afflictions ......... afflictions 2347 -thlipsis-> afflictions ......... afflictions 2553 -kakopatheo-> afflictions ......... afflictions 3804 -pathema-> afflictions ......... and afflictions 2347 -thlipsis-> afflictions ......... by reproaches 3680 > and afflictions 2347 - thlipsis-> afflictions ......... by reproaches 3680> and afflictions 2347 - thlipsis-> afflictions ......... his afflictions 2347 -thlipsis-> afflictions ......... in afflictions 2347 -thlipsis-> afflictions ......... of afflictions 3804 -pathema-> afflictions ......... of the afflictions 2347 -thlipsis-> afflictions ......... of the afflictions 4777 -sugkakopatheo-> ~~~~~~