amazed 0926 ## bahal {baw-hal'}; a primitive root; to tremble inwardly (or palpitate), i.e. (figuratively) be (causative, make) (suddenly) alarmed or agitated; by implication to hasten anxiously: -- be (make) affrighted (afraid, {amazed}, dismayed, rash), (be, get, make) haste(-n, -y, -ily), (give) speedy(-ily), thrust out, trouble, vex.
amazed 1611 # ekstasis {ek'-stas-is}; from 1839; a displacement of the mind, i.e. bewilderment, "ecstasy": -- + be {amazed}, amazement, astonishment, trance.
amazed 2285 # thambos {tham'-bos}; akin to an obsolete tapho (to dumbfound); stupefaction (by surprise), i.e. astonishment: -- X {amazed}, + astonished, wonder.
amazed 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be {amazed}, assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).
amazed 8074 ## shamem {shaw-mame'}; a primitive root; to stun (or intransitively, grow numb), i.e. devastate or (figuratively) stupefy (both usually in a passive sense): -- make {amazed}, be astonied, (be an) astonish(-ment), (be, bring into, unto, lay, lie, make) desolate(-ion, places), be destitute, destroy (self), (lay, lie, make) waste, wonder.
amazed 8539 ## tamahh {taw-mah'}; a primitive root; to be in consternation: -- be {amazed}, be astonished, marvel(-lously), wonder.