cloths Exo_31_10                  /^{cloths /of service , and

the holy garments for Aaron the priest , and the garments of his

sons , to minister in the priest's office ,

cloths Exo_39_01                  /^{cloths /of service , to do

service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron ;

 as the LORD commanded Moses .

cloths Exo_35_19                  /^{cloths /of service , to do

service in the holy place, the holy garments for Aaron the

priest , and the garments of his sons , to minister in the

priest's office .

cloths Exo_39_41                  /^{cloths /of service to do

service in the holy place, and the holy garments for Aaron the

priest , and his sons  garments , to minister in the priest's

office .

