awaking , Concordance Study awaking , AC , 16:27 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ awaking Interlinear Index Study awaking ACT 016 027 And the keeper <1200 -desmophulax -> of the prison <1200 -desmophulax -> {awaking} <1853 -exupnos -> out of his sleep <1853 -exupnos -> , and seeing <1492 -eido -> the prison <5438 -phulake -> doors <2374 -thura -> open <0455 - anoigo -> , he drew <4685 -spao -> out his sword <3162 -machaira -> , and would <3195 -mello -> have killed <0337 -anaireo -> himself <1438 -heautou -> , supposing <3543 -nomizo -> that the prisoners <1198 -desmios -> had been fled <1628 -ekpheugo -> . ~~~~~~ prison awaking out * awaking , 1853 , * awaking , 1853 exupnos , ~~~~~~ awaking -1853 {awaking}, sleep, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ awaking ......... awaking 1853 -exupnos-> ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ awaking 016 027 Act /${awaking /out of his sleep , and seeing the prison doors open , he drew out his sword , and would have killed himself , supposing that the prisoners had been fled . ~~~~~~ awaking 1 - ~~~~~~ awaking And the keeper of the prison {awaking} out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. ~~~~~~