and ......... a man , and say 2036 -epo->
and ......... Abiud 10 > ; and Abiud 0010 -Abioud->
and ......... Abiud 10> ; and Abiud 0010 -Abioud->
and ......... Abraham 11 , and Isaac 2464 -Isaak->
and ......... according 2526 -katholikos and 2526 katho->
and ......... after him , and find 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... against him , and would 2309 -thelo->
and ......... against them and the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->
and ......... age : and this 3778 -houtos->
and ......... among them , and for my vesture 2441 -himatismos->
and ......... among them , and upon my vesture 2441 -himatismos->
and ......... and , as he was wont 1486 -etho->
and ......... and , behold 2400 -idou->
And ......... And , behold 2400 -idou->
And ......... And , being assembled 4871 -sunalizo->
and ......... and , carrying 1627 -ekphero->
and ......... and , fearing 5399 -phobeo->
And ......... And , hardly 3433 -molis->
and ......... and , having 2192 -echo->
And ......... And , having made 1517 -eirenopoieo->
and ......... and , having stoned 3034 -lithazo->
and ......... and , He that curseth 2551 -kakologeo->
and ......... and , I beseech 1189 -deomai->
And ......... And , lo 2400 -idou->
and ......... and , lo 2400 -idou->
and ......... and , standing 2476 -histemi->
And ......... And , Thou , Lord 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and , Thou shalt love 0025 -agapao->
and ......... and , What 3739 -hos->
and ......... and , What 3739 -hos->
and ......... and , Whoso 3588 -ho->
And ......... And , Whosoever 1437 -ean->
And ......... And , ye fathers 3962 -pater->
And ......... And , ye masters 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and a cage 5438 -phulake->
And ......... And a certain 1520 -heis->
and ......... and a certain 5100 -tis->
And ......... And a certain 5100 -tis->
and ......... and a colony 2862 -kolonia->
and ......... and a colt 4454 -polos->
and ......... and a crown 4735 -stephanos->
and ......... and a damsel 3814 -paidiske->
and ......... and a darkness 4655 -skotos->
and ......... and a day 2250 -hemera->
and ......... and a day 3574 -nuchthemeron->
and ......... and a deliverer 3086 -lutrotes->
and ......... and a door 2374 -thura->
and ......... and a faithful 4103 -pistos->
and ......... and a few 3641 -oligos->
and ......... and a good 0018 -agathos->
and ......... and a great 2425 -hikanos->
And ......... And a great 4183 -polus->
and ......... and a great 4183 -polus->
and ......... and a house 3624 -oikos->
and ......... and a judge 1348 -dikastes->
and ......... and a just 1342 -dikaios->
and ......... and a leathern 1193 -dermatinos->
And ......... And a little 3397 -mikron->
And ......... And a maid 3814 -paidiske->
And ......... And a man s 0444 -anthropos->
And ......... And a mighty 2478 -ischuros->
and ......... and a month 3376 -men->
and ......... and a new 2537 -kainos->
and ......... and a persecutor 1376 -dioktes->
and ......... and a rainbow 2463 -iris->
and ......... and a recompence 0468 -antapodoma->
and ......... and a reed 2563 -kalamos->
and ......... and a ringleader 4414 -protostates->
and ......... and a robber 3027 -leistes->
and ......... and a rock 4073 -petra->
and ......... and a sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
and ......... and a sardine 4555 -sardinos->
and ......... and a Saviour 4990 -soter->
and ......... and a shining 5316 -phaino->
and ......... and a snare 3803 -pagis->
and ......... and a stone 3037 -lithos->
And ......... And a stone 3037 -lithos->
And ......... And a stranger 0245 -allotrios->
and ......... and a stumblingblock 4625 -skandalon->
And ......... And a superscription 1923 -epigraphe->
and ......... and a teacher 1320 -didaskalos->
and ......... and a thousand 5507 -chilioi->
and ......... and a tooth 3599 -odous->
and ......... and a trap 2339 -thera->
And ......... And a very 4118 -pleistos->
and ......... and a virgin 3933 -parthenos->
And ......... And a vision 3705 -horama->
And ......... And a voice 5456 -phone->
and ......... and a winebibber 3630 -oinopotes->
and ......... and a witness 3144 -martus->
and ......... and a woman 1135 -gune->
And ......... And a woman 1135 -gune->
and ......... and a worldly 2886 -kosmikos->
and ......... and a year 1763 -eniautos->
and ......... and Aaron s 0002 -Aaron->
and ......... and Aaron s 0002 -Aaron->
and ......... and Abia 0007 -Abia->
and ......... and abide 3306 -meno->
and ......... and abideth 3306 -meno->
and ......... and abideth 3306->
and ......... and abideth 3306->
and ......... and able 1415 -dunatos->
and ......... and abode 1961 -epimeno->
and ......... and abode 2476 -histemi->
and ......... and abode 3306 -meno->
and ......... and abominable 0111 -athemitos->
AND ......... AND ABOMINATIONS 0946 -bdelugma->
and ......... and abound 4052 -perisseuo->
And ......... And about 4012 -peri->
And ......... And about 5613 -hos->
and ......... and about 5616 -hosei->
And ......... And about 5616 -hosei->
and ......... and about the elders 4245 -presbuteros->
And ......... And above 1909 -epi->
And ......... And above 4253 -pro->
and ......... and above unto them that had eaten 0977 -bibrosko->
and ......... and acceptable 0587 -apodektos->
and ......... and acceptable 2101 -euarestos->
and ......... and access 4318 -prosagoge->
And ......... And account 2233 -hegeomai->
and ......... and Achaia 0882 -Achaia->
and ......... and Achaicus 0883 -Achaikos->
and ......... and Achaz 0881 -Achaz->
and ......... and Achim 0885 -Acheim->
and ......... and acquaintance 1110 -gnostos->
And ......... And Adam 0076 -Adam->
and ......... and admonish 3560 -noutheteo->
and ......... and admonishing 3560 -noutheteo->
and ......... and admonition 3559 -nouthesia->
and ......... and adulterers 3432 -moichos->
and ......... and adulteresses 3428 -moichalis->
and ......... and adulterous 3428 -moichalis->
and ......... and afflictions 2347 -thlipsis->
and ......... and affrighted 1719 -emphobos->
And ......... And after 1230 -diaginomai->
and ......... and after 1899 -epeita->
And ......... And after 2089 -eti->
and ......... and after 3326 -meta->
And ......... And after 3326 -meta->
And ......... And after 3753 -hote->
And ......... And after 5613 -hos->
And ......... And after he had spent 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And after they had passed 1330 -dierchomai->
And ......... And after they had tarried 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and afterward 1899 -epeita->
And ......... And afterward 2547 -kakeithen->
and ......... and afterward 5023 -tauta->
And ......... And again 1208 -deuteros->
and ......... and again 1364 -dis->
And ......... And again 3825 -palin->
and ......... and again 3825 -palin->
And ......... And again 4388 -protithemai->
and ......... and against 2596 -kata->
and ......... and against 3326 -meta->
and ......... and against God 2316 -theos->
and ......... and Alexander 0223 -Alexandros->
And ......... And Alexander 0223 -Alexandros->
and ......... and Alexandrians 0221 -Alexandreus->
And ......... And all 0537 -hapas->
and ......... and all 0537 -hapas->
And ......... And all 3650 -holos->
and ......... and all 3650 -holos->
and ......... and all 3956 -pas->
And ......... And all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and alleging 3908 -paratithemi->
And ......... And almost 4975 -schedon->
and ......... and almsdeeds 1654 -eleemosune->
and ......... and aloes 0250 -aloe->
and ......... and also 2532 -kai->
and ......... and also concerning 4012 -peri->
and ......... and also here 1759 -enthade->
and ......... and also of the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->
and ......... and altogether 4183 -polus->
And ......... And always 1275 -diapantos->
and ......... and am 1510 -eimi->
And ......... And am 1510 -eimi->
and ......... and am come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and am come 2597 -katabaino->
and ......... and am judged 2919 -krino->
and ......... and am persuaded 3982 -peitho->
and ......... and am sent 0649 -apostello->
and ......... and am set 2523 -kathizo->
and ......... and amazement 1611 -ekstasis->
and ......... and Aminadab 0284 -Aminadab->
and ......... and Amon 0300 -Amon->
and ......... and among 1722 -en->
and ......... and an antichrist 0500->
and ......... and an antichrist 0500->
and ......... and an apostle 0652 -apostolos->
and ......... and an earthquake 4578 -seismos->
and ......... and an enduring 3306 -meno->
and ......... and an evil 4190 -poneros->
and ......... and an half 2255 -hemisu->
and ......... and an holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and an oath 3727 -horkos->
And ......... And Ananias 0367 -Ananias->
And ......... And Andrew 0406 -Andreas->
and ......... and Andrew 0406 -Andreas->
and ......... and anger 3709 -orge->
and ......... and anguish 4730 -stenochoria->
and ......... and anguish 4928 -sunoche->
and ......... and anise 0432 -anethon->
and ......... and ankle 4974 -sphuron->
And ......... And Annas 0452 -Annas->
and ......... and anoint 0218 -aleipho->
and ......... and anoint 1472 -egchrio->
and ......... and anointed 0218 -aleipho->
and ......... and anointed 2025 -epichrio->
and ......... and anon 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... and anon 2117 -euthus->
And ......... And another 0243 -allos->
and ......... and another 0243 -allos->
And ......... And another 2087 -heteros->
and ......... and another 2087 -heteros->
and ......... and another 3588 -ho->
and ......... and another 3739 -hos->
and ......... and answer 0611 -apokrinomai->
and ......... and answer 2036 -epo->
And ......... And answered 0611 -apokrinomai->
and ......... and answered 0611 -apokrinomai->
and ......... and answered 0626 -apologeomai->
and ......... and answereth 4960 -sustoicheo->
and ......... and answers 0612 -apokrisis->
and ......... and Antioch 0490 -Antiocheia->
and ......... and Apollonia 0624 -Apollonia->
and ......... and Apollos 0625 -Apollos->
and ......... and apostles 0652 -apostolos->
and ......... and apostleship 0651 -apostole->
and ......... and appeared 1718 -emphanizo->
and ......... and appoint 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... and approved 1384 -dokimos->
and ......... and approvest 1381 -dokimazo->
and ......... and Aquila 0207 -Akulas->
and ......... and Arabians 0690->
and ......... and Arabians 0690->
And ......... And Aram 0689 -Aram->
and ......... and Archippus 0751 -Archippos->
and ......... and are become 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and are blameless 0338 -anaitios->
and ......... and are buffeted 2852 -kolaphizo->
And ......... And are built 2026 -epoikodomeo->
and ......... and are choked 4846 -sumpnigo->
and ......... and are come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and are contrary 1727 -enantios->
and ......... and are convinced 1651 -elegcho->
and ......... and are dead 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... and are driven 1643 -elauno->
and ......... and are given in marriage 1548 -ekgamisko->
and ......... and are gone 4105 -planao->
and ......... and are heavy laden 5412 -phortizo->
and ......... and are naked 1130 -gumneteuo->
and ......... and are not , and hast found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and are not , and hast found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and are not , but are the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge-
and ......... and are not , but do lie 5574 -pseudomai->
and ......... and are not afraid 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... and are not his sisters 0079 -adelphe->
and ......... and are sad 4659 -skuthropos->
and ......... and are sure 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and are the children 5207 -huios->
and ......... and are the offscouring 4067 -peripsoma->
and ......... and arise 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... and Aristarchus 0708 -Aristarchos->
and ......... and arose 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... and art 1488 -ei->
And ......... And art confident 3982 -peitho->
and ......... and art to come 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And as a vesture 4018 -peribolaion->
and ......... and as being heirs 4789 -sugkleronomos->
And ......... And as concerning 3754 -hoti->
And ......... And as Esaias 2268 -Hesaias->
and ......... and as he came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and as he drew 4334 -proserchomai->
And ......... And as he entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And as he journeyed 4198 -poreuomai->
And ......... And as he passed 3855 -parago->
And ......... And as he prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->
And ......... And as he reasoned 1256 -dialegomai->
And ......... And as he said 3004 -lego->
And ......... And as he sat 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and as he sowed 4687 -speiro->
And ......... And as he spake 2980 -laleo->
And ......... And as he talked 4926 -sunomileo->
And ......... And as he thus 5023 -tauta->
And ......... And as he was now 2236 -hedista->
and ......... and as he was walking 4043 -peripateo->
And ......... And as he was yet 2089 -eti->
and ......... and as he went 1607 -ekporeuomai->
And ......... And as he went 1607 -ekporeuomai->
And ......... And as he went 4198 -poreuomai->
And ......... And as I began 0756 -archomai->
And ......... And as I may so 5613 -hos->
and ......... and as is the heavenly 2032 -epouranios->
And ......... And as it is appointed 0606 -apokeimai->
And ......... And as it was in the days 2250 -hemera->
and ......... and as it were a great 3173 -megas->
And ......... And as Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
And ......... And as Jesus passed 3855 -parago->
And ......... And as John 2491 -Ioannes->
and ......... and as many 3745 -hosos->
And ......... And as many 3745 -hosos->
And ......... And as Moses 3475 -Moseus->
And ......... And as Paul 3972 -Paulos->
and ......... and as Paul 3972 -Paulos->
And ......... And as Peter 4074 -Petros->
and ......... and as she wept 2799 -klaio->
And ......... And as some 5100 -tis->
and ......... and as some 5100 -tis->
and ......... and as soon 3753 -hote->
And ......... And as soon as he had spoken 2036 -epo->
And ......... And as soon as he knew 1921 -epiginosko->
And ......... And as soon as he was come 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And as soon as it was day 2250 -hemera->
and ......... and as soon as it was sprung 5453 -phuo->
and ......... and as the brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and as the Father 3962 -pater->
And ......... And as the lame 5560 -cholos->
And ......... And as the people 2992 -laos->
and ......... and as the sand 0285 -ammos->
And ......... And as the shipmen 3492 -nautes->
and ......... and as the voice 5456 -phone->
And ......... And as they bound 4385 -proteino->
And ......... And as they came 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And as they came 2597 -katabaino->
And ......... And as they cried 2905 -kraugazo->
And ......... And as they departed 1607 -ekporeuomai->
And ......... And as they departed 4198 -poreuomai->
And ......... And as they did eat 2068 -esthio->
and ......... and as they followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
And ......... And as they heard 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And as they led 0520 -apago->
And ......... And as they sat 0345 -anakeimai->
And ......... And as they spake 2980 -laleo->
And ......... And as they thus 5023 -tauta->
And ......... And as they went 1279 -diaporeuomai->
And ......... And as they went 2212 -zeteo->
And ......... And as they went 4198 -poreuomai->
And ......... And as they were afraid 1719 -emphobos->
And ......... And as they were eating 2068 -esthio->
And ......... And as they were loosing 3089 -luo->
And ......... And as touching 4012 -peri->
And ......... And as we have borne 5409 -phoreo->
And ......... And as we tarried 1961 -epimeno->
And ......... And as ye go 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... and as ye have heard 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And as ye would 2309 -thelo->
And ......... And Asa 0760 -Asa->
and ......... and ashes 4700 -spodos->
and ......... and Asia 0773 -Asia->
and ......... and asked 0154 -aiteo->
and ......... and asked 1905 -eperotao->
and ......... and asked 2065 -erotao->
and ......... and asked 4441 -punthanomai->
and ......... and assaulted 2186 -ephistemi->
and ......... and astonished 2284 -thambeo->
And ......... And at 1722 -en->
and ......... and at 1909 -epi->
And ......... And at 2596 -kata->
and ......... and at 3571 -nux->
And ......... And at even 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and at him they cast 3036 -lithoboleo->
and ......... and at Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->
And ......... And at midnight 3571 -nux->
And ......... And at the ninth 1766 -ennatos->
and ......... and at the ninth 1766 -ennatos->
And ......... And at the season 2540 -kairos->
and ......... and ate 2719 -katesthio->
and ......... and authorities 1849 -exousia->
and ......... and authority 1849 -exousia->
and ......... and avenge 1556 -ekdikeo->
and ......... and avoid 1578 -ekklino->
And ......... And Azor 0107 -Azor->
and ......... and bade 2036 -epo->
and ......... and bade 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and bands 4886 -sundesmos->
and ......... and baptized 0907 -baptizo->
and ......... and bare 0941 -bastazo->
and ......... and bare 3140 -martureo->
and ......... and bare 5576 -pseudomartureo->
And ......... And Barnabas 0921 -Barnabas->
and ......... and Barnabas 0921 -Barnabas->
and ......... and Bartholomew 0918 -Bartholomaios->
And ......... And base 0036 -agenes->
and ......... and be baptized 0907 -baptizo->
and ......... and be born 1080 -gennao->
and ......... and be clothed 1463 -egkomboomai->
and ......... and be content 0714 -arkeo->
and ......... and be converted 1994 -epistrepho->
and ......... and be crucified 4717 -stauroo->
and ......... and be divided 3307 -merizo->
and ......... and be exceeding glad 0021 -agalliao->
and ......... and be filled 4130 -pletho->
And ......... And be found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and be glad 5463 -chairo->
and ......... and be glorified 1392 -doxazo->
and ......... and be healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... and be in health 5198 -hugiaino->
and ......... and be killed 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and be married 1060 -gameo->
and ......... and be merry 2165 -euphraino->
and ......... and be not afraid 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... and be not bitter 4087 -pikraino->
And ......... And be not conformed 4964 -suschematizo->
And ......... And be not drunk 3182 -methusko->
and ......... and be not entangled 1758 -enecho->
and ......... and be not faithless 0571 -apistos->
and ......... and be not moved 3334 -metakineo->
and ......... and be raised 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... and be ready 2092 -hetoimos->
And ......... And be renewed 0365 -ananeoo->
and ......... and be saved 4982 -sozo->
and ......... and be slain 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and be sober 3525 -nepho->
and ......... and be spent 1550 -ekdapanao->
and ......... and be spilled 1632 -ekcheo->
and ......... and be thou cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and be thou planted 5452 -phuteuo->
and ......... and be thou there 1563 -ekei->
and ......... and be whole 5199 -hugies->
And ......... And be ye kind 5543 -chrestos->
and ......... and be ye thankful 2170 -eucharistos->
and ......... and bear 5342 -phero->
and ......... and beasts 2934 -ktenos->
and ......... and beat 1194 -dero->
and ......... and beat 4350 -proskopto->
and ......... and beat 4363 -prospipto->
and ......... and beat 5180 -tupto->
and ......... and beaten 1194 -dero->
and ......... and became 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and because 1223 -dia->
And ......... And because 1223 -dia->
and ......... and because 3754 -hoti->
And ......... And because 3754 -hoti->
And ......... And because he saw 1492 -eido->
And ......... And because I doubted 0639 -aporeo->
And ......... And because the haven 3040 -limen->
and ......... and because they thought 1380 -dokeo->
and ......... and beckoned 2678 -kataseio->
and ......... and become 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and become 1402 -douloo->
and ......... and becometh 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and been made 3666 -homoioo->
and ......... and been wanton 4684 -spatalao->
And ......... And before 1715 -emprosthen->
and ......... and before 1799 -enopion->
And ......... And before 1799 -enopion->
and ......... and began 0756 -archomai->
And ......... And began 0756 -archomai->
and ......... and beggarly 4444 -purgos->
and ......... and begged 0154 -aiteo->
and ......... and begged 4319 -prosaiteo->
and ......... and begin 0756 -archomai->
and ......... and beginning 0756 -archomai->
And ......... And beginning 0756 -archomai->
and ......... and beheaded 0607 -apokephalizo->
and ......... and beheld 2300 -theaomai->
and ......... and beheld 2334 -theoreo->
and ......... and behind 3693 -opisthen->
and ......... and behold 2396 -ide->
and ......... and behold 2400 -idou->
And ......... And beholding 0991 -blepo->
and ......... and beholding 0991 -blepo->
and ......... and being 1096 -ginomai->
And ......... And being 1096 -ginomai->
And ......... And being 5607 -on->
And ......... And being brought 4311 -propempo->
and ......... and being deceived 4105 -planao->
and ......... and being exceedingly 4057 -perissos->
and ......... and being fervent 2204 -zeo->
And ......... And being found 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And being fully 4135 -plerophoreo->
And ......... And being let go 0630 -apoluo->
And ......... And being made 5048 -teleioo->
And ......... And being not weak 0770 -astheneo->
And ......... And being warned 5537 -chrematizo->
and ......... and belief 4102 -pistis->
and ......... and believe 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... and believed 0544 -apeitheo->
and ......... and believed 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... and believed 4103 -pistos->
And ......... And believers 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... and believeth 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... and beloved 0025 -agapao->
and ......... and beloved 0027 -agapetos->
and ......... and Bernice 0959 -Bernike->
and ......... and beseech 3870 -parakaleo->
And ......... And beside 0846 -autos->
And ......... And beside 1909 -epi->
and ......... and beside 4862 -sun->
and ......... and besought 1189 -deomai->
and ......... and besought 2065 -erotao->
and ......... and besought 3870 -parakaleo->
And ......... And besought 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... and Bethany 0963 -Bethania->
and ......... and bewailed 2875 -kopto->
and ......... and beware 4337 -prosecho->
and ......... and beware 5442 -phulasso->
and ......... and bewitched 1839 -existemi->
and ......... and bind 1210 -deo->
and ......... and birds 4071 -peteinon->
and ......... and Bishop 1985 -episkopos->
and ......... and Bithynia 0978 -Bithunia->
and ......... and bitterness 4088 -pikria->
and ......... and blameless 0298 -amometos->
and ......... and blasphemed 0987 -blasphemeo->
And ......... And blasphemed 0987 -blasphemeo->
and ......... and blasphemies 0988 -blasphemia->
and ......... and blaspheming 0987 -blasphemeo->
and ......... and blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia->
and ......... and blessed 2127 -eulogeo->
And ......... And blessed 3107 -makarios->
And ......... And blessed is he , whosoever 1437 -ean->
and ......... and blessing 2127 -eulogeo->
and ......... and blessing 2129 -eulogia->
and ......... and blind 5185 -tuphlos->
and ......... and blood 0129 -haima->
and ......... and boasteth 3166 -megalaucheo->
and ......... and bodies 4983 -soma->
and ......... and body 4983 -soma->
and ......... and bond 1401 -doulos->
and ......... and bones 3747 -osteon->
and ......... and Booz 1003 -Booz->
and ......... and both 0297 -amphoteros->
And ......... And both 2532 -kai->
and ......... and bought 0059 -agorazo->
and ......... and bound 0332 -anathematizo->
and ......... and bound 1210 -deo->
and ......... and bow 4781 -sugkampto->
and ......... and bowed 2827 -klino->
and ......... and brake 2608 -katagnumi->
and ......... and brake 2622 -kataklao->
and ......... and brake 2806 -klao->
and ......... and brass 5470 -chalkeos->
and ......... and bread 0740 -artos->
and ......... and breaking 2806 -klao->
and ......... and breath 4157 -pnoe->
and ......... and brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and bridleth 5468 -chalinagogeo->
and ......... and briers 5146 -tribolos->
and ......... and brimstone 2303 -theion->
and ......... and brimstone 2306 -theiodes->
and ......... and bring 0071 -ago->
and ......... and bring 1295 -diasozo->
and ......... and bring 1396 -doulagogeo->
and ......... and bring 1521 -eisago->
and ......... and bring 2097 -euaggelizo->
and ......... and bring 5062 -tessarakonta->
and ......... and bring 5088 -tikto->
And ......... And bring 5342 -phero->
and ......... and bring 5342 -phero->
and ......... and bringeth 0399 -anaphero->
and ......... and bringeth 2592 -karpophoreo->
and ......... and bringeth 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and bringing 0163 -aichmalotizo->
and ......... and broad 2149 -euruchoros->
and ......... and brother 0080 -adephos->
And ......... And brought 0071 -ago->
and ......... and brought 0071 -ago->
and ......... and brought 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and brought 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and brought 1521 -eisago->
and ......... and brought 1806 -exago->
and ......... and brought 2609 -katago->
And ......... And brought 4254 -proago->
And ......... And brought 4317 -prosago->
and ......... and brought 4374 -prosphero->
And ......... And brought 5342 -phero->
and ......... and brought 5342 -phero->
and ......... and bruising 4937 -suntribo->
and ......... and buffeted 2852 -kolaphizo->
and ......... and build 3618 -oikodomeo->
and ......... and buildest 3618 -oikodomeo->
and ......... and built 2026 -epoikodomeo->
and ......... and built 3618 -oikodomeo->
and ......... and buried 2290 -thapto->
and ......... and burn 2618 -katakaio->
and ......... and burned 1714 -empretho->
and ......... and burned 2618 -katakaio->
and ......... and burnt 3646 -holokautoma->
and ......... and bury 2290 -thapto->
and ......... and busybodies 4021 -periergos->
and ......... and buy 0059 -agorazo->
and ......... and buy 1710 -emporeuomai->
and ......... and buyeth 0059 -agorazo->
and ......... and by a foolish 0801 -asunetos->
And ......... And by chance 4795 -sugkuria->
and ......... and by fifties 4004 -pentekonta->
and ......... and by good 5542 -chrestologia->
And ......... And by him all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and by him that sitteth 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and by it he being dead 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... and by our gathering 1997 -episunagoge->
and ......... and by our law 3551 -nomos->
And ......... And by reason 1223 -dia->
and ......... and by the brimstone 2303 -theion->
And ......... And by the hands 5495 -cheir->
and ......... and by the prince 0758 -archon->
and ......... and by the scriptures 1124 -graphe->
and ......... and by the smoke 2586 -kapnos->
and ......... and by the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->
and ......... and by the way 3598 -hodos->
and ......... and by the word 3056 -logos->
And ......... And by their prayer 1162 -deesis->
and ......... and by thy words 3056 -logos->
and ......... and by wicked 0459 -anomos->
and ......... and by works 2041 -ergon->
and ......... and Caiaphas 2533 -Kaiaphas->
And ......... And call 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and call 3333 -metakaleo->
and ......... and call 3343 -metapempo->
and ......... and called 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and called 2822 -kletos->
and ......... and called 3333 -metakaleo->
And ......... And called 5455 -phoneo->
and ......... and called 5455 -phoneo->
and ......... and calleth 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and calleth 4341 -proskaleomai->
and ......... and calleth 5455 -phoneo->
and ......... and calling 2821 -klesis->
and ......... and calling 4341 -proskaleomai->
and ......... and calling 4377 -prosphoneo->
and ......... and calves 3448 -moschos->
and ......... and came 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And came 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... and came 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and came 2186 -ephistemi->
and ......... and came 2240 -heko->
and ......... and came 2597 -katabaino->
and ......... and came 2658 -katantao->
And ......... And came 2718 -katerchomai->
and ......... and came 4334 -proserchomai->
and ......... and cannot 1410 -dunamai->
and ......... and cannot 3467 -muopazo->
and ......... and Cappadocia 2587 -Kappadokia->
and ......... and captains 4755 -strategos->
and ......... and cares 3308 -merimna->
and ......... and carest 3199 -melo->
and ......... and careth 3199 -melo->
and ......... and carnal 4561 -sarx->
and ......... and carried 0667 -appohero->
and ......... and carried 4064 -periphero->
And ......... And cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and cast 1260 -dialogizomai->
And ......... And cast 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... and cast 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... and cast 1911 -epiballo->
and ......... and cast 4496 -rhipto->
and ......... and casteth 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... and caught 1949 -epilambanomai->
and ......... and cause 2289 -thanatoo->
and ......... and cause 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and caves 3692 -ope->
and ......... and centurions 1543 -hekatontarches->
and ......... and Cephas 2786 -Kephas->
And ......... And certain 5100 -tis->
and ......... and certain 5100 -tis->
and ......... and certain others with them .
and ......... and chains 0254 -halusis->
and ......... and Chanaan 5477 -Chanaan->
And ......... And changed 0236 -allasso->
And ......... And charged 2008 -epitimao->
and ......... and charged 3146 -mastigoo->
and ......... and charged 3853 -paraggello->
and ......... and chariots 4480 -rheda->
and ......... and charity 0026 -agape->
and ......... and chasten 3811 -paideuo->
and ......... and cherisheth 2282 -thalpo->
and ......... and chief 0749 -archiereus->
and ......... and chief 4413 -protos->
and ......... and children 3813 -paidion->
and ......... and children 5043 -teknon->
and ......... and chosen 1588 -eklektos->
and ......... and Christ 5547 -Christos->
and ......... and church 1577 -ekklesia->
and ......... and Cilicia 2791 -Kilikia->
And ......... And cinnamon 2792 -kinamomon->
and ......... and circumcised 4059 -peritemno->
and ......... and circumcision 4061 -peritome->
and ......... and clamour 2906 -krauge->
and ......... and Claudia 2803 -Klaudia->
and ......... and clean 2513 -katharos->
and ......... and cleanse 2511 -katharizo->
and ......... and cleave 4347 -proskollao->
and ......... and climbed 0305 -anabaino->
and ......... and clothed 2439 -himatizo->
and ......... and clothed 4016 -periballo->
and ......... and come 1204 -deuro->
and ......... and come 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... and come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and come 2597 -katabaino->
and ......... and come 4905 -sunerchomai->
and ......... and come 5302 -hustereo->
and ......... and cometh 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and cometh 2591 -Karpos->
and ......... and comfort 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... and comfort 3874 -paraklesis->
and ......... and comfort 3889 -paramuthia->
and ......... and comforted 3888 -paramutheomai->
and ......... and coming 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and coming 3952 -parousia->
and ......... and commanded 1781 -entellomai->
and ......... and commanded 2004 -epitasso->
and ......... and commanded 2036 -epo->
and ......... and commanded 2750 -keiria->
and ......... and commanded 2753 -keleuo->
And ......... And commanded 3853 -paraggello->
and ......... and commanded 3853 -paraggello->
and ......... and commandest 2753 -keleuo->
and ......... and commanding to abstain 0567 -apechomai->
and ......... and commandments 1785 -entole->
and ......... and commission 2011 -epitrope->
and ......... and commotions 0181 -akatastasia->
and ......... and communed 1255 -dialaleo->
and ......... and communed 3656 -homileo->
and ......... and communicated 0394 -anatithemai->
and ......... and compacted 4822 -sumbibazo->
and ......... and companion 4791 -sugkoinonos->
and ......... and companion 4904 -sunergos->
and ......... and comparing 4793 -sugkrino->
and ......... and compassed 2944 -kukloo->
and ......... and compel 0315 -anagkazo->
and ......... and compelled 0315 -anagkazo->
and ......... and complete 4137 -pleroo->
and ......... and concluded 2919 -krino->
and ......... and condemn 2632 -katakrino->
and ......... and confessed 1843 -exomologeo->
and ......... and confirmation 0951 -bebaiosis->
and ......... and confirmed 1991 -episterizo->
and ......... and confounded 4797 -sugcheo->
and ......... and conscience 4893 -suneidesis->
and ......... and consent 4334 -proserchomai->
and ......... and consolation 3874 -paraklesis->
and ......... and consorted 4345 -proskleroo->
And ......... And consulted 4823 -sumbouleuo->
and ......... and consulteth 1011 -bouleuo->
and ......... and consume 0355 -analisko->
and ......... and contentions 2054 -eris->
and ......... and continual 0088 -adialeiptos->
and ......... and continue 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and continue 4839 -sumparameno->
and ......... and continued 1273 -dianuktereuo->
and ......... and continued 1300 -diateleo->
and ......... and continued 3905 -parateino->
and ......... and continueth 3887 -parameno->
and ......... and continueth 4357 -prosmeno->
and ......... and cool 2711 -katapsucho->
And ......... And Cornelius 2883 -Kornelios->
and ......... and couches 2895 -krabbatos->
and ......... and could 1410 -dunamai->
and ......... and could 2480 -ischuo->
And ......... And could not find 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and counteth 5585 -psephizo->
and ......... and country 0068 -agros->
and ......... and covenanted 4934 -suntithemai->
and ......... and covetousness 4124 -pleonexia->
and ......... and craved 0154 -aiteo->
and ......... and creeping 2062 -herpeton->
and ......... and cried 0349 -anakrazo->
And ......... And cried 2896 -krazo->
and ......... and cried 2896 -krazo->
and ......... and cried 2905 -kraugazo->
and ......... and cried 5455 -phoneo->
And ......... And Crispus 2921 -Krispos->
and ......... and crown 4735 -stephanos->
and ......... and crucify 4717 -stauroo->
and ......... and cry 0994 -boao->
and ......... and cummin 2951 -kuminon->
and ......... and cunning craftiness 3834 -panourgia->
and ......... and cups 4221 -poterion->
and ......... and curse 2672 -kataraomai->
and ......... and cursing 2671 -katara->
and ......... and cut 0609 -apokopto->
and ......... and cut 0851 -aphaireo->
and ......... and cut 4932 -suntemno->
and ......... and cutting 2629 -katakopto->
and ......... and Cyprus 2954 -Kupros->
and ......... and Cyrene 2957 -Kurene->
and ......... and Cyrenians 2956 -Kurenaios->
And ......... And daily 2250 -hemera->
and ......... and dancing 5525 -choros->
and ......... and darkness 4655 -skotos->
and ......... and daughters 2364 -thugater->
And ......... And David 1138 -Dabid->
and ......... and David 1138 -Dabid->
and ......... and day 2250 -hemera->
and ......... and deacons 1249 -diakonos->
and ......... and dead 3498 -nekros->
and ......... and deaf 2974 -kophos->
and ......... and death 2288 -thanatos->
And ......... And death 2288 -thanatos->
and ......... and deceivers 5423 -phrenapates->
And ......... And deceiveth 4105 -planao->
and ......... and decked 5558 -chrusoo->
and ......... and declaration of your 5216 -humon->
and ......... and declared 1334 -diegeomai->
And ......... And declared 3724 -horizo->
and ......... and deed 2041 -ergon->
and ......... and deed 4234 -praxis->
and ......... and defile 2840 -koinoo->
and ......... and defraud 0650 -apostereo->
and ......... and defraud 4122 -pleonekteo->
And ......... And deliver 0525 -apallasso->
and ......... and delivered 0325 -anadidomi->
and ......... and delivered 0591 -apodidomi->
and ......... and delivered 1325 -didomi->
And ......... And delivered 1807 -exaireo->
and ......... and delivered 3860 -paradidomi->
And ......... And delivered 4506 -rhoumai->
and ......... and delivering 3860 -paradidomi->
and ......... and demanded 4441 -punthanomai->
and ......... and Demas 1214 -Demas->
and ......... and denied 0720 -arneomai->
and ......... and denying 0720 -arneomai->
and ......... and departed 0402 -anachoreo->
and ......... and departed 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... and departed 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... and depth 0899 -bathos->
and ......... and Derbe 1191 -Derbe->
and ......... and descending 2597 -katabaino->
and ......... and desire 2206 -zeloo->
and ......... and desired 0154 -aiteo->
And ......... And desired 0154 -aiteo->
and ......... and desired 1934 -epizeteo->
and ......... and desired 2065 -erotao->
and ......... and desireth 2065 -erotao->
And ......... And desiring 1937 -epithumeo->
and ......... and desolate 3443 -monoo->
and ......... and despise 2706 -kataphroneo->
and ......... and despised 1848 -exoutheneo->
and ......... and destitute 0650 -apostereo->
and ......... and destitute 3007 -leipo->
and ......... and destroy 0622 -apollumi->
and ......... and destroyed 0622 -apollumi->
and ......... and destroyed 5356 -phthora->
And ......... And devils 1140 -daimonion->
and ......... and devour 2719 -katesthio->
and ......... and devoured 2719 -katesthio->
and ......... and devoureth 2719 -katesthio->
And ......... And devout 2126 -eulabes->
and ......... and devout 2126 -eulabes->
and ......... and did 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And did all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and did cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and did eat 2068 -esthio->
and ......... and did eat 5315 -phago->
and ......... and did hide 2928 -krupto->
and ......... and did live 2198 -zao->
and ......... and did not minister 1247 -diakoneo->
and ......... and did run 5143 -trecho->
and ......... and did spit 1716 -emptuo->
and ......... and did take 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and did wipe 1591 -ekmasso->
and ......... and did yield 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and didst eat 4906 -sunesthio->
and ......... and didst set 2525 -kathistemi->
and ......... and die 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... and died 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... and died 5053 -teleutao->
and ......... and digged 2679 -kataskapto->
and ......... and digged 3736 > a winepress 3025 -lenos->
and ......... and digged 3736 > in the earth 1093 -ge->
and ......... and digged 3736> a winepress 3025 -lenos->
and ......... and digged 3736> in the earth 1093 -ge->
and ......... and digged 4626 -skapto->
and ......... and dine 0709 -aristao->
and ......... and dishonour 0819 -atimia->
and ......... and disobedience 3876 -parakoe->
and ......... and disobedient 0506 -anupotaktos->
and ......... and disobedient 0545 -apeithes->
and ......... and disputation 4803 -suzetesis->
and ......... and disputed 4802 -suzeteo->
and ......... and disputings 1261 -dialogismos->
and ......... and distress 0318 -anagke->
and ......... and distribute 1239 -diadidomai->
and ......... and distribution 1239 -diadidomai->
and ......... and divers 1313 -diaphoros->
and ......... and divide 1266 -diamerizo->
and ......... and divideth 1239 -diadidomai->
and ......... and divisions 1370 -dichostsis->
and ......... and do 0015 -agathopoieo->
and ......... and do 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and do 4238 -prasso->
and ......... and do minister 1247 -diakoneo->
and ......... and do not obey 0544 -apeitheo->
and ......... and do see 0991 -blepo->
and ......... and do testify 3140 -martureo->
and ......... and doctors 3547 -nomodidaskalos->
and ......... and doctrine 1319 -didaskalia->
and ......... and doctrines 1319 -didaskalia->
and ......... and doeth 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and dominion 2904 -kratos->
and ......... and dominion 2963 -kuriotes->
and ......... and dost thou teach 1321 -didasko->
and ......... and doth deliver 4506 -rhoumai->
and ......... and doubt 1252 -diakrino->
and ......... and doubting 1261 -dialogismos->
and ......... and doves 4058 -peristera->
and ......... and drank 4095 -pino->
and ......... and drawing 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and drew 0645 -apospao->
and ......... and drew 0868 -aphistemi->
and ......... and drew 1670 -helkuo->
and ......... and drew 4358 -prosormizo->
and ......... and drew nigh 1448 -eggizo->
and ......... and drink 4095 -pino->
and ......... and drink 4213 -posis->
and ......... and drink 4844 -sumpino->
and ......... and drinketh 4095 -pino->
and ......... and drinking 4095 -pino->
and ......... and drinks 4188 -poma->
and ......... and drunk 4095 -pino->
and ......... and drunken 4095 -pino->
and ......... and drunkenness 3178 -methe->
and ......... and dumb 2974 -kophos->
and ......... and durst 5111 -tolmao->
and ......... and dwelt 2730 -katoikeo->
and ......... and dwelt 4637 -skenoo->
and ......... and dying 0599 -apothnesko->
And ......... And early 3722 -orthros->
and ......... and earnestly 0816 -atenizo->
and ......... and ears 3775 -ous->
and ......... and earth 1093 -ge->
and ......... and earthquakes 4578 -seismos->
and ......... and easy 2138 -eupeithes->
and ......... and eat 2068 -esthio->
and ......... and eat 5315 -phago->
and ......... and eaten 1089 -geuomai->
and ......... and eateth 2068 -esthio->
and ......... and eateth 4906 -sunesthio->
and ......... and edify 3618 -oikodomeo->
and ......... and effectual 1756 -energes->
and ......... and Egypt 0125 -Aiguptos->
and ......... and eight 3638 -oktos->
and ......... and Elamites 1639 -Elamites->
and ......... and elders 4245 -presbuteros->
and ......... and Eleazar 1648 -Eleazar->
and ......... and election 1589 -ekloge->
and ......... and Eliakim 1662 -Eliakeim->
and ......... and Elias 2243 -Helias->
and ......... and Elisabeth 1665 -Elisabet->
And ......... And Eliud 1664 -Elioud->
and ......... and embraced 0782 -aspazomai->
and ......... and endless 0562 -aperantos->
and ......... and enemies 2190 -echthros->
and ......... and engraven 1795 -entupoo->
and ......... and enlarge 3170 -megaluno->
And ......... And Enoch 1802 -Enok->
and ......... and enquire 2212 -zeteo->
and ......... and ensue 1377 -dioko->
and ......... and entered 0305 -anabaino->
and ......... and entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And entered 1684 -embaino->
and ......... and entered 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And entering 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And entering 1910 -epibaino->
and ......... and enticed 1185 -deleazo->
and ......... and entire 3648 -holokleros->
and ......... and entreat 2559 -kakoo->
and ......... and entreated 0818 -atimazo->
and ......... and entreated 5195 -hubrizo->
and ......... and envies 5355 -phthonos->
and ......... and envy 5355 -phthonos->
and ......... and envying 2205 -zelos->
and ......... and equal 2471 -isotes->
and ......... and Erastus 2037 -Erastos->
and ......... and Esau 2269 -Esau->
and ......... and escaped 1628 -ekpheugo->
and ......... and Esrom 2074 -Esrom->
and ......... and eternal 0166 -aionios->
And ......... And even 2531 -kathos->
and ......... and even 2531 -kathos->
and ......... and even 2532 -kai->
And ......... And even 3676 -homos->
and ......... and ever 0165 -aion->
and ......... and every 1538 -hekastos->
And ......... And every 1538 -hekastos->
and ......... and every 2596 -kata->
And ......... And every 3956 -pas->
and ......... and every 3956 -pas->
and ......... and evil 0988 -blasphemia->
and ......... and evil 2556 -kakos->
and ......... and evil 2559 -kakoo->
and ......... and exalted 5312 -hupsoo->
and ......... and exalteth 5229 -huperairomai->
And ......... And except 1508 -ei me->
and ......... and excess 0192 -akrasia->
and ......... and exercise 1128 -gumnazo->
and ......... and exhort 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... and exhortation 3874 -paraklesis->
and ......... and exhorted 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... and exhorting 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... and expelled 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... and experience 1382 -dokime->
and ......... and expounded 1620 -ektithemi->
And ......... And Ezekias 1478 -Ezekias->
and ......... and faint 1590 -ekluo->
and ......... and fair 2129 -eulogia->
and ......... and faith 4102 -pistis->
and ......... and faithful 4103 -pistos->
and ......... and falling 1096 -ginomai->
And ......... And falling 4045 -peripipto->
and ......... and falling 4363 -prospipto->
and ......... and false 5578 -pseudoprophetes->
and ......... and famine 3042 -limos->
and ......... and famines 3042 -limos->
and ......... and fared 2165 -euphraino->
and ......... and fasted 3522 -nesteuo->
and ......... and fastened 2510 -kathapto->
and ......... and fasting 3521 -nesteia->
and ......... and Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and fathers 3962 -pater->
and ......... and fatness 4096 -piotes->
And ......... And fear 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... and fear 5401 -phobos->
And ......... And fear 5401 -phobos->
and ......... and fearful 5400 -phobetron->
and ......... and fed 5142 -trepho->
and ......... and feet 4228 -pous->
and ......... and Felix 5344 -Phelix->
and ......... and fell 1968 -epipipto->
and ......... and fell 4045 -peripipto->
and ......... and fell 4098 -pipto->
And ......... And fell 4098 -pipto->
and ......... and fell 4363 -prospipto->
and ......... and fellowhelper 4904 -sunergos->
and ......... and fellowlabourer 4904 -sunergos->
and ......... and fellowservant 4889 -sundoulos->
and ......... and fellowship 2842 -koinonia->
and ......... and fellowsoldier 4961 -sustratiotes->
and ......... and felt 3958 -pascho->
and ......... and female 2338 -thelus->
And ......... And Festus 5347 -Phestos->
and ......... and fetch 1806 -exago->
and ......... and few 3641 -oligos->
and ......... and fiery 4442 -pur->
and ......... and fifteen 4002 -pente->
and ......... and fifty 4004 -pentekonta->
and ......... and fightings 3163 -mache->
and ......... and filled 1072 -gemizo->
and ......... and filled 4130 -pletho->
and ......... and filled 5526 -chortazo->
and ......... and filthiness 0168 -akathartes->
and ......... and find 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and findeth 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And finding 0429 -aneurisko->
and ......... and finding 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And finding 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and fine 4585 -semidalis->
and ......... and fine linen 1040 -bussos->
and ......... and finisher 5047 -teleiotes->
and ......... and fire 4442 -pur->
And ......... And five 4000 -pentakischilioi->
and ......... and five 4000 -pentakischilioi->
and ......... and fled 5343 -pheugo->
and ......... and flee 5343 -pheugo->
and ......... and fleeth 5343 -pheugo->
and ......... and follow 0190 -akoloutheo->
and ......... and followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
and ......... and followeth 0190 -akoloutheo->
and ......... and foot 4228 -pous->
and ......... and for a pretence 4392 -prophasis->
and ......... and for a shew 4392 -prophasis->
and ......... and for a sign 4592 -semeion->
and ......... and for all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and for all there were so 5118 -tosoutos->
and ......... and for an helmet 4030 -perikephalaia->
and ......... and for as many 3745 -hosos->
and ......... and for ever 0165 -aion->
And ......... And for fear 5401 -phobos->
and ......... and for joy 5479 -chara->
and ......... and for looking 4329 -prosdokia->
And ......... And for me , that utterance 3056 -logos->
and ......... and for murder 5408 -phonos->
and ......... and for my name s 3686 -onoma->
and ......... and for sin 0266 -hamartia->
and ......... and for sinners 0268 -hamartolos->
and ......... and for the errors 0051 -agnoema->
and ......... and for the praise 1868 -epainos->
and ......... and for the testimony 3141 -marturia->
and ......... and for the word 3056 -logos->
And ......... And for their sakes I sanctify 0037 -hagiazo->
And ......... And for this 5124 -touto->
and ......... and for this 5124 -touto->
and ......... and for your 3588 -ho->
and ......... and for your 5216 -humon->
And ......... And forasmuch 5607 -on->
and ......... and forbearance 0463 -anoche->
and ......... and forbid 2967 -koluo->
and ......... and forbiddeth 2967 -koluo->
and ......... and forbidding 2967 -koluo->
and ......... and foreigners 3941 -paroikos->
and ......... and foreknowledge 4268 -prognosis->
and ......... and foretell 4302 -prolego->
And ......... And forgive 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... and forgiveness 0859 -aphesis->
and ......... and forgiving 5483 -charizomai->
and ......... and fornication 4202 -porneia->
and ......... and forthwith 2112 -eutheos->
And ......... And forthwith 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... and forthwith 2117 -euthus->
and ......... and Fortunatus 5415 -Phortounatos->
and ......... and forty 5062 -tessarakonta->
and ......... and found 0429 -aneurisko->
and ......... and found 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and fountains 4077 -pege->
and ......... and four 5064 -tessares->
and ......... and fourfooted 5074 -tetrapous->
and ......... and frankincense 3030 -libanos->
and ......... and fresh 1099 -glukus->
and ......... and friends 5384 -philos->
and ......... and from all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and from beyond 4008 -peran->
and ......... and from blood 0129 -haima->
and ......... and from David 1138 -Dabid->
and ......... and from Decapolis 1179 -Dekapolis->
and ......... and from fornication 4202 -porneia->
and ......... and from generations 1074 -genea->
and ......... and from henceforth 0737 -arti->
and ......... and from him that hath 2192 -echo->
and ......... and from his power 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... and from house 3624 -oikos->
and ......... and from Idumaea 2401 -Idoumaia->
And ......... And from Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->
and ......... and from Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->
And ......... And from Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
and ......... and from Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->
And ......... And from Miletus 3399 -Miletos->
and ......... and from our Lord 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and from strangled 4156 -pniktos->
And ......... And from that hour 5610 -hora->
And ......... And from that time 5119 -tote->
and ......... and from the carrying 3350 -metoikesia->
And ......... And from the days 2250 -hemera->
and ......... and from the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->
and ......... and from the glory 1391 -doxa->
and ......... and from the hand 5495 -cheir->
and ......... and from the Lord 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and from the Lord 2962->
and ......... and from the Lord 2962->
and ......... and from the north 1005 -borrhas->
and ......... and from the power 1849 -exousia->
and ......... and from the sea 3882 -paralios->
and ......... and from the seven 2033 -hepta->
and ......... and from the south 3558 -notos->
and ......... and from the things which are written 1125 -grapho-
and ......... and from the west 1424 -dusme->
and ......... and from the wrath 3709 -orge->
And ......... And from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
and ......... and from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
And ......... And from thence 3606 -hothen->
And ......... And from thenceforth 5127 -toutou->
and ......... and from things strangled 4156 -pniktos->
and ......... and from thy kindred 4772 -suggeneia->
and ......... and fruitful 2593 -karpophoros->
and ......... and fulfil 4137 -pleroo->
and ......... and full 4134 -pleres->
and ......... and full of glory 1392 -doxazo->
and ......... and further 2089 -eti->
and ......... and gainsaying 0483 -antilego->
and ......... and Gaius 1050 -Gaios->
and ......... and Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->
And ......... And Gallio 1058 -Gallion->
and ......... and garlands 4725 -stemma->
and ......... and garments 2440 -himation->
and ......... and garnish 2885 -kosmeo->
and ......... and garnished 2885 -kosmeo->
and ......... and gather 4816 -sullego->
and ......... and gather 4863 -sunago->
and ......... and gather 5166 -trugao->
and ......... and gathered 4816 -sullego->
and ......... and gathered 4863 -sunago->
and ......... and gathered 5166 -trugao->
and ......... and gathereth 4863 -sunago->
and ......... and gathering 4863 -sunago->
and ......... and gave 1325 -didomi->
And ......... And gave 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and gave 1929 -epididomi->
and ......... and gave 2010 -epitrepo->
and ......... and gave 3860 -paradidomi->
and ......... and gave 4222 -potizo->
and ......... and gave audience 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and gave commandment 1781 -entellomai->
and ......... and gave thanks 2168 -eucharisteo->
and ......... and gave up the ghost 1606 -ekpneo->
and ......... and gave up the ghost 1634 -ekpsucho->
and ......... and genealogies 1076 -genealogia->
and ......... and Gentiles 1672 -Hellen->
and ......... and gentle 1933 -epieikes->
and ......... and gentleness 1932 -epieikeia->
and ......... and get 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... and get 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and get 2597 -katabaino->
and ......... and get gain 2770 -kerdaino->
and ......... and gifts 0334 -anathema->
and ......... and gifts 3311 -merismos->
and ......... and gird 4024 -perizonnumi->
and ......... and girded 1241 -diazonnumi->
and ......... and girt 4024 -perizonnumi->
and ......... and give 0591 -apodidomi->
and ......... and give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and giveth 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and giving in marriage 1547 -ekgamizo->
and ......... and giving of thanks 2169 -eucharistia->
and ......... and gladness 0020 -agalliasis->
and ......... and gladness 2167 -euphrosune->
and ......... and glistering 1823 -exastrapto->
and ......... and glorified 1392 -doxazo->
and ......... and glorify 1392 -doxazo->
and ......... and glory 1391 -doxa->
and ......... and gnasheth 5149 -trizo->
and ......... and gnashing 1030 -brugmos->
and ......... and go 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And go 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... and go 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... and go 5217 -hupago->
and ......... and goatskins 0122 -aigeos->
And ......... And God 2316 -theos->
and ......... and God 2316 -theos->
and ......... and Godhead 2305 -theiotes->
and ......... and godliness 2150 -eusebeia->
and ......... and godly 2153 -eusebos->
and ......... and godly 2316 -theos->
and ......... and godly fear 2124 -eulabeia->
and ......... and goeth 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... and goeth 1607 -ekporeuomai->
and ......... and goeth 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... and goeth 5217 -hupago->
and ......... and going 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... and going 2212 -zeteo->
And ......... And going 4260 -probaino->
and ......... and going 5217 -hupago->
and ......... and gold 5553 -chrusion->
and ......... and golden 5552 -chruseos->
and ......... and Gomorrha 1116 -Gomorrha->
and ......... and gone 0305 -anabaino->
and ......... and good 0018 -agathos->
and ......... and good 2162 -euphemia->
and ......... and goodly 2986 -lampros->
and ......... and goods 5223 -huparxis->
and ......... and governors 3623 -oikonomos->
and ......... and grace 5485 -charis->
and ......... and grant 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and granted 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and great 3173 -megas->
And ......... And great 3173 -megas->
And ......... And great 4183 -polus->
and ......... and great 4183 -polus->
and ......... and greater 3187 -meizon->
and ......... and Greek 1676 -Hellenisti->
and ......... and Greeks 1672 -Hellen->
And ......... And greetings 0783 -aspasmos->
and ......... and greetings 0783 -aspasmos->
And ......... And grieve 3076 -lupeo->
and ......... and grievous 0926 -barus->
and ......... and grievous 1418 -dus->
and ......... and grievous 4190 -poneros->
and ......... and ground 1477 -hedraioma->
and ......... and grounded 2311 -themelioo->
and ......... and grow 3373 -mekuno->
And ......... And had 2192 -echo->
and ......... and had 2192 -echo->
and ......... and had an impediment 3424 -mogilalos->
and ......... and had been seen 2300 -theaomai->
and ......... and had come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and had gathered 4863 -sunago->
and ......... and had given them much 4183 -polus->
and ......... and had lived 2198 -zao->
and ......... and had prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... and had seen 1492 -eido->
and ......... and had seen 2300 -theaomai->
and ......... and had sent 1524 -eiseimi->
and ......... and had spent 1159 -dapanao->
And ......... And had suffered 3958 -pascho->
and ......... and had taken 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and had taught 3100 -matheteuo->
and ......... and half 2255 -hemisu->
and ......... and haling 4951 -suro->
and ......... and hanged 0519 -apagchomai->
and ......... and hanged 2910 -kremannumi->
and ......... and hard 1421 -dusermeneutos->
and ......... and hardened 4456 -poroo->
and ......... and hardness 4641 -sklerokardia->
and ......... and harmless 0185 -akeraios->
and ......... and hast 2192 -echo->
and ......... and hast been assured 4104 -pistoo->
And ......... And hast borne 0941 -bastazo->
and ......... and hast kept 5083 -tereo->
And ......... And hast made 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and hast not denied 0720 -arneomai->
and ......... and hast not fainted 2577 -kamno->
and ......... and hast not known 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and hast professed 3670 -homologeo->
and ......... and hast redeemed 0059 -agorazo->
and ......... and hast reigned 0936 -basileuo->
and ......... and hast revealed 0601 -apokalupto->
and ......... and hate 3404 -miseo->
and ......... and hated 3404 -miseo->
and ......... and hateful 3404 -miseo->
and ......... and hateth 3404 -miseo->
and ......... and hath 2192 -echo->
and ......... and hath anointed 5548 -chrio->
and ......... and hath appeared 3700 -optanomai->
and ......... and hath avenged 1556 -ekdikeo->
and ......... and hath been tamed 1150 -damazo->
and ......... and hath broken 3089 -luo->
and ......... and hath brought 5461 -photizo->
and ......... and hath counted 2233 -hegeomai->
and ......... and hath delivered 1807 -exaireo->
and ......... and hath determined 3724 -horizo->
and ......... and hath given 1325 -didomi->
And ......... And hath given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and hath learned 3129 -manthano->
and ......... and hath long 3114 -makrothumeo->
And ......... And hath made 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and hath polluted 2840 -koinoo->
And ......... And hath put 5293 -hupotasso->
And ......... And hath raised 1453 -egeiro->
And ......... And hath raised 4891 -sunegeiro->
And ......... And hath seen 1492 -eido->
and ......... and hath so 5124 -touto->
and ......... and hath translated 3179 -methistemi->
and ......... and hating 3404 -miseo->
and ......... and have 2192 -echo->
And ......... And have 2192 -echo->
and ......... and have 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and have been all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and have been given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and have cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and have crucified 4717 -stauroo->
and ......... and have followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
and ......... and have given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and have no 0790 -astateo->
And ......... And have no 3361 -me->
and ......... and have no 3756 -ou->
and ......... and have not heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and have not kept 5442 -phulasso->
and ......... and have not repented 3340 -metanoeo->
and ......... and have not seen 1492 -eido->
and ......... and have omitted 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... and have our being 2070 -esmen->
and ......... and have overcome 3528 -nikao->
and ......... and have peace 1518 -eirenopoios->
and ......... and have persecuted 1559 -ekdioko->
And ......... And have put 1746 -enduo->
and ......... and have sealed 4972 -sphragizo->
and ......... and have seen 1492 -eido->
and ......... and have taken 2983 -lambano->
And ......... And have tasted 1089 -geuomai->
and ......... and have tasted 1089 -geuomai->
and ......... and have washed 4150 -pluno->
And ......... And have ye not read 0314 -anaginosko->
and ......... and having 1746 -enduo->
and ......... and having 2192 -echo->
And ......... And having 2192 -echo->
And ......... And having an high 3173 -megas->
and ......... and having caught 4884 -sunarpazo->
and ......... and having done 2716 -katergazomai->
and ......... and having heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and having received 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and having said 2036 -epo->
And ......... And having spoiled 0554 -apekduomai->
And ......... And having this 5124 -touto->
And ......... And he , casting 0577 -apoballo->
and ......... and he alone 3441 -monos->
and ......... and he anointed 1909 -epi->
And ......... And he answered 0611 -apokrinomai->
And ......... And he answering 0611 -apokrinomai->
And ......... And he arose 0450 -anistemi->
And ......... And he arose 1326 -diegeiro->
And ......... And he arose 1453 -egeiro->
And ......... And he asked 0154 -aiteo->
And ......... And he asked 1905 -eperotao->
and ......... and he baptized 0907 -baptizo->
and ......... and he bare 3140 -martureo->
And ......... And he bearing 0941 -bastazo->
And ......... And he became 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and he becometh 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and he began 0756 -archomai->
And ......... And he began 0756 -archomai->
And ......... And he beheld 1689 -emblepo->
And ......... And he besought 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... and he blessed 2127 -eulogeo->
And ......... And he bought 0059 -agorazo->
and ......... and he bowed 2827 -klino->
and ......... and he brake 1284 -diarrhesso->
And ......... And he brought 0071 -ago->
And ......... And he called 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and he called 2564 -kaleo->
And ......... And he called 4341 -proskaleomai->
And ......... And he called 5455 -phoneo->
and ......... and he calleth 2564 -kaleo->
And ......... And he came 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And he came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and he came 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And he came 2597 -katabaino->
And ......... And he came 2658 -katantao->
and ......... and he came 4334 -proserchomai->
And ......... And he came 4334 -proserchomai->
And ......... And he carried 0667 -appohero->
and ......... and he cast 1544 -ekballo->
And ......... And he cast 4496 -rhipto->
and ......... and he cast 4496 -rhipto->
And ......... And he causeth 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And he charged 1291 -diastellomai->
And ......... And he charged 2008 -epitimao->
And ......... And he charged 3853 -paraggello->
And ......... And he closed 4428 -ptusso->
and ......... and he cometh 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And he cometh 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And he commanded 1299 -diatasso->
and ......... and he commanded 1299 -diatasso->
And ......... And he commanded 2004 -epitasso->
And ......... And he commanded 2753 -keleuo->
And ......... And he commanded 3853 -paraggello->
And ......... And he commanded 4367 -prostasso->
And ......... And he confessed 3670 -homologeo->
And ......... And he continued 2523 -kathizo->
And ......... And he could 1410 -dunamai->
and ......... and he cried 0349 -anakrazo->
And ......... And he cried 0994 -boao->
And ......... And he cried 2896 -krazo->
and ......... and he cried 2896 -krazo->
And ......... And he cried 5455 -phoneo->
And ......... And he delivered 1325 -didomi->
And ......... And he denied 0720 -arneomai->
And ......... And he departed 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... and he departed 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And he departed 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And he did 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and he did eat 2068 -esthio->
and ......... and he die 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... and he died 0599 -apothnesko->
And ......... And he doeth 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and he doeth 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and he doeth 4238 -prasso->
and ......... and he doth not resist 0498 -antitassomai->
And ......... And he drave 0556 -apelauno->
And ......... And he entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And he entered 1684 -embaino->
And ......... And he exerciseth 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And he fell 4098 -pipto->
and ......... and he fell 4098 -pipto->
and ......... and he followeth 0190 -akoloutheo->
And ......... And he from within 2081 -esothen->
And ......... And he gathered 4863 -sunago->
and ......... and he gave 0591 -apodidomi->
And ......... And he gave 1325 -didomi->
And ......... And he gave 1907 -epecho->
And ......... And he goeth 0305 -anabaino->
and ......... and he goeth 4198 -poreuomai->
And ......... And he had 2192 -echo->
and ......... and he had 2192 -echo->
And ......... And he had power 1325 -didomi->
And ......... And he hath 2192 -echo->
and ......... and he hath built 3618 -oikodomeo->
and ......... and he healed 2323 -therapeuo->
And ......... And he healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... and he himself 0846 -autos->
And ......... And he is before 4253 -pro->
And ......... And he is the head 2776 -kephale->
And ......... And he is the propitiation 2434 -hilasmos->
and ......... and he is the saviour 4990 -soter->
And ......... And he killed 0337 -anaireo->
And ......... And he kneeled 1119 -gonu->
and ......... and he knoweth 1492 -eido->
And ......... And he laid 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... and he laid hands 2902 -krateo->
And ......... And he laid hold 2902 -krateo->
And ......... And he leaped 0242 -hallomai->
And ......... And he leaping 1814 -exallomai->
And ......... And he led 1806 -exago->
And ......... And he left 0863 -aphiemi->
And ......... And he left 2641 -kataleipo->
And ......... And he lifted 1869 -epairo->
and ......... and he lifted 1869 -epairo->
and ......... and he lodged 0835 -aulizomai->
And ......... And he looked 0308 -anablepo->
And ......... And he looked 4017 -periblepo->
and ......... and he made 2525 -kathistemi->
and ......... and he made 4364 -prospoieomai->
And ......... And he made 4692 -speudo->
And ......... And he marvelled 2296 -thaumazo->
and ......... and he measured 3354 -metreo->
And ......... And he measured 3354 -metreo->
And ......... And he must needs go 1330 -dierchomai->
And ......... And he opened 0455 -anoigo->
And ......... And he ordained 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And he prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->
And ......... And he preached 2784 -kerusso->
and ......... and he preached 2980 -laleo->
And ......... And he promised 1843 -exomologeo->
And ......... And he put 1544 -ekballo->
And ......... And he put 1614 -ekteino->
and ......... and he put 1688 -embibazo->
And ......... And he put 3004 -lego->
And ......... And he ran 4390 -protrecho->
And ......... And he reasoned 1256 -dialegomai->
And ......... And he rebuking 2008 -epitimao->
and ......... and he received 0308 -anablepo->
And ......... And he received 2983 -lambano->
And ......... And he released 0630 -apoluo->
and ......... and he rolled 4351 -proskulio->
And ......... And he said 2036 -epo->
and ......... and he said 2036 -epo->
And ......... And he said 2036 -epo->
And ......... And he said 2046 -ereo->
and ......... and he said 3004 -lego->
And ......... And he said 3004 -lego->
And ......... And he said 4483 -rheo->
And ......... And he said 5346 -phemi->
And ......... And he sailed 0321 -anago->
and ......... and he saith 3004 -lego->
And ......... And he saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... and he saith 5346 -phemi->
And ......... And he sat 2523 -kathizo->
and ......... and he sat 4775 -sugkathemai->
And ......... And he saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... and he saw 1492 -eido->
And ......... And he sendeth 0649 -apostello->
And ......... And he sent 0630 -apoluo->
and ......... and he sent 0630 -apoluo->
And ......... And he sent 0649 -apostello->
And ......... And he sent 3992 -pempo->
and ......... and he sent 3992 -pempo->
and ......... and he set 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... and he shall be filled 4130 -pletho->
and ......... and he shall be my son 5207 -huios->
and ......... and he shall be to me a Son 5207 -huios->
and ......... and he shall be tormented 0928 -basanizo->
and ......... and he shall give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and he shall go 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And he shall go 4281 -proerchomai->
and ......... and he shall have abundance 4052 -perisseuo->
and ......... and he shall have more abundance 4052 -perisseuo->
and ......... and he shall lift 5312 -hupsoo->
and ......... and he shall presently 3936 -paristemi->
and ......... and he shall reign 0936 -basileuo->
And ......... And he shall reign 0936 -basileuo->
And ......... And he shall rule 4165 -poimaino->
and ......... and he shall rule 4165 -poimaino->
And ......... And he shall send 0649 -apostello->
and ......... and he shall separate 0873 -aphorizo->
And ......... And he shall set 2476 -histemi->
And ......... And he shall shew 1166 -deiknuo->
And ......... And he shewed 0518 -apaggello->
And ......... And he shewed 1166 -deiknuo->
And ......... And he shook 0660 -apotinasso->
And ......... And he sighed 0389 -anastenazo->
and ......... and he smote 3960 -patasso->
And ......... And he sought 2212 -zeteo->
And ......... And he spake 2036 -epo->
and ......... and he spake 2980 -laleo->
And ......... And he spake 2980 -laleo->
And ......... And he spake 3004 -lego->
and ......... and he spit 4429 -ptuo->
And ......... And he stood 2186 -ephistemi->
And ......... And he stooping 3879 -parakupto->
And ......... And he straitly 4183 -polus->
And ......... And he straitly charged 1690 -embrimaomai->
And ......... And he straitly charged 2008 -epitimao->
And ......... And he stretched 1614 -ekteino->
And ......... And he suffered 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... and he surnamed 3686 -onoma->
And ......... And he sware 3660 -omnuo->
And ......... And he taketh 3880 -paralambano->
And ......... And he taught 1321 -didasko->
And ......... And he that bade 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and he that believeth 0544 -apeitheo->
and ......... and he that believeth 4100 -pisteuo->
And ......... And he that betrayed 3860 -paradidomi->
And ......... And he that doubteth 1252 -diakrino->
and ......... and he that dwelleth 3306 -meno->
and ......... and he that eateth 2068 -esthio->
and ......... and he that had gathered little 3641 -oligos->
and ......... and he that had received 0324 -anadechomai->
and ......... and he that hath 2192 -echo->
and ......... and he that humbleth 5013 -tapeinoo->
and ......... and he that is chief 2233 -hegeomai->
and ......... and he that is holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and he that is righteous 1342 -dikaios->
and ......... and he that is unjust 0094 -adikos->
And ......... And he that keepeth 5083 -tereo->
and ......... and he that ministered 3011 -leitourgos->
And ......... And he that overcometh 3528 -nikao->
and ......... and he that reapeth 2325 -therizo->
And ......... And he that reapeth 2325 -therizo->
and ......... and he that regardeth 5426 -phroneo->
And ......... And he that sat 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and he that sat 2521 -kathemai->
And ......... And he that saw 3708 -horao->
And ......... And he that searcheth 2045 -ereunao->
and ......... and he that seeketh 2212 -zeteo->
And ......... And he that seeth 2334 -theoreo->
And ......... And he that sent 3992 -pempo->
and ......... and he that shall come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and he that shall humble 5013 -tapeinoo->
and ......... and he that shall rise 0450 -anistemi->
And ......... And he that shall swear 3660 -omnuo->
and ......... and he that sitteth 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and he that speaketh 2980 -laleo->
And ......... And he that taketh 2983 -lambano->
And ......... And he that talked 2980 -laleo->
and ......... and he that was called 3004 -lego->
And ......... And he that was dead 2348 -thnesko->
And ......... And he that was dead 3498 -nekros->
And ......... And he that was healed 2390 -iaomai->
and ......... and he that watereth 4222 -potizo->
And ......... And he thought 1260 -dialogizomai->
and ......... and he to whom 3739 -hos->
and ......... and he to whomsoever 1437 -ean->
And ......... And he took 0618 -apolambano->
And ......... And he took 1209 -dechomai->
And ......... And he took 1723 -enagkalizomai->
And ......... And he took 1949 -epilambanomai->
And ......... And he took 2507 -kathaireo->
And ......... And he took 2902 -krateo->
And ......... And he took 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and he took 2983 -lambano->
And ......... And he took 3880 -paralambano->
And ......... And he took 4084 -piazo->
And ......... And he touched 0680 -haptomai->
and ......... and he treadeth 3961 -pateo->
And ......... And he trembling 5141 -tremo->
And ......... And he turned 4762 -strepho->
and ......... and he was a good 0018 -agathos->
and ......... and he was a ruler 0758 -archon->
and ......... and he was a Samaritan 4541 -Samareites->
And ......... And he was angry 3710 -orgizo->
and ......... and he was called 2564 -kaleo->
And ......... And he was casting 1544 -ekballo->
And ......... And he was clothed 4016 -periballo->
and ......... and he was eaten 4662 -skolekobrotos->
And ......... And he was in the hinder 4403 -prumna->
And ......... And he was numbered 3049 -logizomai->
and ......... and he was numbered 4785 -sugkatapsephizo->
and ......... and he was rich 4145 -plousios->
And ......... And he was sad 4768 -stugnazo->
And ......... And he was seen 3700 -optanomai->
And ......... And he was speechless 5392 -phimoo->
And ......... And he was teaching 1321 -didasko->
And ......... And he was there 1563 -ekei->
And ......... And he was three 5140 -treis->
and ......... and he was transfigured 3339 -metamorphoo->
And ......... And he was with them coming 1531 -eisporeuomai->
And ......... And he was withdrawn 0645 -apospao->
And ......... And he went 0305 -anabaino->
and ......... and he went 0565 -aperchomai->
And ......... And he went 0565 -aperchomai->
And ......... And he went 1279 -diaporeuomai->
And ......... And he went 1330 -dierchomai->
And ......... And he went 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... and he went 1684 -embaino->
And ......... And he went 1821 -exapostello->
And ......... And he went 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... and he went 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And he went 2597 -katabaino->
And ......... And he went 2718 -katerchomai->
And ......... And he went 4013 -periago->
and ......... and he went 4013 -periago->
and ......... and he went 4198 -poreuomai->
And ......... And he went 4198 -poreuomai->
And ......... And he went 4281 -proerchomai->
and ......... and he were cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and he which is filthy 4510 -rhupoo->
and ......... and he which soweth 4687 -speiro->
and ......... and he whom 3739 -hos->
and ......... and he will 3195 -mello->
and ......... and he will draw nigh 1448 -eggizo->
and ......... and he will dwell 4637 -skenoo->
and ......... and he will flee 5343 -pheugo->
and ......... and he will shew 0312 -anaggello->
And ......... And he will shew 1166 -deiknuo->
and ......... and he will shew 1166 -deiknuo->
and ......... and he will throughly 1245 -diakatharizo->
And ......... And he withdrew 5298 -hupochoreo->
And ......... And he worshipped 4352 -proskuneo->
And ......... And he would 2309 -thelo->
and ......... and he would 2309 -thelo->
And ......... And he would fain 1937 -epithumeo->
And ......... And he wrote 1125 -grapho->
and ......... and heal 1295 -diasozo->
And ......... And heal 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... and heal 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... and heal 2390 -iaomai->
and ......... and healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... and healed 2390 -iaomai->
and ......... and healing 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... and healing 2390 -iaomai->
and ......... and hear 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and heareth 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and hearing 0189 -akoe->
And ......... And hearing 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and hearing 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and hearts 2588 -kardia->
and ......... and heat 2742 -kauson->
and ......... and Hebrew 1444 -Hebraikos->
and ......... and hedged 4060 -peritithemi->
and ......... and hedges 5418 -phragmos->
and ......... and height 5311 -hupsos->
and ......... and heirs 2818 -kleronomos->
and ......... and held 2902 -krateo->
and ......... and held 4601 -sigao->
and ......... and hell 0086 -haides->
and ......... and Hell 0086 -haides->
and ......... and help 0997 -boetheo->
and ......... and help 4815 -sullambano->
and ......... and her beloved 0025 -agapao->
and ......... and her child 5043 -teknon->
and ......... and her children 5043->
and ......... and her children 5043->
and ......... and her cousins 4773 -suggenes->
And ......... And her daughter 2364 -thugater->
and ......... and her household 3624 -oikos->
and ......... and her light 5458 -phoster->
and ......... and her magnificence 3168 -megaleiotes->
and ......... and her name 3686 -onoma->
and ......... and her neighbours 1069 -geiton->
And ......... And her neighbours 4040 -perioikos->
And ......... And her parents 1118 -goneus->
and ......... and her sister 0079 -adelphe->
And ......... And her smoke 2586 -kapnos->
and ......... and her son 5207 -huios->
And ......... And her spirit 4151 -pneuma->
And ......... And here 5602 -hode->
And ......... And hereby 5129 -toutoi->
And ......... And herein 5129 -toutoi->
and ......... and Hermogenes 2061 -Hermogenes->
and ......... and Herod 2264 -Herodes->
And ......... And Herod 2264 -Herodes->
and ......... and hid 0613 -apokrupto->
and ......... and hid 1470 -ekgrupto->
and ......... and hid 2927 -kruptos->
and ......... and hid 2928 -krupto->
and ......... and hid 4032 -perikrupto->
and ......... and High 0749 -archiereus->
and ......... and high 5308 -hupselos->
and ......... and hill 1015 -bounos->
and ......... and him as good as dead 3499 -nekroo->
and ......... and him crucified 4717 -stauroo->
and ......... and him only 3441 -monos->
and ......... and him that sat 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and him that taketh 0142 -airo->
and ......... and him they killed 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and himself 0846 -autos->
and ......... and his angels 0032 -aggelos->
and ......... and his bishoprick 1984 -episkope->
and ......... and his brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and his brother 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and his brother s 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and his cattle 2353 -thremma->
And ......... And his chains 0254 -halusis->
and ......... and his children 5207 -huios->
and ......... and his commandments 1785 -entole->
and ......... and his company 4012 -peri->
and ......... and his countenance 3799 -opsis->
and ......... and his deadly 2288 -thanatos->
And ......... And his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... and his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... and his doctrine 1319 -didaskalia->
and ......... and his ears 3775 -ous->
and ......... and his eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->
and ......... and his face 3799 -opsis->
and ......... and his face 4383 -prosopon->
And ......... And his fame 0189 -akoe->
And ......... And his father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and his Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and his feet 4228 -pous->
And ......... And his feet 4228 -pous->
And ......... And his fellowservant 4889 -sundoulos->
and ......... and his fruit 2590 -karpos->
and ......... and his grace 5485 -charis->
and ......... and his hairs 2359 -thrix->
and ......... and his hand 5495 -cheir->
And ......... And his head 2776 -kephale->
and ......... and his image 1504 -eikon->
And ......... And his inward 4698 -splagchnon->
and ......... and his kingdom 0932 -basileia->
and ......... and his left 2176 -euonumos->
and ......... and his lips 5491 -cheilos->
And ......... And his lord 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and his meat 5160 -trophe->
And ......... And his mercy 1656 -eleos->
and ......... and his ministers 3011 -leitourgos->
And ......... And his mother 3384 -meter->
and ......... and his mother 3384 -meter->
and ......... and his mother s 3384 -meter->
And ......... And his mouth 4750 -stoma->
and ......... and his mouth 4750 -stoma->
And ......... And his name 3686 -onoma->
and ......... and his name 3686 -onoma->
and ......... and his number 0706 -arithmos->
and ......... and his own 1438 -heautou->
and ......... and his raiment 1742 -enduma->
and ......... and his raiment 2440 -himation->
And ......... And his raiment 2440 -himation->
and ......... and his raiment 2441 -himatismos->
and ......... and his record 3141 -marturia->
and ......... and his righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->
and ......... and his seat 2362 -thronos->
and ......... and his seed 4690 -sperma->
and ......... and his sepulchre 3418 -mnema->
and ......... and his side 4125 -pleura->
and ......... and his sister 0079 -adelphe->
And ......... And his sisters 0079 -adelphe->
and ......... and his speech 3056 -logos->
and ......... and his stuff 4632 -skeuos->
and ......... and his sweat 2402 -hidros->
and ......... and his tabernacle 4633 -skene->
And ......... And his tail 3769 -oura->
and ......... and his tongue 1100 -glossa->
and ......... and his voice 5456 -phone->
and ......... and his ways 3598 -hodos->
and ......... and his whole 3650 -holos->
and ......... and his wife 1135 -gune->
and ......... and his word 3056 -logos->
and ......... and hoised 1869 -epairo->
and ......... and hold 2192 -echo->
and ......... and hold 4623 -siopao->
and ......... and hold 5083 -tereo->
and ......... and holiness 0038 -hagiasmos->
and ......... and holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and honesty 4587 -semnotes->
And ......... And honour 5091 -timao->
and ......... and honour 5092 -time->
and ......... and honourable 2158 -euschemon->
and ......... and honoureth 5091 -timao->
and ......... and hope 1679 -elpizo->
And ......... And hope 1680 -elpis->
and ......... and hope 1680 -elpis->
and ......... and horsemen 2460 -hippeus->
and ......... and horses 2462 -hippos->
and ......... and hour 5610 -hora->
And ......... And how 3704 -hopos->
and ......... and how 3754 -hoti->
and ......... and how 4214 -posos->
And ......... And how 4214 -posos->
and ......... and how 4459 -pos->
And ......... And how 4459 -pos->
and ......... and how 5101 -tis->
And ......... And how 5613 -hos->
and ......... and how 5613 -hos->
and ......... and howl 3649 -ololuzo->
and ......... and humility 5012 -tapeinophrosune->
and ......... and hurtful 0983 -blaberos->
and ......... and hymns 5215 -humnos->
and ......... and hypocrisies 5272 -hupokrisis->
and ......... and hyssop 5301 -hussopos->
And ......... And I , brethren 0080 -adephos->
And ......... And I , if 1437 -ean->
And ......... And I am glad 5463 -chairo->
and ......... and I am glorified 1392 -doxazo->
and ......... and I am left 5275 -hupoleipo->
and ......... and I am not come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and I am not weak 0770 -astheneo->
and ......... and I am persuaded 3982 -peitho->
And ......... And I am sure 1492 -eido->
And ......... And I answered 0611 -apokrinomai->
And ......... And I appoint 1303 -diatithemai->
And ......... And I baptized 0907 -baptizo->
And ......... And I beheld 1492 -eido->
And ......... And I beseech 3870 -parakaleo->
And ......... And I besought 1189 -deomai->
And ......... And I brought 4374 -prosphero->
and ......... and I burn 4448 -puroo->
and ......... and I come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and I count 2233 -hegeomai->
and ......... and I died 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... and I do cures 2392 -iasis->
And ......... And I fell 4098 -pipto->
And ......... And I gave 1325 -didomi->
And ......... And I give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and I go 4198 -poreuomai->
And ......... And I have declared 1107 -gnorizo->
and ......... and I have heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and I have sought 2212 -zeteo->
and ......... and I have works 2041 -ergon->
And ......... And I heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and I heard 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And I intreat 2065 -erotao->
And ......... And I John 2491 -Ioannes->
And ......... And I knew 1492 -eido->
and ......... and I know 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and I know 1492 -eido->
And ......... And I know 1492 -eido->
and ......... and I know the blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia->
and ......... and I lay 5087 -tithemi->
And ......... And I looked 1492 -eido->
and ......... and I must 2192 -echo->
And ......... And I myself also 2532 -kai->
and ......... and I of Apollos 0625 -Apollos->
and ......... and I of Cephas 2786 -Kephas->
and ......... and I of Christ 5547 -Christos->
and ......... and I perish 0622 -apollumi->
And ......... And I persecuted 1377 -dioko->
and ......... and I pray God your 3588 -ho->
And ......... And I punished 5097 -timoreo->
and ......... and I received 0308 -anablepo->
and ......... and I regarded 0272 -ameleo->
And ......... And I said 2036 -epo->
And ......... And I said 2046 -ereo->
And ......... And I saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... and I saw 1492 -eido->
And ......... And I saw 3708 -horao->
And ......... And I say 3004 -lego->
and ......... and I say 3004 -lego->
And ......... And I seek 2212 -zeteo->
and ......... and I should heal 2390 -iaomai->
and ......... and I should heal 2392 -iasis->
and ......... and I speak 3004 -lego->
And ......... And I stood 2476 -histemi->
And ......... And I thank 5485 -charis->
and ......... and I therein 5129 -toutoi->
and ......... and I think 1380 -dokeo->
And ......... And I took 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and I trust 1679 -elpizo->
And ......... And I turned 1994 -epistrepho->
And ......... And I was afraid 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... and I was delivered 4506 -rhoumai->
And ......... And I was with you in weakness 0769 -astheneia->
and ......... and I washed 3538 -nipto->
And ......... And I went 0305 -anabaino->
And ......... And I went 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... and I went 0565 -aperchomai->
And ......... And I wept 2799 -klaio->
and ......... and I will 2309 -thelo->
and ......... and I will be to them a God 2316 -theos->
And ......... And I will give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and I will give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and I will give you rest 0373 -anapano->
and ......... and I will have compassion 3627 -oikteiro->
And ......... And I will kill 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and I will love 0025 -agapao->
and ......... and I will not blot 1813 -exaleipho->
and ......... and I will not fear 5399 -phobeo->
And ......... And I will pray 2065 -erotao->
and ......... and I will pray 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... and I will raise 0450 -anistemi->
And ......... And I will say 2046 -ereo->
and ......... and I will set 0461 -anorthoo->
and ......... and I will shew 1166 -deiknuo->
And ......... And I will shew 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and I will sing 5567 -psallo->
And ......... And I will very 2236 -hedista->
and ......... and I will write upon him my new 2537 -kainos->
and ......... and I work 2038 -ergazomai->
and ......... and I would 2309 -thelo->
And ......... And I wrote 1125 -grapho->
and ......... and Iconium 2430 -Ikonion->
and ......... and idolaters 1496 -eidololatres->
and ......... and idols 1497 -eidolon->
And ......... And if 1437 -ean->
and ......... and if 1437 -ean->
And ......... And if 1487 -ei->
and ......... and if 1487 -ei->
and ......... and if 2579 -kan->
And ......... And if 2579 -kan->
And ......... And if any man will 2309 -thelo->
And ......... And if so much 2579 -kan->
And ......... And if thy right 1188 -dexios->
and ......... and ignorant 2399 -idiotes->
And ......... And immediately 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... and immediately 2112 -eutheos->
And ......... And immediately 2117 -euthus->
and ......... and immediately 3916 -parachrema->
And ......... And immediately 3916 -parachrema->
and ......... and immortality 0861 -aphthrsia->
and ......... and impenitent 0279 -ametanoetos->
and ......... and imprisonment 5438 -phulake->
and ......... and in a trance 1611 -ekstasis->
and ......... and in all 3837 -pantachou->
and ......... and in all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and in all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and in breaking 2800 -klasis->
and ......... and in deeds 2041 -ergon->
and ......... and in dens 4693 -spelaion->
and ......... and in earth 1093 -ge->
and ......... and in every 2596 -kata->
and ......... and in favour 5485 -charis->
and ......... and in fear 5401 -phobos->
and ......... and in fetters 3976 -pede->
And ......... And in hell 0086 -haides->
And ......... And in her was found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and in him Amen 0281 -amen->
and ......... and in him is no 3756 -ou->
and ......... and in his Father s 3962 -pater->
and ......... and in his hand 5495 -cheir->
And ......... And in his name 3686 -onoma->
and ......... and in his own house 3614 -oikia->
and ......... and in his right 4993 -sophroneo->
and ......... and in how 3745 -hosos->
and ......... and in Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->
and ......... and in Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->
and ......... and in mountains 3735 -oros->
and ......... and in much 4183 -polus->
And ......... And in nothing 3367 -medeis->
and ......... and in order 5010 -taxis->
and ......... and in prayers 4335 -proseuche->
and ......... and in prison 5438 -phulake->
and ......... and in righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->
and ......... and in Samaria 4540 -Samareia->
and ......... and in secret 2927 -kruptos->
and ......... and in spirit 4151 -pneuma->
And ......... And in that day 2250 -hemera->
And ......... And in that same 0846 -autos->
and ......... and in the bond 4886 -sundesmos->
and ......... and in the comfort 3874 -paraklesis->
and ......... and in the corners 1137 -gonia->
and ......... and in the country 0068 -agros->
and ......... and in the day 2250 -hemera->
And ......... And in the day 2250 -hemera->
and ......... and in the defence 0627 -apologia->
and ......... and in the earthquake 4578 -seismos->
And ......... And in the evening 3798 -opsios->
and ......... and in the Father 3962 -pater->
And ......... And in the fourth 5067 -tetartos->
and ......... and in the garden 2779 -kepos->
and ......... and in the Holy 0040 -hagios->
And ......... And in the house 3614 -oikia->
and ......... and in the kingdom 0932 -basileia->
and ......... and in the knowledge 1108 -gnosis->
and ......... and in the Lord 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and in the midst 3319 -mesos->
And ......... And in the midst 3319 -mesos->
and ......... and in the moon 4582 -selene->
And ......... And in the morning 4404 -proi->
and ......... and in the parts 3313 -meros->
and ......... and in the power 2904 -kratos->
and ......... and in the presence 1799 -enopion->
and ......... and in the prophets 4396 -prophetes->
and ......... and in the psalms 5568 -psalmos->
and ......... and in the Red 2281 -thalassa->
and ......... and in the rocks 4073 -petra->
and ......... and in the same 0846 -autos->
And ......... And in the same 0846 -autos->
and ......... and in the sea 2281 -thalassa->
and ......... and in the shadow 4639 -skia->
And ......... And in the sixth 1623 -hektos->
and ......... and in the spirit 4151 -pneuma->
and ......... and in the stars 0798 -astron->
and ......... and in the stone 5586 -psephos->
and ......... and in the streets 4505 -rhume->
And ......... And in the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->
and ......... and in the synagogues 4864 -sunagoge->
and ......... and in the temple 2411 -hieron->
and ......... and in the time 2540 -kairos->
and ......... and in the tombs 3418 -mnema->
and ......... and in the water 5204 -hudor->
and ......... and in the wilderness 2048 -eremos->
and ......... and in the world 0165 -aion->
And ......... And in their hands 5495 -cheir->
and ......... and in their minds 1271 -dianoia->
And ......... And in their mouth 4750 -stoma->
and ......... and in their tails 3769 -oura->
And ......... And in them is fulfilled 0378 -anapleroo->
and ......... and in them that perish 0622 -apollumi->
and ......... and in them the names 3686 -onoma->
And ......... And in these 5125 -toutois->
And ......... And in this 5026 -taute->
And ......... And in this 5129 -toutoi->
And ......... And in those 1565 -ekeinos->
And ......... And in those 5025 -tautais->
and ......... and in three 5140 -treis->
and ......... and in thy heart 2588 -kardia->
and ......... and in thy name 3686 -onoma->
and ......... and in thy sight 1799 -enopion->
and ......... and in time 2540 -kairos->
and ......... and in truth 0225 -aletheia->
and ......... and in you all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and in your 5209 -humas->
and ......... and in your 5216 -humon->
And ......... And inasmuch 3745 -hosos->
and ......... and increased 4052 -perisseuo->
and ......... and increased 4147 -plouteo->
and ......... and increasing 0837 -auzano->
and ......... and indeed 0235 -alla->
And ......... And indeed 1063 -gar->
and ......... and infirmities 0769 -astheneia->
and ......... and inheritance 2819 -kleros->
and ......... and iniquities 0458 -anomia->
and ......... and iniquity 0458 -anomia->
and ......... and injurious 5197 -hubristes->
and ......... and ink 3188->
and ......... and ink 3188->
and ......... and intend 1014 -boo -lom -ahee->
and ......... and intents 1771 -ennoia->
and ......... and into 1519 -eis->
And ......... And into 1519 -eis->
and ......... and into prisons 5438 -phulake->
and ......... and invisible 0517 -aoratos->
and ......... and iron 4604 -sideros->
and ......... and is a discerner 2924 -kritikos->
and ......... and is alive 0326 -anazao->
and ......... and is alive 2198 -zao->
and ......... and is baptized 0907 -baptizo->
and ......... and is become 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and is cast 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... and is departed 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... and is found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and is kind 5541 -chresteuomai->
and ......... and is mad 3105 -mainomai->
and ......... and is nigh 1451 -eggus->
and ......... and is no 3756 -ou->
and ......... and is not able 2480 -ischuo->
and ......... and is not rich 4147 -plouteo->
and ......... and is of the seven 2033 -hepta->
and ......... and is on 1722 -en->
and ......... and is profitable 5624 -ophelimos->
and ......... and is set 2523 -kathizo->
and ......... and is withered 3583 -xeraino->
and ......... and is worse 5501 -cheiron->
and ......... and Isaac 2464 -Isaak->
and ......... and island 3520 -nesos->
and ......... and it abode 3306 -meno->
and ......... and it became 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and it becometh 1096 -ginomai->
And ......... And it came 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and it came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and it cometh 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and it doth not yet 3768 -oupo->
and ......... and it fell 4098 -pipto->
and ......... and it filled 4137 -pleroo->
and ......... and it giveth light 2989 -lampo->
and ......... and it grew 0837 -auzano->
and ......... and it is certain 1212 -delos->
And ......... And it is easier 2123 -eukopoteros->
and ......... and it is marvellous 2298 -thaumastos->
and ......... and it is set 5394 -phlogizo->
And ......... And it is the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->
And ......... And it is yet 2089 -eti->
and ......... and it left 0863 -aphiemi->
And ......... And it may be that I will abide 3887 -parameno->
and ......... and it rained 1026 -brecho->
and ......... and it sat 2523 -kathizo->
and ......... and it shall be done 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and it shall be given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and it shall be opened 0455 -anoigo->
and ......... and it shall be told 2980 -laleo->
And ......... And it shall come 1511 -einai->
And ......... And it shall turn 0576 -apobaino->
and ......... and it should obey 5219 -hupakouo->
and ......... and it sufficeth 0714 -arkeo->
And ......... And it was about 5613 -hos->
And ......... And it was about 5616 -hosei->
and ......... and it was about 5616 -hosei->
and ......... and it was accounted 3049 -logizomai->
And ......... And it was at 1722 -en->
And ......... And it was commanded 4483 -rheo->
and ......... and it was counted 3049 -logizomai->
and ......... and it was dumb 2974 -kophos->
and ......... and it was early 4405 -proia->
And ......... And it was given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and it was hid 3871 -parakalupto->
and ......... and it was imputed 3049 -logizomai->
And ......... And it was known 1110 -gnostos->
and ......... and it was noised 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And it was now 2236 -hedista->
and ......... and it was ordained 1299 -diatasso->
and ......... and it was restored 0600 -apokathistemi->
And ......... And it was revealed 5537 -chrematizo->
And ......... And it was the preparation 3904 -paraskeue->
And ......... And it was the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton->
And ......... And it was the third 5154 -tritos->
And ......... And it was told 0518 -apaggello->
and ......... and it was trodden 2662 -katapateo->
and ......... and it was winter 5494 -cheimon->
and ......... and it was written 1125 -grapho->
and ......... and Jacob 2384 -Iakob->
And ......... And Jacob 2384 -Iakob->
and ......... and Jambres 2387 -Iambres->
And ......... And James 2385 -Iakobos->
and ......... and James 2385 -Iakobos->
and ......... and Jason 2394 -Iason->
and ......... and Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->
And ......... And Jesse 2421 -Iessai->
And ......... And Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
and ......... and Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
And ......... And Jesus entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And Jesus went 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... and Joanna 2489 -Ioanna->
And ......... And Joanna 2489 -Ioanna->
and ......... and Joatham 2488 -Ioatham->
and ......... and John 2491 -Ioannes->
And ......... And John 2491 -Ioannes->
and ......... and join 2853 -kollao->
and ......... and joined 2853 -kollao->
and ......... and joint -heirs 4789 -sugkleronomos->
and ......... and Joram 2496 -Ioram->
and ......... and Josaphat 2498 -Iosaphat->
And ......... And Joseph 2501 -Ioseph->
and ......... and Joseph 2501 -Ioseph->
and ......... and Joseph s 2501 -Ioseph->
and ......... and Joses 2500 -Ioses->
And ......... And Joses 2500 -Ioses->
And ......... And Josias 2502 -Iosias->
and ......... and journeying 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and joy 5479 -chara->
and ......... and Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->
and ......... and Judas 2455 -Ioudas->
And ......... And Judas 2455 -Ioudas->
and ......... and judgeth 2919 -krino->
and ......... and judgment 2917 -krima->
and ......... and Julia 2456 -Ioulia->
And ......... And Julius 2457 -Ioulios->
and ......... and Junia 2458 -Iounias->
and ......... and just 1342 -dikaios->
and ......... and justly 1346 -dikaios->
and ......... and keep 4912 -sunecho->
and ......... and keep 5083 -tereo->
and ......... and keep 5442 -phulasso->
and ......... and keepest 5442 -phulasso->
and ......... and keepeth 5083 -tereo->
And ......... And kept 3557 -nosphizomai->
and ......... and kept 5442 -phulasso->
and ......... and kill 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and kill 2380 -thuo->
and ......... and killed 0615 -apokteino->
And ......... And killed 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and killed 5407 -phoneuo->
and ......... and killing 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and kindred 5443 -phule->
and ......... and kindreds 5443 -phule->
and ......... and King 0935 -basileus->
And ......... And king 0935 -basileus->
and ......... and kingdom 0932 -basileia->
and ......... and kings 0935 -basileus->
and ......... and kinsfolks 4773 -suggenes->
and ......... and kissed 2705 -kataphileo->
and ......... and kneeled 1119 -gonu->
and ......... and kneeled 1120 -gonupeteo->
And ......... And knew 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and knew 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and knew 1492 -eido->
and ......... and knit 4822 -sumbibazo->
and ......... and knock 2925 -krouo->
and ......... and knocketh 2925 -krouo->
and ......... and know 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and know 1492 -eido->
and ......... and know 1921 -epiginosko->
And ......... And knowest 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and knowest 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and knowest 1492 -eido->
and ......... and knoweth 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and knoweth 1492 -eido->
and ......... and knowing 1492 -eido->
and ......... and knowledge 1108 -gnosis->
And ......... And labour 2872 -kopiao->
and ......... and labour 2873 -kopos->
and ......... and laid 0347 -anaklino->
And ......... And laid 1911 -epiballo->
and ......... and laid 1911 -epiballo->
and ......... and laid 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... and laid 2698 -katatithemi->
And ......... And laid 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... and laid 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... and laid 5342 -phero->
and ......... and laid hold 2902 -krateo->
and ......... and lament 2354 -threneo->
and ......... and lamented 2354 -threneo->
and ......... and land 3584 -xeros->
and ......... and landed 2609 -katago->
And ......... And landing 2609 -katago->
and ......... and lands 0068 -agros->
and ......... and lanes 4505 -rhume->
and ......... and lasciviousness 0766 -aselgeia->
And ......... And last 2078 -eschatos->
And ......... And last 5305 -husteron->
and ......... and Latin 4513 -Rhomaikos->
and ......... and latter 3797 -opsimos->
and ......... and laud 1867 -epaineo->
and ......... and lawyers 3544 -nomikos->
and ......... and lay 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... and Lazarus 2976 -Lazaros->
and ......... and lead 0162 -aichmaloteuo->
and ......... and lead 0520 -apago->
And ......... And lead 1533 -eisphero->
and ......... and leadeth 0399 -anaphero->
and ......... and leadeth 1806 -exago->
and ......... and leap 4640 -skirtao->
and ......... and leaping 0242 -hallomai->
and ......... and leave 2641 -kataleipo->
and ......... and leaveth 0863 -aphiemi->
And ......... And leaving 2641 -kataleipo->
and ......... and Lebbaeus 3002 -Lebbaios->
and ......... and led 0071 -ago->
and ......... and led 0321 -anago->
And ......... And led 0520 -apago->
and ......... and led 0520 -apago->
and ......... and led 1806 -exago->
and ......... and leddest 1806 -exago->
and ......... and left 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... and left 2641 -kataleipo->
and ......... and lend 1155 -daneizo->
and ......... and length 3372 -mekos->
And ......... And lest 3361 -me->
and ......... and let 0630 -apoluo->
and ......... and let 1439 -eao->
and ......... and let 1554 -ekdidomi->
and ......... and let 2524 -kathiemi->
and ......... and let 5465 -chalao->
And ......... And let all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and let every 1538 -hekastos->
and ......... and let him speak 2980 -laleo->
And ......... And let him that heareth 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And let him that is athirst 1372 -dipsao->
And ......... And let him that is in the field 0068 -agros->
And ......... And let him that is on 1909 -epi->
and ......... and let no 3361 -me->
and ......... and let not the husband 0435 -aner->
and ......... and let one 1520 -heis->
And ......... And let ours 2251 -hemeteros->
and ......... and let the other 0243 -allos->
And ......... And let the peace 1515 -eirene->
and ......... and let them pray 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... and let them which are in the midst 3319 -mesos->
And ......... And let these 3778 -houtos->
And ......... And let us consider 2657 -katanoeo->
and ......... and let us make 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And let us not be weary 1573 -ekkakeo->
and ......... and let us put 1746 -enduo->
And ......... And Levi 3018 -Leuis->
and ......... and Levites 3019 -Leuites->
and ......... and licked 0621 -apoleicho->
and ......... and lie 5574 -pseudomai->
and ......... and lieth 0991 -blepo->
and ......... and lifted 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... and lifted 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... and lifted 1869 -epairo->
and ......... and lighting 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and lightnings 0796 -astrape->
and ......... and like 5613 -hos->
And ......... And likewise 3668 -homoios->
and ......... and likewise 3668 -homoios->
And ......... And likewise 5615 -hosautos->
and ......... and lineage 3965 -patria->
and ......... and Linus 3044 -Linos->
and ......... and live 2198 -zao->
and ......... and live 4800 -suzao->
and ......... and live 5225 -huparcho->
and ......... and lived deliciously 4763 -streniao->
and ......... and living 2198 -zao->
And ......... And lo 2400 -idou->
and ......... and lo 2400 -idou->
and ......... and lodge 2647 -kataluo->
and ......... and lodge 2681 -kataskenoo->
and ......... and longed 1973 -epipothetos->
and ......... and longsuffering 3115 -makrothumia->
and ......... and look 1492 -eido->
and ......... and look 2300 -theaomai->
and ......... and looked 1492 -eido->
and ......... and looked 1689 -emblepo->
and ......... and looked into 1519 -eis->
and ......... and looking 0308 -anablepo->
And ......... And looking 0308 -anablepo->
and ......... and looking 0991 -blepo->
And ......... And looking 1689 -emblepo->
And ......... And looking 4017 -periblepo->
and ......... and looking in , saw 0991 -blepo->
and ......... and loosed 0447 -aniemi->
and ......... and loosed 0630 -apoluo->
and ......... and Lord 2962 -kurios->
AND ......... AND LORD 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and lords 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and lose 0622 -apollumi->
and ......... and lose 2210 -zemioo->
and ......... and loss 2209 -zemia->
and ......... and love 0025 -agapao->
and ......... and love 0026 -agape->
and ......... and love 0026->
and ......... and love 0026->
and ......... and love 5363 -philanthropia->
and ......... and love 5368 -phileo->
And ......... And love 5368 -phileo->
and ......... and love salutations 0783 -aspasmos->
and ......... and lowly 5011 -tapeinos->
and ......... and lowring 4768 -stugnazo->
and ......... and Lucius 3066 -Loukios->
and ......... and lusts 1939 -epithumia->
and ......... and lying 5579 -pseudos->
and ......... and Lysanias 3078 -Lusanias->
and ......... and Lystra 3082 -Lustra->
and ......... and made 0347 -anaklino->
and ......... and made 0805 -asphalizo->
and ......... and made 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and made 1215 -demexoreo->
and ......... and made 2559 -kakoo->
and ......... and made 2722 -katecho->
and ......... and made 3021 -leukaino->
and ......... and made 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and made 4776 -sugkathizo->
and ......... and magnify 3170 -megaluno->
and ......... and Magog 3098 -Magog->
and ......... and maidens 3814 -paidiske->
and ......... and majesty 3172 -megalosune->
and ......... and make 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And make 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and make 4170 -polemeo->
and ......... and make 4766 -stronnumi->
and ......... and maker 1217 -demiourgos->
and ......... and makest 2744 -kauchaomai->
and ......... and maketh 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and maketh 5319 -phaneroo->
and ......... and making 5567 -psallo->
and ......... and mammon 3126 -mammonas->
and ......... and man 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... and man s 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... and Manaen 3127 -Manaen->
and ......... and Manasses 3128 -Manasses->
and ......... and manifested 5319 -phaneroo->
and ......... and many 2425 -hikanos->
And ......... And many 4119 -pleion->
and ......... and many 4183 -polus->
And ......... And many 4183 -polus->
and ......... and marble 3139 -marmaros->
and ......... and marrieth 1060 -gameo->
and ......... and marrow 3452 -muelos->
and ......... and marry 1060 -gameo->
and ......... and Martha 3136 -Martha->
and ......... and marvelled 2296 -thaumazo->
and ......... and marvellous 2298 -thaumastos->
And ......... And Mary 3137 -Maria->
and ......... and Mary 3137 -Maria->
and ......... and Master 1320 -didaskalos->
and ......... and Matthan 3157 -Matthan->
and ......... and Matthew 3156 -Matthaios->
and ......... and Matthias 3159 -Matthias->
and ......... and may enter 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... and may with you be refreshed 4875 -sunanapauomai->
and ......... and measure 3354 -metreo->
and ......... and Medes 3370 -Medos->
and ......... and meekness 4236 -praiotes->
and ......... and meet 2173 -euchrestos->
and ......... and members 3196 -melos->
and ......... and men 0444 -anthropos->
And ......... And men 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... and men gather 4863 -sunago->
and ......... and mercies 3628 -oiktirmos->
and ......... and mercy 1656 -eleos->
and ......... and met 5221 -hupantao->
and ......... and might 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... and might 2479 -ischus->
and ......... and might perfect 2675 -katartizo->
and ......... and might save 4982 -sozo->
and ......... and mightest overcome 3528 -nikao->
and ......... and mighty 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... and mighty 1415 -dunatos->
and ......... and minds 3540 -noema->
and ......... and mine 1700 -emou->
and ......... and minister 1249 -diakonos->
and ......... and ministered 1247 -diakoneo->
and ......... and ministers 5257 -huperetes->
and ......... and miracles 4592 -semeion->
and ......... and miserable 1652 -eleeinos->
and ......... and misery 5004 -talaiporia->
and ......... and mocked 1702 -empaizo->
and ......... and months 3376 -men->
and ......... and more 3123 -mallon->
and ......... and more 4056 -perissoteros->
and ......... and more perfect 5046 -teleios->
and ......... and morning 3720 -orthrinos->
and ......... and Moses 3475 -Moseus->
And ......... And Moses 3475 -Moseus->
and ......... and mother 3384 -meter->
and ......... and mothers 3384 -meter->
and ......... and mourn 3996 -pentheo->
and ......... and mourning 3997 -penthos->
and ......... and move 2795 -kineo->
and ......... and much 2425 -hikanos->
and ......... and much 4183 -polus->
and ......... and multiplied 4129 -plethuno->
and ......... and multiply 4129 -plethuno->
and ......... and multitudes 3793 -ochlos->
and ......... and murder 5408 -phonos->
and ......... and murderers 3389 -metraloias->
and ......... and murderers 5406 -phoneus->
and ......... and musicians 3451 -mousikos->
and ......... and my blood 0129 -haima->
and ......... and my brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and my burden 5413 -phortion->
and ......... and my children 3813 -paidion->
and ......... and my Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and my fatlings 4619 -sitistos->
and ......... and my feet 4228 -pous->
and ......... and my fellowprisoners 4869 -sunaichmalotos->
and ......... and my God 2316 -theos->
and ......... and my goods 0018 -agathos->
and ......... and my head 2776 -kephale->
and ......... and my hope 1680 -elpis->
and ......... and my judgment 2920 -krisis->
and ......... and my preaching 2782 -kerugma->
and ......... and my reward 3408 -misthos->
and ......... and my servant 3816 -pais->
and ......... and my sister 0079 -adelphe->
And ......... And my speech 3056 -logos->
And ......... And my spirit 4151 -pneuma->
and ......... and my spirit 4151 -pneuma->
And ......... And my temptation 3986 -peirasmos->
and ......... and my tongue 1100 -glossa->
and ......... and myrrh 4666 -smurna->
and ......... and Naasson 3476 -Naasson->
and ......... and naked 1131 -gumnos->
and ......... and nakedness 1132 -gumnotes->
and ......... and names 3686 -onoma->
and ......... and narrow 2346 -thlibo->
And ......... And Nathanael 3482 -Nathanael->
and ......... and Nathanael 3482 -Nathanael->
and ......... and nation 1484 -ethnos->
and ......... and nations 1484 -ethnos->
and ......... and nay 3756 -ou->
and ......... and near 0316 -anagkaios->
and ......... and need 3784 -opheilo->
And ......... And needed 5532 -chreia->
and ......... and neglecting 0857 -apheidia->
and ......... and neighbours 1069 -geiton->
and ......... and neither 3756 -ou->
and ......... and neither 3777 -oute->
and ......... and Nephthalim 3508 -Nephthaleim->
and ......... and never 3368 -medepote->
and ......... and Nicanor 3527 -Nikanor->
and ......... and Nicolas 3532 -Nikolaos->
and ......... and night 3571 -nux->
and ......... and nine 1768 -ennenekontaennea->
and ......... and ninth 1766 -ennatos->
and ......... and no 3756 -ou->
And ......... And no 3756 -ou->
And ......... And no 3756 -ou->
and ......... and no 3762 -oudeis->
And ......... And no 3762 -oudeis->
And ......... And none 3762 -oudeis->
and ......... and none 3762 -oudeis->
and ......... and north 5566 -choros->
and ......... and not a doer 4163 -poietes->
and ......... and not able 1410 -dunamai->
and ......... and not according 2526 -katholikos and 2526 katho->
and ......... and not according 2526 -katholikos and 2526 katho->
and ......... and not after 2596 -kata->
and ......... and not as do the Jews 2452 -Ioudaikos->
And ......... And not as it was by one 1520 -heis->
And ......... And not as Moses 3475 -Moseus->
and ......... and not as of covetousness 4124 -pleonexia->
and ......... and not as the scribes 1122 -grammateus->
and ......... and not be ashamed 0153 -aischunomai->
and ......... and not be called 3004 -lego->
and ......... and not be called 3004 -lego->
and ......... and not before 1909 -epi->
and ......... and not by faith 4102 -pistis->
And ......... And not by his coming 3952 -parousia->
and ......... and not by the works 2041 -ergon->
and ......... and not content 0714 -arkeo->
and ......... and not die 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... and not for ours 2251 -hemeteros->
And ......... And not for that nation 1484 -ethnos->
and ......... and not for your 5216 -humon->
and ......... and not have suffered 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... and not hearers 0202 -akroates->
And ......... And not holding 2902 -krateo->
and ......... and not I only 3441->
and ......... and not I only 3441->
and ......... and not in another 2087 -heteros->
and ......... and not in heart 2588 -kardia->
and ......... and not in the letter 1121 -gramma->
and ......... and not in the oldness 3821 -palaiotes->
and ......... and not killed 2289 -thanatoo->
and ......... and not man 0444 -anthropos->
And ......... And not many 4183 -polus->
and ......... and not of a man 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... and not of commandment 2003 -epitage->
and ......... and not of strong 4731 -stereos->
and ......... and not of us .
and ......... and not on the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton->
and ......... and not one 1520 -heis->
and ......... and not only 3440 -monon->
And ......... And not only 3440 -monon->
and ......... and not perceive 1492 -eido->
and ......... and not put 1746 -enduo->
And ......... And not rather , ( as we be slanderously 0987 -
and ......... and not sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
and ......... and not sinners 0268 -hamartolos->
and ......... and not sons 5207 -huios->
And ......... And not that only 3440 -monon->
and ......... and not that thy whole 3650 -holos->
and ......... and not the shepherd 4166 -poimen->
and ......... and not the very 0846 -autos->
and ......... and not to be set 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... and not to destruction 2506 -kathairesis->
and ......... and not to faint 1573 -ekkakeo->
and ......... and not to God 2316 -theos->
and ......... and not to leave 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... and not to me only 3440 -monon->
and ......... and not to men 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... and not to please 0700 -aresko->
and ......... and not understand 4920 -suniemi->
and ......... and not unto men 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... and not using 2192 -echo->
and ......... and not with grief 4727 -stenazo->
and ......... and not with meat 1033 -broma->
and ......... and not withal to signify 4591 -semaino->
and ......... and notable 2016 -epiphanes->
and ......... and nothing 3762 -oudeis->
and ......... and nourished 0396 -anatrepo->
And ......... And now 2236 -hedista->
and ......... and now 2236 -hedista->
and ......... and now 3568 -nun->
And ......... And now 3568 -nun->
And ......... And now 3568->
And ......... And now 3568->
And ......... And now 3570 -nuni->
and ......... and now 3570 -nuni->
And ......... And now 3765 -ouketi->
and ......... and now 3765 -ouketi->
and ......... and Nymphas 3564 -Numphas->
and ......... and Obed 5601 -Obed->
and ......... and observed 4933 -suntereo->
and ......... and odours 2368 -thumiama->
and ......... and of a bloody 1420 -dusenteria->
and ......... and of a good 0018 -agathos->
and ......... and of a sound 4995 -sophronismos->
and ......... and of all 3745 -hosos->
and ......... and of all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and of an honeycomb 3193 -melissios->
and ......... and of angels 0032 -aggelos->
and ......... and of Asia 0773 -Asia->
and ......... and of Barak 0913 -Barak->
and ......... and of birds 4071 -peteinon->
and ......... and of brass 5475 -chalkos->
and ......... and of Christ 5547 -Christos->
and ......... and of death 2288 -thanatos->
and ......... and of earth 3749 -ostrakinos->
and ......... and of eternal 0166 -aionios->
and ......... and of evil 4190 -poneros->
and ......... and of faith 4102 -pistis->
and ......... and of goats 5131 -tragos->
and ......... and of God 2316 -theos->
and ......... and of good 0018 -agathos->
and ......... and of good 2570 -kalos->
and ......... and of his bones 3747 -osteon->
and ......... and of his Christ 5547 -Christos->
and ......... and of his doctrine 1322 -didache->
And ......... And of his fulness 4138 -pleroma->
and ......... and of his kingdom 0932 -basileia->
and ......... and of jacinth 5191 -huakinthinos->
and ......... and of Jacob 2384 -Iakob->
and ......... and of Jephthae 2422 -Iephthae->
and ......... and of Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
and ......... and of Joses 2500 -Ioses->
and ......... and of Juda 2455 -Ioudas->
and ......... and of judgment 2920 -krisis->
and ......... and of laying 1936 -epithesis->
and ......... and of love 0026 -agape->
and ......... and of men 0435 -aner->
and ......... and of myself 0846 -autos->
and ......... and of one 3391 -mia->
and ......... and of one 5100 -tis->
and ......... and of others 0243 -allos->
and ......... and of our boasting 2746 -kauchesis->
and ......... and of patience 3115 -makrothumia->
and ......... and of pearls 3135 -margarites->
and ......... and of pipers 0834 -auletes->
and ......... and of power 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... and of resurrection 0386 -anastasis->
and ......... and of righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->
and ......... and of saints 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and of Samson 4546 -Sampson->
and ......... and of serpents 2062 -herpeton->
and ......... and of silver 0693 -argureos->
And ......... And of some 3588 -ho->
And ......... And of some 5100 -tis->
and ......... and of tender 3629 -oiktirmon->
And ......... And of the angels 0032 -aggelos->
and ......... and of the apostles 0652 -apostolos->
and ......... and of the beast 2342 -therion->
and ......... and of the bride 3565 -numphe->
and ......... and of the chief 0749 -archiereus->
and ......... and of the chief 4413 -protos->
and ......... and of the commandment 1785 -entole->
and ......... and of the country 1085 -genos->
and ......... and of the covenant 1242 -diatheke->
and ......... and of the devout 4576 -sebomai->
and ......... and of the earth 1093 -ge->
and ......... and of the end 4930 -sunteleia->
and ......... and of the Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and of the fishes 2486 -ichthus->
and ......... and of the four 5064 -tessares->
and ......... and of the gift 1431 -dorea->
and ......... and of the Herodians 2265 -Herodianoi->
and ......... and of the holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and of the Holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and of the household 3609 -oikeios->
and ......... and of the image which fell 1356 -diopetes->
and ......... and of the joints 0719 -harmos->
and ......... and of the knowledge 1922 -epignosis->
and ......... and of the Lamb 0721 -arnion->
and ......... and of the leaven 2219 -zume->
and ......... and of the Lord 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and of the love 0026 -agape->
and ......... and of the mind 1271 -dianoia->
and ......... and of the other 0243 -allos->
and ......... and of the other 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... and of the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
and ......... and of the platter 3953 -paropsis->
and ......... and of the prophets 4396 -prophetes->
and ......... and of the region 5561 -chora->
And ......... And of the rest 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... and of the Sadducees 4523 -Saddoukaios->
and ......... and of the same 4954 -sussomos->
and ......... and of the sea 2281 -thalassa->
and ......... and of the Son 5207 -huios->
and ......... and of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->
and ......... and of the Stoicks 4770 -Stoikos->
and ......... and of the table 5132 -trapeza->
and ......... and of the testimony 3141 -marturia->
and ......... and of the Thessalonians 2331 -Thessalonikeus->
and ......... and of the true 0228 -alethinos->
and ......... and of the truth 0225 -aletheia->
and ......... and of the whole 3650 -holos->
and ......... and of them he chose 1586 -eklegomai->
and ......... and of them of Cilicia 2791 -Kilikia->
and ......... and of them that sit 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and of them which keep 5083 -tereo->
and ......... and of things in the sea 1724 -enalios->
and ......... and of those things in the which 3739 -hos->
and ......... and of thy brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and of unleavened 0106 -azumos->
and ......... and of wearing 4025 -perithesis->
and ......... and of whom 3739 -hos->
and ......... and of women 1135 -gune->
and ......... and of wood 3585 -xulinos->
and ......... and of your 5209 -humas->
and ......... and offences 4625 -skandalon->
and ......... and offer 4374 -prosphero->
and ......... and offered 0321 -anago->
and ......... and offering 4374 -prosphero->
and ......... and offering 4376 -prosphora->
and ......... and offering for sin 0266 -hamartia->
and ......... and offerings 4376 -prosphora->
and ......... and officers 5257 -huperetes->
and ......... and oft 4178 -pollakis->
And ......... And ofttimes 4178 -pollakis->
and ......... and oil 1637 -elaion->
and ......... and ointments 3464 -muron->
and ......... and old 1126 -graodes->
and ......... and old 3820 -palaios->
and ......... and Olympas 3652 -Olumpas->
and ......... and Omega 5598 -omega->
and ......... and Omega 5598 -omega->
and ......... and on 0575 -apo->
and ......... and on 1722 -en->
and ......... and on 1909 -epi->
And ......... And on 1909 -epi->
and ......... and on 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... and on the good 0018 -agathos->
And ......... And on the morrow 1887 -epaurion->
And ......... And on the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton->
and ......... and on the unjust 0094 -adikos->
and ......... and on them that are out of the way 4105 -planao->
and ......... and on this 3779 -houto->
And ......... And one 1520 -heis->
and ......... and one 1520 -heis->
and ......... and one 3303 -men->
and ......... and one 3391 -mia->
And ......... And one 5100 -tis->
and ......... and one 5100 -tis->
and ......... and one for Elias 2243 -Helias->
and ......... and one sat 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and one that feareth 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... and only 3441 -monos->
and ......... and open 0455 -anoigo->
and ......... and opened 0455 -anoigo->
and ......... and opened 5136 -trachelizo->
and ......... and oppositions 0477 -antithesis->
and ......... and ordain 2525 -kathistemi->
and ......... and ordinances 1345 -dikaioma->
And ......... And other 0243 -allos->
and ......... and other 2087 -heteros->
And ......... And other 2087 -heteros->
and ......... and other 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... and others 0243 -allos->
And ......... And others 0243 -allos->
And ......... And others 2087 -heteros->
and ......... and others 2087 -heteros->
and ......... and others 3588 -ho->
And ......... And others 3739 -hos->
And ......... And ought 1163 -dei->
and ......... and our bodies 4983 -soma->
and ......... and our Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and our fathers 3962 -pater->
and ......... and our fellowlabourer 4904 -sunergos->
And ......... And our hope 1680 -elpis->
and ......... and our Lord 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and our rulers 0758 -archon->
and ......... and our Saviour 4990 -soter->
and ......... and our uncomely 0809 -askemon->
and ......... and ourselves 1438 -heautou->
and ......... and out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->
And ......... And out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->
and ......... and out of the holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->
and ......... and out of the prophets 4396 -prophetes->
And ......... And out of the throne 2362 -thronos->
and ......... and out of the town 2968 -kome->
and ......... and out of their mouths 4750 -stoma->
and ......... and outwent 4281 -proerchomai->
and ......... and over 1537 -ek->
and ......... and over 1909 -epi->
And ......... And over 5231 -huperano->
and ......... and overcome 2274 -hettao->
and ......... and overshadowed 1982 -episkiazo->
and ......... and overthrew 0390 -anastrepho->
and ......... and overthrew 2690 -katastrepho->
and ......... and overthrow 0397 -anatrepho->
And ......... And Ozias 3604 > begat 1080 -gennao->
And ......... And Ozias 3604> begat 1080 -gennao->
and ......... and pained 0928 -basanizo->
and ......... and painfulness 3449 -mochthos->
and ......... and palms 5404 -phoinix->
and ......... and Pamphylia 3828 -Pamphulia->
and ......... and Parmenas 3937 -Parmenas->
and ......... and part held 2258 -en->
and ......... and part with the apostles 0652 -apostolos->
and ......... and partakers 4830 -summetochos->
and ......... and parted 1266 -diamerizo->
and ......... and partly 1161 -de->
and ......... and pass 3928 -parerchomai->
and ......... and passed 1276 -diaperao->
and ......... and passed 1330 -dierchomai->
and ......... and passed 3899 -parapoeruomai->
and ......... and passing 1330 -dierchomai->
and ......... and patience 3115 -makrothumia->
And ......... And patience 5281 -hupomone->
and ......... and patience 5281 -hupomone->
and ......... and Paul 3972 -Paulos->
And ......... And Paul 3972 -Paulos->
and ......... and payment 0591 -apodidomi->
and ......... and peace 1515 -eirene->
and ......... and peace 1515- eirene->
and ......... and peace 1515->
and ......... and peace 1515->
and ......... and peaceable 2272 -hesuchios->
and ......... and pearls 3135 -margarites->
and ......... and pen 2563 -kalamos->
and ......... and people 2992 -laos->
and ......... and perceived 2638 -katalambano->
and ......... and perceiving 1492 -eido->
and ......... and perdition 0684 -apoleia->
and ......... and perfect 5046 -teleios->
and ......... and perish 0853 -aphanizo->
and ......... and perished 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... and perished 0622 -apollumi->
and ......... and persecute 1377 -dioko->
and ......... and persecute 1559 -ekdioko->
and ......... and persuaded 3982 -peitho->
and ......... and persuading 3982 -peitho->
and ......... and perverse 1294 -diastrepho->
and ......... and pestilences 3061 -loimos->
and ......... and Peter 4074 -Petros->
And ......... And Peter 4074 -Petros->
and ......... and Peter saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... and Phares 5329 -Phares->
and ......... and Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
and ......... and Philetus 5372 -Philetos->
And ......... And Philip 5376 -Philippos->
and ......... and Philip 5376 -Philippos->
and ......... and Phrygia 5435 -Phrugia->
and ......... and pierced 4044 -peripeiro->
And ......... And Pilate 4091 -Pilatos->
and ......... and Pilate 4091 -Pilatos->
And ......... And Pilate saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... and pilgrims 3927 -parepidemos->
and ......... and pineth 3583 -xeraino->
and ......... and place 5117 -topos->
and ......... and plagues 3148 -mastix->
and ......... and platted 4120 -pleko->
and ......... and platter 3953 -paropsis->
and ......... and pleased 0700 -aresko->
and ......... and pleasures 2237 -hedone->
and ......... and Pollux 1359 -Dioskouroi->
and ......... and pondered 4820 -sumballo->
and ......... and Pontius 4194 -Pontios->
and ......... and poor 4434 -ptochos->
and ......... and pots 3582 -xestes->
and ......... and poured 1632 -ekcheo->
and ......... and poured 2708 -katacheo->
and ......... and poverty 4432 -ptocheia->
and ......... and power 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... and power 1849 -exousia->
and ......... and power 2904 -kratos->
and ......... and power was given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and powerful 1756 -energes->
and ......... and powerful 2478 -ischuros->
and ......... and powers 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... and powers 1849 -exousia->
and ......... and praise 0134 -aineo->
and ......... and praise 1868 -epainos->
and ......... and praised 2127 -eulogeo->
and ......... and praising 0134 -aineo->
and ......... and pray 1189 -deomai->
and ......... and pray 2172 -euchomai->
And ......... And pray 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... and pray 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... and prayed 1189 -deomai->
and ......... and prayed 2065 -erotao->
and ......... and prayed 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... and prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... and prayer 1162 -deesis->
and ......... and prayer 1783 -enteuxis->
and ......... and prayer 4335 -proseuche->
and ......... and prayers 1162 -deesis->
and ......... and prayers 4335 -proseuche->
and ......... and praying 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... and preach 2097 -euaggelizo->
and ......... and preach 2784 -kerusso->
and ......... and preached 2097 -euaggelizo->
and ......... and preached 2605 -kataggello->
And ......... And preached 2784 -kerusso->
and ......... and preached 2784 -kerusso->
and ......... and preached 2980 -laleo->
and ......... and preaching 2097 -euaggelizo->
and ......... and preaching 2784 -kerusso->
and ......... and precious 1784 -entimos->
and ......... and precious 5093 -timios->
and ......... and prepare 2090 -hetoimazo->
and ......... and prepared 2090 -hetoimazo->
and ......... and prepared 2092 -hetoimos->
And ......... And presently 3916 -parachrema->
and ......... and preserved 5083 -tereo->
and ......... and prevailed 2480 -ischuo->
And ......... And prevailed 2480 -ischuo->
and ......... and priests 2409 -hiereus->
and ......... and principal 1851 -exoche->
and ......... and Priscilla 4252 -Priscilla->
and ......... and Prochorus 4402 -Prochoros->
and ......... and profane 0952 -bebelos->
and ......... and profitable 5624 -ophelimos->
And ......... And profited 4298 -prokopto->
and ......... and promised 1861 -epaggello->
and ......... and prophesied 4395 -propheteuo->
and ......... and prophets 4396 -prophetes->
and ......... and proselytes 4339 -proselutos->
And ......... And provide 3936 -paristemi->
and ......... and prudence 5428 -phronesis->
and ......... and prudent 4908 -sunetos->
and ......... and purify 0048 -hagnizo->
and ......... and purify 2511 -katharizo->
and ......... and purple 4209 -porphura->
and ......... and purple 4210 -porphurous->
and ......... and put 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and put 0906 -ballo->
And ......... And put 1252 -diakrino->
and ......... and put 1746 -enduo->
and ......... and put 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... and put 3856 -paradeigmatizo->
and ......... and put 4060 -peritithemi->
and ......... and put 4374 -prosphero->
and ......... and put 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... and putteth 1631 -ekphuo->
and ......... and putting 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... and quake 1790 -entromos->
and ......... and questions 2213 -zetema->
and ......... and quickeneth 2227 -zoopoieo->
and ......... and quiet 2272 -hesuchios->
and ......... and raiment 4629 -skepasma->
and ......... and raise 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... and raise 1817 -exanistemi->
and ......... and raised 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... and raised 1892 -epegeiro->
and ......... and ran 1530 -eispedao->
and ......... and ran 1632 -ekcheo->
and ......... and ran 2701 -katatrecho->
and ......... and ran 3729 -hormao->
And ......... And ran 4063 -peritrecho->
and ......... and ran 5143 -trecho->
and ......... and reach 5342 -phero->
and ......... and reaching 1901 -epekteinomai->
and ......... and read 0314 -anaginosko->
and ......... and ready 3195 -mello->
and ......... and reap 2325 -therizo->
and ......... and reasoned 1256 -dialegomai->
and ......... and reasoning 1260 -dialogizomai->
and ......... and rebuke 1651 -elegcho->
and ......... and rebuked 2008 -epitimao->
and ......... and receive 1209 -dechomai->
and ......... and receive 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and receive 3858 -paradechomai->
and ......... and receive 3880 -paralambano->
and ......... and received 0308 -anablepo->
and ......... and received 3880 -paralambano->
and ......... and received 4355 -proslambano->
and ......... and received 5264 -hupodechomai->
and ......... and receiving 0618 -apolambano->
and ......... and receiving 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and receiving 3028 -lepsis->
and ......... and reckoneth 3056 -logos->
and ......... and recovering 0309 -anablepsis->
and ......... and redeemed 3085 -lutrosis->
and ......... and redemption 0629 -apolutrosis->
and ......... and reigned 0936 -basileuo->
and ......... and rejoice 0021 -agalliao->
and ......... and rejoice 2744 -kauchaomai->
and ......... and rejoice 4796 -sugchairo->
and ......... and rejoiced 2165 -euphraino->
and ......... and religious 4576 -sebomai->
and ......... and remain 4035 -perileipo->
and ......... and remaining 3306 -meno->
and ......... and remember 3421 -mnemoneuo->
and ......... and remission 0859 -aphesis->
and ......... and rend 4486 -rhegnumi->
and ......... and renewing 0342 -anakainosis->
and ......... and rent 4682 -sparasso->
and ......... and repent 3340 -metanoeo->
and ......... and repented 3340 -metanoeo->
and ......... and report 0518 -apaggello->
and ......... and reported 0518 -apaggello->
and ......... and rescued 1807 -exaireo->
and ......... and rest 0373 -anapano->
and ......... and rested 2270 -hesuchazo->
and ......... and restest 1879 -epanapauomai->
and ......... and restore 0600 -apokathistemi->
and ......... and restoreth 0600 -apokathistemi->
and ......... and resurrection 0386 -anastasis->
And ......... And returned 5290 -hupostrepho->
and ......... and returned 5290 -hupostrepho->
and ......... and revelation 0602 -apokalupsis->
and ......... and revelations 0602 -apokalupsis->
and ......... and revived 0326 -anazao->
and ......... and riches 4149 -ploutos->
and ......... and righteous 1342 -dikaios->
and ......... and righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->
and ......... and rise 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... and risen 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... and rising 0386 -anastasis->
and ......... and robbers 3027 -leistes->
and ......... and Roboam 4497 -Rhoboam->
and ......... and rock 4073 -petra->
and ......... and rocks 4073 -petra->
and ......... and rolled 0617 -apokulio->
and ......... and rolled 4351 -proskulio->
and ......... and rose 0450 -anistemi->
And ......... And rose 0450 -anistemi->
And ......... And round 2943 -kuklothen->
and ......... and round 2943 -kuklothen->
and ......... and rue 4076 -peganon->
and ......... and Rufus 4504 -Rhouphos->
and ......... and rulers 2232 -hegemon->
and ......... and rumours 0189 -akoe->
and ......... and running 4370 -prostrecho->
And ......... And running 5295 -hupotrecho->
and ......... and rust 1035 -brosis->
and ......... and sacrifices 2378 -thusia->
and ......... and sacrifices for sin 0266 -hamartia->
and ......... and Sadducees 4523 -Saddoukaios->
and ......... and Sadoc 4524 -Sadok->
and ......... and safety 0803 -asphaleia->
and ......... and said , Except 3362 -ean me->
and ......... and said 0669 -apophtheggomai->
and ......... and said 2036 -epo->
And ......... And said 2036 -epo->
and ......... and said 2063 -eruthros->
And ......... And said 3004 -lego->
and ......... and said 3004 -lego->
and ......... and said 4483 -rheo->
and ......... and said 5346 -phemi->
And ......... And said 5346 -phemi->
and ......... and sailed 0321 -anago->
and ......... and sailed 1602 -ekpleo->
and ......... and sailors 3492 -nautes->
and ......... and saith 3004 -lego->
And ......... And saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... and Salathiel 4528 -Salathiel->
And ......... And Salmon 4533 -Salmon->
and ......... and Salome 4539 -Salome->
and ......... and salute 0782 -aspazomai->
and ......... and saluted 0782 -aspazomai->
and ......... and salvation 4991 -soteria->
and ......... and Samaria 4540 -Samareia->
and ......... and Samuel 4545 -Samouel->
and ......... and sanctification 0038 -hagiasmos->
and ......... and sang 5214 -humneo->
and ......... and Sara 4564 -Sarrha->
and ......... and Saron 4565 -Saron->
and ......... and sat 0347 -anaklino->
and ......... and sat 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and sat 2523 -kathizo->
and ......... and sat 4873 -sunanakeimai->
and ......... and Satan 4567 -Satanas->
And ......... And Saul 4569 -Saulos->
and ......... and Saul 4569 -Saulos->
and ......... and Saviour 4990 -soter->
and ......... and saw 0991 -blepo->
And ......... And saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... and saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... and saw 1689 -emblepo->
and ......... and saw 2300 -theaomai->
and ......... and saw 2334 -theoreo->
And ......... And saw 2334 -theoreo->
And ......... And say 2036 -epo->
and ......... and say 2036 -epo->
and ......... and say 2046 -ereo->
And ......... And say 3004 -lego->
and ......... and say 3004 -lego->
and ......... and saying 3004 -lego->
And ......... And saying 3004 -lego->
and ......... and scarce 3433 -molis->
and ......... and scarlet 2847 -kokkinos->
and ......... and scorpions 4651 -skorpios->
and ......... and scourged 3146 -mastigoo->
and ......... and scourgeth 3146 -mastigoo->
and ......... and scourgings 3148 -mastix->
and ......... and scribes 1122 -grammateus->
and ......... and scrip 4082 -pera->
and ......... and search 1833 -exetazo->
and ......... and searched 0350 -anakrino->
and ......... and searched 1830 -exereunao->
and ......... and second 1208 -deuteros->
and ......... and Secundus 4580 -Sekoundos->
and ......... and seducers 1114 -goes->
and ......... and see 0991 -blepo->
and ......... and see 1492 -eido->
and ......... and see 2334 -theoreo->
and ......... and see how 4459 -pos->
and ......... and see thou hurt 0091 -adikeo->
and ......... and seeing 0991 -blepo->
And ......... And seeing 1492 -eido->
and ......... and seeing 1492 -eido->
and ......... and seek 2212 -zeteo->
And ......... And seek 2212 -zeteo->
and ......... and seeketh 2212 -zeteo->
and ......... and seen 0991 -blepo->
and ......... and seen 1492 -eido->
and ......... and seeth 0991 -blepo->
And ......... And seeth 2334 -theoreo->
and ......... and seeth 2334 -theoreo->
and ......... and seeth 3708 -horao->
and ......... and sell 1710 -emporeuomai->
and ......... and sell 4453 -poleo->
and ......... and selleth 4453 -poleo->
and ......... and send 3992 -pempo->
and ......... and send 3992 -pempo->
and ......... and sendeth 1026 -brecho->
and ......... and sent 0375 -anapempo->
And ......... And sent 0649 -apostello->
and ......... and sent 0649 -apostello->
and ......... and sent 1821 -exapostello->
And ......... And sent 3992 -pempo->
and ......... and separated 0873 -aphorizo->
and ......... and servant 1249 -diakonos->
and ......... and serve 1247 -diakoneo->
and ......... and serve 3000 -latreuo->
and ......... and served 3000 -latreuo->
and ......... and service 1248 -diakonia->
and ......... and service 3009 -leitourgia->
and ......... and set 0321 -anago->
and ......... and set 1913 -epibibazo->
And ......... And set 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... and set 2350 -thorubeo->
And ......... And set 2476 -histemi->
and ......... and set 2476 -histemi->
and ......... and set 2523 -kathizo->
and ......... and set 4060 -peritithemi->
and ......... and setteth 2476 -histemi->
and ......... and setteth 5394 -phlogizo->
and ......... and setting 3326 -meta->
and ......... and settled 1476 -hedraios->
and ......... and seven 2033 -hepta->
and ......... and seven 2034 -heptakis->
and ......... and sever 0873 -aphorizo->
and ......... and severity 0663 -apotomia->
and ......... and shadow 4639 -skia->
and ......... and shall assure 3982 -peitho->
and ......... and shall be called 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and shall be joined 4347 -proskollao->
and ......... and shall be led 0163 -aichmalotizo->
and ......... and shall be mocked 1702 -empaizo->
and ......... and shall be turned 0654 -apostrepho->
and ......... and shall begin 0756 -archomai->
And ......... And shall begin 0756 -archomai->
and ......... and shall betray 3860 -paradidomi->
and ......... and shall bring 5088 -tikto->
and ......... and shall carry 1627 -ekphero->
And ......... And shall cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and shall cause 2289 -thanatoo->
and ......... and shall change 0236 -allasso->
and ......... and shall cleave 4347 -proskollao->
And ......... And shall come 1607 -ekporeuomai->
and ......... and shall condemn 2632 -katakrino->
And ......... And shall cut 1371 -dichotomeo->
and ......... and shall deceive 4105 -planao->
And ......... And shall deliver 3860 -paradidomi->
and ......... and shall deliver 3860 -paradidomi->
and ......... and shall destroy 2673 -katargeo->
and ......... and shall drink 4095 -pino->
and ......... and shall eat 5315 -phago->
and ......... and shall gather 1996 -episunago->
and ......... and shall give 1239 -diadidomai->
and ......... and shall give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and shall go 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And shall go 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... and shall go 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... and shall hate 3404 -miseo->
and ......... and shall hide 2572 -kalupto->
and ......... and shall inherit 2816 -kleronomeo->
and ......... and shall kill 0615 -apokteino->
And ......... And shall lay 1474 -edaphizo->
and ......... and shall leave 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... and shall make 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and shall marry 1060 -gameo->
and ......... and shall not come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and shall not doubt 1252 -diakrino->
and ......... and shall not find 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And shall not God 2316 -theos->
and ......... and shall not perceive 1492 -eido->
and ......... and shall not suffer 0863 -aphiemi->
And ......... And shall not uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia->
and ......... and shall not understand 4920 -suniemi->
and ......... and shall present 3936 -paristemi->
And ......... And shall receive 2865 -komizo->
and ......... and shall reign 0936 -basileuo->
and ......... and shall see 1492 -eido->
and ......... and shall send 3992 -pempo->
and ......... and shall shew 0312 -anaggello->
and ......... and shall shew 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and shall sit 0347 -anaklino->
and ......... and shall straightway 2117 -euthus->
and ......... and shall teach 1321 -didasko->
and ......... and shall turn 0654 -apostrepho->
and ......... and shalt be , because 3754 -hoti->
and ......... and shalt believe 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... and shalt call 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and shame 2617 -kataischuno->
and ......... and sharper 5114 -tomoteros->
And ......... And she , being before 4264 -probibazo->
And ......... And she answered 0611 -apokrinomai->
and ......... and she arose 0450 -anistemi->
And ......... And she being 2192 -echo->
and ......... and she besought 2065 -erotao->
and ......... and she brake 4937 -suntribo->
and ......... and she brought 1080 -gennao->
And ......... And she brought 5088 -tikto->
and ......... and she brought 5342 -phero->
And ......... And she came 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... and she came 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And she coming 2186 -ephistemi->
And ......... And she had 1510 -eimi->
And ......... And she opened 0455 -anoigo->
and ......... and she repented 3340 -metanoeo->
And ......... And she said 2036 -epo->
and ......... and she shall be made 4982 -sozo->
and ......... and she shall be utterly 2618 -katakaio->
And ......... And she shall bring 5088 -tikto->
and ......... and she shall live 2198 -zao->
And ......... And she spake 0400 -anaphoneo->
and ......... and she threw 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and she was a widow 5503 -chera->
And ......... And she was a widow 5503 -chera->
And ......... And she went 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And she went 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... and sheep 4263 -probaton->
and ......... and shew 0518 -apaggello->
and ......... and shew 1166 -deiknuo->
and ......... and shew 1334 -diegeomai->
and ......... and shewed 0312 -anaggello->
and ......... and shewed 0518 -apaggello->
and ......... and shewed 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and shewed 1166 -deiknuo->
and ......... and sheweth 1166 -deiknuo->
and ......... and shewing 1925 -epideiknumi->
and ......... and shewing the glad 2097 -euaggelizo->
and ......... and shineth 5316 -phaino->
and ......... and ship 4143 -ploion->
and ......... and shoes 5266 -hupodema->
and ......... and shooteth 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and should 3195 -mello->
and ......... and should be converted 1994 -epistrepho->
and ......... and should shew 2605 -kataggello->
And ......... And should sleep 2518 -katheudo->
and ......... and should understand 4920 -suniemi->
and ......... and shouldest destroy 1311 -diaphtheiro->
and ......... and shutteth 2808 -kleio->
and ......... and sick 4445 -puresso->
and ......... and sickly 0732 -arrhostos->
and ......... and Sidon 4605 -Sidon->
and ......... and signified 4591 -semaino->
and ......... and signs 4591 -semaino->
and ......... and Silas 4609 -Silas->
and ......... and silk 4596 -serikos->
and ......... and Silvanus 4610 -Silouanos->
and ......... and silver 0693 -argureos->
and ......... and silver 0696 -arguros->
and ......... and Simeon 4826 -Sumeon->
And ......... And Simeon 4826 -Sumeon->
and ......... and Simon 4613 -Simon->
And ......... And Simon 4613 -Simon->
And ......... And Simon s 4613 -Simon->
and ......... and simple 0185 -akeraios->
and ......... and sin 0264 -hamartano->
and ......... and sin 0266 -hamartia->
and ......... and sinful 0268 -hamartolos->
and ......... and sing 5567 -psallo->
and ......... and singleness 0858 -aphelotes->
and ......... and sinners 0268 -hamartolos->
and ......... and sinneth 0264 -hamartano->
and ......... and sins 0266 -hamartia->
and ......... and sister 0079 -adelphe->
and ......... and sisters 0079 -adelphe->
and ......... and sit 0377 -anapipto->
and ......... and sit 2523 -kathizo->
and ......... and sitting 1910 -epibaino->
and ......... and sitting 2521 -kathemai->
And ......... And sitting 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and six 1803 -hex->
and ......... and six 1812 -hexakosioi->
and ......... and sixteen 1803 -hex->
and ......... and slain 0337 -anaireo->
and ......... and slaughter 5408 -phonos->
and ......... and slaves 4983 -soma->
and ......... and slay 2695 -katasphatto->
and ......... and slept 2518 -katheudo->
and ......... and slew 0337 -anaireo->
and ......... and slew 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and slothful 3636 -okneros->
and ......... and slow 1021 -bradus->
and ......... and smoke 2586 -kapnos->
and ......... and smoking 5187 -tuphoo->
and ......... and smote 0851 -aphaireo->
and ......... and smote 3817 -paio->
and ......... and smote 3960 -patasso->
and ......... and smote 5180 -tupto->
And ......... And so 2532 -kai->
And ......... And so 3668 -homoios->
And ......... And so 3767 -oun->
and ......... and so 3779 -houto->
And ......... And so 3779 -houto->
and ......... and so 5037 -te->
and ......... and so did another 0243 -allos->
and ......... and so endure 2076 -esti->
and ......... and so is also 2532 -kai->
And ......... And so it was , that , while they were there 1563 -
And ......... And so Pilate 4091 -Pilatos->
and ......... and so that day 2250 -hemera->
and ......... and soberness 4997 -sophrosune->
and ......... and sobriety 4997 -sophrosune->
And ......... And sold 4097 -piprasko->
and ......... and sold 4097 -piprasko->
And ......... And Solomon 4672 -Solomon->
And ......... And some 0243 -allos->
and ......... and some 1161 -de->
and ......... and some 1520 -heis->
And ......... And some 2087 -heteros->
and ......... and some 3588 -ho->
And ......... And some 3588 -ho->
and ......... and some 5100 -tis->
And ......... And some 5100 -tis->
And ......... And some of the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
and ......... and some of them shall ye scourge 3164 -machomai->
and ......... and some of them they shall slay 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and some of them ye shall kill 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and some of you shall they cause 2289 -thanatoo->
and ......... and sorcerers 5332 -pharmakeus->
and ......... and sorcerers 5333 -pharmakos->
and ......... and sore 2560 -kakos->
and ......... and sorrow 3997 -penthos->
and ......... and Sosipater 4989 -Sosipatros->
and ......... and Sosthenes 4988 -Sosthenes->
and ......... and sought 2212 -zeteo->
and ......... and soul 5590 -psuche->
and ......... and souls 5590 -psuche->
and ......... and sound 5198 -hugiaino->
And ......... And sounded 1001 -bolizo->
and ......... and sowed 4687 -speiro->
and ......... and spake 0483 -antilego->
And ......... And spake 2036 -epo->
and ......... and spake 2036 -epo->
and ......... and spake 2980 -laleo->
and ......... and spake 3004 -lego->
and ......... and spake 4814 -sullaleo->
and ......... and spake boldly 3955 -parrhesiazomai->
And ......... And spared 5339 -pheidomai->
and ......... and speak 0987 -blasphemeo->
and ......... and speak 2980 -laleo->
and ......... and speakest 3004 -lego->
and ......... and speaketh 2980 -laleo->
and ......... and speaking 3004 -lego->
and ......... and specially 3122 -malista->
and ......... and spirit 4151 -pneuma->
and ......... and spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->
and ......... and spitefully 5195 -hubrizo->
and ......... and spitted 1716 -emptuo->
and ......... and spoil 1283 -diarpazo->
and ......... and spoken 2980 -laleo->
and ......... and sprang 1530 -eispedao->
and ......... and sprang 5453 -phuo->
and ......... and sprinkled 4472 -rhantizo->
and ......... and sprinkling 4473 -rhantismos->
and ......... and stablish 4741 -sterizo->
and ......... and Stachys 4720 -Stachus->
and ......... and stand 2476 -histemi->
and ......... and stature 2244 -helikia->
and ......... and staves 3586 -xulon->
and ......... and steal 2813 -klepto->
and ......... and stedfast 0949 -bebaios->
And ......... And Stephen 4736 -Stephanos->
and ......... and stewards 3623 -oikonomos->
and ......... and stirred 4531 -saleuo->
and ......... and stole 2813 -klepto->
and ......... and stone 3035 -lithinos->
and ......... and stoned 3036 -lithoboleo->
and ......... and stonest 3036 -lithoboleo->
and ......... and stood 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... and stood 2186 -ephistemi->
and ......... and stood 2476 -histemi->
And ......... And stood 2476 -histemi->
and ......... and stooping 3879 -parakupto->
and ......... and stopped 4912 -sunecho->
And ......... And straightway 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... and straightway 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... and strange 3581 -xenos->
and ......... and strangers 1927 -epidemeo->
and ......... and strangers 3581 -xenos->
and ......... and strawed 4766 -stronnumi->
and ......... and strength 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... and strength 1849 -exousia->
and ......... and strength 2479 -ischus->
and ......... and strengthen 4741 -sterizo->
and ......... and strife 2052 -eritheia->
and ......... and strife 2054 -eris->
and ......... and strifes 3055 -logomachia->
and ......... and strivings 3163 -mache->
and ......... and strove 1264 -diamachomai->
and ......... and struck 3960 -patasso->
And ......... And such 5023 -tauta->
And ......... And such 5108 -toioutos->
and ......... and such 5125 -toutois->
and ......... and such as are in the sea 2281 -thalassa->
and ......... and sucklings 2337 -thelazo->
And ......... And suddenly 0869 -aphno->
and ......... and suddenly 1810 -exaiphnes->
And ......... And suddenly 1810 -exaiphnes->
And ......... And suddenly 1819 -exapina->
and ......... and suffer 3958 -pascho->
and ......... and suffer reproach 3679 -oneidizo->
and ......... and suffered 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... and superfluity 4050 -perisseia->
and ......... and superscription 1923 -epigraphe->
And ......... And supper 1173 -deipnon->
and ......... and supplication 1162 -deesis->
and ......... and supplications 2428 -hiketeria->
and ......... and supposed 1380 -dokeo->
and ......... and Susanna 4677 -Sousanna->
and ......... and swallow 2666 -katapino->
and ......... and swallowed 2666 -katapino->
And ......... And sware 3660 -omnuo->
and ......... and sweep 4563 -saroo->
and ......... and Syria 4947 -Suria->
and ......... and take 0142 -airo->
and ......... and take 0726 -harpazo->
And ......... And take 1209 -dechomai->
and ......... and take 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and take 3880 -paralambano->
And ......... And take heed 4337 -prosecho->
and ......... and take upon us the fellowship 2842 -koinonia->
and ......... and take your rest 0373 -anapano->
and ......... and taketh 0142 -airo->
and ......... and taketh 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and talked 2980 -laleo->
and ......... and talked 3656 -homileo->
and ......... and tarried 3306 -meno->
and ......... and taught 1321 -didasko->
and ......... and taught 3811 -paideuo->
and ......... and teach 1321 -didasko->
And ......... And teach 2605 -kataggello->
and ......... and teach 3100 -matheteuo->
and ......... and teachers 1320 -didaskalos->
and ......... and teachest 1321 -didasko->
and ......... and teaching 1321 -didasko->
and ......... and tears 1144 -dakru->
and ......... and tell 1650 -elegchos->
and ......... and tell 2036 -epo->
and ......... and telleth 3004 -lego->
and ......... and tempest 2366 -thuella->
and ......... and temptations 3986 -peirasmos->
and ......... and tempting 3985 -peirazo->
and ......... and ten , and spearmen 1187 -dexiolabos->
and ......... and ten , and spearmen 1187 -dexiolabos->
and ......... and ten 1176 -deka->
and ......... and testified 1263 -diamarturomai->
and ......... and testified 3140 -martureo->
and ......... and testify 3140 -martureo->
and ......... and testify 3143 -marturomai->
and ......... and testifying 1957 -epimartureo->
and ......... and Thaddaeus 2280 -Thaddaios->
and ......... and thanks 2169 -eucharistia->
and ......... and thanksgiving 2169 -eucharistia->
And ......... And that , knowing 1492 -eido->
and ......... and that all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and that are in earth 1093 -ge->
And ......... And that because 1223 -dia->
and ......... and that before 1909 -epi->
and ......... and that believing 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... and that burned 2545 -kaio->
and ......... and that by course 3313 -meros->
and ......... and that cannot 0180 -akatapaustos->
And ......... And that day 2250 -hemera->
And ......... And that every 3596 -hodoiporeo->
and ......... and that fadeth 0263 -amarantos->
and ......... and that followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
And ......... And that from a child 1025 -brephos->
And ......... And that he died 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... and that he had spoken 2036 -epo->
and ......... and that he had spoken 2980 -laleo->
and ......... and that he himself 0848 -hautou->
and ......... and that he himself 1438 -heautou->
and ......... and that he might comfort 3870 -parakaleo->
And ......... And that he might make 1107 -gnorizo->
And ......... And that he might reconcile 0604 -apokatallasso->
and ......... and that he rose 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... and that he should be the first 4413 -protos->
and ......... and that he should forbid 2967 -koluo->
and ......... and that he that thresheth 0248 -aloao->
and ......... and that he was born 1080 -gennao->
And ......... And that he was buried 2290 -thapto->
and ......... and that he was come 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And that he was seen 3700 -optanomai->
and ......... and that he were drowned 2670 -katapontizo->
and ......... and that hour 5610 -hora->
and ......... and that I may be the less 0253 -alupoteros->
and ......... and that I shall be found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and that Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
and ......... and that man 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... and that my service 1248 -diakonia->
and ......... and that night 3571 -nux->
And ......... And that no 3361 -me->
and ......... and that no 3762 -oudeis->
and ......... and that not of yourselves 5216 -humon->
and ......... and that obey 5219 -hupakouo->
and ......... and that of God 2316 -theos->
and ......... and that other 0243 -allos->
and ......... and that publickly 1219 -demosios->
And ......... And that repentance 3341 -metanoia->
And ......... And that servant 1401 -doulos->
and ......... and that signs 4591 -semaino->
And ......... And that the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->
and ......... and that the shame 0152 -aischune->
and ......... and that the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->
and ......... and that the whole 3650 -holos->
and ......... and that the world 2889 -kosmos->
and ......... and that there is none 3762 -oudeis->
and ......... and that they have addicted 5021 -tasso->
And ......... And that they may recover 0366 -ananepho->
and ......... and that they might be taken 0142 -airo->
and ......... and that they might have 2192 -echo->
and ......... and that they should bring 1402 -douloo->
and ......... and that they should kill 4969 -sphazo->
and ......... and that they which see 0991 -blepo->
and ......... and that they will hear 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and that this 3778 -houtos->
and ......... and that thou shouldest give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and that very 2735 -katorthoma->
And ......... And that we may be delivered 4506 -rhoumai->
and ......... and that we must 1163 -dei->
and ......... and that were lame 5560 -cholos->
and ......... and that which 3739 -hos->
And ......... And that which 3739 -hos->
And ......... And that which fell 4098 -pipto->
and ......... and that which is born 1080 -gennao->
and ......... and that wicked 4190 -poneros->
and ......... and that ye assist 3936 -paristemi->
and ......... and that ye have 2192 -echo->
and ......... and that ye likewise 2532 -kai->
and ......... and that ye may attend 2145 -euprosedros->
and ......... and that ye may believe 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... and that ye may have 2192 -echo->
And ......... And that ye put 1746 -enduo->
and ......... and that ye receive 2983 -lambano->
And ......... And that ye study 5389 -philotimeomai->
and ......... and that your 5216 -humon->
and ......... and that your brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and the abominable 0948 -bdelusso->
and ......... and the acknowledging 1922 -epignosis->
and ......... and the air 0109 -aer->
and ......... and the altar 2379 -thusiasterion->
And ......... And the angel 0032 -aggelos->
and ......... and the angel 0032 -aggelos->
and ......... and the angels 0032 -aggelos->
And ......... And the angels 0032 -aggelos->
And ......... And the apostles 0652 -apostolos->
and ......... and the ark 2787 -kibotos->
and ......... and the ark 2787 -kibotos->
And ......... And the armies 4753 -strateuma->
and ......... and the ashes 4700 -spodos->
and ......... and the babe 1025 -brephos->
And ......... And the barbarous 0915 -barbaros->
And ......... And the beast 2342 -therion->
and ......... and the beasts 2226 -zoon->
and ......... and the bed 2845 -koite->
and ......... and the belly 2836 -koilia->
and ......... and the beloved 0025 -agapao->
and ......... and the birds 4071 -peteinon->
And ......... And the blind 5185 -tuphlos->
and ......... and the blind 5185 -tuphlos->
and ......... and the blood 0129 -haima->
and ......... and the body 4983 -soma->
and ......... and the books 0975 -biblion->
and ......... and the bottles 0779 -askos->
and ......... and the bounds 3734 -horothesia->
and ......... and the bread 0740 -artos->
and ......... and the breadth 4114 -platos->
And ......... And the brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and the brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and the bride 3565 -numphe->
and ......... and the bright 2986 -lampros->
And ......... And the brother 0080 -adephos->
And ......... And the building 1739 -endomesis->
and ......... and the captain 4755 -strategos->
and ......... and the captain 5506 -chiliarchos->
and ......... and the care 3308 -merimna->
And ......... And the cares 3308 -merimna->
and ......... and the chains 0254 -halusis->
and ......... and the changers 2773 -kermatistes->
and ......... and the chief 0749 -archiereus->
And ......... And the chief 0749 -archiereus->
and ......... and the chief 4410 -protokathedria->
And ......... And the chief 4410 -protokathedria->
and ......... and the chief 4411 -protoklisia->
and ......... and the chief 4413 -protos->
And ......... And the chief 5506 -chiliarchos->
And ......... And the child 3813 -paidion->
and ......... and the children 3816 -pais->
and ......... and the children 5043 -teknon->
and ......... and the children 5207 -huios->
and ......... and the church 1577 -ekklesia->
and ......... and the cities 4172 -polis->
and ......... and the city 4172 -polis->
And ......... And the city 4172 -polis->
and ......... and the cock 0220 -alektor->
and ......... and the colt 4454 -polos->
and ......... and the commandment 1785 -entole->
And ......... And the commandment 1785 -entole->
And ......... And the common 4183 -polus->
and ......... and the communion 2842 -koinonia->
and ......... and the company 3793 -ochlos->
And ......... And the contention 3948 -paroxusmos->
and ......... and the covenants 1242 -diatheke->
and ......... and the craftsmen 5079 -technites->
and ......... and the cries 0995 -boe->
and ......... and the crooked 4646 -skolios->
and ......... and the cup 4221 -poterion->
and ......... and the damsel 2877 -korasion->
and ......... and the darkness 4653 -skotia->
and ......... and the daughter 2364 -thugater->
and ......... and the daughter 3565 -numphe->
and ......... and the day 2250 -hemera->
and ......... and the day 5459 -phosphoros->
and ......... and the day following 1836 -hexes->
And ......... And the day following 1966 -epiousa->
and ......... and the day following 2192 -echo->
and ......... and the dead 3498 -nekros->
and ......... and the deaf 2974 -kophos->
and ......... and the deceitfulness 0539 -apate->
And ......... And the devil 1228 -diabolos->
and ......... and the diminishing 2275 -hettema->
and ......... and the disciple 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... and the disciples 3101 -mathetes->
And ......... And the disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... and the diseases 3554 -nosos->
and ......... and the disobedient 0545 -apeithes->
and ......... and the door 2374 -thura->
and ......... and the dragon 1404 -drakon->
And ......... And the dragon 1404 -drakon->
and ......... and the dumb 0216 -alalos->
and ......... and the dwellers 2730 -katoikeo->
and ......... and the earth 1093 -ge->
And ......... And the earth 1093 -ge->
and ......... and the elders 4245 -presbuteros->
and ......... and the elect 1588 -eklektos->
and ......... and the elements 4747 -stoicheion->
and ......... and the end 5056 -telos->
and ......... and the end 5056 -telos->
and ......... and the ending 5056 -telos->
and ......... and the ending 5056 -telos->
and ......... and the eunuch 2135 -eunouchos->
And ......... And the eunuch 2135 -eunouchos->
And ......... And the evil 4190 -poneros->
and ......... and the express 5481 -charakter->
And ......... And the eye 3788 -ophthalmos->
And ......... And the eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->
and ......... and the faith 4102 -pistis->
and ......... and the false 5578 -pseudoprophetes->
And ......... And the fame 2279 -echos->
And ......... And the fame 5345 -pheme->
And ......... And the father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and the Father 3962 -pater->
And ......... And the Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and the father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and the feeble 3886 -paraluo->
and ......... and the fellowship 2842 -koinonia->
and ......... and the fever 4446 -puretos->
And ......... And the fifth 3991 -pemptos->
and ......... and the fire 4442 -pur->
and ......... and the first 4413 -protos->
And ......... And the first 4413 -protos->
and ......... and the first 4416 -prototokos->
and ......... and the fishes 2486 -ichthus->
and ......... and the flesh 4561 -sarx->
and ......... and the flood 2627 -kataklusmos->
and ......... and the floods 4215 -potamos->
and ......... and the flower 0438 -anthos->
And ......... And the foolish 3474 -moros->
and ......... and the forepart 4408 -prora->
And ......... And the foundations 2310 -themelios->
and ......... and the fountains 4077 -pege->
and ......... and the four 5064 -tessares->
And ......... And the four 5064 -tessares->
And ......... And the fourth 5067 -tetartos->
and ......... and the fourth 5067 -tetartos->
and ......... and the fowls 4071 -peteinon->
And ......... And the fruit 2590 -karpos->
And ......... And the fruits 3703 -opora->
and ......... and the fulness 4138 -pleroma->
and ......... and the gates 4439 -pule->
And ......... And the gates 4440 -pulon->
and ......... and the gates 4440 -pulon->
and ......... and the gift 1431 -dorea->
and ......... and the giving 3548 -nomothesia->
and ......... and the glorious 1391 -doxa->
and ......... and the glory 1391 -doxa->
And ......... And the glory 1391 -doxa->
And ......... And the God 2316 -theos->
and ......... and the God 2316 -theos->
And ......... And the gospel 2098 -euaggelion->
and ......... and the gospel s 2098 -euaggelion->
And ......... And the governor 2232 -hegemon->
and ......... and the governor 2232 -hegemon->
and ......... and the grace 2143 -euprepeia->
and ......... and the grace 5485 -charis->
And ......... And the grace 5485 -charis->
And ......... And the graves 3419 -mnemeion->
And ......... And the great 3173 -megas->
and ......... and the great 3175 -megistanes->
and ......... and the Greek 1672 -Hellen->
and ......... and the Greeks 1672 -Hellen->
and ......... and the halt 5560 -cholos->
And ......... And the hand 5495 -cheir->
and ......... and the harlots 4204 -porne->
and ......... and the head 2776 -kephale->
and ......... and the heads 2776 -kephale->
And ......... And the heaven 3772 -ouranos->
and ......... and the heaven 3772 -ouranos->
and ......... and the heavens 3772 -ouranos->
and ......... and the height 5311 -hupsos->
and ......... and the herd 0034 -agele->
And ......... And the high 0749 -archiereus->
and ......... and the high 0749 -archiereus->
and ......... and the highest 4410 -protokathedria->
and ......... and the hold 5438 -phulake->
and ......... and the Holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and the holy 0040 -hagios->
And ......... And the Holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and the house 3614 -oikia->
and ......... and the household 3624 -oikos->
And ......... And the husbandmen 1092 -georgos->
and ......... and the inhabitants 2730 -katoikeo->
And ......... And the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->
and ......... and the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->
and ......... and the judge 2923 -krites->
and ......... and the justifier 1344 -dikaioo->
And ......... And the keeper 1200 -desmophulax->
and ......... and the keepers 5441 -phulax->
And ......... And the king 0935 -basileus->
And ......... And the King 0935 -basileus->
and ......... and the kingdom 0932 -basileia->
And ......... And the kings 0935 -basileus->
and ......... and the kings 0935 -basileus->
and ......... and the Lamb 0721 -arnion->
and ......... and the lame 5560 -cholos->
and ......... and the land 1093 -ge->
and ......... and the last 2078 -eschatos->
and ......... and the last 2078 -eschatos->
and ......... and the law 3551 -nomos->
And ......... And the law 3551 -nomos->
and ......... and the leaves 5444 -phullon->
and ......... and the length 3372 -mekos->
and ......... and the life 2222 -zoe->
And ......... And the light 5457 -phos->
and ......... and the Lord 2962 -kurios->
And ......... And the lord 2962 -kurios->
And ......... And the Lord 2962 -kurios->
and ......... and the lot 2819 -kleros->
and ......... and the love 0026 -agape->
and ......... and the lust 1939 -epithumia->
and ......... and the lusts 1939 -epithumia->
and ......... and the maid 2877 -korasion->
and ......... and the maimed 0376 -anaperos->
And ......... And the man 0444 -anthropos->
And ......... And the men 0435 -aner->
And ......... And the merchants 1713 -emporos->
and ......... and the mighty 1415 -dunatos->
and ......... and the ministry 1248 -diakonia->
and ......... and the moon 4582 -selene->
and ......... and the more 4119 -pleion->
And ......... And the morrow 1887 -epaurion->
and ......... and the mother 3384 -meter->
And ......... And the multitude 3793 -ochlos->
and ......... and the multitude 4128 -plethos->
And ......... And the multitude 4128 -plethos->
And ......... And the multitudes 3793 -ochlos->
and ......... and the multitudes 3793 -ochlos->
and ......... and the name 3686 -onoma->
And ......... And the name 3686 -onoma->
And ......... And the napkin 4676 -soudarion->
And ......... And the nation 1484 -ethnos->
And ......... And the nations 1484 -ethnos->
and ......... and the next 1887 -epaurion->
And ......... And the next 1887 -epaurion->
and ......... and the next 1966 -epiousa->
And ......... And the next 1966 -epiousa->
And ......... And the next 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And the next 2087 -heteros->
and ......... and the next 2087 -heteros->
and ......... and the next 2192 -echo->
And ......... And the night 3571 -nux->
and ......... and the number 0706 -arithmos->
And ......... And the number 0706 -arithmos->
and ......... and the officer 4233 -praktor->
and ......... and the offspring 1085 -genos->
And ......... And the one 1520 -heis->
And ......... And the other 0243 -allos->
and ......... and the other 0243 -allos->
and ......... and the other 1520 -heis->
and ......... and the other 2087 -heteros->
And ......... And the other 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... and the other apostles 0652 -apostolos->
and ......... and the owner 3490 -naukleros->
and ......... and the oxen 1016 -bous->
and ......... and the paps 3149 -mastos->
And ......... And the passover 3957 -pascha->
And ......... And the patriarchs 3966 -patriarches->
And ......... And the peace 1515 -eirene->
And ......... And the people 1218 -demos->
And ......... And the people 2992 -laos->
and ......... and the people 2992 -laos->
and ......... and the people 3793 -ochlos->
And ......... And the people 3793 -ochlos->
and ......... and the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
And ......... And the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
and ......... and the piece 1915 -epiblema->
and ......... and the platter 4094 -pinax->
and ......... and the power 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... and the power 1849 -exousia->
and ......... and the powers 1411 -dunamis->
And ......... And the prayer 2171 -euche->
and ......... and the preaching 2782 -kerugma->
and ......... and the pride 0212 -alazoneia->
and ......... and the prince 0758 -archon->
and ......... and the prisoners 1198 -desmios->
and ......... and the promise 1860 -epaggelia->
and ......... and the prophets 4396 -prophetes->
And ......... And the publican 5057 -telones->
and ......... and the purple 4210 -porphurous->
and ......... and the raging 2830 -kludon->
And ......... And the rain 1028 -broche->
and ......... and the reapers 2327 -theristes->
and ......... and the region 5561 -chora->
and ......... and the rejoicing 2745 -kauchema->
And ......... And the remnant 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... and the remnant 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... and the rent 4978 -schisma->
And ......... And the rest 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... and the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->
and ......... and the rocks 4073 -petra->
and ......... and the rough 5138 -trachus->
and ......... and the ruin 4485 -rhegma->
And ......... And the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos->
And ......... And the rulers 0758 -archon->
and ......... and the rulers 0758 -archon->
and ......... and the rulers 4173 -politarches->
and ......... and the rust 2447 -ios->
and ......... and the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton->
and ......... and the Sadducees 4523 -Saddoukaios->
And ......... And the same 0846 -autos->
and ......... and the same 1565 -ekeinos->
And ......... And the same 1565 -ekeinos->
and ......... and the same 3778 -houtos->
And ......... And the same 5129 -toutoi->
And ......... And the saying 3056 -logos->
And ......... And the scribe 1122 -grammateus->
And ......... And the scribes 1122 -grammateus->
and ......... and the scribes 1122 -grammateus->
And ......... And the scripture 1124 -graphe->
and ......... and the scripture 1124 -graphe->
And ......... And the sea 2281 -thalassa->
and ......... and the sea 2281 -thalassa->
and ......... and the seasons 2540 -kairos->
and ......... and the seats 2515 -kathedra->
and ......... and the second 1208 -deuteros->
And ......... And the second 1208 -deuteros->
and ......... and the seed 4703 -sporos->
and ......... and the selfsame 0846 -autos->
And ......... And the serjeants 4465 -rhabdouchos->
And ......... And the serpent 3789 -ophis->
and ......... and the servant 1401 -doulos->
And ......... And the servant 1401 -doulos->
And ......... And the servants 1401 -doulos->
and ......... and the servants 5257 -huperetes->
and ......... and the service 2999 -latreia->
And ......... And the seven 2033 -hepta->
and ......... and the seven 2033 -hepta->
And ......... And the seventh 1442 -hebdomos->
And ......... And the seventy 1440 -hebdomekonta->
And ......... And the shapes 3667 -homoioma->
and ......... and the sheep 4263 -probaton->
And ......... And the shepherds 4166 -poimen->
and ......... and the shewbread 0740 -artos->
and ......... and the sin 0266 -hamartia->
and ......... and the sinner 0268 -hamartolos->
And ......... And the sixth 1623 -hektos->
And ......... And the smoke 2586 -kapnos->
And ......... And the soldiers 4754 -strateuomai->
And ......... And the soldiers 4757 -stratiotes->
and ......... and the soldiers 4757 -stratiotes->
and ......... and the son 5207 -huios->
And ......... And the son 5207 -huios->
and ......... and the Son 5207 -huios->
and ......... and the Son 5207->
and ......... and the Son 5207->
and ......... and the song 5603 -oide->
and ......... and the sons of Zebedee 2199 -Zebedaios->
And ......... And the sound 2279 -echos->
and ......... and the sound 5456 -phone->
and ......... and the sow 5300 -hus->
and ......... and the spirit 4151 -pneuma->
And ......... And the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->
and ......... and the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->
And ......... And the spirit cried 2896 -krazo->
And ......... And the spirits 4151 -pneuma->
and ......... and the sprinkling 4378 -proschusis->
and ......... and the star 0798 -astron->
And ......... And the stars 0792 -aster->
and ......... and the stars 0792 -aster->
and ......... and the stedfastness 4733 -stereoma->
and ......... and the street 4113 -plateia->
and ......... and the strength 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... and the string 1199 -desmon->
and ......... and the sun 2246 -helios->
And ......... And the sun 2246 -helios->
And ......... And the superscription 1923 -epigraphe->
and ......... and the supply 2024 -epichoregia->
and ......... and the sword 3162 -machaira->
and ......... and the table 5132 -trapeza->
and ......... and the tables 4109 -plax->
and ......... and the tables 4109 -plax->
And ......... And the temple 3485 -naos->
and ......... and the temple 3624 -oikos->
And ......... And the ten 1176 -deka->
and ......... and the tenth 1182 -dekatos->
and ......... and the things that therein 0846 -autos->
And ......... And the things that thou hast heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and the things which 3739 -hos->
and ......... and the things which are therein 0846 -autos->
And ......... And the third 5154 -tritos->
and ......... and the third 5154 -tritos->
and ......... and the thorns 0173 -akantha->
and ......... and The three 5140 -treis->
and ......... and the time 2540 -kairos->
and ......... and the time 5610 -hora->
And ......... And the times 5550 -chronos->
And ......... And the tongue 1100 -glossa->
and ......... and the true 0228 -alethinos->
and ......... and the truth 0225 -aletheia->
and ......... and the twelve 1427 -dodeka->
And ......... And the twelve 1427 -dodeka->
And ......... And the two 1417 -duo->
and ......... and the two 1417 -duo->
and ......... and the unbelieving 0571 -apistos->
and ......... and the uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia->
And ......... And the unclean 0169 -akathartos->
and ......... and the uppermost 4411 -protoklisia->
and ......... and the veil 2665 -katapetasma->
And ......... And the veil of the temple 3485 -naos->
And ......... And the very 0846 -autos->
and ......... and the vessel 4632 -skeuos->
and ......... and the violent 0973 -biastes->
and ......... and the virgin s 3933 -parthenos->
And ......... And the voice 5456 -phone->
and ......... and the voice 5456 -phone->
And ......... And the voices 5456 -phone->
and ......... and the wall 5038 -teichos->
And ......... And the wall 5038 -teichos->
and ......... and the water 5204 -hudor->
and ......... and the waves 2949 -kuma->
and ......... and the waves 4535 -salos->
and ......... and the way 3598 -hodos->
And ......... And the way 3598 -hodos->
and ......... and the weakness 0772 -asthenes->
and ......... and the wedding 1062 -gamos->
And ......... And the whole 0537 -hapas->
And ......... And the whole 3650 -holos->
and ......... and the whole 3650 -holos->
and ......... and the whole 3956 -pas->
And ......... And the whole 3956 -pas->
and ......... and the wife 1135 -gune->
And ......... And the wind 0417 -anemos->
and ......... and the wind 0417 -anemos->
and ......... and the winds 0417 -anemos->
and ......... and the wine 3631 -oinos->
And ......... And the winepress 3025 -lenos->
and ......... and the wisdom 4678 -sophia->
and ......... and the wolf 3074 -lukos->
And ......... And the woman 1135 -gune->
and ......... and the woman 1135 -gune->
and ......... and the wombs 2836 -koilia->
And ......... And the women 1135 -gune->
and ......... and the women 1135 -gune->
and ......... and the word 3056 -logos->
And ......... And the word 3056 -logos->
and ......... and the Word 3056 -logos->
And ......... And the Word 3056 -logos->
and ......... and the work 2041 -ergon->
and ......... and the works 2041 -ergon->
And ......... And the world 2889 -kosmos->
and ......... and the world 2889 -kosmos->
and ......... and the world 3625 -oikoumene->
And ......... And the writing 1125 -grapho->
and ......... and the young 3495 -neaniskos->
And ......... And the young 3501 -neos->
and ......... and the younger 3501 -neos->
And ......... And the younger 3501 -neos->
and ......... and their armies 4753 -strateuma->
and ......... and their brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and their conscience 4893 -suneidesis->
And ......... And their dead 4430 -ptoma->
and ......... and their debtors 3781 -opheiletes->
and ......... and their deep 0899 -bathos->
and ......... and their ears 3775 -ous->
and ......... and their enemies 2190 -echthros->
and ......... and their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->
And ......... And their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->
and ......... and their faces 4383 -prosopon->
and ......... and their father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and their foolish 0801 -asunetos->
and ......... and their iniquities 0458 -anomia->
and ......... and their mouth 4750 -stoma->
and ......... and their net 1350 -diktuon->
and ......... and their own 2398 -idios->
and ......... and their power 1849 -exousia->
and ......... and their rulers 0758 -archon->
and ......... and their sins 0265 -hamartema->
And ......... And their sins 0266 -hamartia->
and ......... and their sins 0266 -hamartia->
and ......... and their sores 1668 -helkos->
and ......... and their teeth 3599 -odous->
and ......... and their thoughts 3053 -logismos->
and ......... and their torment 0929 -basanismos->
And ......... And their word 3056 -logos->
And ......... And their words 4487 -rhema->
and ......... and their words 4487 -rhema->
and ......... and their works 2041 -ergon->
and ......... and them in Hierapolis 2404 -Hierapolis->
and ......... and them that bought 0059 -agorazo->
and ......... and them that commit 3431 -moicheuo->
and ......... and them that dwell 4637 -skenoo->
and ......... and them that fear 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... and them that had gotten the victory 3528 -nikao->
and ......... and them that hear 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and them that sat 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and them that sat 4873 -sunanakeimai->
and ......... and them that wept 2799 -klaio->
and ......... and them that were entering 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... and them that were possessed 1139 -daimonizomai->
and ......... and them that were with him , and entereth 1531 -
and ......... and them that were with him , and entereth 1531 -
and ......... and them that were with them ,
and ......... and them that worship 4352 -proskuneo->
and ......... and them that worshipped 4352 -proskuneo->
and ......... and them which do 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and them which dwell 2730 -katoikeo->
and ......... and then 1899 -epeita->
And ......... And then 5119 -tote->
and ......... and then 5119 -tote->
and ......... and then at my coming 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and then cometh 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and then lifted 1869 -epairo->
and ......... and then to the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->
and ......... and then took 0657 -apotassomai->
And ......... And thence 1564 -ekeithen->
and ......... and thence 1564 -ekeithen->
and ......... and there 1563 -ekei->
And ......... And there 1563 -ekei->
and ......... and there abode 1304 -diatribo->
And ......... And there abode 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And there accompanied 4902 -sunepomai->
And ......... And there appeared 3700 -optanomai->
And ......... And there are also 2532 -kai->
and ......... and there are deputies 0446 -anthupatos->
And ......... And there are differences 1243 -diairesis->
And ......... And there are diversities 1243 -diairesis->
and ......... and there are first 4413 -protos->
And ......... And there are seven 2033 -hepta->
and ......... and there are some eunuchs 2134 -eunouchizo->
And ......... And there are three 5140 -treis->
and ......... and there arose 0305 -anabaino->
And ......... And there arose 0450 -anistemi->
And ......... And there arose 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and there be eunuchs 2135 -eunouchos->
And ......... And there came 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and there came 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And there came 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And there came 1904 -eperchomai->
And ......... And there came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and there came 2597 -katabaino->
And ......... And there came 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and there come 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... and there fell 1096 -ginomai->
And ......... And there fell 2597 -katabaino->
and ......... and there fell 4098 -pipto->
And ......... And there followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
and ......... and there followed 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and there is a sin 0266 -hamartia->
and ......... and there is a spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->
and ......... and there is no 3756 -ou->
and ......... and there is none 3756 -ou->
And ......... And there sat 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... and there shall be earthquakes 4578 -seismos->
and ......... and there shall be famines 3042 -limos->
and ......... and there shall be no 3756 -ou->
And ......... And there shall be no 3756 -ou->
and ......... and there shall be one 3391 -mia->
And ......... And there shall be signs 4591 -semaino->
And ......... And there shall in no 3364 -ou me->
and ......... and there shall meet 0528 -apantao->
and ......... and there shall no 3756 -ou->
And ......... And there stood 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... and there to winter 3914 -paracheimazo->
and ......... and there was a calm 1055 -galene->
And ......... And there was a certain 5100 -tis->
And ......... And there was a cloud 3507 -nephele->
and ......... and there was a darkness 4655 -skotos->
And ......... And there was a division 4978 -schisma->
And ......... And there was a good 3112 -makran->
and ......... and there was a great 3173 -megas->
and ......... and there was a great 4183 -polus->
and ......... and there was a man 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... and there was a rainbow 2463 -iris->
And ......... And there was a widow 5503 -chera->
And ......... And there was also 2532 -kai->
And ......... And there was delivered 1929 -epididomi->
and ......... and there was gathered 4863 -sunago->
And ......... And there was given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and there was given 1325 -didomi->
And ......... And there was great 3173 -megas->
And ......... And there was in their synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->
And ......... And there was much 4183 -polus->
And ......... And there was one Anna 0451 -Anna->
And ......... And there was one named 3004 -lego->
and ......... and there was seen 3700 -optanomai->
and ......... and there was taken 0142 -airo->
And ......... And there was there 1563 -ekei->
And ......... And there was war 4171 -polemos->
And ......... And there went 1607 -ekporeuomai->
and ......... and there went 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And there went 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And there went 4848 -sumporeuomai->
And ......... And there were also 2532 -kai->
And ......... And there were also with him other 0243 -allos->
And ......... And there were certain 5100 -tis->
And ......... And there were dwelling 2730 -katoikeo->
and ......... and there were great 3173 -megas->
And ......... And there were in the same 0846 -autos->
and ......... and there were lightnings 0796 -astrape->
And ......... And there were many 2425 -hikanos->
and ......... and there were sealed 4972 -sphragizo->
And ......... And there were set 2749 -keimai->
And ......... And there were seven 2033 -hepta->
and ......... and there were seven 2033 -hepta->
And ......... And there were some 5100 -tis->
and ......... and there were stings 2759 -kentron->
and ......... and there were voices 5456 -phone->
And ......... And there were voices 5456 -phone->
And ......... And therefore 1352 -dio->
and ......... and therefore 1352 -dio->
and ......... and therefore 5124 -touto->
And ......... And therefore 5124 -touto->
and ......... and therewith 0846 -autos->
and ......... and these 3588 -ho->
and ......... and these 3778 -houtos->
And ......... And these 3778 -houtos->
And ......... And these 5023 -tauta->
and ......... and these 5023 -tauta->
and ......... and these 5130 -touton->
And ......... And they , continuing 4342 -proskartereo->
And ......... And they , when they had heard 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And they , when they had testified 1263 -
and ......... and they about 4012 -peri->
And ......... And they accompanied 4311 -propempo->
and ......... and they all 3956 -pas->
And ......... And they all 3956 -pas->
And ......... And they also 1161 -de->
and ......... and they also 2532 -kai->
And ......... And they answered 0611 -apokrinomai->
And ......... And they appointed 2476 -histemi->
and ......... and they are all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and they are burned 2545 -kaio->
And ......... And they are informed 2727 -katecheo->
and ......... and they are life 2222 -zoe->
and ......... and they are they which testify 3140 -martureo->
and ......... and they are written 1125 -grapho->
And ......... And they arrived 2668 -katapleo->
And ......... And they ascended 0305 -anabaino->
And ......... And they asked 1905 -eperotao->
and ......... and they asked 1905 -eperotao->
And ......... And they asked 2065 -erotao->
and ......... and they awake 1326 -diegeiro->
And ......... And they bare 5342 -phero->
and ......... and they beat 1194 -dero->
and ......... and they became 1096 -ginomai->
And ......... And they beckoned 2656 -kataneuo->
And ......... And they began 0756 -archomai->
And ......... And they being afraid 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... and they believed 0569 -apisteo->
and ......... and they beseech 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... and they besought 2065 -erotao->
and ......... and they besought 3870 -parakaleo->
And ......... And they besought 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... and they both 0297 -amphoteros->
and ......... and they bring 5342 -phero->
And ......... And they bring 5342 -phero->
And ......... And they brought 0071 -ago->
and ......... and they brought 4374 -prosphero->
And ......... And they brought 4374 -prosphero->
And ......... And they brought 5342 -phero->
and ......... and they call 4779 -sugkaleo->
And ......... And they call 5455 -phoneo->
And ......... And they called 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and they called 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and they came 0565 -aperchomai->
And ......... And they came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and they came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and they came 3854 -paraginomai->
And ......... And they came 4334 -proserchomai->
And ......... And they cast 0906 -ballo->
And ......... And they cast 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... and they cast 1977 -epirrhipto->
And ......... And they caught 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and they caused 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and they ceased 3973 -pauo->
and ......... and they chose 1586 -eklegomai->
And ......... And they clothed 1746 -enduo->
and ......... and they come 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... and they come 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And they come 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And they compel 0029 -aggareuo->
and ......... and they continued 3306 -meno->
And ......... And they continued 4342 -proskartereo->
and ......... and they could 1410 -dunamai->
And ......... And they could 2480 -ischuo->
And ......... And they cried 0349 -anakrazo->
And ......... And they cried 2896 -krazo->
and ......... and they cried 2896 -krazo->
and ......... and they crucified 4717 -stauroo->
And ......... And they crucified 4717 -stauroo->
and ......... and they declared 0312 -anaggello->
and ......... and they defile 2840 -koinoo->
And ......... And they departed 0565 -aperchomai->
And ......... And they departed 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And they departed 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... and they did 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And they did 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And they did all 3956 -pas->
And ......... And they did eat 5315 -phago->
And ......... And they did not receive 1209 -dechomai->
and ......... and they do obey 5219 -hupakouo->
And ......... And they drew 4264 -probibazo->
And ......... And they drew nigh 1448 -eggizo->
and ......... and they enter 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And they entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... and they feared 5399 -phobeo->
And ......... And they feared 5401 -phobos->
And ......... And they filled 1072 -gemizo->
and ......... and they filled 4130 -pletho->
and ......... and they followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
And ......... And they found 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And they gave 1325 -didomi->
And ......... And they gave 1929 -epididomi->
And ......... And they gave him audience 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And they glorified 1392 -doxazo->
and ......... and they glorified 1392 -doxazo->
and ......... and they gnashed 1031 -brucho->
and ......... and they gnawed 3145 -massaomai->
And ......... And they had 1510 -eimi->
And ......... And they had 2192 -echo->
And ......... And they had 2192 -echo->
and ......... and they had 2192 -echo->
and ......... and they had no 3761 -oude->
and ......... and they have 2192 -echo->
and ......... and they have done 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and they have not known 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and they have slain 0615 -apokteino->
And ......... And they heard 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And they held 2270 -hesuchazo->
And ......... And they immediately 2112 -eutheos->
And ......... And they kept 2902 -krateo->
And ......... And they kept 4601 -sigao->
and ......... and they knew 1912 -epibareo->
And ......... And they knew 1921 -epiginosko->
and ......... and they knew 1921 -epiginosko->
And ......... And they laid 1911 -epiballo->
And ......... And they laughed 2606 -katagelao->
And ......... And they launched 0321 -anago->
And ......... And they led 0520 -apago->
and ......... and they left 2641 -kataleipo->
and ......... and they let 0863 -aphiemi->
And ......... And they lifted 0142 -airo->
and ......... and they likewise 2532 -kai->
and ......... and they lived 2198 -zao->
and ......... and they loose 3089 -luo->
and ......... and they loved 0025 -agapao->
And ......... And they made 1770 -enneuo->
And ......... And they made 3447 -moschopoieo->
And ......... And they marvelled 2296 -thaumazo->
and ......... and they marvelled 2296 -thaumazo->
And ......... And they murmured 1690 -embrimaomai->
and ......... and they need 5532 -chreia->
And ......... And they neither 3777 -oute->
and ......... and they obey 5219 -hupakouo->
and ......... and they of Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->
And ......... And they of the circumcision 4061 -peritome->
And ......... And they of the people 2992 -laos->
And ......... And they overcame 3528 -nikao->
And ......... And they parted 1266 -diamerizo->
And ......... And they passing 3928 -parerchomai->
And ......... And they prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... and they put 4016 -periballo->
And ......... And they reasoned 1260 -dialogizomai->
And ......... And they reasoned 3049 -logizomai->
And ......... And they reasoned 4817 -sullogizomai->
and ......... and they receive 1209 -dechomai->
And ......... And they remembered 3415 -mnaomai->
and ......... and they repented 3340 -metanoeo->
and ......... and they rest 0372 -anapausis->
and ......... and they returned 5290 -hupostrepho->
And ......... And they returned 5290 -hupostrepho->
And ......... And they rose 0450 -anistemi->
And ......... And they said 2036 -epo->
and ......... and they said 2036 -epo->
And ......... And they said 3004 -lego->
And ......... And they sat 0377 -anapipto->
and ......... and they sat 2523 -kathizo->
And ......... And they say 3004 -lego->
and ......... and they say 3004 -lego->
and ......... and they see 0991 -blepo->
and ......... and they seek 2212 -zeteo->
And ......... And they send 0649 -apostello->
And ......... And they sent 0649 -apostello->
and ......... and they sent 1821 -exapostello->
and ......... and they set 1913 -epibibazo->
and ......... and they set 1940 -epikathizo->
And ......... And they shall be all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and they shall be my people 2992 -laos->
and ......... and they shall be to me a people 2992 -laos->
And ......... And they shall bring 5342 -phero->
and ......... and they shall call 2564 -kaleo->
And ......... And they shall come 2240 -heko->
and ......... and they shall condemn 2632 -katakrino->
And ......... And they shall fall 4098 -pipto->
and ......... and they shall gather 1996 -episunago->
and ......... and they shall gather 4816 -sullego->
and ......... and they shall hear 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And they shall kill 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... and they shall kill 0615 -apokteino->
And ......... And they shall mock 1702 -empaizo->
and ......... and they shall never 0165 -aion->
and ......... and they shall not escape 1628 -ekpheugo->
And ......... And they shall not teach 1321 -didasko->
and ......... and they shall prophesy 4395 -propheteuo->
and ......... and they shall recover 2573 -kalos->
and ......... and they shall reign 0936 -basileuo->
And ......... And they shall say 2046 -ereo->
And ......... And they shall scourge 3164 -machomai->
and ......... and they shall see 3700 -optanomai->
And ......... And they shall see 3708 -horao->
And ......... And they shall turn 0654 -apostrepho->
and ......... and they shall walk 4043 -peripateo->
And ......... And they sing 0103 -aido->
and ......... and they smote 4475 -rhapisma->
And ......... And they smote 5180 -tupto->
and ......... and they sought 0327 -anazeteo->
And ......... And they sought 2212 -zeteo->
and ......... and they sought 2212 -zeteo->
And ......... And they spake 2980 -laleo->
and ......... and they spake 2980 -laleo->
And ......... And they spit 1716 -emptuo->
And ......... And they stirred 4787 -sugkineo->
And ......... And they stoned 3036 -lithoboleo->
And ......... And they straightway 2112 -eutheos->
And ......... And they stripped 1562 -ekduo->
And ......... And they sung 0103 -aido->
And ......... And they talked 3656 -homileo->
And ......... And they that are Christ s 5547 -Christos->
and ......... and they that are otherwise 0247 -allos->
and ......... and they that are with him are called 2822 -kletos-
and ......... and they that bare 0941 -bastazo->
and ......... and they that be drunken 3184 -methuo->
And ......... And they that conducted 2525 -kathistemi->
And ......... And they that did eat 2068 -esthio->
And ......... And they that did eat 5315 -phago->
and ......... and they that dwell 2730 -katoikeo->
And ......... And they that dwell 2730 -katoikeo->
And ......... And they that fed 1006 -bosko->
and ......... and they that followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
And ......... And they that had eaten 2068 -esthio->
And ......... And they that had eaten 5315 -phago->
And ......... And they that had laid hold 2902 -krateo->
And ......... And they that have 2192 -echo->
and ......... and they that have done 4238 -prasso->
and ......... and they that have not heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and they that hear 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And they that heard 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And they that kept 1006 -bosko->
And ......... And they that passed 3899 -parapoeruomai->
and ......... and they that resist 0436 -anthistemi->
and ......... and they that sat 4775 -sugkathemai->
And ......... And they that sat 4873 -sunanakeimai->
And ......... And they that saw 1492 -eido->
And ......... And they that stood 3936 -paristemi->
And ......... And they that use 5530 -chraomai->
And ......... And they that weep 2799 -klaio->
And ......... And they that went 4254 -proago->
And ......... And they that were crucified 4957 -sustauroo->
and ......... and they that were ready 2092 -hetoimos->
And ......... And they that were sent 0649 -apostello->
And ......... And they that were sent 3992 -pempo->
And ......... And they that were vexed 3791 -ochleo->
and ......... and they that were with him , and called 4779 -
and ......... and they that were with him , and called 4779 -
and ......... and they that were with him , watching 5083 -tereo-
and ......... and they that were with him ;
and ......... and they that were with him followed 2614 -
and ......... and they that were with him said 2036 -epo->
and ......... and they that were with him were heavy 0916 -bareo-
And ......... And they that were with me saw 2300 -theaomai->
and ......... and they that worship 4352 -proskuneo->
and ......... and they themselves 0846 -autos->
and ......... and they to whom it was first 4386 -proteron->
And ......... And they told 0518 -apaggello->
And ......... And they told 1834 -exegeomai->
And ......... And they took 0142 -airo->
and ......... and they took 0142 -airo->
and ......... and they took 1921 -epiginosko->
And ......... And they took 1949 -epilambanomai->
and ......... and they took 1949 -epilambanomai->
And ......... And they took 2983 -lambano->
And ......... And they took 3880 -paralambano->
And ......... And they troubled 5015 -tarasso->
And ......... And they truly 3303 -men->
And ......... And they twain 1417 -duo->
and ......... and they twain 1417 -duo->
and ......... and they two 1417 -duo->
And ......... And they understood 4920 -suniemi->
and ......... and they unto the circumcision 4061 -peritome->
and ......... and they warmed 2328 -thermaino->
And ......... And they watched 3906 -paratereo->
And ......... And they went 0305 -anabaino->
And ......... And they went 0565 -aperchomai->
And ......... And they went 1531 -eisporeuomai->
and ......... and they went 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And they went 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... and they went 2597 -katabaino->
and ......... and they went 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... and they were affrighted 1568 -ekthambeo->
and ......... and they were afraid 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... and they were all 0537 -hapas->
And ......... And they were all 0537 -hapas->
And ......... And they were all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and they were all 3956 -pas->
And ......... And they were astonished 1605 -ekplesso->
And ......... And they were astonished 1839 -existemi->
And ......... And they were both 0297 -amphoteros->
and ......... and they were cast 0906 -ballo->
And ......... And they were exceeding 4970 -sphodra->
And ......... And they were filled 4130 -pletho->
and ......... and they were filled 4130 -pletho->
and ......... and they were filled 4845 -sumpleroo->
And ......... And they were glad 5463 -chairo->
and ......... and they were healed 2323 -therapeuo->
And ......... And they were in the way 3598 -hodos->
And ......... And they were instant 1945 -epikeimai->
And ......... And they were more 4119 -pleion->
And ......... And they were not able 2480 -ischuo->
and ......... and they were not afraid 5399 -phobeo->
And ......... And they were offended 4624 -skandalizo->
and ......... and they were sore 3029 -lian->
and ......... and they were talking 4814 -sullaleo->
And ......... And they were the more 2001 -episucho->
And ......... And they which 3588 -ho->
and ......... and they which 3739 -hos->
and ......... and they which before 4386 -proteron->
And ......... And they which heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and they which wait 4332 -prosedreuo->
And ......... And they which went 4254 -proago->
and ......... and they who are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
and ......... and they will scourge 3164 -machomai->
and ......... and they worshipped 4352 -proskuneo->
And ......... And they worshipped 4352 -proskuneo->
and ......... and they would 2309 -thelo->
and ......... and they wounded 5135 -traumatizo->
And ......... And they wrote 1125 -grapho->
and ......... and thine 3588 -ho->
and ......... and thine 4674 -sos->
and ......... and thine 4675 -sou->
and ......... and things in earth 1919 -epigeios->
and ......... and things under 2709 -katachthonios->
and ......... and things wherewith one 0240 -allelon->
and ......... and things which are despised 1848 -exoutheneo->
And ......... And think 1380 -dokeo->
And ......... And thinkest 3049 -logizomai->
and ......... and thirst 1372 -dipsao->
and ......... and thirst 1373 -dipsos->
and ......... and thirty 5144 -triakonta->
And ......... And this 3588 -ho->
and ......... and this 3778 -houtos->
And ......... And this 3778 -houtos->
And ......... And this 5026 -taute->
and ......... and this 5124 -touto->
And ......... And this 5124 -touto->
and ......... and this 5126 -touton->
And ......... And this they did , not as we hoped 1679 -elpizo->
And ......... And Thomas 2381 -Thomas->
and ......... and Thomas 2381 -Thomas->
and ......... and those 3588 -ho->
And ......... And those members of the body 4983 -soma->
and ......... and those that had the palsy 3885 -paralutikos->
and ......... and those which were lunatick 4583 -seleniazomai->
and ......... and thou , being 5607 -on->
And ......... And thou , Capernaum 2584 -Kapernaoum->
And ......... And thou , child 3813 -paidion->
And ......... And thou also 2532 -kai->
and ......... and thou art tormented 3600 -odunao->
and ......... and thou be cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and thou begin 0756 -archomai->
And ......... And thou Bethlehem 0965 -Bethleem->
and ......... and thou hast given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and thou hast made 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and thou hast taught 1321 -didasko->
and ......... and thou hast tried 3985 -peirazo->
and ......... and thou hearest 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and thou sayest 3004 -lego->
And ......... And thou shalt be blessed 3107 -makarios->
and ......... and thou shalt be saved 4982 -sozo->
and ......... and thou shalt call 2564 -kaleo->
And ......... And thou shalt have 2071 -esomai->
and ......... and thou shalt have 2192 -echo->
and ......... and thou shalt live 2198 -zao->
And ......... And thou shalt love 0025 -agapao->
and ......... and thou shalt not know 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and thou standest 2476 -histemi->
And ......... And though 1437 -ean->
and ......... and though 1437 -ean->
And ......... And though they found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and thousands 5505 -chilias->
and ......... and three 5140 -treis->
and ......... and threescore 1835 -hexekonta->
and ......... and threw 0906 -ballo->
And ......... And through 1223 -dia->
and ......... and through 1223 -dia->
And ......... And through 1722 -en->
And ......... And through 1909 -epi->
and ......... and throughout 1519 -eis->
and ......... and throughout 1722 -en->
and ......... and thrust 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and thunderings 1027 -bronte->
and ......... and thunders 1027 -bronte->
and ......... and thus 3779 -houto->
And ......... And thus 3779 -houto->
and ......... and thy brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and thy children 5043 -teknon->
and ......... and thy counsel 1012 -boule->
and ......... and thy father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and thy Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and thy house 3624 -oikos->
and ......... and thy labour 2873 -kopos->
and ......... and thy mother 3384 -meter->
and ......... and thy neighbour 4139 -plesion->
and ......... and thy patience 5281 -hupomone->
and ......... and thy speech 2981 -lalia->
and ......... and thy wife 1135 -gune->
and ......... and thy works 2041 -ergon->
and ......... and thy wrath 3709 -orge->
and ......... and thy years 2094 -etos->
and ......... and times 2540 -kairos->
and ......... and Timon 5096 -Timon->
and ......... and Timotheus 5095 -Timotheos->
and ......... and Timothy 5095 -Timotheos->
and ......... and to agree 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and to all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and to an innumerable 3461 -murias->
and ......... and to angels 0032 -aggelos->
and ......... and to another 0243 -allos->
and ......... and to another 3739 -hos->
and ......... and to Apollos 0625 -Apollos->
and ......... and to be admired 2296 -thaumazo->
and ......... and to be brought 4311 -propempo->
and ......... and to be called 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... and to be drunken 3182 -methusko->
and ......... and to be healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... and to be hungry 3983 -peinao->
and ......... and to be present 1736 -endemeo->
and ......... and to be very 0085 -ademoneo->
and ......... and to be with Christ 5547 -Christos->
and ......... and to birds 4071 -peteinon->
and ......... and to blaze 1310 -diaphemizo->
and ......... and to break 4919 -sunthrupto->
and ......... and to brotherly 5360 -philadelphia->
and ......... and to buffet 2852 -kolaphizo->
and ......... and to build 3618 -oikodomeo->
and ......... and to cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... and to cast 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... and to change 0236 -allasso->
and ......... and to cleanse 2511 -katharizo->
and ......... and to come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and to commit 4203 -porneuo->
and ......... and to communicate 2842 -koinonia->
and ......... and to conquer 3528 -nikao->
and ......... and to convince 1651 -elegcho->
and ......... and to convince 1827 -exelegcho->
and ......... and to crucify 4717 -stauroo->
and ......... and to cure 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... and to day 4594 -semeron->
and ......... and to death 2288 -thanatos->
and ......... and to destroy 0622 -apollumi->
and ......... and to die 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... and to do 1754 -energeo->
and ......... and to do 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and to do 4238 -prasso->
and ......... and to drink 4095 -pino->
and ......... and to eat 2068 -esthio->
and ......... and to eat 5315 -phago->
And ......... And to esteem 2233 -hegeomai->
and ......... and to every 1538 -hekastos->
and ......... and to every 3956 -pas->
and ......... and to give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and to go 4254 -proago->
and ......... and to God 2316 -theos->
And ......... And to godliness 2150 -eusebeia->
and ......... and to good 2570 -kalos->
And ......... And to have 2192 -echo->
and ......... and to have gained 2770 -kerdaino->
and ......... and to heal 2390 -iaomai->
and ......... and to hear 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And to her was granted 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and to him said 2036 -epo->
and ......... and to him that knocketh 2925 -krouo->
And ......... And to him they agreed 3982 -peitho->
And ......... And to him they had regard 4337 -prosecho->
and ......... and to him was given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and to his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... and to his seed 4690 -sperma->
and ......... and to his throne 2362 -thronos->
and ......... and to Iconium 2430 -Ikonion->
and ......... and to iniquity 0458 -anomia->
And ......... And to Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
and ......... and to judge 2919 -krino->
and ......... and to keep 3557 -nosphizomai->
and ......... and to keep 5083 -tereo->
and ......... and to kill 2380 -thuo->
and ......... and to knock 2925 -krouo->
And ......... And to know 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and to know 1097 -ginosko->
And ......... And to knowledge 1108 -gnosis->
and ......... and to let him have 2192 -echo->
and ......... and to loose 3089 -luo->
and ......... and to love 0025 -agapao->
And ......... And to love 0025 -agapao->
and ......... and to make 1107 -gnorizo->
And ......... And to make 5461 -photizo->
and ......... and to men 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... and to morrow 0839 -aurion->
and ......... and to my God 2316 -theos->
and ......... and to my servant 1401 -doulos->
And ......... And to offer 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and to open 0455 -anoigo->
And ......... And to our beloved 0027 -agapetos->
and ......... and to overcome 3528 -nikao->
And ......... And to pass 1330 -dierchomai->
and ......... and to patience 5281 -hupomone->
and ......... and to please 0700 -aresko->
and ......... and to please 1511 -einai->
and ......... and to preach 2784 -kerusso->
and ......... and to present 2476 -histemi->
and ......... and to prove 1381 -dokimazo->
and ......... and to provoke 0653 -apostomatizo->
and ......... and to put 0630 -apoluo->
and ......... and to read 0314 -anaginosko->
and ......... and to remember 3415 -mnaomai->
and ......... and to remember 3421 -mnemoneuo->
and ......... and to requite 0287 -amoibe->
and ......... and to reserve 5083 -tereo->
and ......... and to return 5290 -hupostrepho->
and ......... and to rise 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... and to save 4982 -sozo->
and ......... and to say 3004 -lego->
and ......... and to scourge 3164 -machomai->
and ......... and to seduce 4105 -planao->
and ......... and to smite 3960 -patasso->
and ......... and to spare 4052 -perisseuo->
and ......... and to stone 3036 -lithoboleo->
and ......... and to strangers 3581 -xenos->
and ......... and to suffer 5302 -hustereo->
and ......... and to swear 3660 -omnuo->
and ......... and to take 0726 -harpazo->
and ......... and to temperance 1466 -egkrateia->
and ......... and to testify 1263 -diamarturomai->
And ......... And to the angel 0032 -aggelos->
and ......... and to the Barbarians 0915 -barbaros->
and ......... and to the blood 0129 -haima->
and ......... and to the brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and to the church 1577 -ekklesia->
and ......... and to the doctrine 1319 -didaskalia->
and ......... and to the evil 4190 -poneros->
and ......... and to the faithful 4103 -pistos->
and ......... and to the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->
and ......... and to the Lamb 0721 -arnion->
and ......... and to the ministry 1248 -diakonia->
and ......... and to the other 0243 -allos->
and ......... and to the other 3739 -hos->
and ......... and to the people 3793 -ochlos->
and ......... and to the rest 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... and to the saints 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and to the soldiers 4757 -stratiotes->
and ......... and to the spirits 4151 -pneuma->
and ......... and to the unwise 0453 -anoetos->
And ......... And to the woman 1135 -gune->
and ......... and to the word 3056 -logos->
And ......... And to them it was given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and to them that give suck 2337 -thelazo->
and ......... and to them that were with me .
and ......... and to them were given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and to them which 3588 -ho->
And ......... And to this 5129 -toutoi->
And ......... And to thy seed 4690 -sperma->
and ......... and to turn 1994 -epistrepho->
and ......... and to us , to lay 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... and to virtue 0703 -arete->
And ......... And to wait 0362 -anemeno->
and ......... and to what 5101 -tis->
and ......... and to whom 3739 -hos->
And ......... And to whom 5101 -tis->
and ......... and to whom 5101 -tis->
and ......... and to wipe 1591 -ekmasso->
and ......... and to work 2038 -ergazomai->
And ......... And to you who are troubled 2346 -thlibo->
and ......... and told 0312 -anaggello->
and ......... and told 0518 -apaggello->
and ......... and told 1285 -diasapheo->
and ......... and told 2036 -epo->
and ......... and tongue 1100 -glossa->
and ......... and tongues 1100 -glossa->
and ......... and took 0142 -airo->
and ......... and took 0589 -apodemeo->
and ......... and took 1519 -eis->
and ......... and took 1949 -epilambanomai->
and ......... and took 1959 -epimeleomai->
and ......... and took 2507 -kathaireo->
and ......... and took 2902 -krateo->
and ......... and took 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and took 3880 -paralambano->
and ......... and took 4327 -prosdechomai->
and ......... and took 4838 -sumparalambano->
and ......... and took 4863 -sunago->
and ......... and torches 2985 -lampas->
and ......... and torments 0931 -basanos->
and ......... and tossed 4494 -rhipizo->
and ......... and touch 0680 -haptomai->
and ......... and touched 0680 -haptomai->
and ......... and toward 1519 -eis->
and ......... and toward men 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... and traded 2038 -ergazomai->
and ......... and travail 3449 -mochthos->
and ......... and travaileth 4944 -sunodino->
and ......... and tremble 5425 -phrisso->
and ......... and trembling 5141 -tremo->
and ......... and trembling 5156 -tromos->
and ......... and tribulation 2347 -thlipsis->
and ......... and tribulations 2347 -thlipsis->
and ......... and trimmed 2885 -kosmeo->
and ......... and Trophimus 5161 -Trophimos->
and ......... and troubled 5015 -tarasso->
and ......... and troubled 5182 -turbazo->
and ......... and troubles 5016 -tarache->
and ......... and true 0225 -aletheia->
and ......... and true 0228 -alethinos->
and ......... and True 0228 -alethinos->
And ......... And truly 3303 -men->
and ......... and trumpeters 4538 -salpistes->
and ......... and truth 0225 -aletheia->
and ......... and truth 0226 -aletheuo->
and ......... and Tryphosa 5173 -Truphosa->
and ......... and turn 1994 -epistrepho->
and ......... and turn 4762 -strepho->
and ......... and turned 1994 -epistrepho->
and ......... and turned 3179 -methistemi->
and ......... and turning 1994 -epistrepho->
And ......... And turning 5077 -tephroo->
and ......... and twenty 1501 -eikosi->
and ......... and two 1417 -duo->
And ......... And Tychicus 5190 -Tuchikos->
and ......... and unbelieving 0571 -apistos->
and ......... and unblameable 0299 -amomos->
and ......... and unblameably 0274 -amemptos->
and ......... and uncircumcised 0564 -aperitmetos->
and ......... and uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia->
And ......... And unclean 0169 -akathartos->
and ......... and uncondemned 0178 -akatakritos->
and ......... and undefiled 0283 -amiantos->
and ......... and under 2736 -kato->
and ......... and under 5270 -hupokato->
and ......... and understand 1492 -eido->
and ......... and understand 4920 -suniemi->
and ......... and understandeth 4920 -suniemi->
and ......... and unjust 0094 -adikos->
and ......... and unlearned 0521 -apaideutos->
and ......... and unprofitableness 0512 -anopheles->
and ......... and unreproveable 0410 -anegkletos->
and ......... and unrighteousness 0093 -adikia->
and ......... and unstable 0793 -asteriktos->
and ......... and unto all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and unto every 3956 -pas->
and ......... and unto God 2316 -theos->
And ......... And unto him that smiteth 5180 -tupto->
and ......... and unto Laodicea 2993 -Laodikeia->
and ......... and unto Laodicea 2993 -Laodikeia->
and ......... and unto magistrates 0796 -astrape->
and ......... and unto many 4183 -polus->
And ......... And unto one 3303 -men->
and ......... and unto Pergamos 4010 -Pergamos->
and ......... and unto Pergamos 4010 -Pergamos->
and ......... and unto Philadelphia 5359 -Philadelpheia->
and ......... and unto Philadelphia 5359 -Philadelpheia->
and ......... and unto Sardis 4554 -Sardeis->
and ......... and unto Sardis 4554 -Sardeis->
and ......... and unto Smyrna 4667 -Smurna->
and ......... and unto Smyrna 4667 -Smurna->
And ......... And unto the angel 0032 -aggelos->
and ......... and unto the city 4172 -polis->
and ......... and unto the doctrine 1319 -didaskalia->
and ......... and unto the Greeks 1672 -Hellen->
And ......... And unto the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->
and ......... and unto the Lamb 0721 -arnion->
And ......... And unto the married 1060 -gameo->
and ......... and unto the region 4066 -perichoros->
and ......... and unto the rest 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... and unto the scribes 1122 -grammateus->
and ......... and unto the uttermost 2078 -eschatos->
and ......... and unto them that look 0553 -apekdechomai->
and ......... and unto them was given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira->
and ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira->
and ......... and unto us by the will 2307 -thelema->
and ......... and upbraideth 3679 -oneidizo->
and ......... and upholding 5342 -phero->
And ......... And upon a set 5002 -taktos->
and ......... and upon all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and upon as many as heard 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And upon her forehead 3359 -metopon->
and ......... and upon her head 2776 -kephale->
and ......... and upon his heads 2776 -kephale->
and ......... and upon his horns 2768 -keras->
and ......... and upon the cloud 3507 -nephele->
and ......... and upon the earth 1093 -ge->
And ......... And upon the first 3391 -mia->
and ......... and upon the fountains 4077 -pege->
and ......... and upon the Israel 2474 -Israel->
and ......... and upon the seats 2362 -thronos->
and ......... and upon them which worshipped 4352 -proskuneo->
and ......... and upon this 5026 -taute->
And ......... And upon this 5129 -toutoi->
and ......... and us , and cried 2896 -krazo->
and ......... and us , and cried 2896 -krazo->
and ......... and us .
and ......... and utterance 3056 -logos->
and ......... and vain 2756 -kenos->
and ......... and vain 2757 -kenophonia->
and ......... and vain 3151 -mataiologos->
and ......... and vain 3152 -mataios->
and ......... and vapour 0822 -atmis->
and ......... and vehemently 2159 -eutonos->
and ......... and verily 0281 -amen->
And ......... And verily 3303 -men->
and ......... and verity 0225 -aletheia->
and ......... and very 0085 -ademoneo->
And ......... And very 3029 -lian->
and ......... and village 2968 -kome->
and ......... and villages 2968 -kome->
and ......... and virtue 0703 -arete->
and ......... and visit 1980 -episkeptomai->
and ......... and voices 5456 -phone->
and ......... and wailed 0214 -alalazo->
and ......... and wailing 3996 -pentheo->
and ......... and walk 4043 -peripateo->
And ......... And walk 4043 -peripateo->
and ......... and walked 4043 -peripateo->
and ......... and walkedst 4043 -peripateo->
and ......... and walketh 4043 -peripateo->
and ......... and walking 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... and wallowed 2947 -kulioo->
and ......... and wantonness 0766 -aselgeia->
and ......... and war 4170 -polemeo->
and ......... and ware 1737 -endidusko->
and ......... and warmed 2328 -thermaino->
and ......... and was a stranger 3941 -paroikos->
and ......... and was an hungred 3983 -peinao->
and ......... and was baptized 0907 -baptizo->
and ......... and was bowed 4794 -sugkupto->
and ......... and was buried 2290 -thapto->
and ......... and was carried 0667 -appohero->
and ......... and was come 1448 -eggizo->
and ......... and was come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and was confirmed 0950 -bebaioo->
and ......... and was dead 3498 -nekros->
and ......... and was delivered 5088 -tikto->
and ......... and was driven 1643 -elauno->
and ......... and was entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... and was exceeding 2316 -theos->
and ......... and was full of heaviness 0085 -ademoneo->
and ......... and was heard 1522 -eisakouo->
and ......... and was in the deserts 2048 -eremos->
and ......... and was laid 4369 -prostithemi->
and ......... and was led 0071 -ago->
and ......... and was lost 0622 -apollumi->
and ......... and was made 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and was manifested 5319 -phaneroo->
and ......... and was mighty 1415 -dunatos->
and ......... and was moved 4697 -splagchnizomai->
and ......... and was not able 2480 -ischuo->
and ......... and was not found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and was nothing 3367 -medeis->
and ......... and was raised 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... and was set 0377 -anapipto->
and ......... and was sick 3885 -paralutikos->
and ......... and was subject 5293 -hupotasso->
and ......... and was taken 0142 -airo->
And ......... And was there 1563 -ekei->
And ......... And was transfigured 3339 -metamorphoo->
and ......... and was troubled 1438 -heautou->
And ......... And was unknown 0050 -agnoeo->
and ......... and was with the wild 2342 -therion->
and ......... and was zealous 2207 -zelotes->
and ......... and wash 0628 -apolouo->
and ......... and wash 3538 -nipto->
and ......... and washed 0633 -aponipto->
and ......... and washed 3068 -louo->
and ......... and washed 3538 -nipto->
and ......... and wast 2258 -en->
and ......... and wasted 4199 -portheo->
and ......... and watch 1127 -gregoreuo->
and ......... and watch 3525 -nepho->
and ......... and watching 0069 -agrupneo->
and ......... and water 5204 -hudor->
and ......... and waxed 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and waxed 2901 -krataioo->
and ......... and waxeth 1095 -gerasko->
and ......... and we also 2532 -kai->
and ......... and we are found 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And we are his witnesses 3144 -martus->
and ......... and we are in him that is true 0228 -alethinos->
And ......... And we are witnesses 3144 -martus->
And ......... And we being exceedingly 4971 -sphodros->
And ......... And we believe 4100 -pisteuo->
And ......... And we beseech 2065 -erotao->
and ......... and we came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and we cannot 1410 -dunamai->
And ......... And we declare 2097 -euaggelizo->
And ......... And we desire 1937 -epithumeo->
and ......... and we entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... and we forbad 2967 -koluo->
And ......... And we have confidence 3982 -peitho->
And ......... And we have known 1097 -ginosko->
And ......... And we have seen 2300 -theaomai->
and ......... and we have seen 3708 -horao->
And ......... And we have sent 4842 -sumpempo->
And ......... And we indeed 3303 -men->
and ......... and we kneeled 1119 -gonu->
and ......... and we know 1492 -eido->
And ......... And we know 1492 -eido->
and ......... and we prophesy 4395 -propheteuo->
And ......... And we sailed 0636 -apopleo->
And ......... And we sailed 1602 -ekpleo->
and ......... and we sat 2523 -kathizo->
and ......... and we shall be changed 0236 -allasso->
and ......... and we shall reign 0936 -basileuo->
And ......... And we went 4281 -proerchomai->
And ......... And we were in all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and we were in that city 4172 -polis->
and ......... and we will believe 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... and weapons 3696 -hoplon->
and ......... and weep 2799 -klaio->
and ......... and weeping 2805 -klauthmos->
and ......... and went 0305 -anabaino->
and ......... and went 0402 -anachoreo->
and ......... and went 0565 -aperchomai->
And ......... And went 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... and went 0589 -apodemeo->
and ......... and went 1330 -dierchomai->
and ......... and went 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And went 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... and went 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... and went 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and went 3987 -peirao->
and ......... and went 4198 -poreuomai->
And ......... And went 4334 -proserchomai->
and ......... and went 4848 -sumporeuomai->
and ......... and went 4897 -suneiserchomai->
and ......... and went 4905 -sunerchomai->
and ......... and went 5217 -hupago->
and ......... and wept 2799 -klaio->
and ......... and were afraid 1719 -emphobos->
and ......... and were afraid 5399 -phobeo->
And ......... And were all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and were all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and were amazed 1611 -ekstasis->
And ......... And were baptized 0907 -baptizo->
and ......... and were baptized 0907 -baptizo->
And ......... And were beyond 5249 -huperperissos->
and ......... and were by nature 5449 -phusis->
And ......... And were carried 3346 -metatithemi->
and ......... and were choked 0638 -apopnigo->
and ......... and were choked 4155 -pnigo->
and ......... and were come 1975 -epiporeuomai->
and ......... and were come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and were confounded 4797 -sugcheo->
And ......... And were continually 1725 -enanti->
and ......... and were desired 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... and were destroyed 0622 -apollumi->
and ......... and were edified 3618 -oikodomeo->
and ......... and were filled 4130 -pletho->
and ......... and were filled 4137 -pleroo->
and ......... and were filled 5526 -chortazo->
and ......... and were forbidden 2967 -koluo->
and ......... and were healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... and were in doubt 1280 -diaporeo->
and ......... and were made 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and were never 4455 -popote->
and ......... and were not a little 3357 -metrios->
and ......... and were scattered 4496 -rhipto->
and ......... and were set 4776 -sugkathizo->
and ......... and were shamefully 5195 -hubrizo->
and ......... and were sore 4970 -sphodra->
and ......... and wert graffed 1461 -egkentrizo->
and ......... and west 1424 -dusme->
and ......... and what 3739 -hos->
And ......... And what 3739 -hos->
and ......... and what 3745 -hosos->
and ......... and what 4217 -potapos->
and ......... and what 5101 -tis->
And ......... And what 5101 -tis->
And ......... And whatsoever 0302 -an->
And ......... And whatsoever 1437 -ean->
and ......... and whatsoever 1437 -ean->
And ......... And whatsoever 5100 -tis->
and ......... and wheat 4621 -sitos->
and ......... and when 1875 -epan->
and ......... and when 3588 -ho->
And ......... And when 3588 -ho->
and ......... and when 3752 -hotan->
And ......... And when 3752 -hotan->
and ......... and when 3753 -hote->
And ......... And when 3753 -hote->
And ......... And when 4218 -pote->
And ......... And when 5613 -hos->
And ......... And when a convenient 2121 -eukairos->
And ......... And when even 3798 -opsios->
And ......... And when Felix 5344 -Phelix->
And ......... And when forty 5062 -tessarakonta->
And ......... And when Gallio 1058 -Gallion->
And ......... And when he came 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And when he came 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And when he came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and when he came 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And when he cometh 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and when he could 1410 -dunamai->
And ......... And when he had agreed 4856 -sumphoneo->
And ......... And when he had apprehended 4084 -piazo->
And ......... And when he had begun 0756 -archomai->
and ......... and when he had broken 2806 -klao->
And ......... And when he had brought 0321 -anago->
And ......... And when he had called 4341 -proskaleomai->
And ......... And when he had considered 4894 -suneido->
And ......... And when he had declared 1834 -exegeomai->
And ......... And when he had destroyed 2507 -kathaireo->
And ......... And when he had fasted 3522 -nesteuo->
And ......... And when he had found 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And when he had gathered 4863 -sunago->
And ......... And when he had given him licence 2010 -epitrepo->
And ......... And when he had given thanks 2168 -eucharisteo->
and ......... and when he had given thanks 2168 -eucharisteo->
And ......... And when he had gone 1330 -dierchomai->
And ......... And when he had gone 4260 -probaino->
And ......... And when he had landed 2718 -katerchomai->
and ......... and when he had looked 4017 -periblepo->
And ......... And when he had looked 4017 -periblepo->
And ......... And when he had made 4160 -poieo->
And ......... And when he had opened 0380 -anaptusso->
And ......... And when he had received 2983 -lambano->
And ......... And when he had removed 3179 -methistemi->
And ......... And when he had said 2036 -epo->
And ......... And when he had said 3004 -lego->
And ......... And when he had saluted 0782 -aspazomai->
And ......... And when he had sent 0630 -apoluo->
And ......... And when he had sent 0657 -apotassomai->
And ......... And when he had so 5124 -touto->
And ......... And when he had spent 1159 -dapanao->
and ......... and when he had spit 4429 -ptuo->
And ......... And when he had spoken 2036 -epo->
And ......... And when he had taken 2983 -lambano->
And ......... And when he had tarried 1304 -diatribo->
and ......... and when he had tasted 1089 -geuomai->
And ......... And when he had thus 5023 -tauta->
And ......... And when he had thus 5124 -touto->
And ......... And when he hath found 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And when he heard 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And when he is come 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And when he knew 1097 -ginosko->
And ......... And when he looked 0816 -atenizo->
And ......... And when he returned 5290 -hupostrepho->
And ......... And when he rose 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... and when he saw 1492 -eido->
And ......... And when he saw 1492 -eido->
And ......... And when he thought 1911 -epiballo->
And ......... And when he thus 5023 -tauta->
And ......... And when he was at 1909 -epi->
and ......... and when he was baptized 0907 -baptizo->
And ......... And when he was called 2564 -kaleo->
And ......... And when he was cast 1620 -ektithemi->
And ......... And when he was come 1448 -eggizo->
And ......... And when he was come 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And when he was come 1684 -embaino->
And ......... And when he was come 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And when he was come 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And when he was come 3854 -paraginomai->
And ......... And when he was demanded 1905 -eperotao->
And ......... And when he was departed 3327 -metabaino->
And ......... And when he was disposed 1014 -boo -lom -ahee->
And ......... And when he was entered 1684 -embaino->
And ......... And when he was gone 1607 -ekporeuomai->
And ......... And when he was gone 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... and when he was set 2523 -kathizo->
And ......... And when he went 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And when he would 2309 -thelo->
And ......... And when he would not be persuaded 3982 -peitho->
And ......... And when her masters 2962 -kurios->
And ......... And when Herod 2264 -Herodes->
And ......... And when his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... and when his eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->
And ......... And when his friends 3844 -para->
and ......... and when I saw 1492 -eido->
And ......... And when I was present 3918 -pareimi->
And ......... And when I was present 3918 -pareimi->
And ......... And when I would have known 1097 -ginosko->
And ......... And when it was day 2250 -hemera->
And ......... And when it was evening 3798 -opsios->
And ......... And when it was told 3377 -menuo->
And ......... And when James 2385 -Iakobos->
And ......... And when Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
And ......... And when Joseph 2501 -Ioseph->
And ......... And when much 4183 -polus->
And ......... And when neither 3383 -mete->
And ......... And when one 5100 -tis->
And ......... And when Paul 3972 -Paulos->
And ......... And when Paul s 3972 -Paulos->
And ......... And when Peter 4074 -Petros->
and ......... and when sailing 4144 -ploos->
And ......... And when Saul 4569 -Saulos->
And ......... And when she had so 5023 -tauta->
And ......... And when she had thus 5023 -tauta->
And ......... And when she hath found 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And when she knew 1921 -epiginosko->
And ......... And when she saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... and when she saw 1492 -eido->
And ......... And when she was come 0565 -aperchomai->
And ......... And when Simon 4613 -Simon->
And ......... And when the centurion 2760 -kenturion->
And ......... And when the chief 0749 -archiereus->
And ......... And when the chief 0750 -archipoimen->
And ......... And when the daughter 2364 -thugater->
And ......... And when the day 2250 -hemera->
And ......... And when the day 5610 -hora->
And ......... And when the devil 1140 -daimonion->
And ......... And when the devil 1228 -diabolos->
And ......... And when the disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... and when the evening 3798 -opsios->
and ......... and when the flood 4132 -plemmura->
And ......... And when the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->
And ......... And when the governor 2232 -hegemon->
And ......... And when the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->
And ......... And when the king 0935 -basileus->
And ......... And when the Lord 2962 -kurios->
And ......... And when the men 0435 -aner->
And ......... And when the messengers 0032 -aggelos->
And ......... And when the multitude 3793 -ochlos->
And ......... And when the people 3793 -ochlos->
and ......... and when the people 3793 -ochlos->
And ......... And when the Pharisee 5330 -Pharisaios->
And ......... And when the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
And ......... And when the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton->
And ......... And when the scribes 1122 -grammateus->
And ......... And when the seven 2033 -hepta->
And ......... And when the ship 4143 -ploion->
And ......... And when the sixth 1623 -hektos->
And ......... And when the south 3558 -notos->
And ......... And when the sun 2246 -helios->
And ......... And when the tempter 3985 -peirazo->
And ......... And when the ten 1176 -deka->
And ......... And when the townclerk 1122 -grammateus->
And ......... And when the unclean 0169 -akathartos->
And ......... And when the woman 1135 -gune->
And ......... And when there arose 1096 -ginomai->
And ......... And when there had been 1096 -ginomai->
And ......... And when there was made 1096 -ginomai->
And ......... And when these 5130 -touton->
And ......... And when they agreed 0800 -asumphonos->
And ......... And when they came 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And when they came 3854 -paraginomai->
And ......... And when they come from the market 0058 -agora->
And ......... And when they could 1410 -dunamai->
And ......... And when they could not find 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And when they found 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And when they had 2192 -echo->
And ......... And when they had appointed 5021 -tasso->
And ......... And when they had blindfolded 4028 -perikalupto->
And ......... And when they had bound 1210 -deo->
And ......... And when they had brought 0071 -ago->
And ......... And when they had brought 2609 -katago->
and ......... and when they had called 4341 -proskaleomai->
And ......... And when they had crucified 4717 -stauroo->
And ......... And when they had eaten 2880 -korennumi->
And ......... And when they had fasted 3522 -nesteuo->
And ......... And when they had found 2147 -heurisko->
And ......... And when they had fulfilled 5048 -teleioo->
and ......... and when they had gathered 4863 -sunago->
And ......... And when they had gone 1330 -dierchomai->
and ......... and when they had gone 1339 -diistemi->
And ......... And when they had kindled 0681 -hapto->
And ......... And when they had laid 2007 -epitithemi->
And ......... And when they had lifted 1869 -epairo->
and ......... and when they had opened 0455 -anoigo->
And ......... And when they had ordained 5500 -cheirotoneo->
And ......... And when they had passed 1276 -diaperao->
And ......... And when they had platted 4120 -pleko->
And ......... And when they had prayed 1189 -deomai->
and ......... and when they had prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->
And ......... And when they had preached 2097 -euaggelizo->
And ......... And when they had preached 2980 -laleo->
And ......... And when they had received 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and when they had seen 1492 -eido->
And ......... And when they had seen 1492 -eido->
And ......... And when they had sent 0863 -aphiemi->
And ......... And when they had set 2476 -histemi->
and ......... and when they had set 2476 -histemi->
And ......... And when they had sung 5214 -humneo->
And ......... And when they had taken 2983 -lambano->
And ......... And when they had taken 4014 -periaireo->
And ......... And when they had this 5124 -touto->
And ......... And when they heard 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And when they knew 1097 -ginosko->
And ......... And when they looked 0308 -anablepo->
And ......... And when they opposed 0498 -antitassomai->
and ......... and when they saw 1492 -eido->
And ......... And when they saw 1492 -eido->
And ......... And when they wanted 5302 -hustereo->
And ......... And when they were assembled 4863 -sunago->
And ......... And when they were at 1722 -en->
and ......... and when they were awake 1235 -diagregoreo->
And ......... And when they were come 1684 -embaino->
And ......... And when they were come 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... And when they were come 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... And when they were come 3854 -paraginomai->
and ......... and when they were come 4905 -sunerchomai->
And ......... And when they were departed 0402 -anachoreo->
and ......... and when they were ended 4931 -sunteleo->
And ......... And when they were escaped 1295 -diasozo->
And ......... And when they were gone 0402 -anachoreo->
And ......... And when they were gone 1276 -diaperao->
and ......... and when they were put 0337 -anaireo->
and ......... and when thou hast shut 2808 -kleio->
and ......... and when we departed 0321 -anago->
And ......... And when we had finished 1274 -dianuo->
And ......... And when we had launched 0321 -anago->
And ......... And when we had sailed 1020 -braduploeo->
And ......... And when we had sailed 1277 -diapleo->
And ......... And when we had taken 0782 -aspazomai->
And ......... And when we were all 3956 -pas->
And ......... And when we were come 1096 -ginomai->
And ......... And when ye come 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... And when Zacharias 2197 -Zacharias->
and ......... and whence 4159 -pothen->
And ......... And whence 4159 -pothen->
and ......... and whensoever 3752 -hotan->
and ......... and where 3699 -hopou->
and ......... and where 3757 -hou->
and ......... and where 4226 -pou->
And ......... And wherefore 5101 -tis->
and ......... and wherein 3757 -hou->
And ......... And wheresoever 0302 -an->
And ......... And wheresoever 1437 -ean->
and ......... and whereunto 5101 -tis->
And ......... And whether 1535 -eite->
and ......... and whether 5037 -te->
and ......... and which 3588 -ho->
and ......... and which 3748 -hostis->
And ......... And which 5101 -tis->
and ......... and which entereth 1535 -eite->
And ......... And while 3739 -hos->
And ......... And while 5613 -hos->
and ......... and while 5613 -hos->
And ......... And while he yet 2089 -eti->
And ......... And while they abode 0390 -anastrepho->
And ......... And while they went 0565 -aperchomai->
And ......... And while they yet 2089 -eti->
and ......... and white 2986 -lampros->
And ......... And white 3022 -leukos->
and ......... and white 3022 -leukos->
And ......... And whither 3699 -hopou->
and ......... and whither 4226 -pou->
And ......... And whithersoever 0302 -an->
And ......... And who 5101 -tis->
and ......... and who 5101 -tis->
and ......... and whom 3739 -hos->
and ......... and whoremongers 4205 -pornos->
and ......... and whose 3588 -ho->
and ......... and whose 3739 -hos->
And ......... And whoso 0302 -an->
and ......... and whoso 3588 -ho->
And ......... And whoso 3588 -ho->
And ......... And whosoever 0302 -an->
and ......... and whosoever 0302 -an->
and ......... and whosoever 1437 -ean->
And ......... And whosoever 1437 -ean->
And ......... And whosoever 3156 -Matthaios->
and ......... and whosoever 3156 -Matthaios->
And ......... And whosoever 3588 -ho->
and ......... and whosoever 3588 -ho->
And ......... And whosoever 3739 -hos->
And ......... And whosoever 3748 -hostis->
and ......... and why 1302 -diati->
And ......... And why 5101 -tis->
and ......... and wicked 4190 -poneros->
and ......... and wickedness 4189 -poneria->
and ......... and widows 5503 -chera->
and ......... and wife 1135 -gune->
and ......... and wild 0066 -agrios->
and ......... and wild 2342 -therion->
and ......... and will also 2532 -kai->
And ......... And will be a Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... and will bring 0114 -atheteo->
and ......... and will build 0456 -anoikodomeo->
and ......... and will cut 1371 -dichotomeo->
and ......... and will declare 1107 -gnorizo->
and ......... and will do 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and will fight 4170 -polemeo->
and ......... and will gather 4863 -sunago->
and ......... and will give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and will know 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and will make 5319 -phaneroo->
And ......... And will not rather say 2046 -ereo->
and ......... and will not repent 3338 -metamellomai->
and ......... and will not straightway 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... and will not tarry 5549 -chronizo->
and ......... and will preserve 4982 -sozo->
and ......... and will rejoice 5463 -chairo->
and ......... and will remove 2795 -kineo->
and ......... and will say 2046 -ereo->
and ......... and wilt thou rear 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... and wine 3631 -oinos->
and ......... and winter 3914 -paracheimazo->
and ......... and wiped 1591 -ekmasso->
and ......... and wisdom 4678 -sophia->
and ......... and wise 4680 -sophos->
and ......... and wise 5429 -phronimos->
and ......... and wished 2172 -euchomai->
and ......... and with a certain 5100 -tis->
and ......... and with a girdle 2223 -zone->
and ......... and with a loud 3173 -megas->
and ......... and with all 3650 -holos->
And ......... And with all 3956 -pas->
and ......... and with an high 5308 -hupselos->
and ......... and with death 2288 -thanatos->
and ......... and with divers 4164 -poikilos->
and ......... and with fire 4442 -pur->
And ......... And with great 3173 -megas->
and ......... and with him a great 4183 -polus->
and ......... and with him an hundred 1540 -hekaton->
and ......... and with him I sent 4882 -sunapostello->
and ......... and with him Priscilla 4252 -Priscilla->
and ......... and with him the false 5578 -pseudoprophetes->
And ......... And with him they crucify 4717 -stauroo->
and ......... and with him were assembled 4905 -sunerchomai->
and ......... and with his brethren 0080 -adephos->
and ......... and with his finger 1147 -daktulos->
and ......... and with his Son 5207 -huios->
and ......... and with hunger 3042 -limos->
And ......... And with many 4119 -pleion->
And ......... And with many 4183 -polus->
and ......... and with other 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... and with our fathers 3962 -pater->
and ......... and with power 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... and with staves 3586 -xulon->
and ......... and with the beasts 2342 -therion->
and ......... and with the blood 0129 -haima->
and ......... and with the devout 4576 -sebomai->
and ......... and with the Holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and with the house 3624 -oikos->
and ......... and with the mouth 4750 -stoma->
and ......... and with the trump 4536 -salpigx->
and ......... and with them they do hurt 0091 -adikeo->
And ......... And with these 5023 -tauta->
and ......... and with what 3739 -hos->
And ......... And withal 0260 -hama->
and ......... and within 1223 -dia->
and ......... and without 0112 -atheos->
and ......... and without 0299 -amomos->
and ......... and without 0505 -anupokritos->
and ......... and without 0677 -aproskopos->
and ......... and without 0784 -aspilos->
And ......... And without 3672 -homologoumenos->
And ......... And without 5565 -choris->
and ......... and without 5565 -choris->
And ......... And woe 3759 -ouai->
and ......... and women 1135 -gune->
and ......... and wonder 2296 -thaumazo->
and ......... and wondered 1839 -existemi->
and ......... and wondered 2296 -thaumazo->
and ......... and wonders 5059 -teras->
and ......... and word 3056 -logos->
and ......... and work 2041 -ergon->
and ......... and worketh 1754 -energeo->
and ......... and worldly 2886 -kosmikos->
and ......... and worse 5501 -cheiron->
and ......... and worship 4352 -proskuneo->
and ......... and worshipped 4352 -proskuneo->
and ......... and worshipped 4573 -sebazomai->
and ......... and worshipping 2356 -threskeia->
and ......... and worthy 0514 -axios->
and ......... and would 2309 -thelo->
and ......... and would 3195 -mello->
and ......... and would have set 4900 -sunelauno->
and ......... and would not have suffered 1439 -eao->
And ......... And would not suffer 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... and wound 1210 -deo->
and ......... and wound 5180 -tupto->
and ......... and wounded 5135 -traumatizo->
and ......... and wounded him in the head 2775 -kephalaioo->
and ......... and wrapped 1750 -eneileo->
and ......... and wrapped 1794 -entulisso->
and ......... and wrapped 4683 -sparganoo->
and ......... and wrath 2372 -thumos->
and ......... and wrath 3709 -orge->
and ......... and write 1125 -grapho->
and ......... and write 1924 -epigrapho->
and ......... and wrote 1125 -grapho->
and ......... and ye all 3956 -pas->
And ......... And ye also 2532 -kai->
And ......... And ye are Christ s 5547 -Christos->
and ......... and ye are clean 2513 -katharos->
And ......... And ye are complete 4137 -pleroo->
and ......... and ye are entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... and ye are not your 5216 -humon->
And ......... And ye are puffed 5448 -phusioo->
and ......... and ye are strong 1415 -dunatos->
And ......... And ye are witnesses 3144 -martus->
And ......... And ye became 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... and ye begin 0756 -archomai->
and ......... and ye believed 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... and ye burdened 2347 -thlipsis->
and ......... and ye came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... and ye clothed 4016 -periballo->
and ......... and ye did not hear 0191 -akouo->
and ......... and ye do 4160 -poieo->
and ......... and ye do dishonour 0818 -atimazo->
and ......... and ye gave 1325 -didomi->
and ......... and ye gave 4222 -potizo->
And ......... And ye have 2192 -echo->
And ......... And ye have forgotten 1585 -eklanthanomai->
And ......... And ye have respect 1914 -epiblepo->
and ......... and ye holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... and ye in me , and I in you .
and ......... and ye in me , and I in you .
and ......... and ye know 1492 -eido->
And ......... And ye know 1492 -eido->
and ......... and ye laid no 3756 -ou->
And ......... And ye now 3568 -nun->
and ......... and ye on 1722 -en->
and ......... and ye receive 2983 -lambano->
and ......... and ye say 3004 -lego->
and ......... and ye see 2334 -theoreo->
And ......... And ye shall be betrayed 3860 -paradidomi->
And ......... And ye shall be brought 0071 -ago->
and ......... and ye shall be brought 2476 -histemi->
and ......... and ye shall be forgiven 0630 -apoluo->
And ......... And ye shall be hated 3404 -miseo->
and ......... and ye shall be sorrowful 3076 -lupeo->
and ......... and ye shall be the children 5207 -huios->
and ......... and ye shall find 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... and ye shall have 2192 -echo->
And ......... And ye shall hear 0191 -akouo->
And ......... And ye shall know 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... and ye shall not fulfil 5055 -teleo->
and ......... and ye shall not see 3700 -optanomai->
and ......... and ye shall receive 2983 -lambano->
And ......... And ye shall say 2046 -ereo->
and ......... and ye shall see 3700 -optanomai->
And ......... And ye suffer 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... and ye that dwell 4637 -skenoo->
and ......... and ye that fear 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... and ye took 2902 -krateo->
and ......... and ye took 4863 -sunago->
and ......... and ye visited 1980 -episkeptomai->
and ......... and ye were willing 2309 -thelo->
And ......... And ye will 2309 -thelo->
and ......... and ye would 2309 -thelo->
and ......... and ye yourselves 0846 -autos->
And ......... And ye yourselves like 3664 -homoios->
and ......... and years 1763 -eniautos->
and ......... and yet 2089 -eti->
and ......... and yet for all 3779 -houto->
and ......... and yet have believed 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... and yet I am 1510 -eimi->
And ......... And yet I say 3004 -lego->
And ......... And yet if 1437 -ean->
and ......... and yet none 3762 -oudeis->
and ......... and yet offend 4417 -ptaio->
and ......... and yet possessing 2722 -katecho->
and ......... and yet thou never 3763 -oudepote->
and ......... and yet true 0227 -alethes->
and ......... and yet well 1921 -epiginosko->
and ......... and yielded 0591 -apodidomi->
and ......... and yielded 1634 -ekpsucho->
And ......... And you , being 5607 -on->
And ......... And you , that were sometime 4218 -pote->
And ......... And you hath he quickened , who were dead 3498 -
and ......... and you yourselves thrust 1544 -ekballo->
And ......... And your 3588 -ho->
and ......... and your 3588 -ho->
and ......... and your 5216 -humon->
and ......... and yours 5216 -humon->
And ......... And Zacchaeus 2195 -Zakchaios->
And ......... And Zacharias 2197 -Zacharias->
and ......... and Zara 2196 -Zara->
And ......... And Zorobabel 2216 -Zorobabel->
and ......... any falsely ; and be content 0714 -arkeo->
and ......... apostles and prophets 4396 -prophetes->
and ......... are , and shall be tormented 0928 -basanizo->
and ......... are , and the earth 1093 -ge->
and ......... are , and the sea 2281 -thalassa->
and ......... are , and the things which 3739 -hos->
and ......... are taught 2312 -theodidaktos and 2312 theologos->
and ......... are ye : and be not afraid 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... art in me , and I in thee , that they also 2532 -
and ......... as we are , and he prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... at him , and turned 4762 -strepho->
and ......... away , and the lust 1939 -epithumia->
and ......... away , and the mountains 3735 -oros->
and ......... away : and every 3956 -pas->
and ......... away : and I spake 2036 -epo->
and ......... away : and who 5101 -tis->
and ......... away ; and there was found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... away ; and there was no 3756 -ou->
And ......... be ! And the hand 5495 -cheir->
and ......... be to you , and peace 1515 -eirene->
and ......... be to you and peace 1515 -eirene->
and ......... be unto you , and peace 1515 -eirene->
and ......... bread , and came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... bread : and the chief 0749 -archiereus->
and ......... But and if 1437 -ean->
and ......... But and if ye suffer 3958 -pascho->
and ......... but I and the Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... by , and beheld 0333 -antheoreo->
and ......... by , and consenting 4909 -suneudokeo->
and ......... by , and heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... by , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... by and by he is offended 4624 -skandalizo->
and ......... by him , and for him :
and ......... by him , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... by him , and the fetters 3976 -pede->
and ......... by him , and the world 2889 -kosmos->
and ......... by him : and he was perplexed 1280 -diaporeo->
and ......... by him ; and without 5565 -choris->
and ......... by it , and by all 3956 -pas->
and ......... by it , and by him that dwelleth 2730 -katoikeo->
and ......... by reproaches 3680 > and afflictions 2347 -
and ......... by reproaches 3680> and afflictions 2347 -thlipsis-
and ......... Christ ; and shall deceive 4105 -planao->
and ......... Christ ; and the time 2540 -kairos->
and ......... colour , and decked 5558 -chrusoo->
and ......... day , and said 3004 -lego->
and ......... day ; and his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... do we and the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
and ......... down , and cried 2896 -krazo->
and ......... down , and gave up the ghost 1634 -ekpsucho->
and ......... down , and prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... down , and shaken 4531 -saleuo->
and ......... down , and shall be found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... down , and worshipped 4352 -proskuneo->
and ......... down ; and I will build 0456 -anoikodomeo->
and ......... down and unloose 3089 -luo->
and ......... down and worshipped 4352 -proskuneo->
and ......... down to him , and saying 3004 -lego->
and ......... exceedingly , and the charity 0026 -agape->
and ......... fast , and hold 2902 -krateo->
and ......... fast , and remained 3306 -meno->
and ......... fast , and repent 3340 -metanoeo->
and ......... fellow , and a mover 2795 -kineo->
and ......... fields ; and his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... folk , and healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... folks , and them which were vexed 3791 -ochleo->
and ......... for and hasting 4692 -speudo->
and ......... for him , and found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... for him , and seeking 2212 -zeteo->
and ......... for him : and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... For of him , and through 1223 -dia->
and ......... for thee , and hath had compassion 1653 -eleeo->
and ......... for thee , and one 3391 -mia->
and ......... for thee , and one for Moses 3475 -Moseus->
and ......... for them , and had called 4779 -sugkaleo->
and ......... for them , and rose 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... for us : and we ought 3784 -opheilo->
and ......... for us and you : but go 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... for you , and fill 0466 -antanapleroo->
and ......... for you , and for them at 1722 -en->
and ......... for you , and them that are in Laodicea 2993 -
and ......... for you , and to desire 0154 -aiteo->
and ......... from another ? and what 5101 -tis->
and ......... from him , and give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... from him , and he hath sent 0649 -apostello->
and ......... from him , and he was cleansed 2511 -katharizo->
and ......... from him , and put 1745 -endusis->
and ......... from him , and put 1746 -enduo->
and ......... from thee , and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... from thee , and thou shalt find 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... from them , and carried 0399 -anaphero->
and ......... from them , and had launched 0321 -anago->
and ......... from them , and separated 0873 -aphorizo->
and ......... from them , and the evil 4190 -poneros->
and ......... from them , and then 5119 -tote->
and ......... from you , and given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... from you unto us , and brought 2097 -euaggelizo->
and ......... hand , and another 1520 -heis->
and ......... hand , and on 1537 -ek->
and ......... hand , and sailed 4126 -pleo->
and ......... hand , and the other 1520 -heis->
and ......... hand , and the other 3739 -hos->
and ......... hand , and the seven 2033 -hepta->
and ......... hand : and many 4183 -polus->
and ......... hand : and they bowed 1120 -gonupeteo->
and ......... hand and on 1537 -ek->
and ......... hand and on the left 0710 -aristeros->
and ......... have mercy , and whom 3739 -hos->
and ......... he , and his mother 3384 -meter->
and ......... he , and our fathers 3962 -pater->
and ......... he , and taketh 3880 -paralambano->
and ......... he , and that I do 4160 -poieo->
and ......... he , and they that were with him ?
And ......... he . And Judas 2455 -Ioudas->
and ......... he : and after 3326 -meta->
and ......... he and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... he is , and yet he hath opened 0455 -anoigo->
and ......... he not unto them : and when they were alone 2398 -
and ......... he them in , and lodged 3579 -xenizo->
and ......... he was , and what 5101 -tis->
And ......... he was . And when he understood 4441 -punthanomai->
and ......... he was : and when he saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... he was : and when they had broken 1846 -exorusso->
and ......... he was ; and could 1410 -dunamai->
and ......... her , and died 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... her , and lament 2875 -kopto->
and ......... her , and left 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... her , and rebuked 2008 -epitimao->
and ......... her , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... her , and she ministered 1247 -diakoneo->
and ......... her : and immediately 3916 -parachrema->
and ......... her : and she arose 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... her ; and in like 5615 -hosautos->
and ......... her to him , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... her up , and when he had called 5455 -phoneo->
and ......... her up ; and immediately 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... her way , and called 5455 -phoneo->
and ......... herself , and saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... him , and , behold 2400 -idou->
and ......... him , and arrayed 4016 -periballo->
and ......... him , and avenged 1557 -ekdikesis->
and ......... him , and beat 1194 -dero->
and ......... him , and began 0756 -archomai->
and ......... him , and bring 0071 -ago->
and ......... him , and brought 0071 -ago->
and ......... him , and brought 1521 -eisago->
and ......... him , and came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... him , and cast 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... him , and causeth 4160 -poieo->
and ......... him , and comfort 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... him , and commanded 2753 -keleuo->
and ......... him , and cried 2896 -krazo->
and ......... him , and departed 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... him , and desiring 0154 -aiteo->
and ......... him , and embracing 4843 -sumperilambano->
and ......... him , and fell 4098 -pipto->
and ......... him , and fled 5343 -pheugo->
and ......... him , and forgave 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... him , and forthwith 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... him , and from Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->
and ......... him , and given 5483 -charizomai->
and ......... him , and had compassion 4697 -splagchnizomai->
and ......... him , and have been taught 1321 -didasko->
and ......... him , and have seen 3708 -horao->
and ......... him , and he healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... him , and he suddenly 1810 -exaiphnes->
and ......... him , and healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... him , and healed 2390 -iaomai->
and ......... him , and how 5613 -hos->
and ......... him , and I will take 0142 -airo->
and ......... him , and it is he that talketh 2980 -laleo->
and ......... him , and keep 5083 -tereo->
and ......... him , and keepeth 5083 -tereo->
and ......... him , and killed 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... him , and kneeling 1120 -gonupeteo->
and ......... him , and know 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... him , and lead 0520 -apago->
and ......... him , and leave 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... him , and led 0520 -apago->
and ......... him , and led 1806 -exago->
and ......... him , and let 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... him , and let him go 0630 -apoluo->
and ......... him , and let us seize 2722 -katecho->
and ......... him , and ministered 1247 -diakoneo->
and ......... him , and mocked 1702 -empaizo->
and ......... him , and parted 1266 -diamerizo->
and ......... him , and perceiving 1492 -eido->
and ......... him , and put 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... him , and put 4060 -peritithemi->
and ......... him , and put 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... him , and ran 4936 -suntrecho->
and ......... him , and release 0630 -apoluo->
and ......... him , and returned 5290 -hupostrepho->
and ......... him , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... him , and said 3004 -lego->
and ......... him , and said 5346 -phemi->
and ......... him , and saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... him , and say 3004 -lego->
and ......... him , and saying 3004 -lego->
and ......... him , and secure 0275 -amerimnos->
and ......... him , and sent 0649 -apostello->
and ......... him , and sent 1821 -exapostello->
and ......... him , and shall scourge 3164 -machomai->
and ......... him , and shall spit 1716 -emptuo->
and ......... him , and smote 1194 -dero->
and ......... him , and so did his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... him , and the inheritance 2817 -kleronomia->
and ......... him , and the malefactors 2557 -kakourgos->
and ......... him , and the power 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... him , and the publicans 5052 -telesphoreo->
and ......... him , and the third 5154 -tritos->
and ......... him , and they also which 3748 -hostis->
and ......... him , and they said 2036 -epo->
and ......... him , and thronged 4918 -sunthlibo->
and ......... him , and to be healed 2390 -iaomai->
and ......... him , and to cover 4028 -perikalupto->
and ......... him , and to every 1538 -hekastos->
and ......... him , and to him , are all 3956 -pas->
and ......... him , and to say 3004 -lego->
and ......... him , and told 0518 -apaggello->
and ......... him , and told 2036 -epo->
and ......... him , and took 2902 -krateo->
and ......... him , and took 3880 -paralambano->
and ......... him , and touched 0680 -haptomai->
and ......... him , and turned 1994 -epistrepho->
and ......... him , and two 1417 -duo->
and ......... him , and we will come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... him , and went 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... him , and went 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... him , and were troubled 5015 -tarasso->
and ......... him , and will manifest 1718 -emphanizo->
and ......... him , and with a loud 3173 -megas->
and ......... him , and worketh 2038 -ergazomai->
And ......... him . And he said 3004 -lego->
And ......... him . And Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
And ......... him . And some 5100 -tis->
and ......... him : and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... him : and he foameth 0875 -aphrizo->
and ......... him : and he received 1209 -dechomai->
and ......... him : and he was kept 5442 -phulasso->
and ......... him : and I will raise 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... him : and if 1437 -ean->
and ......... him : and now 3568 -nun->
and ......... him : and the chief 5506 -chiliarchos->
and ......... him : and the Romans 4514 -Rhomaios->
and ......... him : and the third 5154 -tritos->
and ......... him : and the witnesses 3144 -martus->
and ......... him : and they went 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... him : and we , or 4253 -pro->
and ......... him : and when they had opened 0455 -anoigo->
and ......... him : and ye , when ye had seen 1492 -eido->
and ......... him ; and after that he is killed 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... him ; and he fell 4098 -pipto->
and ......... him ; and he healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... him ; and he sat 2523 -kathizo->
and ......... him ; and he vanished 0855 -aphantos->
and ......... him ; and if 1437 -ean->
and ......... him ; and others 3588 -ho->
and ......... him ; and put 1325 -didomi->
and ......... him ; and the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
and ......... him ; and they feared 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... him ; and they were full 1073 -gemo->
and ......... him ; and when he heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... him ; and wist 1492 -eido->
and ......... him and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... him and said 5346 -phemi->
and ......... him away , and say 2036 -epo->
and ......... him down , and tare 4952 -susparasso->
and ......... him from them , and in their hearts 2588 -kardia->
and ......... him in , and came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... him in , and to lay 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... him in sunder , and will appoint 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... him of his raiment , and wounded 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... him ourselves , and know 1492 -eido->
and ......... him out , and buried 2290 -thapto->
and ......... him out ; and they could 1410 -dunamai->
and ......... him out ; and they could 2489 -Ioanna->
and ......... him out ; and when he had found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... him unto him : and when he saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... him unto them , and expounded 1620 -ektithemi->
And ......... him unto you ? And they covenanted 2476 -histemi->
and ......... him up , and carried 1627 -ekphero->
and ......... him up , and nourished 0397 -anatrepho->
and ......... him up , and set 4972 -sphragizo->
and ......... him up : and immediately 3916 -parachrema->
and ......... him up ; and he arose 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... him up ; and if he have committed 4160 -poieo->
and ......... himself , and brought 0654 -apostrepho->
and ......... himself , and make 0347 -anaklino->
and ......... himself , and went 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... his way , and communed 4814 -sullaleo->
and ......... his way , and entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... his way , and published 2784 -kerusso->
and ......... his way , and straightway 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... house , and received 0588 -apodechomai->
and ......... I and my Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... I and the children 3813 -paidion->
and ......... I in them , and thou in me , that they may be made
5048 -teleioo->
and ......... I say , and willing 2106 -eudokeo->
and ......... I to thee ; and these 5023 -tauta->
And ......... I will give you . And they went 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... I with you , and then I go 5217 -hupago->
and ......... in , and came 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... in , and danced 3738 -orcheomai->
and ......... in , and dwell 2730 -katoikeo->
and ......... in , and found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... in , and prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... in , and putting 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... in , and sat 0377 -anapipto->
and ......... in , and sat 2521 -kathemai->
and ......... in , and shall not be able 2480 -ischuo->
and ......... in , and told 0518 -apaggello->
and ......... in , and took 2902 -krateo->
and ......... in and dwell 2730 -katoikeo->
and ......... in and going 1607 -ekporeuomai->
and ......... in and out , and find 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... in and out , and find 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... in and out among 1909 -epi->
and ......... in him , and he in God 2316 -theos->
And ......... in him , and he in him . And hereby 5129 -toutoi->
and ......... in him , and he in him . And hereby 5129 -toutoi->
and ......... in him , and he in us , because 3754 -hoti->
And ......... in him . And again 3825 -palin->
and ......... in him : and he cannot 1410 -dunamai->
and ......... in him and in you : because 3754 -hoti->
and ......... in it , and built 3618 -oikodomeo->
And ......... in me , And he was reckoned 3049 -logizomai->
and ......... in me , and I in him , the same 3778 -houtos->
and ......... in me , and I in him .
and ......... in me , and I in you . As the branch 2814 -klema->
and ......... in me , and my words 4487 -rhema->
and ......... in me , and now 3568 -nun->
and ......... in me : and the life which 3739 -hos->
and ......... in the morning , and taught 1321 -didasko->
and ......... in thee , and that my name 3686 -onoma->
and ......... in thee ; and no 3364 -ou me->
and ......... in thee ; and the sound 5456 -phone->
and ......... in thee ; and the voice 5456 -phone->
and ......... in them , and walk 1704 -emperipateo->
and ......... in them ; and I will be their God 2316 -theos->
and ......... in to him , and saying 2036 -epo->
and ......... in to him , and will sup 1172 -deipneo->
and ......... in unto her , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... in unto them , and three 5140 -treis->
and ......... in us , and his love 0025 -agapao->
and ......... in us , and shall be with us for ever 0165->
and ......... in us , and shall be with us for ever 0165->
and ......... in you , and that your 5216 -humon->
and ......... in you , and ye have overcome 3528 -nikao->
and ......... in you , and ye in him , according 2596 -kata->
and ......... in you , and ye need 5532 -chreia->
and ......... inasmuch 2526 -katholikos and 2526 katho->
and ......... into the sea , and get 1826 -exeimi->
and ......... is , and go 5217 -hupago->
and ......... is , and is in bondage 1398 -douleuo->
and ......... is , and of that which is to come 3195 -mello->
and ......... is , and the other 0243 -allos->
and ......... is , and to morrow 0839 -aurion->
and ......... is , and which 3588 -ho->
and ......... is , and which 3588 -ho->
and ......... is : and thou holdest 2902 -krateo->
and ......... is in me , and I in him .
and ......... Is it I ? and another 0243 -allos->
and ......... is not by and by .
and ......... is unto you , and to your 5216 -humon->
and ......... is upon thee , and thou shalt be blind 5185 -
and ......... it , and bear 3140 -martureo->
and ......... it , and brake 2806 -klao->
and ......... it , and bring 2592 -karpophoreo->
and ......... it , and brought 5342 -phero->
and ......... it , and did eat 5315 -phago->
and ......... it , and digged 3736 > a place for the winefat
5276 -hupolenion->
and ......... it , and digged 3736> a place for the winefat 5276
and ......... it , and dung 2874 -kopria->
and ......... it , and eat 2719 -katesthio->
and ......... it , and for conscience 4893 -suneidesis->
and ......... it , and gave 1325 -didomi->
and ......... it , and it yielded 1325 -didomi->
and ......... it , and likewise 3668 -homoios->
and ......... it , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... it , and smote 3817 -paio->
and ......... it , and sought 2212 -zeteo->
and ......... it , and that no 3756 -ou->
and ......... it , and the Lamb 0721 -arnion->
and ......... it , and the rest 3062 -loipoy->
and ......... it , and was glad 5463 -chairo->
and ......... it , and went 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... it , and will glorify 1392 -doxazo->
And ......... it . And he saith 3004 -lego->
And ......... it . And when 3753 -hote->
and ......... it : and whosoever 0302 -an->
and ......... it ; and commanded 2036 -epo->
and ......... it ; and he that hateth 3404 -miseo->
and ......... it ; and let us eat 5315 -phago->
and ......... it ; and shall desire 1937 -epithumeo->
and ......... it ; and whosoever 1437 -ean->
and ......... it and them . Now 1161 -de->
and ......... it away : and he that is in the field 0068 -agros->
and ......... it down , and I have 2192 -echo->
and ......... it from you , and judge 2919 -krino->
and ......... it not : and they feared 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... it out , and cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... it out : and his hand 5495 -cheir->
and ......... it to them : and they all 3956 -pas->
and ......... it up ; and it shall make 4087 -pikraino->
and ......... it up ; and it was in my mouth 4750 -stoma->
and ......... longsuffering and doctrine 1322 -didache->
and ......... loosed , and he spake 2980 -laleo->
and ......... man , and my wife 1135 -gune->
and ......... man , and not willing 2309 -thelo->
and ......... man , and one that feared 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... man , and release 0630 -apoluo->
and ......... man : and every 3956 -pas->
and ......... man ? and then 5119 -tote->
and ......... man and a publican 5057 -telones->
and ......... man and endued 1990 -epistemon->
and ......... man unto him , and besought 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... me , and believe 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... me , and by it slew 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... me , and gave 3860 -paradidomi->
and ......... me , and hast loved 0025 -agapao->
and ......... me , and have believed 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... me , and I forgive 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... me , and I live 2198 -zao->
and ......... me , and I will 3195 -mello->
and ......... me , and I will deliver 3860 -paradidomi->
and ......... me , and I will make 4160 -poieo->
and ......... me , and I will tell 2046 -ereo->
and ......... me , and receiveth 2983 -lambano->
and ......... me , and saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... me , and see 1492 -eido->
and ......... me , and shall die 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... me , and shall not find 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... me , and to finish 5048 -teleioo->
and ......... me , and was not ashamed 1870 -epaischunomai->
and ......... me , and we entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... me , and ye know 1492 -eido->
And ......... me . And he arose 0450 -anistemi->
and ......... me : and , Because 3754 -hoti->
and ......... me : and again 3825 -palin->
and ......... me : and as I said 2036 -epo->
and ......... me : and he that gathereth 4863 -sunago->
and ......... me : and he that loveth 0025 -agapao->
and ......... me : and I say 3004 -lego->
and ......... me : and where 3699 -hopou->
and ......... me : and whosoever 1437 -ean->
and ......... me ; and he that despiseth 0114 -atheteo->
and ......... me ; and he that gathereth 4863 -sunago->
and ......... me ; and he that receiveth 2983 -lambano->
and ......... me ; and let 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... me ; and none 3762 -oudeis->
and ......... me ; and they have received 2983 -lambano->
and ......... me ; and where 3699 -hopou->
And ......... me ? And he desired 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... me and my Father 3962 -pater->
and ......... me and them which journeyed 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... me by and by in a charger 4094 -pinax->
and ......... me may be in them , and I in them .
and ......... me unto him , and prayed 2065 -erotao->
and ......... meat , and upbraided 3679 -oneidizo->
and ......... men , and every 3956 -pas->
and ......... men , and holiness 0038 -hagiasmos->
and ......... men , and of the truth 0225 -aletheia->
and ......... men , and scribes 1122 -grammateus->
and ......... men , and the chief 5506 -chiliarchos->
and ......... men , and the flesh 4561 -sarx->
and ......... men , and the rich 4145 -plousios->
and ......... men , and will let 1554 -ekdidomi->
and ......... men : and they counted 4860 -sumpsephizo->
and ......... my sheep , and am known 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... my way , and ye shall seek 2212 -zeteo->
and ......... not , and did commit 4160 -poieo->
and ......... not , and gather 4863 -sunago->
and ......... not , and giveth God 2316 -theos->
and ......... not , and if he be pleased 4909 -suneudokeo->
and ......... not , and lie 5574 -pseudomai->
and ......... not , and she be pleased 4909 -suneudokeo->
and ......... not , and the fire 4442 -pur->
and ......... not , and the men 0444 -anthropos->
and ......... not , and their damnation 0684 -apoleia->
And ......... not , And to seeds 4690 -sperma->
and ......... not , and who 5101 -tis->
and ......... not , and ye shall not be condemned 2613 -
and ......... not , and ye shall not be judged 2919 -krino->
And ......... not . And if 1437 -ean->
And ......... not . And many 4183 -polus->
and ......... not : and when 4218 -pote->
and ......... not ; and hearing 0191 -akouo->
and ......... not ; and it shall be given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... not ; and let not him which eateth 2068 -esthio->
and ......... not ; and shall utterly 2704 -katphtheiro->
and ......... not ; and they that buy 0059 -agorazo->
and ......... not ; and they that rejoice 5463 -chairo->
and ......... not ; and yet I say 3004 -lego->
and ......... not down , and reapest 2325 -therizo->
and ......... not down , and reaping 2325 -therizo->
and ......... not for him , and at 1722 -en->
and ......... not for him , and in an hour 5610 -hora->
and ......... not us : and we forbad 2967 -koluo->
and ......... occupation , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... of , and to be baptized 0907 -baptizo->
and ......... of ; and with the baptism 0908 -baptisma->
and ......... of ? and be baptized 0907 -baptizo->
and ......... of Abraham 11 , and the God 2316 -theos->
and ......... of Abraham 11> , and blessed 2127 -eulogeo->
and ......... of Abraham 11> , and of Isaac 2464 -Isaak->
and ......... of Abraham 11> , and the God 2316 -theos->
and ......... of Abraham 11> , and whosoever 3588 -ho->
and ......... of age , and she lay a dying 0599 -apothnesko->
and ......... of God , and the promises 1860 -epaggelia->
and ......... of God 2312 -theodidaktos and 2312 theologos->
and ......... of him , and believed 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... of him , and came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... of him , and cried 2896 -krazo->
and ......... of him , and declare 0312 -anaggello->
and ......... of him , and he would have given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... of him , and that they had done 4160 -poieo->
and ......... of him : and great 4183 -polus->
and ......... of him ; and straightway 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... of him ; and whatsoever 0302 -an->
and ......... of it , and fled 2703 -katapheugo->
and ......... of it , and knew 1921 -epiginosko->
and ......... of it , and on 1909 -epi->
and ......... of it , and went 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... of it : and the kings 0935 -basileus->
and ......... of me , and mark 4648 -skopeo->
and ......... of me : and he that loveth 5368 -phileo->
and ......... of me ; and I know 1492 -eido->
and ......... of me and of my words 3056 -logos->
and ......... of men and officers 5257 -huperetes->
and ......... of mind , and with many 4183 -polus->
and ......... of thee , and comest 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... of thee ; and of him that taketh 0142 -airo->
and ......... of them , and embraced 0782 -aspazomai->
and ......... of them , and found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... of them , and healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... of them , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... of them , and saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... of them , and so 3779 -houto->
And ......... of them . And Peter 4074 -Petros->
and ......... of them : and when he had taken 1723 -
and ......... of them ; and straightway 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... of them and of the chief 0749 -archiereus->
and ......... of us , and of the Lord 2962 -kurios->
and ......... of you and me .
and ......... off , and hath forgotten 2983 -lambano->
and ......... off , and to them that were nigh 1451 -eggus->
and ......... off , and were persuaded 3982 -peitho->
and ......... old , and hast thou seen 3708 -horao->
and ......... on him , and passed 0492 -antiparerchomai->
and ......... on him , and took 2902 -krateo->
and ......... on him ; and not on him only 3440 -monon->
and ......... on it , and lift 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... on me , and send 3992 -pempo->
and ......... on them , and put 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... on them , and touched 0680 -haptomai->
and ......... one , and catcheth 0726 -harpazo->
and ......... one , and Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
and ......... One , and shouldest hear 0191 -akouo->
and ......... one , and slew 4969 -sphazo->
and ......... One , and ye know 1492 -eido->
and ......... One and the Just 1342 -dikaios->
and ......... one another : and so 5118 -tosoutos->
and ......... one of them ; and it was said 4483 -rheo->
and ......... one of you , and understand 4920 -suniemi->
and ......... out , and abode 0835 -aulizomai->
and ......... out , and began 0756 -archomai->
and ......... out , and cast 4496 -rhipto->
and ......... out , and departed 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... out , and departed 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... out , and entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... out , and escape 1309 -diapheugo->
and ......... out , and fell 4363 -prospipto->
and ......... out , and followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
and ......... out , and found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... out , and gave up the ghost 1606 -ekpneo->
and ......... out , and held 2983 -lambano->
and ......... out , and her daughter 2364 -thugater->
and ......... out , and his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... out , and intreated 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... out , and measure 3354 -metreo->
and ......... out , and passed 4281 -proerchomai->
and ......... out , and preached 2784 -kerusso->
and ......... out , and said 3004 -lego->
and ......... out , and say 3004 -lego->
and ......... out , and saying 3004 -lego->
and ......... out , and the bottles 0779 -askos->
and ......... out , and to be trodden 2662 -katapateo->
and ......... out , and took 2902 -krateo->
and ......... out , and went 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... out , and wept 2799 -klaio->
and ......... out : and I will write 1125 -grapho->
and ......... out : and it was night 3571 -nux->
and ......... out ; and it teareth 4682 -sparasso->
and ......... out ; and let not them that are in the countries
5561 -chora->
and ......... out ; and when he is come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... out from thee , and they have believed 4100 -
And ......... out of her . And he came 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... out of him , and enter 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... out of him , and healed 2390 -iaomai->
and ......... out of him , and hurt 0984 -blapto->
And ......... out of him . And when the devil 1140 -daimonion->
and ......... out of him : and he was as one dead 3498 -nekros->
and ......... out of him : and the child 3816 -pais->
and ......... out of them , and were washing 0637 -apopluno->
And ......... out the corn . And , The labourer 2040 -ergates->
and ......... out unto them , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... over them , and they that are great 3171 -megalos->
and ......... over them ; and their great 3173 -megas->
and ......... over them ; and they that exercise 1850 -exousiazo-
and ......... over you , and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... over you , and submit 5226 -hipeiko->
and ......... own ? and after it was sold 4097 -piprasko->
and ......... part of it , and the night 3571 -nux->
and ......... persons , and in the market 0058 -agora->
and ......... pieces , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... pit , and go 5217 -hupago->
and ......... pit , and shut 2808 -kleio->
and ......... pit and a great 3173 -megas->
and ......... place , and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... place ; and it shall remove 3327 -metabaino->
and ......... place ; and say 2036 -epo->
and ......... reproach 3680> and the snare 3803 -pagis->
and ......... sake , and for the love 0026 -agape->
and ......... sake , and for their sakes which 3588 -ho->
and ......... sake , and them which sat 4873 -sunanakeimai->
And ......... sake . And be at 1722 -en->
and ......... sake and thine 4675 -sou->
and ......... servants , and a devout 2152 -eusebes->
and ......... shall be in it ; and his servants 1401 -doulos->
and ......... shall be with them , and be their God 2316 -theos->
and ......... shall I be with you , and suffer 0430 -anechomai->
and ......... she and worshipped 4352 -proskuneo->
and ......... sort , and gathered 3792 -ochlopoieo->
and ......... sown , and increase 0837 -auzano->
and ......... speak , and followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
and ......... that he is , and that he is a rewarder 3406 -
and ......... that man , and have no 3361 -me->
and ......... that they should be with him , and that he might
send 0649 -apostello->
and ......... that was , and is not , and yet 2539 -kaiper->
and ......... that was , and is not , and yet 2539 -kaiper->
and ......... that was , and is not , even 2532 -kai->
and ......... the door , and saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... the law , and take 2983 -lambano->
and ......... the poor , and though 1437 -ean->
and ......... thee , and carry 5342 -phero->
and ......... thee , and compass 4033 -perikukloo->
and ......... thee , and follow 0190 -akoloutheo->
and ......... thee , and from him that would 2309 -thelo->
and ......... thee , and have 2192 -echo->
and ......... thee , and multiplying 4129 -plethuno->
and ......... thee , and object 2723 -kategoreo->
and ......... thee , and Pudens 4227 -Poudes->
and ......... thee , and sayest 2036 -epo->
and ......... thee , and sayest 3004 -lego->
and ......... thee , and the glory 1391 -doxa->
and ......... thee , and the paps 3149 -mastos->
and ......... thee , and these 3778 -houtos->
and ......... thee , and we shall speak 2980 -laleo->
and ......... thee : and in their hands 5495 -cheir->
and ......... thee ; and goest 5217 -hupago->
and ......... thee ; and they shall not leave 0863 -aphiemi->
And ......... thee ? And again 3825 -palin->
and ......... thee and him alone 3441 -monos->
and ......... thee and him come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... thee and press 0598 -apothlibo->
and ......... thee out , and depart 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... their eyes : and immediately 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... their minds , and said 3004 -lego->
and ......... their way , and found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... theirs and ours 2257 -hemon->
and ......... them , and asking 1905 -eperotao->
and ......... them , and be established 4741 -sterizo->
and ......... them , and be ye separate 0873 -aphorizo->
and ......... them , and brake 2622 -kataklao->
and ......... them , and bring 0071 -ago->
and ......... them , and bring 3918 -pareimi->
and ......... them , and brought 1806 -exago->
and ......... them , and brought 5342 -phero->
and ......... them , and came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... them , and came 4905 -sunerchomai->
and ......... them , and cast 0906 -ballo->
and ......... them , and commanded 3853 -paraggello->
and ......... them , and confessed 3670 -homologeo->
and ......... them , and departed 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... them , and departed 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... them , and departed 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... them , and drew near 1448 -eggizo->
and ......... them , and entering 1684 -embaino->
and ......... them , and fish 3795 -opsarion->
and ......... them , and gave 1325 -didomi->
and ......... them , and have known 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... them , and he healed 2323 -therapeuo->
and ......... them , and kill 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... them , and let not the church 1577 -ekklesia->
and ......... them , and make 2165 -euphraino->
and ......... them , and mercy 1656 -eleos->
and ......... them , and overcame 2634 -katakurieuo->
and ......... them , and pleased 0700 -aresko->
and ......... them , and pray 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... them , and prevailed 2480 -ischuo->
and ......... them , and rejoiced 0021 -agalliao->
and ......... them , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... them , and saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... them , and scattereth 4650 -skorpizo->
and ......... them , and shall lead 3594 -hodegeo->
and ......... them , and shall overcome 3528 -nikao->
and ......... them , and spake 2980 -laleo->
and ......... them , and the flesh 4561 -sarx->
and ......... them , and the scribes 1122 -grammateus->
and ......... them , and the sheep 4263 -probaton->
and ......... them , and they follow 0190 -akoloutheo->
and ......... them , and they received 2983 -lambano->
and ......... them , and they stood 2476 -histemi->
and ......... them , and to bring 0071 -ago->
and ......... them , and to command 3853 -paraggello->
and ......... them , and took 0142 -airo->
and ......... them , and went 0565 -aperchomai->
and ......... them , and went 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... them , and went 5298 -hupochoreo->
and ......... them , and with them partakest 4791 -sugkoinonos->
and ......... them , and ye build 3618 -oikodomeo->
and ......... them , and ye shall have 2071 -esomai->
And ......... them . And he suffered 2010 -epitrepo->
And ......... them . And now 3568 -nun->
And ......... them . And on the morrow 1887 -epaurion->
And ......... them . And they came 2064 -erchomai->
And ......... them . And they went 4198 -poreuomai->
And ......... them . And when 3753 -hote->
and ......... them : and a voice 5456 -phone->
and ......... them : and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... them : and behold 2400 -idou->
and ......... them : and his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... them : and his face 4383 -prosopon->
and ......... them : and I will carry 3351 -metoikizo->
and ......... them : and power 1849 -exousia->
and ......... them : and that Rock 4073 -petra->
and ......... them : and the magistrates 4755 -strategos->
and ......... them : and they feared 5399 -phobeo->
and ......... them : and they left 0863 -aphiemi->
and ......... them : and they were amazed 2284 -thambeo->
and ......... them : and they were sore 3173 -megas->
and ......... them ; and the two 1417 -duo->
and ......... them ; and they did set 3908 -paratithemi->
and ......... them ; and they made 2090 -hetoimazo->
and ......... them ; and they spake 2980 -laleo->
and ......... them ; and to hear 0191 -akouo->
and ......... them and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... them me ; and they have kept 5083 -tereo->
and ......... them out , and desired 2065 -erotao->
and ......... them out , and said 5346 -phemi->
and ......... them out , and to heal 2323 -therapeuo->
And ......... them that are his . And , Let every 3956 -pas->
and ......... them to him , and saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... them two and two 1417 -duo->
and ......... them unto him , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... them unto him , and said 3004 -lego->
and ......... them unto him ; and he laid 2007 -epitithemi->
and ......... them up , and they shall be changed 0236 -allasso->
and ......... themselves , and blasphemed 0987 -blasphemeo->
and ......... themselves : and Peter 4074 -Petros->
and ......... there , and fish 3795 -opsarion->
And ......... there . And she constrained 3849 -parabiazomai->
and ......... they , and laid 1911 -epiballo->
and ......... they are and blemishes 3470 -momos->
and ......... they are and were created 2936 -ktizo->
and ......... they him , and led 0071 -ago->
and ......... they were , and thou gavest 1325 -didomi->
and ......... thing , and hath done 1796 -enubrizo->
and ......... thing , and not only 3440 -monon->
and ......... thing , and some 0243 -allos->
and ......... thing , and that there be no 3361 -me->
and ......... thing , and what 3588 -ho->
and ......... thing ; and I will receive 1523 -eisdechomai->
And ......... thing ? And they said 2036 -epo->
and ......... things , and be rejected 0593 -apodokimazo->
and ......... things , and be set 1847 -exoudenoo->
and ......... things , and before Christ 5547 -Christos->
and ......... things , and bring 5179 -tupos->
and ......... things , and by him all 3956 -pas->
and ......... things , and by whom 3739 -hos->
and ......... things , and do count 2233 -hegeomai->
and ......... things , and doest 4160 -poieo->
and ......... things , and for thy pleasure 2307 -thelema->
and ......... things , and fowls 4071 -peteinon->
and ......... things , and heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... things , and is truth 0227 -alethes->
and ......... things , and keep 2722 -katecho->
and ......... things , and likewise 3668 -homoios->
and ......... things , and needest 5532 -chreia->
and ......... things , and now 2236 -hedista->
and ......... things , and to enter 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... things , and we by him .
and ......... things , and we in him ; and one 1520 -heis->
and ......... things , and we in him ; and one 1520 -heis->
and ......... things , and wrote 1125 -grapho->
and ......... things , and ye believe 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... things : and an evil 4190 -poneros->
and ......... things : and they derided 1592 -ekmukterizo->
and ......... things : and this 5124 -touto->
and ......... things : and we know 1492 -eido->
and ......... things ; and follow 1377 -dioko->
and ......... things ; and holy 0040 -hagios->
and ......... things ; and how 4459 -pos->
and ......... things ; and I will be his God 2316 -theos->
and ......... things ; and the rich 4147 -plouteo->
And ......... things ? And he desired 2212 -zeteo->
And ......... things ? And they said 2036 -epo->
and ......... things ? and what 5101 -tis->
and ......... things ? and who 5101 -tis->
and ......... things and blasphemies 0988 -blasphemia->
and ......... things be ? and what 5101 -tis->
and ......... things be in you , and abound 4121 -pleonazo->
and ......... things of him ; and he hoped 1679 -elpizo->
and ......... things of you , and things that accompany 2192 -
And ......... thou ? And he said 2036 -epo->
And ......... thou ? And Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
and ......... thou and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... thou and preach 1229 -diaggello->
And ......... thou me ? And he said 2036 -epo->
and ......... thy way ; and as thou hast believed 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... thyself , and bind 5265 -hupodeo->
and ......... thyself , and serve 1247 -diakoneo->
and ......... thyself with them , and be at 1159 -dapanao->
and ......... time , and prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... time , and saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... time , and then 1899 -epeita->
and ......... time ; and being absent 0548 -apeimi->
and ......... times and in divers 4187 -polutropos->
and ......... to Abraham 11 , and to his seed 4690 -sperma->
and ......... to and fro 2831 -kludonizomai->
and ......... to him , and , having made 3982 -peitho->
and ......... to him , and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... to him , and asked 1905 -eperotao->
and ......... to him , and awoke 1326 -diegeiro->
and ......... to him , and awoke 1453 -egeiro->
and ......... to him , and bound 2611 -katadeo->
and ......... to him , and heard 0191 -akouo->
and ......... to him , and how 4459 -pos->
and ......... to him , and it shall be recompensed 0467 -
and ......... to him , and offering 4374 -prosphero->
and ......... to him , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... to him , and saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... to him : and Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
and ......... to his burial , and made 4160 -poieo->
and ......... to it , and brought 5342 -phero->
and ......... to it , and found 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... to me , and every 3956 -pas->
and ......... to me , and hate 3404 -miseo->
and ......... to me , and heareth 0191 -akouo->
and ......... to me , and I have 2192 -echo->
And ......... to me . And he divided 1244 -diaireo->
and ......... to me ; and him that cometh 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... to me and Barnabas 0921 -Barnabas->
and ......... to meat , and will come 3928 -parerchomai->
and ......... to pass , and to stand 2476 -histemi->
and ......... to pass , and ye know 1492 -eido->
and ......... to pass ; and he sent 0649 -apostello->
and ......... to the heart , and took 1011 -bouleuo->
and ......... to thee , and gave commandment 3853 -paraggello->
and ......... to thee ; and thou hast well 2573 -kalos->
and ......... to thee and to me :
and ......... to them , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... to thy friends , and tell 0312 -anaggello->
and ......... to us , and took 0142 -airo->
And ......... to us . And lead 1533 -eisphero->
and ......... to you , and peace 1515 -eirene->
and ......... to you , and ye have not wept 2799 -klaio->
and ......... to you : and unto you that hear 0191 -akouo->
and ......... to you ; and I will not be burdensome 2655 -
and ......... to you and peace 1515 -eirene->
and ......... together , and running 5240 -huperekchuno->
and ......... together ; and every 3956 -pas->
and ......... together and reasoned 4802 -suzeteo->
and ......... trees , and the two 1417 -duo->
and ......... trees , and went 1831 -exerchomai->
And ......... unto Abraham 11> , And in thy seed 4690 -sperma->
and ......... unto him , and believed 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... unto him , and besought 2065 -erotao->
and ......... unto him , and he saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... unto him , and he taught 1321 -didasko->
and ......... unto him , and he went 4198 -poreuomai->
and ......... unto him , and make 4160 -poieo->
and ......... unto him , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... unto him , and said 3004 -lego->
and ......... unto him , and said 5346 -phemi->
and ......... unto him , and saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... unto him , and set 2476 -histemi->
and ......... unto him , and stayed 2722 -katecho->
and ......... unto him : and he was nigh 3844 -para->
and ......... unto him : and he went 1831 -exerchomai->
and ......... unto him : and when he was come 1448 -eggizo->
and ......... unto him ; ) and many 4183 -polus->
and ......... unto him ; and he sat 2523 -kathizo->
And ......... unto him ? And he said 2036 -epo->
and ......... unto him by and by , when he is come 1525 -
and ......... unto his own , and his own received 3880 -
and ......... unto me , and drink 4095 -pino->
and ......... unto me , and forbid 2967 -koluo->
and ......... unto me , and I unto the world 2889 -kosmos->
and ......... unto me , and not have loosed 0321 -anago->
and ......... unto me , and saying 3004 -lego->
and ......... unto me , and stood 2186 -ephistemi->
and ......... unto me , and there are many 4183 -polus->
and ......... unto me ; and to whomsoever 1437 -ean->
and ......... unto thee , and to shew 2097 -euaggelizo->
And ......... unto thee . And he saith 5346 -phemi->
And ......... unto thee . And he went 0565 -aperchomai->
And ......... unto thee . And his servant 3816 -pais->
And ......... unto thee ? And he said 2036 -epo->
and ......... unto them , and delivered 3860 -paradidomi->
and ......... unto them , and remained 1265 -diameno->
and ......... unto them , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... unto them , and unto all 3956 -pas->
and ......... unto them : and about 4012 -peri->
and ......... unto them : and I saw the souls 5590 -psuche->
and ......... unto them : and they made 2090 -hetoimazo->
and ......... unto them : and they perceived 1921 -epiginosko->
and ......... unto them : and when he had scourged 5417 -
and ......... unto them : and when they saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... unto them ; and hath committed 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... unto them ; and they believed 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... unto them ; and whose 5100 -tis->
and ......... unto them for me and thee .
and ......... unto us , and not unto the world 2889 -kosmos->
and ......... unto us ; and he shall answer 0611 -apokrinomai->
and ......... unto you , and bring 5342->
and ......... unto you , and bring 5342->
and ......... unto you , and exhort 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... unto you , and hearken 1801 -enotizomai->
and ......... unto you , and how 4459 -pos->
and ......... unto you , and make 4294 -prokatartizo->
and ......... unto you , and more 4055 -perissoteros->
and ......... unto you , and much 4055 -perissoteros->
and ......... unto you , and of you to be brought 4311 -propempo-
and ......... unto you , and peace 1515 -eirene->
and ......... unto you , and so will I keep 5083 -tereo->
and ......... unto you , and so will I keep 5083 -tereo->
and ......... unto you , and speak 2980->
and ......... unto you , and speak 2980->
and ......... unto you , and ye have not danced 3738 -orcheomai->
and ......... unto you , and ye have not lamented 2875 -kopto->
and ......... unto you , and ye shall be my sons 5207 -huios->
and ......... up , and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... up , and bare 4160 -poieo->
and ......... up , and beckoning 2678 -kataseio->
and ......... up , and becometh 1096 -ginomai->
and ......... up , and began 0756 -archomai->
and ......... up , and brought 4160 -poieo->
and ......... up , and came 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... up , and choked 0638 -apopnigo->
and ......... up , and choked 4846 -sumpnigo->
and ......... up , and denied 0720 -arneomai->
and ......... up , and drew 1670 -helkuo->
and ......... up , and followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
and ......... up , and hath shut 0608 -apokleio->
and ......... up , and have not rather 3123 -mallon->
and ......... up , and lift 1869 -epairo->
and ......... up , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... up , and said 3004 -lego->
and ......... up , and saluted 0782 -aspazomai->
and ......... up , and saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... up , and stand 2476 -histemi->
and ......... up , and tempted 1598 -ekpeirazo->
and ......... up , and the governor 2232 -hegemon->
and ......... up , and the poor 4434 -ptochos->
and ......... up , and the rulers 0758 -archon->
and ......... up , and thrust 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... up : and , as his custom 1486 -etho->
and ......... up : and he was restored 0600 -apokathistemi->
and ......... up ; and a cloud 3507 -nephele->
and ......... up ; and she felt 1097 -ginosko->
and ......... up ; and when thou hast opened 0455 -anoigo->
and ......... up ? and with what 4169 -poios->
and ......... up again , and had broken 2806 -klao->
and ......... up and down 1308 -diaphero->
and ......... up and increased 0837 -auzano->
and ......... up and sit 2523 -kathizo->
and ......... up and walk 4043 -peripateo->
and ......... up himself , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... up himself , and saw 2300 -theaomai->
and ......... up in him , and stablished 0950 -bebaioo->
and ......... up with it , and choked 0638 -apopnigo->
and ......... upon , and our hands 5495 -cheir->
and ......... upon God , and saying 3007 -leipo->
and ......... upon her , and she shall live 2198 -zao->
and ......... upon her ; and they rejoiced 4796 -sugchairo->
and ......... upon him , and a light 5457 -phos->
and ......... upon him , and a voice 5456 -phone->
and ......... upon him , and bowing 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... upon him , and caught 4884 -sunarpazo->
and ......... upon him , and he shall shew 0518 -apaggello->
and ......... upon him , and overcome 3528 -nikao->
and ......... upon him , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... upon him , and said 3004 -lego->
and ......... upon him , and shall kill 0615 -apokteino->
and ......... upon him , and took 2983 -lambano->
and ......... upon it , and bringeth 5088 -tikto->
and ......... upon thee , and the power 1411 -dunamis->
and ......... upon them , and blessed 2127 -eulogeo->
and ......... upon them , and judgment 2917 -krima->
and ......... upon them , and the glory 1391 -doxa->
and ......... upon us , and with great 4183 -polus->
and ......... upon you , and learn 3129 -manthano->
and ......... upon you : and ye shall be witnesses 3144 -martus->
and ......... us , ( and we beheld 2300 -theaomai->
and ......... us , and called 2564 -kaleo->
and ......... us , and given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... us , and hath given 1325 -didomi->
and ......... us , and hath given 3860 -paradidomi->
and ......... us , and help 0997 -boetheo->
and ......... us , and hide 2928 -krupto->
and ......... us , and let us run 5143 -trecho->
and ......... us , and lodged 3579 -xenizo->
and ......... us , and on 1909 -epi->
and ......... us , and sent 0649 -apostello->
and ......... us , and washed 3068 -louo->
and ......... us , and we gave 1788 -entrepo->
And ......... us . And he said 2036 -epo->
and ......... us : and I would 3785 -ophelon->
and ......... us ; and , That God 2316 -theos->
and ......... us ; and they please 0700 -aresko->
and ......... us ; and to the hills 1015 -bounos->
and ......... us ; and we turn 3329 -metago->
And ......... us ? And they cast 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... us and them , purifying 2511 -katharizo->
and ......... us and you there is a great 3173 -megas->
and ......... use , and prepared 2090 -hetoimazo->
and ......... vessels , and of tables 2825 -kline->
and ......... was , and is , and is to come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... was , and is , and is to come 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... was , and is not ; and shall ascend 0305 -anabaino-
and ......... was , and is not ; and shall ascend 0305 -anabaino-
and ......... was , and saw 1492 -eido->
and ......... was , and which 3588 -ho->
and ......... was , and which 3588 -ho->
and ......... was with them : and a great 4183 -polus->
and ......... water and bitter 4089 -pikros->
and ......... we , and they of that place 1786 -entopios->
and ......... we exhorted and comforted 3888 -paramutheomai->
and ......... well : and if 1487 -ei->
and ......... were in it ; and death 2288 -thanatos->
and ......... were in them : and they were judged 2919 -krino->
and ......... were with him : and he asked 1905 -eperotao->
and ......... What and if 1437 -ean->
and ......... while , and saw 2334 -theoreo->
and ......... while , and the world 2889 -kosmos->
and ......... while , and ye shall not see 2334 -theoreo->
and ......... while , and ye shall see 3700 -optanomai->
and ......... with , and the well 5421 -phrear->
and ......... with ; and how 4459 -pos->
and ......... with Abraham 11> , and Isaac 2464 -Isaak->
and ......... with her , and the merchants 1713 -emporos->
and ......... with him , and he with me .
and ......... with him , and much 4183 -polus->
and ......... with him , and returned 5290 -hupostrepho->
and ......... with him , and walk 4043 -peripateo->
And ......... with him . And he went 1525 -eiserchomai->
And ......... with him . And power 1849 -exousia->
and ......... with him : and he turned 4762 -strepho->
and ......... with him : and he went 1525 -eiserchomai->
and ......... with him ; and much 4183 -polus->
and ......... with him ; and took 2983 -lambano->
and ......... with him and his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
and ......... with me , and accuse 2723 -kategoreo->
and ......... with me , and all 3956 -pas->
and ......... with me , and find 2147 -heurisko->
and ......... with me , and I will pay 0591 -apodidomi->
and ......... with me , and strengthened 1743 -endunamoo->
And ......... with me . And being turned 1994 -epistrepho->
and ......... with thee , and no 3762 -oudeis->
and ......... with thee , and the books 0975 -biblion->
and ......... with thee , and thou mayest live 3118 -
and ......... with them , and baptized 0907 -baptizo->
and ......... with them , and came 2064 -erchomai->
and ......... with them , and certain 5100 -tis->
and ......... with them , and confirming 0950 -bebaioo->
and ......... with them , and how he had opened 0455 -anoigo->
and ......... with them , and saith 3004 -lego->
and ......... with them , and stood 2476 -histemi->
and ......... with them , and they shall be his people 2992 -
and ......... with them , and warmed 2328 -thermaino->
and ......... with them , and wrought 2038 -ergazomai->
And ......... with them . And when he was now 2236 -hedista->
and ......... with them : and he abode 3306 -meno->
and ......... with them : and many 4183 -polus->
and ......... with them ; and them which suffer 2558 -kakoucheo->
and ......... with us , and had obtained 2975 -lagchano->
and ......... with us , and laboureth 2872 -kopiao->
and ......... with us : and truly 1161 -de->
And ......... with us ? And they were offended 4624 -skandalizo->
and ......... with water , and were in jeopardy 2793 -kinduneuo->
and ......... with you , and preach 2097 -euaggelizo->
and ......... with you , and shall be in you .
and ......... with you , and wanted 5302 -hustereo->
and ......... with you , and wanted 5302 -hustereo->
and ......... with you , and yet hast thou not known 1097 -
and ......... words , and said 2036 -epo->
and ......... ye , and believe 1722 -en->
and ......... ye , and so 3779 -houto->
and ......... ye , and tell 2036 -epo->
And ......... ye ? And they all 3956 -pas->
And ......... ye ? And they said 2036 -epo->
and ......... ye and learn 3129 -manthano->
and ......... ye and pray 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... ye him , and crucify 4717 -stauroo->
and ......... ye him , and judge 2919 -krino->
and ......... ye not ? and do ye not remember 3421 -mnemoneuo->
and ......... ye not ? and having 2192 -echo->
and ......... ye to them , and before 4383 -prosopon->
And ......... ye up ? And they said 2036 -epo->
and ......... yea , and beyond 5228 -huper->
and ......... yea , and exceedingly 4056 -perissoteros->
and ......... yea , and things which 3588 -ho->
and ......... Yea , and why 5101 -tis->
and ......... you , and are over 4291 -proistemi->
and ......... you , and cast 1544 -ekballo->
and ......... you , and deliver 3860 -paradidomi->
and ......... you , and double 1363 -diploo->
and ......... you , and draw 1670 -helkuo->
and ......... you , and have taught 1321 -didasko->
and ......... you , and keep 5442 -phulasso->
and ......... you , and many 2425 -hikanos->
and ......... you , and Marcus 3138 -Markos->
and ......... you , and not to boast 2744 -kauchaomai->
and ......... you , and ordained 5087 -tithemi->
and ......... you , and our labour 2873 -kopos->
and ......... you , and persecute 1377 -dioko->
and ......... you , and pray 4336 -proseuchomai->
and ......... you , and Quartus 2890 -Kouartos->
and ......... you , and shall eat 5315 -phago->
and ......... you , and shall say 2036 -epo->
and ......... you , and specially 3122 -malista->
and ......... you , and straightway 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... you , and such 5108 -toioutos->
and ......... you , and that I shall bewail 3996 -pentheo->
and ......... you , and thereby 5026 -taute->
and ......... you , and to comfort 3870 -parakaleo->
and ......... you , and to speak 4354 -proslaleo->
and ......... you , and when 3752 -hotan->
and ......... you , and would 2309 -thelo->
and ......... you , and ye believed 4100 -pisteuo->
and ......... you : and , lo 2400 -idou->
and ......... you : and as soon 2112 -eutheos->
and ......... you : and ye shall be hated of all 3956 -pas->
and ......... you ; and I partly 5100 -tis->
and ......... you ; and so doth Marcus 3138 -Markos->
and ......... you and testified 1263 -diamarturomai->
and ......... you by us , even by me and Silvanus 4610 -
and ......... you from their company , and shall reproach 3679 -
And ......... you of them . And these 5023 -tauta->
and ......... you to a feast , and ye be disposed 2309 -thelo->
and ......... you to him ; and , lo 2400 -idou->
and ......... you up , and to give 1325 -didomi->
and ......... your way , and tell 0518 -apaggello->
and ......... your ways , and pour 1632 -ekcheo->