apiece , Concordance Study
apiece , 1KI , 7:15
apiece , EZE , 10:21 , EZE , 41:24
apiece , JOH , 2:6
apiece , LU , 9:3
apiece , NU , 3:47 , NU , 7:86 , NU , 17:6
apiece 0303 # ana {an-ah'}; a primary preposition and adverb;
properly, up; but (by extension) used (distributively) severally,
or (locally) at (etc.): -- and, {apiece}, by, each, every (man),
in, through. In compounds (as a prefix) it often means (by
implication) repetition, intensity, reversal, etc.[ql
apiece Interlinear Index Study
apiece NUM 003 047 Thou shalt even take <03947 +laqach > five
<02568 +chamesh > shekels <08255 +sheqel > {apiece} by the poll
<01538 +gulgoleth > , after the shekel <08255 +sheqel > of the
sanctuary <06944 +qodesh > shalt thou take <03947 +laqach > [
them ] : ( the shekel <08255 +sheqel > [ is ] twenty <06242
+<esriym > gerahs <01626 +gerah > : )
apiece NUM 007 086 The golden <02091 +zahab > spoons <03709
+kaph > [ were ] twelve , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004
+q@toreth > , [ weighing ] ten <06235 +<eser > [ shekels ]
{apiece} , after the shekel <08255 +sheqel > of the sanctuary
<06944 +qodesh > : all <03605 +kol > the gold <02091 +zahab > of
the spoons <03709 +kaph > [ was ] an hundred <03967 +me>ah > and
twenty <06242 +<esriym > [ shekels ] .
apiece NUM 017 006 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > spake <01696
+dabar > unto the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , and every <03605 +kol > one of their princes
<05387 +nasiy> > gave <05414 +nathan > him a rod <04294 +matteh
> {apiece} , for each prince <05387 +nasiy> > one <00259 +>echad
> , according to their fathers <1> houses <01004 +bayith > , [
even ] twelve rods <04294 +matteh > : and the rod <04294 +matteh
> of Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > [ was ] among <08432 +tavek >
their rods <04294 +matteh > .
apiece 1KI 007 015 For he cast <06696 +tsuwr > two <08147
+sh@nayim > pillars <05982 +<ammuwd > of brass <05178
+n@chosheth > , of eighteen cubits <00520 +>ammah > high <06967
+qowmah > {apiece} <00259 +>echad > : and a line <02339 +chuwt >
of twelve cubits <00520 +>ammah > did compass <05437 +cabab >
either <08145 +sheniy > of them about <05437 +cabab > .
apiece EZE 010 021 Every one <00259 +>echad > had four <00702
+>arba< > faces <06440 +paniym > {apiece} <00259 +>echad > , and
every one <00259 +>echad > four <00702 +>arba< > wings <03671
+kanaph > ; and the likeness <01823 +d@muwth > of the hands
<03027 +yad > of a man <00120 +>adam > [ was ] under <08478
+tachath > their wings <03671 +kanaph > .
apiece EZE 041 024 And the doors <01817 +deleth > had two <08147
+sh@nayim > leaves <01817 +deleth > [ {apiece} ] , two <08147
+sh@nayim > turning <04142 +muwcabbah > leaves <01817 +deleth > ;
two <08147 +sh@nayim > [ leaves ] for the one <00259 +>echad >
door <01817 +deleth > , and two <08147 +sh@nayim > leaves <01817
+deleth > for the other <00312 +>acher > [ door <01817 +deleth >
] .
apiece LUK 009 003 And he said 2036 -epo - unto them , Take LUK
0142 -airo - nothing 3367 -medeis - for [ your 3588 -ho - ]
journey 3598 -hodos - , neither 3383 -mete - staves 4464 -
rhabdos - , nor 3383 -mete - scrip 4082 -pera - , neither 3383 -
mete - bread LUK 0740 -artos - , neither 3383 -mete - money LUK
0694 -argurion - ; neither 3383 -mete - have 2192 -echo - two
1417 -duo - coats 5509 -chiton - {apiece} LUK 0303 -ana - .
apiece JOH 002 006 And there were set <2749 -keimai -> there
<1563 -ekei -> six <1803 -hex -> waterpots <5201 -hudria -> of
stone <3035 -lithinos -> , after <2596 -kata -> the manner of
the purifying <2512 -katharismos -> of the Jews <2453 -Ioudaios -
> , containing <5562 -choreo -> two <1417 -duo -> or <2228 -e ->
three <5140 -treis -> firkins <3355 -metretes -> {apiece} <0303 -
ana -> .
thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by <NUM3 -:47 >
- apiece , 0259 ,
* apiece , 0303 ,
apiece NUM 003 047 Thou shalt even take <03947 +laqach > five
<02568 +chamesh > shekels <08255 +sheqel > {apiece} by the
poll <01538 +gulgoleth > , after the shekel <08255 +sheqel >
of the sanctuary <06944 +qodesh > shalt thou take <03947
+laqach > [ them ] : ( the shekel <08255 +sheqel > [ is ]
twenty <06242 +<esriym > gerahs <01626 +gerah > : )
apiece NUM 007 086 The golden <02091 +zahab > spoons <03709
+kaph > [ were ] twelve , full <04392 +male> > of incense
<07004 +q@toreth > , [ weighing ] ten <06235 +<eser > [
shekels ] {apiece} , after the shekel <08255 +sheqel > of the
sanctuary <06944 +qodesh > : all <03605 +kol > the gold <02091
+zahab > of the spoons <03709 +kaph > [ was ] an hundred
<03967 +me>ah > and twenty <06242 +<esriym > [ shekels ] .
apiece NUM 017 006 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > spake <01696
+dabar > unto the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , and every <03605 +kol > one of their princes
<05387 +nasiy> > gave <05414 +nathan > him a rod <04294
+matteh > {apiece} , for each prince <05387 +nasiy> > one
<00259 +>echad > , according to their fathers <1> houses
<01004 +bayith > , [ even ] twelve rods <04294 +matteh > :
and the rod <04294 +matteh > of Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > [
was ] among <08432 +tavek > their rods <04294 +matteh > .
* apiece , 0303 ana ,
apiece -0303 {apiece}, every, through,
apiece -0259 alike , alone , altogether , another , any ,
{apiece} , certain , each , every , few , first , once , one ,
only , other , some , the , together ,
apiece 0259 -- /echad -- a, alike, alone, altogether, and, any(-
thing), {apiece}, acertain, [dai-]ly, each (one), + eleven,
every, few, first, + highway, aman, once, one, only, other, some,
apiece 2568 -- chamesh -- fif[-teen], fifth, five (X {apiece}).
apiece 5982 -- \ammuwd -- X {apiece}, pillar.
apiece 0303 ** ana ** and, {apiece}, by, each, every (man), in,
apiece ......... apiece 0303 -ana->
apiece 0259 ## >echad {ekh-awd'}; a numeral from 258; properly,
united, i.e. one; or (as an ordinal) first: -- a, alike, alone,
altogether, and, any(-thing), {apiece}, a certain, [dai-]ly,
each (one), + eleven, every, few, first, + highway, a man, once,
one, only, other, some, together, [ql
apiece 2568 ## chamesh {khaw-maysh'}; masculine chamishshah
{kham-ish-shaw}; a primitive numeral; five: -- fif[-teen], fifth,
five (X {apiece}). [ql
apiece 5982 ## <ammuwd {am-mood'}; or <ammud {am-mood'}; from
5975; a column (as standing); also a stand, i.e. platform: -- X
{apiece}, pillar.[ql
apiece 0303 # ana {an-ah'}; a primary preposition and adverb;
properly, up; but (by extension) used (distributively) severally,
or (locally) at (etc.): -- and, {apiece}, by, each, every (man),
in, through. In compounds (as a prefix) it often means (by
implication) repetition, intensity, reversal, etc.[ql
apiece 007 086 Num /^{apiece /after the shekel
of the sanctuary : all the gold of the spoons was an hundred and
twenty shekels.
apiece 007 015 IKi /^{apiece /and a line of
twelve cubits did compass either of them about .
apiece 010 021 Eze /^{apiece /and every one
four wings ; and the likeness of the hands of a man was under
their wings .
apiece 003 047 Num /^{apiece /by the poll ,
after the shekel of the sanctuary shalt thou take them:
apiece 017 006 Num /^{apiece /for each prince
one , according to their fathers houses , even twelve rods :
and the rod of Aaron was among their rods .
apiece 041 024 Eze /^{apiece /two turning
leaves ; two leaves for the one door , and two leaves for the
other door.
apiece <NUM3 -47> Thou shalt even take five shekels {apiece} by
poll, after the shekel of the sanctuary shalt thou take [them]:
shekel [is] twenty gerahs:)
apiece <NUM7 -86> The golden spoons [were] twelve, full of
[weighing] ten [shekels] {apiece}, after the shekel of the
sanctuary: all the gold of the spoons [was] an hundred and twenty
apiece <NUM17 -6> And Moses spake unto the children of Israel,
every one of their princes gave him a rod {apiece}, for each
one, according to their fathers' houses, [even] twelve rods: and
rod of Aaron [was] among their rods.
apiece <1KI7 -15> For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen
cubits high {apiece}: and a line of twelve cubits did compass
of them about.
apiece <EZE10 -21> Every one had four faces {apiece}, and every
four wings; and the likeness of the hands of a man [was] under
apiece <EZE41 -24> And the doors had two leaves [{apiece}], two
turning leaves; two [leaves] for the one door, and two leaves for
the other [door].
apiece <LUK9 -3> And he said unto them, Take nothing for your]
journey, neither staves, nor scrip, neither bread, neither money;
neither have two coats {apiece}.
apiece <JOH2 -6> And there were set there six waterpots of stone,
after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or
three firkins {apiece}.