tabernacle # ex 38:21 nu 1:50-53 9:15 10:11 17:7,8 18:2 jos 18:1
2ch 24:6
table # ex 40:4 le 24:5,6
tables # de 14:25,26
tails # re 9:3,5
take # mat 27:32 mar 15:21 lu 23:26 jno 19:17 1pe 4:1,2
take # ge 1:28 1ki 17:4 ps 8:8 jon 1:17 2:10 he 2:7,8
take # jno 5:8-12
take # mat 6:31,34 10:19 13:22 ps 55:22 mar 4:19 13:11 lu 8:14 #
12:22,23,25,26,29 1co 7:32 phi 4:6 2ti 2:4 he 13:5 # he 13:6 1pe
take # mat 6:25,31,34 phi 4:6 ja 1:5
take # lu 12:15
Take # je 29:8 mar 13:5,6,22 lu 21:8 2co 11:13-15 ep 4:14 5:6
col 2:8,18 #
2th 2:3 2pe 2:1-3 1jno 4:1
Take # jno 6:33-35,47-58 1co 11:26-29
take # pr 19:27 lu 8:18 ac 17:11 he 2:1 1jno 4:1 1pe 2:2 2pe 2:1-
take # mat 10:9,10 lu 10:4 22:35
take # pr 19:27 mat 16:6,11,12 lu 12:1,2,15
take # mar 10:21 mat 10:38 27:32 jno 19:17 ac 14:22 ro 6:6 8:17
# 1co 4:9-13
15:31 ga 2:20 5:24 6:14 phi 3:10 col 1:24 3:5 # 2th 3:11 1pe 4:1,
13 re 2:10
take # mar 8:34 mat 16:24 lu 9:23 jno 12:26 16:33 ro 8:17,18 2ti
take # je 29:8 mat 24:4,5 lu 21:8 1co 15:33 ep 5:6 col 2:8 # 2th
2:3 1jno 4:1
re 20:7,8
take # mar 13:5 mat 10:17,18 23:34-37 24:9,10 lu 21:16-18 jno 15:
20 # 16:2 ac
4:1-21 5:17-40 6:11-15 7:54-60 8:1-3 9:1,2,13,14,16 # 12:1-3 16:
21:11,31-40 22:19,20 23:1,2 24:1 # 1co 4:9-13 2co 11:23-27 phi 1:
29 2th 1:5
re 1:9 2:10,13 6:9-11
take # ex 4:10-12 je 1:6-9 da 3:16-18 mat 10:19,20 lu 12:11,12 #
21:14,15 ac
2:4 4:8,31 6:10,15 7:55
take # mar 13:5,9,33 mat 7:15 lu 21:8,34 2pe 3:17
take # jno 6:48-58
take # lu 22:41,42
Take # lu 10:4 12:22 22:35 ps 37:3 mat 10:9,10 mar 6:8,9 2ti 2:4
Take # lu 8:14 16:14 21:34 jos 7:21 job 31:24,25 ps 10:3 62:10
119:36,37 # pr
23:4,5 28:16 je 6:13 22:17,18 mi 2:2 hab 2:9 mar 7:22 # 1co 5:10,
11 6:10 ep
5:3-5 col 3:5 1ti 6:7-10 2ti 3:2 he 13:5 # 2pe 2:3,14
take # lu 16:19 21:34 job 21:11-13 ec 11:9 is 5:11 22:13 am 6:3-
6 # 1co 15:32
phi 3:19 1ti 5:6 2ti 3:4 ja 5:5 1pe 4:3 re 18:7
Take # lu 12:29 mat 6:25 1co 7:32 phi 4:6 he 13:5
Take # lu 16:9,12 tit 2:10
Take # lu 12:20 16:2
take # je 29:8 mat 24:4,5,11,23-25 mar 13:5,6,21-23 2co 11:13-15
# ep 5:6 2th
2:3,9-11 2ti 3:13 1jno 4:1 2jno 1:7 re 12:9
take # lu 21:8 17:3 mar 13:9 he 12:15
take # jno 7:3,4 12:12,13 mar 11:9 lu 19:38
take # mar 16:3
take # ps 30:9 ec 9:10 is 38:18,19 57:1 lu 8:38,39 phi 1:20-26
take # jno 19:6,7 ac 25:18-20
take # ac 19:36 22:26 je 26:19 mat 27:19
take # 2ch 19:6,7 mar 13:9 lu 21:34 1co 9:26,27 col 4:17 1ti 4:
16 # he 12:15
take # ac 22:29 23:27
take # 1co 8:10 10:24,29 mat 18:6,7,10 lu 17:1,2 ro 14:20,21 ga
5:13 # 1pe
2:16 2pe 2:19
take # ro 16:17,18 phi 3:19 1th 2:5
take # ep 6:11-17 2co 10:4
take # le 10:3 nu 18:5 2ch 29:11 eze 44:23,24 ac 20:28 1ti 4:16
# 6:11-14,20
2ti 4:1-5
Take # 1ch 28:10 2ch 19:6 mar 13:9 lu 21:34 ac 20:28 1co 3:10,11
# col 4:17
2ti 4:2 tit 2:7,15 he 12:15 2jno 8
take # he 2:1-3 12:15 mat 24:4 mar 13:9,23,33 lu 21:8 ro 11:21
1co 10:12
take There were essential defects in these sacrifices. 1st--
They were not of
the same nature with those who sinned. 2nd-- They were not of
value to make satisfaction for the affronts done to the justice
government of God. 3rd-- The beasts offered up under the law
could not
consent to put themselves in the sinner's room and place. The
sacrifice must be one capable of consenting, and must
voluntarily substitute
himself in the sinner's stead: Christ did so # he 10:11 ho 14:2
jno 1:29 ro
11:27 1jno 3:5
Take # Job 23:12 je 15:16 eze 2:8 3:1-3,14 col 3:6
take # re 2:18 lu 11:52
Take. Pilate neither did nor could say this seriously; for
crucifixion was
not a Jewish but a Roman mode of punishment. The cross was made
of two beams,
either crossing at the top, at right angles, like a T, or in the
middle of
their length like an X; with a piece on the center of the
transverse beam for
the accusation, and another piece projecting from the middle, on
which the
person sat. The cross on which our Lord suffered was of the
former kind,
being thus represented on all old monuments, coins, and crosses.
The body was
usually fastened to the upright beam by nailing the feet to it,
and on the
transverse piece by nailing the hands; and the person was
permitted to hang in this situation till he perished through
agony and lack
of food. This horrible punishment was usually inflicted only on
slaves for
the worst of crimes. # jno 18:31 mat 27:24
taken from the righteous judgement of God,11,12 #2co 1:19 1th 1:1
taken # 2co 2:13
taken up, or, cut the anchors, they left them in the sea. # ac
taketh # lu 4:9 jno 19:11
taketh, or beareth # ex 28:38 le 10:17 16:21,22 nu 18:1,23
taking or yielding vengeance #de 32:35,41,42 ps 2:9-12;94:1 is
61:2;63:4-6 he
10:30 #re 6:10,16,17
taking # mar 4:8,9 1co 7:31 ep 2:2 6:12 1jno 2:15,16
taking # he 12:15
taking # 2ki 5:15,16,20-27 1co 9:12-15,18 2co 11:7-9 12:13
talents `A talent is 187l. 10s' # mat 18:24 lu 12:48 19:13,14
Talitha cumi which is pure Syriac, the same as in the Syriac
version, the
proper translation of which is given by the evangelist. Damsel #
mar 1:41 ge
1:3 ps 33:9 lu 7:14,15 8:54,55 jno 5:28,29 # 11:43,44 ro 4:17
phi 3:21
talked # re 4:1 21:15 lu 9:30 24:32
Tamar. and Phares # ge 46:12 nu 26:21 ru 4:18 1ch 2:5 4:1
tame # ja 3:7,8
tares # mat 13:38
tarry # mat 26:40 25:13 1pe 4:7
Tarsus # ac 9:11 11:25
taste # lu 2:26 jno 8:52 he 2:9
taste # lu 2:26 jno 8:51,52 he 2:9
taste # lu 2:26 jno 8:51,52,59 he 2:9
taste # he 2:9
taste # mat 6:28 mar 9:1 lu 9:27 jno 8:52
tasted # mat 13:20,21 mar 4:16,17 6:20 lu 8:13 1pe 2:3 2pe 2:20
taught # mat 10:23 ac 13:50-52 14:1,2,6,7,19-21 17:1-3,10,11,16,
17 # mat 18:4
taught # lu 21:37,38 mat 21:23 mar 11:27 jno 18:20
taught # mat 28:19
taught many (Gr. made many disciples) # mat 28:19
taught # ac 23:6 26:5 ga 1:14 phi 3:5
taxing # ac 5:37
teach # ps 10:17 19:14 ro 8:26,27 ja 4:2,3 jude 20
teach # ps 67:1,2 98:2,3 is 11:10 49:6 mat 12:21 lu 2:32 ac 11:
18 # ac
13:46-46 22:21 ep 3:8 col 1:27 1ti 2:7 2ti 1:11
teach # is 28:9,10,13 phi 3:1
teachers # 2:4 re 2:20
teachers # ezr 7:10 ps 34:11 1co 14:19 col 3:16 tit 2:3,4
teaching # ac 5:42 23:11
teaching # mat 12:9 13:54 ps 74:8 mar 1:21,39 6:2 lu 4:15,16,44
13:10 # ac
9:20 13:14 18:4
teaching # de 12:32 pr 30:5,6 is 29:13 col 2:18-22 1ti 1:4 4:1-3,
6,7 # tit
1:14 he 13:9 re 22:18
teaching # ac 28:31 mat 28:19,20 col 1:28 1ti 2:7 2ti 4:2
teaching # de 4:5 eze 7:10 ec 12:9 mat 28:20 mar 6:34 ep 4:11
1ti 3:2 # 2ti
teaching # col 1:28 ro 15:14 1th 4:18 5:11,12 2th 3:15 he 12:12-
teaching # mat 28:20 jno 6:25 1th 4:9 he 8:11 1jno 2:27
teareth him. or, dasheth him # mar 9:26 mat 15:22 lu 9:39
tears # is 53:3,11 jno 11:35
tell # ac 6:1-3 15:6,7 1co 5:4,5 6:1-4 2co 2:6,7 3jno 9,10
Tell # da 12:6-8 lu 21:7 jno 21:21,22 ac 1:7 1th 5:1
tell # mar 14:50,66-72 mat 28:7 2co 2:7
Tell # lu 19:35-40,45,46 mat 21:23-27 mar 11:28-33
temperance # pr 31:3-5 ec 10:16,17 is 28:6,7 da 5:1-4,30 ho 7:5
mar 6:18-24 #
ga 5:23 tit 2:11,12 1pe 4:4 2pe 1:6
temperance # ac 24:25 1co 9:25 tit 1:8,2:2
temperance # ac 24:25 1co 9:25 ga 5:23 tit 1:8;2:2
temperate # ga 5:23 tit 1:8 2:2 2pe 1:6
temperate # 1:8 ac 24:25 1co 9:25 ga 5:23 2pe 1:6 mar 5:15 # lu
8:35 ro 12:3
2co 5:13 1pe 4:7
temple # 1co 3:16 6:19 2co 6:16 ep 2:20-22 1pe 2:4,5
temple # jno 5:14 8:2 18:20 hag 2:7-9 mal 3:1 mat 21:12 lu 19:47
temple # re 14:15-17 15:5-8 19:11 is 6:1-4
tempt # ex 17:2,7 23:20,21 nu 21:5 de 6:16 ps 78:18,56 95:9 106:
14 # he
3:8-11 10:28-30
temptations # 1co 4:9-13 2co 4:7-11 11:23-30 ja 1:2 1pe 1:6
tempted # he 2:17,18 4:15
tempted # ge 3:15 1sa 17:16 he 2:18
tempted (See on 2:17,18) # he 2:17,18 lu 4:2 22:28
tempter # job 1:9-12 2:4-7 lu 22:31,32 1th 3-5 re 2:10 12:9-11
tempting # mat 19:3 22:18,35 mar 10:2 12:15 lu 10:25 11:16,53-54
20:23 # jno
tempting # mat 16:1 22:16-18,35 mar 10:2 12:13,15 lu 11:53,54
jno 8:6 # he
tempting # mat 22:18 mar 10:2
tempting # mar 12:15 ex 17:2,7 de 6:16 mal 3:15 lu 10:25 ac 5:9
1co 10:6
tempting # mar 8:11 mat 16:1 22:35 jno 8:6 1co 10:9
tempting # nu 14:22 mat 19:3 lu 10:25 11:53,54 20:20-23 1co 10:9
ten thousand. The highest number known in Greek arithmetical
According to Prideaux, the Roman talent was equal to 216l; ten
thousand of
which would amount to 2,160,000l. If the Jewish talent of silver
be designed,
which is estimated by the same learned writer at 450l., this sum
amounts to
4,500,000l.; but if the gold talent is meant, which is equal to
7200l., then
the amount is 72,000,000l. This immense sum represents our
obligations to God, and our utter incapacity, as sinners
infinitely indebted
to Divine justice, of paying one mite out of the talent. # 1ch
29:7 ezr 9:6
ps 38:4 40:12 130:3,4
ten # ps 45:14 ca 1:3 5:8,16 6:1,8,9 1co 11:2 re 14:4
ten days # hab 2:3 1pe 1:6,7
ten # re 17:3,7,12,16 # is 9:15 da 2:42 7:7,8,20,24
ten crowns # re 12:3
ten # re 12:3 13:1 da 2:40-43 7:7,8,20,24 zec 1:18-21
ten # re 17:2:10,12
tender hearted # ps 145:9 pr 12:10 lu 1:78 ja 5:11
tender. or, bowels of the # ps 25:6 is 63:7,15 jno 3:16 ep 2:4,5
phi 1:8 2:1
col 3:12 # 1jno 3:17 4:9,10
terrify # 2co 10:10 1co 4:5,19-21
terror # ge 35:5 job 6:4 18:11 31:23 ps 73:19 76:7 88:15,16 90:
11 is 33:14 #
na 1:6 mat 10:28 25:46 mar 8:35-38 9:43-50 lu 12:5 he 10:31 #
jude 23 # re
test # job 1:10 5:23 ps 34:7,20
test # 2co 4:6 3:8,9,11,18 jno 8:12 12:35 ac 26:18 col 1:27 1ti
1:11 # tit
testament. Rather, covenant Verses 16,17 may be better rendered
`For where a
covenant is, there must necessarily be the death of that by
which it is
confirmed; for a covenant is confirmed over dead victims, and
does not avail
while that by which it is confirmed liveth.' # de 29:12 jos 9:6
testified # ac 18:28 2:36 9:22 10:42 17:3 20:21 jno 15:27 1pe 5:
testify # de 8:19,31:21 ne 9:29,30,34 lu 16:28 ac 2:40,20:21 ep
4:17 # 1th
4:6 1jno 4:14
testify # ne 9:29,30 13:15 je 42:19 ac 2:40 18:5 20:21 ga 5:3
1th 4:6
testify # re 22:16 3:14 ep 4:17 1th 4:6
testifying # ac 20:24 2:40 8:25 18:5 28:23 1jno 5:11-13
testifying # jo 21:21 ac 20:24 1jo 5:9,10 3jo 12
testimony # 1co 1:6 is 8:20 ac 20:21 22:18 2th 1:10 1ti 1:11 2ti
1:8 # 1jno
4:14 5:11-13 re 1:2,9 19:10
testimony # ps 19:7 is 8:20 jno 15:27 19:35 ep 4:17 1ti 2:6 1jno
4:14 #
5:11,12 re 1:2 12:11 19:10
testimony # re 1:9 12:11,17 22:9 1jno 5:10
Tetrarch # lu 3:1
Thaddeus # mat 10:2 lu 6:16 jno 14:22 ac 1:13
Thaddeus # jno 14:22 jude 1
Thaddeus # lu 6:16 ac 1:13 jude 1
Thaddeus # jude 1
Thaddeus # lu 6:16 jno 14:22 acts 1:13
Thamar # ge 38:6,11,24-26
than # is 40:8 ro 3:31 1pe 1:25
than # 2co 4:2 5:11 13:6 phile 6
than # de 4:2,12:32,13:1-11 pr 30:6 re 22:18,19
than # 1jno 5:19 jno 12:31 14:30 16:11 1co 2:12 2co 4:4 ep 2:2 6:
thank God #6:14,17 ps 107:15,16; 116:16,17 is 12:1; 49:9,13 mat
1:21 #1co
15:57 2co 9:15; 12:9,10 ep 5:20 phi 3:3; 4:6 col 3:17 #1pe 2:5,9
thank # ro 1:8 6:17 ac 11:23 21:20
thank # 1co 1:4 14:18 2co 2:14 ep 5:20 col 3:15,17 1th 5:18 #
1ti 1:12 phile
thank # 1:2,3 ro 1:8,9
thanks # ac 27:35 ro 7:25 2co 1:11 2:14 9:15 ep 5:20
thanks # 2co 1:11 8:16 9:15 ep 5:20 1th 3:9 re 7:12
thanks # ezr 7:27 ne 2:12 je 31:31 32:40 col 3:17 re 17:17
thanks # 2co 9:11 2:14 1ch 16:8,35 ps 30:4,12 92:1 lu 2:14,38
1co 15:57 # ep
5:20 ja 1:17 re 4:9
thanks # ep 5:4 job 1:21 ps 34:1 is 63:7 ac 5:41 1co 1:4 phi 1:3
4:6 # col
1:11,12 3:17 1th 3:9 5:18 2th 1:3 2:13
thanksgiving # 1sa 7:12 2co 1:11 ep 5:20 col 3:15,17
thanksgiving # col 2:7 3:15,17
thanksgiving # ne 12:8,46 ps 50:14 95:2 100:4 107:22 116:17 147:
7 is 51:3 #
je 33:9,11 jon 2:9 2co 4:15 9:11,12 col 2:7 3:17
thankworthy or thank # ac 11:23 1co 15:10 2co 1:12;8:1
Thara # Ge 11:24-32 jos 24:2 1ch 1:24-28
that # jno 5:19,30 6:38 11:42 12:49,50 nu 16:28-30 he 2:2,3
that # jno 13:1 1:18 3:13 7:29,33 8:42 16:27,28 17:5-8,11-13
that # lu 5:5 1co 3:7
that # ac 2:22,43 5:12,15,16 6:8 9:34,35,40-42
that # ac 25:11,12
that # 25 2co 8:4;9:1
that # 1co 7:33,34 lu 8:14 10:40-42 21:34
that not or that are poor # pr 17:5 ja 2:5,6
that # 2co 1:23,24 2:1-3 10:2,6,8,9 13:2,10 1co 4:18-21 5:3-5
that # ge 49:18 ps 50:23 68:19,20 is 12:2 lu 3:6 ac 28:28
that # phi 2:27 2co 2:3 1jno 1:3,4
that # 1:3,2:9 1co 11:2 col 4:18 2ti 1:3 he 13:3,7
that # re 22:12 mat 5:12 2th 1:5,7 he 11:25,26
that #de 4:30 ps 18:44 is 1:19 ac 6:7 ro 1:5;2:7;6:16;10:16;15:
18; #16:26 2co
10:5 ga 3:1 he 2:3;5:9;11:8 1pe 1:2;3:6;4:17
that #1sa 12:23 lu 18:1 ac 12:5 ep 6:18 1th 3:10;5:17 2ti 1:3
that #15:29 ac 8:15-19;19:6 1co 12:1-11 2co 11:4 ga 3:2-5 ep 4:8-
that #is 27:6 jno 4:36;12:24;15:16 col 1:6 phi 4:17
that #3:4 1:20; 2:1 1sa 2:9 job 5:16; 9:2,3 ps 107:42 eze 16:63
# mat
22:12,13 jno 8:9 1co 1:29
that #5:14 6:12,14,16
that # 6:9; 8:11 1co 6:14 2co 13:4 ep 1:19,20; 2:5,6
that #1ti 1:13-16 tit 3:3-7 1pe 2:9; 4:2-5
that #ga 5:22-24 ep 5:26,27 col 1:22 he 12:23 1jno 3:2 jude 24
re 14:5 14:5
that #5:6-10; 11:21; ge 22:12; is 53:10; mat 3:17; jno 3:16; #
2co 5:21; 2pe
2:4,5; 1jno 4:10;
that #14:8; jno 10:28; 1co 3:22,23; 15:54-58; 2co 5:4-8; #phi 1:
that #ex 10:1,2; 14:17,18; 15:14,15; 18:10,11; jos 2:9,10; 9:9;
# 1sa 4:8; ps
83:17,18; pr 16:4; is 37:20
that #11:11,12,17,23,24;
that #2:3 mat 13:19,38 1jno 2:13;3:12;5:18
that # is 44:20;66:4 je 27:10 eze 21:29 mat 24:5,11 1ti 4:1
that being dead #7:1,4; 6:2
that form #2ti 1:13
that he #de 32:4 ps 85:10,11 is 42:21; 45:21 zep 3:5,15 zec 9:9
# ac 13:38,39
re 15:3
that he might #ps 89:27; mat 12:50; 25:40; jno 20:17; col 1:15-
18; he 1:5,6;
# he 2:11-15; re 1:5,6
that henceforth # 6:12,22; 7:25; 8:4 2ki 5:17 is 26:13 jno 8:34-
that I may # 15:24,32 ac 11:23 2co 2:1-3; 7:4-7,13 1th 2:17-20;3:
7-10 # 2ti
1:4 2jno 4:3 3jno 3:4
that if #14:11; mat 10:32,33; lu 12:8; jno 4:2,8; 2jno 7;
that in me #ge 6:5; 8:21 job 14:4; 15:14-16; 25:4 ps 51:5 is 64:
6 mat 15:19
#mar 7:21-23 lu 11:13 ep 2:1-5 tit 3:3 1pe 4:2
that know #ex 5:2 1sa 2:12 ps 9:10;79:6 is 27:11 je 9:6 zep 1:6
3:19;8:19 ro 1:28 1co 15:34 1th 4:5
that makest #2:17; 3:2 9:4 je 8:8,9 mat 19:17-20 lu 10:26-29;18:
11 #jno 5:45;
9:28,29 ja 1:22 4:16,17
that ofttimes #15:23-28 ac 19:21 2co 1:15,16
that our #ga 2:20; 5:24; 6:14 ep 4:22 col 3:5,9,10
that recompense #1:23,24
that righteousness #4:6
that # mat 1:18 je 31:22
that # mat 2:15,23 5:17 8:17 12:17 13:35 21:4 1ki 8:15,24 ezr 1:
1 # lu 21:22
24:44 jno 10:35 12:38-40 15:25 17:12 18:9 19:24,28 # 19:36,37 ac
13:27-29 re 17:17
that # mat 26:48,49 2sa 15:7-12 2ki 10:18,19 ezr 4:1,2 ps 12:2,3
# 55:11-15
pr 26:24,25 je 41:5-7 lu 20:20,21
that # mat 2:17,23 11:22 4:14,15 8:17 12:16-18 21:4 26:54,56 27:
35 # lu 24:44
jno 19:28,36 ac 1:16
that # mar 1:14
that # mat 6:1-5,16 23:5 ac 9:36 ep 2:10 1ti 2:10 5:10,25 6:18 #
tit 2:7,14
3:4,7,8,14 he 10:24 1pe 2:12 3:1,16
that # ge 34:2 39:7 ex 20:17 2sa 11:2 job 31:1,9 pr 6:25 ja 1:14,
15 # 2pe
2:14 1jno 2:16
that # le 19:18 1sa 24:10-15 25:31-34 26:8-10 job 31:29-31 pr 20:
22 # 24:29
lu 6:29 ro 12:17-19 1co 6:7 1th 5:15 he 12:4 ja 5:6 # 1pe 3:9
that # mat 10:14,15 15:26 pr 9:7,8 23:9 26:11 ac 13:45-47 phi 3:
2 # he 6:6
10:29 2pe 2:22
that # mat 25:41,46 pr 7:27 16:25 ro 9:22 phi 3:19 2th 1:8,9 #
1pe 4:17,18 re
that # mat 12:50 21:29-31 mar 3:35 lu 11:28 jno 6:40 7:17 ro 12:
2 # ep 6:6
col 4:12 1th 4:3 5:18 he 13:21 1pe 2:15 4:2 # 1jno 3:21-24 re 22:
that # mat 24:31 ge 12:3 22:18 28:14 49:10 ps 22:27 98:3 is 2:2,
3 # 11:10
49:6 52:10 60:1-6 je 16:19 da 2:44 mi 4:1,2 zec 8:20-23 # mal 1:
11 lu 13:29
14:23,24 ac 10:45 11:18 14:27 ro 15:9 # ga 3:28,29 ep 2:11-14 3:
6 col 3:11 re
that the # is 43:25 mi 7:18 mar 2:7,10 lu 5:21 jno 5:21-23 10:28
17:2 #
20:21-23 ac 5:31 7:59,60 2co 2:10 5:20 ep 4:32 col 3:13
that # ps 68:11,18 je 3:15 mi 5:7 lu 10:1,2 ac 8:4 1co 12:28
that preach # pr 1:20-23 8:1-5 ac 5:20,28 17:17
that I # je 15:10 lu 12:49-53 jno 7:40-52 ac 13:45-50 14:2,4
that loveth father # mat 22:37 de 33:9 lu 14:26 jno 5:23 21:15-
17 2co 5:14,15
# phi 3:7-9
that receiveth a prophet # ge 20:7 1ki 17:9-15,20-24 18:3,4 2ki
4:8-10,16,17,32-37 # ac 16:15 ro 16:1-4,23 2ti 1:16-18 he 6:10
3jno 5-8
that is # mat 6:24 jos 5:13 24:15 1ch 12:17,18 mar 9:40 lu 9:50
11:23 # 2co
6:15,16 1jno 2:19 re 3:15,16
that many # lu 10:24 jno 8:56 ep 3:5,6 he 11:13,39,40 1pe 1:10-12
that received # mat 13:8 mar 4:20 lu 8:15
that which goeth # mar 7:15 lu 11:38-41 ac 10:14,15 11:8,9 ro 14:
14,17,20 #
1ti 4:4,5 tit 1:15 he 13:9
that # mar 7:19,20 lu 6:45 1co 6:13 col 2:21,22 ja 3:6
that in # nu 35:30 de 17:6 19:15 1ki 21:13 jno 8:17 2co 13:1 1ti
5:19 # he
10:28 1jno 5:7,8 re 11:3
that if # mat 5:24 21:22 mar 11:24 jno 15:7,16 ac 1:14 2:1,2 4:
24-31 6:4 #
12:5 ep 6:18-20 phi 1:19 ja 5:14-16 1jno 3:22 5:14-16 # re 11:4-6
that when # mar 10:1 jno 10:40
that # ge 1:27 5:2 mal 2:15
that # mat 13:22 de 6:10-12 8:10-18 job 31:24,25 ps 49:6,7,16-19
# pr 11:28
30:8,9 mar 10:23 lu 12:15-21 16:13,14,19-28 18:24 # 1co 1:26 1ti
6:9,10 ja
1:9-11 2:6 5:1-4
that # ca 8:11,12 is 5:4
that # 1sa 9:13 zep 1:7
that # ac 7:51,52 1th 2:15,16
That # mat 25:21,23 da 12:3 lu 12:37,44 19:17 22:29,30 jno 12:26
# 2ti 2:12
1pe 5:4 re 3:21 21:7
That # mar 14:30,31 lu 22:34 jno 13:38
that # mat 26:54 ge 3:15 is 44:26 la 4:20 da 9:24,26 zec 13:7 ac
1:16 2:23
that # mar 14:61 lu 22:66-71 jno 8:25 10:24 18:37
that # ac 1:19
that just # mat 27:4,24 is 53:11 zec 9:9 lu 23:41,47 1pe 2:22
1jno 2:1
that it # ps 22:18
that destroyest # mat 26:61 lu 14:29,30 jno 2:19-22
that deceiver # lu 23:2 jno 7:12,47 2co 6:8
that # mat 3:13-15 lu 3:21
that # mat 12:1-8 lu 6:1-5
that # ex 20:10 31:15 35:2,3 nu 15:32-36 ne 13:15-22 is 56:2,4,6
# 58:13 je
That seeing. Rather as iva frequently denotes, `So that seeing
they see, and
do not perceive, and hearing they hear, and do not understand.'
expression appears to be proverbial; and relates to those who
might see what
they now overlook through inattention and folly. # de 29:4 is 6:
9,10 44:18 je
5:21 mat 13:14,15 lu 8:10 # jno 12:37-41 ac 28:25-27 ro 11:8-10
that # ge 3:15 mat 8:29 lu 8:28 ro 16:20 he 2:14 2pe 2:4 1jno 3:
8 # jude 6 re
12:12 20:1-3
that # mat 16:28 lu 9:27
that is # 1sa 2:2 ps 36:7,8 86:5 119:68 ja 1:17 1jno 4:8,16
that # pr 24:1 ac 10:36 17:25 2co 8:9 he 2:7-9
that # ru 1:11-13
that # ex 35:21-29 mat 10:42 ac 11:29 2co 8:2,12 9:6-8
that # mat 16:28 23:36 24:34 lu 21:32
that # ro 3:3 2ti 2:18
that believeth and # mar 1:15 lu 8:12 jno 1:12,13 3:15,16,18,36
6:29,35,40 # 7:37,38 11:25,26 12:46 20:31 ac 10:43 13:39 16:30-
32 ro 3:6 #
4:24 10:9 he 10:38,39 1pe 1:21 3:21 1jno 5:10-13
that # Job 14:4 15:16 25:4 ps 51:5 ep 2:3 he 4:15 7:26-28
that believed: for there. or, which believed that there, etc.
that we # lu 1:71 is 35:9,10 45:17 54:13,14 65:21-25 eze 34:25-
28 39:28,29 #
zep 3:15-17 zec 9:8-10 ro 6:22 8:15 2ti 1:7 he 2:15 9:14 re 2:10
that # lu 16:14,15 de 8:2 ju 5:15,16 mat 12:24-35 jno 8:42-47 15:
22-24 # ac
8:21-23 1co 11:19 1jno 2:19
that # Mat 3:13-15 mar 1:9 jno 1:32
That # lu 22:35 ex 23:25 de 8:8 je 49:11 mat 4:4 6:25,26,31
that # 2ch 25:12 ps 37:14,32,33
that they should # ex 23:5 pr 18:24 ac 11:25 ro 16:2-4 ga 6:2
phi 4:3
that there # lu 5:21,30 7:30 11:52-54 15:2 jno 3:21
that the # da 7:13 mat 16:13 25:31 26:64 jno 3:13 5:27 re 1:13
that # mat 12:1 mar 2:23
that # lu 11:53,54 20:20 mat 26:59,60
that # ps 55:15-17 109:3,4 da 6:10 mat 6:6 mar 1:35 14:34-36 he
that is perfect shall be as his master. or, shall be perfected
as his master.
# mat 23:15
that heareth # lu 6:46 8:5-7 19:14,27 je 44:16,17 eze 33:31 mat
21:29,30 23:3
# jno 15:2 ja 1:22-26 2:17-26 2pe 1:5-9 1jno 2:3,4
that # lu 4:43,44 mat 4:23 9:35 11:1 mar 1:39 ac 10:38
that seeing # de 29:4 is 6:9 29:14 44:18 je 5:21 mat 13:14-17
jno 12:40 # ac
28:26,27 ro 11:7-10
that # mat 8:18,23-27 mar 4:35-41 jno 6:1
that # mat 9:1 mar 5:21
that # lu 24:51 2ki 2:1-3,11 mar 16:19 jno 6:62 13:1 16:5,28 17:
11 # ac 1:2,9
ep 1:20 4:8-11 1ti 3:16 he 6:20 12:2 1pe 3:22
that # la 4:6 eze 16:48-50 mat 10:15 11:24 mar 6:11
that # lu 6:12 9:18,28 22:39-45 he 5:7
that # 1ki 10:1-13 2ch 9:1-12
that # is 62:5 je 32:41 zep 3:17 jno 12:26 13:4,5 1co 2:9 re 3:
21 7:17 # re
7:17 14:3,4
that he will # lu 19:17-19 22:29,30 da 12:2,3 mat 24:47 re 3:18
that # lu 19:42-44 da 9:24-26 hag 2:7 mal 3:1 4:2 ac 3:24-26 ga
that fox This was probably Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Galilee,
who is
described by Josephus as a crafty and incestuous prince, with
which the
character given him by our Lord, and the narratives of the
exactly coincides # lu 3:19,20 9:7-9 23:8-11 eze 13:4 mi 3:1-3
zep 3:3 mar
that # ps 73:22
that which is your # lu 10:42 col 3:3,4 1pe 1:4,5
that # job 3:13-19 is 57:1,2 re 14:13
that # lu 11:5-8 21:36 ge 32:9-12,24-26 job 27:8-10 ps 55:16,17
65:2 86:3 #
102:17 142:5-7 je 29:12 ro 12:12 ep 6:18 phi 4:6 col 4:2,12 #
1th 5:17
that he # lu 12:48 16:2 mat 18:23 25:19 ro 14:10-12 1co 4:1-5
That unto # lu 8:18 mat 13:12 25:28,29 mar 4:25 jno 5:1-3
that # lu 19:47,48 mar 11:27 jno 18:20
that # is 6:9,10 26:11 29:9-12,14 41:28 42:19,20 44:18 je 8:7-9
zec 11:15 #
11:17 mal 2:7-9 jno 3:19,20 9:39 2th 2:10-12 2ti 3:8,9 2pe 3:3
that day # lu 12:46 ps 35:8 mat 24:39-50 mar 13:35-37 1th 5:2-4
# 2pe 3:10,14
re 3:3
that # luke 22:69,70 mar 14:61,62 jno 18:36 19:12
that all # luke 24:26,27,46 21:22 mat 26:54,56 jno 19:24-37 ac 3:
18 #
13:29-31,33 1co 15:3,4
that # da 9:24 mat 3:2 9:13 ac 2:38 3:19 5:31 11:18 13:38,39,46
# 17:30,31
20:21 26:20 1jno 2:12
that # jno 1:9 3:26 ep 3:9 1ti 2:4 tit 2:11 2pe 3:9
that light # jno 1:20 3:28 ac 19:4
that # 2sa 24:13
that Christ # jno 1:20-22 da 9:24-26
that # Eze 11:19,20 36:26,27 ro 8:5,9 1co 6:17 ga 5:17 1jno 3:9
that whosoever # jno 3:15 mat 9:13 1ti 1:15,16
that his # jno 15:4,5 is 26:12 ho 14:8 1co 15:10 2co 1:12 ga 5:
22,23 6:8 # ep
5:9 phi 1:11 2:13 col 1:29 he 13:21 1pe 1:22 2pe 1:5-10 # 1jno 2:
4:12,13,15,16 re 3:1,2,15
that cometh # jno 3:13 6:33 8:23 ep 1:20,21 4:8-10
that believeth on # jno 3:15,16 1:12 5:24 6:47-54 10:28 hab 2:4
ro 1:17 8:1
1jno 3:14 # 1jno 3:15 5:10-13
that Jesus # jno 3:22,26
that # ps 25:14 pr 14:10 re 2:17
that # mat 13:57 mar 6:4 lu 4:24
that he # jno 11:21,32 ps 46:1 lu 7:6-8 8:41 ac 9:38
that # jno 20:31 lu 13:34 19:10,41,42 24:47 ro 3:3 10:1,21 12:21
1co 9:22 #
1ti 2:3,4 4:16
that # jno 6:27,37,40,68,69 7:37,38 11:25,26 ro 6:23 1jno 5:11-13
that # jno 5:44 8:42,47,55 15:23,24 ro 8:7 1jno 2:15 3:17 4:20
that nothing # ne 8:10 pr 18:9 lu 15:13 16:1
That # jno 6:26,30,40,64 12:37 15:24 lu 16:31 1pe 1:8,9
that # jno 6:39,45 17:2,6,8,9,11,24
that # jno 6:58 8:51 11:25,26 ro 8:10
that no # jno 6:37,44,45 10:16,26,27 12:37-41 ep 2:8,9 phi 1:29
1ti 1:14 #
2ti 2:25 tit 3:3-7 he 12:2 ja 1:16-18
that speaketh # jno 5:41 8:49,50 1co 10:31-33 ga 6:12-14 phi 2:3-
5 1th 2:6 #
1pe 4:11
that the law of Moses should not be broken. or, without breaking
the law of
Moses # Mat 12:5
that # de 17:6 19:15 1ki 21:10 mat 18:6 2co 13:1 he 10:28 1jno 5:
9 # re 11:3
that they # jno 9:25,36-38 8:12 12:46 mat 11:5 lu 1:79 4:18 7:21
ac 26:18 #
2co 4:4-6 ep 5:14 1pe 2:9
that ye # jno 10:30 14:9-11,20 17:11,21-23
That Mary # jno 12:3 mat 26:6,7 mar 14:3
that # jno 2:11 5:23 8:54 13:31,32 17:1,5,10 phi 1:20 1pe 1:21
that # jno 11:41,42 9:31 mar 9:23 he 11:17-19
that they # jno 11:45-50 9:24-34 10:37,38 20:31 mat 12:22-24
that thou # jno 3:17 6:38-40 7:28,29 8:16,42 10:36 17:8,21,25 ro
8:3 # ga 4:4
1jno 4:9,10,14
that Jesus # jno 10:15 is 53:5-8 da 9:26 mat 20:28 ro 3:25,26
2co 5:21 # ga
3:13 4:4,5 1pe 2:24 3:18
that were # eze 11:16,17 34:12 ep 2:14-17 ja 1:1 1pe 1:1
that loveth # mat 10:39 16:25 19:29 mar 8:35 lu 9:23,24 17:33 ac
20:24 #
21:13 he 11:35 re 12:11
that # jno 15:25 17:12 19:24,36,37 mat 27:35 ac 13:27-29
that they # de 29:4 ps 135:10-18 is 26:11 42:19,20 je 5:21 eze
12:2 # mar
that I # jno 1:15 8:23,24,58 is 43:10 mal 3:1 mat 11:3 re 1:17,18
that # 1ki 18:27 pr 1:16 ec 9:3 je 2:24,25 da 2:15 mar 6:25 # ja
that # jno 12:5 ac 20:34,35 ga 2:10 ep 4:28
that ye love # jno 15:12,13,17 17:21 le 19:18,34 ps 16:3 119:63
ro 12:10 #
1co 12:26,27 13:4-7 ga 5:6,13,14,22 6:10 ep 5:2 phi 2:1-5 # col
1:4 3:12,13
1th 3:12 4:9,10 2th 1:3 he 13:1 ja 2:8 # 1pe 1:22 3:8,9 2pe 1:7
4:7-11,21 5:1
that # jno 12:44 13:31 17:4,5 phi 2:9-11
that hath # jno 14:15,23,24 15:14 ge 26:3-5 de 10:12,13 11:13 30:
6-8 # ps
119:4-6 je 31:31,34 eze 36:25-27 lu 11:28 2co 5:14,15 # ja 2:23,
24 1jno 2:5
3:18-24 5:3 2jno 6 re 22:14
that loveth # jno 14:23 15:9,10 16:27 17:23 ps 35:27 is 62:2-5
zep 3:17 # 2th
2:16 1jno 3:1
that # jno 14:15,21-23 mat 19:21 25:41-46 2co 8:8,9 1jno 3:16-20
that the # jno 4:34 10:18 12:27 15:9 18:11 ps 40:8 mat 26:39 phi
2:8 # he
5:7,8 10:5-9 12:2,3
that your # ge 18:18 ps 71:18 78:4-6 145:4 zec 1:4-6 ac 20:25-28
ro 15:4 #
1co 10:11 2ti 3:15-17 he 11:4 1pe 1:14-21 3:2,15
that when # jno 13:19 14:29 is 41:22,23 mat 10:7 24:25 mar 13:23
# lu
21:12,13 ac 9:16 20:23,24 2pe 1:14
that # jno 16:6,33 19:25-27 mar 14:72 16:10 lu 22:45,62 23:47-49
# 24:17,21
that # jno 16:23 15:11 1jno 1:3,4 2jno 12
that # jno 14:16 17:9,19,24 ro 8:34
that # zec 13:7 mat 26:31,56 mar 14:27,50 ac 8:1 2ti 4:16,17
that # jno 17:21,22 10:30 14:20 ro 15:5,6 1co 1:10 12:12,13 ep 4:
that # ps 109:6-19 ac 1:16-20,25
that # jno 3:29 15:11 16:22-24,33 ne 8:10 ps 43:4 126:5 ac 13:52
# ro 14:17
ga 5:22 1jno 1:4 2jno 1:12
that # jno 17:17 tit 2:14
that the # jno 13:35
that # jno 14:20 1jno 1:3 3:24
that # jno 14:23 15:9 ep 1:6,22,23 2:4,5 5:30,32 2th 2:16
that # jno 11:51
that I should # jno 8:14 14:6 is 55:4 re 1:4 3:14
that ye # jno 19:6 18:38 mat 27:4,19,24,54 lu 23:41,47 2co 5:21
he 7:26 # 1pe
1:19 2:22 3:18 1jno 3:5
that # jno 19:28,36,37 10:35 12:38,39
that the # ps 22:15 69:21
that the # de 21:22,23
that sabbath # le 23:7-16
that ye # jno 11:15,42 14:29 17:20,21 20:31 ro 15:4 1jno 5:13
that the # ex 12:46 nu 9:12 ps 22:14 34:20 35:10
that # ps 16:10 22:15,22 is 25:8 26:19 53:10-12 ho 13:14 ac 2:25-
32 #
13:29-37 1co 15:4
that even. This is a very strong eastern expression to represent
the number
of miracles which Jesus wrought. But however strong or strange
it may appear
to us of the western world, we find sacred and other authors
using hyperboles
of the like kind and signification. # nu 13:33 de 1:28 da 4:11
that same # ac 2:22,23 4:11,12 5:30,31 10:36-42 ps 2:1-8 mat 28:
18-20 jno
3:35 # jno 3:36 5:22-29 ro 14:8-12 2co 5:10 2th 1:7-10
that # de 4:29-31 1ki 8:48-50 ps 32:1-5 51:1-3,9 103:12 is 1:16-
18 43:25 #
44:22 je 31:33,34 50:20 mi 7:18,19 re 21:4
that every # ac 13:38-41 de 18:19 mar 16:16 jno 3:18-20 8:24 12:
48 2th 1:7-9
# he 2:3 10:28-30,39 12:25 re 13:8 20:15
that by # ac 2:22-24,36 3:6,13-16 5:29-32
that it # ac 5:39 ps 2:1-4 da 2:34,35 ro 10:16-18 15:18-22 1th 1:
that # ac 4:13,31 9:27 13:46 14:3 19:8 20:26,27 26:26 28:31 is
58:1 # eze 2:6
mi 3:8 ep 6:18-20 phi 1:14 1th 2:2 2ti 1:7,8 4:17
that # is 66:1-6 je 7:4-14 26:6-9,12,18 da 9:26 mi 3:12 zec 11:1
14:2 # mat
24:1,2 mar 14:58 lu 13:34,35 21:6,24 jno 4:21
That # ge 15:13,16
that # ac 7:38 2ch 28:22 da 6,13
that he # ex 25:40 26:30 1ch 28:11,19 he 8:2,5
that thou # ac 9:8,9,12
that # ac 8:37 ps 2:7,12 mat 26:63-66 27:43,54 jno 1:49 19:7 20:
28,31 # ro
1:4 ga 2:20 1jno 4:14,15 re 2:18
that it # ac 11:2,3 22:21,22 jno 4:9,27 18:28 ga 2:12-14
that it # ac 17:31 mat 25:31-46 jno 5:22-29 ro 14:9,10 2co 5:10
2ti 4:1,8 #
1pe 4:5 re 1:7 20:11-15 22:12
that # ac 13:1,2
that the # ac 12:7 5:19 2ch 16:9 ps 34:7 da 3:25,28 6:22 he 1:14
that # ac 2:38 5:31 10:43 ps 32:1 130:4,7 je 31:34 da 9:24 mi 7:
18-20 # zec
13:1 lu 24:47 jno 1:29 2co 5:18-21 ep 1:7 4:32 col 1:14 # he 8:6,
9:9-14,22 10:4-18 1jno 2:1,2,12
that thou # ac 15:14-16 ps 22:27-29 67:2-7 72:7,8 96:1,2 98:2,3
117:1-2 # is
2:1-3 24:13-16 42:9-12 45:22 52:10 59:19,20 je 16:19 ho 1:10 #
am 9:12 mi
4:2,3 5:7 zep 3:9,10 zec 2:11 8:20-23 mal 1:11
that a # ac 14:21 11:21 13:43,46 17:4 18:8
that it # ac 15:1,24 ga 5:1-3
that # ro 3:24 5:20,21 6:23 1co 16:23 2co 8:9 13:14 ga 1:6 2:16
ep 1:6,7 # ep
2:7-9 tit 2:11 3:4-7 re 5:9
that # ac 15:10,24,28 ga 1:7-10 2:4 5:11,12
that certain # je 23:16 ga 2:4 5:4,12 2ti 2:14 tit 1:10,11 1jno
that made # ac 17:26-28 4:24 14:15 ps 146:5 is 40:12,28 45:18 je
10:11 32:17
# zec 12:1 jno 1:1 he 1:2 3:4
that # ac 18:24-28 1co 1:12 3:4-7 16:12
that ministered # ac 13:5 16:3
that # ac 19:9 9:2 18:26 22:4 24:14,22
that not # ac 19:10,18-20 1co 16:8,9 1th 1:9
that they # ac 14:15 17:29 ps 115:4-8 135:15-18 is 44:10-20 46:5-
8 je 10:3-5
# je 10:11,14,15 ho 8:6 1co 8:4 10:19,20 12:2 ga 4:8
that not # ac 19:21 zep 2:11 mat 23:14 1ti 6:5
that # ac 18:6 2sa 3:28 eze 3:18-21 33:2-9 2co 7:2 1ti 5:22
that these # ac 18:3 1co 4:12 1th 2:9 2th 3:8,9
that # ac 20:25
that thou # ac 6:13,14 16:3 28:17 ro 14:1-6 1co 9:19-21 ga 5:1-6
that they # ac 18:18 nu 6:5,9,13,18 ju 13:5 16:17-19
that all # ac 21:38 17:5 19:40 1ki 1:41 mat 26:5 mar 14:2
that # ac 3:14 7:52 2co 5:21 1pe 2:22 1jno 2:1
that he should # ac 22:25-29 16:22,23,37 jno 19:1 he 11:35
that he # ac 25:3 ps 21:11 37:32,33 pr 1:11,12,16 4:16 is 59:7 #
ro 3:14-16
that # he 11:32
that # ac 23:6-8 job 19:25,26 da 12:2 mat 22:31,32 jno 5:28,29 #
1co 15:12-27
phi 3:21 1th 4:14-16 re 20:6,12,13
that he # ac 22:22 lu 23:21-23
that # ac 23:6 phi 3:5,6
that # jno 16:2,3 ro 10:2 ga 1:13,14 phi 3:6 1ti 1:13
that they # ac 2:38 3:19 5:31 10:43 13:38,39 ps 32:1,2 lu 1:77
24:47 # ro
4:6-9 1co 6:10,11 ep 1:7 col 1:14 1jno 1:9 2:12
that not # je 13:17 lu 19:41,42 jno 5:34 ro 9:1-3 10:1 col 1:28
that # ac 27:22,24 ps 107:28-30 am 9:9 jno 6:39,40 2co 1:8-10 #
1pe 4:18
that ye # 6:13,16,19 1co 6:13-20 phi 1:20 he 10:22
that # 14 1co 10:25 ga 2:12 1ti 4:4 tit 1:15 he 9:10; 13:9
that there # 2,20 1co 10:25 1ti 4:4 tit 1:15
that # 5:3-5;8:24,25;12:12 ps 119:81-83 he 6:10-19;10:35,36 ja 5:
7-11 1pe
that # ge 32:24-29 2co 1:11 ep 6:19 col 2:1;4:12 1th 5:25 2th 3:1
that ye # ps 133:1 je 32:39 jno 13:34,35 17:23 ac 4:32 ro 12:16
15:5,6 #
16:17 2co 13:11 ep 4:1-7,31,32 phi 1:27 2:1-4 3:16 1th 5:13 # ja
3:13-18 1pe
that there # 1co 3:3 6:1-7 pr 13:10 18:6 2co 12:20 ga 5:15,20,26
phi 2:14 #
1ti 6:4 2ti 2:23-25 ja 4:1,2
that # 1co 1:20 2:3-6,13 3:18-20 zep 3:12 mat 11:25,26 lu 10:21
# jno 7:47-49
ja 3:13-17
that # 1co 3:22 jno 16:14,15 ro 8:32 1jno 2:20,27 5:20 re 22:6
that # job 11:11,12 ps 2:1 ro 1:21 col 2:8
that # 1co 4:17 7:25 nu 12:7 pr 13:17 mat 25:21,23 lu 12:42 16:
10-12 # 2co
2:17 4:2 col 1:7 4:7,17
that ye # job 11:11,12 ps 8:4 146:3 is 2:22 je 17:5,6 mat 23:8-
10 # ro 12:3
2co 12:6
that one # ge 35:22 39:4 le 18:8 20:11 de 22:30 27:20 2sa 16:22
20:3 # 1ch
5:1 eze 20:10 am 2:7 2co 7:12
that # 1co 11:32 2co 2:7 ga 6:1,2 2th 3:14,15 ja 5:19,20 1jno 5:
16 # jude
that satan # mat 19:11 1th 3:5
that # 1co 7:8,28,35-38 je 16:2-4 mat 24:19 lu 21:23 23:28,29 #
1pe 4:17
that both # ec 12:7,8,13,14 is 24:1,2 40:6-8 ja 4:13-16 1pe 1:24
that weep # ps 30:5 126:5,6 ec 3:4 is 25:8 30:19 lu 6:21,25 16:
25 # jno 16:22
re 7:17 18:7
that belong to the Lord of the Lord as # 1co 7:34
that # de 10:17 je 2:11,28 11:13 da 5:4 jno 10 34,35 ga 4:8 2th
that ploweth # 1co 3:9 lu 17:7,8 jno 4:35-38 2ti 2:6
that I # 1co 7:31 8:9 ro 14:15
that # 1co 9:20-22 7:16 pr 11:30 mat 18:15 ro 11:14 1ti 4:16 2ti
2:10 # ja
5:19,20 1pe 3:1
that I might by # 1co 9:19 7:16 ro 11:14
that # 1co 9:25-27 2ti 2:6 he 3:1,14 1pe 5:1 1jno 1:3
that rock # 1co 11:24,25 ge 40:12 41:26 eze 5:4,5 da 2:38 7:17 #
mat 13:38,39
26:26-28 ga 4:25 col 2:17 he 10:1
that # 1co 10:3,4,21 11:26-28
that the # 1co 1:28 3:7 8:4 13:2 de 32:21 is 40:17 41:29 2co 12:
that # 1co 4:17 15:2
that ye # 1co 11:20,34 14:23,26 is 1:13,14 58:1-4 je 7:9,10 he
that # 1co 6:11 ga 4:8 ep 2:11,12 4:17,18 1th 1:9 tit 3:3 1pe 4:3
that # is 53:9 mat 27:57-60 mar 15:43-46 lu 23:50-53 jno 19:38-
42 # ac 13:29
ro 6:4 col 2:12
that # lu 24:34
that # jno 12:24
that which is natural # ro 6:6 ep 4:22-24 col 3:9,10
that # 1co 6:13 mat 16:17 jno 3:3-6 2co 5:1
that # 2co 8:11 9:3-5
that ye # ac 15:3 17:15 20:38 21:5 ro 15:24 2co 1:16 3jno 6:7
that # 2co 5,6 ps 32:5,7 34:2-6 66:16 is 40:1 66:14 phi 1:14 1th
4:18 # 1th
5:11 he 12:12
that # 2co 3:5 4:7 12:7-10 job 40:14 ps 22:29 44:5-7 pr 28:26 je
9:23,24 # je
17:5-7 eze 33:13 lu 18:9
that # 2co 4:15 9:11,12
that # 2co 5:12 1co 3:21-23 phi 1:26
that # Ro 1:11 15:29 phi 1:25,26
that # 2co 2:3 10:2,6-11 12:20 13:2,10 1co 4:21 5:5 1ti 1:20
that # mat 23:8-10 24:49 1co 3:5 2ti 2:24-26 1pe 5:3
that # 2co 2:4 1:23 7:5,8 12:20,21 13:10 1co 4:21
that you might # 2co 11:2
that # ga 5:13 6:1,2,10 jude 22,23
that # 2co 7:12-15 8:24 ex 16:4 de 8:2,16 13:3 phi 2:22
that # 2co 2:16 4:7 ex 4:10 jno 15:5
that # ex 34:29-35 lu 9:29-31 ac 6:15
that # 2co 13:4 jno 14:19 ac 18:9,10 ro 8:17 2ti 2:11 1pe 4:13
re 1:17
that # 2co 5:1-4 is 26:19 jno 11:25,26 ro 8:11 1co 6:14 15:20-22
1th 4:14
that mortality # is 25:8 1co 15:53,54
that they # 2c 3:6 eze 16:6 37:9,14 hab 2:4 zec 10:9 jno 3:15,16
5:24 6:57 #
ro 6:2,11,12 8:2,6,10 14:7,8 1co 6:19,20 ga 2:20 5:25 ep 5:14 #
co 2:12 3:1
1pe 4:6 1jno 4:9
that comforteth # 2co 1:3,4 2:14 is 12:1 51:12 57:15,18 61:1,2
je 31:13 mat
5:4 # jno 14:16 ro 15:5 phi 2:1 2th 2:16,17
that ye # 2co 2:16 10:8-10 13:8-10 is 6:9-11
that # 2co 7:9 is 66:2 zec 12:10-14 1co 5:2
that our # 2co 2:4,17 11:11,28 1ti 3:5
that # 2th 3:4 phile 8:21
that # 2co 8:18,19 ge 33:10,11 2ki 5:15,16 ac 16:15 1co 16:3,4
that ye # 2co 6:10 lu 16:11 ro 8:32 11:12 1co 3:21,22 ep 3:8 1ti
6:18 ja 2:5
# re 3:18 21:7
that # 2co 11:12 mat 10:16 ro 14:16 1co 16:3 ep 5:15 1th 5:22
that # 2co 1:1 8:10 1co 16:15
that I # 2co 12:20 13:2,10 1co 4:19-21
that I may # 1co 9:12 1ti 5:14
that I # 2co 2:1-4 ex 32:31 de 9:15,25 1sa 15:35 ezr 9:3 10:1 ps
119:136 # je
9:1 13:17 lu 9:41,42 ro 9:2 phi 3:18,19
that called # 5:8 1co 4:15 2th 2:14 2ti 1:9 1pe 1:15 2pe 1:3
that # 1 1co 2:9,10,11:23,15:1-3 ep 3:3-8
that # 2:7-9 ac 9:15,22:21,26:17,18 ro 1:13,14,11:13,15:16-19 #
ep 3:1,8 col
1:25-27 1th 2:16 1ti 2:7 2ti 1:11
that # 2:14,4:16 ep 1:13 col 1:5 1th 2:13
that # ac 11:29,30,24:17 ro 15:25-27 1co 16:1,2 2co 8:1-9:15 #
he 13:16 ja
2:15,16 1jno 3:17
that # 2:19,3:10-12,5:4 job 9:2,3,29,25:4 ps 130:3,4 lu 10:25-29
# ac
13:38,39 ro 3:19,20,27,28,4:2,13-15 phi 3:9
that # 2:20 ro 14:7,8 1co 10:31 2co 5:15 1th 5:10 tit 2:14 he 9:
14 # 1pe
that - see on - ver 2 # 3:2 2co 3:8
that # 2:16 1ki 8:46 job 9:3,40:4,42:6 ps 19:12,130:3,4,143:2 ec
7:20 # is
6:5,53:6,64:6 ja 3:2 1jno 1:8-10 re 5:9,7:14,15
that it # 3:21 nu 23:19 ro 4:13,14 he 6:13-18
that # 3:14,17,29 ro 4:11-16,5:20,21 2ti 1:1 he 6:13-17,9:15 #
2pe 1:4,3:13
1jno 2:25,5:11-13
that # 3:23,29 ge 24:2,3 2ki 10:1,2,11:12,12:2
that we # 4:7,3:26 jno 1:12 ro 8:19,23,9:4 ep 1:5
that # ge 16:2-4,15,21:1,2,10
that # 5:4,6,2:3-5 ac 15:1,24,16:3,4 ro 9:31,32,10:2,3 he 4:2
that they # is 3:11 ro 2:8,9,8:13 1co 6:9,10 ep 5:5,6 col 3:6 re
that they may # 1co 3:21 5:6 2co 11:18
that I # 2ki 14:9-11 job 31:24,25 ps 49:6 52:1 je 9:23,24 eze 28:
2 # da
4:30,31 5:20,21 1co 1:29-31 3:21 2co 11:12 12:10,11
that # ep 2:10 lu 1:74,75 jno 15:16 ro 8:28,29 col 3:12 1th 4:7
# 2ti 1:9
2:19 tit 2:11,12 2pe 1:5-10
that # ep 2:10 1:19 mat 16:17 jno 1:12,13 6:37,44,65 ac 14:27 16:
14 # ro
10:14,17 phi 1:29 col 2:12 ja 1:16-18
that # ep 2:13,14 de 4:7 ps 75:1 76:1,2 147:19,20 148:14 lu 9-11
that ye # ep 1:23 ps 17:15 43:4 mat 5:6 jno 1:16 col 2:9,10 re 7:
15-17 #
21:22-24 22:3-5
that he # ep 3:19 jno 1:16 ac 2:33 col 1:19 2:9
that ye # ep 1:22 2:1-3 5:3-8 ro 1:23-32 1co 6:9-11 ga 5:19-21
col 3:5-8 #
1pe 4:3,4
that he # lu 3:11 21:1-4 jno 13:29 2co 8:2,12
that which # de 6:6-9 ps 37:30,31 45:2 71:17,18,24 78:4,5 pr 10:
31,32 12:13 #
15:2-4,7,23 16:21 25:11,12 is 50:4 mal 3:16-18 lu 4:22 1co 14:19
# col
3:16,17 4:6 1th 5:11
that no # ep 5:3 he 13:4
that I # ac 4:13,29,31 9:27,29 13:46 14:3 18:26 19:8 28:31 2co 3:
12 7:4 # phi
1:20 1th 2:2
That # phi 1:12 col 4:7
that ye may be # phi 1:16 ge 20:5 jos 24:14 jno 1:47 ac 24:16
2co 1:12 2:17
8:8 # ep 4:15 5:27 6:24 1th 3:13 5:23
that # ac 21:28 22:1-30 28:1-31
that # phi 1:7 ro 1:13-17 1co 9:16,17 ga 2:7,8 1ti 2:7 2ti 1:11,
12 4:6,7 # lu
21:14 ac 22:1 26:1,24 2ti 4:16
that ye # phi 2:1,2 4:1 ps 122:3 133:1 mat 12:25 1co 1:10 15:58
16:13,14 #
2co 13:11
that # phi 1:27
that I may # phi 1:26 2co 1:14 1th 2:19
that I Have # is 49:4 1Co 9:26 ga 2:2 4:11 1th 3:5
that I # phi 2:28 1th 3:6-8 2th 1:3
that I # phi 3:14 1ti 6:12
that # mat 17:2 col 3:4 1jno 3:2 re 1:13
that # phi 2:2,3 3:16 ge 45:24 ps 133:1-3 mar 9:50 ro 12:16-18 #
1co 1:10 ep
4:1-8 1th 5:13 he 12:14 ja 3:17,18 1pe 3:8-11
that ye # 1co 1:5 ep 1:15-20 3:14-19 phi 1:9-11
that # 1co 16:9 2co 2:12 2th 3:1,2 re 3:7,8
that # col 4:1 ro 15:30 col 1:9,22,28 mat 5:48 1co 2:6 14:20 #
2co 13:11 phi
3:12-15 1th 5:23 he 5:14 6:1 jude 1:24
that # is 45:22 mar 16:16 ac 4:12 ro 10:13-15 2th 2:10 1ti 2:4
that # mat 15:19 ac 15:20,29 ro 1:29 1co 5:9-11,6:9,10,13-18,7:2
# 2co 12:21
ga 5:19 ep 5:3-5 col 3:5 he 12:16,13:4 # re 21:8,22:15
that ye # 1,3:12 phi 1:9,3:13-15 2pe 3:18
that # pr 17:1 ec 4:6 la 3:26 2th 3:12 1ti 2:2 1pe 3:4
that # tit 1:6,10
that # col 4:16 2th 3:14
that # 6,12 mat 28:20 ro 2:7;15:18 1co 7:19;14:37 2co 2:9;7:15 #
php 2:12 1th
that # ge 3:19 pr 13:4;20:4;21:25;24:30-34 1th 4:11
that with # ge 49:14,15 pr 17:1 ec 4:6 ep 4:28 1th 4:11 1ti 2:2
that he # nu 12:14 ezr 9:6 ps 83:16 je 3:3;6:15;31:18-20 eze
16:61-63;36:31,32 # lu 15:18-21
that # mat 1:2 9:13 18:11 20:28 mar 2:17 lu 5:32 19:10 jno 1:29
12:47 # ac
3:26 ro 3:24-26 5:6,8-10 he 7:25 1jno 3:5,8 4:9,10 re 5:9
that # 1co 11:32 2th 3:15 re 3:19
that # ge 49:14,15 2sa 20:19 pr 24:21 ec 3:12,13 8:2-5 ro 12:18
1th 4:11 # he
that # 1pe 3:3-5
that # 1ti 4:6 mat 5:16 phi 2:15,16
that others # 1ti 1:20 de 13:11 17:13 19:20 21:21 ac 5:5,11 19:17
that # ps 107:43 119:34 mat 28:20
that the # 1ti 5:14 ge 13:7,8 2sa 12:14 ne 9:5 is 52:5 eze 36:20,
23 lu 17:1 #
ro 2:24 1co 10:32 tit 2:5,8,10 1pe 2:12 3:16
that they # de 6:10-12 8:17 33:15 2ch 26:16 32:25,26 ps 10:3,4
73:5-9 # pr
30:9 je 2:31 eze 16:49,50,56 da 4:30 5:19-23 ho 13:6 hab 1:15,16
# ro 11:20
ja 1:9,10 re 18:6,7
that # ro 1:9 1th 1:2,3 3:10
that # 2ti 4:2 ex 35:26 36:2 mat 25:15 lu 19:13 ro 12:6-8 1th 5:
19 # 1pe
that # ac 16:6 19:10,27,31 20:16 1co 16:19
that he # 2ti 1:16 1ki 17:20 mat 25:34-40
that warreth # de 20:5-7 lu 9:59-62
that he # 1co 7:22,23 2co 5:9 1th 2:4
that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits. or,
labouring first,
must be partaker of the fruits # 1co 9:23 he 10:36
that # 2ti 2:16,23 ro 14:1 1ti 1:4,6 6:4,5 tit 3:9-11
that # 1co 15:12 col 3:1
that love # ro 8:23 1co 2:9 2co 5:2 1th 1:10 tit 2:13 he 9:28 re
1:7 22:20
that # 2:2 le 19:17 ps 119:80,141:5 2co 7:8-12 1ti 4:6
that # 2sa 12:14 ps 74:10 ro 2:24 1ti 5:14,6:1
that he # ne 5:9 1ti 5:14 1pe 2:12,15,3:16
that # ge 48:16 ps 130:8 eze 36:25 mat 1:21 ro 11:26-27
that thou # pr 21:28 ac 12:15 2co 4:13
that # is 61:3 mat 7:19,21:19 lu 13:6-9 jno 15:8,16 ro 15:28 #
phi 1:11,4:17
col 1:10 he 6:6-12 2pe 1:8
that is # he 1:3 6:20 7:25,26 8:1 9:12,24 10:12 12:2 mar 16:19
lu 24:51 # ac
1:11 3:21 ro 8:34
that could # he 9:13,14 7:18,19 10:1-4,11 ps 40:6,7 ga 3:21
that he # he 11:6 ge 5:22 ro 8:8,9 1th 2:4 1jno 3:22
That # ge 17:19 21:12 ro 9:7
that they # mat 22:30 mar 12:25 lu 14:14 20:36 jno 5:29 ac 23:6
24:15 # 1co
15:54 phi 3:11
that I # ro 1:10-12 15:31,32 phile 22
that great # ps 23:1 80:1 is 40:11 63:11 eze 34:23 37:24 jno 10:
11,14 1pe
2:25 # 5:4
that # ro 5:3,4 8:28 2co 4:17
that # 14
that # ge 20:17 2ch 30:20 lu 9:6 ac 10:38
that he # 19
that # ecc 5:14 je 48:36 lu 12:20,21,33 ac 8:20 ja 5:2,3 2pe 3:
10-12 re
that not # da 9:24;12:9,13 he 11:13,39,40
that have # mar 16:15 lu 9:6 ac 8:25;16:10 ro 1:15;10:15;15:19
1th 2:9 he 4:2
that raised # ac 2:24,32;3:15;4:10
that # 3:1,16;4:14-16 mat 5:11;10:25 lu 6:22 ac 24:5,6,13;25:7
that # ge 24:22,47,53 ex 3:22;32:2;33:4;35:22;38:8 2ki 9:30 es 5:
1 # ps 45:9
is 3:18-24;52:1;61:10 je 2:32 4:30 eze 16:7-13;23:40
that # job 42:8 mat 5:23,24;18:19 ro 8:26,27 ep 4:30;6:18
that # mat 19:29;25:34 mar 10:17 lu 10:25;18:18
that # ep 2:16-18
that # ps 1:6 ec 12:14 eze 18:30 mat 25:31-37 jno 5:22,23,28,29
# ac
10:42;17:31 ro 14:10-12 1co 15:51,52 2ti 4:1 ja 5:9
that they # 1,2 mat 24:9 ro 8:9-11 1co 11:31,32
that # 2:5 1co 6:20;10:31 2co 9:13 ep 3:20,21;5:20
that # job 36:22 ps 75:10;89:16,17 is 40:4 eze 17:21;21:6 mat 23:
12 # lu 1:52
ja 1:9,10
that he # 1:4; 2:18-20 ro 6:1-4,11 ep 5:26 he 9:14 1pe 3:21 1jno
that # pr 25:26;28:12 1ti 1:9 ja 5:16
that # ro 8:1,4,5,12,13 2co 10:3 he 13:4
that were # 2:20; 1:4 ac 2:40
that there # 1ti 4:1,2 2ti 3:1 1jno 2:18 jude 1:18
that one # ps 90:4
That which # 1jno 2:13 pr 8:22-31 is 41:4 mi 5:2 jno 1:1,2 8:58
1:8,11,17,18 # 2:8
that eternal (See on John 17:3) # jno 17:3
that # is 61:10 hab 3:17,18 jno 15:11 16:24 2co 1:24 ep 3:19 #
phi 1:25,26
2jno 12
that God # ps 27:1 36:9 84:11 is 60:19 jno 1:4,9 8:12 9:5 12:35,
36 1ti 6:16 #
ja 1:17 re 21:23 22:5
that # ps 4:4 eze 3:21 jno 5:14 8:11 ro 6:1,2,15 1co 15:34 ep 4:
26 # tit
2:11-13 1pe 1:15-19 4:1-3
that saith # 1jno 2:9 1:6,8,10 4:20 ja 2:14-16
that saith (See on ver. 4) # 1jno 1:6
that saith (See on ver. 4) # 1Jno 2:4
that loveth # 1jno 3:14 ho 6:3 jno 8:31 ro 14:13 2pe 1:10
that every # 1jno 3:7,10 je 13:23 mat 7:16-18 ac 10:35 tit 2:12-
that # je 3:19 ho 1:10 jno 1:12 ro 8:14-17,21 9:25,26 2co 6:18
ga 3:26,29 #
4:5,6 re 21:7
that we # 1jno 4:7,21 jno 13:34,35 15:12 ga 6:2 ep 5:3 1th 4:9
1pe 1:22 3:8 #
4:8 2jno 5
that loveth # 1jno 2:9,11 4:20 pr 21:16
that hath the # 1jno 2:23,24 jno 1:12 3:36 5:24 1co 1:30 ga 2:20
he 3:14 2jno
that we # jno 13:34,35 15:12 ga 5:22 ep 5:2 1th 4:9 he 10:1 1pe
1:22,23 4:8 #
2pe 1:7 1jno 3:14-18,23 4:7-12,20
that we lose # ga 3:4 4:11 phi 2:15,16 3:16 he 10:32,35 re 3:11
that we receive # da 12:3 jno 4:36 1co 3:8,14 15:8
that # jno 15:11 16:24 17:13 2ti 1:4 1jno 1:4
that # ps 20:1-5 phi 2:4,27
that # is 8:18 1co 4:15 ga 4:19 phile 10
that # ac 8:4 9:16 2co 4:5 col 1:24 re 2:3
that ye # Ne 13:25 Je 9:3 Ac 6:8-10 9:22 17:3 18:4-6,28 # Phi 1:
27 1Th 2:2
1Ti 1:18 6:12 2Ti 1:13 4:7-8 # Re 2:10 12:11
that liveth # Job 19:25 Ps 18:46 jno 14:19 ro 6:9 2co 13:4 ga 2:
20 col 3:3 #
he 7:25
that # re 2:14,15 2ch 19:2 ps 26:5 101:3 139:21,22 2jno 1:9,10
that hath # re 2:11,17,29 3:6,13,22 13:9 mat 11:15 13:9,43 mar 7:
that hath # re 2:7 13:9
that woman # 1ki 16:31 17:4,13 19:1,2 21:7-15,23-25 2ki 9:7,30-37
that # re 3:3,11 ac 11:28 ro 12:9 1th 5:21 he 3:6 4:14 10:28
that # re 2:7 1sa 17:25
that # re 2:4 mat 24:12 phi 1:9 2th 1:3 1pe 1:22
that thou # re 2:9 lu 12:21 2co 8:9 1ti 6:18 ja 2:5
that sat # rev 4:3
that they # re 14:13 is 26:20,21 da 12:13
that they # re 6:6 7:3 job 1:10,12 ps 76:10 mat 24:24 2ti 3:8,9
that there (that time should not be yet, that is, the time of
these glorious
things which 'the mystery of God should be finished.) Another
might be "without further delay" # re 16:17 da 12:7
that # 1ki 17:3-6,9-16 19:4-8 mat 4:11
that # re 12:14,15 20:2 ge 3:1,4,13 is 27:1 65:25
that leadeth # Ex 21:23-25 is 14:2 33:1 mat 7:2
that had # re 11:11,12 12:11 13:14-18 14:1-5
that the # is 41:2,3,25 eze 38:1-23 39:1-29 da 11:43-45
that sitteth # re 17:15 je 51:13
that was # re 17:8
that great # re 14:8 is 21:9
that sat # re 4:2,9 5:1 20:11
that # re 21:2 eze 40:1-49 48:15-22
that is unjust # re 16:8-11,21 ps 81:12 pr 1:24-33 14:32 ec 11:3
eze 3:27 da
12:10 # mat 15:14 21:19 25:10 jno 8:21 2ti 3:13
that the #7:24; 8:3,13 col 2:11,12
that the #8:28-30; is 14:24,26,27; 23:9; 46:10,11; je 51:29; #ep
3:11; 2ti 1:9;
That the man #le 18:5; ne 9:29; eze 20:11,13,21; lu 10:27,28; ga
that they #3:10,22
that they #2ki 10:16; jno 16:2; ac 21:20,28; 22:3,22; 26:9,10; #
ga 1:14;
4:17,18; phi 3:6;
that they #jno 3:17;5:34 ro 10:1 1th 2:16 1ti 2:4
that thou shalt #1:32 ps 56:7 pr 11:21; 16:5 eze 17:15,18 mat 23:
33 1th 5:3 #
he 2:3; 12:25
that thou #job 36:3 ps 51:4 mat 11:19
that we #6:22 ps 45:16 jno 15:8 ga 5:22,23 phi 1:11; 4:17 col 1:
that which #1:20 ps 19:1-6 is 40:26 je 10:10-13 ac 14:16; 17:23-
that ye #ps 45:10-15 is 54:5; 62:5 ho 2:19,20 jno 3:29 2co 11:2
#ep 5:25-27
re 19:7; 21:9
that your #16:19 1th 1:8,9
that. `This Egyptian rose A.D.55:' # ac 5:36,37 mat 5:11 1co 4:13
that. It is evident that the apostle considered his
extraordinary conversion
as a most complete demonstration of the truth of Christianity;
and when all
the particulars of his education, his previous religious
principles, his
zeal, his enmity against Christians, and his prospects of
secular honors and
preferments by persecuting them, are compared with the
subsequent part of his
life, and the sudden transition from a furious persecutor to a
preacher of the gospel, in which he labored and suffered to the
end of his
life, and for which he died a martyr, it must convince every
candid and
impartial person that no rational account can be given of this
change, except
what he himself assigns; and consequently, if that be true, that
is Divine. # ac 9:3-5 26:12
that. Such execrable vows as these were not unusual among the
Jews, who, from
their perverted traditions, challenged to themselves a right of
without any legal process, those whom they considered
transgresses of the
law; and in some cases, as in the case of one who had forsaken
the law of
Moses, they thought they were justified in killing them. They
therefore made
no scruple of acquainting the chief priests and elders with
their conspiracy
against the life of Paul, and applying for their connivance and
support; who,
being chiefly of the sect of the Sadducces, and the apostle's
enemies, were so far from blaming them for it, that they gladly
aided and
abetted them in this mode of dispatching him, and on its failure
they soon
afterwards determined upon making a similar attempt. If these
were, in their
bad way, conscientious men, they were under no necessity of
perishing for
the # 1ki 22:26,27
the # lu 11:26 he 6:4-8 10:26-31,39 2pe 2:14-22 1jno 5:16,17 #
jude 10-13
the # ge 22:17 2sa 18:4 job 38:17 ps 9:13 69:12 107:18 127:5 pr
24:7 # is
28:6 38:10 1co 15:55
the # mat 16:22 20:31 lu 9:49,50,54,55
the # mat 16:21 17:22,23 26:2 ps 2:1-3 22:1 69:1 is 53:1 da 9:24-
27 # ac 2:23
the # mat 25:10 re 5:9 7:9 19:6-9
the # ge 7:16 nu 14:28-34 ps 95:11 lu 13:25 he 3:18,19 re 22:11
the # job 6:15-22 19:13-16 ps 38:11 88:18 la 1:19 eze 34:5,6
the # 1ki 19:5-7 mat 4:11 26:53 1ti 3:16
the lust # 1pe 4:2,3 1jno 2:15-17
the # mar 4:39 ps 93:3,4 107:28-30 mat 8:26,27 14:28-32 lu 8:24,
25 # jno 6:21
the Son # mar 8:31 9:31 mat 16:21 17:22,23 20:17-19 lu 9:22 18:
31-33 # 24:6,7
the # ps 16:10 ho 6:2 jno 1:17 2:10 mat 12:39,40 1co 15:4
the # mat 11:5,25 21:46 lu 19:48 21:38 jno 7:46-49 ja 2:5
the # mar 14:30
the # is 29:24 mat 21:29-32 1co 6:9-11
the # ex 16:7,10 40:34,35 1ki 8:11 is 6:3 35:2 40:5 60:1 eze 3:
23 # jno 12:41
2co 3:18 4:6 re 18:1
the crooked # is 42:16 45:2 he 12:12,13
the # es 5:11 is 5:14 23:9 1pe 1:24
the # mat 14:13,14 mar 1:37,45 6:33,34 jno 6:24
the # lu 6:14-16 mat 10:2-4 mar 3:16-19
the # ge 15:11
the # zep 1:6 mat 12:45 jno 5:14 he 6:4-8 10:26-31 2pe 2:20-22
1jno 5:16 #
jude 12,13
the # eze 31:6 da 4:12,21
the # lu 24:7,21 mat 27:63 1co 15:3,4
the time. or, and, The time. # mat 3:2 4:17 re 1:3
the veil # ex 26:31 le 16:12-16 2ch 3:14 mat 27:51 mar 15:38 ep
2:14-18 # he
6:19 9:3-8 10:19-22
the world was # jno 1:3 je 10:11,12 he 1:2 11:3
the # is 4:2 7:14 9:6 53:2 mi 5:2 zec 6:12 9:9 lu 24:27
the # ge 28:12 da 7:9,10 mat 4:11 lu 2:9,13 22:43 24:4 ac 1:10,
11 # 2th
1:7,-9 1ti 3:16 he 1:14 jude 14
the # jno 8:36 17:17 ps 119:45 is 61:1 ro 6:14-18,22 8:2,15 2co
3:17,18 # ga
5:13 2ti 2:25,26 ja 1:25 2:12 1pe 2:16
the # de 28:50-68 da 9:26,27 zec 13:7,8 14:1,2 mat 21:40-42 22:7
# 23:35-38
27:25 lu 19:41-44 21:20-24 23:28-31
the # jno 3:16,17,36 6:40,68,69 10:9 12:26
the # ac 5:23 mat 28:4
the # ezr 3:12,13 ps 71:7 zec 3:8
the # ac 19:40 mat 11:7-9 lu 7:24-26
the # ac 1:17 9:15 22:21 26:17,18 1co 9:17,18 2co 4:1 ga 1:1 tit
the # ac 9:20 1co 1:23;2:2 2co 4:5
the fire # is 8:20 28:17 je 23:29 eze 13:10-16 zec 13:9 1pe 1:7
the head of the # ge 3:16 ep 5:22,24 col 3:18 1ti 2:11,12 1pe 3:
the head of Christ # 1co 3:23 15:27,28 is 49:3-6 52:13 55:4 61:1-
4 mat 28:18
# jno 3:34-36 5:20-30 14:28 17:2-5 ep 1:20-22 phi 2:7-11
the marginal reading of: # ro 8:13
the power # jno 5:21-29 10:18 11:25,26 ac 2:31-38 ro 6:4-11 8:10,
11 1co
15:21-23 # 2co 1:10 4:10-13 13:4 ep 1:19-21 col 2:13 3:1 1th 4:
14,15 1pe 1:3
# 4:1,2 ro 1:18
the fellowship # mat 20:23 ro 6:3-5 8:17,29 2co 1:5 ga 2:20 col
1:24 2ti
2:11,12 # 1pe 4:13,14
the # ru 1:18 ps 78:8,37 ac 2:42 1co 15:58 16:13 1th 3:8 he 3:14
# he 6:19
1pe 5:9 2pe 3:17,18
the # 1co 15:23,51,52 re 20:5,6
the # ex 25:16,21 26:33 34:29 40:3,20,21 de 10:2-5 1ki 8:9,21
2ch 5:10
the sin # he 10:35-39 ps 18:23
the voice # ex 20:1-17,22 de 4:12,33 5:3-22
the bed # he 12:16 1co 6:9 ga 5:19,21 ep 5:5 col 3:5,6 re 22:15
the # 1jno 2:1,2 5:6,8 zec 13:1 jno 1:29 1co 6:11 ep 1:7 he 9:14
# 1pe 1:19
re 1:5,7 7:14
the # ps 27:1 36:9 84:11 mal 4:2 jno 1:4,5,9 8:12 12:35 2ti 1:10
the lust # ge 3:6 6:2 jos 7:21 job 31:1 ps 119:30,37 ec 5:10,11
mat 4:8 # lu
the pride # es 1:3-7 ps 73:6 da 4:30 re 18:11-17
the # 1jno 4:4,5 jno 15:18,19 ro 1:28-32 3:9-18 ga 1:4 tit 3:3
ja 4:4
the first # AC 26:23 1CO 15:20-23 COL 1:18
the prince # RE 11:15 17:14 19:16 PS 72:11 89:27 PR 8:15,16 DA 2:
2 7:14 # MAT
28:18 EP 1:20-22 1TI 6:15
the # zec 4:2 mat 5:15,16 phi 2:15,16 1Ti 2:14-15
the # re 1:16,20 2:1
the third part of the sun # re 16:8,9 is 13:10 24:23 je 4:23 eze
32:7,8 joel
2:10,31 am 8:9 # mat 24:29 27:45 mar 13:24 15:33 lu 21:25 23:44,
45 ac 2:20
the day # ex 10:21-23 2co 4:4 2th 2:9-12
the sun # re 8:12 ex 10:21-23 joel 2:2,10
the # Job 39:25 is 9:5 joel 2:5-7 na 2:4,5
the # re 10:1-5
the # re 21:2 22:19 is 48:2 52:1 mat 4:5 27:53
the tenth # re 8:9-12 13:1-3 16:10,19
the remnant # re 11:11
the time # re 6:10,11 20:4,5,12,15 is 26:19-21 da 7:9,10 12:1,2
he 9:27
the # ga 6:14 tit 2:11,12
the song # re 5:9-13 7:10,11 14:3,8
the water # re 17:15 is 11:15 42:15 44:27 je 50:38-40 51:36
the # re 21:23 is 60:1-3 eze 43:2 lu 17:24 2th 2:8
the # re 22:15 mal 3:5 1co 6,9,10 ga 5:19-21 ep 5:5,6 1ti 1:9,10
# he 12:24
13:4 1jno 3:15
the Lord #ac 7:59,60 1co 16:23 2co 12:8-10;13:14 ga 6:18 ep 6:23,
24 #phi
4:13,23 1th 3:11-13;5:28 2th 2:16,17; 3:16,18 2ti 4:22 #phile 25
re 22:21
the #1:2; 16:26 ac 3:21-25; 10:43;28:23 ga 3:8 1pe 1:10
the gift #6:23 2co 9:15 he 2:9 1jno 4:9,10; 5:11
the end # 6:21 nu 23:10 ps 37:37,38 mat 13:40,43; 19:29;25:46
jno 4:36
the glory #nu 7:89; 1sa 4:21,22; 1ki 8:11; ps 63:2; 78:61; 90:16;
# is 60:19;
the rest #is 6:10; 44:18; mat 13:14,15; jno 12:40; 2co 3:14; 4:4;
# 2th
The Son # mat 16:21 20:17,18 mar 8:31 9:30,31 10:33,34 lu 9:22,
44 # 18:31-34
The Son # mat 1:1 21:9 is 7:13,14 9:6,7 11:1-4 je 23:5,6 eze 34:
23,24 # am
9:11 lu 1:69,70 jno 7:41,42 ac 13:22,23
The Lord. This passage is expressly referred to the Messiah by
several of the
Jews. Rabbi JODEN says, `In the world to come, the Holy Blessed
God shall
cause the king Messiah to sit at his right hand, as it is
written, The Lord
said to my Lord,' etc. So Rabbi Moses Hadarson; and Saadias Gaon
says, `This
is Messiah our righteousness, asi ti is written, The Lord said
to my Lord,'
etc # ps 110:1 ac 2:34,35 1co 15:25 he 1:3,13 10:12,13 12:2
The Master # mat 26:49 21:3 23:8,10 mar 5:35 jno 11:28 20:16
The Pharisees # mar 3:22 mat 15:1 lu 5:17 11:53,54
The Holy Ghost # lu 1:27,31 mat 1:20
The voice # is 40:3-5 mat 3:3 mar 1:3 jno 1:23
The seed # is 8:20 mat 13:19 mar 4:14 1co 3:6,7,9-12 ja 1:21 1pe
The # lu 22,67 mat 16:16,17 26:63 mar 8:29 14:61 jno 1:41,49 4:
29,42 # jno
6:69 7:41 11:27 20:31 ac 8:37 9:22 17:3 1jno 5:1
The harvest # Mat 9:37,38 jno 4:35-38 1co 3:6-9
The kingdom # lu 10:11 17:20,21 da 2:44 mat 3:2 4:17 10:7 mar 4:
30 jno 3:3,5
# ac 28:28,31
The ground # ge 26:12-14 41:47-49 job 12:6 ps 73:3,12 ho 2:8 mat
5:45 ac
The children # lu 16:8
The zeal # ps 69:9 119:139
The Son # jno 5:30 8:28 9:4 12:49 14:10,20
The hour # jno 4:23 13:1 17:1
The place # jno 1:28 3:26
The Lord. The disbelief of the apostle is the means of
furnishing us with a
full and satisfactory demonstration of the resurrection of our
Throughout the devine dispensation every doctrine and ever
important truth is
gradually revealed; and here we have a conspicuous instance of
progressive system. An angle first declares the glorious event;
the empty
sepulchre confirms the women's report. Christ's appearance to
Mary Magdalene
shewed that he was alive; that the disciples at Emmaus proved
that it was at
the least the spirit of Christ; that to the eleven shewed the
reality of his
body; and the convection given to St. Thomas proved it the self-
same body
that had been crucified. Incredulity itself is satisfied; and
the convinced
apostle exclaims, in joy of his heart, `My Lord and my God!' #
jno 16:31 5:23
9:35-38 ps 45:6,11 102:24-28 118:24-28 # is 7:14 9:6 25:9 40:9-
11 je 23:4,5
mal 3:1 m
The disciples. # jno 21:20,24 13:23 19:26 20:2
The Lord # ps 110:1 mat 22:42-45 mar 12:36 lu 20:42,43 1co 15:25
ep 1:22 # he
The son # mar 3:17
The prison # ac 5:19 ps 2:4 33:10 pr 21:30 la 3:37,55-58 da 3:11-
25 6:22-24 #
mat 27:63-66 28:12-15 jno 8:59
The God # ps 24:7,10 29:3 is 6:3 mat 6:13 lu 2:14 jno 1:14 12:41
2co 4:4-6 #
tit 2:13 he 1:3 re 4:11 5:12,13
The angel # ac 5:19 10:7,22 12:8-11,23 27:23 2ki 1:3 he 1:14
The apostles # ac 8:14,15 ga 1:17-22
The gods # ac 8:10 12:22 28:6
The apostles # ac 5:4,22
The will # ge 43:14 1sa 3:18 2sa 15:25,26 2ki 20:19 mat 6:10 26:
39,42 # lu
11:2 22:42
The God # ac 3:13 5:30 13:17 24:14 ex 3:13-16 15:2 2ki 21:22 1ch
12:17 #
29:18 2ch 28:25 30:19 ezr 7:27 da 2:23
The chief. As the chief captain did not understand Hebrew, he
was ignorant of
the charge against Paul, and also of the defence which the
apostle had made;
but as he saw that they grew more and more outrageous, he
supposed that Paul
must have given them the highest provocation, and therefore,
according to the
barbarous and irrational practice which has existed in all
countries, he
determined to put him to the torture, in order to make him
confess his crime.
# ac 21:31,32 23:10,27
The Jewa # ac 23:12
The rudder bands. Or, the bands of the rudders; for large
vessels in ancient
times had two or more rudders, which were fastened to the ship
by means of
bands, or chains, by which they were hoisted out of the water
when incapable
of being used. These bands being loosed, the rudders would fall
into their
proper places, and serve to steer the vessel into the creek,
which they had
in view, and hoisted. # is 33:23
The # ps 69:9,20;89:50,51 mat 10:25 jo 15:24
The grace # nu 6:23-27 mat 28:19 jno 1:16,17 ro 1:7 16:20,24 1co
16:23 re 1:4
# re 1:5
The # mat 24:48-50 1th 5:2,4 2th 2:2 he 10:25 ja 5:8,9 1pe 4:7
2pe 3:8-14 #
re 22:7,20
The # ro 16:21,22 ga 1:2 2:3 col 4:10-14
The laborer # le 19:13 de 24:14,15 mat 10:10 lu 10:7
The Lord # nu 16:5 ps 1:6 37:18,28 na 1:7 mat 7:23 lu 13:27 jno
10:14,27-30 #
13:18 ro 8:28 11:2 1co 8:3 ga 4:9 re 17:8
The Lord # mat 28:20 ro 16:20 2co 13:14 ga 6:18 phile 25
The Lord # he 7:17 ps 110:4
The Lord shall # de 32:36 ps 50:4 96:13 98:9 135:14 eze 18:30 34:
17 2co 5:10
The Lord # ge 15:1 ex 18:4 de 33:26,29 ps 18:1,2 27:1-3,9 33:20
40:17 54:4 #
63:7 94:17 115:9-11 118:7-9 124:8 146:3 is 41:10,14 ro 8:31
The spirit # ge 4:5,6,6:5,8:21,26:14,30:1,37:11 nu 11:29 ps 37:1,
106:16 # pr
21:16 ec 4:4 is 11:13 ac 7:9 ro 1:29 tit 3:3
The Father # ps 33:6 is 48:16,17 61:1 mat 3:16,17 17:5 28:19 jno
5:26 8:18,54
# 10:37,38 12:28 1co 12:4-6 2co 13:14 re 1:4,5
The kingdoms # re 12:10 15:4 17:14 20:4 ps 22:27,28 72:11 86:9
89:15-17 # is
2:2,3 49:6,7,22,23 55:5 60:3-14 je 16:19 da 2:44,45 7:14,18,22 #
da 7:27 ho
2:23 am 9:11,12 mi 4:1,2 zep 3:9,10 zec 2:11 8:20-23 # zec 14:9
mal 1:11
THE MOTHER # re 18:9 19:2
The seven # re 17:3,7,18 13:1
The waters # re 17:1 ps 18:4 65:7 93:3-4 is 8:7,8 je 51:13,42,55
The # jno 1:1,14 1jno 1:1 5:7
the. The apparent discrepancy between the accounts of this title
given by the
Evangelists, which has been urged as as objection against their
and veracity, has been most satisfactorily accounted for by Dr.
Townson; who
supposes that, as it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, it
might have
slightly varied in each language; and that, as St. Luke and St.
John wrote
for the Gentiles, they would prefer the Greek inscription, that
St. Matthew,
addressing the Jews, would use the Hebrew, and that St. Mark,
writing to the
Romans, would naturally give the Latin. Jesus. # jno 19:3,12 1:
45,46,49 18:33
ac 3:6 26:9
theatre # 1co 4:9
their # re 9:6
their # ps 57:4 joel 1:6
their # ex 14:25 2ki 2:1,5,7 ps 86:17 112:10 mal 3:18 lu 16:23
their # ps 19:11 85:13 mat 25:35-40 lu 16:9 1co 15:58 ga 6:7,8
phi 2:17 # 2ti
4:7,8 he 6:10,11
them # mat 7:22,23 lu 13:26,27 ro 2:8,9,16 re 21:27
them # re 17:2 18:3,9 19:18:21 eze 16:37-41 23:29,45-48
them # re 19:5 ps 85:9 103:11 115:13,14 147:11 ec 8:12 12:13 lu
them # re 4:1-4 5:13 7:9 11:12 12:12 18:20 19:1-6 he 12:22,23
then # mat 23:23 1co 11:28
then # is 22:12 ac 13:1-3 14:23 1co 7:5 2co 11:27
then # mat 10:41,42 job 34:11 ps 62:12 pr 24:12 is 3:10,11 je 17:
10 # 32:19
eze 7:27 ro 2:6 1co 8:8 2co 5:10 ep 6:8 1pe 1:17 re 2:23 # 22:12-
then # mat 24:3,6 eze 7:5-7,10
then shall all # zec 12:10 re 1:7
then # ac 26:17 13:46-48 14:16-21 22:21,22 ro 11:18-20
then # le 4:13-16 9:15 16:15
Then # mat 24:42-51 lu 21:34-36
Then # mat 26:31 mar 14:50-52 jno 16:32 18:8,9,15,16 2ti 4:16
Then # ac 9:4-6 ge 28:13-17 ex 33:20 1ki 19:13 job 4:14 37:1,2
42:5,6 # ps
89:7 is 6:1-5 da 10:7,8 mat 17:6 lu 5:8 re 1:17
Then # ac 26:20 1sa 10:10-12 ga 1:17
Then # ac 16:15 jno 4:40
Then # ex 12:14-20 13:3-7 23:15 le 23:6-14 mat 26:17 1co 5:7,8
there # mar 6:10 lu 9:4 10:7,8
there # mat 4:23-25 mar 1:28
there # mat 9:10 mar 2:15 1co 5:9-11 10:27
there # 2ki 4:44 mat 16:9,10 mar 8:19,20 jno 6:11-13 phi 4:18,19
there # ps 17:13 is 10:5,6 eze 30:24,25
there # re 4:5 11:19 16:18 2sa 22:7-9 ps 18:13 is 30:30 he 12:18,
there # re 12:10 16:17 19:6 is 27:13 44:23 lu 15:6,10
there were # re 11:13,15 re 4:5 8:5 16:18
there # re 12:8 job 9:6
there # re 13:1 is 27:1 57:20 da 7:3
There Josephus says that `Caesar gave orders that they should
now demolish
the whole city and temple, except the three towers Phaselus,
Hippicus, and
Mariamne, and a part of the western wall; but all the rest was
laid so
completely even with the ground, by those who dug it up from the
that there was nothing left to make those who came thither
believe that it
had ever been inhabited.' # 1ki 9:7,8 je 26:18 eze 7:20-22 da 9:
26,27 mi 3:12
lu 19:44 # 2pe 3:11
There # ex 20:9 23:12 le 23:3 eze 20:12
There # lu 14:26-28 de 33:9 mat 10:37-39 19:28-30 mar 10:29-31
There # is 11:1,10 re 5:5;22:16
There # nu 15:30 16:26-32 1sa 2:25 je 15:1,2 mat 12:31,32 mar 3:
28-30 # lu
12:10 2ti 4:14 he 6:4-6 10:26-31 2pe 2:20-22
thereby # ex 32:21 1ki 14:16 ac 20:30,31 1co 5:6 15:33 ga 2:13
2ti 2:16,17 #
2pe 2:1,2,18
Therefore # phi 3:20,21 2pe 3:11-14
Therefore # he 2:2-4 1:1,2 12:25,26
these # job 19:28 pr 12:3,12 ep 3:17 col 2:7 jude 12
these # ac 16:21 25:8-11 ezr 4:12-15 da 3:12 6:13 lu 23:2 jno 19:
12 # 1pe
these # 3:21 mat 12:30 ro 7:7,8,10-14,8:5-8
these # de 6:4 mat 28:19 jno 10:30
these # mar 14:56 ac 15:15
These # ac 2:15 1sa 1:14 job 32:19 ca 7:9 is 25:6 zec 9:15,17 10:
7 ep 5:18
These # ac 19:13 mat 8:29 mar 1:24 lu 4:34,41
These # ac 21:28-31 22:22,23 24:5 28:22 1ki 18:17,18 ex 3:8,9 je
38:2-4 # am
7:10 lu 23:5
These # 1ti 4:11 tit 2:1,15 3:8
These were # re 5:9
These # re 19:11 21:5 22:6 1ti 1:15 4:9 2ti 2:11 tit 3:8
These # re 19:9 21:5
Thessalonians # ac 17:1-9,11,13
Thessalonica # ac 20:4 27:2 phi 4:16 1th 1:1 2th 1:1 2ti 4:10
Thessalonica # ac 17:1 11:13
they # mat 13:49 18:7 ro 16,17,18 2pe 2:1,2
they took # mat 15:37,38 16:8-10 2ki 4:1-7 mar 6:42-44 8:8,9,16-
21 # jno
they # mat 9:8 ps 50:15,23 mar 2:12 lu 7:16 17:15-18 18:43 jno 9:
they # mat 11:9-15 21:23-25,32 mar 9:12,13 11:30-32 lu 7:33 jno
1:11 #
5:32-36 ac 13:25-28
they # mat 17:19,20 2ki 4:29-31 lu 9:40 ac 3:16 19:15,16
they were # jno 16:6,20-22
they # 1co 6:16 7:2,4
they # mat 8:15 ps 119:67,71 lu 18:43 ac 26:18
they would not # mat 23:37 ps 81:10-12 pr 1:24-32 is 30:15 je 6:
16,17 ho
11:2,7 # lu 13:34 15:28 19:27 jno 5:40 ac 13:34 ro 10:21 he 12:25
they # ex 12:4-8 2ch 35:10,11
they # 1ki 18:27-29 job 8:5,6 ps 44:23,24 is 51:9,10 mat 8:25 #
lu 8:24
they # 1sa 6:20,21 16:4 1ch 13:12 15:13 job 13:11 ps 14:5 2ti 1:7
they # mar 1:27 2:12 4:41 5:42 7:37
they # mar 6:14-28 mat 14:3-11 lu 3:19,20 ac 7:52
they # mar 9:28,29 11:23 2ki 4:29-31 mat 17:16,19-21 lu 9:40
they # job 5:12,13 mat 22:22,33,46 1co 14:24,25
they # ex 16:7,8 de 1:27 ps 106:25 mat 20:11 lu 15:2 jno 6:43 #
1co 10:10 phi
2:14 jude 1:16
they # mat 26:27
they # mar 6:49,50 da 8:17 10:7-9,12 lu 1:12,29,30
they # ge 17:10 18:14 ju 13:3-5 1sa 2:21 2ki 4:16,17 ps 113:9
they # lu 1:12 is 6:4,5 ac 22:6-9 26:13,14 he 12:21 re 20:11
they # lu 7:16 mat 9:8 12:23 mar 2:12 ac 4:21 ga 1:24
they # ju 6:22 13:22 da 10:8 re 1:17
they # lu 9:1 10:17-19 2ki 4:31 mat 17,20,21 ac 19:13-16
they # mat 10:5
they marvelled # lu 13:17 mat 22:12,22,34 ro 3:19 tit 1:10
they # ps 22:18 mat 27:35,36 mar 15:24 jno 19:23,24
they # jno 1:43 4:39-42 pr 15:23 zec 8:21 ro 10:17 ep 4:29 re 22:
they # jno 2:11 20:8,9
they # mat 3:5,6 mar 1:4,5 lu 3:7
they # jno 10:4 8:12 12:26 21:22 1ki 18:21 mat 16:24 mar 8:34 10:
21 # lu 9:23
re 14:4
they # ps 35:16 is 1:10-15 je 7:8-11 am 5:21-23 mi 3:10-12 # mat
27:6 ac 10:28 11:3
they # acts 2:17
they # ac 8:4 11:19-21 mat 5:13 phi 1:12
they # ac 4:36,37 9:27 13:1-3 15:22,35-39
they # ac 22:29 mat 14:5 21:46
they # ac 15:3 17:10 20:38
they # ac 15:1,5,24 22:3 ro 10:2 ga 1:14
they # ac 7:57,58 16:19 lu 4:29 2co 11:26
they # mat 23:33 he 2:3,12:23
they # 1sa 25:36,37 pr 23:29-35 is 21:4,5 da 5:4,5 ac 2:15 2pe 2:
they # he 13:6 ps 56:4 118:6 is 8:12,13 41:10,14 51:7,12 da 3:16-
18 6:10 #
mat 10:28 lu 12:4,5
they # PS 22:16 ZEC 12:10 JNO 19:34,37 HE 6:6 10:23 10:29
they # re 7:15 is 62:1,6,7 ac 20:31 1th 2:9 2th 3:8,9
they # re 3:21 12:5 2ki 2:11 is 14:13 ac 1:9 ro 8:34-37 ep 2:5,6
they # re 13:12,13,15 da 11:36,37 2th 2:4
they # re 16:5 14:7 ex 7:20 8:5 is 50:2 eze 35:8 ho 13:15
they # re 16:11 2:21 9:20 da 5:22,23 lu 13:3,5 2co 12:21
they (Invalid reference Jer 1:44,45: no guess supplied) # re 14:
1-4 19:14 ps
149:5-9 mi 5:7-9 jno 15:16 ro 8:30 # ro 8:37 2ti 2:4 he 3:1,2
1pe 2:9
they # re 5:9 11:11,15 da 2:44 7:18,27 ro 8:17 11:15 2ti 2:12
they # re 20:12
they # re 3:21 11:15 da 7:18,27 mat 25:34,46 ro 5:17 2ti 2:12
1pe 1:3,4
They were # mat 9:33 12:22,23 mar 1:27 7:37
They that # je 8:22 mat 9:12,13 mat 2:17
They have # jno 11:3 phi 4:6
They cast # jno 2:5 ps 8:8 he 2:6-9
They have # ac 16:20-24 22:25-28 ps 58:1,2 82:1,2 94:20 pr 28:1
They # ro 16:21-23
thief # jno 10:1 12:6 is 56:11 eze 34:2-4 ho 7:1 mat 21:13 23:14
23:14 # mar
11:17 ro 2:21 2pe 2:1-3
thieves # ps 50:17,18 is 1:23 je 7:11 eze 22:13,27,29 mat 21:19
# 23:14,33
jno 12:6 ep 4:28 1th 4:6 1pe 4:15
thine # mat 6:10 ex 15:18 1ch 29:11 ps 10:16 47:2,7 145:10-13 #
da 4:25,34,35
7:18 1ti 1:17 6:15-17 re 5:13 19:1
thine # mat 20:15 is 44:18-20 mar 7:22 ep 4:18 5:8 1jno 2:11
thine # mat 6:2,6,16 2ki 10:16,30,31 eze 29:18-20 lu 15:31 16:25
# ro 3:4,19
thine # ge 3:6 job 31:1 ps 119:37 mat 5:28,29 10:37-39 lu 14:26
# ga 4:15 phi
thine # jno 17:9,10 ro 8:28-30 11:2 ep 1:4-11 2th 2:13,14 1pe 1:1
thine # ps 79:9 pr 18:10 is 64:2 je 14:7,21 eze 20:9,22,44 mat 6:
9 # ro 9:17
thine # jno 18:28 19:11 ac 3:13
thine # ac 3:14 4:27 ps 89:19 mar 1:24 lu 1:35 4:34 1jno 2:20 re
thine # is 45:19 phi 4:18 he 6:10 13:16
thing # ps 31:19 mat 20:23 25:34 he 11:16
things # lu 1:77-79 2:10-14 10:5,6 ac 10:36 13:46 he 3:7,13,15
10:26-29 #
things # ac 1:8,22 3:15 5:32 10:39-41 22:15 lu 1:2 he 2:3,4 1jno
things # 1co 2:12 jno 14:26 15:26 16:8-15
things # 2ti 1:13 3:10,14
things # ca 7:13 jno 13:34 1jno 2:7,8
things # ac 21:25 ge 9:4 le 3:17 7:23-27 17:1-14 de 12:16,23-25
14:21 # de
15:23 1sa 14:32 eze 4:14 33:25 1ti 4:4,5
things which # ro 4:17 2co 12:11
things are lawful # 1co 10:23 ro 14:14
things are lawful # 1co 6:12 8:9 ro 14:15,20
things # 1co 13:1
things in earth # ep 1:10 phi 2:10
things # he 2:3 5:9 is 57:15 mat 5:3-12 mar 16:16 ac 11:18 20:21
2co 7:10 #
ga 5:6,22,23 tit 2:11-14
things # he 11:1
think # mar 7:21 lu 3:8 5:22 7:39 12:17
think # 2co 3:1 5:12
think # lu 16:15 1th 5:21 1jno 4:1
think # 4 is 28:21
thinkest #2sa 10:3 job 35:2 ps 50:21 mat 26:53
thinkest # lu 7:42 mat 17:25 21:28-31 22:42
thinketh # 2sa 10:8 job 21:27 je 11:19 18:18-20 40:13-16 mat 9:4
lu 7:39
third # ps 16:10 jno 2:19 ac 2:23-31 1co 15:3,4
third # mar 15:25 ac 2:15
third # mat 12:40 16:21 is 26:19 ho 6:2 lu 24:46 1co 15:4
third # jno 1:43
third time. Or, as some read, the third day. On the day the
savior rose he
appeared five times; the second day was that day se'nnight; and
this was the
third day-or this was the third appearance to any considerable
number of his
disciples together. Though he had appeared to Mary, to the women,
to the two
disciples, to Cephas-yet he had but twice appeared to a company
of them
together. # jno 20:19,26
third # jno 13:38 18:27 mat 26:73,75 re 3:19
third # 1ki 17:19
third (That is the third time I have purposed to visit you. See
the parallel
passages.) # 2co 1:15 13:1 1co 4:19 11:34 16:5
third # 2co 12:14
third # re 8:9,10,12 re 6:8 9:4 is 2:12,13 10:17,18 ja 1:11 1pe
third # re 8:7 16:3
third part of the creatures # Re 8:7,10,12 16:3 ex 7:21 zec 13:8
third # re 9:15,17
third # re 14:6-8 je 44:4
third # ge 1:14-20 1ki 8:27 is 57:15
thirsty # mat 25:42 pr 25:21 ro 12:20
thirty Probably shekels or staters, as some read, which,
reckoning the the
shekels at 3s. with Prideaux, would amount to about 4l 10s. the
price for the
meanest slave! (See Ex 21:32) # ex 21:32 mat 27:3-5 ge 37:26-28
zec 11:12,13
ac 1:18
thirty # mat 26:15 ex 21:32 le 27:2-7
thirty # ge 41:46 nu 4:3,35,39,43,47
thirty # jno 5:14 9:1,21 mar 9:21 lu 8:43 13:16 ac 3:2 4:22 9:33
this (See on ch. 2:18,22) # 1jno 2:18,22 2th 2:7,8 2jno 7
this #16:25; ep 3:3,4,9; re 10:7;
this #is 55:3; 59:21; je 31:31-34; 32:38-40; he 8:8-12; 10:16;
this # mat 12:18 17:5 ps 2:7 is 41:1,21 mar 1:11 9:7 lu 3:22 9:
35 # ep 1:6
col 1:13 2pe 1:17
this # lu 11:1,2
this # mat 26:65 le 24:16 mar 14:64 jno 10:33-36 ac 6:11-13
this # mat 17:10-13 mal 4:5 mar 9:11-13 lu 1:17 jno 1:21-23 re
this # mat 12:34 23:36 24:34
this # mat 12:39,45 16:4 17:17 23:36
this # mat 13:4
this # mat 11:11 16:14 mar 8:28 jno 10:41
this # mat 3:17 mar 1:11 9:7 lu 3:22 9:35 jno 3:16,35 5:20-23 ep
1:6 # col
1:13 2pe 1:16,17
this # mat 12:45
this # mat 1:22 26:56 jno 19:36,37
this # mat 16:13,14 de 18:15-19 lu 7:16 jno 7:40 9:17 ac 3:22,23
this # mat 2:13-16 26:3,4 27:1,2 ge 37:18-20 ps 2:2-8 mar 12:7,8
# lu 20:14
jno 11:47-53 ac 4:27,28 5:24-28
this # mat 4:23 9:35 10:7 ac 20:25
This # mat 12:45 16:28 23:36 mar 13:30,31 lu 11:50 21:32,33
this # eze 5:4,5 lu 22:20 1co 10:4,16 ga 4:24,25
This # mat 26:71 12:24 ge 19:9 1ki 22:27 2ki 9:11 ps 22:6,7 is
49:7 53:3 # lu
23:2 jno 9:29 ac 17:18 18:13 22:22
This # mat 26:61
This # mat 11:14 mal 4:5 mar 15:35,36
this # mat 13:55,56 lu 4:22 jno 6:42
this # mar 1:11 ps 2:7 mat 3:17 26:63 27:43,54 jno 1:34,49 3:16-
18 #
5:18,22-25,37 9:35 19:7 20:31 ac 8:37 ro 1:4 2pe 1:17 # 1jno 4:9,
this # mat 12:45 lu 11:26
this # mar 12:12 ge 3:15 37:20 ps 2:2,3 22:12-15 is 49:7 53:7,8
# mat
2:3-13,16 jno 11:47-50 ac 2:23 5:28 7:52 13:27,28
this # ex 24:8 zec 9:11 jno 6:53 1co 10:16 11:25 he 9:15-23 13:
this day # ge 1:5,8,13,19,23
This day # lu 10:23,24 mat 13:14 jno 4:25,26 5:39 ac 2:16-18,29-
33 3:18
This man # lu 7:16 jno 7:12,40,41,47-52 9:24
This # lu 3:22 mat 3:17 jno 3:16,35,36 2pe 1:17,18
this # le 18:5 ne 9:29 eze 20:11,13,21 mat 19:17 ro 3:19 10:4 ga
This is # lu 11:50 9:41 is 57:3,4 mat 3:7 23:34-36 mar 8:38 jno
8:44 # ac
this # lu 15:32 mar 8:22 jno 5:21,24,25 11:25 ro 6:11,13 8:2 2co
5:14,15 # ep
2:1,5 5:14 col 2:13 1ti 5:6 jude 12 re 3:1
this # lu 15:32 18:11 ex 32:7,11
This day # lu 2:30 13:30 jno 4:38-42 ac 16:30-32 1co 6:9-11 1pe
this # mat 21:33 mar 12:1
this do # ps 78:4-6 111:4 ca 1:4 1co 11:24
this # ex 24:8 zec 9:11 1co 10:16-21 11:25 he 8:6-13 9:17 12:24
this # luke 22:22 18:31 24:44-46 mat 26:54-56 jno 10:35 19:28-30
# ac
this # jno 1:18,49 3:16-18,35,36 5:23-27 6:69 10:30,36 11:27 19:
7 # jno
20:28,31 ps 2:7 89:26,27 mat 3:17 4:3,6 8:29 11:27 16:16 17:5 #
mat 26:63
27:40,43,54 mar 1:1,11 lu 1:35 3:22 ro 1:4 2co 1:19 # he 1:1,2,5,
6 7:3 1jno
2:23 3:8 4:9,14,15 5:9-13,20 2jno 9 re 2:18
this # jno 1:4,9-11 8:12 9:39-41 15:22-25 mat 11:20-24 lu 10:11-
16 12:47 # ro
1:32 2co 2:15,16 2th 2:12 he 3:12,13
this # is 66:11 lu 2:10-14 15:6
This # jno 1:21 4:19,25,42 7:40 ge 49:10 de 18:15-18 mat 11:3 21:
11 # lu 7:16
24:19 ac 3:22-24 7:37
This # jno 3:16-18,36 5:39 de 18:18,19 ps 2:12 mat 17:5 mar 16:
16 # Ac 16:31
22:14-16 ro 4:4,5 9:30,31 10:3,4 he 5:9 1jno 3:23 5:1
this # jno 6:40 mat 18:14 lu 12:32 ro 8:28-31 2th 2:13,14 2ti 2:
This # jno 6:41,42 8:43 mat 11:6 he 5:11 2pe 3:16
this spake # jno 14:16,17,26 pr 1:23 is 12:3 32:15 44:3 joel 2:
28 lu 3:16 #
lu 24:49 ac 1:4-8 2:4,17,38 4:31 ro 8:9 ep 1:13,14 4:30
This is # jno 7:31 1:41,49 4:25,29,42 6:69 mat 16:14-16
this # ro 4:12
This man # jno 9:24,30-33 3:2 5:36 14:11 15:24
This # jno 6:38 14:31 15:10 ps 40:6-8 he 5:6-9 10:6-10
This # jno 9:3 mar 5:39-42 ro 11:11
this # jno 17:25 8:19,54,55 1ch 28:9 ps 9:10 is 53:11 je 9:23,24
# 31:33,34
ho 6:3 1co 15:34 2co 4:6 2th 1:8 he 8:11,12 1jno 4:6 # 5:11,20
this # ac 2:23 13:27-29 mat 26:54,56 jno 10:35 12:38-40 19:28-30,
this # ac 1:25 12:25 20:24 21:19 2co 4:1 5:18 ep 4:11,12
this # mat 27:3-10
this # is 9:7 53:1,2 da 2:34,35,44,45 zec 6:12,13 mar 4:30-32
this # ac 2:30 2sa 7:12 ps 89:35-37 132:11 is 7:13 11:1,10 je 23:
5,6 # je
33:15-17 am 9-11 mat 1:1 21:9 22:42 lu 1:31-33,69 jno 7:42 # ro
1:3 re 22:16
this # am 9:11,12
this # ac 2:36 9:22 18:28 ga 3:1
this # ac 18:11 20:18,31
this is # ac 21:21 6:13,14 24:5,6,18 26:20,21
this # ac 16:17 18:26 19:9,23 24:14
this thing # ac 2:1-12 4:16-21 5:18-42 is 30-20 mat 26:5 27:29-54
this man # ac 23:9,29 25:25 28:18 2sa 24:17 lu 23:4,14,15 1pe 3:
16 # 4:14-16
this # ac 27:27
this cause # ac 28:17 10:29,33
this chain. That is, the chain with which he was bound to the
soldier that
kept him; a mode of custody which Dr. Lardner has shewn was in
use among the
Romans. It is in exact conformity, therefore, with the truth of
St. Paul's
situation at this time, that he declares himself to be an
ambassador in a
chain, and the exactness if the more remarkable, as a chain is
no where used
in the singular number to express any other kind of custody. #
ac 26:29 ep
3:1 4:1 6:20 phi 1:13 col 4:18 2ti 1:10 2:9 # phile 10:13
this # 1co 7:29 15:50 2co 9:6 ga 3:17
this # 1co 11:27,28 10:3,4,16,17
this # 1co 11:27,28
this # ps 17:14 ec 6:11 9:9 lu 8:14 21:34 1co 6:3,4 2ti 2:4
this # 1co 1:27 7:29 2co 9:6 ga 3:17 5:16 ep 4:17 col 2:4
this mortal # ro 2:7 6:12 8:11 2co 4:11 2th 1:10
this # 2co 4:1 6:10 mat 13:44,52 ep 3:8 col 1:27 2:3
this # 2co 8:6 9:14 ep 4:29 2ti 2:1 he 12:28 2pe 3:18
this # 5:16 1co 1:12,7:29,10:19 2co 9:6 ep 4:17 col 2:4
this # 1co 6:9,10
this # phi 1:4
this # ps 71:18 is 38:18,19
this # 5:18 ps 40:8,143:10 mat 7:21,12:50 mar 3:35 jno 4:34,7:17
# ro 12:2 ep
5:17,6:6 col 1:9,4:12 he 10:36,13:21 1pe 4:2 # 1jno 2:17
this # 1ti 5:4 ro 12:1,2 14:18 ep 5:9,10 phi 1:11 4:18 col 1:10
1th 4:1 # he
13:16 1pe 2:5,20
this # jno 14:30,17:14-15 ro 12:2 ga 1:4 ep 2:2 2ti 4:10 1jno 5:
this # he 3:6 1:2-4 2:9 col 1:18
this # he 6:20 ge 14:18-20
this # he 9:12,14,25,28 10:6-12 is 53:10-12 ro 6:10 ep 2:18 tit
this is # he 10:16,17
This # he 13:20 zec 9:11 mat 26:28
this testimony # he 11:3,4
this # ps 19:11 106:3 119:2,3 lu 6:47 11:28 jno 13:17 1co 15:58
# re 14:13
this # ja 2:20 is 1:13 mal 3:14 mat 15:9 mar 7:7 1co 15:2,15 ga
this # 12;2:2 jo 1:1,14 1co 1:21-24;2:2;15:1-4 ep 2:17;3:8 # tit
1:3 2pe 1:19
1jo 1:1,3
this # 20 lu 6:32
this # mat 5:10-12 ro 12:1,2 ep 5:10 phi 4:18
this # mat 3:17;17:5 mar 1:11;9:7 lu 3:22;9:35
this # mat 17:6
this purpose # 1jno 3:5 ge 3:15 is 27:1 mar 1:24 lu 10:18 jno 12:
31 16:11 #
ro 16:20 col 2:15 he 2:14 re 20:2,3,10,15
this # 1jno 1:5 2:7,8
this # ex 20:6 de 5:10 7:9 10:12,13 da 9:4 mat 12:47-50 jno 14:
15,21-24 #
15:10,14 2jno 6
this # 1jno 5:7,10 jno 1:19,32-34 8:13,14 19:35 3jno 12 re 1:2
this # 1jno 5:12,20 1:1-3 4:9 jno 1:4 5:21,26 11:25,26 14:6 col
3:3,4 # re
this # 1jno 3:21 ep 3:21 he 3:6,14 10:35
This is # 1jno 5:11-13 1:1-3 is 9:6 44:6 45:14,15,21-25 54:5 je
10:10 23:6 #
jno 1:1-3 14:9 20:28 ac 20:28 ro 9:5 1ti 3:16 tit 2:13 he 1:8
this is love # jno 14:15,21 15:10,14 ro 13:8,9 ga 5:13,14 1jno 5:
This is the (See on verse 5) # 2jno 1:5 1jno 2:24
This is # 1jno 2:22 4:3
this # re 11:11,15 eze 37:2-14 ro 11:15
this. That is, this represents my body; the substantive verb,
expressed or understood, being often equivalent to signifies or
represents. #
ex 12:11 da 7:24 mat 13:38,39 lu 8:9 15:26 18:36 jno 7:36 10:6 #
ac 10:17 re
1:20 5:6,8 11:4 17:12,18 19:8 mar 14:24 ge 41:26 # zec 5:7 lu 22:
20 1co 10:4
ga 4:25
this. Many have supposed that this person was Mary Magdalene,
and Mary, the
sister of Lazarus. But there is no indication in the gospel
history, that
Mary Magdalene was the sister of Lazarus; but on the contrary,
it would
appear that they were perfectly distinct persons, the sister of
residing at Bethany, while Mary Magdalene appears to have
resided at Magdala,
east of Jordan, a distance of nearly ninety miles. Add to this,
that our
Saviour seems to have been now in or near Nain, not at Bethany;
and the woman
appears from the recital to have been previously unknown to him.
Thomas # lu 6:15 jno 11:16 20:24-29 21:2
Thomas # jno 11:16 20:24-29 21:2 ac 1:13
Thomas # jno 11:16 20:24
Thomas # jno 20:24-29 21:2 mat 10:3 mar 3:18 lu 6:15
Thomas # jno 20:25-28
Thomas # jno 11:16 14:5 21:2 mat 10:3
Thomas # jno 20:24
Thomas # jno 20:28
Thomas # jno 11:16 20:26-29 21:2
thorns # lu 8:14 21:34 ge 3:18 je 4:3 mat 13:7,22 mar 4:7,18,19
he 6:7,8
thoroughly furnished. or, perfected # 2ti 2:21 ne 2:18 ac 9:36
2co 9:8 ep
2:10 tit 2:14 3:1 he 10:24
those that # mat 8:6,13 9:2-8
those # jno 20:31 ac 1:1,3 1ti 3:16 2pe 1:16
those # ac 17:2,3 26:22,23 28:23 lu 24:26,27,44 1co 15:3,4 1pe 1:
10,11 # re
those # ac 20:6 16:12 17:1,10
those # 2co 11:23-27
those who # 2:2,9,6:3 2co 11:5,21-23,12:11 he 13:7,17
thou # es 6:6-12 pr 3:35 11:2 16:18 eze 28:2-10 da 4:30-34
thou #3:8; 1co 15:12,35; ja 1:13;
thou art #ro 2:28,29; 9:4-7 ps 135:4 is 48:1,2 mat 3:9; 8:11,12
jno 8:33 #2co
11:22 ga 2:15 ep 2:11 phi 3:3-7 re 2:9; 3:1,9
thou bearest #4:16 zec 8:20-23; jno 10:16; ga 3:29; ep 2:19,20;
thou shalt #13:9 ge 3:6 ex 20:17 de 5:21 jos 7:21 2sa 11:2 1ki
21:1-4 #mi 2:2
mat 5:28 lu 12:15 ac 20:33 ep 5:3 col 3:5 1jno 2:15,16
thou # lu 1:31 2:21
thou # mat 2:1 mi 5:2 jno 7:42
thou # lu 3:1,2
thou # ex 17:2,7 nu 14:22 de 6:16 ps 78:18,41,56 95:9 106:14 #
mal 3:15 ac
5:9 1co 10:9 he 3:9
thou shalt # de 6:13,14 10:20 jos 24:14 1sa 7:3 lu 4:8
thou # ge 4:5,6 37:4,8 1sa 17:27,28 18:8,9 20:30-33 22:12 1ki 21:
4 # 2ch
16:10 es 3:5,6 ps 37:8 da 3:12,13 3:13,19 ep 4:26,27
thou # mat 8:4 23:19 de 16:16,17 1sa 15:22 is 1:10-17 ho 6:6 am
thou # mat 18:34 25:41,46 lu 12:59 16:26 2th 1:9 ja 2:13
thou # ex 20:14 le 20:10 de 5:18 22:22-24 pr 6:32
thou # ex 20:7 le 19:12 nu 30:2 de 5:11 23:23 ps 50:14 76:11 #
ec 5:4-6 na
thou # mat 19:19 22:39,40 le 19:18 mar 12:31-34 lu 10:27-29 # ro
13:8-10 ga
5:13,14 ja 2:8
thou shalt not # mat 6:2 23:14 job 27:8-10 is 1:15 lu 18:10,11
thou hypocrite # mat 22:18 23:14 lu 12:56 13:15
thou Son # mat 4:3 mar 3:11 lu 4:41 ac 16:17 ja 2:19
thou # mat 12:23 15:22 20:30,31 21:9,15 22:41-45 mar 10:47,48 11:
10 #
12:35-37 lu 18:38,39 20:41 jno 7:42 ro 1:3 9:5
thou # mat 14:33 26:63 27:54 ps 2:7 mar 14:61 jno 1:49 6:69 11:
27 # 20:31 ac
8:37 9:20 ro 1:4 he 1:2-5 1jno 4:15 5:5,20
thou # mat 10:2 jno 1:42 ga 2:9
thou art # mat 18:7 is 8:14 ro 14:13,21
thou savourest # mar 8:33 ro 8:5-8 1co 2:14,15 phi 3:19 col 3:2
thou hast # pr 11:30 ro 12:21 1co 9:19-21 ja 5:19,20 1pe 3:1
thou shalt do # mat 5:21-28 ex 20:12-17 de 5:16-21 mar 10:19 lu
18:20 # ro
thou # mat 22:39 le 19:18 lu 10:27 ro 13:9 ga 5:14 ja 2:8
Thou # mat 19:19 le 19:18 mar 12:31 lu 10:27,28 ro 13:9,10 ga 5:
14 ja 2:8
thou # mat 23:30 5:12 21:35,36 22:6 2ch 24:21,22 ne 9:26 je 2:30
26:23 # mar
12:3-6 lu 20:11-14 ac 7:51,52 1th 2:15 re 11:7 17:6
Thou # mat 18:32 job 15:5,6
Thou # mat 26:64 27:11 jno 18:37
Thou # mat 26:25 27:11 mar 14:62 lu 22:70 jno 18:37
thou # mat 27:28,29 mar 15:18,19 jno 19:2,3,14,15 1pe 2:4-8
Thou sayest # mat 26:25,64 mar 14:62 jno 18:37 1ti 6:13
thou # mark 9:7 ps 2:7 is 42:1 mat 17:5 lu 9:35 jno 1:34 3:16,35,
36 # 5:20-23
6:69 ro 1:4 col 1:13
thou seest # lu 8:45 9:12
thou # mat 16:16 jno 1:4-49 4:42 6:69 11:27 ac 8:37 9:20 1jno 4:
15 # 5:1
thou # is 9:6,7 11:1 je 23:5,6 mat 1:1 9:27 12:23 15:22 20:30 21:
9 # 22:42-45
ac 13:22,23 ro 1:3,4 re 22:16
thou # le 19:13 mat 7:12 19:18,19 22:39 lu 10:27,36,37 ro 13:8,9
# 1co 13:4-8
ga 5:14 ja 2:8-13 1jno 3:17-19 4:7,8,21
thou # mat 12:20 ro 3:20 7:9 ga 2:19
thou # lu 1:60-63 2:21 ge 17:19 is 8:3 ho 1:4,6,9,10 mat 1:21
thou shalt # lu 1:22,62,63 ex 4:11 eze 3:26 24:27
thou # lu 1:27 is 7:14 mat 1:23 ga 4:4
thou shalt # lu 1:16,17 3:4-6 is 40:3-5 mal 3:1 4:5 mat 3:3,11
11:10 mar
1:2,3 # jno 1:23,27 3:28 ac 13:24,25
Thou art # lu 9:34,35 ps 2:7 is 42:1 mat 12:18 17:5 27:43 col 1:
13 1pe 2:4 #
2pe 1:17,18
Thou # de 6:16 ps 95:9 106:14 mal 3:15 mat 4:7 1co 10:9 he 3:8,9
Thou # mat 8:29 26:63 jno 20:31 ac 16:17,18 ja 2:19
Thou # lu 10:38 ps 116:16-18 mar 12:34
thou # ge 19:2 ju 19:21 1sa 25:41 1ti 5:10 ja 2:6
thou hast # job 5:12-14 is 29:14 1co 1:9-26 2:6-8 3:18-20 2co 4:
3 col 2:2,3
Thou # de 6:5 10:12 30:6 mat 22:37-40 mar 12:30,31,33,34 he 8:10
Thou hast # lu 7:43 mar 12:34
thou # lu 8:14 21:34 mar 4:19 1co 7:32-35 phi 4:6
thou # 1ki 22:8 je 6:10 20:8 am 7:10-13 jno 7:7,48 9:40
Thou fool # lu 11:40 je 17:11 ja 4:14
thou goest # pr 25:8,9 mat 5:23-26
thou shalt # lu 16:26 mat 18:34 25:41,46 2th 1:3
Thou hypocrite # lu 6:42 12:1 job 34:30 pr 11:9 is 29:20 mat 7:5
23:13,28 # ac 8:20-23 13:9,10
Thou knewest # mat 25:26,27
thou # mat 22:34-40 mar 12:28-34 ac 23:9
Thou art # jno 1:47,48 2:24,25 6:70,71 13:18
thou # jno 1:18,34 20:28,29 mat 14:33
thou shalt # jno 11:40 mat 13:12 25:29
thou wouldest # 2ch 33:12,13,18,19 ps 10:17 is 55:6-9 lu 11:8-10
23:42,43 # ac 9:11 re 3:17,18
thou hast # jno 3:4 1co 2:14
thou hast # jno 6:40,63 5:24,39,40 ac 4:12 5:20 7:38 1jno 5:11-13
Thou # jno 8:48,52 10:20 mat 10:25 11:18,19 12:24 mar 3:21,22,30
ac 26:24
Thou # jno 5:31-47
thou # jno 4:9 7:20 10:20 is 49:7 53:3 mat 10:25 12:24,31 ro 15:
3 # he 13:13
thou greater # jno 8:58 4:12 10:29,30 12:34 is 9:6 mat 12:6,41,
42 ro 9:5 he
3:2,3 # he 7:1-7
Thou # jno 4:26 7:17 14:21-23 ps 25:8,9,14 mat 11:25 13:11,12 ac
Thou shalt # ge 42:38 mat 16:22 21:29 26:33,35 col 2:18,23
thou # jno 21:18,19,22 2pe 1:14
thou # mat 26:64 27:11 mar 14:62 15:2 lu 23:3 1ti 6:13
thou # jno 3:27 7:30 ge 45:7,8 ex 9:14-16 1ch 29:11 ps 39:9 62:
11 # je 27:5-8
la 3:37 da 4:17,25,32,35 5:21 mat 6:13 lu 22:53 # ac 2:23 4:28
ro 11:36 13:1
ja 1:17
thou art # jno 18:33-36 lu 23:2-5 ac 17:6,7
thou knowest # jno 21:17 2sa 7:20 2ki 20:3 he 4:13 re 2:23
thou knowest that # jno 21:15 jos 22:22 1ch 29:17 job 31:4-6 ps
7:8,9 17:3 #
2co 1:12
thou wouldest not # jno 12:27,28 2co 5:4
thou hast # ac 5:3 ex 16:8 nu 16:11 1sa 8:7 2ki 5:25-27 ps 139:4
lu 10:16 #
1th 4:8
thou # ac 8:22 de 15:9 2ki 5:15,16 pr 15:26 mat 15:19
Thou # ac 26:24 job 9:16 mar 16:11,14 lu 24:11
thou child # ge 3:15 mat 13:38 jno 8:44 1jno 3:8
thou # ac 9:8,9,17 ge 19:11 2ki 6:8 is 29:10 jno 9:39 ro 11:7-10,
Thou art # ps 2:7 he 1:5,6 5:5
thou shalt # ac 1:8,22 10:39-41 23:11 26:16 27:24 lu 24:47,48
jno 15:27
thou # ex 22:28 ec 10:20 2pe 2:10 jude 8,9
thou # ac 25:16 pr 18:13,17 jno 7:51
thou # ac 9:15 19:21 23:11 25:11 mat 10:18 jno 11:9 2ti 4:16,17
# re 11:5-7
thou # 2,5,14,23 ga 6:1 ja 3:13
thou bound # 1co 7:12-14,20
thou hast # 1co 7:36 he 13:4
thou # de 25:4 1ti 5:18
thou # 4:1,2,5,6,31,5:1
thou # le 19:18,34 mar 12:31,33 lu 10:27-37 1ti 1:5
thou put # ac 20:31,35 ro 15:15 1co 4:17 2ti 1:6 2:14 2pe 1:12-
15 3:1,2 #
jude 5
thou hast # phi 3:16 2ti 3:14
thou shalt # eze 3:19-21 33:7-9 ac 20:26,27 1co 9:27
Thou # de 25:4 1co 9:9,10
thou hast fully known. or, thou hast been a diligent follower of
# lu 1:3 phi
2:22 1ti 4:6
thou # mat 6:14,15 18:21-35 mar 11:25 ep 4:32
thou count # ac 16:15 2co 8:23 ep 3:6 phi 1:7 1ti 6:2 he 3:1,14
ja 2:5 1pe
5:1 # 1jno 1:3
Thou # heb 5:5 ps 2:7 ac 13:33
Thou # ps 102:25-27
thou # ps 10:16 29:10 90:2 is 41:4 44:6 re 1:11,17,18 2:8
Thou # he 1:5 ps 2:7 mi 5:2 jno 3:16 ac 13:33 ro 8:3
Thou # he 5:10 6:20 7:3,15,17,21 ps 110:4
thou # ps 147:11 mal 1:10 mat 3:17 ep 5:2 phi 4:18
thou # le 19:18,34 mat 22:39 mar 12:31,33 lu 10:27-37 # ro 13:8,
9 ga 5:14,6:2
1th 4:9
thou # 14,22 ro 14:23 1co 13:2 ga 5:6 he 11:6,31
thou doest # 8 jon 4:4,9 mar 7:9
thou hast # 2co 11:13-15 1jno 2:21,22 4:1
thou art # is 14:12 ho 14:1 ga 5:4 jude 24
thou art # rev 3:17,18 lu 12:21 2co 6:10 1ti 6:18 ja 2:5,6
thou holdest # 2:25 3:3,11 1th 5:21 2ti 1:13 he 3:6 10:23
thou # jos 24:15-24 1ki 18:21 pr 23:26 ho 7:8 10:2 zep 1:5,6 mat
6:24 # mat
10:37 lu 14:27,28 1co 16:22 ja 1:8
Thou art # re 5:2,3 4:11
thou # ex 37:3
Thou # re 11:9 14:6 17:15 je 1:9,10 25:15,30
thou hast # re 11:15 19:6,11-21 20:1-3 ps 21:13 57:11 64:9,10 98:
1-3 102:13-8
# is 51:9-11 52:10
thou # is 9:6,7 32:1,2 33:22 zec 9:9
thou only # re 3:7 4:8 6:10 1sa 2:2 ps 22:3 99:5,9 111:9 is 6:3
57:15 hab
1:12 # 1pe 1:16
Thou art # re 16:7 15:3 19:2 ge 18:25 ps 129:4 145:17 la 1:18 da
9:14 # ro
2:5 3:5 2th 1:5,6
Thou, Lord # ac 15:8 nu 27:16 1sa 16:7 1ki 8:39 1ch 28:9 29:17
ps 7:9 44:21 #
pr 15:11 je 11:20 17:10 20:12 jno 2:24,25 21:17 he 4:13 re 2:23
thou. If this had been only a natural disease, as some have
contended, could
our Lord with any propriety have thus addressed it? If the
possession had been false, or merely a vulgar error, would our
Lord, the
Revealer of truth, have thus established falsehood, sanctioned
error, or
encouraged deception, by teaching men to ascribe effects to the
malice and
power of evil spirits, which they had no agency in producing?
Such conduct is utterly unworthy the sacred character of the
Redeemer. # is
35:5,6 mat 9:32,33 12:22 lu 11:14
though I have all # 1co 12:9 mat 17:20 21:21 mar 11:22,23 lu 17
though #is 10:20-23;
Though # mar 14:29 lu 22:33 jno 13:36-38 21:15
Though # mat 20:22,23 pr 28:14 29:23 ro 11:20 1co 10:12 phi 2:12
1pe 1:17
though # ps 13:1,2 hab 2:3 he 10:35-37
though # ac 23:1 24:10-16 25:8,10 ge 40:15
though I bestow # mat 6:1-4 23:5 lu 18:22,28 21:3,4 jno 12:43 ga
5:26 # phi
though I give # da 3:16-28 mat 7:22,23 jno 13:37 15:13 ac 21:13
phi 1:20,21 #
though # 2co 12:15 job 19:26,27 ps 73:26 is 57:1,2 mat 5:29,30
though I made # 2co 7:6,11 2:2-11 la 3:32 mat 26:21,22 lu 22:61,
62 jno 16:6
21:17 # he 12:9-11 re 3:19
though I did # ex 5:22,23 je 20:7-9
though # ps 102:25-27 jno 1:1-4,10 16:15 1co 15:47 phi 2:6 col 1:
16,17 # he
though # 2co 1:24 13:2,3,8,10 ga 1:1
though # lu 17:10 1co 3:7 15:8-10 ep 3:8
though # 2co 6:12,13 2sa 13:39 17:1-4 18:33 1co 4:8-18
though # 18,26,1:22-25 mat 5:20,7:21-23,26,27 lu 6:49 ac 8:13,21,
15:9 # 1co
13:2,16:22 ga 5:6,13 1th 1:3 1ti 1:5 tit 1:16,3:8 # he 11:7,8,17
2pe 1:5 1jno
though # 1jno 2:21 jude 5
thought # ac 8:20 he 4:12
thought # ge 32:24-30 48:15,16 eze 8:2-6 jos 5:13-15 ho 12:3-5
zec 13:7 # jno
5:18,23 8:58,59 10:30,33,38 14:9 20:28 re 1:17,18 21:6
thousand # ps 90:4 2pe 3:8
thousands # lu 12:1
threatened # ac 4:29;9:1 ep 6:9
three # mat 12:40 27:63 ac 27:33
three # le 19:23 25:21 ro 2:4,5
three hundred # jno 6:7 mat 20:2 mar 14:5
three # nu 24:10 jno 13:38 21:17 2co 12:8
three # rev 11:2,3,11
three # re 11:9
three # re 16:14 2th 2:9-11 1ti 4:1-3 2ti 3:1-6 2pe 2:1-3 1jno 4:
threescore # ge 46:12,26,27 de 10:22 1ch 2:5,6
thrice # ge 41:32 jno 21:17 2co 13:1
thrice # ac 27:1-44
throne # he 9:5 ex 25:17-22 le 16:2 1ch 28:11
throne # re 4:4,6,9,10
throne # re 4:2-11
thrones # col 2:10,15 ro 8:38 ep 1:21 3:10 6:12 1pe 3:22
thrones # da 7:9,18,22,27 mat 19:28 lu 22:30 1co 6:2,3
thronged # mar 5:31 3:9,10,20 lu 8:42,45 12:1 19:3
through #ep 3:21;5:20 phil 1:11 he 13:15 1pe 2:5; 4:11
through #5:1,9,11 is 53:11 jno 6:47,53-58 col 1:20-23 he 10:19,20
through #6:23 jno 20:31 ep 2:7
through #5:17; 4:13; 8:10 2pe 1:1
through # 6:23; 5:1 16:27 jno 20:31 ep 2:7 phi 1:11; 4:7 col 3:
17 # 1pe 2:5;
through #ru 2:13 1sa 25:39-42 1ti 5:11-14
through #8:1 ep 4:30; 5:18 1pe 1:22
through #11:11-19;
through #2:10,12 lu 1:75 1pe 1:2-5
through #ac 15:11;18:27 ro 4:4,16;5:2;11:5,6
through 5:9 is 53:11 mat 20:28 ep 1:6,7 col 1:14 1ti 2:6 # tit 2:
14 he 9:2-14
1pe 1:18,19 re 5:9;7:14
through the lusts #6:12
through # mat 27:22,23
through # lu 4:43,44 mat 9:35 mar 6:6 ac 10:38
through # lu 24:47 ac 3:16 10:43 13:38,39
through # ac 10:38 is 11:2,3 42:1 48:16 59:20,21 61:1 mat 3:16
12:28 # jno
1:16 3:34 re 1:1 2:7,11,17,29 3:16,13,22
through # ac 14:9 19:13-17 mat 17:19,20 21:21,22 mar 11:22,23 16:
17,18 # lu
17:5,6 jno 14:12 1co 13:2
through # ac 13:27 nu 15:24-31 lu 23:34 jno 7:26,27,52 16:3 1co
2:8 # 2co
3:14 1ti 1:13
through # ac 3:16 4:10-12 jno 20:31 ro 5:1 6:23 he 13:20
through # ac 15:23 18:18 21:3 ga 1:21
through # 1co 6:16,17 jno 15:16 2co 1:1 ga 1:15,16 ep 1:1 col 1:1
through # 3:10,24 ro 3:19,20,4:15,5:20,7:7-11,14,22,23,8:2,10:4,5
through # 3:16 ge 22:18 is 49:6,52:10 lu 2:10,11 ac 2:39,3:25,26,
4:12 # ro
10:9-15 1ti 2:4-6
through # 1co 2:3 2co 10:10,11:6,30,12:7-10,13:4
through # jno 16:8-15 ep 2:18
through # mar 16:16 lu 7:50 jno 3:14-18,36 5:24 6:27-29,35,40 ac
13:39 #
15:7-9 16:31 ro 3:22-26 4:5,16 10:9,10 ga 3:14,22 1jno 5:10-12
through # ep 3:12 jno 10:7,9 14:6 ro 5:2 he 4:15,16 7:19 10:19,
20 1pe 1:21 #
3:18 1jno 2:1,2
through # 2co 1:11 ep 6:18,19
through # 1pe 1:4,5 jude 1
through # 2co 12:9,10 ep 3:16 6:10 col 1:11 is 40:29-31 41:10 45:
through # 1:4 jno 4:10,14:16-17,16:7 ro 8:2
through # ro 15:30-32 2co 1:11 phi 1:19 ja 5:16
through # job 18:11,14 24:17 ps 55:4 73:19 1co 15:50-57
through # he 6:19 9:3 ex 26:31 36:35 le 16:2,15 21:23 mat 27:51
mar 15:38 #
lu 23:45
through # jos 6:1-13:33 2sa 5:4-25 8:1-14 ps 18:32-34 44:2-6 144:
through # jno 16:23,24 ep 2:18 phi 1:11 4:13 col 3:17 1pe 2:5
through # ro 11:20 2co 1:24 ga 2:20 ep 2:8;3:17 2ti 3:15 he 6:12
through # ro 8:13 ga 5:5 2ti 1:14 he 9:14
through # 2:5 phi 1:11;2:11
through # je 33:16 ro 1:17 ; 3:21-26 1co 1:30 2co 5:21 phi 3:9
through # 2:14,15 is 56:11 je 6:13;8:10 eze 13:19 mi 3:11 mal 1:
10 # ro 16:18
2co 12:17,18 1ti 3:3,8;6:5 tit 1:7,11 1pe 5:2 # jude 1:11
through # 1:2
throughout # ro 16:4
throughout # ep 2:7 1pe 5: 11 2pe 3:18 jude 25
thrown # lu 9:39,42 11:22 mar 1:26 9:26 re 12:12
thrust # jno 8:37,40,59 15:24,25 ac 7:57,58 16:23,24 21:28-32
thrust # lu 13:28 is 5:14 14:15 eze 26:20 31:18 32:18,20,27 mat
10:28 # 2pe
thrust # re 14:14
thrust # re 14:19 16:1
thrust # joel 3:13
thunder # ex 19:16 20:18 job 37:2-5 40:9 eze 10:5 re 6:1 8:5 11:
19 14:2
thus # ps 119:126,139 je 8:8 ho 4:6 mal 2:7-9 mar 7:13 ro 3:31
thus # ac 13:2 16:6 20:23 28:25 he 3:7 1pe 1:12
Thus # ex 15:5 ne 9:11 je 51:63,64
thy # le 19:18 mat 19:19 ro 13:9 ga 5:13 ja 2:8 1jno 3:18
thy # lu 15:23
thy # ac 16:15,32 2:39 18:8 ge 17:7 18:19 je 32:39 ro 11:16 ga 3:
thy # ps 90:4
thy # re 6:15-17 14:10 15:1,7 16:1-21 19:15
thy kingdom # mat 3:2 4:17 16:28 ps 2:6 is 2:2 je 23:5 da 2:44 7:
13,27 # zec
9:9 mar 11:10 lu 19:11,38 col 1:13 re 11:15 12:10 19:6 # 20:4
thy will # mat 7:21 12:50 26:41 ps 40:8 mar 3:35 jno 4:34 6:40 7:
17 # ac
13:22 21:14 22:14 ro 12:2 ep 6:6 col 1:9 1th 4:3 5:18 # he 10:7,
36 13:21 1pe
2:15 4:2
thy # mat 9:29 mar 10:52 lu 7:50 17:19 18:42 ac 14:9 he 4:2
thy King # mat 2:2,6 ge 49:10 nu 24:19 ps 2:6-12 45:1 72:1 110:1-
4 # is 9:6,7
je 23:5,6 eze 34:24 37:24 da 2:44,45 7:13,14 # mi 5:2 zec 6:12,
13 jno 1:49
thy sins # mar 2:5
thy faith # mar 10:52 lu 7:50 8:48 17:19 18:42 ac 14:9
thy daughter # jno 5:25 11:25
thy faith # mar 5:34 mat 9:22,28-30 15:28 lu 7:50 9:48
thy prayer # ge 25:21 1sa 1:20-23 ps 118:21 ac 10:31
thy country # mat 13:54 mar 6:1
Thy # Mat 9:2 mar 2:5
Thy # lu 8:18,42,48 18:42 hab 2:4 mat 9:22 mar 5:34 10:52 ep 2:8-
10 # ja
thy brethren # mat 13:55,56 mar 6:3 jno 7:3-6 ac 1:14 1co 9:5 ga
thy # lu 7:50 17:19 18:42 mat 8:13 mar 5:34 ac 14:9 he 4:2
Thy kingdom # lu 10:9-11 is 2:2-5 da 2:44 7:18,27 re 11:15 19:6
Thy will # ps 103:20 is 6:2,3 mat 6:10
thy # lu 19:44 23:28 ps 149:2 la 1:16 joel 2:23 ga 4:25,26
Thy brother # lu 15:30 ac 9:17 22:13 phile 16
thy good # lu 6:24 job 21:13,14 22:18 ps 17:14 37:35,36 49:11 73:
7,12-19 # ro
8:7 phi 3:19 1jno 2:15
thy faith # lu 7:50 8:48 18:42 mat 9:22 mar 5:34 10:52
thy faith # lu 7:50 8:48 17:19
thy # mat 13:23 mar 4:20 2co 8:12
thy children # lu 13:34,35 mat 23:37,38
thy faith # luke 8:13 2ti 2:18 tit 1:1 he 12:15 1pe 1:11 1jno 2:
thy # luke 24:26 ps 2:6 is 9:6,7 53:10-12 da 7:13,14 1pe 1:11
Thy # jno 4:50,53 1ki 17:23
thy # jno 11:43,44
thy foes # Ge 3:15 jos 10:24,25 ps 2:8-12 18:40-42 21:8-12 72:9
is 49:23 # is
59:18 60:14 63:4-6 lu 19:27 20:16-18 ro 16:20 re 19:19-21 20:1 #
thy # ac 4:30 2:27 3:14 job 14:4 15:14 25:4 lu 1:35 he 7:26
Thy # ac 1:18 de 7:26 jos 7:24,25 2ki 5:26,27 da 5:17 hab 2:9,10
zec 5:4 #
mat 27:3-5 1ti 6:9 ja 5:3 2pe 2:14-17 re 18:15
thy # ac 10:31 2ch 6:33 32:24 ps 141:2 is 43:26 mal 3:16 lu 1:13
# phi 4:6
thy # is 38:5 da 9:23 10:12 lu 1:13
thy brother # eze 13:22 1co 8:12
thy mother # ps 22:10 86:16 116:16 ac 16:1
thy # 2ti 4:9,13 1:4
thy benefit # 1ch 29:17 ps 110:3 1co 9:7,17 2co 8:12 9:5,7 1pe 5:
Thy throne # ps 45:6,7
thy God # ps 89:26 jno 20:17 2co 11:31 ep 1:3 1pe 1:3
thy fellows # heb 2:11 1co 1:9 1jno 1:3
thy works # 1ki 11:4 15:3 2ch 25:2 is 57:12 da 5:27 mat 6:2-4 23:
thy # re 2:10 4:4,10 1co 9:25 2ti 2:5 4:8 ja 1:12 1pe 5:3,4
thy soul # nu 11:4,34 ps 78:18 106:14 1co 10:6 ja 4:2 1jno 2:16,
thy merchants # re 18:3,11-19 is 23:8 eze 27:24,25,33,34
thy. Thy dialect, or mode of speech. From various examples
produced by
Lightfoot, and Schoetgen, it appears that the Galileans used a
very corrupt
dialect and pronunciation; interchanging the gutturals, and
other letters,
and so blending or dividing words as to render them
unintelligible, or convey
a contrary sense. Thus when a Galilean would have asked, whose
is this lamb,
he pronounced the first word so confusedly that it could not be
known whether
he meant an ass, wine, wool, or a lamb. A certain woman
intending to say to a
judge, My lord, I had a picture which they stole; and it was so
great, that
if you had been placed in it, your feet would not have touched
the ground, so
spoiled it by her pronunciation, that her words meant, Sir slave,
I had a
beam, and they stole thee away; and it was so great, that if
they had hung
thee on it, thy feet would not have touched the ground.
Thyatira # re 1:11 2:18-24
thyine (or sweet) # 1ki 10:11 2ch 2:8
Tiberias was a celebrated city of Galilee, on the western shore
of the lake
to which it gave name, so called because built by Herod Agrippa
in honour of
the emperor Tiberius; distant 30 furlongs from Hippos, 60 from
Gadara, 120
from Scythopolis, and 30 from Tarichea. It is still called
Tabaria, of
Tabbareah, by the natives, is situated close to the edge of the
lake, has
tolerably high but ill-built walls on three of its sides,
flanked with
circular towers, and is of nearly a quadrangular from, according
to Pococke,
containing a population estimated at from 2000 to 4000 souls. #
jno 6:1
Tiberius Cesar # lu 2:1
tidings # ac 11:1 8:14 15:2 1th 3:6
till # mat 24:35 ps 102:26 is 51:6 lu 16:17 21:33 he 1:11,12 #
2pe 3:10-13 re
till # ps 98:1-3 is 42:3,4 ro 15:17-19 2co 2:14 10:3-5 re 6:2 #
till # job 17:9 pr 4:18 ho 6:3 jno 15:2 16:12,13 phi 1:6,9 # 2:
13-15 1th
5:23,24 2pe 3:18
till # mat 18:15 lu 17:3,4
till # ge 3:15 ps 2:8,9 21:9 is 63:1-6 lu 19:27 re 19:19-21 20:1-
till # mar 9:30,31 8:31 10:32-34 mat 12:40 16:21 27:63 lu 24:46
till # job 17:9 ps 92:13,14 pr 4:18 ho 6:3 jno 4:14 15:2 1co 5:6
# phi
1:6,9-11 1th 5:23,24 ja 1:21
till # 3:16,25,4:1-4
till # 1co 1:8
till # re 1:7 22:7,20 jno 14:3 21:22,23 1co 4:5 11:26 2pe 3:10
till # rev 14:1 ex 12:13,23 is 26:20,21 ex 9:4-6 zep 2:3
till # re 15:1
time # da 2:44 9:25 ga 4:4 ep 1:10
time # is 65:5 mat 10:28 24:9 ac 5:33 6:13,14 7:56-60 8:1-3 9:1,
2 #
22:3,4,19-23 26:9-11 ro 10:2,3 ga 1:13,14 phi 3:6
time # job 14:1,2 ps 39:4-7 90:5-10 103:15,16 ec 6:12 9:10 # ro
13:11,12 he
13:13,14 1pe 4:7 2pe 3:8,9 1jno 2:17
time # pr 31:25 lu 16:9,25
time # he 7:11 11:39,40 1pe 1:11,12
time # jno 21:25
time # eze 44:6;45:9 ac 17:30 ro 8:13,13 1co 6:11
time # 2ti 3:16 1ti 4:1-3
times # ac 3:19 is 1:26 mal 3:3,4 4:5,6 mat 17:11,12 mar 9:11-13
times # ac 14:16 ps 50:21 ro 1:28 3:23,25
times # mat 24:3,36 mar 13:30-32 ac 1:7
Timotheus # ac 16:1 2co 1:1,19 phi 2:19 1ti 1:1 2ti 1:2
Timotheus # ac 16:1-3;17:14;18:5;19:22;20:4 2co 1:1,19 col 1:1
1:1;2:19-23 # 1th 1:1;3:2,6 2th 1:1 1ti 1:2;6:11,20 2ti 1:2 he
Timotheus # ac 16:1-3 1co 16:10 2co 1:1 col 1:1 1th 1:1 2th 1:1
1ti 1:2 # he
Timotheus # phi 1:1 1th 1:1 2th 1:1 phile 1:1
Timotheus # ac 16:1-3,17:14,15,18:5,19:22,20:4 2co 1:1 phi 1:1
col 1:1 # 1ti
1:2 2ti 1:2 he 13:23
Timotheus # ac 16:1,17:14,15,18:5
Timothy # ac 16:1 ro 16:21 1co 16:10 phi 1:2 2:19-22 col 1:1,2
1th 1:1 # 2th
1:1 he 13:23
Timothy # ac 16:1-3 1th 3:2
Timothy # 1ti 1:2 ro 12:19 phi 4:1
Timothy # 2co 1:1 col 1:1 2th 1:1
Titus # 2co 8:6,16,23 12:18 ga 2:1,3 2ti 4:10 tit 1:4
Titus # 2co 8:6,16 7:6 12:18
Titus # 2co 2:12,13 7:2,6
Titus # 2:3 2co 8:16,23 tit 1:4
Titus # 2co 2:13 7:6 8:6,16 ga 2:1-3 tit 1:4
titus # 2co 2:13,7:6,13-14,8:6,16,23,12:18 ga 2:3
to # mat 1:19 mal 2:16
to # job 33:24 ps 49:7 is 53:5,8,10,11 da 9:24-26 jno 10:15 # 11:
50-52 ro
3:24-26 ga 3:13 ep 1:7 5:2 1ti 2:6 tit 2:14 # he 9:28 1pe 1:18,
19 2:24 3:18
re 1:5 5:8,9
to # mat 7:15 1sa 2:13-16,29 is 56:12 eze 34:3 mi 3:5 ro 16:18
phi 3:19 # tit
1:11,12 2pe 2:13,14 jude 12
to # is 53:10-12 da 9:24,26 2co 5:21 ga 3:13 1ti 3:4-6 tit 2:14
# 1pe 1:19
to # mar 12:30 pr 23:26 ec 5:4,5 mat 1:6 ac 4:19,20 ro 6:13 12:1
# 1co
6:19,20 2co 5:14,15
to # ro 12:4-8 13:6 1co 3:5-10 12:4-31 15:58 col 3:24 4:1
to # mat 26:22 lu 22:21-23 jno 13:22
to # lu 2:10
to # jno 12:31 14:30 ep 2:2 re 13:2,7
to all # Ac 10:45 11:15-18 14:27 15:3,8,14 is 59:19 ep 2:13-22 3:
to # ac 2:17 10:3,17-20 nu 12:6 da 2:19
to # ac 10:6,33 11:14 jno 5:24 6:63,68 13:20 17:8,20 ro 10:17,18
# 2co 5:18
2pe 3:2
to the # ac 20:24 he 13:9
to give # ac 26:18 je 3:19 ep 1:18 col 1:12 3:24 he 9:15 1pe 1:4,
to # ac 24:26 27:3 28:16,31 pr 16:7
to # ac 26:23 13:47 is 9:2 49:6 60:1-3 mal 4:2 mat 4:16 6:22,23
# lu 1:79
2:32 jno 1:4-9 3:19 8:12 9:5 12:35,36 2co 4:6 6:14 # ep 1:18 4:
18 5:8,14 1th
5:4-8 1pe 2:9,25 1jno 2:8,9
to # ac 15:3;21:5 2co 1:16 3jo 6
to come # ac 19:21,22 21:5 1co 16:5-7
to do # mar 13:34 lu 12:42,43 ro 12:4-8 col 3:22-24 2th 3:11 1ti
5:13 # tit
2:4-10 1pe 4:10,11,15
to # 1jno 1:7 ps 19:12 51:2 je 33:8 eze 36:25 37:23 1co 6:11 ep
5:26 # tit
to seduce # re 2:14 ex 34:15 nu 25:1,2 ac 15:20,29 1co 8:10-12
to #ps 16:11 mat 25:21 jno 14:2,3;17:22,24 ro 8:17 ep 1:18 #1th
2:12 2ti 2:12
1pe 4:4,5;5:10 re 3:21;21:23;22:3-5
to all #ac 15:23 1co 1:2 2co 1:1 phi 1:1 col 1:2 ja 1:1 1pe 1:1,
2 #jude 1:1
re 2:8,12,29; 3:1,7,14,22
to be #ex 25:17-22 le 16:15 he 9:5 1jno 2:2; 4:10
to be carnally minded #8:7,13; 6:21,23; 7:5,11; 13:14 ga 6:8 ja
to be spiritually minded #5:1,10;14:17 jno 14:6,27;17:5 ga 5:22
to be # 13:14; jno 17:16,19,22,23,26; 1co 15:49; 2co 3:18; ep 1:
4; # ep 4:24;
phi 3:21; 1jno 3:2;
to be glorified #1:12 nu 23:23 ps 89:7 is 43:21; 44:23;49:3;60:
21 je 33:9
#mat 25:31 jno 11:4;17:10 ga 1:24 ep 1:6,12,14,18;2:7;3:10,16
#1pe 2:9 re
to be admired #ps 68:35
to bring #jno 3:12,13; 6:33,38,50,51,58; ep 4:8-10; he 1:3;
to bring up #4:25; he 13:20; 1pe 3:18,22; re 1:18;
to declare #3:26 ps 22:31; 40:10;50:6; 97:6; 119:142 1jno 1:10
to dishonor #1co 6:13,18 1th 4:4 2ti 2:20-22
to establish #9:31,32; is 57:12; 64:6; lu 10:29; 16:15; 18:9-12;
ga 5:3,4;
#phi 3:9; re 3:17,18;
to every #4:11 2:9
to every #ps 15:2 pr 11:18 is 32:17 ac 10:35 ga 5:6 ja 2:22 3:13
to provoke them to jealousy or to provoke (or excite) them to
to the #16:25 2ch 20:20 ac 16:5 2co 1:21 1th 3:2,13 2th 2:17;3:3
#he 13:9 1pe
5:10,12 2pe 1:12;3:17,18
to the unwise #pr 1:22; 8:5 is 35:8 1co 14:16,23,24 tit 3:3
to them #9:6,7 mat 3:9 lu 16:23-31 jno 8:39,40 ga 4:22-31
to # ge 3:15 jno 14:30 he 2:18 4:15,16
to destroy the law # lu 16:17 jno 8:5 ac 6:13 18:13 21:28 ro 3:
31 10:4 ga
to be # mat 6:5,16 5:16 23:5,15,28-30 2ki 10:16,31 eze 33:31 zec
7:5 # 13:4
lu 16:15 jno 5:44 12:43 ga 6:12
to me # mat 7:21 24:36 is 2:11,17 mal 3:17,18 lu 10:12 1th 5:4 #
2th 1:10 2ti
1:12,18 4:8
to call # mat 18:11-13 mar 2:17 lu 5:32 15:3-10 19:10 ro 3:10-24
# 1co 6:9-11
1ti 1:13-16
to pluck # de 23:25
to the # mat 13:39-43 1ti 5:24
to fill # mat 14:15 lu 9:13 jno 6:8,9
to sit # mat 14:19 mar 6:39,40 lu 9:14-16 jno 6:10
to enter # mat 19:17,23,24 ac 14:22 he 4:11 re 21:27
to mock # mat 26:67,68 27:27-31 ps 22:7,8 35:16 is 53:3 mar 14:
65 #
15:16-20,29-31 lu 23:11 jno 19:1-4
to give # mat 13:52 25:35-40 eze 34:2 jno 21:15-17 1co 3:1,2 ep
4:11-13 # 1pe
to smite # is 66:5 2co 11:20 1pe 5:3 3jno 9,10 re 13:7 16:6 17:6
To # ex 5:17 am 8:5 hag 1:2-4 mal 1:7-10,13
to put # de 23:18 is 61:8
to pluck # de 23:24,25
to sit # mar 6:39,40 mat 14:18,19 15:35,36 lu 9:14,15 12:37 jno
2:5 # 6:10
to touch # mar 5:27-29 mat 8:3,15 9:29
to betray # jno 13:2
to bear # lu 14:27 jno 15:18-20
to make # 1sa 7:5 1ch 29:18 2ch 29:36 ps 10:17 78:8 111:10 am 4:
12 ac 10:33 #
ro 9:23 col 1:12 2ti 2:21 1pe 2:9 2pe 3:11-14 1jno 2:28
to take # ge 30:23 1sa 1:6 is 4:1 54:1-4
to guide # ps 25:8-10,12 85:10-13 pr 3:17 8:20 is 48:17,22 57:19-
21 59:8 # je
6:16 mat 11:28,29 ro 3:17
to # lu 2:31,32 24:47 ge 12:3 ps 67:1,2 98:2,3 is 49:6 52:10 mat
28:18 # mar
1:15 16:15 ro 15:9-12 ep 3:8 col 1:23
to # lu 2:22
to flee # 1th 1:10 he 6:18
to # lu 1:26,27 2:39,51 mat 2:23 13:54 mar 6:1
to preach # lu 6:20 7:22 is 29:19 zep 3:12 zec 11:11 mat 5:3 11:
5 ja 2:5
to heal # 2ch 34:27 ps 34:18 51:17 147:3 is 57:15 66:2 eze 9:4
to preach deliverance # ps 102:20 107:10-16 146:7 is 42:7 45:13
52:2,3 zec 9:11 # zec 9:12 col 1:13
to save # lu 9:56
to be # ps 103:3 107:17-20
to # lu 4:18 zep 3:12 ja 2:5
to # ga 3:18
to urge # ps 22:12,13 is 9:12
to speak # lu 20:20,27 je 18:18 20:10 1co 13:5
to give # je 23:4 eze 34:3 mat 13:52 jno 21:15-17 ac 20:28 1pe 5:
to beat # is 65:6 je 20:2 eze 34:3,4 mat 22:6 2co 11:20 3jno 9,
10 re 13:7-10
# 15-17 16:6 17:5,6 18:24
to eat # is 56:10-12 eze 34:8 ro 16:18 phi 3:18,19 2pe 2:13,19
jude 12,13 #
re 18:7,8
to feed # lu 8:32-34 eze 16:52,63 na 3:6 mal 2:9 ro 1:24-26 6:22
1co 6:9-11 #
ep 2:2,3 4:17-19 5:11,12 col 3:5-7 tit 3:3
to beg # lu 16:20,22 pr 20:4 mar 10:46 jno 9:8 ac 3:2
to give # ps 29:1,2 50:23 106:13 is 42:12 re 14:7
to # mat 28:18 jno 18:37 1co 15:25 ep 1:20-23 phi 2:9-11 1pe 3:22
to # da 12:2,3 jno 5:29 ac 24:15 he 11:35
to day # luke 15:4,5,20-24 19:10 job 33:27-30 ps 32:5 50:15 is 1:
18,19 #
53:11 55:6-9 65:24 mi 7:18 mat 20:15,16 ro 5:20,21 1ti 1:15,16 #
he 7:25
to them # is 56:5 je 3:19 ho 1:10 ro 8:14 2co 6:17,18 ga 3:26 4:
6 2pe 1:4 #
1jno 3:1
to whom # jno 1:7,15,26-36
to buy # jno 6:5-7 lu 9:13
to whom # ps 73:25
to Jesus. Gr. to him
to judge # jno 8:16 5:42,43 9:39-41 12:47-50
to # jno 11:4 2:11 14:10,11 1jno 5:13
to comfort # ge 37:35 2sa 10:2 1ch 7:21,22 job 2:11 42:11 ec 7:2
is 51:19 #
je 16:5-7 la 1:2,9,16,21 2:13 ro 12:15 2co 1:4 1th 4:18 5:11
to purify # jno 2:6 ge 35:2 ex 19:10,14,15 nu 9:6 1sa 16:5 2ch
30:17-20 # job
1:5 ps 26:6 ac 24:18 1co 11:28 he 9:13,14 ja 4:8
to worship # 1ki 8:41-43 is 11:10 60:2-14 66:19-21 ac 8:27
to wash # jno 13:8 ex 29:4 le 14:8 2ki 5:10-13 ps 51:2 is 1:16
ac 22:16 # 1co
6:11 tit 3:3-5 he 10:22 1jno 1:7 re 1:5 7:14
to the # jno 13:23 19:26 21:7,20,24
to see # ac 2:31 13:27-37 job 19:25-27 jon 2:6 jno 11:39 1co 15:
to ask # ac 10:4,31 lu 18:35 jno 9:8
to go # ac 5:34 26:30-32
to hearken # ac 5:29 ex 1:17 1ki 12:30 14:16 21:11 22:14 2ki 16:
15 2ch
26:16-20 # da 3:18 6:10 ho 5:11 am 7:16 mi 6:16 mat 22:21 he 11:
23 re 13:3-10
# re 14:9-12
to do # ac 2:23 3:18 13:27-29 ge 50:20 ps 76:10 mat 26:24,54 lu
22:22 # lu
24:44-46 1pe 2:7,8
to keep # nu 30:2 de 23:21 pr 20:25 ec 5:4 ro 2:21,22
to tempt # ac 5:3,4 ex 17:2 nu 14:22 ps 78:18-20,40,41,56 95:8-
11 mat 4:7 #
1co 10:9
to give # ac 3:26 11:18 je 31:31-33 eze 36:25-38 zec 12:10 lu 24:
47 # ro
11:26,27 2ti 2:25,26
to whom # ac 21:38 2pe 2:2
to fight # ac 7:51 9:5 23:9 ex 10:3-7 2ki 19:22 job 15:25-27 40:
9-14 is 45:9
# 1co 10:22
to # ac 15:36 ex 4:18
to bear # ac 21:19 22:21 26:17-20 ro 1:5,13-15 11:13 15:15-21
1co 15:10 # ga
2:7,8 ep 3:7,8 col 1:25-29 1ti 2:7
to Joppa # ac 9:43
to none # ac 3:26 13:46 mat 10:6 jno 7:35
to Tarsus # ac 9:11,27,30 21:39
to send # ac 2:44,45 4:34 ec 11:1,2 lu 12:29-33 ro 15:25-27 1co
13:5 16:1 #
2co 9:1,2 ga 2:10 he 13:5,6
to the # ac 14:23 15:4,6,23 16:4 20:17 1ti 5:17 tit 1:5 ja 5:14
1pe 5:1
to vex # mat 10:17,18 24:9 jno 15:20 16:2
to whom # ac 15:8 he 11:4,5
to you # ac 16:17 28:28 is 46:13 lu 1:69,77 ro 1:16 2co 5:19-21
ep 1:13 # col
to see # ac 13:36,37 ps 49:9 89:48 lu 2:26 jno 3:36 8:51 he 11:5
to Antioch # ac 11:19,26 13:1 15:22,30 ga 2:11
to take # is 43:21 55:11-13 ro 1:5 11:36 1pe 2:9,10
to send # ac 15:27 8:14 11:22
to send # ac 15:22,27
to Derbe # ac 14:6,21 2ti 3:11
to keep # ac 5:23 12:18 1sa 23:22,23 mat 26:48 27:63-66
to all # ro 1:14,16
TO # ps 147:20 jno 17:3,25 ro 1:20-22,28 1co 1:21 2co 4:4-6 ga 4:
8,9 # ep
2:12 1ti 1:17 1jno 5:20
to speak # ac 14:3 is 58:1 ep 6:19,20
to go # ac 20:16,22 21:4,11-15,17 24:17,18 ro 15:25,26
to go # ac 19:21 1co 16:5 2co 7:5 1ti 1:3
to break # ac 20:11 2:42,46 lu 22:19 24:35 1co 10:16 11:20-34
to the Jews # ac 18:4 19:17 ro 1:14 1co 1:22
to testify # ac 20:21 jno 15:27 he 2:3,4
to feed # ps 78:70-72 pr 10:21 is 40:11 je 3:15 eze 34:3 mi 5:4
7:14 # zec
11:4 mat 2:6 jno 21:15-17 1pe 5:2,3
to draw # ac 5:36,37 21:38 mat 23:15 1co 1:12-15 ga 6:12,13
to watch # mat 13:25 mar 13:34-37 lu 21:36 2ti 4:5 he 13:17 re
to build # ac 9:31 jno 15:3 17:17 1co 3:9,10 ep 2:20-22 4:12,16
col 2:7 #
jude 20
to weep # ac 20:37 1sa 1:8 phi 2:26 2ti 1:4
to signify # nu 6:13-20
to smite # 1ki 22:24 je 20:2 mi 5:1 mat 26:67 jno 18:22
to take # ac 22:24
to worship # ac 24:17 21:26
to bring # ac 11:29,30 20:16 ro 15:25,26 1co 16:1,2 2co 8:9 ga 2:
to # 1sa 13:10 25:14 2sa 8:10 2ki 10:13 mar 15:18
to hear # ac 24:4
to make # ac 9:15,16 13:1-4 22:14,15
to sail # ac 20:15,16 21:1-3
to whom Gr. to him # 16:27 ps 29:1,2;96:7,8;115:1 is 42:12 lu 2:
14;19:38 # ga
1:5 ep 3:21 php 4:20 1ti 1:1;6:16 2ti 4:18 he 13:21 # 1pe 5:11
2pe 3:18 jude
25 re 1:5,6;4,10,11;5:12-14,7:10;19:1,6,7
to him it # 23 1co 8:7,10
to # 9 ep 1:6-8,18 2th 1:10-12
to make # 1:5;6:17;16:26 mat 28:18-20 ac 26:20 2co 10:4,5 he 5:9;
to him # 14:4 ac 20:32 ep 3:20,21 1th 3:13 # 2th 2:16,17;3:3 he
7:25 1pe 5:10
jude 24,25
to the # 1co 2:7 ep 1:9 col 1:26,27
to them # jude 1:1
to # ac 13:41 2co 2:15,16 4:3 2th 2:10
to bring # 1co 2:6 de 28:63 job 34:19,20,24 ps 32:10 37:35,36 #
is 2:11,17
17:13,14 37:36 41:12 da 2:34,35,44,45 re 18:17
to the # 1co 3:5 15:10 ro 1:5 12:3 15:15 ep 3:2-8 col 1:29 1ti 1:
11-14 # 1pe
to angels, and to men # he 1:14 re 7:11-14 17:6,7
to your # 1co 4:14 11:14 15:34
to avoid # 1co 7:9 6:18 pr 5:18,19 1ti 4:3
to lead # 1ti 3:2 4:3 tit 1:6 he 13:4
To the weal # 1co 8:13 ro 15:1 2co 11:29 ga 6:1
to another # 1co 12:30 14:26-28
to drink # ca 5:1 is 41:17,18 55:1 zec 9:15-17 jno 4:10,14 6:63
to the # ac 9:36-41 ro 12:13 15:25 16:2 2co 8:4 9:1,12-15 1ti 5:
10 # phile
1:7 he 6:10 1pe 4:10
to the # ro 10:4 ga 3:23,24 ep 2:14,15 col 2:17 he 10:1-9
to condemn # 2co 7:12 2:4,5 13:10 1co 4:14,15
to die # ru 1:16,17 1th 2:8
to # 2co 9:6,7 mar 14:8 ac 11:29 1co 16:2 1pe 4:11
to be # 2co 8:8 9:2
to the # 2co 8:1,2 4:15 9:12-14 phi 4:18,19 1pe 4:10,11
to the # jos 6:20 is 30:25 je 1:10 he 11:30
to glory # 2co 12:11 11:16-30
to buffet # mat 26:67 1co 4:11
to Antioch # ac 15:30-35
to # 3:8 ge 12:3,7,13:15,16,15:5,17:7,8,21:12,22:17,18,26:3,4 #
to # mar 16:16 jno 3:15-18,36,5:24,6:40,11:25,26,12:46,20:31 #
ac 16:31 ro
10:9 1jno 3:23,24,5:13
to be # 1co 4:19-21 1th 2:17,18,3:9
to the saints # ro 1:7 1co 1:2 2co 1:1
to # ep 1:6 2:4,7 3:8,16 ro 2:4 3:24 9:23 2co 8:9 phi 4:19 col 1:
27 # 2:2 tit
to the # ep 3:21 mat 16:18 ac 20:28 1ti 3:15 he 12:22-24
to # mat 10:27 28:19 mar 16:15,16 lu 24:47 ro 16:26 col 1:23 2ti
4:17 # re
to be # ep 6:10 job 23:6 ps 28:8 138:3 is 40:29-31 41:10 zec 10:
12 # mat 6:13
2co 12:9 phi 4:13 col 1:11 2ti 4:17 he 11:34
to know # ep 3:18 5:2,25 jno 17:3 2co 5:14 ga 2:20 phi 2:5-12
col 1:10 # 2pe
3:18 1jno 4:9-14
to the use of edifying. or, to edify profitably # ep 4:12,16
to yourselves # ac 16:25 1co 14:26 col 3:16 ja 5:13
to stand # mal 3:2 lu 21:36 col 4:12 re 6:17
to quench # 1th 5:19
to live # phi 1:20 2:21 1co 1:30 ga 6:14 col 3:4
to die # phi 1:23 is 57:1,2 ro 8:35-39 1co 3:22 2co 5:1,6,8 1th
4:13-15 # re
to the # jno 5:23 13:31,32 14:13,23 16:14,15 17:1 1pe 1:21
to will # 1ki 8:58 1ch 29:14-18 ezr 1:1,5 7:27 ne 2:4 ps 110:3
119:36 141:4 #
pr 21:1 jno 6:45,65 ep 2:4,5 2th 2:13,14 tit 3:4,5 1pe 1:3
to send # phi 2:23,25 1:1 ro 16:21 1co 4:17 ep 6:21,22 col 4:8,9
1th 3:2,6
to # phi 4:10,18 1co 16:17 phile 13
To write # phi 2:17,18 2pe 1:12-15 3:1
to # pr 19:17 mat 10:40-42 25:34-40 lu 14:12-14 he 6:10
to # lu 1:75 2co 11:2 ep 1:4 5:27 1th 4:7 tit 2:14 # 2pe 3:14
jude 1:24
to # col 1:6 mat 24:14 mar 16:15 ro 10:18
to fulfil or fully to preach # ro 15:19 2ti 4:2-5
to the # col 1:9 1jo 5:7
to # mar 7:18,19 jno 6:27 1co 6:13
to the # 1co 7:15 ep 2:16,17 4:4,16
to the # col 3:23
to be # lu 12:42,16:11 1co 4:1,2,9:17 ga 2:7 1ti 1:11,12,6:20 #
2ti 1:14,2:2
tit 1:3
to fill # ge 15:16 zec 5:6-8 mat 23:32
to establish # 13 ac 14:22,23,16:5 ep 6:22 phi 1:25
to please # ro 8:8,12:2 ep 5:17 col 1:10 he 11:6,13:16 1jno 3:22
to work # ac 20:35 ro 12:11 1co 4:12 ep 4:28 2th 3:7-12 tit 3:14
to know # 1co 16:18 phi 2:19 he 13:7,17
to make # 7 jno 13:15 1pe 2:21
to # 1ti 4:7 6:4,20 2ti 2:14,16-18 4:4 tit 1:14 2pe 1:16
to # ac 15:1 ro 2:19-21 ga 3:2,5 4:21 5:3,4 tit 1:10,11
to be testified. or, a testimony # 1co 1:6 2th 1:10 2ti 1:8 1jno
to abstain # ro 14:3,17 1co 8:8 col 2:20-23 he 13:9
to reading # de 17:19 jos 1:8 ps 1:2,3 119:97-104 pr 2:4,5 mat
13:51,52 # jno
5:39 ac 6:4 17:11 2ti 2:15-17
to doctrine # 1ti 4:6,16 1co 14:6,26 2ti 4:2
to requite # ge 45:10,11 47:12,28 ru 2:2,18 ep 6:1-3
to wax # de 32:15 is 3:16 ho 13:6 ja 5:5 2pe 2:18
to be # pr 31:27 2th 3:6-11
to speak reproachfully. Gr. for their railing # lu 23:35-41
to wholesome # 1ti 1:10 2ti 1:13 4:3 tit 1:9 2:1,2 pr 15:4 tit 1:
9 3:8
to whom # 1ti 1:17 ro 16:25-27 ep 3:21 phi 4:20 jude 25 re 1:6 4:
11 7:12
to no # 1sa 12:21 je 2:8,11 7:8 16:19 23:32 hab 2:18 mat 16:26
1ti 4:8 # he
to # ac 20:16,17,25 1ti 1:3
to whom # ro 11:36 16:27 ga 1:5 1ti 1:17 6:16 he 13:21 1pe 5:11
jude 25
to convince # 11 ac 18:28 1co 14:24 2ti 2:25
to love their husbands # 1ti 5:14
to please # ep 5:24
to be subject # de 17:12 pr 24:21 ec 8:2-5,10:4 je 27:17 mat 22:
21,23:2-3 #
ro 13:1-7 1ti 2:2 1pe 2:13-17
to be ready # 3:8,14 2:14 1co 15:58 ga 6:9-10 ep 2:10 phi 1:11 #
col 1:10 1ti
5:10 2ti 2:21 he 13:21
to # he 1:5
to call # mat 12:48-50 25:40 28:10 jno 20:17 ro 8:29
to make # le 6:30 8:15 2ch 29:24 eze 45:15,17,20 da 9:24 ro 5:10
2co 5:18-21
# ep 2:16 col 1:21
To day (See on verses 7,8) # he 3:7,8 10:38,29
to whom (See on verse 11) # he 3:11 nu 14:30 de 1:34,35
To day # he 3:7,15 ps 95:7
to discern # ge 3:5 2sa 14:17 1ki 3:9,11 is 7:15 ro 14:1 1co 2:
14,15 phi
1:9,10 # 1th 5:21
to renew # he 6:4 ps 51:10 is 1:28 2ti 2:25
to forget # ne 5:19 13:22,31 ps 20:3 je 2:2,3 18:20 ac 10:4,31
to the # he 3:6,14 10:22 is 32:17 col 2:2 1th 1:5 2pe 1:10 1jno
to take # le 27:30-33 nu 18:26-32 2ch 31:4-6 ne 13:10
to make # he 9:24 is 53:12 59:16 da 9:16 jno 14:13,16 16:23,24
17:9-26 # ro
8:34 1ti 2:5 1jno 2:1,2 re 8:3,4
to lead # ex 19:4,5 ps 77:20 78:52-54 105:43 136:11-14 is 40:11
to serve # lu 1:74 ro 6:13,22 ga 2:19 1th 1:9 1pe 4:2
to bear # le 10:17 nu 18:1,23 is 53:4-6,11,12 mat 26:28 ro 5:15
1pe 2:24
to enter # he 7:25 9:3,7,8,12,23-25 ro 5:2 ep 2:18 1jno 2:1,2
to provoke # ro 11:4 2co 8:8 9:2
to fall # he 12:29 ps 50:22 76:7 90:11 mat 10:28
to be # ge 17:7,8 ex 3:6,15 is 41:8-10 je 31:1 mat 22:31,32 mar
12:26 # lu
20:37 ac 7:32
to the blood # he 9:21 10:22 11:28 ex 24:8 1pe 1:2
to do # he 13:1,2 ps 37:3 mat 25:35-40 lu 6:35,36 ac 9:36 10:38
ga 6:10 # 1th
5:15 2th 3:13 3jno 11
to do # he 10:36 mat 7:21 12:50 21:31 jno 7:17 ro 12:2 1th 4:3
1pe 4:2 # 1jno
to whom # ps 72:18,19 ro 16:27 ga 1:5 phi 2:11 1ti 1:17 6:16 2ti
4:18 # 1pe
5:11 2pe 3:18 jude 25 re 4:6 5:9,13
to # ex 24:4 28:21 39:14 1ki 18:31 ezr 6:17 mat 19:28 ac 26:7 re
To visit # job 29:12,13 31:15-20 ps 68:5 is 1:16,17 58:6,7 mat
25:34-46 # ga
5:6 6:9,10 1jno 3:17-19
to keep # ja 4:4 jno 17:14,15 ro 12:2 ga 1:4 6:14 col 3:1-3 1jno
2:15-17 #
to the # 6 is 65:5 lu 7:44-46 2co 8:9
to bridle # 1co 9:27
to day # pr 27:1 is 56:12 lu 12:17-20
to # is 55:3 je 3:22 mat 11:28 jo 5:40;6:37
to have # 1:14 de 12:30,31 ro 1:20-32 ep 2:2,3;4:17 1th 4:5 tit
to them # 3:19 jo 5:25,26
to whom # 5:11 ro 16:27 ep 3:21 1ti 1:17;6:16 jude 25 re 1:5,6
to or by virtue # 2pe 1:5 ru 3:11 pr 12:4; 31:10,29 phi 4:8
to make # 2ti 2:19 he 6:11,19 1jno 3:19-21
to stir # 3:1 hag 1:14 2ti 1:6
to be # 2:9 job 21:30 jude 13:5
to be # 2:9 job 21:30 jude 13:5
to speak # ex 22:28 ec 10:6,7,20 ac 23:5 jude 1:8,10
to turn # ps 36:3,4;125:5 eze 3:20;18:24;23:13 zep 1:6
to him # jno 5:23 2ti 4:18 1pe 5:10,11 jude 25:1 re 1:6;5:13
to walk # 1jno 1:7 ps 85:13 mat 11:29 jno 13:15 1co 11:1 ep 5:2
1pe 2:21
to # 1jno 1:7 is 53:4-12 ho 14:2 mat 1:21 jno 1:29 ro 3:24-26 #
ep 5:25-27
1ti 1:15 tit 2:14 he 1:3 9:26,28 1pe 2:24 re 1:5
to receive # 3jno 1:10 mat 10:14,40 lu 11:7 2co 7:2,3
to whom # 2pe 2:17 re 14:10,11 20:10 21:8
to shew # 22:6, PS 25:14, JNO 15:15
to shew # 22:6, PS 25:14, JNO 15:15
to the # RE 1:11,20 2:1,8,12,18 3:1,7,14 AC 19:10 1PE 1:1
to him # RE 4:11 5:12-14 PS 72:18,19 DA 4:34 MAT 6:13 JNO 5:23
PHI 2:11 # 1TI
6:16 HE 13:21 1PE 4:11 5:11 2PE 3:18 JUDE 25
to him # re 2:11,17,26-28 3:5,12,21 12:10,11 15:2 21:7 jno 16:33
1jno 5:4,5
to commit # re 21:8 22:15 1co 6:13-18 7:2 he 13:4
to eat # ps 25:14 36:8 pr 3:32 14:10 is 65:13 mat 13:11 jno 4:32
6:48-58 #
col 3:3
to him will I give # re 3:21 20:4 22:5 ps 49:14 da 7:18,22,27
mat 19:28 lu
22:29,30 # 1co 6:3,4
to try # is 24:17 da 12:10 zec 13:9 ja 3:12 1pe 4:12
to sit # re 1:6 2:26,27 mat 19:28 lu 22:30 1co 6:2,3 2ti 2:12
to receive # re 14:7 de 32:4 1ch 16:28,29 ne 9:5 job 36:3 ps 29:
1,2 68:34 #
ps 96:7,8
to receive # re 4:11 7:12 19:1 mat 28:18 jno 3:35,36 17:2 2co 8:
9 phi 2:9-11
# 1ti 1:17
to whom # re 1:3 8:7-12
to him # re 1:18 20:1
to the # re 8:2,6
to the # Ex 19:4 de 32:11,12 ps 55:6 is 40:31
to make # re 11:7 13:7 17:6,14 18:20 19:19 20:8,9 ge 3:15 da 7:
23-26 11:36
to continue (or to make war) # re 13:7 11:7
to make # re 11:7 12:17 da 7:21,25 8:24,25 11:36-39 12:1
to give # re 11:13 14:7 jos 7:19 je 13:6 am 4:6-12
to gather # re 16:16 17:14 19:19 20:8 is 34:1-8 63:1-6 eze 38:8-
12 # joel
to fulfil # lu 22:3,22,37 jno 13:2,18
to her # re 3:4,5,18 ps 45:13,14 is 61:10 eze 16:10 mat 22:12 ro
3:22 # ro
13:14 ep 5:26,27
to deceive # re 20:3,10
to gather # re 16:14
to give # re 20:12 mat 16:27 ro 2:6-11 14:12
to the # re 22:2 2:7
to testify # re 22:20 22:1,11 2:7,11,17,29 3:6,13,22
to whom #is 53:10-12 2co 5:19-20 phile 18,19 1pe 2:24; 3:18
to whom # 6:13 jos 24:15 mat 6:24 jno 8:34 2pe 2:19
To-day # he 3:13,15 4:7 ps 95:7-11 pr 27:1 ec 9:10 is 55:6 2co 6:
1,2 # ja
token # 1:5 jos 2:12 1sa 17:18
told # ps 30:2 66:16 103:2-5 116:12-14
told # jno 4:29 9:11,12 mar 1:45
told # 2co 1:23 10:1,2,8-11 12:20 1co 4:19-21 5:5
tongue # jud 12:4-6 2sa 19:43,20:1 2ch 10:13-16,13:17 ps 64:3,
140:3 # pr
15:1,16:27,26:20,21 is 30:27
tongues # 1co 13:1 12:10,28-30 14:39 ac 2:4 19:6
took # mar 1:31 5:41 8:23 9:27 lu 8:54
took # de 15:2 ne 5:7,10,11 10:31 is 58:3 eze 45:9
took # mar 5:41 ac 9:41
took # mat 27:59,60 lu 23:53 jno 19:38-42
took # 2ch 33:1-10 job 21:13-15 22:17,18 ps 10:4-6 73:27 pr 27:8
is 1:4 #
30:11 je 2:5,13,17-19,31 mi 6:3 ep 2:13,17
took # ac 15:20 1co 7:19 9:20 ga 2:3,8 5:1-3,6
took # mat 5:11,12 ac 5:41 ja 1:2
took # mat 27:58-61 ac 8:2
took # mat 13:11 16:13 ge 18:17 jno 15:15 ac 10:41
took # mar 1:31 ac 9:40,41
took # mar 9:36 10:16
took # je 31:32 mat 9:25 mar 1:31 5:41 8:23 9:27
took # mat 18:2-4 19:13-15 mar 10:14,15 1co 14:20 1pe 2:1,2
took # ps 23:5 116:13 je 16:7
took # jno 8:5,6 10:30-33 11:8 18:31 le 24:16 lu 4:29 ac 7:57
took # jno 11:2,28,32 mat 26:6,7 mar 14:3 lu 10:38,39
took # 1jno 3:18,19
took # ac 9:23 ge 4:5-8 ps 37:12-15,32,33 64:2-8 mat 10:21,25 23:
34,35 # ac
24:9 jno 15:20 16:2
took # ac 13:5,13 15:37
took # ju 9:4 job 30:1-10 ps 35:15 69:12
took # ac 8:18,19 mar 9:38 lu 9:49
took # ac 23:23,24
took # je 31:32 mar 8:23 9:27
took # mat 26:26-28 mar 14:22-24 lu 22:19,20 ac 20:7
took # is 57:14 2th 2:7
took. Our blessed Lord before his death passed another
examination. One was
before the Jewish Sanhedrin, whose proper province it was to try
such as were
accused as false prophets or blasphemers. This was a kind of
court. The other, with which the next chapter opens, was before
Pilate, the
Roman governor of Judea at that time; he principally took
cognizance of
criminal things, such especially as concerned the peace of the
considered as part of the Roman empire. # mat 26:57,58 mar 14:53,
54 jno
torment # 2pe 2:4 jude 6
tormented # re 14:10 mat 25:41,46
torn # mar 9:20,26 lu 9:39,42 11:22
tortured # ac 22:24,25,29
tossed # mat 8:24 is 54:11 mar 6:48 jno 6:18
tossed # ac 20:30,31 ro 16:17,18 2co 11:3,4 ga 1:6,7 3:1 col 2:4-
8 # 2th
2:2-5 1ti 3:6 4:6,7 2ti 1:15 2:17,18 3:6-9,13 4:3 he 13:9 # 2pe
2:1-3 1jno
2:19,26 4:1
touch # mar 3:10 5:27,28 2ki 13:21 lu 6:19 22:51
touch # ge 20:6 ru 2:9 pr 6:29
touch. Or rather embrace me not, or, cling not to me, spend no
more time with
me now in joyful gratulations; for I am not yet immediately
going to ascend
to my Father; you will have several opportunities of seeing me
again; but go
and tell my disciples that I shall depart to my Father and your
Father # jno
20:27 2ki 4:29 7:9 mat 28:7,9 lu 10:4
touched # mat 8:3 9:20,29 14:36 20:34 2ki 13:21 is 6:7 mar 1:41
lu 8:54 # ac
touched # mat 14:36 mar 5:28 6:56 8:22 ac 5:15 19:12
touched # mat 20:34 jno 9:6,7
touched # da 8:18 9:21 10:10,18 re 1:17
touched # mat 9:29 mar 7:33 lu 22:51 jno 9:6,7
touched # mar 6:56 2ki 13:21 mat 14:36 ac 5:15 19:12
touched # de 22:12 mar 5:27,28 6:56 ac 5:15 19:12
touching # ac 4:2 23:6 26:6-8 28:20
touching # 1co 8:10 10:19-22,28 nu 25:2 ac 15:10,19,20,29 21:25
# re 2:14,20
touching # ge 27:42 1sa 20:23 2ki 22:18 job 37:23 ps 45:1 mat 22:
31 ro 11:28
# phi 3:5,6
touching # mat 5:20 23:25 mar 10:20,21 lu 1:6 ac 26:5 ro 7:9 9:
31,32 10:2-5
touching # le 19:8 ps 133:1 jno 13:34,35,15:12-17 ac 4:32 ro 12:
10 # ep 5:12
he 13:1 1pe 3:8 2pe 1:7 1jno 2:10,3:11,14-19,23,4:7-16
toward the Lord # 7 ps 16:3 ac 9:39-41 ro 12:13;15:25,26 1co 16:
1 1jo
towns # mat 16:13
tradition # mar 7:3,4
traditions #ro 16:17 jude 3
traditions # je 15:2 mat 15:2,3,6 mar 7:3-13 col 2:8 1pe 1:8
Traitors # 2pe 2:10 jude 8,9
transfigured # lu 9:29 ro 12:2 phi 2:6,7
transfigured # mar 16:12 ex 34:29-35 is 33:17 53:2 mat 17:2 lu 9:
29 jno 1:14
# ro 12:2 2co 3:7-10 phi 2:6-8 3:21 2pe 1:16-18 re 1:13-17 20:11
transgesseth # nu 15:31 1sa 15:24 2ch 24:20 is 53:8 da 9:11 ro 3:
20 4:15 # ja
transgress # mar 7:2,5 ge 1:14 col 2:8,20-23 1pe 1:18
transgressors # ro 3:20,7:7-13 ga 2:19 1jno 3:4
translated # 2ki 2:11 ps 89:48 jno 8:51,52
travailing # re 12:4 is 53:11 54:1 66:7,8 mi 5:3 jno 16:21 ga 4:
tread # da 7:19 8:10,24,25 mat 5:13 he 10:29
treasure # mat 6:19-21 lu 16:9 1ti 6:17-19 he 10:34 1pe 1:4,5
treasure # 2co 4:6,7 ep 3:8 col 3:16 he 8:10
treasurest #9:22 de 32:34 am 3:10 ja 5:3
treasury # 2ki 12:9
treasury # jos 6:19,24 1ki 14:26 2ki 24:13 2ch 36:18 ne 13:13
mat 27:6 # jno
tree # de 21:22,23 ac 5:30;10:39;13:29 ga 3:13
tree # re 22:2,14 ge 2:9 3:22-24 pr 3:18 11:30 13:12 15:4
tree of life (rather the definite article not being in the
original, 'a tree
of life;' for there were three trees; one in the street, and one
on each side
of the river # re 22:14 2:7 ge 2:9 3:22-24 pr 3:18
trees # ps 1:3 37:2 mat 13:6 21:19,20 mar 4:6 11:21 # lu 8:6 jno
trembling # ac 16:29 24:25,26 1sa 28:5 is 66:2 hab 3:16 phi 2:12
trial # 4:12 job 23:10 ps 66:10-12 pr 17:3 is 48:10 je 9:7 zec
13:9 # mal 3:3
ro 5:3,4 ja 1:3,4,12 re 2:10,3:10
tribe of Juda # ex 1:2-4 nu 1:4-15 10:14-27 13:4-16 1co 2:1,2
tribulation #pr 1:27,28 2th 1:6
tribulation # re 7:14 jno 16:33 ac 14:22 ro 5:3 8:35 12:12 1th 3:
4 2th 1:6,7
tribute. gr. didrachma, in value fifteen pence. # ex 30:13 38:26
tried # 4:12 job 23:10 ps 66:10 pr 17:3 is 48:10 zec 13:9 1co 3:
13 re 3:18
triumphing # lu 23:39-43 jno 12:32 19:30 ac 2:23,24,32-36
Troas # ac 16:11 20:5 2co 2:12 2ti 4:13
Troas # ac 16:8,11 20:5-12
Troas. Troas was a maritime city and country of Phrygia, in Asia
anciently called Dardania, lying on the Hellespont, west of
Mysia # ac
16:8,11 2co 2:12 2ti 4:13
trodden # 2ki 9:33 ps 91:13 is 14:19 28:3 la 1:15 eze 16:6 mi 7:
10 mat 7:6 #
ro 16:20 1co 15:25,27
trode # 2ki 7:17
Trophimus # ac 20:4 2ti 4:20
Trophimus # ac 21:29 2ti 4:20
Trophimus # ac 20:4 21:29
trouble # lu 8:49
trouble # lu 7:6 11:7 is 7:12 mar 5:35
Trouble # lu 7:6 ga 6:17
trouble # mat 9:24 mar 5:39 lu 7:13 jno 11:11,40
trouble # ac 15:1,2,24
trouble # jos 6:18 7:25,26 22:17,20 ep 5:3 col 3:5
troubled # 2co 1:8-10 6:4 7:5 11:23-30
troubled # 2co 4:8 job 18:11 je 6:25 20:10
trucebreakers # 2sa 21:1-3 ps 15:4 eze 17:15-19 ro 1:31
true # jno 1:4 6:32 14:6 15:1 is 49:6 mat 6:23 1jno 1:8 2:8 5:20
true # jno 6:33,35,41,50,55,58 1:9 15:1 ga 4:4 1jno 5:20
true # he 9:11,23,24
true # mal 2:6 jno 7:18 14:6 18:37 2co 2:17 4:2 1jno 5:20
true # lu 12:33 18:22 pr 8:18,19 ep 3:8 ja 2:5 re 3:18
true # is 1:10-15 26:8,9 29:13 48:1,2 58:2,8-14 66:1,2 je 7:7-12
# mat 15:7-9
lu 18:11-13
true # jno 1:9,17 6:32,55 1jno 2:8
true # mat 22:16 mar 12:14 jno 7:18
true holiness. or, holiness of truth # jno 17:17
true # phi 2:20-25 col 1:7
true # ac 20:24 1co 15:1 ga 1:8,9 2pe 2:15
true # re 13:10 14:10 19:2
true # re 15:3 16:5-7 de 32:4 ps 19:9 is 25:1
Truly # mat 27:40,43 26:63 lu 22:70 jno 19:7 ro 1:4
truly or, of a truth
truly # luke 24:25-27,46 ge 3:15 is 53:1 da 9:24-26 zec 13:7 #
26:24,53,54 mar 14:21 ac 2:23 4:25-28 13:27,28 26:22,23 # 1co 15:
3,4 1pe 1:11
trumpets # re 8:6-12 re 9:1,13,14 11:15 nu 10:1-10 2ch 29:25-28
am 3:6-8
trust # job 31:24,25 ps 17:14 49:6,7 52:7 62:10 pr 11:28 18:11
23:5 # je 9:23
eze 28:4,5 hab 2:9 zep 1:18 lu 12:16-21 16:14 # 1ti 6:17 ja 5:1-
3 re 3:17
trust # job 31:24,25 ps 52:7 62:10 pr 11:28 je 9:23,24 mar 10:24
lu 12:15-21
# ep 5:5
trusted # ps 3:2 14:6 22:8 42:10 71:11 is 36:15,18 37:10
trusteth # ru 2:12 ps 91:4 is 12:2 50:10 1co 7:32 1pe 3:5
truth # jno 1:14,17 8:32 15:1 18:37 ro 15:8,9 2co 1:19,20 col 2:
9,17 # 1jno
1:8 5:6,20 re 1:5 3:7,14 19:11
truth # 2co 11:31 1:23 12:19 ro 1:9 9:1 ga 1:20 1th 2:5,10 1ti 2:
truth - see on ver 5 # 2:5,4:16 ep 1:13 col 1:5 1th 2:13 # ro 14:
14 1ti 4:3-5
he 9:10
truth # 1ti 3:16 jno 1:17 14:6 18:37 2co 6:7 ga 3:1 ep 4:21 col
truth # 1jno 2:4 1ti 6:5 2jno 2 3jno 3
truth #1:18 1th 1:9 1jno 5:20
truth # mat 8:8 ge 32:10 job 40:4,5 42:2-6 ps 51:4,5 eze 16:63
da 9:18 # lu
7:6,7 15:18,19 18:13 23:40-42 ro 3:4,19 1co 15:8,9 # 1ti 1:13-15
truth # 16;9:23,24;11:22,30 is 24:15,16 jo 10:16 ep 2:12-22;3:1-
8 1pe 2:9,10
truth # ep 4:15,25 6:14 jno 1:47
truth's # 1co 9:23 2co 4:5
try # lu 12:57 ac 17:11 ro 16:19 1co 14:29 1th 5:21 re 2:2
turn # mat 22:5,6 24:10 2co 11:26 2ti 4:14,15
turn # lu 3:7-14 mal 4:6
turn # ac 18:6 28:28 is 55:5
turn # ac 9:35 14:15 15:19 ps 22:27 la 3:40 ho 12:6 14:2 lu 1:16
# 2co 3:16
1th 1:9
turn # 2ti 1:15 pr 1:32 zec 7:11 ac 7:57 he 13:25
turn # ga 4:9 2ti 4:4 he 12:25 2pe 2:22
turn away # nu 32:15 de 30:17 jos 22:16 2ch 7:19 pr 1:32 2ti 4:4
turned # mar 3:5,34 lu 22:61
turned # luke 10:41 mar 5:30
turned # lu 14:25 15:20 19:5 22:61
turned # ac 9:42 11:21 15:19 26:18-20 de 4:30 ps 22:27 is 31:6
la 3:40 # ho
12:6 14:2 joel 2:13 lu 1:16,17 2co 3:16 1th 1:9,10
turned # ac 9:35 15:19 26:18-20 1th 1:9,10
turned # ac 26:20 is 55:7 ho 14:2 1th 1:9
turned # 5:15 6:4,5,20 2ti 2:23,24 tit 1:10 3:9
turned # 1sa 14:13 17:51,52 2sa 8:1 2ch 14:11-14 16:1-9 20:6-25
turning # ge 19:24,25,28 de 29:23 is 13:19 je 50:40 eze 16:49-56
ho 11:8 # am
4:11 zep 2:9 lu 17:28-30 jude 1:7
turning # Ro 6:1,2 Ga 5:13 Tit 2:11,12 He 12:15,16 # 1pe 2:16
2Pe 2:10,18-22
twelve # ex 15:27 24:4 28:21 le 24:5 jos 3:12 1ki 18:31 ezr 6:17
# re 7:4
12:1 21:12-14 22:2
twelve # mar 3:13,14 mat 10:1 lu 6:13-16 9:1-6 10:3
twelve # ac 21:22
twelve # re 21:12 17:4 mat 13:45,46
twelve # mat 10:1,2
twelve # lu 13:11 jno 5:5,6 ac 4:22 9:33,34
twelve # lu 22:30 mat 19:28 re 12:1 21:14
twelve # lu 8:27 13:11,16 mar 9:21 jno 5:5,6 9:1,21 ac 3:2 4:22
twelve gates # re 21:21,25 is 54:12 60:18 eze 48:31-34
twelve angels # mat 18:10 lu 15:10 16:22 he 1:14
twelve # eze 48:8-19
twice # 1ti 5:6 he 6:4-8 2pe 2:18-20
two # jno 3:25,26 mal 3:16
two # 3:15-21 he 7:22,8:6-13,9:15-24,10:15-18,12:24,13:20
two # mat 10:2 lu 6:14 jno 1:40-42 6:8
two # mat 11:5 12:22 20:30 mar 8:22,23 10:46 lu 7:21 jno 9:1
two # lu 3:11 2ti 4:13
two # lu 12:6,7
two # ge 49:10 jno 20:19,26 1co 5:4 1th 1:1 phile 2
two # mat 9:27-31 12:22 21:14 ps 146:8 is 29:18 35:5,6 42:16,18
# 59:10
61:1,2 mar 10:46 lu 4:18 7:21 jno 9:1
two and # ex 4:14,15 ec 4:9,10 re 11:3
two # mat 6:2 lu 22:1,2 jno 11:53-57 13:1
two # lu 10:1 jos 2:1 mar 6:7 ac 10:7,8 re 11:3
two # lu 3:11 5:29 12:28
two and # ac 13:2-4 re 11:3-10
two # ps 26:9 28:3 je 45:5 eze 9:4-6 mal 3:16-18 ro 11:4-7 1th 4:
16,17 # 2pe
two men # ge 18:2 mat 28:2-6 mar 16:5 jno 20:11,12 ac 1:10 mar
two # luke 24:18 mar 16:12,13
two # mat 15:21-24 mar 7:27,28 ro 15:8
two # ac 10:3,30 da 7:9 mat 17:2 28:3 mar 16:5 lu 24:4 jno 20:12
# re 3:4
two # ac 10:2 ge 24:1-10,52 ju 7:10 1sa 14:6,7 1ti 6:2 phile 16
two centurions # ac 23:17
two # ac 28:30
two # ac 27:24
two # de 17:6 19:15,18 mat 18:16 jno 6:17 2co 13:1 he 10:28
two # he 3:11 7:21 ps 110:4 mat 24:35
two # re 9:13-21 8:13 11:14
two # de 17:6 19:15 mat 18:16 2co 13:1
two olive # ps 52:8 je 11:16 zec 4:2,3,11-14 ro 11:17
two candlesticks # re 1:20 mat 5:14-16 lu 11:13
Two. the [] was a hand-mill composed of two stones; `the
uppermost of which
is turned round by a small handle of wood or iron that is placed
in the rim.
When this stone is large, or expedition required, a second
person is called
to assist; and as it is usual for women alone to be concerned in
employment, who seat themselves over against each other with the
between then, we may see not only the propriety of the
expressions Ex 11:5'
but the force of this.--Dr. Shaw # ex 11:5 is 47:2
Two. This sum, rating the denarius at 7:5d, would amount to 6l
5s: or,
reckoning the denarius, with some at 7:75d, it would amount to
6l 9s 2d of
our money [British] which appears to been more than our Lord and
all his
disciples were worth of this world's goods. # nu 11:21,22 2ki 4:
43 mar 6:37
Tychicus # ep 6:21 col 4:7 2ti 4:12 tit 3:12
Tychicus # ac 20:4 2ti 4:12 tit 3:12
tychicus # ac 20:4 2ti 4:12
Tychius # ac 20:4 2ti 4:12 tit 3:12
Tychius # ac 20:4 ep 6:21 col 4:7 tit 3:12
Tyre # is 23:1 je 25:22 27:3 eze 26:2 27:1 28:1 29:18 am 1:9,10
# zec 9:2,3
Tyre # mat 10:5,6 11:21-23 ge 49:13 jos 11:8 13:6 19:28,29 ju 1:
Tyre # mar 7:24,31 jos 19:28,29 ps 45:12 87:4 is 23:1 eze 26:1
Tyre # mar 3:8 ge 10:15,19 49:13 jos 19:28,29 is 23:1-4,12 # eze
Tyre # is 23:1-18 eze 26:1-28:26
Tyre # ge 10:15,19 jos 19:29 is 23:1-4 mat 11:21,22
Tyre # ac 12:20 ps 45:12 87:4 is 23:17,18 mat 11:21 lu 10:13