Anim 6044 ## <Aniym {aw-neem'}; for plural of 5869; fountains;
Anim, a place in Palestine: -- {Anim}.[ql
Dedanim 1720 ## D@daniym {ded-aw-neem'}; plural of 1719 (as
patrial); Dedanites, the descendants or inhabitants of Dedan: --
{Dedanim}. [ql
Dodanim 1721 ## Dodaniym {do-daw-neem'}; or (by orthographical
error) Rodaniym (1 Chron. 1:7) {ro-daw-neem'}; a plural of
uncertain derivation; Dodanites, or descendants of a son of
Javan: -- {Dodanim}. [ql
Ethanim 0388 ## >Eythaniym {ay-thaw-neem'}; plural of 386;
always with the article; the permanent brooks; Ethanim, the name
of a month: -- {Ethanim}. [ql