Root Words and their word stems. This helps you see all related words in the English.
~ Root Words and their word stems
4 * abase
4 - abased
1 - abasing
19 * abhor
16 - abhorred
2 - abhorrest
5 - abhorreth
1 - abhorring
82 * abide
30 - abideth
9 - abiding
23 * abominable
1 - abominably
75 - abomination
76 - abominations
19 * abound
5 - abounded
3 - aboundeth
3 - abounding
68 * abundance
13 - abundant
32 - abundantly
3 * abuse
1 - abused
1 - abusers
1 - abusing
25 * accept
23 - acceptable
1 - acceptably
1 - acceptance
2 - acceptation
29 - accepted
1 - acceptest
4 - accepteth
1 - accepting
4 * accompanied
1 - accompany
1 - accompanying
13 * accomplish
26 - accomplished
1 - accomplishing
1 - accomplishment
16 * accord
793 - according
1 - accordingly
17 * account
11 - accounted
1 - accounting
1 - accounts
10 * accusation
16 - accuse
14 - accused
1 - accuser
8 - accusers
1 - accuseth
1 - accusing
16 * acknowledge
3 - acknowledged
1 - acknowledgeth
3 - acknowledging
1 - acknowledgment
1 * acquaint
11 - acquaintance
2 - acquainted
1 - acquainting
2 * administered
1 - administration
1 - administrations
3 * admonish
5 - admonished
1 - admonishing
2 * adorn
4 - adorned
1 - adorneth
2 - adorning
3 * adulterer
9 - adulterers
5 - adulteress
3 - adulteresses
5 - adulteries
4 - adulterous
40 - adultery
4 * advantage
1 - advantaged
1 - advantageth
3 * advise
2 - advised
1 - advisement
2 * affect
2 - affected
1 - affecteth
6 * affection
1 - affectionately
1 - affectioned
2 - affections
36 * afflict
55 - afflicted
1 - afflictest
75 - affliction
13 - afflictions
7 * agree
8 - agreed
6 - agreement
2 - agreeth
6 * alexander
3 - alexandria
1 - alexandrians
5 * alien
1 - alienate
7 - alienated
3 - aliens
3 * allow
2 - allowance
1 - allowed
1 - alloweth
4 * ambassador
8 - ambassadors
1 - ambassage
7 * ambush
1 - ambushes
2 - ambushment
1 - ambushments
201 * angel
93 - angels
234 * anger
1 - angered
44 - angry
35 * anoint
98 - anointed
1 - anointedst
1 - anointest
28 - anointing
131 * answer
1 - answerable
492 - answered
2 - answeredst
6 - answerest
13 - answereth
31 - answering
3 - answers
19 * apostle
55 - apostles
4 - apostleship
54 * appear
38 - appearance
2 - appearances
70 - appeared
10 - appeareth
6 - appearing
1 * appease
2 - appeased
1 - appeaseth
2 * appertain
3 - appertained
2 - appertaineth
41 * appoint
126 - appointed
1 - appointeth
4 - appointment
19 * approach
2 - approached
1 - approacheth
2 - approaching
3 * approve
8 - approved
1 - approvest
1 - approveth
1 - approving
149 * arise
9 - ariseth
1 - arising
13 * ascend
19 - ascended
2 - ascendeth
5 - ascending
4 - ascent
109 * ask
119 - asked
3 - askest
11 - asketh
7 - asking
20 * assemble
37 - assembled
6 - assemblies
2 - assembling
49 - assembly
7 * assurance
1 - assure
3 - assured
9 - assuredly
11 * attend
4 - attendance
3 - attended
1 - attending
2 * attent
5 - attentive
1 - attentively
17 * avenge
16 - avenged
9 - avenger
2 - avengeth
3 - avenging
5 * avoid
1 - avoided
2 - avoiding
42 * awake
8 - awaked
2 - awakest
3 - awaketh
1 - awaking