>agar Deu_28_39 Thou shalt plant <05193 nata<> (8799) vineyards <03754 kerem>, and dress <05647 <abad> (8804) them, but shalt neither drink <08354 shathah> (8799) of the wine <03196 yayin>, nor gather <00103 {>agar}> (8799) the grapes; for the worms <08438 towla<> shall eat <00398 >akal> (8799) them.
>agar Pro_06_08 Provideth <03559 kuwn> (8686) her meat <03899 lechem> in the summer <07019 qayits>, and gathereth <00103 {>agar}> (8804) her food <03978 ma>akal> in the harvest <07105 qatsiyr>.
>agar Pro_10_05 He that gathereth <00103 {>agar}> (8802) in summer <07019 qayits> is a wise <07919 sakal> (8688) son <01121 ben>: but he that sleepeth <07290 radam> (8737) in harvest <07105 qatsiyr> is a son <01121 ben> that causeth shame <00954 buwsh> (8688).
>agartal Ezr_01_09 And this is the number <04557 micpar> of them: thirty <07970 sh@lowshiym> chargers <00105 >agartal> of gold <02091 zahab>, a thousand <00505 >eleph> chargers <00105 {>agartal}> of silver <03701 keceph>, nine <08672 tesha<> and twenty <06242 <esriym> knives <04252 machalaph>,
>agartal Ezr_01_09 And this is the number <04557 micpar> of them: thirty <07970 sh@lowshiym> chargers <00105 {>agartal}> of gold <02091 zahab>, a thousand <00505 >eleph> chargers <00105 >agartal> of silver <03701 keceph>, nine <08672 tesha<> and twenty <06242 <esriym> knives <04252 machalaph>,
Hagar Gen_21_09 And Sarah <08283 Sarah> saw <07200 ra>ah> (8799) the son <01121 ben> of Hagar <01904 {Hagar}> the Egyptian <04713 Mitsriy>, which she had born <03205 yalad> (8804) unto Abraham <00085 >Abraham>, mocking <06711 tsachaq> (8764).
Hagar Gen_21_09 And Sarah <08283 Sarah> saw <07200 ra>ah> (8799) the son <01121 ben> of {Hagar} <01904 Hagar> the Egyptian <04713 Mitsriy>, which she had born <03205 yalad> (8804) unto Abraham <00085 >Abraham>, mocking <06711 tsachaq> (8764).
Hagar Gen_16_16 And Abram <00087 >Abram> was fourscore <08084 sh@moniym> <08141 shaneh> and six <08337 shesh> years <08141 shaneh> old <01121 ben>, when {Hagar} <01904 Hagar> bare <03205 yalad> (8800) Ishmael <03458 Yishma<e>l> to Abram <00087 >Abram>.
Hagar Gen_16_16 And Abram <00087 >Abram> was fourscore <08084 sh@moniym> <08141 shaneh> and six <08337 shesh> years <08141 shaneh> old <01121 ben>, when Hagar <01904 {Hagar}> bare <03205 yalad> (8800) Ishmael <03458 Yishma<e>l> to Abram <00087 >Abram>.
Hagar Gen_16_01 Now Sarai <08297 Saray> Abram's <00087 >Abram> wife <00802 >ishshah> bare <03205 yalad> <00> him no <03808 lo>> children <03205 yalad> (8804): and she had an handmaid <08198 shiphchah>, an Egyptian <04713 Mitsriy>, whose name <08034 shem> was {Hagar} <01904 Hagar>.
Hagar Gen_16_01 Now Sarai <08297 Saray> Abram's <00087 >Abram> wife <00802 >ishshah> bare <03205 yalad> <00> him no <03808 lo>> children <03205 yalad> (8804): and she had an handmaid <08198 shiphchah>, an Egyptian <04713 Mitsriy>, whose name <08034 shem> was Hagar <01904 {Hagar}>.
Hagar Gen_16_15 And Hagar <01904 {Hagar}> bare <03205 yalad> (8799) Abram <00087 >Abram> a son <01121 ben>: and Abram <00087 >Abram> called <07121 qara>> (8799) his son's <01121 ben> name <08034 shem>, which Hagar <01904 Hagar> bare <03205 yalad> (8804), Ishmael <03458 Yishma<e>l>.
Hagar Gen_16_15 And Hagar <01904 Hagar> bare <03205 yalad> (8799) Abram <00087 >Abram> a son <01121 ben>: and Abram <00087 >Abram> called <07121 qara>> (8799) his son's <01121 ben> name <08034 shem>, which Hagar <01904 {Hagar}> bare <03205 yalad> (8804), Ishmael <03458 Yishma<e>l>.
Hagar Gen_16_15 And Hagar <01904 Hagar> bare <03205 yalad> (8799) Abram <00087 >Abram> a son <01121 ben>: and Abram <00087 >Abram> called <07121 qara>> (8799) his son's <01121 ben> name <08034 shem>, which {Hagar} <01904 Hagar> bare <03205 yalad> (8804), Ishmael <03458 Yishma<e>l>.
Hagar Gen_16_15 And {Hagar} <01904 Hagar> bare <03205 yalad> (8799) Abram <00087 >Abram> a son <01121 ben>: and Abram <00087 >Abram> called <07121 qara>> (8799) his son's <01121 ben> name <08034 shem>, which Hagar <01904 Hagar> bare <03205 yalad> (8804), Ishmael <03458 Yishma<e>l>.
Hagar Gen_16_04 And he went in <00935 bow>> (8799) unto Hagar <01904 {Hagar}>, and she conceived <02029 harah> (8799): and when she saw <07200 ra>ah> (8799) that she had conceived <02029 harah> (8804), her mistress <01404 g@bereth> was despised <07043 qalal> (8799) in her eyes <05869 <ayin>.
Hagar Gen_16_04 And he went in <00935 bow>> (8799) unto {Hagar} <01904 Hagar>, and she conceived <02029 harah> (8799): and when she saw <07200 ra>ah> (8799) that she had conceived <02029 harah> (8804), her mistress <01404 g@bereth> was despised <07043 qalal> (8799) in her eyes <05869 <ayin>.
Hagar Gen_25_12 Now these are the generations <08435 towl@dah> of Ishmael <03458 Yishma<e>l>, Abraham's <00085 >Abraham> son <01121 ben>, whom {Hagar} <01904 Hagar> the Egyptian <04713 Mitsriy>, Sarah's <08283 Sarah> handmaid <08198 shiphchah>, bare <03205 yalad> (8804) unto Abraham <00085 >Abraham>:
Hagar Gen_25_12 Now these are the generations <08435 towl@dah> of Ishmael <03458 Yishma<e>l>, Abraham's <00085 >Abraham> son <01121 ben>, whom Hagar <01904 {Hagar}> the Egyptian <04713 Mitsriy>, Sarah's <08283 Sarah> handmaid <08198 shiphchah>, bare <03205 yalad> (8804) unto Abraham <00085 >Abraham>:
Hagar Gen_16_08 And he said <00559 >amar> (8799), {Hagar} <01904 Hagar>, Sarai's <08297 Saray> maid <08198 shiphchah>, whence <00335 >ay> camest thou <00935 bow>> (8804)? and whither wilt thou go <03212 yalak> (8799)? And she said <00559 >amar> (8799), I flee <01272 barach> (8802) from the face <06440 paniym> of my mistress <01404 g@bereth> Sarai <08297 Saray>.
Hagar Gen_16_08 And he said <00559 >amar> (8799), Hagar <01904 {Hagar}>, Sarai's <08297 Saray> maid <08198 shiphchah>, whence <00335 >ay> camest thou <00935 bow>> (8804)? and whither wilt thou go <03212 yalak> (8799)? And she said <00559 >amar> (8799), I flee <01272 barach> (8802) from the face <06440 paniym> of my mistress <01404 g@bereth> Sarai <08297 Saray>.
Hagar Gen_16_03 And Sarai <08297 Saray> Abram's <00087 >Abram> wife <00802 >ishshah> took <03947 laqach> (8799) {Hagar} <01904 Hagar> her maid <08198 shiphchah> the Egyptian <04713 Mitsriy>, after <07093 qets> Abram <00087 >Abram> had dwelt <03427 yashab> (8800) ten <06235 <eser> years <08141 shaneh> in the land <00776 >erets> of Canaan <03667 K@na<an>, and gave <05414 nathan> (8799) her to her husband <00376 >iysh> Abram <00087 >Abram> to be his wife <00802 >ishshah>.
Hagar Gen_16_03 And Sarai <08297 Saray> Abram's <00087 >Abram> wife <00802 >ishshah> took <03947 laqach> (8799) Hagar <01904 {Hagar}> her maid <08198 shiphchah> the Egyptian <04713 Mitsriy>, after <07093 qets> Abram <00087 >Abram> had dwelt <03427 yashab> (8800) ten <06235 <eser> years <08141 shaneh> in the land <00776 >erets> of Canaan <03667 K@na<an>, and gave <05414 nathan> (8799) her to her husband <00376 >iysh> Abram <00087 >Abram> to be his wife <00802 >ishshah>.
Hagar Gen_21_17 And God <00430 >elohiym> heard <08085 shama<> (8804) the voice <06963 qowl> of the lad <05288 na<ar>; and the angel <04397 mal>ak> of God <00430 >elohiym> called <07121 qara>> (8799) to Hagar <01904 {Hagar}> out of heaven <08064 shamayim>, and said <00559 >amar> (8799) unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar <01904 Hagar>? fear <03372 yare>> (8799) not; for God <00430 >elohiym> hath heard <08085 shama<> (8799) the voice <06963 qowl> of the lad <05288 na<ar> where he is.
Hagar Gen_21_17 And God <00430 >elohiym> heard <08085 shama<> (8804) the voice <06963 qowl> of the lad <05288 na<ar>; and the angel <04397 mal>ak> of God <00430 >elohiym> called <07121 qara>> (8799) to Hagar <01904 Hagar> out of heaven <08064 shamayim>, and said <00559 >amar> (8799) unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar <01904 {Hagar}>? fear <03372 yare>> (8799) not; for God <00430 >elohiym> hath heard <08085 shama<> (8799) the voice <06963 qowl> of the lad <05288 na<ar> where he is.
Hagar Gen_21_17 And God <00430 >elohiym> heard <08085 shama<> (8804) the voice <06963 qowl> of the lad <05288 na<ar>; and the angel <04397 mal>ak> of God <00430 >elohiym> called <07121 qara>> (8799) to Hagar <01904 Hagar> out of heaven <08064 shamayim>, and said <00559 >amar> (8799) unto her, What aileth thee, {Hagar} <01904 Hagar>? fear <03372 yare>> (8799) not; for God <00430 >elohiym> hath heard <08085 shama<> (8799) the voice <06963 qowl> of the lad <05288 na<ar> where he is.
Hagar Gen_21_17 And God <00430 >elohiym> heard <08085 shama<> (8804) the voice <06963 qowl> of the lad <05288 na<ar>; and the angel <04397 mal>ak> of God <00430 >elohiym> called <07121 qara>> (8799) to {Hagar} <01904 Hagar> out of heaven <08064 shamayim>, and said <00559 >amar> (8799) unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar <01904 Hagar>? fear <03372 yare>> (8799) not; for God <00430 >elohiym> hath heard <08085 shama<> (8799) the voice <06963 qowl> of the lad <05288 na<ar> where he is.
Hagar Gen_21_14 And Abraham <00085 >Abraham> rose up early <07925 shakam> (8686) in the morning <01242 boqer>, and took <03947 laqach> (8799) bread <03899 lechem>, and a bottle <02573 chemeth> of water <04325 mayim>, and gave <05414 nathan> (8799) it unto Hagar <01904 {Hagar}>, putting <07760 suwm> (8804) it on her shoulder <07926 sh@kem>, and the child <03206 yeled>, and sent her away <07971 shalach> (8762): and she departed <03212 yalak> (8799), and wandered <08582 ta<ah> (8799) in the wilderness <04057 midbar> of Beersheba <00884 B@>er Sheba<>.
Hagar Gen_21_14 And Abraham <00085 >Abraham> rose up early <07925 shakam> (8686) in the morning <01242 boqer>, and took <03947 laqach> (8799) bread <03899 lechem>, and a bottle <02573 chemeth> of water <04325 mayim>, and gave <05414 nathan> (8799) it unto {Hagar} <01904 Hagar>, putting <07760 suwm> (8804) it on her shoulder <07926 sh@kem>, and the child <03206 yeled>, and sent her away <07971 shalach> (8762): and she departed <03212 yalak> (8799), and wandered <08582 ta<ah> (8799) in the wilderness <04057 midbar> of Beersheba <00884 B@>er Sheba<>.
Hagarenes Psa_83_06 The tabernacles <00168 >ohel> of Edom <00123 >Edom>, and the Ishmaelites <03459 Yishma<e>liy>; of Moab <04124 Mow>ab>, and the {Hagarenes} <01905 Hagriy>;
Hagarites 1Ch_05_19 And they made <06213 <asah> (8799) war <04421 milchamah> with the {Hagarites} <01905 Hagriy>, with Jetur <03195 Y@tuwr>, and Nephish <05305 Naphiysh>, and Nodab <05114 Nowdab>.
Hagarites 1Ch_05_10 And in the days <03117 yowm> of Saul <07586 Sha>uwl> they made <06213 <asah> (8804) war <04421 milchamah> with the {Hagarites} <01905 Hagriy>, who fell <05307 naphal> (8799) by their hand <03027 yad>: and they dwelt <03427 yashab> (8799) in their tents <00168 >ohel> throughout <06440 paniym> all the east <04217 mizrach> land of Gilead <01568 Gil<ad>.
Hagarites 1Ch_05_20 And they were helped <05826 <azar> (8735) against them, and the {Hagarites} <01905 Hagriy> were delivered <05414 nathan> (8735) into their hand <03027 yad>, and all that were with them: for they cried <02199 za<aq> (8804) to God <00430 >elohiym> in the battle <04421 milchamah>, and he was intreated <06279 <athar> (8736) of them; because they put their trust <00982 batach> (8804) in him.