A 2Ch_23_04 This is the thing <01697 dabar> that ye shall do <06213 (8799); {A} third part <07992 sh@liyshiy> of you entering <00935 bow>> (8802) on the sabbath <07676 shabbath>, of the priests <03548 kohen> and of the Levites <03881 Leviyiy>, shall be porters <07778 show of the doors <05592 caph>; A 2Ki_11_05 And he commanded <06680 tsavah> (8762) them, saying <00559 >amar> (8800), This is the thing <01697 dabar> that ye shall do <06213 (8799); {A} third part <07992 sh@liyshiy> of you that enter in <00935 bow>> (8802) on the sabbath <07676 shabbath> shall even be keepers <08104 shamar> (8802) of the watch <04931 mishmereth> of the king's <04428 melek> house <01004 bayith>; A Amo_07_08 And the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> said <00559 >amar> (8799) unto me, Amos <05986 , what seest <07200 ra>ah> (8802) thou? And I said <00559 >amar> (8799), {A} plumbline <00594 >anak>. Then said <00559 >amar> (8799) the Lord <00136 >Adonay>, Behold, I will set <07760 suwm> (8802) a plumbline <00594 >anak> in the midst <07130 qereb> of my people <05971 Israel <03478 Yisra>el>: I will not again <03254 yacaph> (8686) pass by <05674 (8800) them any more: A Amo_08_02 And he said <00559 >amar> (8799), Amos <05986 , what seest <07200 ra>ah> (8802) thou? And I said <00559 >amar> (8799), {A} basket <03619 k@lub> of summer fruit <07019 qayits>. Then said <00559 >amar> (8799) the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> unto me, The end <07093 qets> is come <00935 bow>> (8804) upon my people <05971 of Israel <03478 Yisra>el>; I will not again <03254 yacaph> (8686) pass <05674 (8800) by them any more. A Dan_07_10 {A} fiery <05135 nuwr> stream <05103 n@har> issued <05047 n@gad> (8743) and came forth <05312 n@phaq> (8750) from <04481 min> before <06925 qodam> him: thousand <00506 >alaph> thousands <00506 >alaph> ministered <08120 sh@mash> (8741) unto him, and ten thousand <07240 ribbow> times ten thousand <07240 ribbow> stood <06966 quwm> (8748) before <06925 qodam> him: the judgment <01780 diyn> was set <03488 y@thiyb> (8754), and the books <05609 c@phar> were opened <06606 p@thach> (8760). A Deu_02_21 {A} people <05971 great <01419 gadowl>, and many <07227 rab>, and tall <07311 ruwm> (8802), as the Anakims <06062 ; but the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> destroyed <08045 shamad> (8686) them before <06440 paniym> them; and they succeeded <03423 yarash> (8799) them, and dwelt <03427 yashab> (8799) in their stead: A Deu_08_08 {A} land <00776 >erets> of wheat <02406 chittah>, and barley <08184 s@, and vines <01612 gephen>, and fig trees <08384 t@>en>, and pomegranates <07416 rimmown>; a land <00776 >erets> of oil <08081 shemen> olive <02132 zayith>, and honey <01706 d@bash>; A Deu_08_09 {A} land <00776 >erets> wherein <00834 >aher> thou shalt eat <00398 >akal> (8799) bread <03899 lechem> without <03808 lo>> scarceness <04544 mickenuth>, thou shalt not lack <02637 chacer> (8799) any thing in it; a land <00776 >erets> whose stones <00068 >eben> are iron <01270 barzel>, and out of whose hills <02042 harar> thou mayest dig <02672 chatsab> (8799) brass <05178 n@chosheth>. A Deu_09_02 {A} people <05971 great <01419 gadowl> and tall <07311 ruwm> (8802), the children <01121 ben> of the Anakims <06062 , whom thou knowest <03045 yada<> (8804), and of whom thou hast heard <08085 shama<> (8804) say, Who can stand <03320 yatsab> (8691) before <06440 paniym> the children <01121 ben> of Anak <06061 ! A Deu_11_12 {A} land <00776 >erets> which the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> thy God <00430 >elohiym> careth for <01875 darash> (8802): the eyes <05869 of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> thy God <00430 >elohiym> are always <08548 tamiyd> upon it, from the beginning <07225 re>shiyth> of the year <08141 shaneh> even unto the end <00319 >achariyth> of the year <08141 shaneh>. A Deu_11_27 {A} blessing <01293 B@rakah>, if ye obey <08085 shama<> (8799) the commandments <04687 mitsvah> of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> your God <00430 >elohiym>, which I command <06680 tsavah> (8764) you this day <03117 yowm>: A Deu_22_30 {A} man <00376 >iysh> shall not take <03947 laqach> (8799) his father's <00001 >ab> wife <00802 >ishshah>, nor discover <01540 galah> (8762) his father's <00001 >ab> skirt <03671 kanaph>. A Deu_23_02 {A} bastard <04464 mamzer> shall not enter <00935 bow>> (8799) into the congregation <06951 qahal> of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>; even to his tenth <06224 generation <01755 dowr> shall he not enter <00935 bow>> (8799) into the congregation <06951 qahal> of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>. A Deu_26_05 And thou shalt speak <06030 (8804) and say <00559 >amar> (8804) before <06440 paniym> the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> thy God <00430 >elohiym>, {A} Syrian <00761 >Arammiy> ready to perish <00006 >abad> (8802) was my father <00001 >ab>, and he went down <03381 yarad> (8799) into Egypt <04714 Mitsrayim>, and sojourned <01481 guwr> (8799) there with <04962 math> a few <04592 m@, and became there a nation <01471 gowy>, great <01419 gadowl>, mighty <06099 , and populous <07227 rab>: A Deu_28_50 {A} nation <01471 gowy> of fierce <05794 countenance <06440 paniym>, which shall not regard <05375 nasa>> (8799) the person <06440 paniym> of the old <02205 zaqen>, nor shew favour <02603 chanan> (8799) to the young <05288 na: A Ecc_03_08 {A} time <06256 to love <00157 >ahab> (8800), and a time <06256 to hate <08130 sane>> (8800); a time <06256 of war <04421 milchamah>, and a time <06256 of peace <07965 shalowm>. A Ecc_03_04 {A} time <06256 to weep <01058 bakah> (8800), and a time <06256 to laugh <07832 sachaq> (8800); a time <06256 to mourn <05594 caphad> (8800), and a time <06256 to dance <07540 raqad> (8800); A Ecc_03_06 {A} time <06256 to get <01245 baqash> (8763), and a time <06256 to lose <00006 >abad> (8763); a time <06256 to keep <08104 shamar> (8800), and a time <06256 to cast away <07993 shalak> (8687); A Ecc_03_07 {A} time <06256 to rend <07167 qara<> (8800), and a time <06256 to sew <08609 taphar> (8800); a time <06256 to keep silence <02814 chashah> (8800), and a time <06256 to speak <01696 dabar> (8763); A Ecc_03_03 {A} time <06256 to kill <02026 harag> (8800), and a time <06256 to heal <07495 rapha>> (8800); a time <06256 to break down <06555 parats> (8800), and a time <06256 to build up <01129 banah> (8800); A Ecc_03_02 {A} time <06256 to be born <03205 yalad> (8800), and a time <06256 to die <04191 muwth> (8800); a time <06256 to plant <05193 nata<> (8800), and a time <06256 to pluck up <06131 (8800) that which is planted <05193 nata<> (8803); A Ecc_03_05 {A} time <06256 to cast away <07993 shalak> (8687) stones <00068 >eben>, and a time <06256 to gather <03664 kanac> <00> stones <00068 >eben> together <03664 kanac> (8800); a time <06256 to embrace <02263 chabaq> (8800), and a time <06256 to refrain <07368 rachaq> (8800) from embracing <02263 chabaq> (8763); A Ecc_06_02 {A} man <00376 >iysh> to whom God <00430 >elohiym> hath given <05414 nathan> (8799) riches <06239 , wealth <05233 nekec>, and honour <03519 kabowd>, so that he wanteth <02638 chacer> nothing for his soul <05315 nephesh> of all that he desireth <00183 >avah> (8691), yet God <00430 >elohiym> giveth him not power <07980 shalat> (8686) to eat <00398 >akal> (8800) thereof, but a stranger <00376 >iysh> <05237 nokriy> eateth <00398 >akal> (8799) it: this is vanity <01892 hebel>, and it is an evil <07451 ra<> disease <02483 choliy>. A Ecc_07_01 {A} good name <08034 shem> is better <02896 towb> than precious <02896 towb> ointment <08081 shemen>; and the day <03117 yowm> of death <04194 maveth> than the day <03117 yowm> of one's birth <03205 yalad> (8736). A Ecc_10_02 {A} wise man's <02450 chakam> heart <03820 leb> is at his right hand <03225 yamiyn>; but a fool's <03684 k@ciyl> heart <03820 leb> at his left <08040 s@mo>wl>. A Ecc_10_19 {A} feast <03899 lechem> is made <06213 (8802) for laughter <07814 s@chowq>, and wine <03196 yayin> maketh merry <08055 samach> (8762) <02416 chay>: but money <03701 keceph> answereth <06030 (8799) all things. A Ecc_10_14 {A} fool <05530 cakal> also is full <07235 rabah> (8686) of words <01697 dabar>: a man <00120 >adam> cannot tell <03045 yada<> (8799) what shall be; and what shall be after <00310 >achar> him, who can tell <05046 nagad> (8686) him? A Exo_04_02 And the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> said <00559 >amar> (8799) unto him, What is that in thine hand <03027 yad>? And he said <00559 >amar> (8799), {A} rod <04294 matteh>. A Exo_04_26 So he let him go <07503 raphah> (8799): then she said <00559 >amar> (8804), {A} bloody <01818 dam> husband <02860 chathan> thou art, because of the circumcision <04139 muwlah>. A Exo_12_45 {A} foreigner <08453 towshab> and an hired servant <07916 sakiyr> shall not eat <00398 >akal> (8799) thereof. A Exo_28_34 {A} golden <02091 zahab> bell <06472 pa and a pomegranate <07416 rimmown>, a golden <02091 zahab> bell <06472 pa and a pomegranate <07416 rimmown>, upon the hem <07757 shuwl> of the robe <04598 m@ round about <05439 cabiyb>. A Exo_30_02 {A} cubit <00520 >ammah> shall be the length <00753 >orek> thereof, and a cubit <00520 >ammah> the breadth <07341 rochab> thereof; foursquare <07251 raba<> (8803) shall it be: and two cubits <00520 >ammah> shall be the height <06967 qowmah> thereof: the horns <07161 qeren> thereof shall be of the same. A Exo_38_26 {A} bekah <01235 beqa<> for every man <01538 gulgoleth>, that is, half <04276 machatsiyth> a shekel <08255 sheqel>, after the shekel <08255 sheqel> of the sanctuary <06944 qodesh>, for every one that went <05674 (8802) to be numbered <06485 paqad> (8803), from twenty <06242 years <08141 shaneh> old <01121 ben> and upward <04605 ma, for six <08337 shesh> hundred <03967 me>ah> thousand <00505 >eleph> and three <07969 shalowsh> thousand <00505 >eleph> and five <02568 chamesh> hundred <03967 me>ah> and fifty <02572 chamishshiym> men. A Exo_39_26 {A} bell <06472 pa and a pomegranate <07416 rimmown>, a bell <06472 pa and a pomegranate <07416 rimmown>, round about <05439 cabiyb> the hem <07757 shuwl> of the robe <04598 m@ to minister <08334 sharath> (8763) in; as the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> commanded <06680 tsavah> (8765) Moses <04872 Mosheh>. A Eze_05_12 {A} third part <07992 sh@liyshiy> of thee shall die <04191 muwth> (8799) with the pestilence <01698 deber>, and with famine <07458 ra shall they be consumed <03615 kalah> (8799) in the midst <08432 tavek> of thee: and a third part <07992 sh@liyshiy> shall fall <05307 naphal> (8799) by the sword <02719 chereb> round about <05439 cabiyb> thee; and I will scatter <02219 zarah> (8762) a third part <07992 sh@liyshiy> into all the winds <07307 ruwach>, and I will draw out <07324 ruwq> (8686) a sword <02719 chereb> after <00310 >achar> them. A Eze_17_03 And say <00559 >amar> (8804), Thus saith <00559 >amar> (8804) the Lord <00136 >Adonay> GOD <03069 Y@hovih>; {A} great <01419 gadowl> eagle <05404 nesher> with great <01419 gadowl> wings <03671 kanaph>, longwinged <00083 >eber> <00750 >arek>, full <04392 male>> of feathers <05133 nowtsah>, which had divers colours <07553 riqmah>, came <00935 bow>> (8804) unto Lebanon <03844 L@banown>, and took <03947 laqach> (8799) the highest branch <06788 tsammereth> of the cedar <00730 >erez>: A Eze_19_02 And say <00559 >amar> (8804), What is thy mother <00517 >em>? {A} lioness <03833 labiy>>: she lay down <07257 rabats> (8804) among lions <00738 >ariy>, she nourished <07235 rabah> (8765) her whelps <01482 guwr> among <08432 tavek> young lions <03715 k@phiyr>. A Eze_21_09 Son <01121 ben> of man <00120 >adam>, prophesy <05012 naba>> (8734), and say <00559 >amar> (8804), Thus saith <00559 >amar> (8804) the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>; Say <00559 >amar> (8798), {A} sword <02719 chereb>, a sword <02719 chereb> is sharpened <02300 chadad> (8717), and also furbished <04803 marat> (8803): A Eze_36_26 {A} new <02319 chadash> heart <03820 leb> also will I give <05414 nathan> (8804) you, and a new <02319 chadash> spirit <07307 ruwach> will I put <05414 nathan> (8799) within <07130 qereb> you: and I will take away <05493 cuwr> (8689) the stony <00068 >eben> heart <03820 leb> out of your flesh <01320 basar>, and I will give <05414 nathan> (8804) you an heart <03820 leb> of flesh <01320 basar>. A Gen_06_16 {A} window <06672 tsohar> shalt thou make <06213 (8799) to the ark <08392 tebah>, and in a cubit <00520 >ammah> shalt thou finish <03615 kalah> (8762) it above <04605 ma; and the door <06607 pethach> of the ark <08392 tebah> shalt thou set <07760 suwm> (8799) in the side thereof <06654 tsad>; with lower <08482 tachtiy>, second <08145 sheniy>, and third <07992 sh@liyshiy> stories shalt thou make <06213 (8799) it. A Gen_30_11 And Leah <03812 Le>ah> said <00559 >amar> (8799), {A} troop <01409 gad> cometh <00935 bow>> (8804): and she called <07121 qara>> (8799) his name <08034 shem> Gad <01410 Gad>. A Hab_03_01 {A} prayer <08605 t@phillah> of Habakkuk <02265 Chabaqquwq> the prophet <05030 nabiy>> upon Shigionoth <07692 shiggayown>. A Isa_08_12 Say <00559 >amar> (8799) ye not, A confederacy <07195 qesher>, to all them to whom this people <05971 shall say <00559 >amar> (8799), {A} confederacy <07195 qesher>; neither fear <03372 yare>> (8799) ye their fear <04172 mowra>>, nor be afraid <06206 (8686). A Isa_08_12 Say <00559 >amar> (8799) ye not, {A} confederacy <07195 qesher>, to all them to whom this people <05971 shall say <00559 >amar> (8799), A confederacy <07195 qesher>; neither fear <03372 yare>> (8799) ye their fear <04172 mowra>>, nor be afraid <06206 (8686). A Isa_21_08 And he cried <07121 qara>> (8799), {A} lion <00738 >ariy>: My lord <00136 >Adonay>, I stand <05975 (8802) continually <08548 tamiyd> upon the watchtower <04707 mitspeh> in the daytime <03119 yowmam>, and I am set <05324 natsab> (8737) in my ward <04931 mishmereth> whole nights <03915 layil>: A Isa_21_02 {A} grievous <07186 qasheh> vision <02380 chazuwth> is declared <05046 nagad> (8717) unto me; the treacherous dealer <00898 bagad> (8802) dealeth treacherously <00898 bagad> (8802), and the spoiler <07703 shadad> (8802) spoileth <07703 shadad> (8802). Go up <05927 (8798), O Elam <05867 : besiege <06696 tsuwr> (8798), O Media <04074 Maday>; all the sighing <00585 >anachah> thereof have I made to cease <07673 shabath> (8689). A Isa_27_02 In that day <03117 yowm> sing <06031 (8761) ye unto her, {A} vineyard <03754 kerem> of red wine <02561 chemer> (8676) <02531 chemed>. A Isa_42_03 {A} bruised <07533 ratsats> (8803) reed <07070 qaneh> shall he not break <07665 shabar> (8799), and the smoking <03544 keheh> flax <06594 pishtah> shall he not quench <03518 kabah> (8762): he shall bring forth <03318 yatsa>> (8686) judgment <04941 mishpat> unto truth <00571 >emeth>. A Isa_60_22 {A} little one <06996 qatan> shall become a thousand <00505 >eleph>, and a small one <06810 tsa a strong <06099 nation <01471 gowy>: I the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> will hasten <02363 chuwsh> (8686) it in his time <06256 . A Isa_62_12 And they shall call <07121 qara>> (8804) them, The holy <06944 qodesh> people <05971 , The redeemed <01350 ga>al> (8803) of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>: and thou shalt be called <07121 qara>> (8735), Sought out <01875 darash> (8803), {A} city <05892 not forsaken <05800 (8737). A Isa_65_03 {A} people <05971 that provoketh me to anger <03707 ka (8688) continually <08548 tamiyd> to my face <06440 paniym>; that sacrificeth <02076 zabach> (8802) in gardens <01593 gannah>, and burneth incense <06999 qatar> (8764) upon altars of brick <03843 l@benah>; A Isa_66_06 {A} voice <06963 qowl> of noise <07588 sha>own> from the city <05892 , a voice <06963 qowl> from the temple <01964 heykal>, a voice <06963 qowl> of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> that rendereth <07999 shalam> (8764) recompence <01576 g@muwl> to his enemies <00341 >oyeb> (8802). A Jer_02_24 {A} wild ass <06501 pere>> used <03928 limmuwd> to the wilderness <04057 midbar>, that snuffeth up <07602 sha>aph> (8804) the wind <07307 ruwach> at her pleasure <00185 >avvah> <05315 nephesh>; in her occasion <08385 ta>anah> who can turn her away <07725 shuwb> (8686)? all they that seek <01245 baqash> (8764) her will not weary <03286 ya (8799) themselves; in her month <02320 chodesh> they shall find <04672 matsa>> (8799) her. A Jer_03_21 {A} voice <06963 qowl> was heard <08085 shama<> (8738) upon the high places <08205 sh@phiy>, weeping <01065 B@kiy> and supplications <08469 tachanuwn> of the children <01121 ben> of Israel <03478 Yisra>el>: for they have perverted <05753 (8689) their way <01870 derek>, and they have forgotten <07911 shakach> (8804) the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> their God <00430 >elohiym>. A Jer_04_11 At that time <06256 shall it be said <00559 >amar> (8735) to this people <05971 and to Jerusalem <03389 Y@ruwshalaim>, {A} dry <06703 tsach> wind <07307 ruwach> of the high places <08205 sh@phiy> in the wilderness <04057 midbar> toward <01870 derek> the daughter <01323 bath> of my people <05971 , not to fan <02219 zarah> (8800), nor to cleanse <01305 barar> (8687), A Jer_05_30 {A} wonderful <08047 shammah> and horrible thing <08186 sha is committed <01961 hayah> (8738) in the land <00776 >erets>; A Jer_11_09 And the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> said <00559 >amar> (8799) unto me, {A} conspiracy <07195 qesher> is found <04672 matsa>> (8738) among the men <00376 >iysh> of Judah <03063 Y@huwdah>, and among the inhabitants <03427 yashab> (8802) of Jerusalem <03389 Y@ruwshalaim>. A Jer_11_16 The LORD <03068 Y@hovah> called <07121 qara>> (8804) thy name <08034 shem>, {A} green <07488 ra olive tree <02132 zayith>, fair <03303 yapheh>, and of goodly <08389 to>ar> fruit <06529 p@riy>: with the noise <06963 qowl> of a great <01419 gadowl> tumult <01999 hamullah> he hath kindled <03341 yatsath> (8689) fire <00784 >esh> upon it, and the branches <01808 daliyah> of it are broken <07489 ra (8804). A Jer_17_12 {A} glorious <03519 kabowd> high <04791 marowm> throne <03678 kicce>> from the beginning <07223 ri>shown> is the place <04725 maqowm> of our sanctuary <04720 miqdash>. A Jer_20_15 Cursed <00779 >arar> (8803) be the man <00376 >iysh> who brought tidings <01319 basar> (8765) to my father <00001 >ab>, saying <00559 >amar> (8800), {A} man <02145 zakar> child <01121 ben> is born <03205 yalad> (8795) unto thee; making him very <08055 samach> (8763) glad <08055 samach> (8765). A Jer_25_36 {A} voice <06963 qowl> of the cry <06818 tsa of the shepherds <07462 ra (8802), and an howling <03215 y@lalah> of the principal <00117 >addiyr> of the flock <06629 tso>n>, shall be heard: for the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> hath spoiled <07703 shadad> (8802) their pasture <04830 mir. A Jer_25_31 {A} noise <07588 sha>own> shall come <00935 bow>> (8804) even to the ends <07097 qatseh> of the earth <00776 >erets>; for the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> hath a controversy <07379 riyb> with the nations <01471 gowy>, he will plead <08199 shaphat> (8737) with all flesh <01320 basar>; he will give <05414 nathan> (8804) them that are wicked <07563 rasha<> to the sword <02719 chereb>, saith <05002 n@>um> (8803) the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>. A Jer_31_15 Thus saith <00559 >amar> (8804) the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>; {A} voice <06963 qowl> was heard <08085 shama<> (8738) in Ramah <07414 Ramah>, lamentation <05092 n@hiy>, and bitter <08563 tamruwr> weeping <01065 B@kiy>; Rahel <07354 Rachel> weeping <01058 bakah> (8764) for her children <01121 ben> refused <03985 ma>en> (8765) to be comforted <05162 nacham> (8736) for her children <01121 ben>, because they were not. A Jer_31_22 How long wilt thou go about <02559 chamaq> (8691), O thou backsliding <07728 showbeb> daughter <01323 bath>? for the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> hath created <01254 bara>> (8804) a new thing <02319 chadash> in the earth <00776 >erets>, {A} woman <05347 n@qebah> shall compass <05437 cabab> (8779) a man <01397 geber>. A Jer_48_03 {A} voice <06963 qowl> of crying <06818 tsa shall be from Horonaim <02773 Choronayim>, spoiling <07701 shod> and great <01419 gadowl> destruction <07667 sheber>. A Jer_50_22 {A} sound <06963 qowl> of battle <04421 milchamah> is in the land <00776 >erets>, and of great <01419 gadowl> destruction <07667 sheber>. A Jer_50_36 {A} sword <02719 chereb> is upon the liars <00907 bad>; and they shall dote <02973 ya>al> (8738): a sword <02719 chereb> is upon her mighty men <01368 gibbowr>; and they shall be dismayed <02865 chathath> (8804). A Jer_50_38 {A} drought <02721 choreb> is upon her waters <04325 mayim>; and they shall be dried up <03001 yabesh> (8804): for it is the land <00776 >erets> of graven images <06456 p@ciyl>, and they are mad <01984 halal> (8704) upon their idols <00367 >eymah>. A Jer_50_35 {A} sword <02719 chereb> is upon the Chaldeans <03778 Kasdiy>, saith <05002 n@>um> (8803) the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, and upon the inhabitants <03427 yashab> (8802) of Babylon <00894 Babel>, and upon her princes <08269 sar>, and upon her wise <02450 chakam> men. A Jer_50_37 {A} sword <02719 chereb> is upon their horses <05483 cuwc>, and upon their chariots <07393 rekeb>, and upon all the mingled people <06153 that are in the midst <08432 tavek> of her; and they shall become as women <00802 >ishshah>: a sword <02719 chereb> is upon her treasures <00214 >owtsar>; and they shall be robbed <00962 bazaz> (8795). A Jer_51_54 {A} sound <06963 qowl> of a cry <02201 za cometh from Babylon <00894 Babel>, and great <01419 gadowl> destruction <07667 sheber> from the land <00776 >erets> of the Chaldeans <03778 Kasdiy>: A Job_10_22 {A} land <00776 >erets> of darkness <05890 , as darkness <00652 >ophel> itself; and of the shadow of death <06757 tsalmaveth>, without any order <05468 ceder>, and where the light <03313 yapha<> (8686) is as darkness <00652 >ophel>. A Job_15_21 {A} dreadful <06343 pachad> sound <06963 qowl> is in his ears <00241 >ozen>: in prosperity <07965 shalowm> the destroyer <07703 shadad> (8802) shall come <00935 bow>> (8799) upon him. A Joe_02_03 {A} fire <00784 >esh> devoureth <00398 >akal> (8804) before <06440 paniym> them; and behind <00310 >achar> them a flame <03852 lehabah> burneth <03857 lahat> (8762): the land <00776 >erets> is as the garden <01588 gan> of Eden <05731 before <06440 paniym> them, and behind <00310 >achar> them a desolate <08077 sh@mamah> wilderness <04057 midbar>; yea, and nothing shall escape <06413 p@leytah> them. A Joe_02_02 {A} day <03117 yowm> of darkness <02822 choshek> and of gloominess <00653 >aphelah>, a day <03117 yowm> of clouds <06051 and of thick darkness <06205 , as the morning <07837 shachar> spread <06566 paras> (8803) upon the mountains <02022 har>: a great <07227 rab> people <05971 and a strong <06099 ; there hath not been <01961 hayah> (8738) ever <05769 the like, neither shall be any more <03254 yacaph> (8686) after <00310 >achar> it, even to the years <08141 shaneh> of many <01755 dowr> generations <01755 dowr>. A Jud_09_54 Then he called <07121 qara>> (8799) hastily <04120 m@herah> unto the young man <05288 na his armourbearer <05375 nasa>> (8802) <03627 k@liy>, and said <00559 >amar> (8799) unto him, Draw <08025 shalaph> (8798) thy sword <02719 chereb>, and slay <04191 muwth> (8786) me, that men say <00559 >amar> (8799) not of me, {A} woman <00802 >ishshah> slew <02026 harag> (8804) him. And his young man <05288 na thrust him through <01856 daqar> (8799), and he died <04191 muwth> (8799). A Jud_13_06 Then the woman <00802 >ishshah> came <00935 bow>> (8799) and told <00559 >amar> (8799) her husband <00376 >iysh>, saying <00559 >amar> (8800), {A} man <00376 >iysh> of God <00430 >elohiym> came <00935 bow>> (8804) unto me, and his countenance <04758 mar>eh> was like the countenance <04758 mar>eh> of an angel <04397 mal>ak> of God <00430 >elohiym>, very <03966 m@ terrible <03372 yare>> (8737): but I asked <07592 sha>al> (8804) him not whence he was, neither told <05046 nagad> (8689) he me his name <08034 shem>: A Lev_20_27 {A} man <00376 >iysh> also or woman <00802 >ishshah> that hath <03588 kiy> a familiar spirit <00178 >owb>, or that is a wizard <03049 yidd@, shall surely <04191 muwth> (8800) be put to death <04191 muwth> (8714): they shall stone <07275 ragam> (8799) them with stones <00068 >eben>: their blood <01818 dam> shall be upon them. A Lev_21_14 {A} widow <00490 >almanah>, or a divorced woman <01644 garash> (8803), or profane <02491 chalal>, or an harlot <02181 zanah> (8802), these shall he not take <03947 laqach> (8799): but he shall take <03947 laqach> (8799) a virgin <01330 b@thuwlah> of his own people <05971 to wife <00802 >ishshah>. A Lev_25_11 {A} jubile <03104 yowbel> shall that fiftieth <02572 chamishshiym> <08141 shaneh> year <08141 shaneh> be unto you: ye shall not sow <02232 zara<> (8799), neither reap <07114 qatsar> (8799) that which groweth <05599 caphiyach> of itself in it, nor gather <01219 batsar> (8799) the grapes in it of thy vine undressed <05139 naziyr>. A Mal_01_06 {A} son <01121 ben> honoureth <03513 kabad> (8762) his father <00001 >ab>, and a servant <05650 his master <00113 >adown>: if then I be a father <00001 >ab>, where is mine honour <03519 kabowd>? and if I be a master <00113 >adown>, where is my fear <04172 mowra>>? saith <00559 >amar> (8804) the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> of hosts <06635 tsaba>> unto you, O priests <03548 kohen>, that despise <00959 bazah> (8802) my name <08034 shem>. And ye say <00559 >amar> (8804), Wherein have we despised <00959 bazah> (8804) thy name <08034 shem>? A Num_28_29 {A} several tenth deal <06241 unto one <00259 >echad> lamb <03532 kebes>, throughout the seven <07651 sheba<> lambs <03532 kebes>; A Num_28_21 {A} several tenth deal <06241 shalt thou offer <06213 (8799) for every <00259 >echad> lamb <03532 kebes>, throughout the seven <07651 sheba<> lambs <03532 kebes>: A Num_29_10 {A} several tenth deal <06241 for one <00259 >echad> lamb <03532 kebes>, throughout the seven <07651 sheba<> lambs <03532 kebes>: A Pro_01_05 {A} wise <02450 chakam> man will hear <08085 shama<> (8799), and will increase <03254 yacaph> (8686) learning <03948 leqach>; and a man of understanding <00995 biyn> (8737) shall attain <07069 qanah> (8799) unto wise counsels <08458 tachbulah>: A Pro_06_12 {A} naughty <01100 b@liya person <00120 >adam>, a wicked <00205 >aven> man <00376 >iysh>, walketh <01980 halak> (8802) with a froward <06143 mouth <06310 peh>. A Pro_06_17 {A} proud <07311 ruwm> (8802) look <05869 , a lying <08267 sheqer> tongue <03956 lashown>, and hands <03027 yad> that shed <08210 shaphak> (8802) innocent <05355 naqiy> blood <01818 dam>, A Pro_06_19 {A} false <08267 sheqer> witness <05707 that speaketh <06315 puwach> (8686) lies <03577 kazab>, and he that soweth <07971 shalach> (8764) discord <04090 m@dan> among brethren <00251 >ach>. A Pro_06_33 {A} wound <05061 nega<> and dishonour <07036 qalown> shall he get <04672 matsa>> (8799); and his reproach <02781 cherpah> shall not be wiped away <04229 machah> (8735). A Pro_09_13 {A} foolish <03687 k@ciyluwth> woman <00802 >ishshah> is clamorous <01993 hamah> (8802): she is simple <06615 p@thayuwth>, and <01077 bal> knoweth <03045 yada<> (8804) nothing <04100 mah>. A Pro_10_01 The proverbs <04912 mashal> of Solomon <08010 Sh@lomoh>. {A} wise <02450 chakam> son <01121 ben> maketh a glad <08055 samach> (8762) father <00001 >ab>: but a foolish <03684 k@ciyl> son <01121 ben> is the heaviness <08424 tuwgah> of his mother <00517 >em>. A Pro_11_01 {A} false <04820 mirmah> balance <03976 mo>zen> is abomination <08441 tow to the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>: but a just <08003 shalem> weight <00068 >eben> is his delight <07522 ratsown>. A Pro_11_16 {A} gracious <02580 chen> woman <00802 >ishshah> retaineth <08551 tamak> (8799) honour <03519 kabowd>: and strong <06184 men retain <08551 tamak> (8799) riches <06239 . A Pro_11_13 {A} talebearer <01980 halak> (8802) <07400 rakiyl> revealeth <01540 galah> (8764) secrets <05475 cowd>: but he that is of a faithful <00539 >aman> (8738) spirit <07307 ruwach> concealeth <03680 kacah> (8764) the matter <01697 dabar>. A Pro_12_03 {A} man <00120 >adam> shall not be established <03559 kuwn> (8735) by wickedness <07562 resha<>: but the root <08328 sheresh> of the righteous <06662 tsaddiyq> shall not be moved <04131 mowt> (8735). A Pro_12_02 {A} good <02896 towb> man obtaineth <06329 puwq> (8686) favour <07522 ratsown> of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>: but a man <00376 >iysh> of wicked devices <04209 m@zimmah> will he condemn <07561 rasha<> (8686). A Pro_12_08 {A} man <00376 >iysh> shall be commended <01984 halal> (8792) according <06310 peh> to his wisdom <07922 sekel>: but he that is of a perverse <05753 (8737) heart <03820 leb> shall be despised <00937 buwz>. A Pro_12_04 {A} virtuous <02428 chayil> woman <00802 >ishshah> is a crown <05850 to her husband <01167 ba: but she that maketh ashamed <00954 buwsh> (8688) is as rottenness <07538 raqab> in his bones <06106 . A Pro_12_16 {A} fool's <00191 >eviyl> wrath <03708 ka is presently <03117 yowm> known <03045 yada<> (8735): but a prudent <06175 man covereth <03680 kacah> (8802) shame <07036 qalown>. A Pro_12_10 {A} righteous <06662 tsaddiyq> man regardeth <03045 yada<> (8802) the life <05315 nephesh> of his beast <00929 b@hemah>: but the tender mercies <07356 racham> of the wicked <07563 rasha<> are cruel <00394 >akzariy>. A Pro_12_14 {A} man <00376 >iysh> shall be satisfied <07646 saba<> (8799) with good <02896 towb> by the fruit <06529 p@riy> of his mouth <06310 peh>: and the recompence <01576 g@muwl> of a man's <00120 >adam> hands <03027 yad> shall be rendered <07725 shuwb> (8686) (8675) <07725 shuwb> (8799) unto him. A Pro_12_23 {A} prudent <06175 man <00120 >adam> concealeth <03680 kacah> (8802) knowledge <01847 da: but the heart <03820 leb> of fools <03684 k@ciyl> proclaimeth <07121 qara>> (8799) foolishness <00200 >ivveleth>. A Pro_13_01 {A} wise <02450 chakam> son <01121 ben> heareth his father's <00001 >ab> instruction <04148 muwcar>: but a scorner <03887 luwts> (8801) heareth <08085 shama<> (8804) not rebuke <01606 g@. A Pro_13_05 {A} righteous <06662 tsaddiyq> man hateth <08130 sane>> (8799) lying <01697 dabar> <08267 sheqer>: but a wicked <07563 rasha<> man is loathsome <00887 ba>ash> (8686), and cometh to shame <02659 chapher> (8686). A Pro_13_02 {A} man <00376 >iysh> shall eat <00398 >akal> (8799) good <02896 towb> by the fruit <06529 p@riy> of his mouth <06310 peh>: but the soul <05315 nephesh> of the transgressors <00898 bagad> (8802) shall eat violence <02555 chamac>. A Pro_13_17 {A} wicked <07563 rasha<> messenger <04397 mal>ak> falleth <05307 naphal> (8799) into mischief <07451 ra<>: but a faithful <00529 >emuwn> ambassador <06735 tsiyr> is health <04832 marpe>>. A Pro_13_22 {A} good <02896 towb> man leaveth an inheritance <05157 nachal> (8686) to his children's <01121 ben> children <01121 ben>: and the wealth <02428 chayil> of the sinner <02398 chata>> (8802) is laid up <06845 tsaphan> (8803) for the just <06662 tsaddiyq>. A Pro_14_05 {A} faithful <00529 >emuwn> witness <05707 will not lie <03577 kazab>: but a false <08267 sheqer> witness <05707 will utter <06315 puwach> (8686) lies <03576 kazab> (8762). A Pro_14_06 {A} scorner <03887 luwts> (8801) seeketh <01245 baqash> (8765) wisdom <02451 chokmah>, and findeth it not: but knowledge <01847 da is easy <07043 qalal> (8738) unto him that understandeth <00995 biyn> (8737). A Pro_14_16 {A} wise <02450 chakam> man feareth <03373 yare>>, and departeth <05493 cuwr> (8802) from evil <07451 ra<>: but the fool <03684 k@ciyl> rageth <05674 (8693), and is confident <00982 batach> (8802). A Pro_14_25 {A} true <00571 >emeth> witness <05707 delivereth <05337 natsal> (8688) souls <05315 nephesh>: but a deceitful <04820 mirmah> witness speaketh <06315 puwach> (8686) lies <03577 kazab>. A Pro_14_30 {A} sound <04832 marpe>> heart <03820 leb> is the life <02416 chay> of the flesh <01320 basar>: but envy <07068 qin>ah> the rottenness <07538 raqab> of the bones <06106 . A Pro_15_04 {A} wholesome <04832 marpe>> tongue <03956 lashown> is a tree <06086 of life <02416 chay>: but perverseness <05558 celeph> therein is a breach <07667 sheber> in the spirit <07307 ruwach>. A Pro_15_01 {A} soft <07390 rak> answer <04617 ma turneth <07725 shuwb> (8686) away wrath <02534 chemah>: but grievous <06089 words <01697 dabar> stir up <05927 (8686) anger <00639 >aph>. A Pro_15_05 {A} fool <00191 >eviyl> despiseth <05006 na>ats> (8799) his father's <00001 >ab> instruction <04148 muwcar>: but he that regardeth <08104 shamar> (8802) reproof <08433 towkechah> is prudent <06191 (8686). A Pro_15_12 {A} scorner <03887 luwts> (8801) loveth <00157 >ahab> (8799) not one that reproveth <03198 yakach> (8687) him: neither will he go <03212 yalak> (8799) unto the wise <02450 chakam>. A Pro_15_18 {A} wrathful <02534 chemah> man <00376 >iysh> stirreth up <01624 garah> (8762) strife <04066 madown>: but he that is slow <00750 >arek> to anger <00639 >aph> appeaseth <08252 shaqat> (8686) strife <07379 riyb>. A Pro_15_13 {A} merry <08056 sameach> heart <03820 leb> maketh a cheerful <03190 yatab> (8686) countenance <06440 paniym>: but by sorrow <06094 of the heart <03820 leb> the spirit <07307 ruwach> is broken <05218 nake>>. A Pro_15_23 {A} man <00376 >iysh> hath joy <08057 simchah> by the answer <04617 ma of his mouth <06310 peh>: and a word <01697 dabar> spoken in due season <06256 , how good <02896 towb> is it! A Pro_15_20 {A} wise <02450 chakam> son <01121 ben> maketh a glad <08055 samach> (8762) father <00001 >ab>: but a foolish <03684 k@ciyl> man <00120 >adam> despiseth <00959 bazah> (8802) his mother <00517 >em>. A Pro_16_09 {A} man's <00120 >adam> heart <03820 leb> deviseth <02803 chashab> (8762) his way <01870 derek>: but the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> directeth <03559 kuwn> (8686) his steps <06806 tsa. A Pro_16_10 {A} divine sentence <07081 qecem> is in the lips <08193 saphah> of the king <04428 melek>: his mouth <06310 peh> transgresseth <04603 ma (8799) not in judgment <04941 mishpat>. A Pro_16_11 {A} just <04941 mishpat> weight <06425 pelec> and balance <03976 mo>zen> are the LORD'S <03068 Y@hovah>: all the weights <00068 >eben> of the bag <03599 kiyc> are his work <04639 ma. A Pro_16_28 {A} froward <08419 tahpukah> man <00376 >iysh> soweth <07971 shalach> (8762) strife <04066 madown>: and a whisperer <05372 nirgan> separateth <06504 parad> (8688) chief friends <00441 >alluwph>. A Pro_16_29 {A} violent <02555 chamac> man <00376 >iysh> enticeth <06601 pathah> (8762) his neighbour <07453 rea<>, and leadeth <03212 yalak> (8689) him into the way <01870 derek> that is not good <02896 towb>. A Pro_17_08 {A} gift <07810 shachad> is as a precious <02580 chen> stone <00068 >eben> in the eyes <05869 of him that hath <01167 ba it: whithersoever it turneth <06437 panah> (8799), it prospereth <07919 sakal> (8686). A Pro_17_04 {A} wicked doer <07489 ra (8688) giveth heed <07181 qashab> (8688) to false <00205 >aven> lips <08193 saphah>; and a liar <08267 sheqer> giveth ear <00238 >azan> (8688) to a naughty <01942 havvah> tongue <03956 lashown>. A Pro_17_02 {A} wise <07919 sakal> (8688) servant <05650 shall have rule <04910 mashal> (8799) over a son <01121 ben> that causeth shame <00954 buwsh> (8688), and shall have part <02505 chalaq> (8799) of the inheritance <05159 nachalah> among <08432 tavek> the brethren <00251 >ach>. A Pro_17_17 {A} friend <07453 rea<> loveth <00157 >ahab> (8802) at all times <06256 , and a brother <00251 >ach> is born <03205 yalad> (8735) for adversity <06869 tsarah>. A Pro_17_10 {A} reproof <01606 g@ entereth <05181 nachath> (8799) more into a wise man <00995 biyn> (8688) than an hundred <03967 me>ah> stripes <05221 nakah> (8687) into a fool <03684 k@ciyl>. A Pro_17_18 {A} man <00120 >adam> void <02638 chacer> of understanding <03820 leb> striketh <08628 taqa<> (8802) hands <03709 kaph>, and becometh <06148 (8802) surety <06161 in the presence <06440 paniym> of his friend <07453 rea<>. A Pro_17_25 {A} foolish <03684 k@ciyl> son <01121 ben> is a grief <03708 ka to his father <00001 >ab>, and bitterness <04470 memer> to her that bare <03205 yalad> (8802) him. A Pro_17_23 {A} wicked <07563 rasha<> man taketh <03947 laqach> (8799) a gift <07810 shachad> out of the bosom <02436 cheyq> to pervert <05186 natah> (8687) the ways <00734 >orach> of judgment <04941 mishpat>. A Pro_17_22 {A} merry <08056 sameach> heart <03820 leb> doeth good <03190 yatab> (8686) like a medicine <01456 gehah>: but a broken <05218 nake>> spirit <07307 ruwach> drieth <03001 yabesh> (8762) the bones <01634 gerem>. A Pro_18_07 {A} fool's <03684 k@ciyl> mouth <06310 peh> is his destruction <04288 m@chittah>, and his lips <08193 saphah> are the snare <04170 mowqesh> of his soul <05315 nephesh>. A Pro_18_02 {A} fool <03684 k@ciyl> hath no delight <02654 chaphets> (8799) in understanding <08394 tabuwn>, but that his heart <03820 leb> may discover <01540 galah> (8692) itself. A Pro_18_06 {A} fool's <03684 k@ciyl> lips <08193 saphah> enter <00935 bow>> (8799) into contention <07379 riyb>, and his mouth <06310 peh> calleth <07121 qara>> (8799) for strokes <04112 mahalummah>. A Pro_18_16 {A} man's <00120 >adam> gift <04976 mattan> maketh room <07337 rachab> (8686) for him, and bringeth <05148 nachah> (8686) him before <06440 paniym> great men <01419 gadowl>. A Pro_18_19 {A} brother <00251 >ach> offended <06586 pasha<> (8737) is harder to be won than a strong <05797 city <07151 qiryah>: and their contentions <04079 midyan> (8675) <04066 madown> are like the bars <01280 b@riyach> of a castle <00759 >armown>. A Pro_18_24 {A} man <00376 >iysh> that hath friends <07453 rea<> must shew himself friendly <07489 ra (8710): and there is <03426 yesh> a friend <00157 >ahab> (8802) that sticketh closer <01695 dabeq> than a brother <00251 >ach>. A Pro_18_20 {A} man's <00376 >iysh> belly <00990 beten> shall be satisfied <07646 saba<> (8799) with the fruit <06529 p@riy> of his mouth <06310 peh>; and with the increase <08393 t@buw>ah> of his lips <08193 saphah> shall he be filled <07646 saba<> (8799). A Pro_19_09 {A} false <08267 sheqer> witness <05707 shall not be unpunished <05352 naqah> (8735), and he that speaketh <06315 puwach> (8686) lies <03577 kazab> shall perish <00006 >abad> (8799). A Pro_19_05 {A} false <08267 sheqer> witness <05707 shall not be unpunished <05352 naqah> (8735), and he that speaketh <06315 puwach> (8686) lies <03577 kazab> shall not escape <04422 malat> (8735). A Pro_19_19 {A} man <01419 gadowl> of great <01632 garol> wrath <02534 chemah> shall suffer <05375 nasa>> (8802) punishment <06066 : for if thou deliver <05337 natsal> (8686) him, yet thou must do it again <03254 yacaph> (8686). A Pro_19_13 {A} foolish <03684 k@ciyl> son <01121 ben> is the calamity <01942 havvah> of his father <00001 >ab>: and the contentions <04079 midyan> of a wife <00802 >ishshah> are a continual <02956 tarad> (8802) dropping <01812 deleph>. A Pro_19_24 {A} slothful <06102 man hideth <02934 taman> (8804) his hand <03027 yad> in his bosom <06747 tsallachath>, and will not so much as bring <07725 shuwb> <00> it to his mouth <06310 peh> again <07725 shuwb> (8686). A Pro_20_08 {A} king <04428 melek> that sitteth in <03427 yashab> (8802) the throne <03678 kicce>> of judgment <01779 diyn> scattereth away <02219 zarah> (8764) all evil <07451 ra<> with his eyes <05869 . A Pro_20_26 {A} wise <02450 chakam> king <04428 melek> scattereth <02219 zarah> (8764) the wicked <07563 rasha<>, and bringeth <07725 shuwb> (8686) the wheel <00212 >owphan> over them. A Pro_21_14 {A} gift <04976 mattan> in secret <05643 cether> pacifieth <03711 kaphah> (8799) anger <00639 >aph>: and a reward <07810 shachad> in the bosom <02436 cheyq> strong <05794 wrath <02534 chemah>. A Pro_21_28 {A} false <03577 kazab> witness <05707 shall perish <00006 >abad> (8799): but the man <00376 >iysh> that heareth <08085 shama<> (8802) speaketh <01696 dabar> (8762) constantly <05331 netsach>. A Pro_21_22 {A} wise <02450 chakam> man scaleth <05927 (8804) the city <05892 of the mighty <01368 gibbowr>, and casteth down <03381 yarad> (8686) the strength <05797 of the confidence <04009 mibtach> thereof. A Pro_21_29 {A} wicked <07563 rasha<> man <00376 >iysh> hardeneth <05810 (8689) his face <06440 paniym>: but as for the upright <03477 yashar>, he directeth <00995 biyn> (8799) (8675) <03559 kuwn> (8686) his way <01870 derek>. A Pro_22_01 {A} good name <08034 shem> is rather to be chosen <00977 bachar> (8737) than great <07227 rab> riches <06239 , and loving <02896 towb> favour <02580 chen> rather than silver <03701 keceph> and gold <02091 zahab>. A Pro_22_03 {A} prudent <06175 man foreseeth <07200 ra>ah> (8804) the evil <07451 ra<>, and hideth <05641 cathar> (8738) (8675) <05641 cathar> (8799) himself: but the simple <06612 p@thiy> pass on <05674 (8804), and are punished <06064 (8738). A Pro_24_05 {A} wise <02450 chakam> man <01397 geber> is strong <05797 ; yea, a man <00376 >iysh> of knowledge <01847 da increaseth <00553 >amats> (8764) strength <03581 koach>. A Pro_25_11 {A} word <01697 dabar> fitly <00212 >owphan> (8675) <00655 >ophen> spoken <01696 dabar> (8803) is like apples <08598 tappuwach> of gold <02091 zahab> in pictures <04906 maskiyth> of silver <03701 keceph>. A Pro_25_18 {A} man <00376 >iysh> that beareth <06030 (8802) false <08267 sheqer> witness <05707 against his neighbour <07453 rea<> is a maul <04650 mephiyts>, and a sword <02719 chereb>, and a sharp <08150 shanan> (8802) arrow <02671 chets>. A Pro_25_26 {A} righteous <06662 tsaddiyq> man falling down <04131 mowt> (8801) before <06440 paniym> the wicked <07563 rasha<> is as a troubled <07515 raphas> (8737) fountain <04599 ma, and a corrupt <07843 shachath> (8716) spring <04726 maqowr>. A Pro_26_03 {A} whip <07752 showt> for the horse <05483 cuwc>, a bridle <04964 metheg> for the ass <02543 chamowr>, and a rod <07626 shebet> for the fool's <03684 k@ciyl> back <01460 gev>. A Pro_26_28 {A} lying <08267 sheqer> tongue <03956 lashown> hateth <08130 sane>> (8799) those that are afflicted <01790 dak> by it; and a flattering <02509 chalaq> mouth <06310 peh> worketh <06213 (8799) ruin <04072 midcheh>. A Pro_27_03 {A} stone <00068 >eben> is heavy <03514 kobed>, and the sand <02344 chowl> weighty <05192 netel>; but a fool's <00191 >eviyl> wrath <03708 ka is heavier <03515 kabed> than them both <08147 sh@nayim>. A Pro_27_15 {A} continual <02956 tarad> (8802) dropping <01812 deleph> in a very rainy <05464 cagriyd> day <03117 yowm> and a contentious <04079 midyan> (8675) <04066 madown> woman <00802 >ishshah> are alike <07737 shavah> (8739). A Pro_27_12 {A} prudent <06175 man foreseeth <07200 ra>ah> (8804) the evil <07451 ra<>, and hideth <05641 cathar> (8738) himself; but the simple <06612 p@thiy> pass on <05674 (8804), and are punished <06064 (8738). A Pro_28_03 {A} poor <07326 ruwsh> (8802) man <01397 geber> that oppresseth <06231 (8802) the poor <01800 dal> is like a sweeping <05502 cachaph> (8802) rain <04306 matar> which leaveth no food <03899 lechem>. A Pro_28_17 {A} man <00120 >adam> that doeth violence <06231 (8803) to the blood <01818 dam> of any person <05315 nephesh> shall flee <05127 nuwc> (8799) to the pit <00953 bowr>; let no man stay <08551 tamak> (8799) him. A Pro_28_20 {A} faithful <00530 >emuwnah> man <00376 >iysh> shall abound <07227 rab> with blessings <01293 B@rakah>: but he that maketh haste <00213 >uwts> (8801) to be rich <06238 (8687) shall not be innocent <05352 naqah> (8735). A Pro_29_05 {A} man <01397 geber> that flattereth <02505 chalaq> (8688) his neighbour <07453 rea<> spreadeth <06566 paras> (8802) a net <07568 resheth> for his feet <06471 pa. A Pro_29_19 {A} servant <05650 will not be corrected <03256 yacar> (8735) by words <01697 dabar>: for though he understand <00995 biyn> (8799) he will not answer <04617 ma. A Pro_29_11 {A} fool <03684 k@ciyl> uttereth <03318 yatsa>> (8686) all his mind <07307 ruwach>: but a wise <02450 chakam> man keepeth <07623 shabach> (8762) it in till afterwards <00268 >achowr>. A Pro_29_23 {A} man's <00120 >adam> pride <01346 ga shall bring him low <08213 shaphel> (8686): but honour <03519 kabowd> shall uphold <08551 tamak> (8799) the humble <08217 shaphal> in spirit <07307 ruwach>. A Pro_30_30 {A} lion <03918 layish> which is strongest <01368 gibbowr> among beasts <00929 b@hemah>, and turneth not away <07725 shuwb> (8799) for <06440 paniym> any; A Pro_30_31 {A} greyhound <04975 mothen> <02223 zarziyr>; an he goat <08495 tayish> also <00176 >ow>; and a king <04428 melek>, against whom there is no rising up <00510 >alquwm>. A Psa_03_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>, when he fled <01272 barach> (8800) from <06440 paniym> Absalom <00053 >Abiyshalowm> his son <01121 ben>.>> LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, how are they increased <07231 rabab> (8804) that trouble <06862 tsar> me! many <07227 rab> are they that rise up <06965 quwm> (8801) against me. A Psa_04_01 < (8764) on Neginoth <05058 n@giynah>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> Hear <06030 (8798) me when I call <07121 qara>> (8800), O God <00430 >elohiym> of my righteousness <06664 tsedeq>: thou hast enlarged <07337 rachab> (8689) me when I was in distress <06862 tsar>; have mercy <02603 chanan> (8798) upon me, and hear <08085 shama<> (8798) my prayer <08605 t@phillah>. A Psa_05_01 < (8764) upon Nehiloth <05155 n@chiylah>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> Give ear <00238 >azan> (8685) to my words <00561 >emer>, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, consider <00995 biyn> (8798) my meditation <01901 hagiyg>. A Psa_06_01 < (8764) on Neginoth <05058 n@giynah> upon Sheminith <08067 sh@miyniyth>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, rebuke <03198 yakach> (8686) me not in thine anger <00639 >aph>, neither chasten <03256 yacar> (8762) me in thy hot displeasure <02534 chemah>. A Psa_08_01 < (8764) upon Gittith <01665 Gittiyth>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> O LORD <03068 Y@hovah> our Lord <00113 >adown>, how excellent <00117 >addiyr> is thy name <08034 shem> in all the earth <00776 >erets>! who hast set <05414 nathan> (8798) thy glory <01935 howd> above the heavens <08064 shamayim>. A Psa_09_01 < (8764) upon Muthlabben <04192 Muwth> <01121 ben>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> I will praise <03034 yadah> (8686) thee, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, with my whole heart <03820 leb>; I will shew forth <05608 caphar> (8762) all thy marvellous works <06381 pala>> (8737). A Psa_100_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of praise <08426 towdah>.>> Make a joyful noise <07321 ruwa<> (8685) unto the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, all ye lands <00776 >erets>. A Psa_101_04 {A} froward <06141 heart <03824 lebab> shall depart <05493 cuwr> (8799) from me: I will not know <03045 yada<> (8799) a wicked <07451 ra<> person. A Psa_101_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> I will sing <07891 shiyr> (8799) of mercy <02617 checed> and judgment <04941 mishpat>: unto thee, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, will I sing <02167 zamar> (8762). A Psa_102_01 <<{A} Prayer <08605 t@phillah> of the afflicted <06041 , when he is overwhelmed <05848 (8799), and poureth out <08210 shaphak> (8799) his complaint <07879 siyach> before <06440 paniym> the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>.>> Hear <08085 shama<> (8798) my prayer <08605 t@phillah>, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, and let my cry <07775 shav come <00935 bow>> (8799) unto thee. A Psa_103_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> Bless <01288 barak> (8761) the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, O my soul <05315 nephesh>: and all that is within <07130 qereb> me, bless his holy <06944 qodesh> name <08034 shem>. A Psa_107_34 {A} fruitful <06529 p@riy> land <00776 >erets> into barrenness <04420 m@lechah>, for the wickedness <07451 ra<> of them that dwell <03427 yashab> (8802) therein. A Psa_108_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> or Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> O God <00430 >elohiym>, my heart <03820 leb> is fixed <03559 kuwn> (8737); I will sing <07891 shiyr> (8799) and give praise <02167 zamar> (8762), even with my glory <03519 kabowd>. A Psa_109_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> Hold not thy peace <02790 charash> (8799), O God <00430 >elohiym> of my praise <08416 t@hillah>; A Psa_110_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> The LORD <03068 Y@hovah> said <05002 n@>um> (8803) unto my Lord <00113 >adown>, Sit <03427 yashab> (8798) thou at my right hand <03225 yamiyn>, until I make <07896 shiyth> (8799) thine enemies <00341 >oyeb> (8802) thy footstool <01916 hadom> <07272 regel>. A Psa_112_05 {A} good <02896 towb> man <00376 >iysh> sheweth favour <02603 chanan> (8802), and lendeth <03867 lavah> (8688): he will guide <03557 kuwl> (8770) his affairs <01697 dabar> with discretion <04941 mishpat>. A Psa_11_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> In the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> put I my trust <02620 chacah> (8804): how say <00559 >amar> (8799) ye to my soul <05315 nephesh>, Flee <05110 nuwd> (8798) as a bird <06833 tsippowr> to your mountain <02022 har>? A Psa_120_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma.>> In my distress <06869 tsarah> I cried <07121 qara>> (8804) unto the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, and he heard <06030 (8799) me. A Psa_121_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma.>> I will lift up <05375 nasa>> (8799) mine eyes <05869 unto the hills <02022 har>, from whence <00370 >aiyn> cometh <00935 bow>> (8799) my help <05828 . A Psa_122_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma of David <01732 David>.>> I was glad <08055 samach> (8804) when they said <00559 >amar> (8802) unto me, Let us go <03212 yalak> (8799) into the house <01004 bayith> of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>. A Psa_123_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma.>> Unto thee lift I up <05375 nasa>> (8804) mine eyes <05869 , O thou that dwellest <03427 yashab> (8802) in the heavens <08064 shamayim>. A Psa_124_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma of David <01732 David>.>> If <03884 luwle>> it had not been the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> who was on our side, now may Israel <03478 Yisra>el> say <00559 >amar> (8799); A Psa_125_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma.>> They that trust <00982 batach> (8802) in the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> shall be as mount <02022 har> Zion <06726 Tsiyown>, which cannot be removed <04131 mowt> (8735), but abideth <03427 yashab> (8799) for ever <05769 . A Psa_126_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma.>> When the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> turned again <07725 shuwb> (8800) the captivity <07870 shiybah> of Zion <06726 Tsiyown>, we were like them that dream <02492 chalam> (8802). A Psa_127_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma for Solomon <08010 Sh@lomoh>.>> Except the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> build <01129 banah> (8799) the house <01004 bayith>, they labour <05998 (8804) in vain <07723 shav>> that build <01129 banah> (8802) it: except the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> keep <08104 shamar> (8799) the city <05892 , the watchman <08104 shamar> (8802) waketh <08245 shaqad> (8804) but in vain <07723 shav>>. A Psa_128_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma.>> Blessed <00835 >esher> is every one that feareth <03373 yare>> the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>; that walketh <01980 halak> (8802) in his ways <01870 derek>. A Psa_129_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma.>> Many a time <07227 rab> have they afflicted <06887 tsarar> (8804) me from my youth <05271 na, may Israel <03478 Yisra>el> now say <00559 >amar> (8799): A Psa_12_01 < (8764) upon Sheminith <08067 sh@miyniyth>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> Help <03467 yasha<> (8685), LORD <03068 Y@hovah>; for the godly man <02623 chaciyd> ceaseth <01584 gamar> (8804); for the faithful <00539 >aman> (8803) fail <06461 pacac> (8804) from among the children <01121 ben> of men <00120 >adam>. A Psa_130_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma.>> Out of the depths <04615 ma have I cried <07121 qara>> (8804) unto thee, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>. A Psa_131_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma of David <01732 David>.>> LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, my heart <03820 leb> is not haughty <01361 gabahh> (8804), nor mine eyes <05869 lofty <07311 ruwm> (8804): neither do I exercise <01980 halak> (8765) myself in great matters <01419 gadowl>, or in things too high <06381 pala>> (8737) for me. A Psa_132_01 {A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma. LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, remember <02142 zakar> (8798) David <01732 David>, and all his afflictions <06031 (8793): A Psa_133_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma of David <01732 David>.>> Behold, how good <02896 towb> and how pleasant <05273 na it is for brethren <00251 >ach> to dwell <03427 yashab> (8800) together <03162 yachad> in unity <03162 yachad>! A Psa_134_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> of degrees <04609 ma.>> Behold, bless <01288 barak> (8761) ye the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, all ye servants <05650 of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, which by night <03915 layil> stand <05975 (8802) in the house <01004 bayith> of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>. A Psa_138_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> I will praise <03034 yadah> (8686) thee with my whole heart <03820 leb>: before the gods <00430 >elohiym> will I sing praise <02167 zamar> (8762) unto thee. A Psa_139_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, thou hast searched <02713 chaqar> (8804) me, and known <03045 yada<> (8799) me. A Psa_13_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> How long wilt thou forget <07911 shakach> (8799) me, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>? for ever <05331 netsach>? how long wilt thou hide <05641 cathar> (8686) thy face <06440 paniym> from me? A Psa_140_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> Deliver <02502 chalats> (8761) me, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, from the evil <07451 ra<> man <00120 >adam>: preserve <05341 natsar> (8799) me from the violent <02555 chamac> man <00376 >iysh>; A Psa_141_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, I cry <07121 qara>> (8804) unto thee: make haste <02363 chuwsh> (8798) unto me; give ear <00238 >azan> (8685) unto my voice <06963 qowl>, when I cry <07121 qara>> (8800) unto thee. A Psa_142_01 < (8688) of David <01732 David>; {A} Prayer <08605 t@phillah> when he was in the cave <04631 m@.>> I cried <02199 za (8799) unto the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> with my voice <06963 qowl>; with my voice <06963 qowl> unto the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> did I make my supplication <02603 chanan> (8691). A Psa_143_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> Hear <08085 shama<> (8798) my prayer <08605 t@phillah>, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, give ear <00238 >azan> (8685) to my supplications <08469 tachanuwn>: in thy faithfulness <00530 >emuwnah> answer <06030 (8798) me, and in thy righteousness <06666 ts@daqah>. A Psa_144_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> Blessed <01288 barak> (8803) be the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> my strength <06697 tsuwr>, which teacheth <03925 lamad> (8764) my hands <03027 yad> to war <07128 q@rab>, and my fingers <00676 >etsba<> to fight <04421 milchamah>: A Psa_14_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> The fool <05036 nabal> hath said <00559 >amar> (8804) in his heart <03820 leb>, There is no God <00430 >elohiym>. They are corrupt <07843 shachath> (8689), they have done abominable <08581 ta (8689) works <05949 , there is none that doeth <06213 (8802) good <02896 towb>. A Psa_15_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, who shall abide <01481 guwr> (8799) in thy tabernacle <00168 >ohel>? who shall dwell <07931 shakan> (8799) in thy holy <06944 qodesh> hill <02022 har>? A Psa_17_01 <<{A} Prayer <08605 t@phillah> of David <01732 David>.>> Hear <08085 shama<> (8798) the right <06664 tsedeq>, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, attend <07181 qashab> (8685) unto my cry <07440 rinnah>, give ear <00238 >azan> (8685) unto my prayer <08605 t@phillah>, that goeth not <03808 lo>> out of feigned <04820 mirmah> lips <08193 saphah>. A Psa_18_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm of David <01732 David>, the servant <05650 of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, who spake <01696 dabar> (8765) unto the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> the words <01697 dabar> of this song <07892 shiyr> in the day <03117 yowm> that the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> delivered <05337 natsal> (8689) him from the hand <03709 kaph> of all his enemies <00341 >oyeb> (8802), and from the hand <03027 yad> of Saul <07586 Sha>uwl>: And he said <00559 >amar> (8799),>> I will love <07355 racham> (8799) thee, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, my strength <02391 chezeq>. A Psa_19_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> The heavens <08064 shamayim> declare <05608 caphar> (8764) the glory <03519 kabowd> of God <00410 >el>; and the firmament <07549 raqiya<> sheweth his <05046 nagad> (8688) handywork <04639 ma <03027 yad>. A Psa_20_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> The LORD <03068 Y@hovah> hear <06030 (8799) thee in the day <03117 yowm> of trouble <06869 tsarah>; the name <08034 shem> of the God <00430 >elohiym> of Jacob <03290 Ya defend <07682 sagab> (8762) thee; A Psa_21_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> The king <04428 melek> shall joy <08055 samach> (8799) in thy strength <05797 , O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>; and in thy salvation <03444 y@shuw how greatly <03966 m@ shall he rejoice <01523 giyl> (8799)! A Psa_22_01 < (8764) upon Aijeleth <00365 >ayeleth> Shahar <07837 shachar>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> My God <00410 >el>, my God <00410 >el>, why hast thou forsaken <05800 (8804) me? why art thou so far <07350 rachowq> from helping <03444 y@shuw me, and from the words <01697 dabar> of my roaring <07581 sh@agah>? A Psa_22_30 {A} seed <02233 zera<> shall serve <05647 (8799) him; it shall be accounted <05608 caphar> (8792) to the Lord <00136 >Adonay> for a generation <01755 dowr>. A Psa_23_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> The LORD <03068 Y@hovah> is my shepherd <07462 ra (8802); I shall not want <02637 chacer> (8799). A Psa_24_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> The earth <00776 >erets> is the LORD'S <03068 Y@hovah>, and the fulness <04393 m@lo>> thereof; the world <08398 tebel>, and they that dwell <03427 yashab> (8802) therein. A Psa_25_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> Unto thee, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, do I lift up <05375 nasa>> (8799) my soul <05315 nephesh>. A Psa_26_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> Judge <08199 shaphat> (8798) me, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>; for I have walked <01980 halak> (8804) in mine integrity <08537 tom>: I have trusted <00982 batach> (8804) also in the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>; therefore I shall not slide <04571 ma (8799). A Psa_27_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> The LORD <03068 Y@hovah> is my light <00216 >owr> and my salvation <03468 yesha<>; whom shall I fear <03372 yare>> (8799)? the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> is the strength <04581 ma of my life <02416 chay>; of whom shall I be afraid <06342 pachad> (8799)? A Psa_28_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> Unto thee will I cry <07121 qara>> (8799), O LORD <03068 Y@hovah> my rock <06697 tsuwr>; be not silent <02814 chashah> (8799) to me: lest, if thou be silent <02790 charash> (8799) to me, I become <04911 mashal> (8738) like them that go down <03381 yarad> (8802) into the pit <00953 bowr>. A Psa_29_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> Give <03051 yahab> (8798) unto the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, O ye mighty <01121 ben> <00410 >el>, give <03051 yahab> (8798) unto the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> glory <03519 kabowd> and strength <05797 . A Psa_30_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> and Song <07892 shiyr> at the dedication <02598 chanukkah> of the house <01004 bayith> of David <01732 David>.>> I will extol <07311 ruwm> (8787) thee, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>; for thou hast lifted me up <01802 dalah> (8765), and hast not made my foes <00341 >oyeb> (8802) to rejoice <08055 samach> (8765) over me. A Psa_31_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> In thee, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, do I put my trust <02620 chacah> (8804); let me never <00408 >al> <05769 be ashamed <00954 buwsh> (8799): deliver <06403 palat> (8761) me in thy righteousness <06666 ts@daqah>. A Psa_32_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>, Maschil <04905 maskiyl> (8688).>> Blessed <00835 >esher> is he whose transgression <06588 pesha<> is forgiven <05375 nasa>> (8803), whose sin <02401 chata>ah> is covered <03680 kacah> (8803). A Psa_34_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>, when he changed <08138 shanah> (8763) his behaviour <02940 ta before <06440 paniym> Abimelech <00040 >Abiymelek>; who drove him away <01644 garash> (8762), and he departed <03212 yalak> (8799).>> I will bless <01288 barak> (8762) the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> at all times <06256 : his praise <08416 t@hillah> shall continually <08548 tamiyd> be in my mouth <06310 peh>. A Psa_35_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> Plead <07378 riyb> (8798) my cause, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, with them that strive <03401 yariyb> with me: fight <03898 lacham> (8798) against them that fight <03898 lacham> (8802) against me. A Psa_36_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm of David <01732 David> the servant <05650 of the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>.>> The transgression <06588 pesha<> of the wicked <07563 rasha<> saith <05002 n@>um> (8803) within <07130 qereb> my heart <03820 leb>, that there is no fear <06343 pachad> of God <00430 >elohiym> before his eyes <05869 . A Psa_37_01 <<{A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> Fret <02734 charah> (8691) not thyself because of evildoers <07489 ra (8688), neither be thou envious <07065 qana>> (8762) against the workers <06213 (8802) of iniquity <05766 . A Psa_37_16 {A} little <04592 m@ that a righteous man <06662 tsaddiyq> hath is better <02896 towb> than the riches <01995 hamown> of many <07227 rab> wicked <07563 rasha<>. A Psa_38_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>, to bring to remembrance <02142 zakar> (8687).>> O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, rebuke <03198 yakach> (8686) me not in thy wrath <07110 qetseph>: neither chasten <03256 yacar> (8762) me in thy hot displeasure <02534 chemah>. A Psa_39_01 < (8764), even to Jeduthun <03038 Y@duwthuwn>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> I said <00559 >amar> (8804), I will take heed <08104 shamar> (8799) to my ways <01870 derek>, that I sin <02398 chata>> (8800) not with my tongue <03956 lashown>: I will keep <08104 shamar> (8799) my mouth <06310 peh> with a bridle <04269 machcowm>, while the wicked <07563 rasha<> is before me. A Psa_40_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> I waited <06960 qavah> (8765) patiently <06960 qavah> (8763) for the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>; and he inclined <05186 natah> (8799) unto me, and heard <08085 shama<> (8799) my cry <07775 shav. A Psa_41_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> Blessed <00835 >esher> is he that considereth <07919 sakal> (8688) the poor <01800 dal>: the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> will deliver <04422 malat> (8762) him in time <03117 yowm> of trouble <07451 ra<>. A Psa_45_01 < (8764) upon Shoshannim <07799 shuwshan>, for the sons <01121 ben> of Korah <07141 Qorach>, Maschil <04905 maskiyl> (8688), {A} Song <07892 shiyr> of loves <03039 y@diyd>.>> My heart <03820 leb> is inditing <07370 rachash> (8804) a good <02896 towb> matter <01697 dabar>: I speak <00559 >amar> (8802) of the things which I have made <04639 ma touching the king <04428 melek>: my tongue <03956 lashown> is the pen <05842 of a ready <04106 mahiyr> writer <05608 caphar> (8802). A Psa_46_01 < (8764) for the sons <01121 ben> of Korah <07141 Qorach>, {A} Song <07892 shiyr> upon Alamoth <05961 .>> God <00430 >elohiym> is our refuge <04268 machaceh> and strength <05797 , a very <03966 m@ present <04672 matsa>> (8738) help <05833 in trouble <06869 tsarah>. A Psa_47_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> for the sons <01121 ben> of Korah <07141 Qorach>.>> O clap <08628 taqa<> (8798) your hands <03709 kaph>, all ye people <05971 ; shout <07321 ruwa<> (8685) unto God <00430 >elohiym> with the voice <06963 qowl> of triumph <07440 rinnah>. A Psa_48_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> and Psalm <04210 mizmowr> for the sons <01121 ben> of Korah <07141 Qorach>.>> Great <01419 gadowl> is the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, and greatly <03966 m@ to be praised <01984 halal> (8794) in the city <05892 of our God <00430 >elohiym>, in the mountain <02022 har> of his holiness <06944 qodesh>. A Psa_49_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> for the sons <01121 ben> of Korah <07141 Qorach>.>> Hear <08085 shama<> (8798) this, all ye people <05971 ; give ear <00238 >azan> (8685), all ye inhabitants <03427 yashab> (8802) of the world <02465 cheled>: A Psa_50_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of Asaph <00623 >Acaph>.>> The mighty <00410 >el> God <00430 >elohiym>, even the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, hath spoken <01696 dabar> (8765), and called <07121 qara>> (8799) the earth <00776 >erets> from the rising <04217 mizrach> of the sun <08121 shemesh> unto the going down <03996 mabow>> thereof. A Psa_51_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>, when Nathan <05416 Nathan> the prophet <05030 nabiy>> came <00935 bow>> (8800) unto him, after he had gone in <00935 bow>> (8804) to Bathsheba <01339 Bath-Sheba<>.>> Have mercy <02603 chanan> (8798) upon me, O God <00430 >elohiym>, according to thy lovingkindness <02617 checed>: according unto the multitude <07230 rob> of thy tender mercies <07356 racham> blot out <04229 machah> (8798) my transgressions <06588 pesha<>. A Psa_52_01 < (8764), Maschil <04905 maskiyl> (8688), {A} Psalm of David <01732 David>, when Doeg <01673 Do>eg> the Edomite <00130 >Edomiy> came <00935 bow>> (8800) and told <05046 nagad> (8686) Saul <07586 Sha>uwl>, and said <00559 >amar> (8799) unto him, David <01732 David> is come <00935 bow>> (8804) to the house <01004 bayith> of Ahimelech <00288 >Achiymelek>.>> Why boastest <01984 halal> (8691) thou thyself in mischief <07451 ra<>, O mighty <01368 gibbowr> man? the goodness <02617 checed> of God <00410 >el> endureth continually <03117 yowm>. A Psa_53_01 < (8764) upon Mahalath <04257 machalath>, Maschil <04905 maskiyl> (8688), {A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> The fool <05036 nabal> hath said <00559 >amar> (8804) in his heart <03820 leb>, There is no God <00430 >elohiym>. Corrupt <07843 shachath> (8689) are they, and have done abominable <08581 ta (8689) iniquity <05766 : there is none that doeth <06213 (8802) good <02896 towb>. A Psa_54_01 < (8764) on Neginoth <05058 n@giynah>, Maschil <04905 maskiyl> (8688), {A} Psalm of David <01732 David>, when the Ziphims <02130 Ziyphiy> came <00935 bow>> (8800) and said <00559 >amar> (8799) to Saul <07586 Sha>uwl>, Doth not David <01732 David> hide <05641 cathar> (8693) himself with us?>> Save <03467 yasha<> (8685) me, O God <00430 >elohiym>, by thy name <08034 shem>, and judge <01777 diyn> (8799) me by thy strength <01369 g@buwrah>. A Psa_55_01 < (8764) on Neginoth <05058 n@giynah>, Maschil <04905 maskiyl> (8688), {A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> Give ear <00238 >azan> (8685) to my prayer <08605 t@phillah>, O God <00430 >elohiym>; and hide <05956 (8691) not thyself from my supplication <08467 t@chinnah>. A Psa_61_01 < (8764) upon Neginah <05058 n@giynah>, {A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> Hear <08085 shama<> (8798) my cry <07440 rinnah>, O God <00430 >elohiym>; attend <07181 qashab> (8685) unto my prayer <08605 t@phillah>. A Psa_62_01 < (8764), to Jeduthun <03038 Y@duwthuwn>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> Truly my soul <05315 nephesh> waiteth <01747 duwmiyah> upon God <00430 >elohiym>: from him cometh my salvation <03444 y@shuw. A Psa_63_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>, when he was in the wilderness <04057 midbar> of Judah <03063 Y@huwdah>.>> O God <00430 >elohiym>, thou art my God <00410 >el>; early will I seek <07836 shachar> (8762) thee: my soul <05315 nephesh> thirsteth <06770 tsame>> (8804) for thee, my flesh <01320 basar> longeth <03642 kamahh> (8804) for thee in a dry <06723 tsiyah> and thirsty <05889 land <00776 >erets>, where no <01097 b@liy> water <04325 mayim> is; A Psa_64_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of David <01732 David>.>> Hear <08085 shama<> (8798) my voice <06963 qowl>, O God <00430 >elohiym>, in my prayer <07879 siyach>: preserve <05341 natsar> (8799) my life <02416 chay> from fear <06343 pachad> of the enemy <00341 >oyeb> (8802). A Psa_65_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> and Song <07892 shiyr> of David <01732 David>.>> Praise <08416 t@hillah> waiteth <01747 duwmiyah> for thee, O God <00430 >elohiym>, in Sion <06726 Tsiyown>: and unto thee shall the vow <05088 neder> be performed <07999 shalam> (8792). A Psa_66_01 < (8764), {A} Song <07892 shiyr> or Psalm <04210 mizmowr>.>> Make a joyful noise <07321 ruwa<> (8685) unto God <00430 >elohiym>, all ye lands <00776 >erets>: A Psa_67_01 < (8764) on Neginoth <05058 n@giynah>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> or Song <07892 shiyr>.>> God <00430 >elohiym> be merciful <02603 chanan> (8799) unto us, and bless <01288 barak> (8762) us; and cause his face <06440 paniym> to shine <00215 >owr> (8686) upon us; Selah <05542 celah>. A Psa_68_05 {A} father <00001 >ab> of the fatherless <03490 yathowm>, and a judge <01781 dayan> of the widows <00490 >almanah>, is God <00430 >elohiym> in his holy <06944 qodesh> habitation <04583 ma. A Psa_68_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> or Song <07892 shiyr> of David <01732 David>.>> Let God <00430 >elohiym> arise <06965 quwm> (8799), let his enemies <00341 >oyeb> (8802) be scattered <06327 puwts> (8799): let them also that hate <08130 sane>> (8764) him flee <05127 nuwc> (8799) before <06440 paniym> him. A Psa_69_01 < (8764) upon Shoshannim <07799 shuwshan>, {A} Psalm of David <01732 David>.>> Save <03467 yasha<> (8685) me, O God <00430 >elohiym>; for the waters <04325 mayim> are come <00935 bow>> (8804) in unto my soul <05315 nephesh>. A Psa_70_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm of David <01732 David>, to bring to remembrance <02142 zakar> (8687).>> Make haste, O God <00430 >elohiym>, to deliver <05337 natsal> (8687) me; make haste <02363 chuwsh> (8798) to help <05833 me, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>. A Psa_72_01 <<{A} Psalm for Solomon <08010 Sh@lomoh>.>> Give <05414 nathan> (8798) the king <04428 melek> thy judgments <04941 mishpat>, O God <00430 >elohiym>, and thy righteousness <06666 ts@daqah> unto the king's <04428 melek> son <01121 ben>. A Psa_73_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of Asaph <00623 >Acaph>.>> Truly God <00430 >elohiym> is good <02896 towb> to Israel <03478 Yisra>el>, even to such as are of a clean <01249 bar> heart <03824 lebab>. A Psa_74_05 {A} man was famous <03045 yada<> (8735) according as he had lifted up <00935 bow>> (8688) <04605 ma axes <07134 qardom> upon the thick <05442 c@bak> trees <06086 . A Psa_75_01 < (8764), Altaschith <00516 >Al tashcheth> (8686), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> or Song <07892 shiyr> of Asaph <00623 >Acaph>.>> Unto thee, O God <00430 >elohiym>, do we give thanks <03034 yadah> (8689), unto thee do we give thanks <03034 yadah> (8689): for that thy name <08034 shem> is near <07138 qarowb> thy wondrous works <06381 pala>> (8737) declare <05608 caphar> (8765). A Psa_76_01 < (8764) on Neginoth <05058 n@giynah>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> or Song <07892 shiyr> of Asaph <00623 >Acaph>.>> In Judah <03063 Y@huwdah> is God <00430 >elohiym> known <03045 yada<> (8737): his name <08034 shem> is great <01419 gadowl> in Israel <03478 Yisra>el>. A Psa_77_01 < (8764), to Jeduthun <03038 Y@duwthuwn>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of Asaph <00623 >Acaph>.>> I cried <06817 tsa (8799) unto God <00430 >elohiym> with my voice <06963 qowl>, even unto God <00430 >elohiym> with my voice <06963 qowl>; and he gave ear <00238 >azan> (8689) unto me. A Psa_79_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of Asaph <00623 >Acaph>.>> O God <00430 >elohiym>, the heathen <01471 gowy> are come <00935 bow>> (8804) into thine inheritance <05159 nachalah>; thy holy <06944 qodesh> temple <01964 heykal> have they defiled <02930 tame>> (8765); they have laid <07760 suwm> (8804) Jerusalem <03389 Y@ruwshalaim> on heaps <05856 . A Psa_80_01 < (8764) upon Shoshannimeduth <07802 Shuwshan , {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of Asaph <00623 >Acaph>.>> Give ear <00238 >azan> (8685), O Shepherd <07462 ra (8802) of Israel <03478 Yisra>el>, thou that leadest <05090 nahag> (8802) Joseph <03130 Yowceph> like a flock <06629 tso>n>; thou that dwellest <03427 yashab> (8802) between the cherubims <03742 k@ruwb>, shine forth <03313 yapha<> (8685). A Psa_81_01 < (8764) upon Gittith <01665 Gittiyth>, {A} Psalm of Asaph <00623 >Acaph>.>> Sing aloud <07442 ranan> (8685) unto God <00430 >elohiym> our strength <05797 : make a joyful noise <07321 ruwa<> (8685) unto the God <00430 >elohiym> of Jacob <03290 Ya. A Psa_82_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of Asaph <00623 >Acaph>.>> God <00430 >elohiym> standeth <05324 natsab> (8737) in the congregation <05712 of the mighty <00410 >el>; he judgeth <08199 shaphat> (8799) among <07130 qereb> the gods <00430 >elohiym>. A Psa_83_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> or Psalm <04210 mizmowr> of Asaph <00623 >Acaph>.>> Keep not thou silence <01824 d@miy>, O God <00430 >elohiym>: hold not thy peace <02790 charash> (8799), and be not still <08252 shaqat> (8799), O God <00410 >el>. A Psa_84_01 < (8764) upon Gittith <01665 Gittiyth>, {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> for the sons <01121 ben> of Korah <07141 Qorach>.>> How amiable <03039 y@diyd> are thy tabernacles <04908 mishkan>, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah> of hosts <06635 tsaba>>! A Psa_85_01 < (8764), {A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> for the sons <01121 ben> of Korah <07141 Qorach>.>> LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, thou hast been favourable <07521 ratsah> (8804) unto thy land <00776 >erets>: thou hast brought back <07725 shuwb> (8804) the captivity <07622 sh@buwth> (8675) <07622 sh@buwth> of Jacob <03290 Ya. A Psa_86_01 <<{A} Prayer <08605 t@phillah> of David <01732 David>.>> Bow down <05186 natah> (8685) thine ear <00241 >ozen>, O LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, hear <06030 (8798) me: for I am poor <06041 and needy <00034 >ebyown>. A Psa_87_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> or Song <07892 shiyr> for the sons <01121 ben> of Korah <07141 Qorach>.>> His foundation <03248 y@cuwdah> is in the holy <06944 qodesh> mountains <02042 harar>. A Psa_88_01 <<{A} Song <07892 shiyr> or Psalm <04210 mizmowr> for the sons <01121 ben> of Korah <07141 Qorach>, to the chief Musician <05329 natsach> (8764) upon Mahalath <04257 machalath> Leannoth <06031 (8763), Maschil <04905 maskiyl> (8688) of Heman <01968 Heyman> the Ezrahite <00250 >Ezrachiy>.>> O LORD <03068 Y@hovah> God <00430 >elohiym> of my salvation <03444 y@shuw, I have cried <06817 tsa (8804) day <03117 yowm> and night <03915 layil> before thee: A Psa_90_01 <<{A} Prayer <08605 t@phillah> of Moses <04872 Mosheh> the man <00376 >iysh> of God <00430 >elohiym>.>> Lord <00136 >Adonay>, thou hast been our dwelling place <04583 ma in all <01755 dowr> generations <01755 dowr>. A Psa_91_07 {A} thousand <00505 >eleph> shall fall <05307 naphal> (8799) at thy side <06654 tsad>, and ten thousand <07233 r@babah> at thy right hand <03225 yamiyn>; but it shall not come nigh <05066 nagash> (8799) thee. A Psa_92_06 {A} brutish <01198 ba man <00376 >iysh> knoweth <03045 yada<> (8799) not; neither doth a fool <03684 k@ciyl> understand <00995 biyn> (8799) this. A Psa_92_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr> or Song <07892 shiyr> for the sabbath <07676 shabbath> day <03117 yowm>.>> It is a good <02896 towb> thing to give thanks <03034 yadah> (8687) unto the LORD <03068 Y@hovah>, and to sing praises <02167 zamar> (8763) unto thy name <08034 shem>, O most High <05945 >elyown>: A Psa_97_03 {A} fire <00784 >esh> goeth <03212 yalak> (8799) before <06440 paniym> him, and burneth up <03857 lahat> (8762) his enemies <06862 tsar> round about <05439 cabiyb>. A Psa_98_01 <<{A} Psalm <04210 mizmowr>.>> O sing <07891 shiyr> (8798) unto the LORD <03068 Y@hovah> a new <02319 chadash> song <07892 shiyr>; for he hath done <06213 (8804) marvellous things <06381 pala>> (8737): his right hand <03225 yamiyn>, and his holy <06944 qodesh> arm <02220 z@rowa<>, hath gotten him the victory <03467 yasha<> (8689). A Son_01_13 {A} bundle <06872 ts@rowr> of myrrh <04753 more> is my wellbeloved <01730 dowd> unto me; he shall lie <03885 luwn> (8799) all night betwixt my breasts <07699 shad>. A Son_04_15 {A} fountain <04599 ma of gardens <01588 gan>, a well <00875 @>er> of living <02416 chay> waters <04325 mayim>, and streams <05140 nazal> (8802) from Lebanon <03844 L@banown>. A Son_04_12 {A} garden <01588 gan> inclosed <05274 na (8803) is my sister <00269 >achowth>, my spouse <03618 kallah>; a spring <01530 gal> shut up <05274 na (8803), a fountain <04599 ma sealed <02856 chatham> (8803). A Zep_01_16 {A} day <03117 yowm> of the trumpet <07782 showphar> and alarm <08643 t@ruw against the fenced <01219 batsar> (8803) cities <05892 , and against the high <01364 gaboahh> towers <06438 pinnah>.