chastise 3256 ## yacar {yaw-sar'}; a primitive root; to chastise, literally (with blows) or figuratively (with words); hence, to instruct: -- bind, chasten, {chastise}, correct, instruct, punish, reform, reprove, sore, teach. [ql chastisement 4148 ## muwcar {moo-sawr'}; from 3256; properly, chastisement; figuratively, reproof, warning or instruction; also restraint: -- bond, chastening ([-eth]), {chastisement}, check, correction, discipline, doctrine, instruction, rebuke.[ql chastisement 3809 # paideia {pahee-di'-ah}; from 3811; tutorage, i.e. education or training; by implication, disciplinary correction: -- chastening, {chastisement}, instruction, nurture. [ql ~~~~~~