,17 57:15 mat 23:12 ja 4:6 1pe 5:5
whosoever # jno 3:16,36 1:12 6:40,47 11:25,26 12:44-46 20:31 is
45:22 # mar
16:16 ac 8:37 16:30,31 ro 5:1,2 10:9-14 ga 2:16,20 # he 7:25 10:
39 1jno
Whosoever # jno 6:27,49 is 65:13,14 lu 16:24
Whosoever # 1ki 21:25 pr 5:22 ac 8:23 ro 6:6,12,16,19,20 7:14,25
8:21 ep 2:2
# tit 3:3 2pe 2:19 1jno 3:8-10
whosoever # jno 3:15-18 4:14 5:24 6:50,54-58 8:52,53 10:28 ro 8:
13 # 1jno
whosoever # ac 9:11,15 22:16 ps 86:5 joel 2:32 mat 28:19 ro 10:
12,13 1co 1:2
# he 4:16
whosoever # ac 13:38,39 15:9 26:18 mar 16:16 jno 3:14-17 5:24 ro
8:1,34 10:11
# ga 3:22 ep 1:7 col 1:14
whosoever # 1co 10:21 le 10:1-3 nu 9:10,13 2ch 30:18-20 mat 22:
11 # jno
6:51,63,64 13:18-27
whosoever # 2:6 2co 5:16
whosoever # de 27:26 mat 5:18,19 ga 3:10
whosoever # ga 1:10
whosoever # 1jno 3:2,9 2:4 4:8 5:18 2co 3:18 4:6 3jno 11
whosoever (See on verses 7,8) # 1jno 3:7,8 2:29
whosoever # 1jno 5:1 2:29 3:9 4:6 jno 1:13 3:2-5 ja 1:18 1pe 1:23
whosoever # mar 16:16 jno 3:18,19,36 14:6 ac 4:12 he 2:3 12:25
1jno 5:11,12
whosoever # re 21:8,27 1ki 22:8,21-23 is 9:15,16 je 5:31 jno 3:
18-21 # jno
8:46 2th 2:10-12
why # je 4:14 da 4:5,19 mat 16:8 he 4:13
why doth #3:5-7; ge 50:20; 2ch 20:6; job 9:12-15;,19; 23:13,14;
ps 76:10; #is
10:6,7; 46:10,11; da 4:35; mar 14:21; ac 2:23; 4:27,28;
why # mat 6:25,31 10:10 lu 3:11 22:35,36
why # lu 6:41,42 18:11
why # mat 6:30 14:30,31 16:8 is 41:10-14 mar 4:40 lu 8:25 ro 4:20
why # mat 11:19 is 65:5 lu 5:30 15:1,2 19:7 1co 5:9-11 ga 2:15 #
he 5:2 2jno
why # mat 6:16 11:18,19 pr 20:6 mar 2:18-22 lu 5:33-39 18:9-12
why # mar 4:10,33,34
why # mat 7:3-5 mar 7:6-8,13 col 2:8,23 tit 1:14
why # mat 17:3,4 11:14 27:47-49 mal 4:5,6 mar 9:11 jno 1:21,25
why # mat 5:31 de 24:1-4 is 50:1 je 3:8 mar 10:4
why # pr 19:15 eze 16:49 ac 17:21 he 6:12
why # lu 20:5 jno 3:18 5:33-36,44-47 10:25,26 12:37-43 1jno 3:20
why # mat 16:1-4 19:3 mar 12:5 lu 10:25 jno 8:6 ac 5:9
Why # job 13:7 mar 14:6 lu 7:44-50 ga 1:7 5:12 6:17
Why # ge 37:18,19 1sa 19:3-15 20:31-33 22:14-19
why # mar 7:21 ps 139:2 pr 15:26 24:9 is 55:7 eze 38:10 lu 24:38
# ac 5:3
why # mat 6:16,18 23:5 lu 18:12 ro 10:3
why # mar 2:7,16 mat 7:3-5 15:2,3 23:23,24 he 12:3
why # ps 46:1-3 is 42:3 43:2 mat 8:26 14:31 lu 8:25 jno 6:19,20
why # lu 7:6,7 jno 11:21,32,39
why # mar 6:6 lu 16:29-31 22:67-70 jno 12:37-43
why # mat 17:19,20
why # mat 19:17 lu 18:19 jno 5:41-44 ro 3:12
why # mat 11:7-14 21:25-27,31,32 jno 1:15,29,34,36 3:29-36
why # mar 10:2 eze 17:2 ac 5:9 1co 10:9
why # ec 5:4-8 mal 1:12,13
why # is 53:9 mat 27:4,19,24,54 lu 23:4,14,15,21,41,47 jno 18:38
# 19:6 he
7:26 1pe 1:19
why # ps 27:9 42:9 71:11 is 41:17 la 1:12 5:20
Why # lu 18:12 is 58:3-6 zec 7:6 mat 9:14-17 mar 2:18-22
Why # lu 6:7-9 5:33 mat 12:2 15:2 23:23,24 mar 2:24 jno 5:9-11,
16 # lu
why # mat 7:3-5 ro 2:1,21-24
why # lu 12:29 ps 39:6 ec 7:13 1pe 5:7
why # ex 32:10 mat 3:9
Why # jno 1:15-18,30,34 3:26,36 3:26,36 5:33-36 ac 13:25
why # lu 20:20 11:16,53,54 ps 95:9 mat 16:1 22:18 1co 10:9
why # lu 23:14,20 1pe 1:19 3:18
Why # Mat 21:23 ac 4:5-7 5:28
Why # jno 7:25 5:16,18 10:31,32,39 11:53 ps 2:1-6 mat 12:14 21:
38 # mar 3:4,6
why # mat 21:25 mar 11:31
why # jno 7:46-52 8:47 9:28,29 is 53:8 ac 18:14,15 25:19,20 26:
why # jno 21:15 mat 26:31-35 mar 14:27-31 lu 22:31-34 ac 20:24
why # jno 20:15 14:27,28 16:6,7,20-22 1sa 1:8 ps 43:3-5 ec 3:4 #
je 31:16 lu
24:17 ac 21:13
why # 3:12 lu 24:5
Why # ps 2:1-6
why # ge 3:13-17 1ki 22:21,22 1ch 21:1-3 mat 4:3-11 13:19 lu 22:
3 # jno
13:2,27 ep 6:11-16 ja 4:7 1pe 5:8 re 12:9-11
why # ac 8:21,22 jos 7:25,26 job 15:35 ps 7:14 is 59:4 eze 38:10
# ja 1:15
why # ac 22:7,8 26:14,15 is 63:9 zec 2:8 mat 25:40,45 1co 12:12
ep 5:30
why # ac 10:26 re 19:19 22:9
Why # ex 17:2 is 7:12 mat 4:7 he 3:9
why # is 43:22-26 je 2:5,9 mat 25:45 27:23 1ti 1:13
why # ps 119:60 je 8:14
why # 1co 5:6 2ch 32:23-29 eze 28:2-5 29:3 da 4:30-32 # da 5:18,
23 ac
why # pr 20:22 mat 5:39-41 lu 6:29 ro 12:17-19 1th 5:15 1pe 2:19-
23 # 3:9
why # ro 14:16 2co 8:21 1th 5:22
why # 2:3,6:12 ac 15:10,11,19-21,24,28,29
why # 4:29,6:12,17 ac 21:21,28,22:21,22,23:13,14 1co 15:30 2co
why yet #9:19,20 is 10:6,7 ac 2:23; 13:27-29
wicked # mat 13:38 mar 4:15 lu 8:12 1jno 2:13,14 3:12 5:18
wicked # 1jno 3:12 5:18 mat 13:19,38
wicked # 1jno 2:13,14 3:12
widows # ac 6:1 job 29:13 ps 146:9 lu 7:12
widows # 1ti 5:9 de 10:18 14:29 16:11,14 27:19 job 29:13 31:16
ps 68:5 # ps
94:6 146:9 je 49:11 mat 23:14 lu 7:12 ac 6:1 9:39 ja 1:27
widows indeed # 1ti 5:3,5
wife # 1co 7:10,15 ro 7:2,3
wife or woman, the brethren # mat 12:46-50 13:55 mar 6:3 lu 6:15
jno 2:12 ac
1:14 ga 1:19
wife's # 1co 9:5 1ti 3:2 4:3 he 13:4
wife's # 1co 9:5
wild # de 32:13 1sa 14:25-27
wilderness # mat 11:7 jos 14:10 15:61,62 lu 7:24
wilderness # 1ki 19:4 mar 1:13
wilderness # lu 1:80 3:2 mat 3:1-5 mar 1:4,5 jno 1:23
wiles # ep 4:14 mar 13:22 2co 2:11 4:4 11:3,13-15 2th 2:9-11 1pe
5:8 # 2pe
2:1-3 re 2:24 12:9 13:11-15 19:20 20:2,3,7,8
will let out # mat 21:43 8:11 is 49:5-7 65:15 66:19-21 lu 13:28,
29 14:23,24 #
21:24 ac 13:46-48 15:7 18:6 28:8 ro 9:1 10:1 11:1 15:9-18
will # is 29:17 32:15,16 65:15 je 17:3 mal 1:11 mat 8:11-13 21:
43 # ac
13:46-48 28:23-28 ro 9:30-33 10:20,21 11:1
will # mi 4:12 mat 13:30
will appoint # ps 11:5 mat 7:22,23 13:41,42,49,50
will # jno 13:31,32 is 49:3-7 ep 2:7 3:10,21 phi 1:6-11 re 5:9-14
will # jno 14:18,22,23 16:14 ac 18:9-11 22:18 2co 3:18 4:6 12:8
# 2ti
4:17,18,22 1jno 1:1-3 re 2:17 3:20
will # 2ti 1:12 ps 37:28 73:24 92:10 mat 13:43 25:34 lu 12:32 22:
29 # jno
10:28-30 1th 5:23 ja 2:5 1pe 1:5 jude 1:24
will # 2:15 ps 143:10 mat 7:21;12:50;21:31 mar 3:35 jo 1:13;7:17
# ro
6:11;12:2 2co 5:15 ga 2:19,20 ep 5:17;6:6 col 1:9;4:12 # 1th 5:
18 he 13:21 ja
1:18 1jo 2:17
will he #1:24-28; 11:7,8; ex 4:21; 7:13; de 2:30; jos 11:20; is
63:17; #mat
13:14,15; ac 28:26-28; 2th 2:10-12;
will save # es 4:11-16 ge 26:20-24 mat 10:39 16:25 lu 9:24 17:33
# jno
12:25,26 ac 20:24 21:13 2ti 2:11-13 4:6-8 he 11:34 re 2:10 # 7:
14 12:11
will # mat 27:17-21 jno 18:39 19:4,5,14-16 ac 3:13-15
will arise # 1ki 20:30,31 2ki 7:3,4 2ch 33:12,13,19 ps 32:5 116:
3-7 je 31:6-9
# 50:4,5 la 3:18-22,29,40 ho 2:6,7 14:1-3 jon 2:4 3:9
Will # jos 24:15-22 ru 1:11-18 2sa 15:19,20 lu 14:25-33
Will # jno 8:48,52 7:20 10:20 ps 22:6 31:18 123:4 he 12:3 13:13
will # jno 6:44 ca 1:4 ho 11:4
will # jno 14:14 4:10,14 5:19 7:37 10:30 16:7 2co 12:8-10 phi 4:
will not # jno 14:16,27 16:33 ps 23:4 is 43:1 51:12 66:11-13 2co
1:2-6 # 2th
2:16 he 2:18
will come # jno 14:3,28 ps 101:2 ho 6:3 mat 18:20 28:20
will guide # jno 14:26 1co 2:10-13 ep 4:7-15 1jno 2:20,27
will # ac 20:30 je 23:36 mat 23:13 lu 11:52 ga 1:7
will # ho 9:7 jno 10:20 ac 2:13 26:24
will # 2co 12:9 1:6,14 2:3 7:3 jno 10:10,11 ga 4:10 phi 2:17 col
1:24 # 1th
2:8 2ti 2:10
will # ps 138:8 jno 6:29 ep 4:12 1th 5:23,24 2th 1:11 1pe 5:10
will # col 2:8,18,22
will # is 45:22 49:6 55:1 eze 18:23,32 33:11 lu 14:23 jno 3:15-
17 6:37 # ro
3:29,30 2co 5:17-19 1th 2:15,16 tit 2:11 2pe 3:9
will fight # re 2:12 1:16 19:15,21 is 11:4 49:2 ep 6:17 2th 2:8
will sup # re 19:9 lu 12:37 17:8
willing # 2co 5:6 12:2,3 lu 2:29 ac 21:13 phi 1:20-24 2ti 4:7,8
2pe 1:14,15 #
2pe 3:11,12
willing #9:17; 1:18; 2:4,5; ex 9:16; ps 90:11; pr 16:4 re 6:16,
willing # pr 29:25 ps 57:11 mat 27:26 lu 23:24,25 jno 19:1,16 ac
24:27 # 25:9
ga 1:19
willing # lu 16:15 18:9-11 le 19:34 job 32:2 ro 4:2 10:3 ga 3:11
ja 2:24
willing # ac 12:3 25:9,14 ex 23:2 pr 29:25 mar 15:15 lu 23:24,25
ga 1:10
willing # ac 25:3,20 12:3 24:27 mar 15:15
willing # ac 27:3,11,31 23:10,24 pr 16:7 2co 11:25
willing, remove. Willing to remove. Cup # luke 22:17-20 is 51:17,
22 je 25:15
mat 20:22 jno 18:11
wilt # lu 9:49-54 1co 5:3-7 2co 2:6-11 1th 5:14 jude 1:22,23
wilt # 2sa 21:2 2ki 10:16,31 ja 1:19,20 3:14-18
Wilt # is 65:1 je 13:27 lu 18:41
wilt # pr 16:18 28:26 29:23 1co 10:12
wilt # 1pe 2:13,14;3:13,14
win # mat 13:44-46 he 3:14 1jno 1:3
wind # ps 89:9 la 3:31
wind # re 6:6 9:4 is 27:3
wind # Job 37:10-13,16,17,21-23 ps 107:25,29 ec 11:4,5 eze 37:9
ac 2:2 # ac
4:31 1co 2:11 12:11
winds # mat 14:24 mar 6:48
winepress # is 63:1-3 La 1:15
winter # ac 27:12 28:11 tit 3:12
wisdom # 1co 1:30 pr 8:1,22-30 co 2:3
wisdom # 1co 1:19,20 2:6 is 19:11-14 29:14-16 44:25 ro 1:21,22
wisdom # 15,1:5,17 ge 41:38,39 ex 36:2 1ki 3:9,12,28 1ch 22:12 #
28:12,23,28 pr 2:6 is 11:2,3 da 1:17 lu 21:15 # 1co 2:6,7,12:8
wisdom # 1co 1:24 12:8 pr 1:20 2:6 8:5 da 2:20 lu 21:15 jno 1:18
8:12 # 14:6
17:8,26 2co 4:6 ep 1:17,18 3:9,10 col 2:2,3 3:16 # 2ti 3:15-17
ja 1:5
wisdom # col 3:16 4:5 ps 119:99 ep 1:8 ja 1:5 3:17
wisdom # 17,1:5,17 jno 3:17 1co 3:3 phi 3:19
wisdom. Probably by the [Wisdom of God] we are to understand the
[], or Word
of God, that is, our Lord himself; this being a dignified and
oriental mode
of expression of [I say], as it is in the parallel passage. # Pr
1:2 8:1-12
9:1-3 1co 1:30 col 2:3
wise # pr 11:30 1co 2:6 3:10 col 1:28
wise # ge 3:1,13 lu 21:15 ro 16:19 1co 14:20 2co 11:3,14 ep 5:15-
17 # col 1:9
wished # de 28:67 ps 130:6
wist not. That is, he knew not; wist being the preter tense of
the obsolete
verb to wis, from the Saxon wissan, in German wissen, and Dutch
wysen, to
think, imagine, know # ac 10:3,17 11:5 ge 45:26 ps 126:1 2co 12:
witchcraft # eze 22:18 de 18:10 1sa 15:23 1ch 10:13,14 2ch 33:6
# ac
with # ps 2:1,2 3:1,2 22:11-13
with # mar 15:1 mat 26:3 ac 4:5,6
with # is 4:4 zec 13:9 mal 3:2,3 ac 2:3,4,17,18
with # ac 7:36 ex 6:1-14:31 15:1-21 18:11 de 4:20,34 7:19 1sa 4:
8 # ne 9:9-12
ps 77:13-20 78:12,13,42-53 105:26-39 106:7-11 114:1-8 # ps 136:
10-15 is
63:9-14 je 32:20,21 am 2:10 mi 6:4 7:15,16
with #10:9; 1jno 4:15; re 2:13;
with #jno 4:23,24 ac 19:21 1co 14:14,15 phi 3:3
with # 7:24 ps 6:3,9; 42:1-5; 55:1,2; 69:3; 77:1-3; 88:1-3; 102:
#119:81,82; 143:4-7 lu 22:44 2co 5:2,4; 12:8
with our #2co 1:12 1jno 3:19-22; 5:10
with patience #8:23; 2:7; 12:12; ge 49:18; ps 27:14; 37:7-9; 62:
1,5,6; #
130:5-7; is 25:9; 26:8; la 3:25,26 lu 8:15; 21:19; col 1:11 #
1th 1:3; 2th
3:5; he 6:12,15; 10:36; 12:1-3; ja 1:3,4; # ja 1:3,4; 5:7-11; re
1:9; 13:10;
with the brightness #1:8,9 he 10:27
with their #3:4 ps 5:9; 12:3,3;36:3; 52:2; 57:4 is 59:3 je 9:3-5
eze 13:7
#mat 12:34,35 ja 3:5-8
with # is 1:31 66:24 je 7:20 17:27 eze 20:47,48 mar 9:43-48
with # ge 32:3-8,13-22 33:3-11 1sa 25:17-35 pr 6:1-6 25:8 lu 12:
58,59 #
with # mat 13:41,49 da 7:10 zec 14:5 2th 1:7-10 jude 14
with # nu 10:1-10 ps 81:3 is 27:13 1co 15:52 1th 4:16
with # de 23:19,20
with # mat 13:43 16:28 25:34 is 25:6 lu 12:32 22:18,29,30 re 7:17
with # mat 5:24-36 ex 20:7 is 48:1 zec 5:3,4 8:17 mal 3:5 ac 5:3,
with # ezr 3:12,13 ps 2:11 mar 16:8 lu 24:36-41 jno 16:20,22 20:
with anger. With anger at their desperate malice and wickedness,
and with
commiseration for the calamities which they would thereby bring
themselves. # lu 6:10 13:15 ep 4:26 re 6:16
with # mat 7:2 lu 6:37,38 2co 9:6
with # mat 13:34,35
with # mar 5:8 1:23,26 3:30 7:25 lu 9:42
with haste # pr 1:16 ro 3:15
with # 2sa 16:12 2ki 20:5 ps 39:12 126:5 je 14:17 lu 7:38,44 #
ac 10:19,31
2co 2:4 2ti 1:4 he 5:7 12:17
with men # ge 18:13,14 nu 11:21-23 2ki 7:2 zec 8:6 mat 19:26 lu
with persecutions # mat 5:11,12 jno 16:22,23 ac 5:41 16:25 ro 5:
3 ja 1:2-4,12
5:11 # 1pe 4:12-16
with # lu 18:27 ge 18:14 nu 11:23 job 13:2 je 32:17,27 zec 8:6
mat 19:26 #
mar 10:27 phi 3:21
with # lu 1:39 ec 9:10
with # de 19:16-21 ju 1:7 es 7:10 9:25 ps 18:25,26 41:1,2 mat 7:
2 # mar 4:24
ja 2:13 re 16:5,6
with # lu 6:11 jno 5:15,16 ro 10:2
with # is 22:4,5 mi 7:4
with # mat 16:27,28 25:31
with desire, I have desired. or, I have heartily desired. # luke
12:50 jno
4:34 13:1 17:1
with # jno 14:3 17:24 2co 5:8 phi 1:23
with # ps 30:11 jno 14:28 16:7,22 1pe 1:8
with # jno 1:18 16:28 17:5 pr 8:22-30 1jno 1:2
with the # mat 27:55 mar 15:40 16:1 lu 8,2,3 23:49,55 24:10 jno
with his # mat 13:55,56 mar 3:31-35
with # Nu 22:6,17 jos 7:21-26 2ki 5:20-27 job 20:12-15 mat 25:15
2pe 2:15 #
2pe 2:16
with # ac 1:26
with # he 6:17
with # ac 15:32 20:2,9,11 28:23 jno 21:25
with # ac 4:30 1:8,22 2:32,33 3:15,16 5:12-16 mar 16:20 lu 24:48,
49 # ro
15:18,19 1th 1:5 he 2:4
with the # ac 7:30,35,53 is 63:9 ga 3:19 he 2:2
with one # ac 13:44 2ch 30:12 mat 20:15,16 jno 4:41,42
with # ac 10:7 16:15 18:8 ge 18:19 jos 24:15 job 1:5 ps 101:6-8
with the church, or in the church # ac 14:23,27 1co 4:17 11:18
with # 1ki 19:1,10 je 26:23 he 11:37
with the # ac 2:4 4:31 ga 5:22 ep 5:18-20
with all # 1co 15:9,10 2co 3:5 7:5 12:7-10 ga 4:13,14
with # ac 20:19
with # de 29:11,12 jos 24:15 2ch 20:13 ne 12:43 mat 14:21
with # ac 12:21 es 1:4 ec 1:2 is 5:14 14:11 eze 7:24 30:18 32:12
# 33:28 da
4:30 1co 7:31 ja 1:11 1pe 1:24 1jno 2:16
with # ac 26:10 1ki 21:8-10 ps 94:20,21 is 10:1 je 26:8 29:26,27
# jno
7:45-48 11:57
with us # ac 16:10-13,17 20:5 21:5 28:2,10,12,16
with # ac 4:29,31 ep 6:19,20 phi 1:14 col 4:3,4 2ti 4:17
with simplicity or liberality # 2co 1:12;8:2;11:3 ep 6:5 col 3:22
with diligence # ec 9:10
with brotherly love or in the love of the brethren # job 1:4 ps
with # 9-11 zep 3:9 zec 13:9 ac 4:24,32
with your company Gr. with you # 32
with # ac 20:37 1co 16:20 2co 13:12 1th 5:26 1pe 5:14
with # ac 7:59,60 9:14,21 22:16 2th 2:16,17 2ti 2:22
with # 1co 2:4,13 1:17 ex 4:10 je 1:6,7 ro 16:18 2co 10:10 11:6
with # 1co 5:13 mat 18:17 ro 16:17 2th 3:6,14 1ti 6:5 2jno 1:10
with # de 28:49 is 28:11,12 je 5:15
with # 1co 15:38-53 mat 22:29,30 phi 3:21
with # 2co 3:13
with # 2co 7:10,11 ezr 9:4 10:9 job 21:6 ps 2:11 119:120 is 66:2
ho 13:1 # ac
16:29 ep 6:5 phi 2:12
with # 2co 8:6,18
with # 2co 13:14 mat 1:23 2th 3:16 re 22:21
with # ep 1:10,15 de 33:2,3 2ch 6:41 ps 116:15 132:9 145:10 zec
14:5 # 2co
13:13 col 1:4
with # job 15:16 is 56:11 2pe 2:12-14,22 jude 11 re 17: 1-6 18:3
with # ge 4:8 27:41 37:4,21 le 19:17,18 2sa 13:22 pr 10:12 26:24,
25 # ec 7:9
ro 1:29 1co 5:8 14:20 col 3:8 tit 3:3 1jno 3:12,15
with # eze 16:9 36:25 zec 13:1 jno 3:5 ac 22:16 tit 3:5-7 he 10:
22 # 1pe 3:21
1jno 5:6
with # 1co 2:3 2co 7:15 phi 2:12 1pe 3:2
with # phi 2:2 3:18 4:1 lu 15:7,10 col 2:5 1th 2:19,20 phile 7
2jno 4
with # ph 1:14 2co 2:14-16
with # Job 19:26,27 ps 49:15 lu 8:38 23:43 jno 14:3 17:24 ac 7:
59 # 2co 5:8
1th 4:17 re 14:13
with # ezr 10:3 ps 2:11 119:120 is 66:2,5 ac 9:6 16:29 1co 2:3
2co 7:15 # ep
6:5 he 4:1 12:28,29
with # is 52:7 lu 2:10,11 ac 2:46 8:8 ro 10:15 ep 4:9-12
with # is 8:10 41:10 mat 1:23 28:20 2ti 4:22
with # col 1:12,13 3:17 ep 5:20 1th 5:18 he 13:15
with joy # jno 14:16-18 ac 5:41,9:31,13:52 ro 5:3-5,8:16-18,15:
13 # ga 5:22
he 10:34 1pe 1:6,8
with # de 33:2 zec 14:5 2th 1:10 jude 14
with a # nu 23:21 ps 47:1,5 zec 4:7,9:9
with the trump # ex 19:16,20:18 is 27:13 zec 9:14 1co 15:52 re 1:
with # 1co 16:21 col 4:18
with # lu 7:47-50 1th 5:8 2ti 1:13 1jno 4:10
with shamefacedness # pr 7:10 is 3:16 tit 2:3-5
with # 1ti 5:6-10 pr 31:31 ac 9:36,39 ep 2:10 tit 2:14 3:8 1pe 2:
12 # 2pe
1:6-8 re 2:19
with # phi 4:8 tit 2:2,7
with # 1ti 4:4 1sa 9:13 mat 14:19 15:36 lu 24:30 jno 6:23 ac 27:
35 # ro 14:6
1co 10:30,31 col 3:17
with # 1ti 5:22 ac 6:6 8:17 13:3 19:6 2ti 1:6
with # 1ti 4:12 phi 4:8 1th 5:22 2ti 2:22 06622-900102-2118-
with # ac 23:1 24:16 ro 1:9 9:1 2co 1:12 1ti 1:5,19 he 13:8
with # ro 2:7 9:23 2co 4:17 col 1:27 2th 2:14 1pe 5:10
with # mat 7:29 mar 1:22,27 lu 4:36
with me # ro 16:21-24
with him (See on verse 10) # he 3:10
with # ec 12:14 mat 7,21,22 25:31,32 jno 5:22-29 ac 17:31 ro 2:
16 # 14:9-12
2co 5:10 re 20:11-15
with # mat 27:46,50 mar 15:34,37
with # 10:3,4,11-18 7:18,19 9:8,9,25
with patience # he 6:15 10:36 mat 10:22 24:13 lu 8:15 ro 2:7 5:3-
5 8:24,25
12:12 # ja 1:3 5:7-11 2pe 1:6 re 1:9 3:10 13:10
with reverence # he 4:16 5:7 10:19,22 le 10:3 ps 2:11 89:7 pr 28:
24 ro 11:20
# 1pe 1:17 re 15:4
with such # he 6:10 ps 51:19 mi 6:7,8 phi 4:18
with joy # phi 1:4 2:16 4:1 1th 2:19,20 3:9,10
with grief # ex 32:31 je 13:17 phi 3:18
with # ja 1:21 1co 4:15 ep 1:12 1pe 1:23 1jno 3:9
with # 3:9,3:17 le 19:15 de 1:17,16:19 2ch 19:7 pr 24:23 # pr 28:
21 mat 22:16
ro 1:11 1ti 5:21 jude 1:16
with meekness # 17,1:21 nu 12:3 ps 25:9,45:4,149:4 is 11:4,29:19,
61:1 # zep
2:3 mat 5:5,11:29,21:5 2co 10:1 ga 5:23,6:1 ep 4:2 # col 3:12
1ti 6:11 2ti
2:25 tit 3:2 1pe 3:4,15
with #jno 15:26;16:7-15 ac 2:4,33;4:8,31;10:44 2co 1:22;6:6 1th
1:5,6 he 2:4
with # 2:22-24;3:18 da 9:24 zec 13:7 mat 20:28;26:28 ac 20:28 #
ep 1:7 col
1:14 he 9:12-14 1jo 1:7;2:2 re 1:5;5:9
with # 12 job 5:16 ps 107:42 tit 2:8
with # 5,6,15 ep 5:33;6:5 col 3:22
with # 2,4 2ti 2:25,26
with a # ro 16:16 1co 16:20 2co 13:12 1th 5:26
with # 1:16 ps 18:44;66:3;81:15 lu 20:20;22:47 1th 2:5
with his # 1jno 5:10,11 col 1:13 1th 1:10
with death # re 6:8
with # is 40:3,6,9 44:23 55:7,8 58:1 ho 8:1
with you #ep 4:5 tit 1:4 2pe 1:1 jude 1:3
with, rather, as Dr. Doddridge renders, with consciousness of
(some religious
regard to) the idol, and formerly conscience, also imports # 1co
10:28,29 ro 14:14,23
withered # 1ki 13:4 jno 5:3
withered # 1ki 13:4 zec 11:17 mar 3:1-4
within you. or, among you # lu 10:9-11 mat 12:28 jno 1:26
witholdeth #2:7
without # le 4:20,26,35 5:10,12,18 6:7 17:11
without #ac 22:1
without #3:20,21,27 ep 2:8-10 2ti 1:9
without #la 1:6 da 11:15
without #mat 5:21; 15:4-6 mar 7:8-13
without understanding #1:20,21 3:11 pr 18:2 is 27:11 je 4:22 mat
without or, severed from # ac 4:12
without # mat 10:8 ro 3:24 2co 11:7 ga 2:21 2th 3:8 re 21:6 22:17
without # ac 25:6
without # 1co 4:18 ac 20:29,30 phi 1:27 2:12
without # 1co 16:11 1th 4:12
without # de 32:25 1co 15:31
without # ep 5:27 1co 1:8 phi 2:15 col 1:22 2pe 3:14
without # jno 10:16 15:5 col 1:21
without # 2ch 15:3 is 44:6 45:20 ho 3:4 ac 14:15,16 ro 1:28-32
1co 8:4-6 #
10:19,20 ga 4:8 1th 4:5
without # mat 16:23 18:6,7 26:33 ro 14:20,21 16:17 1co 8:13 10:
32 2co 6:3 #
ga 5:11 1th 3:13
without # lu 1:74 12:5-7
without # phi 2:3 ex 16:7,8 nu 14:27 ps 106:25 mat 20:11 mar 14:
5 ac 6:1 #
1co 10:10 ja 5:9 1pe 4:9 jude 16
without # mar 14:58 ac 7:48 17:24 2co 5:1 ep 2:11 he 9:11,24
without # 1ki 3:11 ps 35:13 mat 5:22-24,44 6:12,14,15 mar 11:25
lu 23:34 # ac
7:60 1pe 3:7
without # he 7:7
without preferring. or, without prejudice # le 19:15 de 1:7 33:9
pr 18:5 lu
20:21 ac 15:37,38 2co 5:16
without # ca 4:7 ep 5:27 he 9:14 1pe 1:19 2pe 3:14
without # phile 8,9 2co 1:24 1pe 5:3
without # 1ti 3:16
without # le 22:20 nu 19:2-21 28:3,9,11 de 15:21 17:1 is 53:9 da
9:24-26 #
2co 5:21 1pe 1:19 2:22 1jno 3:5
without # ro 6:10 8:3
without # de 19:13 is 27:11 je 13:14 ro 9:15 ja 2:13
without # he 3:12,18,19 4:2,6 nu 14:11 20:12 ps 78:22,32 106:21,
22,24 # is
7:9 mar 16:17 jno 3:18,19 8:24 ga 5:6 re 21:8
without # 2:4 mal 2:9 1ti 5:21
without # 2co 9:7 phi 2:14 phm 14 ja 5:9
without # Ca 4:7 da 6:4 ho 10:2 lu 23:4 ep 5:27 col 1:22 jude 24
without # re 11:8 he 13:11,12
without # re 9:20,21 21:8,27 1co 6:9,10 ga 5:19-21 ep 5:3-6 col
without. # ps 7:4 25:3 35:19 69:4 109:3 la 3:52 jno 15:25
withstood # ex 7:11-13 1ki 22:24 je 28:1,10,11 29:24-32 2ti 3:8
withstood # 2ti 3:8
witness # re 1:9 11:3,7 12:11
witness # ac 1:8 4:33 jno 15:27 he 2:3
witnesses # ac 6:13 de 13:9,10 17:7
witnesses # jos 24:22 job 15:5,6 ps 64:8 lu 19:22
witnesses # jno 15:16
witnesses # 1:5 1sa 12:3-5 ac 20:18,26,33,34 2co 4:2,5:11,11:11,
witnesses # lu 16:28 jno 3:32 4:39,44 1pe 5:12 re 22:16
witnesses # re 20:4 lu 24:48 jno 15:27 ac 1:8 2:32 3:15 13:31
witnessing # ac 20:20-27 re 11:18 20:12
woe # mat 18:7 23:13-29 26:24 je 13:27 lu 11:42-52 jude 11
woe # mat 23:14,15,27,29 is 9:14,15 33:14 zec 11:17 lu 11:43,44
woe # lu 12:15-21 18:23-25 job 21:7-15 ps 49:6,7,16-19 73:3-12
pr 1:32 # je
5:4-6 am 4:1-3 6:1-6 hag 2:9 1ti 6:17 ja 2:6 5:1-6 re 18:6-8
woe # mat 23:13,23,27
Woe # is 10:1 mat 23:2-4 ga 6:13
woe # luke 23:29 de 28:56,57 la 4:10 he 9:12-17 13:16 mat 24:19
# mar 13:17
woe # is 6:5 lu 9:62 col 4:17
woe # is 3:9,11 je 13:27 eze 13:3 zec 11:17, # mat 11:21 23:13-
16 lu 11:42-47
Woe # re 9:1,12 11:14 eze 2:10
woe # Re 9:1,2
Woe # re 8:13 9:12 11:10,14
wolf coming # mat 7:15 10:16 ac 20:29
wolves # zep 3:3 mat 7:15 jno 10:12 ac 20:29
wolves # zep 3:3 mat 7:15 10:16 lu 10:8 jno 10:12 2pe 2:1
woman # mar 4:41 lu 1:12,29 8:47
woman # re 12:4,14
woman # re 16:19 18:2 da 2:40,41 7:23 lu 2:1
woman #ge 2:23,24 nu 30:7,8 1co 7:4,39
woman # mat 3:8,9 ps 45:12 eze 3:6 mar 7:26
Woman # lu 6:8-10 ps 107:20 is 65:1 mat 8:16
Woman # jno 19:26,27 20:13,15 mat 15:28
woman # ge 3:16 is 26:16-18 je 30:6,7 ho 13:13,14 mi 4:10 re 12:
woman # jno 2:4
woman # jno 2:4 19:26
women # luke 23:27,55 8:2 mat 27:55,56,61 mar 15:40,41,47 jno 19:
women # ps 38:11 mat 27:55,56 lu 23:49 jno 19:25-27
women # 1co 11:5 1ti 2:11,12
women # 1pe 3:3-5 2pe 3:11
Women # 1ki 17:22-24 2ki 4:27-37 lu 7:12-16 jno 11:40-45 ac 9:41
won # pr 11:30;18:19 mat 18:15 1co 9:19-22 ja 5:19,20
wonder (or sign) # mat 12:38 24:30 lu 21:11,25
wonder (or sign) # re 12:1
wondered # ac 3:10 13:44 hab 1:5 jno 5:20 7:21
wondered # lu 2:33,47 1:65,66 4:36 5:9,10 is 8:18
wonderful # ex 15:11 job 9:10 ps 26:7 40:5 71:17 77:11 78:4 89:5
96:3 107:8 #
ps 107:15,21 111:4 136:4 is 25:1 28:29 da 4:2,3 1co 12:10,28 #
he 2:4
wood # pr 30:6 je 23:28 mat 15:6-9 ac 20:30 ro 16:17 2co 2:17 #
2co 4:2 col
2:8,18-23 1ti 4:1-8 6:3 2ti 2:16-18 3:7,13 # 2ti 4:3 tit 1:9-11
3:9-11 he
13:9 re 2:14
word # mat 4:23 lu 8:11 9:2 10:9 ac 20:25 28:23 ro 14:17 2co 4:2,
3 # ep 3:8
word # mar 2:2 col 1:5,6 1pe 1:23-25
word # mar 7:9 is 8:20 je 8:8,9 ho 8:12 mat 5:17-20 15:6 tit 1:14
word # lu 1:59-63 je 1:2 2:1 eze 1:3 ho 1:1,2 jon 1:1 mi 1:1 zep
Word # jno 1:14 1jno 1:1,2 5:7 re 19:13
Word was # jno 10:30-33 20:28 ps 45:6 is 7:14 9:6 40:9-11 mat 1:
23 ro 9:5 #
phi 2:6 1ti 3:16 tit 2:13 he 1:8-13 2pe 1:1 1jno 5:7,20
Word # jno 1:1 is 7:14 mat 1:16,20-23 lu 1:31-35 2:7,11 ro 1:3,4
9:5 # 1co
15:47 ga 4:4 phi 2:6-8 1ti 3:16 he 2:11,14-17 10:5 1jno 4:2,3 #
2jno 7
word # jno 3:17-20 mar 16:16 2co 2:15,16 4:3 1th 1:8
word # ac 12:24 19:20 col 1:6 2ti 2:9
word # ac 20:24,32 ro 1:16
word # 2co 5:18
word # 2co 1:18-20 4:2 7:14 ps 119:43 ep 1:13 4:21 col 1:5 2ti 2:
15 # ja 1:18
word # ps 119:43 2co 6:7 2ti 2:15 ja 1:18
word # jno 6:63,68 ac 13:26 2ti 2:15-17 he 4:12 1pe 1:23 1jno 1:1
word # col 3:16 ac 10:36 13:26 ro 10:8 2co 5:19 6:7 ep 1:13 #
1th 2:13 1ti
1:15 1pe 2:2
word # jno 5:39,40 2ti 3:15 he 4:12,13 1pe 1:11,12 re 19:10
word of God # je 23:28,29 lu 5:1,8:11,21,11:28 ac 8:14,13:44,46
ro 10:17 # he
4:12 1pe 1:25 2pe 1:16-21
word # ac 6:7;12:24;13:49;19:20 1co 16:9 2ti 2:9
word # ec 8:4 ro 1:16 2co 4:7
word # he 13:7 is 49:2 lu 8:11 ac 4:31 2co 2:17 4:2 re 20:4
word # ps 119:123 ro 1:17,18 10:5,6 2co 3:9 2ti 3:16
word # he 7:21 ps 110:4
word # 23 ps 102:12,26;119:89 is 40:8 mat 5:18 lu 16:17
Word # 1jno 5:7 jno 1:14 5:26 re 19:13
word # ps 119:11 jno 5:38 8:31 15:7 col 3:16 he 8:10 2jno 2 3jno
word # re 1:9 13:10 14:12
word # re 12:17 1:2,9 6:9 11:7 19-10
word #de 30:14;
word of faith #10:17; 1:16,17; is 57:19; mar 16:15,16; ac 10:43;
13:38,39; #
ac 16:31; ga 3:2,5; 1ti 4:6; 1pe 1:23,25;
word # jno 5:16 7:32 8:59 10:31 11:57 13:16 mat 10:24 lu 2:34 6:
40 # ac
4:27-30 7:52-60 1th 2:15
word # jno 8:40 2sa 7:28 ps 12:6 19:7 119:144,151,152 ep 4:21 #
2ti 2:25,26
word # ac 2:38,39 3:25,26 11:19 13:46 mat 10:6 lu 24:47
word # 1ti 4:6,16 2ti 4:2
word # lu 8:11 ac 4:31 13:46 ro 10:17 1th 2:13 re 1:9 6:9 20:4
words # jno 6:68 12:49,50 de 32:47 ps 19:7-10 119:50,93,130 ro
10:8-10,17 #
1co 2:9-14 2co 3:6-8 1th 2:13 he 4:12 ja 1:18 1pe 1:23
words # mat 22:21 28:20 1th 4:1,2,8
words # jno 3:32-34 5:19 6:38-40 7:16,28,29 8:28,38,40 12:49 17:8
words # ac 10:6,22,32,33,43 16:31 ps 19:7-11 mar 16:16 jno 6:63,
68 12:50 #
jno 20:31 ro 1:16,17 10:9,10 1jno 5:9-13
words # tit 1:9 2:7,8
words or speech lest # 1co 2:5
words # is 58:4 ac 15:2 ro 2:8 13:13 14:1 1co 3:3 11:16,18 2co
11:20 # ga
5:15,20,21,26 phi 1:15 2:3,14 tit 3:9 ja 1:19 2:14-18 # 4:1,2,5,
6 1pe 2:1:2
work # ac 9:15 14:26 mat 9:38 lu 10:1 ep 3:7 1ti 2:7 2ti 1:11 he
work # ro 15:19 col 1:25,28 4:17 2ti 4:2,5-8
work # ep 2:10 phi 1:6
work # 1co 16:10 jno 6:28,29 phi 2:30 1th 1:3 tit 2:14 he 13:21
work # ac 1:17,25 20:24 ro 12:7 1co 4:1,2 2co 3:8 4:1 5:18 6:3
col 4:17 # 1ti
1:12 2ti 4:5,11
work # 1co 15:53 16:10
work #jno 6:27-29 ep 1:19,20 1th 1:3;2:13 he 12:2
work #is 28:22; 30:12-14; da 9:26,27; mat 24:21;
work # 1co 3:12,13 re 3:18
work # phi 3:13,14 pr 10:16 13:4 mat 11:12,29 lu 13:23,24 jno 6:
27-29 # ro
2:7 1co 9:24-27 15:58 ga 6:7-9 1th 1:3 he 4:11 6:10,11 12:1 #
2pe 1:5-10 3:18
work # 1co 13:4-7 ga 5:6,13 1th 1:3 1jno 3:17,18
workers # 2co 5:18-20 1co 3:9
worketh # 1co 13:4-7
worketh # 1co 12:11 3:7 job 33:29 jno 5:17 ep 1:19-22 col 1:29
phi 2:13 # he
worketh # ps 119:67,71 mat 5:12 ro 5:3-5 phi 1:19 2th 1:4,6 he
12:10,11 # ja
worketh # ac 14:3,9,10,19:11,12 ro 15:19 1co 1:4,5 2co 10:4,12:
worketh # re 17:4,5
working # 1co 12:28,29 mar 16:17,20 lu 24:49 jno 14:12 ac 1:8 ro
15:19 # ga
3:5 he 2:4
working # is 25:8 26:19 ho 13:14 mat 22:29 28:18 jno 5:25-29 11:
24-26 # 1co
15:25-27,53-56 ep 1:19,20 re 1:8,18 20:11-15
working # 1th 4:11 1ti 5:13 1pe 4:15
working # re 13:13,14 19:20 de 13:1,2 mat 24:24 mar 13:22 2th 2:9
working. or, doing # phi 2:13
works # jno 3:2 9:30-33 10:25,37,38 11:37 14:10-11 15:24 17:4 ac
2:22 # mat
works # jno 10:32,33 3:2 5:36 7:31 11:47 12:37 14:11 20:30 ac 2:
22 10:38 # he
works # 5:13,17,6:8 ps 17:4 jno 3:6 ro 7:5,18,25,8:3,5,9,13 1co
3:3 # 1pe 4:2
works # de 4:19 ps 8:3,4 19:1 is 64:8
works # ge 1:31 ex 20:11
works # job 24:14-17 jno 3:19-21 ep 5:11 1th 5:5-7 1jo 1:5-7;2:8,
works # ep 4:22 job 24:13-17 jno 3:19-21 ro 1:22-32 13:12 1th 5:7
world # Job 20:4 is 64:4 lu 1:70 re 16:18
world # jno 3:26 17:21 ps 22:27 49:1 is 27:6 ac 17:6 1jno 2:2
world # jno 7:7 15:18-21 ge 3:15 pr 29:27 zec 11:8 mat 10:24,25
# 1pe 4:4,5
1jno 3:12
world # jno 8:19,55 15:21 16:3 mat 11:27 lu 10:22 ac 17:23 26:18
# ro 1:28
3:11 1co 1:21 15:34 2co 4:4 ga 4:8,9 2th 1:8 he 8:11 # 1jno 5:19,
20 re 13:8
world # mat 11:25 lu 10:21 ro 1:20-22,28
world # ga 1:4 2:20 5:24 ac 20:23,24 ro 6:6 1co 15:58 2co 5:14-
16 # phi
1:20,21 3:8,9 col 3:1-3 1jno 2:15-17 5:4,5
world # he 6:5 2pe 3:13 re 11:15
world # ps 39:6 73:18-20 90:9 102:26 is 40:6-8 mat 24:35 1co 7:
31 ja 1:10 #
1:11 4:14 1pe 1:24
world # jno 15:18,19 16:3 17:25 col 3:3
world #11:15,33; 9:23; ep 3:8; col 1:27;
world # jno 15:19 lu 6:26 ja 4:4 1jno 4:5
Wormwood # de 29:18 ru 1:20 pr 5:4 je 9:15 23:15 la 3:5,19 am 5:
7 6:12 # he
worship # mat 2:10,11 ps 45:11 jno 5:23 9:38 20:28 he 1:6
worship me. or, fall down before me. # lu 8:28 17:16 ps 72:11 is
45:14 46:6
mat 2:11 re 4:10 5:8 22:8
worship # Jno 4:23 # jno 14:6 mat 28:19 ep 2:18 3:14 1pe 1:17
worship # mal 1:11 jno 4:23,24 ro 1:9 7:6 8:15,26,27 ep 6:18
jude 20
worship # re 4:9 7:11 15:4 22:8,9 1ch 29:20 2ch 7:3 ps 95:6 mat
4:9,10 # lu
worship # le 17:7 de 32:17 2ki 22:17 2ch 34:25 ps 106:37 is 2:8
je 25:6 # je
44:8 ac 7:41 19:26 1co 10:20,21 1ti 4:1
worship # re 4:11 ex 20:11 ne 9:6 ps 33:6 95:5 124:8 146:5,6 pr
8:22-31 # je
10:10 ac 14:15 17:23-25
worship # re 4:10 14:7 15:4 ex 34:14 2ki 17:36 ps 45:11 mat 4:10
jno 4:22-24
# phi 3:3
worship God # re 4:10 9:20 14:7 15:4 ex 34:14 2ki 17:36 ps 45:11
mat 4:9 lu
4:7 # jno 4:22,23
worshipped # ge 47:31
worshipped # re 4:10 15:4 19:4 22:9 ps 45:11 97:7 mat 4:10 jno 5:
23 he 1:6
worshipped # mat 2:2 4:9,10 14:33 ps 2:12 95:6 jno 5:22,23 ac 10:
25,26 # re
19:10 22:8-10
worshipped # mat 2:11 4:9 14:33 15:25 18:26 28:9,17 mar 1:40 5:6,
7 lu 5:12 #
jno 9:38 1co 14:25 re 19:10 22:8,9
worshipped # mat 8:2 14:33 15:25 17:14 20:20 28:17 mar 5:22 lu
17:15,16 # ac
worshipped # mat 15:25 28:9,17 lu 24:52
worshipped # mat 14:33
worshipped # mat 28:17 14:33 lu 24:52 jno 20:28 re 5:11-14
worshipped # mat 28:9 ps 2:12 45:11 jno 5:23
worshipped # ac 8:27 10:2 18:7 jno 12:20
worshipped # ac 10:2,22 13:42 16:14 17:4
worshipping # mat 2:11 8:2 14:33 15:25 28:17
worshipping # da 11:38 ro 1:25 1co 8:5,6 1ti 4:1 re 19:10 22:8,9
worthy # lu 7:6,7 20:35 mat 10:11,13,37,38 re 3:4
worthy # jno 1:12 3:16,17,36 ac 11:1,18 1jno 5:11
worthy # ps 119:9 ca 1:3 is 7:14,9:6,7 je 23:6 mat 1:23 # ac 4:
12 phi 2:9-11
re 19:13,16
Worthy # rev 5:9 zec 13:7
wot #ge 44:15; ex 32:1; ac 3:17; 7:40; phi 1:22
wot # ac 7:40 ge 21:26 39:8 44:15 ex 32:1 nu 22:6 ro 11:2 phi 1:
would # mar 2:1 3:7 6:31,32 is 42:2 mat 9:28 1ti 5:25
would # ac 10:25 da 2:46
would #1:5 col 1:12 re 3:1
would # ge 37:30,33-35 42:36 job 14:10
would not # ex 22:2,3
would # ge 19:2 32:26 lu 24:28
would # lu 7:37 15:2,28-30 18:9-11 is 65:5 mat 9:12,13 20:16 21:
would # ac 15:37,40
would # 1co 12:28-30 13:4 nu 11:28,29
Would # nu 11:29 jos 7:7 2ki 5:3 ac 26:29 1co 4:8
wound # jno 11:44 20:5-7 ac 5:6
wounded # ps 88:4 je 51:52 la 2:12 eze 30:24
wrapped # lu 2:11,12 ps 22:6 is 53:2,3 mat 8:20 13:55 jno 1:14
2co 8:9
wrath # mat 3:7 lu 3:7 he 10:27
wrath #4:15
wrath # ep 4:26 pr 14:17 19:12 ec 7:9 2co 12:20 ga 5:20 col 3:8
2ti 2:23 #
tit 1:7 ja 1:19 3:14-18 4:1,2
wrath # re 13:15-17 17:6
wrest # ex 23:2,6 de 16:19 ps 56:5 Hab 1:4
wrestle # lu 13:24 1co 9:25-27 2ti 2:5 he 12:1,4
wretched #8:26 1ki 8:38 ps 6:6; 32:3,4; 38:2,8-10; 77:3-9; #ps
119:20,81-83,131,143,176; 130:1-3 eze 9:4 mat 5:4,6 #2co 12:7-9
re 21:4
wretched # mat 5:3 ro 7:24
write # 1co 9:15 2co 7:3 12:19
write # 1jno 2:7,13,14,21 1:4
Write # re 1:11 2:1 10:4 19:9 21:5
Write # re 1:19 2:1,8,12,18 3:1,7,14 10:4 14:13 is 8:1 hab 2:2
Write # re 1:11,19
written #1:18,19
written # lu 22:22 ac 2:23 4:28
written # ps 40:7 mat 2:5 26:24,31 lu 1:70 18:31
written # mar 1:2 lu 1:70 18:31
written # 2co 3:3 ex 24:12 31:18 32:15,16,19 34:1,28 de 4:13 5:
22 9:9-11,15 #
de 10:1-4 he 9:4
written # ro 16:22 1co 16:21-23
wrote # mat 27:37 mar 15:36 lu 23:38
wrought # ac 20:34,35 1co 4:12 9:6-12 2co 11:9 1th 2:9 2th 3:8,9
wrought #ja 1:14,15
wrought # 2co 5:4:17 is 29:23 60:21 61:3 ep 2:10
wrought # he 11:4-8,17